Hi Guys,
Anyway to start Pocket Outlook Minimised upon soft Reset?
This is extremely necessary since in WM5 it takes ages to start Pocket Outlook.
I tried to configure a GMail count in Pocket Outlook.
I've never been able t omake it word but since then Outlook is not working any more. I can launch it but I can't create any new account : I can't get through the 4/5 Window of the wizard => when I click Next nothing appears
Any idea to resolve this problem ?
I don't want to do a Hard Reset...
Thanks by advance
Is there a way to re-install Pocket Outlook without hard reset ?
Hi Guys,
Anyway to start Pocket Outlook Minimised upon soft Reset?
This is extremely necessary since in WM5 it takes ages to start Pocket Outlook.
I have a strange problem with my tytn. My pocket outlook keep's going on even if I swicting it off( close it with the X) . It doing it so until I reset my device. Very annoying to not be able to switch the Go..them thing off. Why it's doing that for me ?
Thanks for all answers
Do you have an email account being checked periodically? or even an activesync account?
I've installed pocket informant 8.5, in my opinion the best pim available, even if it's a little bit complex.
BTW pocket informant manage the contact too and I'd like to repristinate the original managment of the windows mobile contact program.
How can I do?
Thanks in advance.
From inside Pocket Informant...
My Informant
You can unslect contacts from there, to revert back to the WM contacts
I installed a trial version of Flexmail and later uninstalled it. Now, whenever I look at a contact's history in Pocket Informant and try to look the received emails from that contat, the program insists trying to call Flexmail, allthough it is completely unisntalled from my device (I mean registry keys erased, etc). I would like Pocket Informant to call just the default email program and not other. Any suggestions on how to proceed will be appreciated.