Strange problem running modified EXE files.. - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

My universal is bought as an normal PPC - and it is not midified in any way by any operator.
I can install "anything" on it.
I downloaded a program , it run fine, I replaced the program's exe file with an modified version, and I get "the file '...' cannot be opened. Eighter it is not signed with a thrusted certificate, or one of it's components cannot be found. you might need to reinstall or restore this file."
replaceing the EXE with the original one works.
the same , modified exe worked on a WM2003SE device.

Try this file:
I believe it gets rid of the "Signed" security check

thank you .
i alredy tried this file, I found it under the name : Cert_SPCS.CAB
(on this forum)
The errormessage does not show up anymore, but the program does not run anyway..
the game is 3MB - if you want I can mail it to you
any other sugggestions?

Maybe it checks the file size whenever it is run so if you modified it, the file size is different so it wont run. What did you modify in the game anyway? What game is it?

It is "My Little Tank"
The modification is probaply only a one or a few bytes around the code that checks if it is registered or not - commonly known as "cracked EXE"
the same files worked fine on Wm2003SE

Sorry then, I can't help you there as I never have tried to crack any of my PPC programs....
If it is successful, drop me a line :wink:

Give me your mail and i will send you the good c r a c k ed mlt.exe file!

Give me your mail and i will send you the good c r a c k ed mlt.exe file!

Guys, noone is saint, but please, we're trying to keep that website free from that stuff. :evil:
There is plenty other forums to discuss about it.

true, I try not to make this forum a pace for this kind of stuff.
I am mostly interested in basicly being able to execute stuff whithout being controlled by M$
- AND -
by knowing few changed bytes seems to be detected by OS , (since the program itself did not detect it on WM2003SE) - thererfore - I see it as a possible way to a great performance boost .. If I/we find out how to disable this behavior.
[email protected]

Yep, i am more interested on bypassing the check than getting the exe file. Thanks anyway for the offer.


Copy files from ROM ?

I'm trying to get around the problem of the quiet sound with the AT&T rom, I have another XDA running the latest T-Mo rom and was hoping to mess around with some dll's from the TMo rom to see if I could sort the problem, but the drivers used for the sound are protected somehow in the rom, so it won't let me copy them to my SD card or PC (which means I can't try it on the AT&T rom)
Is there any way of copying these files out ? and then into the AT&T rom ??
see dumprom
No good for me then, I only have Windows Machines here..
Ok, I have thought of a possible work around, but I need someone with the T-Mobile WM2003 Rom (Pref 4.01.16) & Linux/Unix to copy the wavedev.dll & waveapi.dll from the \Windows folder and send them to me so it can try it out..
I'm sure its not only me that this "feature" annoys. it makes Tomtom especially useless on the voice prompt side of things.
?? I don't see the problem, dumprom is a windows tool.
in case you had not found it yet, I added the link to the binary to the wiki page.
Ah right, excellent.
Sorry I assumed it was the same as the makerom tool which states its unix/linux.
-=edit=- I just tried the link on the dumprom wiki page, and get the dreaded 404 error
oeps. a common wiki error, I forgot to '~'-escape the '~' in the url.
Thanks mate, it seems to be working now
I'll have a play about with it when I get home.
Back again :lol:
The dumprom app crashes (tried on two machines) when I try to execute it. I have tried it with various command line configuations but the little windows xp error box pops up saying that the program must be closed
dumprom crash
Hi Swifty
Yeah I got this too - until I realised that I was the problem. I was omitting the myrom.nb1 filename (or whatever you have called yours) from the command line! D'Oh! What is your exact command line that you use?
it is known to be buggy and crash on certain roms.
I am working on an improved version in perl -
but it does not extract files stored as 'xip' yet.
Silly me I done the same thing as you and omitted the rom file.. thanks
I have now extracted the AT&T and TMobile roms and compared the files, the AT&T's wavedev.dll is larger in size, I think this is where the modifications were made.. but I can't rebuild the TMo version into the AT&T rom because I don't use linux
Hopefully someone can help me out and we will finally have a perfect WM2003 Rom -=edit=- IF it works :lol: :roll:
i fearbthat just swapping in the new dll may not help... it may have other dependancies that also need changing. The interface / entry points may also have changed and you may need a whole slew of other stuff and some other registry settings too. But pls go ahead and try... let us know!
i fearbthat just swapping in the new dll may not help... it may have other dependancies that also need changing. The interface / entry points may also have changed and you may need a whole slew of other stuff and some other registry settings too. But pls go ahead and try... let us know!
Swifty said:
Silly me I done the same thing as you and omitted the rom file.. thanks
I have now extracted the AT&T and TMobile roms and compared the files, the AT&T's wavedev.dll is larger in size, I think this is where the modifications were made.. but I can't rebuild the TMo version into the AT&T rom because I don't use linux
Hopefully someone can help me out and we will finally have a perfect WM2003 Rom -=edit=- IF it works :lol: :roll:
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Use CYGWIN it's an excellent "Linux running as a command line in Windows" environment. It's easy to install, start and run commands. It comes up as a DOS box-like interface and Voila! You have Linux, stable, clean and fast, including the ability to build ROMs.

CAB file version issues

Hi everybody!
(hi doctor nick)
I'm having a few little issues with CAB files on my pda2k.
maybe this should be in the blue angel thread, but it's to do with application development, so i put it here. I also tried the forum search, with no results.
i'm wanting to use all my customised cab files that i made for my XDA2, and use them on my new device, the PDA2K.
all of the cabs work, and all of my applications run.
however, upon installing the cab, a message comes up on my pda and says "the program you have installed may not display properly because it was designed for a previous version of windows mobile software"
i've checked the version nifo in all my .inf files.
i've compared them to newer cab files that don't give me that message.
the inf files look fine.
is this a registry setting perhaps, that i could change?
like i said, all the apps work, i just want to stop it from giving me that warning.
does anyone have any ideas?
thanks !
The warning is just about what it says: You are trying to run older (ie now specifically designed for SE) software.
Noithing to worry about when thing work as supposed.
You can get rid of the message by setting the OS verion inse the CAB files higher (but you need ie. WinCE Cab Manager by OCP Software for that) .
i know there isn't anything to worry about. the apps work.
it's just that for the purpose of creating an SOE, i don't want customers to have to click "ok" everytime they reset their device, all apps must install without prompt from beginning to end.
I have winCE cab manager, and have set the version and build number higher in the inf file, yet i can't seem to get rid of the message.
any other ideas ?
you have to set the lower version number to th version of WinCE youre using now.
Set some 'very high' value to the higher version number
There is another thread on this somewhere . . .thats where I got this info from
yeah, tried that too
i sset my version details like this:
still no good.
anyways, i'll keep searching for the related thread. i new there would be such a discussion in here, just a matter of finding it.
I think it was versionMin=4.21
M4io said:
I think it was versionMin=4.21
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thanks M4io,
that's the link i was looking for
ok, there seems to be something wrong here.
either that, or i'm doing it wrong (highly unlikely :lol: )hahha.
anyway, i've tried all different versions, i've tried all different build's.nothing. still won't work.
so i downloaded the latest operator settings for my device.
that cab ran no problems, so i extracted the inf, then i copied all the version info from that one, and dumped it into the inf that i'm trying to package. ran the cab on the device, and i still get that error !!
how can that be?
there must be something else in my cab, that governs version conflicts.
Hi Twinair,
please try to set it as follows:
I've tried with the above settings buzz, but it still doesn't work.
does the CEsetup.dll, or setup.dll have anything to do with version control perhaps ?
could be, that you should use your own setup.dll
I really don't know now... I've never made a cab which was not complaining about the older version... (
Looked for it also in internet, but found nothing...
But if you download the trial ver of OCP CabManager, you can unpack cabs for SE and take a look there... my trial period is expired now...
Maybe you can try to use setup.dll out of such cab...
damn, still not getting anywhere.
i've put in the correct version info, i've used a setup.dll file from a known working cab file, i have the latest full version of cab manager.
i'm fresh out of ideas
back to the drawing board.
if i figure it out, i'll let you know.
This is what MSDN says at
Installation Warning Messages
When a legacy application is installed on a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC capable of screen rotation, the warning message will appear
This dialog is to advise the user that the application they are about to use may not be aware of square screens or screen rotation, and may not display properly in landscape mode. This dialog will only appear if the VersionMin value (which specifies the lowest OS revision number your app supports) file is less than 4.21.
Since setting VersionMin to 4.21 will prevent your application from installing on older Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, it is recommend that you disable this warning message by setting the BuildMax value (which is typically unused) equal to the following values:
BuildMax values
0xA0000000 Application supports square screens (240x240 pixels).
0xC0000000 Application supports screen rotation.
0xE0000000 Application supports square screens and screen rotation.
These parameters can be changed by editing the [CEDevice] section of the INF file which cabwiz uses to generate your CAB file.
Should do the trick[/b]
...perfect man, let me test it... )))
GREAT!!! it works!!!

What is elatepushservice.exe??

I only ask because since loading the latested Qtek ROM and copying my selected T-mobile CAB files to the Extended ROM (Deleting all the others first), On a soft boot I get the following error...
The file 'elatepushservice' cannot be opened.Either it is not signed with a trusted cerificate, or one of it's components cannot be found.You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
What does this file do and who do I re-install it (If I really need it of course)
Same Problem Here
Hi mate,
even I m suffering with similr programme, did you find any solution as I get very irritated, even im suffering with pdf clearview & MIDlet mamager, even default wizbar advance has expired, and even core player is asking dor core serial number, I guess hemli has used trial softwares to cook rom.

Your Favorite Tools and Toys

I recently had the need to re-Rom a couple of Wallabies and loaded the A.30.09_ENG to do it. All went great and both T-Mobile units will now run like the wind on either T-Mobile or Cingular networks and from trial and error, I learned that they could both run the Kewlest Caller ID program that I have ever seen.
I was directed to pull it out of the Magician folders at ftp://xda:[email protected] and I did, in hopes of using it on my personal Hermes, but to no avail. It did however work great on my wife's Blue Angel, so I tried it on the Wallabies. Excellent Product!!!! Everyone with a Wallaby should be using it. It allows the owner to assign a different ringtone to each contact AND . . . here is the cool part . . . it allows you to use a different picture for each contact AND . . . AND . . . AND that image can be an animated .gif file. It is so much cooler than Photo Contacts in their current form. Check it out and enjoy.
And everyone else, sign in and ad your favorite tweak and toy or tool for the Wallaby and see if it isn't a bit happier in the pocket.
ok, sorry to be a bit of a n00b, but how do i put this on my wallaby? can i do it with a sd card or does it have to be via cable? and i cant see any installer type files, is that right??
cab files can be be installed from sd cards yes
ok another n00b question (apologies, i am very new to PDA's) but , how do i do it? is ther a folder i have to copy the files to, as ive tried to install another file and all it says is " there is no association with this file"
thanks again
Then you haven´t installed a program on your device to install Cab-Files.
Use this program for it:
ok, have got myself a cable (makes life easier IMO) and installed the cab file thingie, have installed the above caller id ting ( apologies im not very technical!) but when i try to run it, theres a blank icon and it comes up with "cannot find photocontacts or one of its components make sure the path and filename are correct and all the required librabries are available" have i done somethig wrong??
Version conflict?
doozerbob said:
ok, have got myself a cable (makes life easier IMO) and installed the cab file thingie, have installed the above caller id ting ( apologies im not very technical!) but when i try to run it, theres a blank icon and it comes up with "cannot find photocontacts or one of its components make sure the path and filename are correct and all the required librabries are available" have i done somethig wrong??
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It may be that you are running a version of windows that won't run it - or it needs to be re-installed (happens sometimes) because part of the program was installed on a (physically) defective portion of the memory. Wallaby's are getting old enough now to have rust on their internal components.
ok, i thought it might have been the OS as well, so i went and upgraded to WM2003, and fingerrs crossed, it seems to be working ( just need someone to ring now lol)
*edit* have set it all up with photos and ringtones etc, using wma from my card and from the phone itself, and it still plays the default ringtone and doesnt show pics when someone i doing summat wrong?
Thanks for all your post, I have the same problem and now it has been sorted!
It does not installing in my device. I have a smartphone...

The file 'IntShrUI' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with

Ok found on here and installed it, soft reset, and attempted to install the latest version of the WMWifiRouter program (which I finally succeeded in sourcing!).
However I get a message telling me cryptically that it 'cannot be installed' after attempting install. I wonder if this is related to ICS...
I now have the InShrUI.exe file in /windows/ *but* attempting to run it gives:
'The file 'IntShrUI' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.'
I reinstalled it over itself (i.e. ran the cab again) same error.
Was this the right file? I seem to remember it was dated 11th January 2008??
Thanks again for hte help folks!
I should say I'm running Microsoft Windows Mobile Version 5.0 (OS5.1.195 (build 14955.2.3.0).
Lastly I should say I've started a new topic as the last one was getting a bit off topic my original concern having been answered :-D (thanks guys!)
probably you only opened a shortcut (*.ink) and the shortcut pointed to a not existing file. Another thing is that it also was intsalled correctly (the *.exe), but the dll's or whatever are not installed.
Thanks. I'll try redownloading and repeating.
I was wondering if the file needed signed with some unique private key or something?
Anyways will give it a shot and report back
softonic123 said:
probably you only opened a shortcut (*.ink) and the shortcut pointed to a not existing file. Another thing is that it also was intsalled correctly (the *.exe), but the dll's or whatever are not installed.
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Thanks for your suggestion I'm now a tiny bit further on.
On soft resetting the PPC I get the following error:
'Pocket PC Networking
Unable to obtain a server assigned IP address. Try again later or enter an IP address in Network settings.'
InShrUI is still giving the same error as before (and it's definately the .exe file I'm clicking).
However the improvement is: This time WMWifiRouter succeeded in installing...
However the same PPC networking error occurred during the install. I could probably tweak whatever is causing that error to use a static IP address rather than DHCP probably...but it's kind of dodging the problem.
And as said before I can't launch IntShrUI without getting that error. This time there is a shortcut to it though in program files.
I should also say that neither the executable or the shortcut has an Icon Image (i.e. it's the default no icon blank) so I suppose it might be the .exe file that's corrupt (since the shortcut get's it's icon from there I think?).
Last but not least:
WMWifiRouter reads:
'Not Connected'
Waiting for connection
I suspect the problem must lie with InShrUI but then again I'm a noob so I'll wait for the XDA gods to come and share their wisdom!
MrVarioII said:
Thanks for your suggestion I'm now a tiny bit further on.
On soft resetting the PPC I get the following error:
'Pocket PC Networking
Unable to obtain a server assigned IP address. Try again later or enter an IP address in Network settings.'
InShrUI is still giving the same error as before (and it's definately the .exe file I'm clicking).
However the improvement is: This time WMWifiRouter succeeded in installing...
However the same PPC networking error occurred during the install. I could probably tweak whatever is causing that error to use a static IP address rather than DHCP probably...but it's kind of dodging the problem.
And as said before I can't launch IntShrUI without getting that error. This time there is a shortcut to it though in program files.
I should also say that neither the executable or the shortcut has an Icon Image (i.e. it's the default no icon blank) so I suppose it might be the .exe file that's corrupt (since the shortcut get's it's icon from there I think?).
Last but not least:
WMWifiRouter reads:
'Not Connected'
Waiting for connection
I suspect the problem must lie with InShrUI but then again I'm a noob so I'll wait for the XDA gods to come and share their wisdom!
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Is there no1 who can answer this? Anyone got any ideas?
Device is a hermes (T-mobile Vario-II) running WM5.....
There's one MAN point up for grabs for whoever can solve it!
I tried installing WMWifiRouter 0.89 onto a ROM which didn't have ICS included (which meant I had to try the same route you did) onto my Vario 2... I just couldn't get it to work, and I spent a while trying to make it work too.
I'm figuring that there's some deep-seated DLL or system association which ICS needs, which isn't configured if ICS is stripped out of the ROM - I ended up just reflashing with another ROM (the T-Mobile WM6.0 official ROM) and ICS and WMWifiRouter works fine.
Sorry that's not a solution, but it's the only way I could get it to work. Not an expert ROM cooker, so my knowledge of how ICS is stripped / included in ROMs is fairly limited, though I understand the concepts and techniques.
Thanks for your help Christopher.
I considered flashing a working ROM. My worry is about losing all the programs I have installed on the device (it took a long time to get it *this* customised ;-) ) is there any way to flash the new ROM while keeping the old registry entries etc. for registering my programs (Especially those I've bought such as Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine - which I cannot register anymore)? ...
Or could I somehow back up the registry and restore it later (I know that's likely to be a dangerous idea...perhaps simply the file associations and programs stuff -the windows mobile section?)
Thanks bro!
MrVarioII said:
Thanks for your help Christopher.
I considered flashing a working ROM. My worry is about losing all the programs I have installed on the device (it took a long time to get it *this* customised ;-) ) is there any way to flash the new ROM while keeping the old registry entries etc. for registering my programs (Especially those I've bought such as Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine - which I cannot register anymore)? ...
Or could I somehow back up the registry and restore it later (I know that's likely to be a dangerous idea...perhaps simply the file associations and programs stuff -the windows mobile section?)
Thanks bro!
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Bumping as no replies for ages
Bumping again as no replies for a week or so
Bumping again to ask if anyone knows a way of slving this without having to reinstall all my programs, re register them, and reconfigure everything? (which I suspect installing a different ROM will do?) is it possible to back up the registry entries for all of my programs then do the ROM upgrade and restore the registry entries from my other programsMost of my programs are installed on the microSD card anyway (i didn't want to use up the main memory and slow the device up).??
If so how?
Thanks again folks !
I have the same problem...
I cant seem to find the answer but will continue to try.
if your programs are installed on your memory card then chances are you should be able to past shortcuts into the programs directory after reflashing. I tend to do this BUT I have found some programs that need to be re-installed or re-registered. Backing up registries can cause SERIOUS problems in itself so I would 1st do a full backup of your system (try spb backup, it backs up EVERYTHING on the phone then re-installs the lot so it seems like you never had a problem..) then flash. Try putting on shortcuts and if you have no luck you have the choice to start again on the new os or reflash to old and then restore backup (old problems wil still be there). Hope this helps.
Ps. I use resco explorer instead of the crap file explorer on the phone. It allows MUCH more versatility to do as I want. Cheers....

