Access to DSL provider - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi, iam able to connect to a WLAN router. That is no problem, but if the access data to the DSL Provider are not stored in the Router itself i have to setup a connection to this provider via the PPC. Does anybody know, what to do in this case?

I have never seen a WLAN router, that can't dial in.
Actually that would make no sense, not only since in Germany you can establish only one PPPoE connection per DSL account, so you could be online with a single device only.
Are you sure, that you have a router or is it a Access Point only?
Anyway I doubt there is any driver for PPC enabling PPPoE.


VPN over TMO GPRS/ Connection established but no LAN access

Hello all. I have a siemens sx66 with ROM 1.33.10 running on Tmobile in the NYC area. I have no trouble connecting to GPRS with the unit and accessing the internet. I use the internet3 settings and have been provisioined for VPN through TMO. If I try to connect to my small ofice LAN through GPRS and VPN it seems that I get a connection(desktop shows inbound connection established) but can not view or even ping any of the network resources in either of the two network browsers I have. It seems to me that my trouble is in knowing how to properly configure the connection manager.
As a way to rule out the subscription or network in general, I installed the SIM in a GPRS modem on my laptop and successfully connected and accessed the network resources.
If someone could give me detailed instructions for configuring the connection I would greatly appreciate it. We can start from the point that I have a properly configured GPRS internet connection in the MY ISP section of Connection Manager and nothing more. It will have to be easier than trying to correct anything I had already done with the VPN connection.

terminal server using VPN over umts

I am able to get a connection using Wifi with vpn and then terminal server connection to my work computer.
I am not able to do this over UMTS or GPRS, I cannot get a VPN connection.
Funny enough it seems that my UMTS connection is actually faster then when using WIFI
Your problem is interesting because I have exactly the opposite problem. I have VPN workng over UMTS, but when if I have wi-fi on & phone off, the VPN wants me to turn-on the phone to connect over UMTS!
Sorry I have no idea why this is happening.
I would like to know how both of you have done each of yours as I cant get either to work.
1. WIFI or UMTS connect...
2. Run VPN
3. Run terminal server, automatically disconnects my VPN. Servers are secure, no VPN to RDP.
Please advise your methodology as I cannot for the life of me get that VPN connection to stay on.
Dont get me wrong, UMTS, WIFI, and RDP internal of the networks works fine, just the VPN part stuffs me up
I had to create a work URL Exception under settings/connections/advanced
Once I did this there was no problem getting a VPN connection over WIFI
NLMCarl : may I respectuously ask wether when you turn on the wifi, it connects you to the Internet (which would explain why umts seems soo fast, since the path is the wifi then and not the umts anymore)
BBill : for your case, AFAIK, the umts is linked to the Phone provider plan (meaning the SIM card as well) so no phone means no umts at all. (very slow connection then )
Dont know if this will help but...
When I first tried a VPN over GPRS/UMTS on my Exec I, too, found that it didn't work. After a lot of testing I discovered that my provider (O2) was assigning my Exec a dynamic address on the 10.x.x.x network. Unfortuantely, my home network was also a 10.x.x.x network. Therefore, when the VPN was up and I tried to access my home network through the VPN, it didn't go through the VPN at all, but just tried to access a device on O2's local 10.x.x.x network. This, of course, didn't work.
For me, the fix was to change my ip addresses at home to avoid the conflict. I am now on 172.19.x.x at home and haven't had a problems since.
Hope this helps.

internet access through ad hoc wifi connection?

hi, im not able to connect to the net with my wizard.
i dont have a wireless router so am connecting directly to my laptop, the ad hoc connection i have made works fine for file tranfers, but not for activesync or connecting to the web in either PIE or minimo.
i know activesync isnt possible but surely i should be able to use the broaband from my laptop?
any pointers would be greatly appreciated. software? settings?
its a t-mobile uk vario with qtek test rom.
also anyone know of a remote control utility, i use logmein but would like something a little more menu/macro based for control of media.
Try turning on Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on your laptop; that'll make your laptop act a bit more like a router, providing NAT services to the Wizard.
yeah i've tried that, and i've just tried bridging connections (dont really know much about that) but that hasnt worked either.
My configuration
Me too, I use ADHOC connection for my WLAN.
PC configuration:
ADSL connection shared
Adress IP: Mask:
PocketPC configuration:
Adress IP: Mask: Gateway:
DNS: for Wanadoo
Your problem is certainly the DNS.
You can put too.
so it is possible? cool!.......but im still having problems.
i cant figure out how to enter these settings, not to sure where to put them,
iv tried puttin the DNS in the -> connections -> vpn
and -> network cards -> networks adapters -> SDIO WLAN Wireless Adapter
sorry to be a pain, but could you point me to where to get each address and where to put them?
also is there anything particular you did to set up the adhoc network? i just used the Windows XP wizard and then ticket the AdHoc option after.
my laptop is conected to the router and the router is connected to aol adsl.
the ip address of my laptop is showing as a simple 10.0.0. number on the LAN but "Autoconfiguration IP Address. . . :" for the WLAN
none of my setup has a static ip address, could this be causing the problems?
It's more hazardous without static adress but it's can work.
My PC has directly access to the Internet with a ADSL modem.
It's here (network cards -> networks adapters -> SDIO WLAN Wireless Adapter )
Apparently, it's ok for your PC and the Ad-Hoc mode.
Maybe, you should have your adress IP WLAN on the same network adress of your router.
I started again from scratch.
set a new WLAN. added new setup to the vario, added the DNS etc to the vario.
the problem i was having was the way i was sharing the internet connection, i was trying to shared the internet from the wireless to the lan rather than the internet from the lan to the wireless (if that makes sense to anyone!!!). i also ticked all the connection sharing services to allow them, just need to go through them and see which i dont need now.
thanks for the help guys
(its showing my transfer rate as 11Mbps, although i think iv done the G tweak and my laptop says its got a G card. what speeds should i be getting?)

AT&T 8525 Internet Sharing to Wireless Router?

I am getting ready to head on vacation and I want to use my 8525 as my "Gateway" as there will be 5 of us with laptops and I want to share my 3G connection so here is what I did. I connect my 8525 to my Laptop via usb, I start internet sharing on the 8525 and in my laptop (vista) under network connections I see Local Area Connection 6, remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. I right click this connection and select Sharing, and enable internet connection sharing on it. Then what I did was took my router (linksys) and disabled dhcp, but enabled wireless and didnt set any wep or wpa. I connect from my laptop to a port on the router (not the internet port) and then goto another laptop to see if I have internet. I dont, I can see the ssid, I can connect but I do not have internet access. Should I use a crossover cable? What do I have to do so that all of us can have internet thru my phone? Oh, my laptop does have internet (from the usb connection on the phone). I tried to setup the router so that dhcp was enabled, but then I kept getting an ip conflict error, so we cant do that. Also I am not getting an ip on the wireless, it has an ip of like
Any ideas?
There a software which you can install on 8525 and turn it into a wifi internet sharing but I don't know if it capable of handing up to 5 laptops. You might be able to use this software and get a router with some custom firmware which allow bridging then set it up to have router access the internet from 8525 wifi and share it among the 5 laptops but I am not sure if you could bridging and do wifi AP on the same router if not then you'll probably need to have 2 router one to bridge from 8525 wifi and then connect cable to another router that will be an AP for the laptops.
That would be my best guess of doing this unless one of the laptop can do AP via wifi when 8525 is plugged into usb slot.

PPPoE impossibile!?!?!!!

Hi guys!
I've seen that there is no way to have PPPoE connection on windows mobile! It is absurd: there are tons of software and nobody wrote a program for PPPoE connection...
I have to use PPPoE with my wifi connection and the only one solution seems to change my wifi modem/router!
Any suggestion?
eh! Why do you need PPPoE on your phone? PPPoE (and A) is used by your router to ISP not you phone.
I'm not sure what you need so can you clarify this for me
Thanks Dave
Hi Dave!
My ISP gave me a wifi/ethernet modem without the possibility to set inside the PPPoE parameters needed for the internet connection. For this reason I have to create a PPPoE connection under windows.
I have an ethernet connection between my PC and the adsl modem: if I don't make PPPoE on my PC I can just access to the configuration panel of the modem with my browser... It's the same via wifi.
Without PPPoE on windows mobile I can't access to internet via wifi, but just via activesync (USB/Bluetooth).
Like Telecom Italia Alice service... simple solution (but not so elegant) is buy a router with WiFi and connect it to WiFi Modem then you can connect every device you want.
I still don't get it. you ISP gave you the router. When you plug this in can you not access the internet then?
I think you need to be talking to your ISP about issues with the router. You dont need to setup a PPPoE connection on your PC either this is still set on the router. The network card should pick a IP address from the router via DHCP and this is how they talk to each other. Same goes for your phone.
Who is your ISP and what router did they send you and we may be able to point you in the right direction
what you people dont realize that the dude needs to use ppoe dialer from his windows to establish the internet connection itsself...n while he has a wifi router he cant connect to the internet becuase of this crap old service type
Yea I'm with Telecom Italia Alice but my provider doesn't give me a modem/router with the possibility to set inside the PPPoE parameters! It is impossible to have dhcp with it too, but it is not a problem.
The PPPoE connection is not set inside the modem/router (Alice W-Gate)!
This situation is common for millions of user here in Italy, for all who use the modem/router provided by our ISP. I don't think that Telecom has anything fully customizable for my case...

