My Exec won't browse GPRS!? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

It did work, but something happened and now it doesnt!? I've reinstalled the file that someone nicely posted, I select Basic etc and it runs through the procedure.
When asked I select UK and PostPay and it then reboots my Exec.
My O2 Active connection seems to work fine and I can browse O2's online Active (pointless) website without problem, however when I try to visit an external URL outside the O2 network, i.e., I just get an error.
Any ideas?

I'm sure Mike wont' mind me posting the Private Message he posted to me, but I've removed the Usernames/Passwords - if anyone wants them, PM either of us.
The funny thing is that upon adding this, I entered 'Mobile Web' as the profiles name, and it stated that this name already existed!? So I wonder if the correct settings ARE in there, but they're hidden/disabled??
These are what I use on my O2 set-up
Start/ Settings Connections Tab, Connections icon, Select Manage existing connection.
On The MY ISP screen select Edit and for the name type MOBILE WEB GPRS, for the modem select Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G) from the drop down box. Press next, Access point name is then press next user name is ###### (or if you want to reduce the web download to speed it up and save some cash use the user name of #####, this prevents graphics etc, password is ####### domain is left blank, press Advanced button, select Servers tab, check the Use specific server address DNS is Alt DNS is press OK top rh select Finish and press YES to save changes - Mike

Few more quick questions actually...
I'm shortly travelling to Barcelona, do I have to...
1. Let O2 know what I'm roaming with Online200?
2. How much will GPRS cost me over there?
Cheers, Ash

Try 0870 600 3009 for Customer Care. It's usually a good idea to check for roaming as there may be restrictions on the account.
I can't recall EU GPRS roaming charges off of the top of my head. Sorry
Have a nice trip though.


GUIDE - Orange UK settings for O2 XDA2

Well, I've been asked by a number of people to share my working settings, that allow my O2 badged XDA2 to fully work for Orange UK, so here goes. Hope it helps and works for you, and any errors etc, I will reply to, and thus this thread should become a fairly exhaustive guide.
The first step is to go into Start > Settings > Connections, and then click on the Connections icon itself.
You should then see a screen, with two main sections, relating to "MY ISP", and lower down, "My Work Network" (don't panic if it says "MMS Network for the lower one - this can be changed by going into the Advanced tab on the lower part of the screen, and choosing from a drop down list).
Start with the "My ISP" section, by clicking on the "Manage existing connections" link.
This will bring a screen up with the existing O2 settings listed. Now this is where you have a choice... You can either set up the orange settings as a NEW set, or you can just EDIT the existing O2 settings to change them to Orange. My instructions are based on a NEW set, which I feel is safer.
So... Click on the word "NEW" and we will work through it.
Firstly, call the connection name "Orange GPRS" without the quotes.
In the "Select a modem" drop down, choose "Cellular Line (GPRS)" <don't miss the GPRS bit there!>
Then we need to click on the "Next" button.
The access point name is "orangeinternet" with no quotes or spaces.
Then click "NEXT" again.
The username, password, domain, can all be left blank, but we need to click the "ADVANCED" button now...
We do not need to alter the TCP/IP settings, but we DO need to alter the Servers, so click on the "SERVERS" tab at the bottom.
Next, click the "Use Specific Server Address" radio button (the second of the two).
And enter the following details:
Alt DNS:
Then click OK, to take you back to the last screen.
And at this point, you can click "FINISH" to create the settings. Well done so far. And then click the OK circle in the top corner, to come out of the "My ISP" settings.
You should now be at the Connections screen, with "My ISP", and "My Work Network" showing. Now we need to click on the "manage existing connections" link under "MY WORK NETWORK" this time, as we have already done the "My ISP" one.
So, click the lower one, "Manage existing connections" and we'll work through this...
A screen will pop up, with the existing O2 WAP network settings shown.
Again, I find it best to create a NEW connection, so click that button now.
Give the connection the name "Orange CSD WAP" (this is the older style dial up one we are doing first, GPRS WAP comes next).
For the modem type, choose "Cellular Line" this time (NOT the gprs version - just simple Cellular Line).
Then. click the "NEXT" button.
Enter the number as "+447973100500" without the quotes, and then click "NEXT"
Right, things get a bit iffy here, because of course, when I went to see what my settings were, the password was asterisked out ****
I THINK I know what it is though, and it seems to both fit and work, so go with my suggestion, but if anyone knows any different, please post it here.
The username is "Orange" without quotes, but I think with a capital O.
The password is "orangemultimedia" all one word, no spaces or caps or quotes - it seems to work for me for MMS (coming later) however, but I never bother with CSD WAP, so haven't put it to a full test.
The Domain can be left blank.
We don't need enter anything more, or any advanced settings, so just click on "FINISH" to complete setting up the older style CSD WAP settings.
We should now be back to the "My work Settings" screen, with your new settings also listed. We need to set up the more usual GPRS WAP now though, so once again, click the "NEW" button to set a new lot up.
Give the connection the name "Orange GPRS WAP" so it's easy to identify, and for modem type choose "Cellular Line (GPRS)" - note the gprs IS chosen this time. Then click the "NEXT" button.
The access point name is "orangewap" all one word without the quotes. Then click "NEXT".
There are no username, passwords, or domain settings to enter, nor any DNS etc, so you can now simply click on "FINISH" to save these settings.
Then you can click the "OK" circle in the corner, to exit the work settings screen.
We are now back to the Connections screen, with "My ISP", and "My Work Network" shown.
We need to set up MMS now, but the screen only shows two connections, so we need to click on the "ADVANCED" tab at the bottom now.
A couple of buttons will now appear, including one that says "SELECT NETWORKS", so click on that now.
Two drop down menus should then appear, and the bottom one will be the "My Work Network" connection. Click on this, to choose instead, "MMS Network", and then click the "EDIT" button to continue.
Now you should see the fairly familiar settings screen, but this time with the O2 settings for MMS or O2 WAP listed.
Click the "NEW" button to continue.
Call the new connection "Orange MMS" without quotes, and the modem type is again "Cellular Line (GPRS)". Then click "NEXT".
The access point name is "orangemms" without spaces or quotes. And then again, click "NEXT".
The username is "Orange", the password I THINK is again "orangemultimedia" all one word, no quotes (if anyone knows different post here, but it seems to work for me).
Once this is entered, there are no advanced settings to configure, so simply click the "FINISH" button to continue on.
You should then be dropped back to the list of MMS settings. Make sure at this point that the new "Orange MMS" item is the one that has the radio button checked.
Now just click the round "OK" button in the corner to continue.
You will be back to the Network Management screen with the two drop down boxes. It is VERY important it seems, at this point, to make sure that for the lower box, you change the drop down item back to "My Work Network" before continuing - so make sure you choose that now for the lower box, and then click the round "OK" button in the corner.
You will then be back to the Connections screen, but on the advanced tab, so click the "TASKS" tab instead to get back to the usual screen, where "MY ISP" should be the top set of options/links, and "My Work Network" should be the lower set.
Go into "Manage existing connections" for each one, respectively, just to check that the radio button is ticked for the ORANGE settings, and not the old O2 ones, for each of these (MY ISP, then My Work Network). (NOTE - Sometimes, for a pass-thru connection using ActiveSync, I find that the option "Auto Pick" needs to be the one checked, so remember where it is now, in case you need come back to it in future).
Once you have made sure it is using the new ORANGE settings for each that you have just created (use the GPRS WAP, not the CSD WAP, for the Work Network connection), then click "OK", "OK", and then the X to come out of this, and back to the Today Screen. At this point we are nearly finished (thank the lord), but we have one last thing to set up, and this is the killer, hidden away and oft forgot about...
Now we need to finally configure an intricate setting within MMS, for it to work properly. To do this, click on the Today screen, to create or view your MMS messages, simply to get the MMS editor to open up.
Once you are within the MMS editor itself, there should be two menu items on the bottom of the screen - NEW, and TOOLS.
Click Tools > Options now.
This will bring you into the Options interface, but on the PREFERENCES tab. We need the "SERVERS" tab, so click on that, at the bottom, now.
There should be only one item, the O2 settings, then listed. I don't know any way to ADD a NEW set, so instead we just click/press on the O2 settings one, to go into that, and make the changes to this set.
Firstly, call the server name "Orange MMS" without the quotes.
The gateway address is vital. It is:
Finally, the server address is "" without the quotes.
Click on "OK" and this will drop you back to the Options screen. Now click on the PREFERENCES tab.
Now we can set this up properly.
"Connect via" should be changed, or read "MMS Network" form the drop down list.
"Connect to server" should be changed, or read, so that it is now the new "Orange MMS" settings.
Retrieve messages immediately should be ticked.
Sending limitations should be 40K I am told (though this seems strange for video messaging).
Depending on whether you have the newest ROM upgrade or not, if you have the new, there will only be one item to change to 40K. If you have an older ROM, you need to set 40K for both the SEND, and the RECEIVE limit.
No. of attempts before aborting seems to be a matter of choice - I tend to use "1" for the option here.
On newer ROMS there is also a box for "Download on home network only". If you tick this, it means you WON'T receive MMS when roaming. I seem to recall before my upgrade last night that this item is not there on older ROMS.
Once you have set this up, click the "OK" circle, then the X to come out of the MMS Editor, back to the Today screen.
And WELL DONE - you are finished.
Try connecting to the Internet on your XDA2, and check that it 'dials' an Orange GPRS connection.
Then try sending and receiving an MMS. And then finally, make sure you have an ActiveSync pass-thru to the internet when the XDA2 is docked on the cradle too.
All being well, you should have a fully functioning XDA2, but using the Orange network to go with your SIM (assuming of course you unlocked it).
I hope this post has been useful (if not very lengthy), and any feedback or amendments, or questions, please post below - though I can't be held liable for any issues that result from it!
I should add that Orange SMS centre number, and Voicemail number, is automatically retrieved from the Netowrk when you have an Orange SIM in.
If you have any problems though, click Start > Settings > Phone, and then the Services tab.
There you can alter the usual stuff like call bariing etc, BUT, if you click the "Get Settings" button, it should retrieve the SMS centre, and voicemail number automatically.
If I have missed anything, just give me a yell...
Thanks very much for the info
I have printed it off and will set up xda
as soon as possible, will let you know how it goes
Thanks again
Bryan whitby
Thanks alot man
No problem guys - but please let me know if they work, or what problems you are having.
Many, many thanks!
Just done everything you've said and it all works fine.
Thank you very much.
Further to the stage 3 mms instructions
I have just upgraded to the latest ROM version ( v1.60.50 - download from It don't know if it's because of the upgrade but:
When you are on the Tools>Options>Servers tab, if you click/press and hold on the O2 settings a menu appears with an option to set up a new set. I have done this and put in the details you specify. When you are back on the Options screen you can then choose the new set of server settings from a drop-down on the Connect to Server box.
I hope this is a small but useful addition to your instructions.
Nice one Grimsacre.
My post was first wrote not long after i had first got my XDA2, so I didn't know much about the tapping and holding option.
But still, even now however, I had not noticed you could do that - well spotted.
So folks, what Grimsacre is saying, is that if you DON'T want to delete the existing O2 MMS server settings (this is within the MMS application itself, in the Tools, Options menu), then if you tap and HOLD on the existing O2 settings you will find as you work through my guide, you will get the option to create a NEW additional set for Orange.
Me personally, I tend to prefer to get all the O2 stuff off the phone when setting it up for Orange, as a Hard reset should get the O2 stuff and settings back if ever you need them again.
But if you like to play it safe, as mentioned in my guide above, THIS bit Grimsacre has discovered will allow you to keep O2 MMS settings,whilst adding a NEW set for Orange.
Cheers again mate.
Many Thanks Shadamehr
Superb Job Shadamehr,
Many thanks. I've only had my XDA II for 4 hours now and after following one set of your instructions posts, and one email from you with advice have now got it unlocked, and all the GPRS, MMS connections with orange working 100%.
Now that's what I call Top Tips.
Your a star!!
Thanks again!!
Re: Many Thanks Shadamehr
New XDA User said:
Superb Job Shadamehr,
Many thanks. I've only had my XDA II for 4 hours now and after following one set of your instructions posts, and one email from you with advice have now got it unlocked, and all the GPRS, MMS connections with orange working 100%.
Now that's what I call Top Tips.
Your a star!!
Thanks again!!
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Not a problem at all mate.
Extra tip for you maybe?
If you download Sprite Backup, a good suggestion is to do a backup of your entire XDA2, at whatever point you feel the 'happy medium'.
By this, I mean that as soon as you get rid of the O2 interface etc, and put the Orange settings on, this could be one possibility, and it means if you need to hard reset or ROM upgrade, you can simply delete the O2 stuff and settings afterwards, Sprite Restore, and have a shiny Orange configured and clean XDA2 in no time.
But if you regularly use certain applications, it might be better to install them on the phone before setting a Restore file.
It's all about balance though - too much stuff, and it can be bloated, too little, and it means more work for you to do after a hard reset.
For me, what I do/have, is all the O2 stuff removed, including settings, the Orange settings added, RingtoneX installed, my ringtones, my contacts database as it was at the time, and my caller id photos, and set up for the caller ID app.
Then I make a save file.
That way, if I need to Hard reset, I can just delete the O2 stuff, and do a restore, and in no time have a clean Orange XDA2, but with all my photos set up for Caller ID.
Then if some contacts are out of date, I just do a sync to my pc, and they are updated, and the calendar added.
Hope this helps too.
Cheers mate.
(OHHHHH - just one thing... When doing a restore using Sprite, DON'T restore any email or sms, as this can corrupt the XDA2 to a unique way whereby you won't be notified of sms you receive, and they won't show up. - so untick the Email/Sms option).
UK OrangeWorld WAP access...
Hi Shadamehr,
I've followed your guide for setting up my XDAII to work with Orange, but I have a problem with WAP access.
I am trying to access the Orange World site by entering wsp:// in IE. At this point it hangs for a very long time. I do get a "Connecting to Orange GPRS WAP" message.
I can access the O2 wap website - wsp://
I have setting as described above, (I think!!!). I am on the latest O2 ROM.
I have "Auto Pick" joghlighted in Connections - should I just select the Orange GPRS WAP selection.
Any help would gratefully be received.
Re: UK OrangeWorld WAP access...
mike_m said:
Hi Shadamehr,
I've followed your guide for setting up my XDAII to work with Orange, but I have a problem with WAP access.
I am trying to access the Orange World site by entering wsp:// in IE. At this point it hangs for a very long time. I do get a "Connecting to Orange GPRS WAP" message.
I can access the O2 wap website - wsp://
I have setting as described above, (I think!!!). I am on the latest O2 ROM.
I have "Auto Pick" joghlighted in Connections - should I just select the Orange GPRS WAP selection.
Any help would gratefully be received.
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Strange mate...
Just tried it, and got the same problem, even though it USED to work for me.
Additionally, I tried it out using my SPV E200, and it worked fine.
Soon as I use the same address on the XDA2 however, and it won't load.
I know the XDA2 has issues with WAP addresses, in that some say they have to be entered in the right manner (wsp etc), but I have never had problems in the past accessing the Orange World site.
Sorry I can't help more.
I bought my imate from kuwait 3 months ago.. put in my orange simm in and thanx to you an dto all those who helped i can access internet and all cuz orange dont support imate.. anyway.. i have a small problem with mms.. i did everything u stated in your steps and changed the settengs in the server taps for orange mms.. but when i go back to the previuos screen where you mentioned i should choose "mms network" in the "connect via" option.. well i dont get "mms network" in the drop down menu.. this what appears in the list (MTC kuwait, My Work Network, My ISP, Work, Secure WAP Network, The WAP Network, The internet).. which one of these should i choose?
I would really appreciate your help..
Thnx in advance
I think its the "My Work Network" if you read the instructions at the top after you do the MMS settings it says its important to select that one, hopefully that's the stage you are on.
I've pasted the bit below for you, I hope thats the relevant piece you need.
"You should then be dropped back to the list of MMS settings. Make sure at this point that the new "Orange MMS" item is the one that has the radio button checked.
Now just click the round "OK" button in the corner to continue.
You will be back to the Network Management screen with the two drop down boxes. It is VERY important it seems, at this point, to make sure that for the lower box, you change the drop down item back to "My Work Network" before continuing - so make sure you choose that now for the lower box, and then click the round "OK" button in the corner."
i tried all in the drop down menu including my work network.. still no luck ..
plz help
Can I clarify...
If you click the start button as it were, on the today screen, then go to Settings > Connections (tab) > Connections (icon),
Then click on ADVANCED tab, then the Select Netowrks button, can you THEN choose MMS Network from the list of items in the drop down boxes.
If you CAN, then you should also be able to select this in the MMS Application itself, and the point you say you can't choose this.
If you CAN'T see it listed however, this means there are no settings for MMS on the device, so you have missed some of the steps from my instructions earlier on...
Have a look, and let me know.
More Orange settings!
As you are the font of all knowledge re Orange I thought I'd ask you for some more advice. I've set up my xda2 to use Orange and all is working well. I'm using gprs to connect to the web.
Being a cheapskate and seeing as how I am on a monthly tariff with inclusive minutes that I generally do not use up completely, I thought that it would be handy to use the normal cellular line instead of the gprs connection. I know the connection will be slower but I will save a bit of money!
Of course I do not know the phone number, username, password etc. I've tried using the wap phone number and experimenting with different usernames and passwords but to no avail.
Any ideas, O Wise One?
Re: More Orange settings!
grimsacre said:
As you are the font of all knowledge re Orange I thought I'd ask you for some more advice. I've set up my xda2 to use Orange and all is working well. I'm using gprs to connect to the web.
Being a cheapskate and seeing as how I am on a monthly tariff with inclusive minutes that I generally do not use up completely, I thought that it would be handy to use the normal cellular line instead of the gprs connection. I know the connection will be slower but I will save a bit of money!
Of course I do not know the phone number, username, password etc. I've tried using the wap phone number and experimenting with different usernames and passwords but to no avail.
Any ideas, O Wise One?
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If you mean "how to set up old fashioned CSD WAP", then it's already covered in my post above...
You should now be at the Connections screen, with "My ISP", and "My Work Network" showing. Now we need to click on the "manage existing connections" link under "MY WORK NETWORK" this time, as we have already done the "My ISP" one.
So, click the lower one, "Manage existing connections" and we'll work through this...
A screen will pop up, with the existing O2 WAP network settings shown.
Again, I find it best to create a NEW connection, so click that button now.
Give the connection the name "Orange CSD WAP" (this is the older style dial up one we are doing first, GPRS WAP comes next).
For the modem type, choose "Cellular Line" this time (NOT the gprs version - just simple Cellular Line).
Then. click the "NEXT" button.
Enter the number as "+447973100500" without the quotes, and then click "NEXT"
Right, things get a bit iffy here, because of course, when I went to see what my settings were, the password was asterisked out ****
I THINK I know what it is though, and it seems to both fit and work, so go with my suggestion, but if anyone knows any different, please post it here.
The username is "Orange" without quotes, but I think with a capital O.
The password is "orangemultimedia" all one word, no spaces or caps or quotes - it seems to work for me for MMS (coming later) however, but I never bother with CSD WAP, so haven't put it to a full test.
The Domain can be left blank.
We don't need enter anything more, or any advanced settings, so just click on "FINISH" to complete setting up the older style CSD WAP settings.
Bear in mind, that using CSD WAP, it's meant for WAP only, and as the XDA2 browser is a full HTML based browser, you might have big issues with sites that are NOT specifically pure WAP.
And if this is NOT what you meant, can you elaborate a bit better what setting you do mean?
CSD browsing
Sorry mate, I probably wasn't too clear in my last post.
I set up CSD wap as you instructed ( thank you ). I would like to be able to use full html web browsing but using CSD rather than gprs. This would allow me to use minutes from my normal monthly contract tariff instead of paying for the add-on gprs data.
I used to use a device called a Pogo - a really good fast full web browsing device (and British!) but unfortunately the company went bust. The browsing was fast, even on a normal gsm connection, because they used a server to compress the data before sending it on to your Pogo device.
If Orange have an access number for WAP, I thought they might have a number for full browsing. What I guess I'm after is not "old fashioned CSD WAP" but rather "old fashioned CSD full html browsing".
Oh right I see mate.
Well in that case, I'm not sure there is one. Indeed, I am not sure if I know of one for any network.
As the XDA2, a bit like a smartphone, is a bit unique in having a combined wap and html browser as one.
I'm just trying to get my head round it, and relate it to a nokia 6230 with inbuilt combined WAP and xHTML browser.
And in so doing, I've just realised that I never had cause or reason to ever use dial up 'wap' so as to be able to see if it allowed the loading up of html pages too. Mmmm.
You've got me curious now.
CSD browsing
I haven't used CSD wap either ( I set it up as you advised but have always been html browsing using gprs and have not used wap on the xda).
I have now tried to use CSD wap and have not been able to connect - I get a message telling me that my username or password is incorrect.
I had a chat with Orange support a little while back about connecting to Orangeworld wap and they gave me the same username and password as you did (ie Orange and orangemultimedia). I have another phone (Motorola v500) that connects to Orangeworld wap, using the same username and password, and that works. Strange!

XDA2s and Emails on PAYG O2

Hello All,
Im relatively new to all this so please take it easy on me .
I have recently purchased an XDA2s and am awaiting delivery. I am planning on using an O2 PAYG sim with it (300 texts or 100 any network calls).
I have contacted O2 and have been informed that I will get the net etc on it, but as far as emails are concerned I will not be able to retrieve emails from a pop3 box or send them ( unless sent as a normal email in which case my phone number would appear ).
Could anyone tell me if this is 100% true or if there is indeed a bypass which would allow me to send and recieve emails from a or more pop3 box(s) without the need to go contract.
Thank you, Regards,
goldeagle said:
Hello All,
Im relatively new to all this so please take it easy on me .
I have recently purchased an XDA2s and am awaiting delivery. I am planning on using an O2 PAYG sim with it (300 texts or 100 any network calls).
I have contacted O2 and have been informed that I will get the net etc on it, but as far as emails are concerned I will not be able to retrieve emails from a pop3 box or send them ( unless sent as a normal email in which case my phone number would appear ).
Could anyone tell me if this is 100% true or if there is indeed a bypass which would allow me to send and recieve emails from a or more pop3 box(s) without the need to go contract.
Thank you, Regards,
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It is true what they say, on O2 contract you have to connect to the 'mobile web' via GPRS to send and receive emails but on O2 pay as you go you cannot do this. The best thing you can do is sod the O2 pay as you go and join Orange's pay as you go equivalent -300 texts, 1 MB free GPRS per month for a 10 quid top up per month (same as O2), you can send and receive pop emails and connect to the proper web and also choose to have unlimited GPRS for 24 hrs (12pm to 11.59pm) for 1 pound a go.
Hi Padlad,
Thanks for your prompt reply. I am currently unsure on whether the XDA2s I am due to get is currently unlocked. I am also a little untrusting shops ( when it comes to this much monies worth ). How would I unlock it if it turned out not to be already unlocked to all networks?
And also where would the settings be so I could use all the services such as email, web, msn messenger etc etc on the orange PAYG network.
goldeagle said:
Hi Padlad,
Thanks for your prompt reply. I am currently unsure on whether the XDA2s I am due to get is currently unlocked. I am also a little untrusting shops ( when it comes to this much monies worth ). How would I unlock it if it turned out not to be already unlocked to all networks?
And also where would the settings be so I could use all the services such as email, web, msn messenger etc etc on the orange PAYG network.
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There is a small program on this site that will unlock your xda2s, just do a search for it and have a good read about how to do it! As for the settings these are the ones i used, i did not write these, i got them from this site:
The first step is to go into Start > Settings > Connections, and then click on the Connections icon itself.
You should then see a screen, with two main sections, relating to "MY ISP", and lower down, "My Work Network" (don't panic if it says "MMS Network for the lower one - this can be changed by going into the Advanced tab on the lower part of the screen, and choosing from a drop down list).
Start with the "My ISP" section, by clicking on the "Manage existing connections" link.
This will bring a screen up with the existing O2 settings listed. Now this is where you have a choice... You can either set up the orange settings as a NEW set, or you can just EDIT the existing O2 settings to change them to Orange. My instructions are based on a NEW set, which I feel is safer.
So... Click on the word "NEW" and we will work through it.
Firstly, call the connection name "Orange GPRS" without the quotes.
In the "Select a modem" drop down, choose "Cellular Line (GPRS)" <don't miss the GPRS bit there!>
Then we need to click on the "Next" button.
The access point name is "orangeinternet" with no quotes or spaces.
Then click "NEXT" again.
The username, password, domain, can all be left blank, but we need to click the "ADVANCED" button now...
We do not need to alter the TCP/IP settings, but we DO need to alter the Servers, so click on the "SERVERS" tab at the bottom.
Next, click the "Use Specific Server Address" radio button (the second of the two).
And enter the following details:
Alt DNS:
Then click OK, to take you back to the last screen.
And at this point, you can click "FINISH" to create the settings. Well done so far. And then click the OK circle in the top corner, to come out of the "My ISP" settings.
You should now be at the Connections screen, with "My ISP", and "My Work Network" showing. Now we need to click on the "manage existing connections" link under "MY WORK NETWORK" this time, as we have already done the "My ISP" one.
So, click the lower one, "Manage existing connections" and we'll work through this...
A screen will pop up, with the existing O2 WAP network settings shown.
Again, I find it best to create a NEW connection, so click that button now.
Give the connection the name "Orange CSD WAP" (this is the older style dial up one we are doing first, GPRS WAP comes next).
For the modem type, choose "Cellular Line" this time (NOT the gprs version - just simple Cellular Line).
Then. click the "NEXT" button.
Enter the number as "+447973100500" without the quotes, and then click "NEXT"
Right, things get a bit iffy here, because of course, when I went to see what my settings were, the password was asterisked out ****
I THINK I know what it is though, and it seems to both fit and work, so go with my suggestion, but if anyone knows any different, please post it here.
The username is "Orange" without quotes, but I think with a capital O.
The password is "orangemultimedia" all one word, no spaces or caps or quotes - it seems to work for me for MMS (coming later) however, but I never bother with CSD WAP, so haven't put it to a full test.
The Domain can be left blank.
We don't need enter anything more, or any advanced settings, so just click on "FINISH" to complete setting up the older style CSD WAP settings.
We should now be back to the "My work Settings" screen, with your new settings also listed. We need to set up the more usual GPRS WAP now though, so once again, click the "NEW" button to set a new lot up.
Give the connection the name "Orange GPRS WAP" so it's easy to identify, and for modem type choose "Cellular Line (GPRS)" - note the gprs IS chosen this time. Then click the "NEXT" button.
The access point name is "orangewap" all one word without the quotes. Then click "NEXT".
There are no username, passwords, or domain settings to enter, nor any DNS etc, so you can now simply click on "FINISH" to save these settings.
Then you can click the "OK" circle in the corner, to exit the work settings screen.
We are now back to the Connections screen, with "My ISP", and "My Work Network" shown.
We need to set up MMS now, but the screen only shows two connections, so we need to click on the "ADVANCED" tab at the bottom now.
A couple of buttons will now appear, including one that says "SELECT NETWORKS", so click on that now.
Two drop down menus should then appear, and the bottom one will be the "My Work Network" connection. Click on this, to choose instead, "MMS Network", and then click the "EDIT" button to continue.
Now you should see the fairly familiar settings screen, but this time with the O2 settings for MMS or O2 WAP listed.
Click the "NEW" button to continue.
Call the new connection "Orange MMS" without quotes, and the modem type is again "Cellular Line (GPRS)". Then click "NEXT".
The access point name is "orangemms" without spaces or quotes. And then again, click "NEXT".
The username is "Orange", the password I THINK is again "orangemultimedia" all one word, no quotes (if anyone knows different post here, but it seems to work for me).
Once this is entered, there are no advanced settings to configure, so simply click the "FINISH" button to continue on.
You should then be dropped back to the list of MMS settings. Make sure at this point that the new "Orange MMS" item is the one that has the radio button checked.
Now just click the round "OK" button in the corner to continue.
You will be back to the Network Management screen with the two drop down boxes. It is VERY important it seems, at this point, to make sure that for the lower box, you change the drop down item back to "My Work Network" before continuing - so make sure you choose that now for the lower box, and then click the round "OK" button in the corner.
You will then be back to the Connections screen, but on the advanced tab, so click the "TASKS" tab instead to get back to the usual screen, where "MY ISP" should be the top set of options/links, and "My Work Network" should be the lower set.
Go into "Manage existing connections" for each one, respectively, just to check that the radio button is ticked for the ORANGE settings, and not the old O2 ones, for each of these (MY ISP, then My Work Network). (NOTE - Sometimes, for a pass-thru connection using ActiveSync, I find that the option "Auto Pick" needs to be the one checked, so remember where it is now, in case you need come back to it in future).
Once you have made sure it is using the new ORANGE settings for each that you have just created (use the GPRS WAP, not the CSD WAP, for the Work Network connection), then click "OK", "OK", and then the X to come out of this, and back to the Today Screen. At this point we are nearly finished (thank the lord), but we have one last thing to set up, and this is the killer, hidden away and oft forgot about...
Now we need to finally configure an intricate setting within MMS, for it to work properly. To do this, click on the Today screen, to create or view your MMS messages, simply to get the MMS editor to open up.
Once you are within the MMS editor itself, there should be two menu items on the bottom of the screen - NEW, and TOOLS.
Click Tools > Options now.
This will bring you into the Options interface, but on the PREFERENCES tab. We need the "SERVERS" tab, so click on that, at the bottom, now.
There should be only one item, the O2 settings, then listed. I don't know any way to ADD a NEW set, so instead we just click/press on the O2 settings one, to go into that, and make the changes to this set.
Firstly, call the server name "Orange MMS" without the quotes.
The gateway address is vital. It is:
Finally, the server address is "" without the quotes.
Click on "OK" and this will drop you back to the Options screen. Now click on the PREFERENCES tab.
Now we can set this up properly.
"Connect via" should be changed, or read "MMS Network" form the drop down list.
"Connect to server" should be changed, or read, so that it is now the new "Orange MMS" settings.
Retrieve messages immediately should be ticked.
Sending limitations should be 40K I am told (though this seems strange for video messaging).
Depending on whether you have the newest ROM upgrade or not, if you have the new, there will only be one item to change to 40K. If you have an older ROM, you need to set 40K for both the SEND, and the RECEIVE limit.
No. of attempts before aborting seems to be a matter of choice - I tend to use "1" for the option here.
On newer ROMS there is also a box for "Download on home network only". If you tick this, it means you WON'T receive MMS when roaming. I seem to recall before my upgrade last night that this item is not there on older ROMS.
Once you have set this up, click the "OK" circle, then the X to come out of the MMS Editor, back to the Today screen.
And WELL DONE - you are finished.
Try connecting to the Internet on your XDA2, and check that it 'dials' an Orange GPRS connection.
Then try sending and receiving an MMS. And then finally, make sure you have an ActiveSync pass-thru to the internet when the XDA2 is docked on the cradle too.
All being well, you should have a fully functioning XDA2, but using the Orange network to go with your SIM (assuming of course you unlocked it).
I hope this post has been useful (if not very lengthy), and any feedback or amendments, or questions, please post below - though I can't be held liable for any issues that result from it!
I should add that Orange SMS centre number, and Voicemail number, is automatically retrieved from the Netowrk when you have an Orange SIM in.
If you have any problems though, click Start > Settings > Phone, and then the Services tab.
There you can alter the usual stuff like call bariing etc, BUT, if you click the "Get Settings" button, it should retrieve the SMS centre, and voicemail number automatically.
Just saw this posted for the unlock software:
Excellent . Although the link at the bottom there when followed put me off a little when it read MIGHT BREAK IT etc etc.
Im not exactly sure which one mine is. I know its the XDA2s but is it wallaby, alpine etc etc ??????? :?:
Im just going to have to hope that this phone is indeed unlocked. lol. Many thanks again, im just off now Sim card hunting
the device will be locked by default, however the all in one unlocking tool in the upgrading section should help sort that out.
Not to worry about this thread anymore.
I unlocked it on saturday ( i think it was ) evening. The unlocking tool worked a treat.
I am now trying to help a friend find an XDA2s with the same rom and radio versions as well as model number, only because I know the unlocking tool works for mine.
many regards to both of you for your help.

GPRS & MMS settings for Vodafone NZ

Hi New Zealanders or travellers to NZ.
Below are the instructions for setting up your GPRS and MMS settings in WM6.1 for the Vodafone network in New Zealand. Getting these settings to work on my HTC Wizard has been a big mission and has basically come down to trial and error. Using these settings, you will have a GPRS connection when you are out of WiFi range, and you will be able to send and recieve MMS/PXT without problem.
The manual step by step instructions on the Vodafone NZ website for the i-Mate K-JAM didn't work, and their mobile portal where the settings can be SMS'd to your phone didn't come through to mine (despite SMS working perfectly well when sending and receiving from others). Also, no other resource was any help either (even going in to the Vodafone store resulted in shruggs from the staff who basically said "you bought it overseas, we don't support that phone, we can't help you" - dicks).
So, I've assumed I'm not the only other one out there having a nightmare with VFNZ settings and have decided to give something back to the site that has helped me so much (thanks xda-developers!).
Assuming you don't have any settings existing in your phone (maybe a hard-reset is a good idea to clear everything first), these settings should work like a charm.
Setting up GPRS (Internet access)
1. On the handset, tap on the Start button.
2. Tap on Settings.
3. Tap on Connections tab.
4. Tap on the Connections Icon.
5. Tap on Add a new modem connection under My ISP.
6. Enter VFNZ Internet in the Enter a name for the connection field.
7. Select Cellular Line (GPRS) in the drop down list of Select a modem.
8. Tap Next.
9. Enter in the Access point name field.
10. Tap Next.
11. Leave the User name field blank.
12. Leave the Password & Domain fields blank.
13. Tap Advanced.
14. Select Use server-assigned IP address.
15. Tap OK.
16. Tap Finish.
Setting up MMS/PXT
1. On the handset, tap on the Start button.
2. Tap on Settings.
3. Tap on Connections tab.
4. Tap on the Connections icon.
5. Under My Work Network, tap on Add a new modem connection.
6. Enter Vodafone MMS in the Enter a name for the connection field.
7. Select Cellular Line (GPRS) in the drop down list of Select a modem.
8. Tap Next.
9. Enter in the Access point name field. Tap Next.
10. Enter 'voda' in the User name field.
11. Enter 'fone' in the Password field and leave the Domain field blank.
12. Tap Advanced.
13. Select Use server-assigned IP address. Tap OK.
14. Tap Finish.
15. Tap on the Proxy Settings tab. Make sure the two boxes are unticked.
16. Tap OK 3 times to get back to the today screen.
17. Push the on the handset Messaging button.
18. Tap on Menu which is located at the bottom right corner.
19. Tap on Options.
20. Tap on MMS to bring up the MMS Configuration.
21. Tap on the Servers tab.
22. Tap on the New button.
23. Enter VFNZ MMS in the Server name field.
24. Enter in the Gateway field.
25. Enter 9201 Port number field.
26. Enter in the Server Address field.
27. Select My Work Network in the Connect via drop down selection.
28. Select WAP 1.2 in the WAP Version drop down selection.
29. Tap on OK.
30. Select VFNZ MMS in the MMS Configuration list.
31. Tap on Set As Default.
32. Tap OK 3 times to get back to the Today screen.
And there you have it. I believe you need to actually send an MMS message to someone before you are able to start receiving them, so make sure you do that after configuring the phone. Good luck!
You are my hero. Ive been trying for 2 months since I got one of these phones to get the settings working. Even the guy at the local Vodafone shop had NO clue what he was doing.
Awesome stuff
My pleasure, glad to help someone out
Cheers mate. This has been bugging me big time.
Hi micool_nz
I am using samsung Omnia mobile in NZ bought from singapore. It has got windows mobile 6.1 OS. I have been trying to set up the MMS configuration in my mobile but failed. Even now, I followed your suggestions and didnt get it to work for some reason. It keeps on saying me could not send MMS msg. Kindly help. I have options for WAP 1.0 ,WAP 2.0 or none as options and not WAP 1.2 in my mobile. Also, in step 22. I cant find server tab, instead I have sending, receiving, profile, compose and about tabs. In profile tab, I have 2 options - set profile as default or edit profile. When I go add new profile and followed your suggestions as below
MMS Profile - VFNZ MMS
Data Connections - Among the options vodafone MMS and Vodafone, I selected vodafone as that is my network name. But tried with both and didnt work.
Gateway - WAP 1.0 or WAP 2.0 tried both but didnt work
IP Address -
Port - 9201
Despite of following all the above settings, my MMS is not working.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Samsung Omnia
Hi vbrsekhar
Did you get your internet sorted? I have been struggling for more than a month to get connected to the internet with my Omnia.
I have tried the GPRS settings as described here, but it is still not connecting.
I get this error message. "Dialed: www .vodafone. net. nz Cannot connect for unknown reason. To check your connection settings...".
Vodafone nz can't help. Samsung omnia is not supported by them. I have tried another network with different setting of course, and it works fine.
Hi Guys,
Try the settings in this CAB file, it automatically updates all NZ Vodafone settings.
The only thing I have currently found is an odd MMS problem with WM 6.5 not automatically being set up through this cab however you should be able to add it sucessfully the manual way as described above.
And don't bother with asking the Vodafone storeclerks they're hired just to sell phones, i've run into problems trying to get data plans loaded (they didn't even know what the phone was )
No Start\Settings\Connections
Hi guys
Thanks for the CAB file enclave.
I got a HTC HD2 in Australia locked to Telstra, I want to use it on Vodafone here in NZ. I have made some reg edits to get rid of some Telstra stuff, and have installed this cab file above which unlocked a few things, but still can not get the "Start\Settings\Connections" dialogue to come up.
Anybody know where in the registry I can turn this menu item back on?
I hit START, I hit the cog shaped SETTINGS icon, I get a Blue Settings menu, which has WIRELESS CONTROLS and DATA SERVICES but nothing about CONNECTIONS.
I want to set up VODAFONE MMS in the My Work Network but can't find it!
Try automatic configuration on the HD2
starboynz said:
Hi guys
I hit START, I hit the cog shaped SETTINGS icon, I get a Blue Settings menu, which has WIRELESS CONTROLS and DATA SERVICES but nothing about CONNECTIONS.
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Hi Matt,
I too now have an HTC HD2 (International Version) and I found there is an easy way for the settings to be configured automatically from the Vodafone network. This should work for you too, unless the Telstra version of the HD2 has some network locks.
On the Blue settings menu you described where you saw Wireless Controls and Data Services, down the bottom right there should be a Menu option. Tap on that and select All Settings. From there, tap on Connections, then tap on Connection Setup.
All going well you should have two drop down lists. One with the Country (change it to New Zealand if it isn't already selected) and the second one with Operator (select Vodafone NZ if it isn't already selected). Tap on the OK option on the bottom left and the correct settings (including MMS/PXT settings) will be automatically downloaded to your phone from the VF network.
It worked a treat for me on my HD2. See how you go
Hi Mike,
Thanks for that.
There is a MENU button and it does have a CONNECTIONS tab on it but it doesn't take me to a CONNECTION SETUP, just to the
Add a new modem connection
Add a new VPN server connection
Set up my proxy server
Manage existing connections​
menu, I might try adding the vodafone MMS settings you suggeste in your initial post here and see how it flies....
...oops, we reached our limit.
Fingers too fat to type on the thing, too many hours spent in set up, it is going back to the shop.
Bye everybody, thanks for help, peace and love.
You are actually my personal jesus, thank you so much for these settings.
Hi Guys,
Any chance of a Cab for UK Vodafone setting. Tried to edit reg but cant Unlock MMS Server For Change..
Help welcome

Unable to connect to the internet on Vodafone

I bought a Generic unbranded X1. I put my Vodafone SIM in it and did a hard reset as Vodafone have suggested. When it has finished setting up and downloaded the settings from Vodafone I still cannot access the internet in either IE or Opera. I have searched the internet and tried changing the settings but still get nothing.
Can someone please give me a list of all the settings I need so that I can manually set up the connection.
By the way it's a Dutch Vodafone SIM but that makes no difference as internet was working on my P1 and the ANP and user name and password are the same.
same problem, tried the given settings from the vodafone site (business contract).
no results. waiting for a sollution.
ps. my t-mobile SIM works okay.
groet, Steven
This is the daft thing. I put my UK O2 SIM in and everything works fine.
Why is it that Vodafone have to screw everything up. Surely it can't be that complicated.
EdLow said:
I bought a Generic unbranded X1. I put my Vodafone SIM in it and did a hard reset as Vodafone have suggested. When it has finished setting up and downloaded the settings from Vodafone I still cannot access the internet in either IE or Opera. I have searched the internet and tried changing the settings but still get nothing.
Can someone please give me a list of all the settings I need so that I can manually set up the connection.
By the way it's a Dutch Vodafone SIM but that makes no difference as internet was working on my P1 and the ANP and user name and password are the same.
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In order to access Vodafone live you will need the Wap settings below;
1. From the main display Tap the Start tab.
2. Tap on Settings.
3. Tap the Connections Tab at the bottom of the Screen.
4. Tap on Connections Icon.
5. Tap on the Advanced Tab
6. Tap Select Networks
7. Under the top drop-down box tap New…
8. Enter My Gprs as the name
9. Tap the Modem Tab, and then tap New…
10. In the Enter a name for the connection in the box, Enter Vodafone WAP.
11. In the Select a modem Box, tap the Arrow icon, Tap Cellular line (GPRS, 3G).
12. Tap Next.
13. In the Access point name Box, and enter:
If you are a Pay monthly customer:
If you are a Pay as you Talk customer:
14. Tap Next.
15. In the User Name Box, Enter wap
16. In the password Box, Enter wap
17. The Domain should be left blank
18. Tap Finish.
19. Tap OK in the top right hand corner of the screen.
20. Now it should say My Gprs in the top drop-down box, tap ok.
21. Tap the Tasks tab,and it should now say My Gprs in black at the top of the screen,Tap
22. Press Start
23. Tap Internet Explorer
24. Tap Favourites
25. Tap Add / Delete
26. Tap Add….
27. At Name enter a name for the homepage e.g. Vodafone live!
28. Tap Address (URL) and enter the homepage URL e.g.
29. Tap Add
30. Tap Favourites
31. Tap the new Homepage e.g. Vodafone live!
32. Tap Menu
33. Tap Tools
34. Tap Options
35. Tap Use Current
The best thing to do is to delete the vf settings (there's a reg key that you change to enable them to be edited on this very forum) and then start again from Scratch.
HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Destinations\<Account> and then modify the ReadOnly key to 0.
One of the main problems is the stock setting of "my isp" by VF, this seems to screw up connect via "the internet" which is what quite a few progs are looking for.
Disable all proxies and check to see if the advanced network settings uses chap rather than pap.
Personally I got rid of all the PAYT stuff and the wap, I never bother with either microsoft or vodafone live services.
Other option is to flash to an unbranded rom..
kirkie said:
In order to access Vodafone live you will need the Wap settings below;
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except that they are in the Netherlands. Read the posts carefully.
artesea said:
except that they are in the Netherlands. Read the posts carefully.
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Appreciate that, but he mentioned something about it doesn't matter that it is a Dutch Vodafone sim. Just trying to be helpful....
Also I suggest using (for VodaUK)
Access point name: internet
User Name Box: web
Password: web
You get more applications running over the internet APN, only thing which won't work is the Vodafone Live homepage, which is pointless anyway.
Hi Guys,
Had the same problem - until I read something on this forum earlier.
Try this:
Go to: Start --> Settings --> Connections --> Advanced Networking
And change the band from HSUPA/HSDPA to GPRS. Then soft-reset.
The connection settings (as on the website unchanged) from vodafone should now work.. (did for me).
You can then change it back to HSDPA or HSUPA/HSDPA (and it should still work)..
YES at last, you are a star. That has at least got me getting a connection.
My panels update themselves so I know that the phone is receiving data.
My only problem now is that I cannot load any internet pages either in Opera or IE. Windows Live will not let me sign in and neither will MSN Messenger.
No worries - had the same issue on my Dutch X1i.
Do your panels run in the background? It seems mine terminate (i.e. if I activate FB, then switch to the fish, the FB panel terminates).
On your connecting, had that problem with my Kaiser - until I worked out that the Connections applet under Settings-->Connections-->Connections is fussy.
Make sure you have your GPRS settings in "My ISP", and that My ISP is selected under "Select Networks" for "prgrams that use internet".
If you are using a proxy, you'll notice that you can't get a proxy under "My ISP". Don't ask me why MS did this
Set the proxy settings under "My Work" (without a GPRS Modem connection under "My Work". I think it defaults to use the modem connection under "My ISP".
All other permutations (creating your own set of settings under "Select Networks", using a mix of own/My Work/My ISP, proved to be unreliable. Took me months to work that out.
Good luck, let me know the above needs clarification.
Thank you very much Calvin. That has got it all working perfectly.
By the way I have the same problem with the Facebook panel. If you navigate away from the Facebook panel by selecting another panel then it logs you out, however if you just start IE, Opera or Windows Live over the top of the panel then it keeps you logged in.
EdLow said:
Thank you very much Calvin. That has got it all working perfectly.
By the way I have the same problem with the Facebook panel. If you navigate away from the Facebook panel by selecting another panel then it logs you out, however if you just start IE, Opera or Windows Live over the top of the panel then it keeps you logged in.
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Nice - only a pleasure
Yeah, I noticed that too so it seems the panels API replaces the today screen with an overlay when you choose a "panel", which is probably why you can have either Today or Radio or Dashwire. Lol.
Ah well, still quite a functional interface I think.
Proxy server
To all of you: if you just switch of the proxy server of your Vodafone Live! connection then all problems are gone. Only thing is you cant't access the Vodafone Life! pages, but who cares about that.
PedrooNL said:
To all of you: if you just switch of the proxy server of your Vodafone Live! connection then all problems are gone. Only thing is you cant't access the Vodafone Life! pages, but who cares about that.
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And if you set the proxy server as part of the Work Network, then everything works.. Problem originates (*I think*) where Windows Mobile wants to use "My ISP" regardless of what you set in Connections-->Select Networks. So unless you know the relevant Reg Hack(s), ur effectively stuffed. This might be especially true for things like Messenger.
Drove me nuts for MONTHS. I'm happy to say that mine works now (vodafone live, internet, all applications, everything etc).
Anyhoo, just thinking out the box, setting the proxy server together with your ISP settings (e.g. settings bundle "Vodafone Live!" together with Proxy IP) might very well route all your internet traffic through the Vodafone Network (and presumably firewall, thus protecting your device from e.g. Malware on the 'net.
Ah well, since that doesn't work cause WinMo is fussy, I run Trend Micro as well - Windows Mobile.
I attempted to use the GPRS cab fix (which turns out to be german settings) and consequently screwed my gprs/3g/hsdpa settings.
Im a vodafone UK customer, wondering if any other Voda UK customers could share all their settings (MMS, gprs/3g/hsdpa) so any other fools like me could attempt to reset the settings!
arsen said:
I attempted to use the GPRS cab fix (which turns out to be german settings) and consequently screwed my gprs/3g/hsdpa settings.
Im a vodafone UK customer, wondering if any other Voda UK customers could share all their settings (MMS, gprs/3g/hsdpa) so any other fools like me could attempt to reset the settings!
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Have a look at the settings I posted earlier if that will help, if not log onto the Vodafone forum and ask there as they seem to be quite helpful...
arsen said:
I attempted to use the GPRS cab fix (which turns out to be german settings) and consequently screwed my gprs/3g/hsdpa settings.
Im a vodafone UK customer, wondering if any other Voda UK customers could share all their settings (MMS, gprs/3g/hsdpa) so any other fools like me could attempt to reset the settings!
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You would think they would be easy 2 find on but check kirkie's post (#3).
My suggestion is delete all settings you can find in "Connections", and start again with My ISP, using the settings (e.g. connection name, Proxy IP address etc).
Keep in mind though, that there is a low chance that hidden settings were changed (which are only accesible through the Reg). In short trying to find what it changed might be a mission and a hard reset might be your easiest option (the fix cab may have altered settings in ur Reg like hidden proxy switch etc etc). The time spent re-installing is peanuts compared to trying to work out what it changed
I know I know - but it happened to me as I tried the same with AT&T fix cabs and sat screwed for a week or so.
yeah i followed what kirkie listed, although it still seems to attempt to dial a VFDE connection (german), and the connections list i can access doesnt seem to be the full list (theres still some german connections somewhere else i cant access)
might just have todo a reset. pain in the arse tbh, got it all setup how i like lol.
anyone know how to go about a hard reset?
else anyone figured out how to edit the registry connection entries?
i rang vodafone requesting the settings to be sent to me, although when trying to install them i just get an error.
well, no thanks to activesync, but lots of thanks to dashwire ...
hard reset and restore using dashwire made my life nice and easy.. only took 5 mins to reinstall all the little apps/panel's i'd aquired.
thanks for the help anyway guys

Email Setup/Connection Problem

Hi guys, I been browsing the forum for a while - decided to sign up now due to getting hold of my first smart phone.
I've set up my email account (pop3) it worked the first time yesterday, received and sent emails.
Now today, when I receive I get nothing, no messages, and when I send one i get this message:
"cannot connect with current connection settings. the change your connection setting, tap settings."
clicking on settings brings up the t-mobile settings tab etc, but I'm not sure what to change here as I'm pretty new to all this!
and I'm just wondering if I need to change anything - as it worked yesterday but not now even though i haven't changed anything.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I used to get all kinds of hassle like this with my HTC Advantage. It would work perfectly for a while, then it would not allow access, so I'd have to re-input the SAME settings all over and it would seem to work again (fortunately, it seems to be pretty well behaved nowadays!)
So long as your pop3/send/recieve/SMTP settings are all good [make sure that login names etc are all as your email provider states, usually full email address and password and smtp/outgoing *DOES* require authentication]- sounds like you might want to check on your connection settings (I assume that the internet is not working either? Or MSN messenger?) B4 going into settings you will need to find out EXACTLY what your APN (access point name) address is for your specific carrier (there are typically several ones per carrier - usually one for contract and one for PAYG) and the user name and password.
Then check/update your connection settings. You can go and edit the existing setting - you will need to choose a name for it (there should be a default) and then you may have to 'select a modem' - typically I select 'Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)', as it works best for me [on another device however, I select GPRS only, as there is poor 3G reception here in the office and it causes the connection to find a 3G signal and try to connect to it, to no avail though and thus it drops the connection - but hopefully you wont experience this!]
Next update your: 'APN' and the 'User Name' and 'password' (those 3 things will be supplied by your carrier) and save it. And HOPEFULLY that should do it - it can get a little more complicated than that, but I'm hoping that you dont have to get into setting up work networks/proxy servers etc - I can do that and have some data for it, but I'm not very good at exaplaining it I'm afraid it's something I've learnt on a trial and error basis, as I'm not a techy/network specialist AT ALL
double post*
thanks for your reply!
as far i know all my email info is fine, but I shall try again after work. only details I might have to get is t mobiles. might have to look on the net. but i'll try what you've suggested.
but the net is working fine! I'm using it now...will give it some trail and error.
thanks, and till later!
In which network are you? And which country?
Hello - I'm on t-mobile in the UK
I'm thinking of doing a total hard reset - now my googlemail isn't working ! and that was yesterday.
Just for good orders sake:
T-Mobile APN Configuration
For both contract and pay-as-you-go T-Mobile customers in UK the following APN settings are used:
Name: TMobile GPRS
GPRS APN address:
Username : user
Password: wap
- other settings can be left blank.
Apologies if you already know how to do this, but I just checked on the HD2 and you do the following;
GOTO the Settings tab (last one).
Hit MENU (bottom right)
Select (if you're accurate enough.... ) 'Manage Existing Connections' and follow the path - you may want to just re-input the above to make sure you know all is well then save it (finish)
Just a thought.
Thanks alot for that blackblade, i can use that as reference, will try again in abit - I've done a phone reset for now.
cheers fella. very helpful.
well guys, I've tried checking and changing those details - still no joy. Not sure what to do with this now to be honest!
Not sure if you've resolved this, but I had the same problem with t-mobile.
You need to deselect "use proxy server to connect to the internet" in the t-mobile internet settings, for some reason this gets selected on set up. Once you've done this you should be away!
