[Updated November 09] Route Tracker - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Route Tracker
With Route Tracker you can create routes and add several route points containing text and/or images from your current position. If gps is available it will take the current longitude, latitude and altitude. Without a gps module information of the current cell id and the location area code are saved.
For each route a report can be created which can be saved as a html file.
PocketPC with .net compact framework 2.0 and SQL Compact Server 2005 (already installed in WM6 professional)
(tested on a WM6 professional device without gps)
known issues:
after uninstall the db and the images will not be deleted
getting MyLocation can time out
timer greater than ~15 seconds doesn't word when device is in suspend mode
in the view form only the map type for default route maps is working
next features:
automatic point adding by distance (every x meters)
more robust MyLocation
geo game (show taken image and try to find the place on the map)
Any comments are appreciated.
version 1.0.5
new view showing the whole route in one image using Google Maps (markers or path)
this view can be saved to an image file
check its settings form for parameters
version 1.0.4
new setting: Use Google's MyLocation for report GMaps and for exporting to kml. On devices without gps the cell id information will be used to get an approximate location. (default on and will use internet connection!)
version 1.0.3
new report "GMaps" using google maps (will try to use internet connection!)
updated date set to last saved route point
additional setting: Flash on Saving (flash on main screen)
version 1.0.2
additional settings: check gps, vibrate on saving
saving settings: seconds, minutes and vibrate on saving
show time with date in the grid
version 1.0.1
A report can be saved to kml for viewing in google maps.
In Menu/Auto Report... timed saving can be activated.

Anybody tried?
Would be interesting to know if the gps information gets stored and if there are any issues on devices with qwerty hardware keyboard (regarding screen rotation).

New version is up. If you have difficulties with the gps data, try to start gps with another app and after having enough sat fixes try Route Tracker.

Nice now this app work, but here some ideas:
A Sign that shows a record was made
Start Time on the main screen
Show Cell ID or GPS is used
Other Ideas will follow

Thanks for the input! New version is up.

very cool! i will be certainly using it.

nir36 said:
very cool! i will be certainly using it.
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me too. will report back feedback. thanks.

heliosdev said:
Anybody tried?
Would be interesting to know if the gps information gets stored and if there are any issues on devices with qwerty hardware keyboard (regarding screen rotation).
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It works on my Diamond without any problem.

Great but here some Ideas:
Show the last position time in the grid (Last position time saved at
Vibrate is good, but better would it if you make a flashing dot on the main screen because if you use it in a carholder its not so go.
(Or you can add vibrate too under settings)
And Upload direct the cab file, its easier to use!
Thx and work on!

didn't work on my vogue - got a net framework error.

thanks for your input!
what is the error message saying? Can you go to menu/settings and press the 'Check GPS' button?

heliosdev said:
what is the error message saying? Can you go to menu/settings and press the 'Check GPS' button?
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okay, here's the message I get when trying to run RouteTracker (which does not open at all):
File or assembly name
Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral,
or one of its dependencies, was not

Well, it looks like sql is not installed on your device! I've seen cooked roms which removed this to save some space...
What .net version do you have installed? (run /Windows/cgacutil.exe)

heliosdev said:
Well, it looks like sql is not installed on your device! I've seen cooked roms which removed this to save some space...
What .net version do you have installed? (run /Windows/cgacutil.exe)
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I'm using the ppckitchen to cook a custom rom and have included both sql, 3.5 supposed to be included and I also select .netcf 2. Maybe that's a problem, but I've not ever gotten that message with any of the other programs I use that require .netcf. When I run /Windows/cgacutil.exe it says 2.0.7045.0

Will this work with .NET 3.5 or only 2.0?
I get this error using the ROM in my sig and SQLce 3.5 added.
An unexpected error has occurred in RouteTracker.exe.
Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information.
File or assembly name 'System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3BE235DF1C8D2AD3', or one of its dependencies, was not found.

Here a new Idea
Make a Today Plugin that shows CELL ID, LAC, MCC, MNC or GPS and a count down. It shows new recorde made in xx.xx.xx (ex. 00:00:10 = 10 sek.)

Well, I'm using C# .net and I'm not sure if this can be used for today plugin development.
Btw, new version is up!

new version is up!
Tests with devices without gps are appreciated! (internet connection needed)
(report GMaps and save report (in Report form) to kml and view it with google maps/earth on desktop)

works fine!
But can you set a dot on mylocation?
Like here http://cellid.schlapa.net
Also show the cellID data on the Gmaps Screen.
Thx wait for next versions ...

Hi thanks for this app!!!!
Is it possible to get bigger screen shots ?
Thanks dude


CellTracker Alternative

I don't know where else to post this....I found this while looking for an alternative to the SPV Developers CellTracker app. It's an app called NiceTrack...the screenshots tell the rest of the story:
Background info: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/nicetrack.asp?story=1
Screenshots: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/nicetrack.asp?story=2
Download: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/nicetrack.asp?story=3 (Version 1.2)
The source code for that app can also be downloaded from the Background Info link.
The SPV Developers CellTracker app (Beta version only, hasn't been updated since December) for PocketPCs is located at the way bottom of the page:
NiceTrack updates the tower changes in real-time whereas CellTracker does not. NiceTrack also shows the dbm signal strength on a cool chart and it also includes a logging function that allows you to rename the cells your phone has connected to while the app is active.
Signal strength chart: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/images/nicetrack/main-page.gif
Here are a couple hints based on my experience so far:
1) In order to fully save the renamed/logged cell sites, you must first tap Save next to where you renamed the cell site. Then you must also tap Options/Menu --> Save (extreme lower left) to save all changes since the app was launched.
2) Use Menu --> Exit to completely close the app.
I have tested this for use on my MDA II w/Windows Mobile 2003. I don't know if the app is compatible with WM5 PPCs or regular Windows Mobile smartphones.
Thanks for posting.
This software has been discussed before, and it is great:
However, I believe people are having difficulty converting it to WM5 (when I last checked). But great stuff either way.
Hi there,
Sharpstuff (NiceTrack author) here..
I've just bought a T-Mobile MDA Vario and have managed to get it working on that ( WM2005 )
The problem was that in the older phones the GSM modem was on COM2 and on my Vario it's now COM9. I've made the Com port configurable now, but it's still not 100%.
You can download it from my site www.nicecuppa.net
Let me know how y'all get on.
Good stuff sharpstuff Wish I had a gps!
sharpstuff said:
Hi there,
Sharpstuff (NiceTrack author) here..
I've just bought a T-Mobile MDA Vario and have managed to get it working on that ( WM2005 )
The problem was that in the older phones the GSM modem was on COM2 and on my Vario it's now COM9. I've made the Com port configurable now, but it's still not 100%.
You can download it from my site www.nicecuppa.net
Let me know how y'all get on.
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Sharpstuff, you have an excellent app here. I had to search for a bit to find it but in the end, I'm quite glad to have it . I also like the pun you have for your site...it's quite distinctive since even as a German-American, I know when someone says "cuppa", they normally mean the cup of tea .
Keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to develop such a great and invaluable app .
oooh.. *bookmark*
Do you have a regular Donate button somewhere? I see the shop, but I'd rather just get X amount straight to you, and not have to be awoken by some crazy delivery guy at 8am for a mug
Thanks for the kind thought...
But, I enjoy doing this stuff, so just click my google ads and I'm happy!
Got this to work on my 8125, almost... Clicking on 'add' under events causes it to crash with the following error:
....bummer - so close!
You need to select an event type eg. "Flash backlight" then click "add"..
Needs some validation there.. Plus, the events side of things isn't very useful at the moment, I need to implement some more event types.
I installed it on my qtek9100 but it doesn't find a GSM-modem at all.
Also a Qtek9100, EN - found it on COM9 just fine
What would be really neat would be an event "Show Picture". That way it would be easy to make a make-shift map tracking thing. Simply grab a picture of the map off the internet, plunge a big dot on the map where you got the cell, save as image, and have that image displayed when entering that cell %) GIF files on the storage card, shouldn't take up too much space
Alternatively a full-fledged mapping thing could be developed, but that's a lot more work *nod*
@sharpstuff hey I installed it on my XDA EXEC, but when it scans for com and reaches com9 it just freezes...any ideas?
Hi there,
I'm having some problems with the detection code, and general functionality on WM5.
I am looking into it and will post a new version up ASAP, sorry for the problems..
stop being sorry and add that donate button *keeps clicking google ads once a day but hopes google won't start ignoring his IP address for excessive clicking...*
N!co said:
I installed it on my qtek9100 but it doesn't find a GSM-modem at all.
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After a soft reset its working fine on COM9. Nice app.!
sharpstuff said:
Hi there,
I'm having some problems with the detection code, and general functionality on WM5.
I am looking into it and will post a new version up ASAP, sorry for the problems..
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So is Release 1.3b a partial fix for WM5 users? I installed it on my MDA II and it detects my modem on COM2 without any problems. Both 1.2 and 1.3 seem to work on WM2003 PPCs.
Yep, it's an intermediate release. Basically, it reminds the user on startup to set the Com port in settings
I'm working on v1.4 at present, this has more error checking on the GSM code, and multi-threaded com port detection so the whole app doesn't hang
For what it's worth - it seems to randomly lock up on me - requires an 'end task'. Sometimes when this happens, and I try to fire it back up again, I just get an empty message box dialog; no title, just the close button.
ZeBoxx said:
For what it's worth - it seems to randomly lock up on me - requires an 'end task'. Sometimes when this happens, and I try to fire it back up again, I just get an empty message box dialog; no title, just the close button.
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I get that messagebox at random even after I closed the app and its not in the list of running programs. Strange...

[release] PhoneContacts

This is my first project for PocketPC. It's a simple Contacts replacement with search keypad.
PS: .NET CF 1.1 is required.
- WM5.0 version added (category filter, contact update, contact delete bugs fixed)
11/9/2006 -
- Contacts list loads more faster on large amount of data
- Name filter and back button improved
- Load Categories bug fixes
- Added .NET 2.0 version
5/07/2006 -
- Added category filter
13/06/2006 -
- Some bug fixes
- Added Tools - Save Config
- Added Name [display] format
any screen shots of usage screens and config screens?
tested with which models?
tested with which os? wm5 or 2003se or?
Size of program after install?
It' tested only on O2 XDA mini, WM2003.
can you please upload it here. it says the file is corrupt if i download it. thanks
Here it is...
... moved into the first post
does this work with WM5?
Installed on Qtek 9100 WM 5. It works perfectly.
The only defects are:
When it is exited from the program loses the formulations of the English language and the dimension of the font.
Is not possible to set up the order of reading of the contacts 1°/2° or 2°/1° name.
dborello said:
Installed on Qtek 9100 WM 5. It works perfectly.
The only defects are:
When it is exited from the program loses the formulations of the English language and the dimension of the font.
Is not possible to set up the order of reading of the contacts 1°/2° or 2°/1° name.
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About configuration(lang, font...): I dont know how program works on WM5. I'll try to correct it as soon as possible and i will add order of reading ( <FN MN LN> and <LN, FN> ).
thanks CDK. ill post it on my blog http://oldsap.blogspot.com
Great job - really. I love it. it works perfectly on my QTEK9100 as posted already. This is one tool which will replace the built in contacts.
Some more suggestions and hints:
- Program loading lasts very long - maybe it is decreasable??
- If i write a name the tool greps for all matches in the first and the last name. That is great. I love it. Is it possible to search also in the middle of the string. Example: Alex and i type lex
- Is it possible to grep not only first and last name but also the other fields which are defined in the Pocket Outlook Object model?
- Is it possible to have more search boxes or filter for the categories?
- Maybe it is possible to have a WM05 compile where for example a context menu pops up with all the selectable categories
- The russian/english problem posted already is also on my device
A lot of requests. Let me know if you find some useful.
Thanx anyway for this great app.
how do you install this? just copy all the files into a folder and run?
topcaser said:
Some more suggestions and hints:
- Program loading lasts very long - maybe it is decreasable??
- If i write a name the tool greps for all matches in the first and the last name. That is great. I love it. Is it possible to search also in the middle of the string. Example: Alex and i type lex
- Is it possible to grep not only first and last name but also the other fields which are defined in the Pocket Outlook Object model?
- Is it possible to have more search boxes or filter for the categories?
- Maybe it is possible to have a WM05 compile where for example a context menu pops up with all the selectable categories
- The russian/english problem posted already is also on my device
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Ok. I give some explanation. This program is written for my request and with my collaboration. That's why i try to answer some questions and I will post, sometimes, new release.
1. This is .NET :-( Here is a "hide"-feature added to solve (temporary) this problem. I think F.T.D. post here the source code as soon as possible. May be someone rewrite this on native C.
2. May be. But this may be unusable with huge contacts lists...
3 & 4. Describe, please, what you want to see. Perhaps this will be added in the hext releases.
5. ... requires WM5 device... :-(
6. This is corrected and will be posted today (if we understand the problem correctly)
ikkoku said:
how do you install this? just copy all the files into a folder and run?
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topcaser said:
- Is it possible to have more search boxes or filter for the categories?
- Maybe it is possible to have a WM05 compile where for example a context menu pops up with all the selectable categories
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I will be VERY appreciate if you show me how to get available categories in system (it might be as well in .NET)
good job
have sudjustion.. i think it's beter to put the keys in ordenary like on the keybord .. it will be faster to tape for users how know where is every key in the keybord
miky420 said:
good job
have sudjustion.. i think it's beter to put the keys in ordenary like on the keybord .. it will be faster to tape for users how know where is every key in the keybord
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I think it will become customizable in the next releases.
For example:
- main file is a list: [picture name=text file (symbols code list)]
- every keyboards are: picture itself and text file with symbols code.
updated. see first post for details.
that's really gr8.... i like it......
is there a way this can work with .net cf2 because i have a .net cf2 loaded rom on my 8125 and when i try to run this it gives me an error
cybiker123 said:
is there a way this can work with .net cf2 because i have a .net cf2 loaded rom on my 8125 and when i try to run this it gives me an error
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Yet Another CellID Application

yes, but based on a flexible set of methods
-Using RIL (GSMTestMode)
-Using RIL_GetCellTower
-Using RIL Notifications
-Using RIL (fieldtest) -> reply structure has to be found
-Using offset method (few structures included)
-Using COM port
The project is based on:
-cellguardian.dll and cellguardian.xml : How to get CELLID on devices
-cell2latlon.dll and cellDb.xml : Calculate lat/lon using CELLID
-gsmcelluloz.exe : the main exe
-gsmcellulozCF.exe : the same, as PoC, in CF, but very simple
DEBUG mode creates a lot of log in \Temp
The device method configuration is in a file called "cellGuardian.xml"
Offset version works only with the "ALL" parameter (I don't know what defines the offset, which component version?)
Many things should be incomplete (like documentations )
Here is a google map (result from logging) made using a GSMTestode compatible device:
I'll write a quick documentation on how using cellguardian.dll (the brain from the cellid-getting), and cellguardian.xml.
I'm also working in antenna position interpolation but it's an harder process... (for now the cell2latlon works but uses a very simple barycentric algorithm)
Sample walk:
Have fun, I hope to have some fieldtest compatible device log in order to decrypt the structure
If your device is still not working... Tell me!
The source will be released as soon as the modaco challenge will be finished (I hope to win a device with cellguardian.dll... or a sticker )
Did not work for me Tornado with Crossbow-Rom, i think you may ask maniac for the Offsets, he created CellProfileSwitcher, an very useful SmartPhoneTool with a huge list of compatible devices.
In Combination with your Tool it may be useful to create my own "CellMap", to see my Homezone or some other kind of zones, switched by CPS,yea.
But the Screenshots looks nice,...
Thank your for another nice way to waste my time with my lovely Phone,hehe...but i need the offsets...dont know how...
Have you tried "Find offset" in the 8FFB0000-8FFC0000 range?
Are other possible ranges.
The result will be contained in a file located on \Temp
Possible structures (if you define your configuration in cellguardian.xml)
Offset method will be activated once you'll have removed other options (COMPORT...) from the config file.
Remember that as long as I don't know what defines the offset, the only version that works is "ALL". This field will be used once I'll be quite sure the component version defines really the offset.
I hope to improve it, but also to let a chance to the user to configure it by himself.
Quick help page
I made a quick help page to help ppl finding the offset until I find some cleaner way to find it...
After this, just modify \Program Files\cellguardian.xml
and replace
<device name="HTC Tornado">
<OEMID>Qtek 8310</OEMID>
<method type="RILHTC1"></method>
<method type="RILTOWER"></method>
<method type="COMPORT"><port>COM9:</port></method>
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<device name="HTC Tornado">
<OEMID>Qtek 8310</OEMID>
<method type="OFFSET">
<offset version="ALL" structure="TORNADO">YOUROFFSET</offset>
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Click to collapse
Where YOUROFFSET is the offset you found (try the adresse ranges I suggested above)
Let me be your tester
I have found your excellent project and I am going to test it and share with you results. My phone is smartphone - HTC S310 (know also as HTC Oxygene, SPV C100).
When I am launching the application I get error:
Cannot load \Program Files\GSMCelluloz\CellGuardian.dll:0x7e126
Is your app suitable for smartphones? I have downloaded the
Maybe I should use:
What offsets sould I put to test my phone and which method?
Best greetings and congratulations for your job!
abramq said:
When I am launching the application I get error:
Cannot load \Program Files\GSMCelluloz\CellGuardian.dll:0x7e126
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Hi again!
The problem was because I've installed app on card, not on device memory.
Cell searching works excellent, on my phone works GSMTestMode method (I am going to find out the differences between methods, but don't know where).
By the way - user interface for smartphone (non-touch display) looks like not fnished - 'backspace' keys doesn't work and it is difficult to leave edit mode too.
Will test it more and make some enhancement
Best greetings and please keep working
What Compact Framework needs the CellulozCF? I have the 2.0 and the app doesn't work (I get the unexpected error: Microsoft.AGI.CommonMISC.HandleAr() in System.Windows.Forms.Control._InitInstance.
I think the best cell id application from all times ever would be that which can change phone profile depending from location. I saw someone here is trying to do it, but will not be free, so no use. An app like that will eclipse all other... it will be like the next step in mobile evolution. Probably japanese already have it.
You are outDated...this idea is really old...lookat maniacs Homepage;
Maniacs SmartPhoneTools
...but for now not useable on devices without TiOmapProcessor
But PhoneAlarm by PocketMax supports different [email protected],too.. but cost money and hard to configure,no learningfunction,no neighbourcells and you have to add every Cell one by one...
but youre right,too; Actions by Locations are always missed in Apps with Notifications or ProfileChangingFunction.

OpenCellClient - a Windows Mobile opencellid client

Hello all!
I started a new project named OpenCellClient. This application is a scanner for the open service http://www.opencellid.org. This project wants to create a complete database of CellID worldwide, with their locations.
This is very useful for a lot of things, working like a "second GPS", for devices without build in GPS receiver.
More than this, RemoteTracker (version 0.3.0-0 and above) can use this database when the GPS receiver could not find the signal, or if the device does not have this radio inside.
Thinking about the great help this project gives to us, I decide to contribute creating a client for Windows Mobile.
How it works? Start the application and go walk, drive or whatever you want do to outside. You GPS will be turned on and the software will scan for cell towers. Each tower found is stored with their coordinate. You don't need to stay connected to internet spending money transfering data to the opencellid website. You can send the collected data later, in your home, work or any wifi spot. After that, you can make searchs using opencellid web site. And we can't forget: this location will be used by RemoteTracker too.
If you want to give a try, please go to http://opencellclient.sourceforge.net and download the cab file.
- .NET CF 3.5;
- SQLServerCE 3.5.
Keep OpenCellClient up to date!
There is an integration with AppToDate. This application verify if configured softwares are up to date or not. If not, you are alerted, and invited to download the new version! Very cool and useful.
You can download AppToDate here.
After install AppToDate, please download and run OpenCellClient to configure AppToDate.
Try this and don't forget a new version never more!
--> It is a work in progress. In future versions I will make a lot more.
Support this project
You can support this project making a donation clicking here or clicking the banners in the project website.
looks great thanks for the contribution! i'm getting ready to download it now.
I drive a lot and i'll be more than happy to contribute for France ID's
Very good
Please don't forget this is my first version and may have bugs. If you find one (or more, of course), let me know!
Alas, I am not on GSM, but it is fantastic to see you continue to put out fantastic open-source code and tools. Keep up the great work... RT will be built into my ROM always!
Very nice! Will try it on my way to work.
Question: Will it continue to scan when I 'close' the applciation, i.e. put it in the background and use the phone for other tasks, like - äh - doing a phone call or, surfing the web, etc?
Another application using GPS in longer intervals to conserve the battery found out that the initial fixes after the GPS was powered up again (after 3 secs of no GPS usage, the GPS powers down) can be off a bit. I need to check what they did.
Ok, I found a small problem: Although WiFi is enabled and a cell is found, the 'Sent to OpenCellID' menu entry is grayed out.
Question: Does the API actually give you the Cells 'in view' or only the cells the device is connected to? Because the first would only give you the cells of your provider and not those of competitors.
Although, I understand this would be out of your control, as it happens behind the scenes.
How can I send the collected date to the website? This part is always grayed out and not selectable? Still a bug?
xd1936 said:
Alas, I am not on GSM, but it is fantastic to see you continue to put out fantastic open-source code and tools. Keep up the great work... RT will be built into my ROM always!
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Thank you very much
When I exit the app, WiFi gets disabled.
I do have the impression the app stops logging when send to the background, or when the device goes to sleep.
Furthermore my device reacts very sluggish when the app is running in the background.
I hope this feedback helps.
krheinwald said:
Ok, I found a small problem: Although WiFi is enabled and a cell is found, the 'Sent to OpenCellID' menu entry is grayed out.
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This option would be grayed ONLY if your device is not a GSM device. I will release a new version without this rule. I think the test I did is not the same for all devices.
krheinwald said:
Question: Does the API actually give you the Cells 'in view' or only the cells the device is connected to? Because the first would only give you the cells of your provider and not those of competitors.
Although, I understand this would be out of your control, as it happens behind the scenes.
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The API I used only show me the tower I'm connected. I didn't search for triangulation, but it would be a good idea.
Lycox said:
How can I send the collected date to the website? This part is always grayed out and not selectable? Still a bug?
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This option would be grayed ONLY if your device is not a GSM device. I will release a new version without this rule. I think the test I did is not the same for all devices.
krheinwald said:
When I exit the app, WiFi gets disabled.
I do have the impression the app stops logging when send to the background, or when the device goes to sleep.
Furthermore my device reacts very sluggish when the app is running in the background.
I hope this feedback helps.
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Hi Klaus!
There is a debug option you can turn on. With this option the program create a txt file with debug information you could send to me.
Thank you for your tests
I have tested OpenCellClient and have found the following issues:
1. When I am closing the program with the x-Button (top right corner), OpenCellClient is still visible in the process list and use 1,74M of RAM (visible with TaskManager). When closing with the Exit-Button (down right corner) everything is fine. The process/application is not visible in the Taskmanager.
2. When closing the application the WiFi will be disabled also (already found by other users). The debug-Log does not say anything about WiFi.
3. When enabling WiFi (registry key: wifi) the application crashs after starting the scan process. I know that wifi is not yet enabled, but I have tried it .
I have also 2 wishes:
1. I can change the width of the columns, but after restarting the application I have to change the width again. It is possible to save the width of the columns ?
2. All new CellIds should be visible at the beginning of the list, not at the end.
I have a little remark on the way it works.
Currently, when i click start, it opens the table with cell IDs, starts finding etc. Then i click Send and it brings me back to the welcome screen with the progress bar, ok. But after that i'm unable to go back to the table without stopping and restarting
I'd rather have some kind of tabs so i could swap between screens at will, if possible
Otherwise it worked fine, i sent around 50 different IDs today, no problems so far.
kuzco1 said:
I have tested OpenCellClient and have found the following issues:
1. When I am closing the program with the x-Button (top right corner), OpenCellClient is still visible in the process list and use 1,74M of RAM (visible with TaskManager). When closing with the Exit-Button (down right corner) everything is fine. The process/application is not visible in the Taskmanager.
2. When closing the application the WiFi will be disabled also (already found by other users). The debug-Log does not say anything about WiFi.
3. When enabling WiFi (registry key: wifi) the application crashs after starting the scan process. I know that wifi is not yet enabled, but I have tried it .
I have also 2 wishes:
1. I can change the width of the columns, but after restarting the application I have to change the width again. It is possible to save the width of the columns ?
2. All new CellIds should be visible at the beginning of the list, not at the end.
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Thank you kuzco! Everything will be verifyed
Are you using version 1.0 or 1.1?
TrYde said:
I have a little remark on the way it works.
Currently, when i click start, it opens the table with cell IDs, starts finding etc. Then i click Send and it brings me back to the welcome screen with the progress bar, ok. But after that i'm unable to go back to the table without stopping and restarting
I'd rather have some kind of tabs so i could swap between screens at will, if possible
Otherwise it worked fine, i sent around 50 different IDs today, no problems so far.
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Yeah, I know the interface is not good enough But you can see the table using the option Actions/View data.
Thank you for testing!!!
joubertvasc said:
Thank you kuzco! Everything will be verifyed
Are you using version 1.0 or 1.1?
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I was running V1.0, but I have tested now V1.1. The problems still exists.

HOW-TO: iGO8 on TP2 with TTS and Imported Contact POI's

In order to have both TTS and Contact POI's working in iGO8 you're going to need two different versions of iGO8.
FIRST VERSION NEEDED: iGO8 v8.32.64029 (Nov 7 2008)
This version is designed for the PDA, and as such is able to geocode contact information. Install this version with the attached 64029sys.txt
At this point if everything is done correctly, iGO8 should boot normally BUT be VERY slow and unresponsive. This is GOOD! This is iGO8 Geocoding your contacts. Depending on the quantity of contacts with addresses you have, this could take a VERY long time. When it is done you will get a message similar to the following:
Geocoding finished with errors. 38 of 110 addresses found, 72 failed. Do you want to see the details?​
At this point you could see the details of the errors, which will show you all of the addresses that are not entered into Outlook in a iGO8 palatable way. You could just ignore them and be happy with what you have (unlikely), or go back into Outlook, correct the formatting errors, and try again (and continue your suffering).
This can be VERY tedious... iGO is one picky bastard. You might even have to input the addresses into iGO as destinations, see how iGO formats the addresses, and then change the Outlook contacts to match the format iGO uses for a particular address.
I have even heard that contact need to be deleted and reentered into Outlook in the proper iGO8 fashion or you will continue to get errors for particular contacts.
not Blvd. --> Blvd (The little "." will throw an error every time)
not Blvd --> Boulevard ("Usually" iGO dislikes abbreviations)
not N. --> N --> North (This is hit or miss)
NEVER use apt# (just give up and don't try)
NO Suite # (same as above)
If you have to have apt or suite #'s AND you want iGO to geocode, then the only way to get it both ways is to use the "OTHER" address in Outlook to place the iGO friendly address and the correct address in the "Business" or "Home" Outlook address. The ones with apt or suite # will error, but the second addresses in the "Other" address without the apt or suite # will geocode as POI's fine.​
When you are done, you will be left with this little piece of GOLD... YOUR CONTACT POI's FILE ! ! !
You'll want to back this file up somewhere else for safe keeping. We don't want all this hard work to go to waste.
SECOND VERSION NEEDED: iGO8_v8.3.4.102680 (Aug 13 2009)
This is the newest PNA version that does not have the ability to geopcode contact POI's, but it is able to read the gccache.dat file created by the PDA version above AND it is capable of TTS. Install this version with the attached 102680sys.txt
You will need to install this version and simply place the gccache.dat into the iGO/save folder and iGO will do the rest for you.
Now getting iGO8 to reliably run TTS is a different story. TTS requires ALOT of RAM to run. If there is not enough RAM available (~115-120mb), then it will simply refuse to play TTS voice prompts and you will be stuck with standard voice prompts. To free up a good chunk of the necessary RAM install both NOPushInternet_v2.cab and SSK TP2 Dynamic Resource Proxy.cab. To get the rest your available RAM to acceptable levels you will need to disable TF3D, run CleanRAM, and then start iGO.
Sounds complicated? Well, fortunately itsachirpthing over at PPCGeeks has created a nice little script that does just this. The original post can be found HERE. And the original thread can be found HERE. I recommend reading both these original threads. They have additional information to get iGO8 working properly on TP2.
itsachirpthing @ PPCGeeks said:
I have a custom mort script that will turn off TF3D, run CleanRam (I have custom process enabled to exit Opera and Tmail within CleanRam), then run Igo8. Once you are finished with Igo and you exit, TF3D will restart. This took some testing, but this works everytime with the high quality TTS voices. I have had no issues. I have posted the code below, this will work on your device providing that you install CleanRam to your "device" and your IGo program is listed as "\storage card\iGO8\igo8.exe". These HQ TTS voice issues baffled me for months, but now they work consistently without a soft reset.
Again this code will stop TF3D, Run CleanRam, Start Igo... then when you exit iGo it will restart TF3D.
If (manilastate)
RegWriteDword ("HKLM","Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\TouchFLO 3D","Enabled",0)
RunWait("\program files\htcaddicts cleanram\htcaddicts_cleanram.exe")
RunWait("\storage card\iGO8\igo8.exe")
While ( ProcExists("igo8.exe") )
If (manilastate)
RegWriteDword ("HKLM","Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\TouchFLO 3D","Enabled",1)
I have attached the script to run with mort script. I hope others can benfit as well. Good luck and enjoy!
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I have added this iGO script to the MortScript.cab posted here. You need it and CleanRAM.cab. Install both to the device, not the SD Card. Then just click on the Plain iGO Scipt icon in the Start Menu. The script will close TF3D, run CleanRAm, start iGO8, and when iGO8 is exited, it will start TF3D again
Inaddition to the above Script, you will need to install both NOPushInternet_v2.cab AND SSK TP2 Dynamic Resource Proxy.cab
in order to free up enough RAM. But with the above script, CleanRAM, and these two cabs, you should have enough RAM to run TTS of TP2. These CAB's are attached.
The sys.txt files attached are what works for my ATT TP2. It took many hours to find the correct setting for each iGO8 version and I am providing them to make your process easier. If they don't work or you get some other error for what ever reason... I AM PROVIDING NO TECH SUPPORT. This is simply information for your use.
Good Luck!
PS. This works best if you have two micro SD cards. One for each version of iGO. That way if you add new contact address, you can simply pop out one card, geocode the data, and transfer the new gccache.dat file to the other card.
PPS. Once you do get everything working in iGO 8 properly.... DO NOT MESS WITH ANYTHING ANYMORE!!! iGO8 is one finicky bastard and will throw a TTS temper tantrum (refuse to load TTS) if you do... I know ALL TOO WELL!
Thanks for the great info. I have a few questions. The Mortscript seems to run clean RAM, and disable TF3D, but then TF3D starts back up on its own. Is this normal?
Also, is the script supposed to also start iGo, or must this be done manually; script did not start iGo for me.
Thanks again!!
The script is as written above. If the location of iGO8.exe is not where the script is pointed you 'll have issues.
RunWait("\storage card\iGO8\igo8.exe")​
If you do not have a iGO8.exe in the above folder, you'll need to just make a second copy of application.dat in the same folder and rename it iGO8.exe. They are the same file, just different names.
Thanks so much for your help. You were absolutely right, my .exe was in Storage Card/Program Files.
It is working well now.
Unfortunately it didn't make TTS work for me, but I have had problems with it for a LONG time, and never been able to find a fix.
Thanks anyway for everything
cincy1020 said:
Thanks so much for your help. You were absolutely right, my .exe was in Storage Card/Program Files.
It is working well now.
Unfortunately it didn't make TTS work for me, but I have had problems with it for a LONG time, and never been able to find a fix.
Thanks anyway for everything
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Were you using the above mentioned iGO versions? If not... I wouldn't know.
lokmeup said:
In order to have both TTS and Contact POI's working in iGO8 you're going to need two different versions of iGO8.
FIRST VERSION NEEDED: iGO8 v8.32.64029 (Nov 7 2008)
This version is designed for the PDA, and as such is able to geocode contact information. Install this version with the attached 64029sys.txt
At this point if everything is done correctly, iGO8 should boot normally BUT be VERY slow and unresponsive. This is GOOD! This is iGO8 Geocoding your contacts. Depending on the quantity of contacts with addresses you have, this could take a VERY long time. When it is done you will get a message similar to the following:
Geocoding finished with errors. 38 of 110 addresses found, 72 failed. Do you want to see the details?​
At this point you could see the details of the errors, which will show you all of the addresses that are not entered into Outlook in a iGO8 palatable way. You could just ignore them and be happy with what you have (unlikely), or go back into Outlook, correct the formatting errors, and try again (and continue your suffering).
This can be VERY tedious... iGO is one picky bastard. You might even have to input the addresses into iGO as destinations, see how iGO formats the addresses, and then change the Outlook contacts to match the format iGO uses for a particular address.
I have even heard that contact need to be deleted and reentered into Outlook in the proper iGO8 fashion or you will continue to get errors for particular contacts.
not Blvd. --> Blvd (The little "." will throw an error every time)
not Blvd --> Boulevard ("Usually" iGO dislikes abbreviations)
not N. --> N --> North (This is hit or miss)
NEVER use apt# (just give up and don't try)
NO Suite # (same as above)
If you have to have apt or suite #'s AND you want iGO to geocode, then the only way to get it both ways is to use the "OTHER" address in Outlook to place the iGO friendly address and the correct address in the "Business" or "Home" Outlook address. The ones with apt or suite # will error, but the second addresses in the "Other" address without the apt or suite # will geocode as POI's fine.​
When you are done, you will be left with this little piece of GOLD... YOUR CONTACT POI's FILE ! ! !
You'll want to back this file up somewhere else for safe keeping. We don't want all this hard work to go to waste.
SECOND VERSION NEEDED: iGO8_v8.3.4.102680 (Aug 13 2009)
This is the newest PNA version that does not have the ability to geopcode contact POI's, but it is able to read the gccache.dat file created by the PDA version above AND it is capable of TTS. Install this version with the attached 102680sys.txt
You will need to install this version and simply place the gccache.dat into the iGO/save folder and iGO will do the rest for you.
Now getting iGO8 to reliably run TTS is a different story. TTS requires ALOT of RAM to run. If there is not enough RAM available (~115-120mb), then it will simply refuse to play TTS voice prompts and you will be stuck with standard voice prompts. To get your available RAM to acceptable levels you will need to disable TF3D, run CleanRAM, and then start iGO.
Sounds complicated? Well, fortunately itsachirpthing over at PPCGeeks has created a nice little script that does just this. The original post can be found HERE. And the original thread can be found HERE. I recommend reading both these original threads. They have additional information to get iGO8 working properly on TP2.
I have added this iGO script to the MortScript.cab posted here. You need it and CleanRAM.cab. Install both to the device, not the SD Card. Then just click on the Plain iGO Scipt icon in the Start Menu. The script will close TF3D, run CleanRAm, start iGO8, and when iGO8 is exited, it will start TF3D again
The sys.txt files attached are what works for my ATT TP2. It took many hours to find the correct setting for each iGO8 version and I am providing them to make your process easier. If they don't work or you get some other error for what ever reason... I AM PROVIDING NO TECH SUPPORT. This is simply information for your use.
Good Luck!
PS. This works best if you have two micro SD cards. One for each version of iGO. That way if you add new contact address, you can simply pop out one card, geocode the data, and transfer the new gccache.dat file to the other card.
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i tried this and all i have to say is ............THANKS!!!! this is the missing piece to my tilt2...i have asked around and no one seemed competent enough to know what i was talking about until now...the 64029 sys text fixed my intial boot up problem and now IGO is good to go...thanks again. God Bless
thesilentnight said:
i tried this and all i have to say is ............THANKS!!!! this is the missing piece to my tilt2...i have asked around and no one seemed competent enough to know what i was talking about until now...the 64029 sys text fixed my intial boot up problem and now IGO is good to go...thanks again. God Bless
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Your welcome. I am glad my searching, suffering, trial and error have been helpful to others. I felt it would have been a waste of effort, if only my phone was to benefit from the knowledge.
Added both NOPushInternet_v2 and SSK TP2 Dynamic Resource Proxy CAB's...
Need for maximum available free RAM.
lokmeup said:
Were you using the above mentioned iGO versions? If not... I wouldn't know.
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Yes I am using the above mentioned Aug 13th version, but to be honest I have had this same problem since I switches to the R3 versions. Oddly enough, I only get TTS from "Amy", which isn't even a TTS voice, but her voice is limited, and doesn't include things like street names etc... When I try to use "Susan" or "Dave" which are TTS voices, they do not work at all. I have tried a million different TTS packages, as well as sys.txt edits, and still no luck.
I have searched and searched and never been able to fix it.
But anyway, thanks so much for posting your info, I am sure it will help others.
cincy1020 said:
Yes I am using the above mentioned Aug 13th version, but to be honest I have had this same problem since I switches to the R3 versions. Oddly enough, I only get TTS from "Amy", which isn't even a TTS voice, but her voice is limited, and doesn't include things like street names etc... When I try to use "Susan" or "Dave" which are TTS voices, they do not work at all. I have tried a million different TTS packages, as well as sys.txt edits, and still no luck.
I have searched and searched and never been able to fix it.
But anyway, thanks so much for posting your info, I am sure it will help others.
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I recommend reading the threads on PPCGeeks. You might need their recommended BRANDING.ZIP and DATA.ZIP files.
I know it is a pain in the ass... but it can work
but then again it can also stop working right after
Good Luck!
Lokmeup, thanks for the post. I found this by googling Igo8 and contacts... I'm running iGo8 (the most recent pna version) on my Imagio and of course it won't input the contacts.
I plan on following your directions but was wondering if I'll need to keep both versions available and run the PDA version every time I enter a new contact as the PNA version won't import contacts?
I miss the 'navigate to contact' from Tomtom but Tomtom doesn't seem to like the Imagio as it lags out while iGo8 runs fine.
Thanks in advance!
lokmeup said:
PS. This works best if you have two micro SD cards. One for each version of iGO. That way if you add new contact address, you can simply pop out one card, geocode the data, and transfer the new gccache.dat file to the other card.
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Yes, It is best to keep both versions.
lokmeup said:
Yes, It is best to keep both versions.
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Thanks and DOH! Didn't see that part about the other card. The damn SD card on the Imagio is behind the back cover and the cover is a beast to remove. I'll try to keep one internal and one external and see if that works. Thanks again!
Update: iGO 8 v8.3.2.97313 (Jul 3 2009) also works for geocoding. You can have one in main memory and one on your SD card and the one in main memory will geocode for the one on the card.
Thanks again Lokmeup, you gave me back the one function iGO was missing over TT!
Not to be a nay sayer, but why in the world do you need to jump through all these hoops to get TTS to work? My TTS works fine on 102680 with Igo as installed, I'm using the Energy 6.5.1 ROM but it's worked with every ROM I've tried it on?
For all of us obsessed with flashing, a lot of chefs are adding Sense instead of just TF3D. Sense will also cause TTS not to work. I have edited the mscr to disable HTC Sense before launching igo8 (and of course renenabling it upon exiting the program)
Two versions:
One that closes Sense then launches igo
The second closes sense, runs clean ram then launces igo
Personally i hate havng to confirm the cleanup, but your choice. Either one works out for me
IMPORTANT: RENAME file extention .txt -> .mscr (xda does not permit me to upoad mscr files)
marscandybars said:
For all of us obsessed with flashing, a lot of chefs are adding Sense instead of just TF3D. Sense will also cause TTS not to work.
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Unless I'm really confused Energy ROM Phoenix has Sense in it, and it works fine with TTS on my phone without any scripts.
marscandybars said:
For all of us obsessed with flashing, a lot of chefs are adding Sense instead of just TF3D. Sense will also cause TTS not to work. I have edited the mscr to disable HTC Sense before launching igo8 (and of course renenabling it upon exiting the program)
Two versions:
One that closes Sense then launches igo
The second closes sense, runs clean ram then launces igo
Personally i hate havng to confirm the cleanup, but your choice. Either one works out for me
IMPORTANT: RENAME file extention .txt -> .mscr (xda does not permit me to upoad mscr files)
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rename this file and just run it like the cab file I presume ??
Its working with the Sense file. I just went out and try it out. Would you be able to create a Sense file you created for igo mortcript and the htc addicts clean ram v1.8. ? I can see the other file as a shortcut in the start menu? Would you be able to create the same one for the sense version ?

