Customize HTCTodayscreen - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I would like to customize the HTCTodayscreen.dll (I have the T-Mobile NL customised version of it)
I managed to get it out of the cab (along with the needed registry items)
I have put this all into a new cab.
If I put in the original HTCTodayscreen.dll (with the T-Mobile customisations) the plugin is shown on the Todayscreen (and can be (de)selected in settings/today)
If I put in a hacked (with resource hacker) version of HTCTodayscreen.dll it would not even show up in the settings/today screen, let alone the todayscreen itself.
Did I miss something?
(off course i could use a today launcher like tdlaunch, claunch or ilauncher, but I am just trying)

I guess the file is protected somehow, I had the same problem until I found this file. I guess it's from another HTC phone and this one can be edited.
Have fun with it.

Using the file above I created three HTCTodayScreen plugins. HTCTodayScreen has the advantage of a very small memory footprint (30-40k) but it has the disadvantage of only being editable with a Resource Hacker.
All three plugins are particularly useful for users in The Netherlands, because it incorporates FlitsNav that in itself links to the online database for up-to-date (mobile!)speedcamera poi files for TomTom.
Version 1
-FlitsNav (the online speedcamera collector from that works together with TomTom)
-TomTom Navigator
Version 2
-SIM Toolkit (useful if youre using a modern Dual SIM adaptor that switches SIMs via the STK app)
-FlitsNav (the online speedcamera collector from that works together with TomTom)
-TomTom Navigator
Version 3
-GSM Radio toggle (useful if youre using a simple Dual SIM adapter that switches SIMs via off/on switching of GSM radio)
-FlitsNav (the online speedcamera collector from that works together with TomTom)
-TomTom Navigator
- All versions need to have FlitsNav and TomTom installed in their default locations (in memory, not storage)
- Version 2 needs to have the STK.exe installed in \windows
- Version 3 needs to have the Radio.exe installed in \windows

Can you post a screenshot of both plug-ins?

See above.
I added a third version for 'old fashioned' dual SIM adapters (to which I am going back to)


How's your JAM?

I thought this would be a good place for us to share what we've done with our JAM so far, installed software, registry hacks, etc.
Here's my 2 cents:
Installed STABLE software:
Microsoft Voice Command (EXCELLENT)
BadSchwii My Extensions
Funny Snake TKC (Theme editor)
Hudson Mobile Phone Dashboard
MohairSofa Calendar+
Mort's MortButton
PHM Task Manager (MAIN MEMORY)
Resco Explorer
Resco Registry Editor
ScaryBear ClearNotify
Starbrite Solutions pBop
BetaPlayer (For DIVX)
CaiSystems cLaunch
ClearVue PDF
ClearVue PPT
Street Duel (GAME)
Dopewars (GAME)
Rayman Ultimate (GAME)
Tower Mogul (GAME)
IntelliArt Free Pong (GAME)
+ loads of themese!!
I put all games' icons to Games folder as they don't do it by default.
Copied an nice Vodafone operator logo (carrierlogo.gif) to Windows directory
Registry Changes:
Camera settings (to remove snow effect):
Set Contrast - 5, Brightness - 6, Saturation - 3, Hue - 5,Sharpness - 3
Album (opens Editor menu):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/HTC/Album/Disable Editor set to 0
My Jam
Here is the software I have on my JAM -
VITO MobileDownloader
Spb PocketPlus
GPS Tuner
PHM Regedit
Codewallet Pro
Pocket Mechanic
Destinator 3
I have not done any registry hacks yet.
My WWE Imate Jam (orginal):
1. Was converted Tradition Chinese Dopod 818 3 months ago.
2. Use anansky method to become an WWE OS with 26mb of storage space.
3. Updated w/ Imate USA 1.10 Radio (not sure if it really give me 850mzh)
4. Change the splash screen from anansky's volcano to my doggie's pic
in Main memory:
Photo Contacts and smartdialer from the Jam's extRom
Wisbar Advance 2
Pocket Hack Master 3.05.01 (o/c to 494mzh)
T-Mobile USA Settings
SPB Pocket Plus
SBSH PocketBreeze
SBSH ContactBreeze
Burr Oak Phone Today
Maction Monster Chinese (& Input)
in SD:
Socket MyNavigator
Access NetFront3
MarWare WeatherPanel
Omega One Calc
Maction PocketGenius
Inesoft Cash Organizer (and Money Sync)
DinarSoft MemMaid
Sprite Backup (work much better and faster than xBackup!!!)
Agile Messenger
Resco Picture Viewer
Resco Audio Recorder
Astraware Insaniquarium
Astraware Bookworm
Amazing World Game
CafeCat SuperBomber
Jamdat Worms World Party
Cyberon VoiceCommander 1.2 (This one can use voice tag which is better than MS one for English is not yr primary language. And this program can filter contact U want it to be reconginze. MS one is missing it, which could be a big headache if U have a lot of contacts)
Burr Oak HotButton Plus (Assign any number of apps with just one button!)
Pocket Informant 2005
Resco Explorer (and Registry Add-in)
MTUX Remote
BetaPlayer 0.5b (with all the plugin)
Album (opens Editor menu):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/HTC/Album/Disable Editor set to 0
Audio Tweak:
from it's default 110 to 80
Ringtone location:
From Windows\rings to \Storage\My Documents\rings
Date and Time Hack
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell add Binary TBOpt 13 00 00 00 (thanks bnycastro)
Allow disable low battery notification
Camera Snow reduce hack (thanks kta)
ClearType Text for Shell, IE and Lanscape mode
Shell (anyone know what it it?): 1. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell\ClearType set to 1
2. HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Setting\CleartypeText set to 1
3. HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation set to 0
My i-mate JAM has the QTEK 1.11WWE ROM RADIO and EXTROM
Arcsoft MMS
IA Caller ID
BTUSB patch
no apps just some tones, themes and files
SD Card:
Agile Mobile Messenger
Aidem Software Majong Academy
Astraware Bejeweled
Astraware Insaniquarium
Astraware Text Twist
Astraware Zuma
H&H Software Eng-Chi Dictionary
Ilium Software E-Wallet
Macromedia Flashplayer
MOBEM mConvert
Sprite Software Pocket Backup
Main Memory:
SBSH PocketBreeze
SBSH PocketWeather
SPB PocketPlus
Weis FastCleanUp
Resco File Explorer 2003 + Reg Editor
Dinar Soft Handy Launcher
Lou Terrailloune Magic SS
Zendrui PocketZenPhone
Ictinus NoPlugins Today
mamaich Telephone Extender
DERS s.r.o. vCard Send and Receive
SanDisk 256MB + WiFi Card Drivers
Ringtone Hack new location: Storage\Rings
Date and Time Hack HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell add Binary TBOpt 13 00 00 00
Missing Bluetooth Icon Fix (Ictinus No Plugins Today + Registry Hack)
Audio Tweak (same as above)
Album Tweak (same as above)
Camera Settings Tweak (thanks tka :wink: )
Changed Boot Image to Hed Kandi Beach House Image
Mapped Record Button to Handy Launcher (Assigned most used apps)
Made Hed Kandi Beach House Theme
Arranged my Programs to make them clean and organized (see image).
Moved all help files to Storage Card (to save RAM)
Moved Caller ID Pics (made my own gifs for groups) to Storage
Moved Templates for the Camera and MMS Apps to Storage
Deleted/Moved all crap installed by IA Caller ID and MMS
added Carrierlogo.gif for Globe Telecom Philippines
Total time to setup after hard reset approx 1.5 to 2 hours (w/o setting caller groups for Caller ID)
what does the AUDIO tweak do?
if this is your today screen, it is amazing but strange i dont see many of the applications u mentioned in today screen! and strange after u insalled all this u still have 38 MB free! even when i dont have EXT. Rom installed i have 48 but after installing some applications it gets to be 35
tnx for the compliment I think you misunderstood my post a bit... as you can see I divided the apps/stuff to storage, sd card and main memory. the things you don't see (i.e. fast cleanup, maimach tel extender etc etc are on main memory not on the today screen).
My Today Screen has 4 items only (I'm a minimalist I guess)
#1 Date (in built)
#2 PocketBreeze 4.3 beta 5
#3 PocketWeather 1.00.15 beta (inside PocketBreeze as a tab)
#4 SPB PocketPlus 2.5
My Navigation Tray has
#1 Zendrui's PocketZenPhone
#2 Bluetooth (in built)
#3 Screen Rotation (in built)
With PocketBreeze you get 3 default tabs calendar, tasks, and special events. If you get ContactBreeze you get to see your contacts on your today screen as another tab and with v4.3 and up, you can add most today plugins (even from other companies) into PocketBreeze as an additional tab (so in total you can get 4 to 5 tabs it saves a lot of space... really great).
As for the Audio Tweak it enhances the speaker performance of the Magician (some devices have this set to a lesser priority and by using this you get better sound, if your device is already set to a high level you have no need for this)
As for my memory being 38MB I just soft reset my device before the screen shot so maybe that is why it is that high. Also my skins and themes (for today, pocketbreeze, and pocketweather are all in SD; the current ones are in main memory but my others are in SD), my tones are in storage. I guess it is a matter of file management. Some people even move their DLLs to Storage to free up even more memory.
tnx for the compliment I think you misunderstood my post a bit... as you can see I divided the apps/stuff to storage, sd card and main memory. the things you don't see (i.e. fast cleanup, maimach tel extender etc etc are on main memory not on the today screen).
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Ya i know that but i meant items like: Handy Launcher and Pocket Weather (May be u used it in cutom tab of Pocket Breeze)
I have somehow the Same interface like yours, but without Pocket Plus ( cause it has conflick with Calligrapher) and With Extra Others like:
- EGRESS, as cutom Tab
- Ptravel Alarm
- Kbattery
As for the Audio Tweak it enhances the speaker performance of the Magician (some devices have this set to a lesser priority and by using this you get better sound, if your device is already set to a high level you have no need for this)
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Thanks for the info, i will check this one out.
As for my memory being 38MB I just soft reset my device before the screen shot so maybe that is why it is that high.
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i do the same already and have 48 MB of space, but after installing some apps i loose it although i install most of the pplaications, even the ones that use today screen, on Storage and not on Main memory.
Some people even move their DLLs to Storage to free up even more memory.
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mmmm, I do that too
Ya i know that but i meant items like: Handy Launcher and Pocket Weather (May be u used it in cutom tab of Pocket Breeze)
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This is exactly what I did, PocketWeather is my 4th tab in PocketBreeze. I did not put the Handy Launcher Icon on the Navigation Tray Since I want a clean looking Today.
i do the same already and have 48 MB of space, but after installing some apps i loose it although i install most of the pplaications, even the ones that use today screen, on Storage and not on Main memory.
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Try to remove unwanted/unused help files. These can accumulate as well.
mmmm, I do that too
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too lazy to do this hehehe :wink:
What does the Date/Time hack do exactly?
The default for pocket pc is you have the time on the upper right hand side of the Start Menu Bar this hack adds a date to that. A few apps also do this (omegaone's batt pack pro and wisbar).
That's cool. Saves me another line on the Today screen!
Good one!
On my Imate Jam, recently hard-resetted and upgraded to 1.11 WWE (so there are too many progs)
Main memory
Storage ans Storage Card
Adobe Reader
Cab Installer
Pocket Bluetooth Tools
Hexacto Tennis
Resco Explorer 2003
Resco Registry
SOTO Pocket Controller
Spb Time
TomTom navigator
Space Reclaimer
bnycastro said:
My i-mate JAM has the QTEK 1.11WWE ROM RADIO and EXTROM
Arcsoft MMS
IA Caller ID
BTUSB patch
no apps just some tones, themes and files
SD Card:
Agile Mobile Messenger
Aidem Software Majong Academy
Astraware Bejeweled
Astraware Insaniquarium
Astraware Text Twist
Astraware Zuma
H&H Software Eng-Chi Dictionary
Ilium Software E-Wallet
Macromedia Flashplayer
MOBEM mConvert
Sprite Software Pocket Backup
Main Memory:
SBSH PocketBreeze
SBSH PocketWeather
SPB PocketPlus
Weis FastCleanUp
Resco File Explorer 2003 + Reg Editor
Dinar Soft Handy Launcher
Lou Terrailloune Magic SS
Zendrui PocketZenPhone
Ictinus NoPlugins Today
mamaich Telephone Extender
DERS s.r.o. vCard Send and Receive
SanDisk 256MB + WiFi Card Drivers
Ringtone Hack new location: Storage\Rings
Date and Time Hack HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell add Binary TBOpt 13 00 00 00
Missing Bluetooth Icon Fix (Ictinus No Plugins Today + Registry Hack)
Audio Tweak (same as above)
Album Tweak (same as above)
Camera Settings Tweak (thanks tka :wink: )
Changed Boot Image to Hed Kandi Beach House Image
Mapped Record Button to Handy Launcher (Assigned most used apps)
Made Hed Kandi Beach House Theme
Arranged my Programs to make them clean and organized (see image).
Moved all help files to Storage Card (to save RAM)
Moved Caller ID Pics (made my own gifs for groups) to Storage
Moved Templates for the Camera and MMS Apps to Storage
Deleted/Moved all crap installed by IA Caller ID and MMS
added Carrierlogo.gif for Globe Telecom Philippines
Total time to setup after hard reset approx 1.5 to 2 hours (w/o setting caller groups for Caller ID)
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Hi there ,superb setup you have there is there any chance youd be able to describe how u do the following tweaks / hacks:
Moved all help files to Storage Card (to save RAM)
Moved Caller ID Pics (made my own gifs for groups) to Storage
Moved Templates for the Camera and MMS Apps to Storage
Deleted/Moved all crap installed by IA Caller ID and MMS
Also with u haveing changed the ringtone location to the storage do you find it slows the jam down at alll?
Thanks in advance
this is a very useful post... learned some new tweaks...
thnx guyz. will post my jam's setup later
jackleung said:
My WWE Imate Jam (orginal):
Ringtone location:
From Windows\rings to \Storage\My Documents\rings
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I tried this hack, like a million times... and it deos not work completely....
If my device is turned off... or I use the alarm.... the phone goes back to (windows defult ) ring tone...
any ideas????
thanx in advance :wink:
@J273: This is really easy to do. Anyway here goes. I am using Resco Explorer 2003. - with hide hidden files... and hide files in ROM setting checked.
Moved all help files to Storage Card (to save RAM) - goto \Windows then Sort by Type then scroll to files with *.htm as extension select them, cut and paste to desired location.
Moved Caller ID Pics (made my own gifs for groups) to Storage - in IA Caller ID Tools>Options>General>Storage Path for re-sized Photos: just choose \Storage
Moved Templates for the Camera and MMS Apps to Storage - Checking under \My Documents\Templates and \My Documents\UAContents\Templates\ you will see the templates for both Camera and MMS you can move these or delete these as well. I don't use MMS Templates and rarely use Picture Themes so I moved these as well.
Deleted/Moved all crap installed by IA Caller ID and MMS - Again after a hard reset (and installing stuff from ExtROM) you will notice alot of RAM is already in use. If you check the ff folders you will see alot of stuff that is pretty much useless. \My Documents\UAContents\Templates\ and \My Documents\My Pictures and even \My Documents (I think a wav file some 3gp and a midi file is installed by MMS) anyway you can go ahead and move these or delete these stuff as well.
Ah also remember to set your photos and videos storage to a Storage Card instead of Main Memory. (sometimes we forget this after a hard reset :roll: )
bnycastro said:
@J273: This is really easy to do. Anyway here goes. I am using Resco Explorer 2003. - with hide hidden files... and hide files in ROM setting checked.
Moved all help files to Storage Card (to save RAM) - goto \Windows then Sort by Type then scroll to files with *.htm as extension select them, cut and paste to desired location.
Moved Caller ID Pics (made my own gifs for groups) to Storage - in IA Caller ID Tools>Options>General>Storage Path for re-sized Photos: just choose \Storage
Moved Templates for the Camera and MMS Apps to Storage - Checking under \My Documents\Templates and \My Documents\UAContents\Templates\ you will see the templates for both Camera and MMS you can move these or delete these as well. I don't use MMS Templates and rarely use Picture Themes so I moved these as well.
Deleted/Moved all crap installed by IA Caller ID and MMS - Again after a hard reset (and installing stuff from ExtROM) you will notice alot of RAM is already in use. If you check the ff folders you will see alot of stuff that is pretty much useless. \My Documents\UAContents\Templates\ and \My Documents\My Pictures and even \My Documents (I think a wav file some 3gp and a midi file is installed by MMS) anyway you can go ahead and move these or delete these stuff as well.
Ah also remember to set your photos and videos storage to a Storage Card instead of Main Memory. (sometimes we forget this after a hard reset :roll: )
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Great thanks alot
Must say this is a great thread ,Helps loads :lol:
3D Viewer - Cool Picture Viewer which gives 3D effect
Bio Chart - Daily Bio Rhythm Chart app
FlashLight - Turns screen white with max brightness
Food Additives - Tells you what those E numbers are
HAL 9000 - Cool talking screen saver from 2001
Kaliedescope - Cool Pictures
Magic Eye - Cool Pictures
Marine Aquarium - Cool Screen Saver
Medical Reference - Gives symptoms of illnesses
Pocket Health Pack - Keep all your personal health data
Pocket Translator - Translates 9 languages !
Pocket Workout - Daily Fitness routine
Remote Display - Use Desktop PC with your JAM
Ruler - Accurate centimetre or inch measure
Speech Synthesiser - You type it and it talks it
Star Map - Cool Star gazing app
Stop Watch - Multi function timer
Team Stats - Keep all the footbal scores up to date
London Underground Map - Tube map
Universal Remote - Learning Remote Control for TV etc
Vitual Girl - Cool screen saver with dancing babes
World Time - Time zones in every country
Cool Calc - Advanced Calculator
Convertor - Advanced measurements convertor
Fractals - Cool
Graphical Calc - Advanced Calculator
Life - Cool
Loan Calc - Advanced Calculator
Math Calc - Advanced Calculator
Mortgage Calc - Advanced Calculator
Napier Calc - Advanced Calculator
Periodic Table - Cool and handy
WinAmpaq - Sweet MP3 Player
Beta Player - Sweet Movie Player
DAVA - Cool picture viewer
Resco Viewer - Cool picture viewer
DSP - Adds extra BASS to music/mp3
Adobe PDF Reader
MicroSoft Reader
Lexitionary - Best Dictionary
Mobi Book
TomTom Navigator - Sat Nav
Visual GPS
Calligrapher - Best handwriting recognition software
Mort Buttons - One handed usage
Check Notifications
CPU Monitor
Resco Explorer
Device Manager
File Commander
Folder Explorer
MemMaid - Must Have App !
Memory Usage
Pocket Tools - Must Have App !
Space Detective
System Snapshot
Task Manager
CAB Installer
Fast Cleanup - Must Have App !
Pocket Backup - Must Have App !
Resco Registry
Screen Capture
SK Tools - Must Have App !
vBar - Must Have App !! Added to start up
Day/Date Hack - Cool
Pocket Mon - Must Have App !
Journal Bar - Must Have App !
Quote Of The Day - Gives a different quote everyday
Move DLL to storade/storage card
Hi to all
How we can move DLL to storage/storage card.
I think that is very important to speak about ways of recover space in main memory.
Thanks to all
Re: Move DLL to storade/storage card
There is a registry setting to specify to use other locations (eg /Storage) to store system DLL files. Or U can use Memmaid to do it for U.
paulo silva said:
Hi to all
How we can move DLL to storage/storage card.
I think that is very important to speak about ways of recover space in main memory.
Thanks to all
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[Updated November 09] Route Tracker

Route Tracker
With Route Tracker you can create routes and add several route points containing text and/or images from your current position. If gps is available it will take the current longitude, latitude and altitude. Without a gps module information of the current cell id and the location area code are saved.
For each route a report can be created which can be saved as a html file.
PocketPC with .net compact framework 2.0 and SQL Compact Server 2005 (already installed in WM6 professional)
(tested on a WM6 professional device without gps)
known issues:
after uninstall the db and the images will not be deleted
getting MyLocation can time out
timer greater than ~15 seconds doesn't word when device is in suspend mode
in the view form only the map type for default route maps is working
next features:
automatic point adding by distance (every x meters)
more robust MyLocation
geo game (show taken image and try to find the place on the map)
Any comments are appreciated.
version 1.0.5
new view showing the whole route in one image using Google Maps (markers or path)
this view can be saved to an image file
check its settings form for parameters
version 1.0.4
new setting: Use Google's MyLocation for report GMaps and for exporting to kml. On devices without gps the cell id information will be used to get an approximate location. (default on and will use internet connection!)
version 1.0.3
new report "GMaps" using google maps (will try to use internet connection!)
updated date set to last saved route point
additional setting: Flash on Saving (flash on main screen)
version 1.0.2
additional settings: check gps, vibrate on saving
saving settings: seconds, minutes and vibrate on saving
show time with date in the grid
version 1.0.1
A report can be saved to kml for viewing in google maps.
In Menu/Auto Report... timed saving can be activated.
Anybody tried?
Would be interesting to know if the gps information gets stored and if there are any issues on devices with qwerty hardware keyboard (regarding screen rotation).
New version is up. If you have difficulties with the gps data, try to start gps with another app and after having enough sat fixes try Route Tracker.
Nice now this app work, but here some ideas:
A Sign that shows a record was made
Start Time on the main screen
Show Cell ID or GPS is used
Other Ideas will follow
Thanks for the input! New version is up.
very cool! i will be certainly using it.
nir36 said:
very cool! i will be certainly using it.
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me too. will report back feedback. thanks.
heliosdev said:
Anybody tried?
Would be interesting to know if the gps information gets stored and if there are any issues on devices with qwerty hardware keyboard (regarding screen rotation).
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It works on my Diamond without any problem.
Great but here some Ideas:
Show the last position time in the grid (Last position time saved at
Vibrate is good, but better would it if you make a flashing dot on the main screen because if you use it in a carholder its not so go.
(Or you can add vibrate too under settings)
And Upload direct the cab file, its easier to use!
Thx and work on!
didn't work on my vogue - got a net framework error.
thanks for your input!
what is the error message saying? Can you go to menu/settings and press the 'Check GPS' button?
heliosdev said:
what is the error message saying? Can you go to menu/settings and press the 'Check GPS' button?
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okay, here's the message I get when trying to run RouteTracker (which does not open at all):
File or assembly name
Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral,
or one of its dependencies, was not
Well, it looks like sql is not installed on your device! I've seen cooked roms which removed this to save some space...
What .net version do you have installed? (run /Windows/cgacutil.exe)
heliosdev said:
Well, it looks like sql is not installed on your device! I've seen cooked roms which removed this to save some space...
What .net version do you have installed? (run /Windows/cgacutil.exe)
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I'm using the ppckitchen to cook a custom rom and have included both sql, 3.5 supposed to be included and I also select .netcf 2. Maybe that's a problem, but I've not ever gotten that message with any of the other programs I use that require .netcf. When I run /Windows/cgacutil.exe it says 2.0.7045.0
Will this work with .NET 3.5 or only 2.0?
I get this error using the ROM in my sig and SQLce 3.5 added.
An unexpected error has occurred in RouteTracker.exe.
Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information.
File or assembly name 'System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3BE235DF1C8D2AD3', or one of its dependencies, was not found.
Here a new Idea
Make a Today Plugin that shows CELL ID, LAC, MCC, MNC or GPS and a count down. It shows new recorde made in xx.xx.xx (ex. 00:00:10 = 10 sek.)
Well, I'm using C# .net and I'm not sure if this can be used for today plugin development.
Btw, new version is up!
new version is up!
Tests with devices without gps are appreciated! (internet connection needed)
(report GMaps and save report (in Report form) to kml and view it with google maps/earth on desktop)
works fine!
But can you set a dot on mylocation?
Like here
Also show the cellID data on the Gmaps Screen.
Thx wait for next versions ...
Hi thanks for this app!!!!
Is it possible to get bigger screen shots ?
Thanks dude

How do I add programs from storage card in NFSFAN's rom

I just flashed my phone with NFSFAN's Custom rom there are no predefine programs under the program list. I want to add GPS toggle and Igo8 icon that's installed on my storage card for easier access but I can't browse to it. Seems I can only add what's installed under Windows/Programs
To the best of my knowledge your problem is a generic one that has nothing to do with NFSFAN's ROM.
Everytime you flash a new ROM, generic or custom it wipes clean your windows start menu ( to "factory" state)
The programs installed on your SD card are still there, your just missing the shortcuts.
1. Use a file explorer of your choice and navigate to storage card/program files and all your installed programs should be there inside folders. The rest applies to the generic File explorer that comes with windows but any other program should be similiar.
2. go into a program folder, find the exe for the program (it's usually the one with the icon for the program). right click it with your stylus and select copy.
3. Next select menu (lower right soft key), under edit select "Paste shortcut"
4. Right click the shortcut, select either "cut" or "copy" (hint: using copy and leaving the shortcut allows you to skip the previous steps next time you flash a new ROM!!)
5. Navigate (using the up key) to Windows/start menu/program files and paste the shortcut there, for games there is a further directory. Also you can now rename the shortcut if you want.
6. Now open up the "all programs" soft key on the program tab of M2d, or select add and the program from you SD card should now be on the list.
For IGo8, I use TomTom. TT installs automatically when you insert the SD card into the ppc. After flashing a new ROM I just take my SD card out and then reinstall it. I am not sure if IGo8 works the same way or not but if the above steps prove frustrating for that, give it a shot.
It's a pain to go through this everytime you flash. It would be great if there was a tool to scan your SD card for programs and automaticaly install the proper shortcuts. There is none to the best of my knowledge. Then again, no one ever gets rewarded for being lazy.
Have fun, and if your new to this (especially flashing new ROMS), read.
Best of luck
Wow, that's some detailed info. Thanks
I haven't tried your method yet, but I just remember that GPS toggle is actually a today plugin, NSFANS takes up the entire today screen, therefore it isn't visible.
I usually toggle my gps on before starting Igo and I get instant Sat lock.
As far as Igo8 Vs TT, I have both but I like the interface of Igo better. I don't have to reinstall anything after I flash. I just go to the Igo8 folder in my Storage card and execute the program. It runs off the storage card, there's nothing to install.
Cool, I've been meaning to try IGo myself sometime.
Not being able to use normal today plugins is a turn off for some. Only having one calendar line is another (M3d has a calendar tab). It's not NFSFANS's fault, that's Touch-flo 2d (Manila 2d). It is more a plugin itself than a whole new UI, it started on the diamond, was released on the Opal and Jade (Touch 3g) phones and ported to our devices by the devs here at XDA.
I love it personaly, it offers most users everything they need without going too deep into the actual winmo interface.....which is not to "touch" friendly.
I think a workable solution might be to see if you can put a shortcut to GPS toggle on the programs tab.
In the developement and Hacking section several devs were working on an m2d/today toggle that lets you toggle back and forth. There is also another app that tries to use the soft keys. Of course if you like M2d but need more than one prog tab, search "m2d operator tab" on this site. It is fully customizable and allows you to basically have 2 program tabs.
M2d operator tab:
Toggle :
second today (M2d control):
If M2d proves to be not for you, I suggest using the old today screen with schens HTTC customizer in place. It's worth it's weight in gold as well. I was using it untill M2d came out.
well assuming you're using his newest one all you have to do is go to the program you want in the file explorer, tap and hold it, and then just tap "send shortcut to programs".
ehh, I just flashed my phone with Dette 2D v2.3 today. I'll mess with it for a few days and try something else until I find the one that feels good to me.
jmitr said:
Cool, I've been meaning to try IGo myself sometime.
Not being able to use normal today plugins is a turn off for some. Only having one calendar line is another (M3d has a calendar tab). It's not NFSFANS's fault, that's Touch-flo 2d (Manila 2d). It is more a plugin itself than a whole new UI, it started on the diamond, was released on the Opal and Jade (Touch 3g) phones and ported to our devices by the devs here at XDA.
I love it personaly, it offers most users everything they need without going too deep into the actual winmo interface.....which is not to "touch" friendly.
I think a workable solution might be to see if you can put a shortcut to GPS toggle on the programs tab.
In the developement and Hacking section several devs were working on an m2d/today toggle that lets you toggle back and forth. There is also another app that tries to use the soft keys. Of course if you like M2d but need more than one prog tab, search "m2d operator tab" on this site. It is fully customizable and allows you to basically have 2 program tabs.
M2d operator tab:
Toggle :
second today (M2d control):
If M2d proves to be not for you, I suggest using the old today screen with schens HTTC customizer in place. It's worth it's weight in gold as well. I was using it untill M2d came out.
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Don't you need to use astrogps launcher with iGO? I'm using NFS 1.25 and I need some sort of priming software for iGO and Tomtom, is there something else you are using?
I only use google maps (on my M2D search tab), and TomTom while driving.
I use no other program to prime at all.
I travel coast to coast with my job, I just use the search tab, or launch TomTom (never in the same order, sometimes only one or the other), and presto.....a fix within 10 seconds.
As I said in another thread, I was showing off my phone to my FO one day and let google maps run while we were departing Montreal. It showed us going down runway 28, turning eastbound and crossing the St. Lawrence. The only reason it quite was we were going to fast for google maps to update through the data connection. Later in cruise (at 23,000 ft) I launched TomTom, it was confused as heck (didn't know what road we were on!!!!), but it did show our proper Lat/Long (I confirmed it with the aircraft's FMS).
Been running smooth for a while, never a problem getting sats or a quick fix.
That was a helpful explanation for me too. I'm a noob and using your steps I now have Skyfire in my Start Menu. Many thanks !!!

Iolite - Apps you can't live without [Last Update 20.10.2009]

All patching, registry modifying and other unusual changes are only on your own risk. Do not blame anybody, if anything goes wrong.
New apps and tweaks are continuously added as soon as I pick them, test them and like them . Also other users have different app recommendations in other posts so don't forget to read whole thread.
Last update: 20.10.2009 (new apps and post rearrangements)
Freeware|System Related:
[Added] Advanced Configuration Tool - You can change almost every setting with this powerful app. However, some options might not work at all. (thanks to Dair's findings).
Better Light Sensor Control - Basic backlight offer no settings at all. Look in given thread to find, how to improve it. (thanks to tomv_cz's findings).
Change HW buttons function - If you want to use footprint and navi buttons for something else.
Disable SMS threading - Annoyed of that default SMS threading? This is cure.
Enable portrait/landscape switch - It enables possibility to switch between portrait and landscape mode on Iolite (Start-Settings-System-Screen). Then you can also assign "rotate screen" to your footprint/navi button. But Manila2D doesn't support landscape, so every time you go to home screen, it turns back to portrait mode.
FDCsoft Task Manager - Really good task manager, process viewer, service enabler/disabler, registry editor...
GfxBoost v1.1 - Some steroids for your Iolite's graphics and animations. Don't ask me, how it works, but it really does. Look in given thread for more info.
Hide SIM contacts - It does, what it says.
Manila2D Customizer - Using Manila2D (TF2D) and want to customize it?
MoDaCo RemoveSecurity - Removes that annoying "unsigned" notification while installing CABs.
[Added] Mortscript - MortScript interprets a (quite) simple batch language. If you know .bat files in DOS or shell scripts: it's something like that. Its focus is to remote control or launch other applications, not to write real applications.
.NET Compact Framework - Needed for running apps.
[Added] PIM Backup - A totally must have app for ROM cookers and experimenters. (thanks to Lokatho's findings).
Total Commander - App you really can't live without on WM.
SDKcerts - SDK Cert is a certificate used by the developers or programmers to sign the file/s you're using to make it/them eligible to be installed on the device. It's just like a consent from the developers for their OEM softwares to their users. To make the device accepts the file/s, the SDKCert have to be installed on the device for key matching purposes.
xdaShutdown - Want to switch off, soft reset, sleep your device? .NET 3.5 needed
Weather patch for Manila2D (TF2D) - Want some city, which is not in the default list? Look here to add it and below this post for patcher. (Thanks to N2A for original patcher for HTChome.dll).
Freeware|Visual Enhancements:
FingerKeyb by Giannis86 - For me it is better keyboard than from HTC, because it doesn't have buttons on the edge of display.
FingerSuite - Big thumbs and small menus? Why don't have the menus same as in TF3D.
M2D App Launcher - If you hate standart program list, try this. Nicely fits M2D skin.
SEX Battery Enhancer - For exact status of your battery on taskbar (SDKcerts needed)
[Added] TapTap Keyboard - Totally different way, how to write. It is quite unusual way, but if you get used to it, you will write much faster and with less mistakes.
Freeware|Internet and Messaging:
Facebook App - Official release from MS.
MoDaCo NoData - Disables GPRS/EDGE/etc. connections.
Skype for mobile - Skype for mobile devices. WiFi/3G needed for good connection.
Slick - IM with ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google, Jabber support. Really fast one.
[Added] Microfi Nitrogen - Very nice opensource touch-friendely music player with sleep timer and - unlike the one from HTC - sensitive volume control. (thanks to Dair's findings)
[Added] PlayPause - Control your favourite player via your headset button.
TCPMP 0.72 rc1 recompiled - If you want really good free multimedia player with subtitle support (you MUST use GDI for external subtitles). Look below for archive.
Freeware|Other Apps:
[Added] Marathon - GPS measure/tracking app.
mBarvian HTC Calculator - For me, better that included one.
[Added] MyMobiler - You can fully control your Iolite via PC. Executed on PC.
QuickMark 2D barcode reader - QR code reader. You must register to grab it.
Stopwatch - If you have need to measure your time .
Shareware|Unsorted (Please, buy these apps if you use them):
Core Player - Younger brother to TCPMP. However paid one.
CT Scheduler - Want to send messages at given time? Enable/disable BT, ActiveSync? This is what you need.
ilium software eWallet - If you have bad memory for all your passwords.
[Added] Manbolo Meon - Totally addictive brain game. Not expensive at all.
SBSH PhoneWeaver - Profile manager. Not free but good one. Includes touch profile switcher, which can be configured to soft buttons on Home tab in TF2D via M2DC.
[Added] SPB Minesweeper II - Was finding of mines your childhood dream? Well, this is far more safe way .
SPB Wireless Monitor - Monitors connections ifrom your device to the world.
[Added] WebCamera Plus - Your Iolite as webcam? Not a bad idea, isn't it.
Do you know some really good app, you can't live without? Just post your list in this thread.
Great topic! Just what I was looking for!
Thank you
Thanks for the post. Any advice on a good GPS program? I also heard there was freeware that auto rotates your keyboard/screen from portrait -> landscape when turned, as currently the keyboard doesn't do landscape?
4EST said:
Great topic! Just what I was looking for! Thank you
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That's why I made it . When i bought my first WM device Vox, this kind of topic helped me a lot. So I made it for Iolite too.
Sean09 said:
Thanks for the post. Any advice on a good GPS program? I also heard there was freeware that auto rotates your keyboard/screen from portrait -> landscape when turned, as currently the keyboard doesn't do landscape?
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It depends, for what you want GPS. If for car navigation, you may use builtin TomTom and buy maps. For hiking is best Garmin with its Topo maps. For geocaching exists many free programs where you can add your own maps (just search for geocaching here).
With screen rotation there is one flaw. Manila2D didn't support landscape, so every time you exit to home screen, it turns back to portrait mode. And Iolite doesn't have G-Sensor, therefore it will not rotate automatically.
Hey, nice list! I use lot of these too. I'd add three more apps for myself:
Advanced Config Tool - great utility for tweaking WM and HTC soft without need to edit registry manually (can handle some tweaks mentioned in 1st post like landscape mode, switching threaded SMS view, hiding SIM contacts etc)
GPS Cycle Computer - does what it says and more... Possibility to show a map image on background or to use OpenStreeMap tiles (read readme in installation folder). The best feature for me is the option to set the GPS run interval from "always on" to "run every 10 min" - great for power-savy logging my track and matching the GPS data with photos later.
Nitrogen player - very nice opensource touch-friendely music player (with sleep timer and - unlike the one from HTC - sensitive volume control)
EDIT: forgotten to mention that all of them are free
Can anyone make this thread sticky and delete the "thank you posts" as well as this one?
Thank you
PIM Backup - Great backup tool for us flashaholics
so far there is nothing to flash on the iolite
Thanks a lot for the great share
Weather is broken
The N2A Weather Patcher killed the Weather applet on my Iolite.
Now all it says is , "Cannot get weather data for the selected city".
I can't select any other city or anything else, since the menus are disabled
Before patching I made a backup of my Manila2D.exe, wich I have allready restored.
But Weatheer still dossen't work
Any workaround to restore to original?
Qtek8020User: I modified original N2A patcher to patch manila2D.exe, because original version patched htchome.dll only. Here is procedure, how to do that.
1) On device, I copy Manila2D.exe to some other folder (eg. Storage Card)
2) Download it to computer via AS/WMDC
3) Keep one copy somewhere for backup, place another one into patcher folder in same place as place_manila_2d_exe_here.txt and run n2a-patcher.bat
4) Patcher will make N2A Patched Manila2D file, which you transfer to device.
5) Disable Manila2D via settings, install CAB and then enable Manila2D again.
At this moment, only thing which is changed in Manila2D.exe is http address of update server, nothing else. Therefore it must work for already present cities in list, when internet connection is available (via AS/WMDC, Wifi or GPRS/EDGE/etc.). I tried this by myself about five times, so this procedure works with no problem at all.
If you want to add some city, which is NOT in the list, you must do this:
1) On device, copy HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml from /windows folder on your device to some other folder (eg. Storage Card)
2) Download it to your computer via AS/WMDC. Make backup of that file.
3) Go to and find city you want to add. For example, I want to add city "hradec kralove" in "czech republic". I get this code
. Important part is "EUR|CZ|EZ002|HRADEC%20KRALOVE" (%20 means simple space).
4) Open HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml and add this line <city name="Your City Name, Country Abbreviation" loca="CodeYouGotFromAccuweather" land="Your Country"/>. For example
<city name="Hradec Kralove, CZ" loca="EUR|CZ|EZ002|HRADEC KRALOVE" land="Czech Republic"/>.
5) Save HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml as UTF-8. It is read-only by default, so make proper changes.
6) Transfer it back to your device, eg. to Storage Card. Then put it back to /Windows folder
7) Restart Manila2D and viola, your custom city is in list and will be properly updated.
For adding cities in HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml also exists some app, but I can't remember how it is called.
Great post, thank you!! Bat you mentioned about n2a-patcher.bat
file... Where I can find it? May be you can attach it to you post.
Thank you in advance,
It is already attached in first post of this thread .
torrentonly said:
It is already attached in first post of this thread .
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OK! It's my bad... Thank you again!
Hi, torrentonly
I followed your method but it won't work. I assume that it something wrong within script... In tool folder unpatched.dll file doesn't exist. Here is output from n2a-patcher.bat (I did everything according to your instruction...)
N2A's Automatic Weather Patched Manila2D.exe Package Creator
Created by N2A @
For all questions, please see the thread at XDA-Developers
and the site at
The system cannot find the file specified.
File not found - unpatched.dll
grep: unpatched.dll: No such file or directory
Performing patch...
Reading from unpatched.dll...
Error opening input file unpatched.dll
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
Process failed! Unable to patch the Manila2D.exe file correctly.
Either this file has already been patched, or something has gone wrong.
If you are sure the file is not pre-patched, please report this error
on the XDA-Developers forums, using the link from
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If you have already patched Manila2D.exe, may be you can share it...
igor7: That's weird. I just tested it now and it works for me. From your log it looks like Manila2D.exe didn't copied into /tools/ subfolder. Did you extract ZIP archive correctly?
If yes, try to copy Manila2D.exe to /tools/ and rename it to unpatched.dll, so you wil have /tools/unpatched.dll. Then delete this lines from BAT file:
IF EXIST tools\unpatched.dll del tools\unpatched.dll
copy Manila2D.exe tools\unpatched.dll > NUL
IF EXIST *.cab del *.cab
, save it and run BAT again.
I can give you my patched Manila2D, but you might have different version and it can make you some troubles.
torrentonly: first of all big thanks for you help. I spend time on this, but it working now and I want share my experience.
1. In you first post on this page doesn't mention that Manila2D.exe should be copied into N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools folder and renamed to unpatched.exe, as you mentioned in your last post. By the same token it's not enough. By default Manila2D.exe have read only and system attributes, so no changes can be made to this file under this condition. Those attributes should be removed before running n2a-patcher.bat file, otherwise it not working.
2. And in additional, as you mentioned in your last post some lines should be removed from n2a-patcher.bat file. To be honest, I don't know how it works for you without doing this...
This line form script:
copy Manila2D.exe tools\unpatched.dll > NUL
can't work because it is impossible to copy file and rename it with same command "copy". In my case script return following error while it running:
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools\unpatched.dll
The system cannot find the file specified.
Performing patch...
This happen even I copied Manila2D.exe into tools folder, renamed it to unpatched.dll, and removed read only and system attributes...
In the light of the aforesaid I did some corrections (improvments) to n2a-patcher.bat and now it works fine. I added the following to htchomeok session in this file:
attrib -r -s Manila2D.exe
xcopy /h /k /f /v Manila2D.exe C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
attrib +r +s Manila2D.exe
cd C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D\tools
ren Manila2D.exe unpatched.dll
Now, to get it work you need to change a little procidure, in your first post in this page.
1. Download file and extract it content to root of C drive on you computer. Should be like: C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D.
2. Copy Manila2D.exe from Windows folder of your device into C:\N2A-Patcher-Manila2D folder using Active Synch.
3. Run n2a-patcher.bat file. If everything is OK you should see script window like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Also I attached to this message new archive with corrected script.
Best regards,
igor7: Nice finding *THUMBS UP*. On my laptop with Vista x86, I can copy and rename at the same time. Therefore script I attached is working for me. Maybe it is different for another OS like 2k, XP. Or maybe there are some problems with attributes.
You don't need to place Manila2D.exe into /tools/ folder and rename it. BAT file should make it automatically, but as I wrote, it might work different way on different OSs.
torrentonly: I tried to run n2a-patcher.bat from first thread in this forum on my laptop with Vista x86 and it doesn’t work... On Windows XP and Windows Vista bat files executed line by line. So if some line had errors script will not work.
Here what I did:
1 I downloaded (1.23 MB, 66 views) and extract it on desktop of my laptop.
2. I copied Manila2D.exe from Iolite and place it into patcher folder in same place as "place_manila_2d_exe_here.txt". Then I executed n2a-patcher.bat. And...It not work! Here is screenshot:
I wrote all of this not for something... May be code in script, that you used is different from this one... It can confuse other people.
List of Applications
This is my current list of applications, which I think are all essential. Feel free to PM me and ask for them or should you have any doubt if you find and get them on your own, using Mr. Google and come across any dificulties.
Regarding applications:
.NET Framework 3.5 - Needed to run some applications;
.NET Framework 3.5 Config - Configures the above program;
SDKCerts - Installs root certificates on your Iolite;
AppToDate - Checks if your Iolite has its programs up-to-date;
FDCSoft TaskManager - Used as a task manager and a registry editor;
GFX Boost 1.1 - Improves overall graphic performance of your Iolite, specially TF2D;
HD Tweak 0.5.4 - Tweaks the hell out of your Iolite, including sound boost;
Adobe Flash Player 7 Plugin - Installs .swf support for playing them with third party applications;
Advanced Config Tool 3.3 - Another tweaker that fills the gaps that HD Tweak doesn't, with some more sound boost;
Diamond 2 G-Sensor - Installs all needed to improve better backlight behaviour;
M2DC 0.29.235 - Manila2D Customizer, configures your TF2D;
MortScript 4.2 - Needed to run some applications;
Pocket Mechanic 2.98.268 - Great tool for defragging your SD card and some extras;
Resco Explorer 2008 7.05 - Best file explorer out there, fully customizable and intuitive;
SafeMode 1.02 - Allows you to reboot your Iolite in Safe Mode, much like XP or Vista, in case of any errors;
SKTools - Great tool, using it to thoroughly rid my Iolite of orphaned .reg keys, temporary files, call records and much more;
SPB Backup 2.0.2 - Best backup tool for everything, including PIM;
GPS Compass 1.0.1 - A digital compass that uses your Iolite (by far, this is the one that uses up more RAM memory on my Iolite);
3D Tracking - Works like a low-jack on your Iolite;
Automatic Call Recorder 1.2.1 - Records your calls both ways, if you want to;
BryhtFlash 2.0 - Plays BIG .swf files smoothly, no "Ran out of memory" stuff;
CompeGPS Pocket Pro 2.71 - Best Offroad GPS out there, uses Google Maps for imaging;
CorePlayer - World's greatest media player for Iolite, maybe;
Dog Whistle 1.3 - Emits Ultra-sonic frequency sounds;
DWRuler - A digital ruler that might come in handy;
ESET Mobile Antivirus - It's the most up-to-date antivirus that I could find for Iolite;
FakeCall - Used to make a call to yourself at a time of your choosing, to get out of some situations;
Finger Keyboard 2.1 QVGA - A good keyboard, I installed it, but still using HTC's full QWERTY;
FingerSuite 1.12 RC8 - Turns default context menus bigger, thumb big;
GCzII 2009-07-29 1.800.0234.10 - GeoCaching application;
M2D Application Launcher - If you go to your Programs tab on TF2D and press All Programs, you will be able to access all of your programs right on TF2D environment;
Marshal Wait Cursor 3 - Wait cursor replacement, with transparency, no more white square;
Mobile Media Center - Media player much like Vista Media Center;
PocketRAR 3.80 - Handles .zip and .rar files;
QuickMark 3.8.4568 - A QR-Code reader;
Skype Mobile - It's Skype;
SPB Screenshot - Takes screenshots of your Iolite's screen;
SPB Time 2.2.2 - Using it as a chronometer and backwards timer too;
SPB TV 1.1 - Watch TV on your Iolite, lots of channels;
SRS WOW HD 1.2.1 - Improves audio levels and quality of your Iolite;
TCPMP 0.71 - Another media player, CorePlayer's older brother, but with subtitles in .srt and .sub format support;
TI Pocket - TI Calculator for your Iolite with their roms and skins;
TomTom 7.915.9196 - It's TomTom, a GPS navigation software;
Ultimate Theft Alert 3.5 with GPS & Monitor Plugin - If your Iolite gets lost or stolen and someone puts in another SIM card, you'll know where they are, who called them, who they called, who texted them, who they texted;
VS Notepad 2.6 - Best notepad out there;
VSPainter 1.75 - Much like Paint.NET for XP or Vista;
Windows Live - Latest version assured, with Windows Live Messenger too;
X-Plore 1.31 - Another file explorer, that I got just from being nostalgic from my late Nokia N81.
Regarding games, I have the following:
Astraware BoardGames 1.08 - Lots of board games for your delight;
BattleShip & Connect 4 - It is what it says right there;
Monopoly Here & Now World Edition - Does this one really need a descripition?;
Whole RealDice QVGA Collection - BackGammon, BlackJack, Chess, Dominoes, Hearts, Mahjong, Poker, Roulette, Slots, Spades, Sudoku, VideoPoker;
SpbBubbles 1.1 - Much like PuzzleBubble.
Also, I have text files (and associated .reg files) describing:
Change Hardware Keys Assignment - Assign what you want to Navigation and FootPrints hardware buttons;
GPS Lag Fix - Makes your GPS practically lag free;
RMVB Codec - Enables .rmvb playback on your Iolite.
And of course, my themes for TF2D, my favorite being the one with the picture attached.
Software that I testes, used, but not using now:
Garmin 5.00.020w - Garmin's GPS navigation software;
Nav N Go iGo8 - iGo's GPS navigation software;
NDrive PPC - Being Portuguese, could not help myself in getting this one, it's NDrive's GPS navigation software.

What to Include/Exclude Ozone(verizon) Rom

Since the Ozone Rom is only on one carrier, we should put together a list of items to include/exclude
Get Applications
Getting started
Modem Link
Remote Desktop
Visual Voice Mail
Mobile IM
Mobile Email
VZ Navigator
Definately exclude all the bloatware from Verizon.
Including Google Maps, Microsoft MyPhone (Not sure if it is in 6.5 by default or not?), and maybe a few games that are good on standard. I also use Facebook, but that is a little more specialty along with Opera.
Lets get some ROMs cooking! I miss 6.5 on my Touch and can't wait to get it on my Ozone.
include :
-winmo 6.5 - A MUST!
-soft reset
-light dimmer
-titanium panels ( YUM YUM )
-custom graphics all around..icons, battery, signal..etc etc
-text msgs retry ( i actually like it )
-Net C.F. 3.5
-mp3 trimmer
ur exclude list is perfecto!
as i think of more, ill def post in here!
I'd honestly like a rom with as little as possible added in.. I want to be able to install only the programs I would like. Kinda like a fresh install of windows desktop.
But in all honesty, I will be happy and will put in some donations to whomever creates a nice rom.
That exclude list is indeed perfect.
Perhaps it would be best to keep the essentials to the ROM that need to run from the main memory. Programs like google maps, youtube, facebook, and such can be added per the users discretion. Typically, I install all potentially heavy memory programs to the storage card.
1. Obviously WinMo 6.5 and all of its customizations.
2. I would like to see IE6 cache moved to the Storage Card.
3. An upgrade to Mobile Office (create new documents and copy and paste). Not sure if that is possible. Alternative would be adding Documents to Go.
4. Internet Sharing or WMWifiRouter.
5. Total Commander or Resco Explorer.
6. PHM Registry Editor.
7. Soft Reset Button.
To me, that would be the basics. Anything else could be added by the user later to their particular needs.
I'd like to keep:
**Visual Voicemail
**Remote Desktop
**Quick GPS
Internet Sharing
HTC Audio Booster (a more universal equalizer would be better though, not something just shackled to the headset)
Office Mobile w/ OneNote
the current Com Manager skin (its nice, but hey, as long as the new one is functional, I won't complain any)
MP3 Trimmer
Speed Dial
HTC Voice Recorder
HTC Video Recorder
HTC Camera
I'd like to see added:
Talk2Me (if it's leaked yet?) OR
one of the standard Voice Command apps (MSFT or Cyberon)
Total Commander
Windows Live w/ Messenger
MSFT MyPhone
Advanced Config
dotfred task manager (is there a smartphone friendly version?)
I'm a ROM purist, so I only like barebone stuff in my ROMs. Keeping it simple, stupid. Lol.
Does anyone know if these apps can be updated once they're written to the ROM? Or would we have to reflash the new versions? In my experience cooked versions of Windows Live have been unable to propperly update since the program core files are R/O.
Good luck figuring out the GSM/CDMA probs ookba. Delicious chicken dinners coming your way once I'm running your 6.5 masterpiece.
Can Internet Sharing (ICS) be added to the Comm Manager?
I'd had to agree with the majority on the bare rom thing. As a person without vision (only light perception), the less visuals included, the better. I'd also add USB to PC to the list of inclusions though, as it's a nice app.
Also, I cna't seem to be able to run comm manager - it doesn't open and I don't get why. ODD. Maybe my screen reader is not letting it open?
Regardless... Customization can in deed be added in later, and you could provide links to websites with the tools for customizing.
Good luck!
generally speaking phone hosted software... im sick of getting roms that require me to use/have a data plan... where i come from data as an add on is ridiculously expensive.. try $100/month++ for the most basic phone package with basic data
voice recorder
gps test 1.04
pim backup (or something like it)
resco explorer
all the google maps stuff etc can be downloaded easily
or can be offered on a "WITH DATA" rom
Make sure ##778# and ##3424# works on the new roms....

