How to remove MSN from Today Screen - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Just upgraded to, how can I get rid of the MSN sign in from the today screen?

click: Start - settings - today - items. There you can decide what you want on the today screen (up to a point)


Tasks and Calender missing in today screen

I just updated my imate jasjar to the latest rom version on their website. I'm using the worldwide english version.
For some reason I don't have the tasks and calender part of the today screen. Even if i go into settings>today there is no option to check/uncheck tasks and calender. How can I get them to display correctly on the today screen?

Voda 1605

I got a Voda 1605 and they seem to butched the OS. Pocket MSN is gone, Tasks is missing from the Today screen and from the programs folder as well as Notes.
I know Pocket MSN must now be bought but is there anyway to restore Tasks to the Today screen? Its not available in the list in the Today settings.
Tasks is in the office folder in the programs area. dont know how to get it on the today screen without something like launcher
Yeah I spotted the tasks and notes in there, wasn't expecting them there so hadn't looked!

Calendar on Today screen on Voda V1605

Hi, I've just noticed that my Today screen only displays a maximum of 2 calendar entries! I'm using a UK Vodafone V1605. I have a friend who has an Orange M3100 and his can display more than 2 Calendar items.
Does anyone else have this problem and is there a setting or fix for this? I have tried a soft-reset.
This is down to the Vodafone today plugins...
You will need to renable the default MS plugins to get the advanced options.
Use this:
For an alternative route - google calplus. this is a great free app for extending the calendar display and has good functionality. it also doesnt affect the stability of the platform

Messaging button quirk...

I just bought an 8525. Sometimes, when I hit the messaging button (hard button) the title bar changes to say "Text Messaging" or whatever, but the Today Screen still shows. If I close the messaging app, then hit the hard button again, it'll open correctly. I also notice duplicate notifications in MemMaid for tmail.exe after this happens
SPB Diary 2.2, SPB Pocket Plus 3.1.2, Egress 3.1, MemMaid 1.72
Right now only checking 2 email accounts: hotmail and .mac (now through POP, though had the same quirk when setup as IMAP).
Tried the fake server trick, still happening. I'm curious what's causing it. Could it be SPB Diary or Pocket Plus? I have the close button enabled in Pocket Plus.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Sorry guys... I suck.
I think it may all have to do with SPB Pocket Plus. Cuz last night.... it froze up. And I read the threads relating to that. I think they're linked. Gonna hard reset and start afresh and see what happens.
I don't have any of the programs you listed and I have this same problem on my TyTn. I find it very annoying....
I also have this little bug and noticed it ever since I upgraded to SPB Diary 2x.
My bug is a little different though. When it happens, if I go to the today screen, I can't select any of the diary stuff. It's as if the touch screen there stops functioning.
So to get it working, I have to tap the date or something at the top and then exit that. Now I'm able to select the diary items. Then I have to tap and hold the blue message tab and select go to inbox to have it show properly.
The messaging key bug has been around for a while. I had it with me 8125 and it is in my 8525.
If you check the wizard forum you will see no one has every found out what was causeing this.
Ugh... I had it on my 8125 too... its part of the reason I upgraded to the 8525 (the other part is that my 8125 took a tumble onto the concrete. )
Oh well... hopefully it'll go away with the next ROM upgrade.
same problem here with imate jasjam with jasjam wwe ROM. even when its stock, no other apps installed, same problem happens.
what i have noticed is that once you load up messenging and minimize it (not shut it down), then the messeging button works everytime.
otherwise if messeging is always closed, the hard button has an intermittent problem
Sorta *BUMP* / Sorta not...
So my buddy bought his 8525 a week after I bought mine. Granted, he doesn't have any of the programs I have on his... but he's NEVER had that happen to him.
I had a thought... who uses Hotmail/PocketMSN? I wonder if the "Download Mail Automatically" setting has anything to do with it. I just turned it off. We'll see.
I'm wondering if it's my phone itself. I still got a week before the exchange period is up.
Anybody hear anything new about this?
Okay... I did three things yesterday and all of them could be the culprit. (However now I'm having other problems so I'm gonna hard reset and start again.)
This is what I did... see if it helps:
1. Turned off "Download Mail Automatically" for Hotmail in Pocket MSN. (Maybe hotmail hangs during a disconnect or something?) - This still may be it.
2. Turned off scheduled checks (30 mins) for my .Mac IMAP account. (Which I never had a problem with... but maybe it hangs during a disconnect?) - It seems that as long as I don't schedule Pocket Outlook to go fetch mail everything is okay... the second I set a schedule the quirk pops up.
3. Removed the Messages tab from PocketBreeze. Since a lot of these troubles seem to be related to Diary or PocketBreeze, I wonder if there's some conflict between POutlook and the "Inboxes" in the messaging tab.) - This has nothing to do with it.
Hope this helps!
Since it's working now... I'm gonna at least let it be stable for 1 day and see what happens.

Refresh calandar home tab

Hi all,
I have a probleme with the calandar on home tab.
At midnight the refresh doesn't run apparently. I don't see the phone wake up like before.
For exemple, my today appointment appear always as tomorrow in home tab...
Can you help me please?

