Accessing Citrix through Citrix Secure Gateway - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Im experiencing trouble accessing through my Vodafone v1640.
This links to our CSG box to allow me access to a Citrix session through terminal services.
The link works fine through my XDA using GPRS, but i get a white screen on the universal.
Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance,

After lengthy discussions with our account manager at Vodafone, it would seem that the standard IE browser that ship has some faults accessing Https:// sites (such as internet banking). Obviously this isnt acceptable for what we need!
I'll let this board know when the faults are resolved. Hopefully i may be able to post a flash which fixes these problems.
I have installed netfront browserwhich seems to aleviate some of the problems, but it is still definitely no where near useable!
I'll let you know how i get on.

why you do not install the ICA client for winCE?
- You have to download the newest version in english provided from Citrix
- don't forget the installation of your certificate on the pda
- configure your WinCE-ICA-client like the Win32-ICA
This is a well running solution for me and my colleagues! OK it's not really easy to configure the client, but your admins will assist you!
CU at Citrix Summit in Orlando!

I tried that today, but couldnt access the link to our external facing Citrix Secure Gateway because its a Https:// site!

hi Mike,
this should not be a problem! The CSG beyond the IIS is the point! And you're able to configure the ICA-client to use https! How i mentioned above, the configuring of the client isn't simple.
Perhaps some steps to configure the WinCE client!
1) don't forget the certifiate, suggest you've installed the client
2) create a new connection (the next points are reachable at creation or with button edit)
3) goto edit firewall settings, enter the FQN URL from the csg and the port, per default it's 443
4) goto edit options, session reliability MUST be turned OFF - this is really important because of the actual csg DON'T support this feature
5) goto server settings:
-select protocol SSL/TLS+HTTPS
-enter the INTERNAL FQN URL of a internal citrix server, it is really important to enter the complete FQN URL = DNS name
-now you should be able to refresh the servers-list also the PA-List, if you're not: enter the server-name or the PA-name manually
ready steady go!
hope you understand all the it-stuff, if not: write a new post

We have it working
It seems that you cannot even access the Page
This means you need to install the certificate
Login and you will see the Icons irrespective of whether you have the Client or not You will just be able to download the ICA files instead of launching it
The ICA Installation put some files in \windows\startup that needs to be removed
Further almost no Config should be done on the Client side
PIE and Opera 8.50 works
get used to squinting and working in akward places!!!! 8)
Regards Frikkie

I tried accessing the Page and can get to the login screen - I see that you are using a Public CA , so the certificate are already trusted. If the problem is further on , it might be that you are accessing the access center which uses activeX controls not supported by WinCE,
We got around that by makng a seperate Page for PDA that only uses CSG and not access center
Hope this helps - let us know exactly where you get stuck!

I cant even access the link
Whenever i enter this link i just get a blank white screen on the V1640.
It works fine on my XDA but not on the V1640.
Vodafone told me that they couldnt help me and that QTEK couldnt help either as we havent bought 50 devices!
Any thoughts would be most useful


Useful Utility for PocketPC - Comments please....

I connect to 4 or 5 different wireless lans in the various places I work and also to GPRS.
For each one the connection to the internet will be with a different provider and therefore the SMTP server I need to use for sending mail will be different, or may even be a POP service running on a local Exchange server.
This is a pain. I have written a utility that solves this problem by allowing you to switch smtp server for all your mail acccounts in any mail client quickly on the fly.
Basically you configure any mail clients to use an smtp server called virtualsmtp and then you set up all the different smtp servers you use by IP address in the utility.
The utility sets a host record in the registry for virtualsmtp pointing to whichever smtp server you want to run.
It's called SMTPSwitcher (very imaginatively) and runs from a notification icon in the system tray.
It's a bit flaky at the moment (mainly windowing problems and issues with the NotifyIcon) and I also can't delete the server entries because RegDeleteKey always returns error 5 : Access Denied.
If anyone wants to test it or has any ideas or comments please post here.
I'd be happy to test it for you
nice software. I was wishing for it last thursday when I had to send mails from the wifi access point of a friend.
I would be glad to test it (qtek 2020, windows mobile 2003), once my phone decide to work (it did a quick 3 seconds journey in my wc today. oops)
OK. I can post the app here.
1) There is no install program at the moment, just an exe file.
The best way to install is to just copy to your PPC.
You can run by clicking on exe or create a shortcut in your startup folder.
2) It is written in c# for the .NET compact framework so you must have the .net CF installed which you probably have anyway.
3) The biggest problem at the moment is that the Remove button does not work properly.
If you need to delete entries from the list you will need to use a registry editor. The entries are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SMTPSwitcher.
4) Sometimes the app stops responding and wont display its form when you click on the icon. If this happens you can try to terminate it using the Settings->System->Memory->RunningPrograms option or do a soft reset.
I will be trying to fix the Remove button and unless I can find a fix for some of the problems that cause the app to stop responding I will probably remove the feature that lets you run it as an icon.
I had this problem ages ago where i would go to a friends house or a wifi hot spot but of corse could not send email.
To get round this i purchased a domain name and email account with easyspace. this works well for me, as it done not matter how i am connected either GPRS, or WiFi i can still send emails from just the one account.
The only problem just noticed the other day is if i use orange UK it works fine on GPRS connection but not if its a 3g connection, Orange are looking into this.
Please dont take this as critisisum your program is a excellent idea, I just like the idea of not having to take any notice of how i am connected and email working
Subscribing to a roaming smtp service is another way round the problem as is using webmail.
My problem is that I have 5 or 6 mail accounts in different domains and a lot of roaming smtp services will not relay for any domains other than the ones you have with them.
I have uploaded a new version which has a DNS resolver built in.
Instead of typing in the IP address of any smtp server you want tp use you can enter the name and it will look up the ip address assuming you are connected to a network.

Network File Sharing Server on PPC

Hi all.
Does out there exists a Samba(SMB) Server for Pocket PC to share a Folder on the Pocket PC for PCs in the WLAN?
it dont need to be a big SMB-Server. a small Server only to share one Folder would be more than enough.
i read on google that WinCE have something like that with Smbserver.dll
and keep up this great site.
I am also looking for a way to share my Windows Mobile folders on my LAN, so that I can access them from my computers...
Anyone know how to do it? I can't find any setting to share them. Is there a 3rd party software that will allow me to share them?
For sharing over WLAN you should use FTP server.......
Install FTP server software in your pc and FTP client software in can also do visa-versa..............
i already use ftp. But i thought it would be better when not every PC need a FTP-Client to access the shared files.
Sometimes i want to share Files in a Network and it would be easier for most of the people to use the build in - file sharing.
//Edit: I finaly found something like this, but only for Symbian Phones.
I believe most versions of Windows have a FTP client built into Explorer (may be readonly).
nead it too. cant find ftp - not lan
OK. The correct answer is here:
Change HKLM\Comm\SecurityProviders\NTLM\LmCompatibilityLevel to 1 from 3, not to 2 (ref: and as "You can also set the LmCompatibilityLevelServer value to 2 or to 3. Both of these specify that the server will only use NTLM v2. Authentication will fail if the client is not capable of NTLM v2 protocol. For more information, see Authentication Services Registry Settings".
And check to make sure HKLM\Comm\Redir\SmbSignatureMode is set to 0 (not recommended 'cos it may cause problems with windows servers), 1 or 2, but not 3 (ref:
And you can try to set HKLM\Comm\Redir\AllowedAuthMethods to 3 to see if it makes any difference. To me, 2 works fine.
No need to modify samba configurations if you are running a recent version of samba (3.0.28 right now). Anyway, you can always try to add "use spnego = no" (maybe "client use spnego = no" or "spnego = no" as stated and/or quoted in other posts/web pages, I'm not sure of it.) to see if it makes any difference in your situation/samba version.
try this
is a server in PPC for access from web browser, can download and upload files.

newbie remote desktop user

hello everyone, im a newbie to remote desktop and want to setup my u1000 to conect to my workstaion via wifi and internet as well. i just recently upgraded my u1000s rom ap3.
i could realy use your help pros..
u guys can also direct me to some link to useful info on settngs..
or any other replacement for remote desktop..
im sorry if thess silly questions doesnt needed a thread...
but i desperatly need the settings, as buy u1000 was one of my main praioriities
pls do help me frnds...
thanx in advance..
im no pro but i have it working here!
First off,to use it over the internet you need to make some adjustments on the pc end unless you have a static ip.
got to somewhere like register and d/l the software so you have a way of naming your dynamic ip.
Then you need to ensure that the allow remote connections is enabled on the pc and that your routers ports are forwarded if they need to be(mine did).
Then you should be able to enter the name of your ip (from and password to logn from the rdp program on your dopod!
It should be similar over wifi on a LAN but instead of the no-ip name you just enter the computer name and password.
Forgive my terrible explanation of the setup but i can never quite explain myself properly.
Their are loads of tutorials on the net for setting up rdp and other tunnelling software like vnc.
have you tried ... ??
Sorry if this doesn't answer your question. However, I wonder if this might help. Check out I use it to connect with my desktop and it's free. You can remote adjust the settings to 640x480 and it works well -- even at 800 x 600. It's free!! (you can pay to upgrade to different features, but I never have.)
You might also look at I can't get the video streaming to work well at all, but you can (also) connect with files on your computer and download them to your athena. It's also free.
As far as vpn tunneling, I haven't had much luck getting it to work. There's a company called hotspotvpn. Their service is cheap and works great with a regular laptop. They advertise compatibility with windows mobile, but I could never get it to work. I'd love to know if anyone else was able to do vpn tunneling and how.
Hope this helps somehow.
1.) goto that will tell you what your ip address is
2.) if you have a router you need to find out (follow me) you desktop ip not the ip address that the website gave you but the ip address your router gives you.... (you can find this by going to start --> run --> type in cmd hit ok --> then type this in with no quotes "ipconfig /all" hit enter it should be somthing like or
3.) goto start menu right --> click on my computer --> click on properties --> click on the remote tab --> half way down click the box under remote desktop
4.) goto router and tell it to open port 3390 to your local ip found in part 2
5.) open rdp on pda and type in ip from part 1
irus said:
4.) goto router and tell it to open port 3390 to your local ip found in part 2
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I believe the correct port for RDP is 3389
thanx 2 al of u for ur solutions. i will tryout all the options and let u guys know..
i have edge on my phone and edge at my offce too, i guess this kind of network would be not be bad for rdp work...
PDAMerlin said:
I believe the correct port for RDP is 3389
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your right, i have two computers i got

ActiveSync config for Exchange

Trying to set up ActiveSync on my Telus P4000 (Titan), although the issue should be the same with an WM6.1 phone...
I can't for the life of my figure the right server settings to enter in the Configure Server section, and I have yet to find a definitive "this is how you do it" procedure for it. As near as I've been able to glean, for the "Server address" section, you give it JUST the domain name of the Exchange server, without an http:// or a /exchange or /oma or anything... correct so far? But the catch in my particular instance is that Exchange web access is on port 8080, rather than 80 or 433.
I've tried adding a :8080 to the server address, I've tried adding the http:// and/or https://, I've tried adding the /oma and /exchange to the end, and all combinations of the above, with no luck... when I go back into the settings, it's reverted to JUST the domain name. Is there somewhere else I can tell it to use a non-standard port? Registry key, maybe?
I'm not sure it works with other ports than 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
You just need to put your external A record in the server value.
Try using standard ports first to be sure everything is working, then switch.
Okay, well I managed to get rid of the "Cannot reach server" messages by switching back to "require SLL", and as it turns out, the server wasn't set up for SSL (it is now). So now I'm connecting, but getting certificate errors. At least I've found plenty of info about solving that issue, so on to the next step...
Soundy106 said:
Okay, well I managed to get rid of the "Cannot reach server" messages by switching back to "require SLL", and as it turns out, the server wasn't set up for SSL (it is now). So now I'm connecting, but getting certificate errors. At least I've found plenty of info about solving that issue, so on to the next step...
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You will probabby have to install a certificate on the phone to be able to communicate with the exchange server. At least i had to...
playerkiller said:
I'm not sure it works with other ports than 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
You just need to put your external A record in the server value.
Try using standard ports first to be sure everything is working, then switch.
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I've searched everywhere for info on using non-standard ports for activesync, and I haven't found anything, and I couldn't get it to work.
jeen said:
You will probabby have to install a certificate on the phone to be able to communicate with the exchange server. At least i had to...
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Yeah, did that... still not helping
Go to first new post ActiveSync config for Exchange
Exchange ActiveSync cannot access the server if SSL is set to be required. For
information about how to correctly configure Exchange virtual directory
jeen is right. Unless the certificate is issued form a Trusted Certificate Authority, you will need to import the issuing CA in the Root Certification Authority store of your Phone.
If it's a self signed cert, just export it from exchange server (without Private key) and copy it to your phone. Then, double click it from File Manager. This should be enough.
^Yeah, I did that right off the top (see my reply to jeen). Still no joy.
Perhaps Tendulkar can finish his thought...
To disable SSL requirements for Activesync service is very easy:
Win2003 (IIS6.0)
Open IIS on your cas, expand the Default Website (or the website where ASVritualDir resides) right click on Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync and choose properties.
Go to the tab Directory Security, choose EDIT under Secure Communication.
Remove flag from Require Secure Channel.
Obvsiulsy Click ok.
Win2008 (IIS7)
Open IISManager.
Navigate through site, default website, hilight Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync.
Make sure you have the features view selected (should be by default).
Choose SSL Settings.
Unflag "Remove SSL".
Obviusly click Accept.
playerkiller said:
To disable SSL requirements for Activesync service is very easy:
Win2003 (IIS6.0)
Open IIS on your cas, expand the Default Website (or the website where ASVritualDir resides) right click on Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync and choose properties.
Go to the tab Directory Security, choose EDIT under Secure Communication.
Remove flag from Require Secure Channel.
Obvsiulsy Click ok.
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Hmmm... "require SSL" was already un-checked. I've re-checked it, let's see what happens with that.
OK lemme know.
make sure you have the same root certificate installed also. you have to trust the same certificate authority as the certificate that you have on your exchange server.
Did anyone find solution
I am having same problem. Certificate installed and tried all connection settings that can find on internet. Cannot get ActiveSync to syn with my server (same certificate error, but hosting company states tested with WM6.1 that all is working fine on their end) and also cannot get Windows Live Messenger to work, states there's a connectivity problem. Funny thing is MMS, surfing net with IE, and Google Maps with GPRS work fine. Only Microsoft network products are not working. My phone is Palm Treo Pro with WM6.1 Professional. Vodaphone version but bought in China and have since added A4 Chinese text editor, which I think could be problem, but need to hard reset phone to check. Any ideas? Better yet, any solutions?
One tip for getting this working in my case (same certificate errors) was that I had to get the certificate off the internally facing OWA server, rather than the externally facing version. Although they're both the same server, the external one goes through an IAS box which seems to be presenting its own certificate rather than the one on the exchange server. Don't ask me - I don't run the system.
As soon as I add the Internal version of the cert, Exchange, OTA Sync and ActiveSync spring into life.

HOWTO get Eduroam working

Some univeristies use a WLan called EduROAM.
But somehow HTC HD2 cant connect to it.Seems like a personal certificate is the problem.
Has anyone got this working on HD2 ?
It works on Nokia phones running Windows mobile 6.5
you need to download one of the latest version of securew2 client from your uni website or the developer's website. follow instruction to set up the connection given by your uni IT department.
I'm using eduroam connection now in UCL.
Thanks for your answer.
I downloaded securew2
But I still cant get it to work.
Do you have to provide this information on your campus ?
SSID: eduroam
authentication: WPA2
kryptering: AES
authentication: MSCHAP v2
For me WPA1 works better, also AES is wrong. Then you select "Secure W2" in the drop down box not peap. SecureW2 needs to be configured as well. Your university should provide you with that info. You usually don't need the radius part with the cert! That's just to protect you from connecting to the wrong network (and thus giving them your password).
Above information about WPA2 is from my campus informationsite.
After I made some settings on "Eduroam connection" i cant change them.
As soon as push eduroam it tries to connect.
The only way to change them is to install a new rom, so that the phone is
like it was from the first time.
quart666 said:
Some univeristies use a WLan called EduROAM.
But somehow HTC HD2 cant connect to it.Seems like a personal certificate is the problem.
Has anyone got this working on HD2 ?
It works on Nokia phones running Windows mobile 6.5
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I took my mobile to my University's IT Department and they set it up for me and it works great, I get all of my student emails directly to my mobile. Hope this helps.
bahardman said:
I took my mobile to my University's IT Department and they set it up for me and it works great, I get all of my student emails directly to my mobile. Hope this helps.
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ROM version ?
In my case,
I download SecureW2 personal client 2.04 ce, install it on my phone via active sync.
Settings>Menu>All settings>Connection>Wifi>Wireless networks>Menu>Add new
and start configuring the settings. Different network will have different settings.
I don't think ROM version matters in this case. It should work with your device, if you got the right SecureW2 client and settings set up on your phone.
Btw, IT department or university's website should provide sufficient information for you to set up the connection.
Good luck.
The IT people cant get it to work......
They say that they cant get it to work on HD2.
Thats why I turned to you guys.
Still no luck, secureW2 keeps asking for user/pass, and yes I know its the right user/pass. A friend at work tried his username and it doesnt workl either.
If I connect to Eduroam on my pc it works, so nothing wrong with user/pass
quart666 said:
The IT people cant get it to work......
They say that they cant get it to wrok on HD2.
Thats why I turned to you guys.
Still no luck, secureW2 keeps asking for user/pass
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You might need to get another version of secureW2 client.
I tried a secureW2 client provided by my uni and i faced the same problem as you. It kept on prompting me for username and password. I changed to another client (SecureW2_Personal_Client_204_CE), downloaded from SecureW2 forum, and it worked great!
During the installation of the client, registration is needed, i could register and install it couple of times on my phone without any problem. However, yesterday when i tried to reinstall the client after upgrading my ROM, the installation failed at the registration part. Maybe because they stop providing the free version?
I managed to get it installed on my phone again via activesync though.
Cant find that version.
I downloaded version SecureW2_Enterprise_Mobile_313_GA_TRIAL.exe
I still cant get it to work
Chalmers University of Technology uses Thawte premium server certificate for authentication.
What you need to do is this, go to Thawtes website and download their certificates:
(Apparently I cannot post links, but just google for "thawte root certificate" the file is at www dot thawte dot com slash roots)
The certificate you need is located in the folder Thawte Roots\Thawte SSLWeb Server Roots\thawte Premium Server CA\Thawte Premium Server CA.cer
Download that to your HTC HD2 and install it by just clicking it in the file browser on your phone.
Then you can just follow the instructions you found at their webpage.
Hope this helps.
how to connect to EDUroam
Firstly, this refers to connecting an HTC android phone (specifically the HTC Desire, but what I get from the web is that they are all much the same, these HTC android interfaces).
The problem starts when an innocent user looks for a WiFi network and finds eduroam. It then asks for not particularly relevant password information and cannot connect because the configuration of the default network setup is wrong. If you try to get the phone to forget that network it appears to do so that when you reconnect it still assumes that the connection was correctly set up. In order to get it to forget their network properly you have to enter the wrong password several times so that the phone thinks you have illegally trying to access the network. It then completely forgets.
The network discovery procedure will again come up with EDUroam, and the configuration should follow the instructions on the following website from Oxford University: <search for android eduroam oxford in Google>
In fact the names given on the HTC desire setup are slightly different. The important thing is that the EAP type should be PEAP, and the secondary type should be MSCHAPv2.
You then enter the username which will be effectively your registered e-mail address at your own institution, and then use as a password the thing eduroam calls "network access token" (16 lower case alphabetic character password generated for you if you buy your institution on request.
You then connect up and miraculously you have the connection you wish!
You should check that the connection is mobile roaming capability on your phone and checking that you really do have Internet and e-mail access as you wish through the WiFi connection directly.
I have been looking for the SecureW2 Personal Client 2.0.4 for Windows CE package (original filename: ""). I have been unable to find it and the sources given in this thread no longer exist or are no longer available.
If anyone has the file, please provide it.

