Preparing for AKU2 - GPRS and 3G - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Having read about the battery differences between GPRS and UMTS on the exec with push email enabled I'm just wondering - is it possible to prevent the Exec connecting over UMTS and remain on a GPRS conn?
My SIM is 3G enabled as I use it in a data card occasionally, so I don't want to have 3G data disabled... Does anyone know?

You can set it to 2G only in the Band tab within Phone settings.


Change from 3G to GPRS and back

I know the place in the phone options (on the band page) where you can
change the network from GPRS to UMTS (3G).
But is this possible to do programmatically with RIL or TAPI or another API
on the pocket pc device?
Thanks for any suggestions.

Use GPRS but not UMTS?

I seem to be right at the edge of UMTS coverage where I live. When connected to a UMTS network I get one or no lines showing signal strength.
As a consequence, the connection gets broken off frequently and then reconnected to GPRS (which is strong). Then transferred back to UMTS and so on.
Especially the transfer from weak to no UMTS and then switching to GPRS is a pain. lost connection, having to dial in again, sometimes even getting an errormessage.
Is there a way to configure my device to not use UMTS?
I have a Universal.
To do this you need to go to start/settings/phone
click on the 'Band' tab at the bottom and then use the 'select your network type' drop menu to chose 'GSM'. This will disable the UMTS band and save you ALOT of battery as well.
Please let me know if this helped
This infomation can easily be found in the universal forum.

SKScheMa script help pls

I am looking to create a script similar to the
this tutorial or even the 'Connect to different GPRS providers (if you have "multisim" adapter)'
In my situation, i have a single Sim with 2 different APN's (GPRS Connections). By default it will use the 3G conenction but if its GSM then i want it to use the back up connection.
One is for EDGE/2.5G connections (when its roaming)
the other is for 3G connections.
I can set it manually in my 'Connections' settings but i'd love for it to check and adjust automatically according to the Not Roaming 3G or Roaming 2.5G
Can anyone please help?
thanks in advance!
edit: would a script that looks to see if GSM is active then select the matching connection?

Set radio to GSM (save power)

Does anyone know how to get the phone to use GSM only for radio connection. Then, separately, GPRS / HSDPA for data when specified? This ought to save a fair bit of power. I looked in the settings, and can disable HSDPA, and specify GSM for SMS but nothing more.
Setting, Phone, Band tab then change auto to GSM under Select your network type.

automatic turn off GPRS/EDGE at GSM network change?

I have a short Question. Is it possibly to turn off the data connection, when the phone switches the GSM/GPRS network? I live here very close to Switzerland. But when it switches to a Swiss GSM I should be available, but the data connection should close.
I know that there is the programm "No GPRS" but AFAIK it doesn't turn off the data connection automatic. (The I-Phone has such a function integrated as example)
dmc5 said:
I have a short Question. Is it possibly to turn off the data connection, when the phone switches the GSM/GPRS network? I live here very close to Switzerland. But when it switches to a Swiss GSM I should be available, but the data connection should close.
I know that there is the programm "No GPRS" but AFAIK it doesn't turn off the data connection automatic. (The I-Phone has such a function integrated as example)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
take a look here
this will disable data under roaming automatically and re-enable it under home network

