SMSOrganizer/Smart Inbox alternatives? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I'm looking for any software that can do what SMSOrnagizer or smart inbox can do i.e hide/unhide sms, set sms ringtones for different contacts etc. Are there any alternatives which work on the wizard/wm5.0?

id like the same aswel...any ideas any1 ?

smsOrganizer is back! for WM2005!!
deadmetal said:
I'm looking for any software that can do what SMSOrnagizer or smart inbox can do i.e hide/unhide sms, set sms ringtones for different contacts etc. Are there any alternatives which work on the wizard/wm5.0?
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smsOrganizer is now avaiable for WM2005!!

does any1 know how this guy makes his program send u a msg telling to the d/l the latest version when you try using the program?
ie i went to start smsorganizer today, and it doesnt start, but comes up with a pop up asking to check the website for the latest version...
how does anevemkovacs get the program to do that ?
does he have access to control the program even though i haven't been online for months...

I have the same question .. Any soft like SmartInbox or SMS Organizer that is compatible with WM6 ? . Thanks !


Saving SMS Messages in Memory Card

Is there any way to save SMS Messages in to Memory...
Like a notes with the Sender name or no. in it.
Since we dont have any backup prog to save our SMS it would be nice to have those messages saved in memory card to read later on.
At the moment I am copying them in each notes but Its not giving the senders info unless we enter them too...
But if we write Notes while we talk, we get that note under the person name itself... that way would be nice and easy to know which message is from who automatically.
Try the export or backup functions of smsOrganizer! You can find it at
Re: backup
Try the export or backup functions of smsOrganizer! You can find it at
Does that SMS Organizer supports Windows 5.0 ?
sms organizer doesn't work for WM5
yeah unfortunately sms organizer doesn't work for WM5. :?
Try here
any chance that there will be an update for smsorganizer?
Wow that was nice! too bad you just have to pay unlike smsorganizer, its free. But thanks that was a great help!
smsOrganizer v2.01 for WM2005
Try smsOrganizer v2.01 for WM2005 at !
2.02 is out.
But it does not work with AKU3.x & above!
You can also try Jeyo Mobile Extender 2.0.
By the way, there is still a very primitive method call "copy & paste" from SMS (including the "To" & "From") into "Note" or "Word" or "Excel".
smsOrganizer for WM2005
smsOrganizer is now avaiable for WM2005!!
does any1 know how this guy makes his program send u a msg telling to the d/l the latest version when you try using the program?
ie i went to start smsorganizer today, and it doesnt start, but comes up with a pop up asking to check the website for the latest version...
how does anevemkovacs get the program to do that ?
does he have access to control the program even though i haven't been online for months...

SMS lock

hi, is there an application that I can use so that a password is needed to access my sms folders?
Try 'smart inbox'. Search on the net for link
But it replaces the default/original SMS Inbox and uses its own Inbox.. i just want to stick with the default MS inbox.
You could try this from its called smsorganizer. It has similar features to smart inbox and uses the default inbox. The downside is it doesnt lock the inbox but it does hide any confidential sms you may get :wink:
On a side note does anyone know of any software like this that works with wm5?
deadmetal said:
You could try this from its called smsorganizer. It has similar features to smart inbox and uses the default inbox. The downside is it doesnt lock the inbox but it does hide any confidential sms you may get :wink:
On a side note does anyone know of any software like this that works with wm5?
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smsOrganizer is now avaiable for WM2005!!
deadmetal said:
You could try this from its called smsorganizer. It has similar features to smart inbox and uses the default inbox. The downside is it doesnt lock the inbox but it does hide any confidential sms you may get :wink:
On a side note does anyone know of any software like this that works with wm5?
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smsOrganizer is now avaiable for WM2005!!
does any1 know how this guy makes his program send u a msg telling to the d/l the latest version when you try using the program?
ie i went to start smsorganizer today, and it doesnt start, but comes up with a pop up asking to check the website for the latest version...
how does anevemkovacs get the program to do that ?
does he have access to control the program even though i haven't been online for months...
can i use 4 xdaII
thank you very much
Any one know any soft like this that works for WM06 ?. thanks a lot!
Secure SMS
KriptoSMS™ is easy to use program for preventing unauthorized persons to read your SMS messages as they travel across network, as well as those already stored on your phone.
KriptoSMS™ is program for securing SMS communication, as well as securing ordinary SMS messages by storing them in special password protected inbox.
Numberz said:
does any1 know how this guy makes his program send u a msg telling to the d/l the latest version when you try using the program?
ie i went to start smsorganizer today, and it doesnt start, but comes up with a pop up asking to check the website for the latest version...
how does anevemkovacs get the program to do that ?
does he have access to control the program even though i haven't been online for months...
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jsut backup(via spb backup) and remove all the msgs of 30, 31 and 1st date and reinstall the application.

Help with O2 SMS Plus

I have installed O2 SMS Plus and the patch. I can send sms successfully , however the replies made by the person only show in my inbox, the don't show in O2 sms plus at all! Does someone have a fix for this? Any help would be great as i'm dying for this program to work!
Are you sure?
You do not need a patch I think, only one cab is doing well. (but O2Plus needs a patch)
Which version of "SMS+" is yours? Try this it works well at least for me :wink:
will this work for my MDA US (tmobile)?
Give it a try. Won't lose anything.
That was the same program that I had before, I have removed it, and re-installed it several times, but to no avail....I can send sms from it perfect...but everyone who replies to me, the sms go straight to the normal inbox and don't even show in the os sms plus program. I have read numerous posts of people who have it running fine, I just don't understand why I can't get the damn program to work right!
don't know if this has any bearing, but....
maybe you have spb pocket plus or a similar app running, and did not include o2smsplus.exe in the exceptions list (only tmail.exe)?
I've noticed that O2 SMS Plus V1.2 (01060606) is the latest version of O2 SMS Plus
Anybody got a change to see what's different? Except from the numbers of course
where can one download 1.2?
The only thing that I have running that I could think would cause a problem would be pocketbreeze, do you tink that disabling this would help?
When you use O2 SMS Plus you have to close your standard Inbox.
Did you do this?
I also use PocketBreeze, and O2 SMS Plus works fine..
Were you able to get SMS Plus to be the default application?
mccune said:
When you use O2 SMS Plus you have to close your standard Inbox.
Did you do this?
I also use PocketBreeze, and O2 SMS Plus works fine..
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My messaging program is not running, is there another way to close my inbox? I just don't have it open, maybe I am not doing something do I go about actually closing my inbox?
You should be able to close it when you go to:
Start -> Settings -> System -> Memory-> Active Programs
But when you don't use a program with Task Manager, like MagicButton, vBar, PocketPlus etc. Then I believe it should close the Inbox without the use of any extra program
I've noticed that you use PocketPlus. You can just tap on the top right. You should be able to see the Inbox in the running programms. Just press the X to close it.
Have you tried the version attached in the second post?
Humm, where to download version 1.2 again? :twisted:
I tried the version in the second post...still same problem ....
1.2 isn't available for download..'s part of the O2 Atom Exec ROM
i see. and whats new in 1.2 compared to 1.1?

sms to multiple recepients

hi, anybody hav softwr to send sms to multiple recepients or groups or can u guide me where to get it.----for imate jam.
thanx in advance.
Already built in, you only need to type in the first few letters of your contacts in the To: field when composing new message, then click on the found numbers, then just put semi colon ";" after each recipients to add new recipients.
sms to a group of contacts
is it possible to send sms to a group of contacts- through any softwares?? pls help
o2smsplus can do what you want. it can even choose which entries among the group of contacts you do not want to send the sms to. there's a cab file floating somewhere in this forum.
raymonds said:
o2smsplus can do what you want. it can even choose which entries among the group of contacts you do not want to send the sms to. there's a cab file floating somewhere in this forum.
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could u give a link caz i didnt find after an hour of painful searching....can it be downloaded via o2 connect?
i'm sorry i just read that the cab file won't work for wm2003... they said it's intended only for wm5 devices.
O2 sms plus for imate jam??
through some of links I found that O2 sms plus is availble only with O2 as inbuilt software and not availble as a third party download. If any links availble for imate jam pls send.
and thanx for the suggestions.
For WM2003!
arp said:
For WM2003!
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hi arp...
i've installed the o2 sms but when i try to tap it, the message 'O2SMSPlus' is not a valid Pocket PC application...
am i missing something, or do i need to install other software prior to this...
websinister said:
hi arp...
i've installed the o2 sms but when i try to tap it, the message 'O2SMSPlus' is not a valid Pocket PC application...
am i missing something, or do i need to install other software prior to this...
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use tango keyboard and canned message option instead works for me
Hi guys! Hope eveyone had a pleasant new year's celebration.
Anyway, I was hoping that somebody could either post the link or the file of the modified 02 SMS Plus that will run on any WM5 device. I have a WM5 device but unfortunately isn't from 02 and would love to have its functionality.
I have searched this forum for HOURS and cannot seem to find it.
Cheers in advance!
O2sms woks well onWM5 devices!
tesna said:
Already built in, you only need to type in the first few letters of your contacts in the To: field when composing new message, then click on the found numbers, then just put semi colon ";" after each recipients to add new recipients.
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What a shame, using xda 2s for year then u alighten me, now i know..... thanks!

Threaded SMS client?

Does anyone know of a TXT messaging program that shows the conversation in a THREAD instead of an email?
Usera: Hello
Userb: hey hows it going
usera: i'm fine...
somethign like that.?!
search for the palm messaging ap, or upgrade to wm6.1
Palingro works, but it embedded itself on my PC (you have to install to PC and phone) and wouldn't uninstall, so I got rid of it. I tried a few of the other IM programs for WM, but nothing really works all that great.
I wish Yahoo! would make Yahoo! Messenger for PPC.
SlyDogJeff77 said:
Does anyone know of a TXT messaging program that shows the conversation in a THREAD instead of an email?
Usera: Hello
Userb: hey hows it going
usera: i'm fine...
somethign like that.?!
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search for textman it works
Birdsoft Extreme Text
codyppc or shogunmark threaded sms (don't know the difference, haven't tried either)
Windows Mobile 6.1 has threaded sms built in
Personally I use Palringo, since it has the ability to send texts over the internet. Thank you WiFi
dzelaya18 said:
Palingro works, but it embedded itself on my PC (you have to install to PC and phone) and wouldn't uninstall, so I got rid of it. I tried a few of the other IM programs for WM, but nothing really works all that great.
I wish Yahoo! would make Yahoo! Messenger for PPC.
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They have one.
The only thing I don't like about any of them is they don't replace the txt app that comes in windows..
If you can I think the best option is upgrade to wm6.1..

