Getting Rid of the O2 Rubbish - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Firstly do a hard reset, hold the com button and the voice button, soft reset etc..
Let the O2 Extended rom run and install the mms and GPRS settings so your phone will be configured then when it gives you the option as to what type of install you require, Opt for the Corporate install and use the passcode 0506
This has worked on my XDA and is nice and quick without the O2 active Junk

Anyone else tried this ? Am waiting for my xda mini s and would like to know the best way to install.
Will it already be pre installed and I will have to hard reset to get a different type of install or the first time you boot does it always ask what type of install you want ?

As an added question, how much faster is the device without the O2 stuff ? I mean is it negligable or does it really help the device to whip along ?

Makes a decent paperweight with the O2 stuff installed but that's about it

i'm not sure its that bad. most of the people in this forum are experts. the o2 software might be nice for new users. I ran it for a bit and it was sort of ok, but I got rid of it in the end.

heh I'm lovin the wireless action in my house typin this from the comfort of my bed. well I've been playing round with the different types of install since I got my phone on tuesday. had the o2 software on there for all of about 10 minutes as really its something to be desired. I read about the differen ways to install the phone so firstly I went for the basic install after doing a hard reset. The speed of the phone wasn't too bad and coped with the pre installed apps ok. however I'm sure there was some o2 stuff lurking round somewhere as each time you booted up it would say the o2 apps haven't initilized. so next I followed the advice of a few people doing the hard reset and a soft reset before the o2 extended rom kicked in. this method certainly got rid of the o2 software but also the gprs settings and the mms editer were not installed. I spose you could set up these manually but seeing as I couldt find the settings I was a bit stuck. so finallly I done another hard reset and went for the corporate mode. I tried the same password as to what has been used for the blue angel 0506 as my work collegue did this the other day, And now I'm happy that the phone seems to be quick and will run the prograns easily and the fact that I have kept the settings for it to be used as a phone.

sorry as to your question knowles. yes you do see a good speed increase with getting rid of the o2 software and I would definitely recommend it, just seems they can't program for **** and don't make good use of the proxessor

f17th said:
sorry as to your question knowles. yes you do see a good speed increase with getting rid of the o2 software and I would definitely recommend it, just seems they can't program for **** and don't make good use of the proxessor
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O2 don't develop the O2 Active software, of course, so don't be too hard on them.
My tuppence worth - don't bother with corp mode, just run in "basic" mode which installs most things, but *not* Active. It does pop-up and tell you that you are not running active when you warm boot, but you can soon get rid of that. At least then you don't have to configure the GPRS settings manually...
Corporate mode is what it says - it's for corporates who almost certainly won't be using the mobile web APN. For normal use, I don't really see the benefit of using this over "basic" mode.

daern said:
f17th said:
sorry as to your question knowles. yes you do see a good speed increase with getting rid of the o2 software and I would definitely recommend it, just seems they can't program for **** and don't make good use of the proxessor
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O2 don't develop the O2 Active software, of course, so don't be too hard on them.
My tuppence worth - don't bother with corp mode, just run in "basic" mode which installs most things, but *not* Active. It does pop-up and tell you that you are not running active when you warm boot, but you can soon get rid of that. At least then you don't have to configure the GPRS settings manually...
Corporate mode is what it says - it's for corporates who almost certainly won't be using the mobile web APN. For normal use, I don't really see the benefit of using this over "basic" mode.
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Second that, just choose the basic mode then delete the two O2 programs from \windows\startup and you won't even get the Active reminder then. tried all the variation myself and found this to be the best one for me.

hi guys tried doing this afternoon, reset and went through options, after confirming the gprs settings it never asked me for the type of install. Just went straight into the phone again and had all the damn o2 stuff installed, any help?

ooops my bad, seemed the install first few times mucked up. Tried it one last time and worked fine. No o2 rubbish and phone has some more space and memory and running bit faster, thanks guys.

Which way did you do it the corp mode or basic install ?

Corporate is GREAT but Basic is better after the mods
I have seen all 4 installs and despite really liking the corporate one, I have found it to be buggy. MMS doesn't work, the dialer changes on its own, GPRS is not installed (not a big deal) and other minor cosmetic issues. Basic with all the cr4p taken out is best for me and therefore a Tweaked Basic wins the day...

Prehaps I'm missing something but where is the 'send' button?
(this is probably a really stupid question!)

That's the Green phone

how to remove O2 active ui and the O2 logo from the taskbar?

ah yes found it in the end, thought it was but it wasn't working the first few times I tried for some reason. lol, so much faster without O2 bloatware!

guoper said:
how to remove O2 active ui and the O2 logo from the taskbar?
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This is what I am after doing. After doing a basic install this seems to be the only 02 thing present.
Anyone ?

I don't have anything O2 present at all (apart from the startup splash which I can't find anywhere to change!), I didn't get an option for corporate or basic (prehaps I stopped the install a little early) but it all works fine. I had to ring up O2 to get the MMS server settings though, told them what I had done and when they objected just told them they could stick their contract if they didn't give me the settings and that I would return the mini s as unfit for purpose, it seemed to work!
I feel I was justified in this as the O2 active software sometimes prevented the phone display from coming up thus preventing it acting as a phone!

I'm very new to this - got my first Mini S a couple of weeks ago. I want to know how to get the most out of it of course, but I have a question to ask about it.
If I do this hard reset, I understand that it deletes everything on the phone. I use ActiveSync, and this is supposed to back everything up. Does that mean that if I do a hard-reset, I can then restore everything from my PC (including contacts, text messages etc?)


MDA Pro locks up unexpectadly!! Anyone else....

MDA Pro locks up unexpectadly!! Anyone else had this experience? My wifes MDA Pro for no apparent reason freezes or lock-up 2 - 3 times a day and then requires a soft-reset to be operational again. I every other aspect, it works perfectly, it's just those damn lock-ups. It results in missed calls etc, as the phone is then out of action and one wouldn't be aware of it until you pick it up to use it.
Have exchanged this phone twice in 2 weeks because of it! I believe it's the ROM, even though when not locked-up, it performs extremely well. I am considering flashing the ROM with the Jasjar Rom, as this is now stable.
Anyone tried and had success in doing this, and if so, how do you find it after the upgrade?
Extended rom not installed - no lock up so far
I had the same issue. A couple of lock ups per day. I decided to do a hard reset and when it tried to install the apps of the extended rom after the hard reset, I prevented this by soft resetting the MDA Pro.
Currently only the standard apps of WM5 is installed. So far I have not had any lock ups.
Re: Extended rom not installed - no lock up so far
simba said:
I had the same issue. A couple of lock ups per day. I decided to do a hard reset and when it tried to install the apps of the extended rom after the hard reset, I prevented this by soft resetting the MDA Pro.
Currently only the standard apps of WM5 is installed. So far I have not had any lock ups.
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Hi simba:Thanks for the response.
That's great that you no longer suffer these issues of 'lock-ups', but do you know exactly what .cabs are omitted from install? The reason I ask, is that when you do this process on the jasjar ROM, you loose 3G video calling and the dialler skin. Have you noticed anything like that as yet?
Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.
Re: Extended rom not installed - no lock up so far
mackaby007 said:
simba said:
I had the same issue. A couple of lock ups per day. I decided to do a hard reset and when it tried to install the apps of the extended rom after the hard reset, I prevented this by soft resetting the MDA Pro.
Currently only the standard apps of WM5 is installed. So far I have not had any lock ups.
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Hi simba:Thanks for the response.
That's great that you no longer suffer these issues of 'lock-ups', but do you know exactly what .cabs are omitted from install? The reason I ask, is that when you do this process on the jasjar ROM, you loose 3G video calling and the dialler skin. Have you noticed anything like that as yet?
Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.
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Unfortunately I can not answer your question. I do not use 3G video calling. Also I did not missed any apps of T-mobile yet. I even noticed that without the extended rom apps, MSN is present on my MDA Pro. Probably when installing the extended rom, it removes MSN.
I have read on the forum that members have succeeded in getting the MDA Pro updated to Jasjar Rom. Be carefull tough, as your are actually 'killing' your MDA Pro and then reviving it.
Re: Extended rom not installed - no lock up so far
simba said:
I have read on the forum that members have succeeded in getting the MDA Pro updated to Jasjar Rom. Be carefull tough, as your are actually 'killing' your MDA Pro and then reviving it.
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Please elaborate. 'Killing the MDA Pro'? What just by flashing the ROM? :?
It's important I learn what you mean, because I'm seriously contemplating this exact move, as I'm tired of exchanging my wifes Pro for yet another one!
It's not dangerous. I am a girl and I challenge you to do it.
Anyway, if you need me to send the files that I used for flashing my MDA pro, just tell me, I could send/upload it. I keep it because *someone* (read PM) might need it later.
Re:Here we go!!
dianna_wills said:
It's not dangerous. I am a girl and I challenge you to do it.
Anyway, if you need me to send the files that I used for flashing my MDA pro, just tell me, I could send/upload it. I keep it because *someone* (read PM) might need it later.
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You're on!! :roll: The fact that you're a 'girl' means nothing to me. You're obviously a techie and that makes you one of the guys as far as I'm concerned! Had to say wifes standing over me with a pick-axe :lol: Thanks for your reply. PM'd you back. About to get cracking!! :wink:
I can live with it!!
And there's me thinking it's a simple procedure like upgrading the ROM on the jasjar! Stupid me!
No way am I chancing a patched version of the ROM update and hoping I don't retire my wifes' Pro. I think we'll wait till November and use the t-mobile ROM when it comes out. Thanks all the same diana_wills. You're obviously more than just a've got bigger nuts than I'll have left if I get this wrong!
- Deleted -
Re: Extended rom not installed - no lock up so far
simba said:
I had the same issue. A couple of lock ups per day. I decided to do a hard reset and when it tried to install the apps of the extended rom after the hard reset, I prevented this by soft resetting the MDA Pro.
Currently only the standard apps of WM5 is installed. So far I have not had any lock ups.
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I've done this and noticed there is alot more free RAM too!
One question tho, does anyone know where to get the intelli dialler for WM2K5?
Re: Extended rom not installed - no lock up so far
hollinshead said:
simba said:
I had the same issue. A couple of lock ups per day. I decided to do a hard reset and when it tried to install the apps of the extended rom after the hard reset, I prevented this by soft resetting the MDA Pro.
Currently only the standard apps of WM5 is installed. So far I have not had any lock ups.
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I've done this and noticed there is alot more free RAM too!
One question tho, does anyone know where to get the intelli dialler for WM2K5?
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Yes there is at least 40MB storage space, but no 3G video calling! What else is missing from the omitted cab installation? I noticed a performance boost as well when not installing the extRom, but without knowing for sure what is left behind, I've had to revert to the full ROM.
There isn't anything missing apart from the t-mobile ****e!
All programs etc are there
Quick tip... I found that If you let the first two cabs install THEN press reset as the third one is loading, you'll have video calling and intellidialler back, but nothing else from the ExtROM. (This is on my JasJar, can't guarantee this'll work on the MDA Pro)
Hope this helps...
Thanks sub69. From my observations of hard resetting the MDA Pro, there seem to be some vital cabs being installed later on in the install, hence my reason for reverting to the full t-mobile ROM.
One thing i noticed by avoiding the cabs install was that my device had no mms support at all, neither in inbox or programs.
Where can you download the t-mobile roms when they are available, is there a site like my-xda ?
I just updated mine to the JASJAR rom, works mint now!
Has MSN and skype too!
Also you can select network when u set it up, and it installs all mms settings!

New O2 Exec ROM version 1.13.82 WWE

Just received a replacement for my faulty O2 Exec and it's got a new ROM version:
ROM: 1.13.82 WWE
ROM date: 30/11/05
Radio: 1.04.02
Protocol: 42.37.P8
ExtROM version: 1.13.188 WWE
Only difference I've noticed so far is that the Personal install option has been dropped.
Me wanna get it!
so how is it? better than ever before? ;o)))
no, seriously. is it any better?
Does it have the Blackberry WM5 Client?
Obviously, everyone is keen to know the differences/improvements/mess ups, so post up as soon as you notice anything!!
How about the bluetooth switching itself off, that should be easy to test?
buzz_lightyear said:
so how is it? better than ever before? ;o)))
no, seriously. is it any better?
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Buzz .. any chance for some dump ?
I presume that updating the ROM means that you lose all your data and basically have to start from scratch??
Updating the ROM would be like a hard reset, so you'd lose anything that wasn't backed up or on the storage card.
1 other difference in the ROM I've noticed it in the couple of hours I've had it: Error reporting and incoming beams are both turned off by default (not exactly a big deal, I know).
I've no idea if it has a blackberry client. How would I tell?
I've no need for bluetooth yet since the wife's got Tom Tom 5 under wraps until Christmas, but I've switched it on and will report back in 24 hours to see if it's switched itself off or not!
Start dreaming up your wishlist for this update Less memory leaks, less freezes on SMS receipt, less notification queue problems, less SD card problems, push email, blackberry software, stereo bluetooth... anything else?
LOL, true true - just sold my XDA2s on EBay (sadly for only £165) and I'm missing it already, just the speed, efficiency and streamlined operation is far superior to the Exec AT THE MOMENT.
I also think its ridiculous that you lose EVERYTHING when rom upgrading, imagine if upgrading to Windows Vista mean't you lost your personal data? It simply wouldn't happen so why do they believe PocketPC users should have to?
Hi Moandal, could you tell me if when you right an email from the keyboard and press the "tab" button, does it actually jump from "from" to the "message" ?
jeux have you tried using the DOWN ARROW button?
yeah, I tried no luck, couple of other guys in another threat got that issue and I did hard reset the phone still no luck.
Back after a while away from XDA's - Anyhow, I've had the XDA exec a week and after many freeeeeeeze ups i decided to change it. Went into O2 in Bristol today and they almost admitted that the exec's had a known issue! The guy told me a 'NEW' batch had arrived today and they had been told that they should be a much more stable unit.
Gone is the personal install option and the battery bar is now on the today screen. The unit has opperated all day with no lock ups and the screen refresh when changing aspect is almost instant!!! (i've got all the same apps running so it is a level playing field)
Not much eles is obvious, but like i said it just runs much better - if any of you out ther are still within O2's exchange period then i would get one from the 'New' batch.
I'll report more when i've had a good play around
Widhill, is the new batch a software/rom update only? Or were there hardware issues with the old batch?
I guess I doubt they would tell you that much detail.
Jeux_1: Sorry I can't answer the e-mail question since I've not got e-mail set up on my Exec yet.
I've had bluetooth switched on for almost 24 hours now and it's still not switched itself off (although I haven't actually used the bluetooth). I'm not sure if this proves the bluetooth problem is fixed or not since I've not experienced the bluetooth-switching-off problem myself.
Hi Doody, It would seem that the issue is with the software not the hardware - however that is only my opinion. The new Exec seems to still be holding up and no problems yet! I give it a good going over later tonight and see if i can get to go wrong (haha). I have noticed that the O2 active program is still there but only if you tap on it in programs. The only way to get rid of it was to choose the install type again (only takes 15 secs to change and its gone) The biggest difference is the screen refresh on changing from landscape to portrait - It's Instant (well almost).
So before everyone panics - i would guess we will see a new update from O2 very soon!!!
hi Moandal,
could you please dump the ROM out of it?
If you need assistance, just let me know.
Jeux_1: I've set up email now and tab does take me from "from" to the message.
Buzz: I'll happily dump the ROM for you, but I'll need an idiot-level step by step guide!
Hi Jeux_1,
I don't have an XDA Exec, but i don't think you need the ROM upgrade to solve your problem...
I was having the same problem with my JasJar but it was solved using one of the registry hacks in Tweakz 2k2.Net
It's the hack that relates to smooth scrolling in Pocket Internet Explorer... what you need to do, is to turn it off so that PIE scrolls by link to link instead...
After which you should notice that you can easily swap between To, cc, Subject and message body in your e-mail messages....
I hope you find it useful...
Take it easy...

Orange UK AKU2 (Push Email) ROM released

Get your copy here..
I haven't tested it yet so can't comment wether this contains other improvments yet.
Anyone got it on yet? Any other 'fixes'..
Isee that they have stuck with Radio ROM 1.03
I did... it's too early to say anything... device seems a bit faster but same is the case when you reflash any new rom...
NO A2DP?????
chris_khho said:
NO A2DP?????
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no a2dp
Opera beta has got font problems in the address bar with this new update
Did the update last night - mainly due to the fact my M5000 kept trying to connect with the internet and running up a £100 wap data bill for February. (God knows how I managed to use 38mb of wap, but Orange are looking into it!)
Anyway, I thought I'd post my findings so far:
Device does seem quicker, menu's pop up faster and I've yet to see the "loading" symbol once!
different front end when you configure the device; new windows mobile blue splash screen.
U symbol on the top bar has been replaced by a 3G symbol.
seems to be a new battery/charger symbol on the top bar aswell
I don't know whether the device lock option for the today screen was in the previous rom (I can't remember seeing it, or using it) but it's definately there now.
New "Comm Manager". New interface thats replaced the old Phone/Bluetooth/Wifi switcher program. There seems to be a few new options on this. I have'nt played around with it yet but it comprises of: Phone/Bluetooth/Wifi as before but now also has a PDA symbol, Sound/vibrate option, activesync, and Message symbol (which is probably linked to the new push email facility (not tried that yet either!)
Thats about all I've found so far.
However here's a couple of strange things that have happened since the update:
Activesync set up quite easily (I know that's strange in itself!) but it would not allow me to sync my Outlook contacts back to the device. I had to use a contact back up program I got off the BuzDev website. This was'nt a problem for me before.
The other one is I had quite a few tsk files in my windows/documents folder before the update. All of which disappeared after the update except one. Silverado.tsk. Now I got that file originally by using Wisbar Advance 2 and WAD and It's confusing me as to how it was still on the device. Either it has stayed on the device after the update somehow or Orange have shipped this with the new rom??
Anyone shed any light on this or am I being the complete noob that I am?
I backed up my M5000 with SPBBackup and then proceeded to install the Orange update. Failed the first time, but succeeded the second time around.
Tried to restore my files, and SPBBackup says should not restore as backup from different system -- did a restore anyway. Upon reset, M5000 hangs and hangs and hangs. Just will not start up.
Any help or advice is welcome.
So at the end of the day is it worth upgrading? Has anyone else tried the upgrade?
So at the end of the day is it worth upgrading? Has anyone else tried the upgrade?
xqizit said:
So at the end of the day is it worth upgrading? Has anyone else tried the upgrade?
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I upgraded Saturday and have been quite impressed so far. Seems to resolve issues I was having with menu options not appearing on the bottom notifications bar and a few other gripes.
The changed icons on the top appear to be what we should have had according to the Orange M5000 manual (M5000 MUG UK_GraySacle.pdf).
Performance is improved in so much that the device is more responsive.
Only strange behavior is Magic Button not working quite the same! But i can live with it
Is worth upgrading? YES YES YES
But allow 2 hours to do a thorough job, and write down the key s/w you've installed so that you can reinstall what you really want
And lastly, i have had no issue by upgrading Radio V1.09 on top of the updated ROM etc.
What about those with o2 Execs, with either the RC1 or official new imate me.
Does anyone who DID have this ROM find any advantage in the Orange one, over the iMate?
sipat said:
I backed up my M5000 with SPBBackup and then proceeded to install the Orange update. Failed the first time, but succeeded the second time around.
Tried to restore my files, and SPBBackup says should not restore as backup from different system -- did a restore anyway. Upon reset, M5000 hangs and hangs and hangs. Just will not start up.
Any help or advice is welcome.
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Hard reset, and don't use your old backup. It will not work!
nikbedwell said:
xqizit said:
So at the end of the day is it worth upgrading? Has anyone else tried the upgrade?
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I upgraded Saturday and have been quite impressed so far. Seems to resolve issues I was having with menu options not appearing on the bottom notifications bar and a few other gripes.
The changed icons on the top appear to be what we should have had according to the Orange M5000 manual (M5000 MUG UK_GraySacle.pdf).
Performance is improved in so much that the device is more responsive.
Only strange behavior is Magic Button not working quite the same! But i can live with it
Is worth upgrading? YES YES YES
But allow 2 hours to do a thorough job, and write down the key s/w you've installed so that you can reinstall what you really want
And lastly, i have had no issue by upgrading Radio V1.09 on top of the updated ROM etc.
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Great to hear its an improvement.... I think I will definitely go ahead with the upgrade... now... all I need is that 2 hours spare time! :?

End call doesn't end call...

I have the 8525 with WM6 installed. About 1 in 40 times, the End Call option doesn't display that the call ended (on my side). I attempt to still talk to the other person but I can't hear them, though. After about 2 minutes later, it finally ends the connection. I must do a soft reset to temporarily fix it; the only drawback is that the most previous call isn't shown as being made.
About 1 in 80 times, the call attempts to be made, but doesn't connect at all. I try to End Call, but it seems to "freeze" the screen. The "Close screen" seems to help, as in 30 seconds the device finally quits trying to connect.
Another thing I noticed, after the phone freezes, the antenna signal drops to zero and then returns to about 2 - 3 bars of signal, about 5 seconds later. I'm not sure if that is the cause of the phone hanging, or not. Is there any kind of software to resolve this issue? It's really annoying! Thanks for any help!
is that a cooked rom or official? what's your radio version and carrier?
I'm thinking u need a different radio verson...(u must have hardspl to flash another radio version)...
I got the 8525 as a reconditioned from AT&T about 3 weeks ago. It came with WM5, and I had the above calling issues back then too. I then was informed on the boards here to upgrade to WM6, which I downloaded from HTC, via the AT&T website link.
As for programs, I removed the AT&T "bloatware" via the hard reset trick. Later, I installed S2U2, HTC Streaming Media, HTweakC2.1b, and the PTTFix software. One other program on the 8525 is OCN8 -- for my iBlue 737 Bluetooth GPS device. There are no other files that I can recall, except maps, songs, internet .jpgs, and (camera) pictures/videos.
ROM Version: 3.62.502.3
ROM Date: 10/11/07
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.86u.7020.23H
I do appreciate and try to understand all of the replies that I receive, and I do try to respond within a timely manner. I understand that people are busy and may have other careers as well. However, the thing that makes me pull my hair out is when someone starts to assist my problem, then just ditches the thread after my reply, without so much as an "I'm sorry, but I'm not able to solve your problem" at the minimum! Normally, I give a 48 hour window for the helper or any more helpers to reply before I get frustrated, but it's been way past that timeframe now!
I've noticed that phenomenon on 3 of my prior posts, each are on different subjects. It seems that after the first reply, no one but the original helper responds! If that original helper is busy, or just forgets about the thread, then I'm screwed over.
Sorry to rant, but I tried looking all over the boards for the best Radio program. All I seem to find is best ROMs, but not really Radios. I've seen 2 other Radio programs in signatures, but I'm not sure what one would be best for my purposes. I've seen mention of 1.47.30 & in some members' signatures, but I'm hesitant to just "trial and error" one, for fear it would damage my device. I currently have the WM6 default version, but it freezes up on making some calls and more often on ending a current call.
Anyone else for ideas or opinions on what Radio program to use? Please back up your opinion with facts when possible. I am not an expert on the device, just a new user who is afraid to ruin my investment.
Much thanks to all who read this post and reply to it!
Hi, just saw your thread & did not know U were still hanging....
I would try radio first, then or if necessary. Seem's a lot of at&t users liked 1.48 from what I noticed (don't forget hardspl - use mrvanx guide in the Mobile 6 forum section)...
Here's the 1.54 thread with pro's, con's, and 1.48 at&t comments...
galaxys said:
I would try radio first, then or if necessary. Seem's a lot of at&t users liked 1.48 from what I noticed (don't forget hardspl - use mrvanx guide in the Mobile 6 forum section)...
Here's the 1.54 thread with pro's, con's, and 1.48 at&t comments...
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Thanks for the reply! I will do the hardspl first, then try to install the Radio. I'll report back with details in a day or two.
My current Image Version is 3.62.502.3, and I am attempting to update it to
I keep having errors while trying to install Radio Version to my 8525, after opening RUU_Inside.exe on my laptop. I've even tried to install it from my microSD card, but I get the tri-color screen instead of the white background with text screen, shown in the online example. The 8525 ActiveSyncs to the computer fine, and the screen shows:
"Updating the ROM image on your PDA phone ...
Please do not remove the USB connection from the PDA Phone or launch any program during the update process.
Remember the operation will take about 10 minutes."
As soon as the above grey box pops up, ActiveSync drops after that box appears, then I get the following message:
"Error [260]: CONNECTION"
I've installed Hard-SPL v.7 onto the 8525 already. Not that it seems to make a difference, I believe, but other programs that are on it include: WMXL 8525 Keyboard Fix, S2U2 1.16, Resco Explorer 2008, PTTFix, MunduRadio, & HTweakC 2.1,
not sure, but did a "search" for error 260 & seems to be your pc usb port:
(use xda google search for any questions)
btw, u are using XP & not Vista on u'r pc.
My laptop has XP (Media Center Edition). I did a search as well, but it was dated back to 2007; I wondered if there was a newer fix than the one on that page, as it referenced the prior version of Hard-SPL. From the sounds of it, I have to install WM5 again, change the radio version (which was the only thing I need to adjust, as the voice calls have been a pain since day one), then reinstall all of my programs again.
I've heard people create ROMs. However, the radio settings can't be included in them . . . or am I off-base with that presumption? I am not that experienced to cook my own ROM, as I am still learning the nuances.
Well I broke down and went on AT&T's online chat. Sounds like there is no software to install to fix the issue. I hoped the radio version switch would help, but I couldn't get it to install! I guess it's back to the Replacement Depot on Sunday. I should return my device to WM5, which I hope to find the thread for on the board.
If interested, here's the key parts of the conversation:
Me: Hi, my 8525 is giving me trouble making and ending calls. It sometimes hangs, and doesn't quit trying to place the call. Once I reset it, it's fine until I try to end the call, it hangs up the call, but not showing so on my side
AT&T: Can you try hard shocking the phone for me please? A hard shock is taking the battery out while the phone is still powered on, and then power the phone back on once the battery is back in the phone.
Me: I received it as a reconditioned from the AT&T depot in Pittsburgh, PA. About 20 minutes later, it did the same thing, so I upgraded to WM6 and still the same issues
AT&T: If you continue to have these issues with this phone, you will need to take the phone back to the Device Support place where you got it from.
Me: Is that a common issue?
AT&T: Sometimes it is with at reconditioned phone.
. . .
AT&T does not have an update for the Windows Mobile 6 at this time. However you may check out HTC website at and see if they have an update for this software for this phone.
Me: So it's the phone, not the software?
AT&T: Yes that is correct. There is a defect within the phone that is causing these issues. If you continue to have these issues with this phone, you will need to take the phone back to the Device Support place where you got it from.
Me: Are you able to explain what causes it that the Device Center doesn't catch it
AT&T: I am not sure what causes this issue.
Me: Like should there be anything done to prevent that from happening?
AT&T: It is hard to tell with reconditioned phones. It may be something that can be fixed and it may not. If the hard shock does not fix this issue and the Device Support cannot, then you will be given another phone.
ohpfan said:
My laptop has XP (Media Center Edition).
I've heard people create ROMs. However, the radio settings can't be included in them . . . or am I off-base with that presumption? I am not that experienced to cook my own ROM, as I am still learning the nuances.
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Ok, your signature is looking good and that is some conversation with good old at&t...bla bla bla
To answer your question above, the chefs cooked roms do not include radio (because everyone around the world uses a different one). But, the Official WM6 rom's do (posted wiki & wm 6 section). So, why don't u flash the official wm6 since u have hardspl now? This in itself may resolve u'r issue (if u don't get the driver pc 260 error)! why would u want to flash wm5?
I was going to return my 8525 to the Service Depot where I got it, is why I mentioned returning it back to WM5 status. However, I wanted to see if it could be fixed by software first, but considering the above online AT&T chat, I am definitely going to get it replaced again. So, I want the 8525 to not show my "3rd party software" to ruin the warranty. I had the 8525 to individually remove the CABs under Remove Programs, and then I did a Clear Memory to default for good measure. Hopefully the Service Depot won't say anything about the device being altered that way.
Oh yea, I am going to get it replaced on Thursday. I will try to get them to give me a new one, not a reconditioned. That is, if there are even any new ones around anymore! It'd be a miracle if they gave me a new 8925 Tilt instead . . . lol I know -- keep dreaming! Wish me luck with a new 8525 though!
Well, I exchanged my current 8525 for another reconditioned one. The repair guy actually asked if I heard of the xda website (for help with my device!), lol!! He didn't go into detail about what this site does, just asked if I heard about it, and I affirmed that I did. Possibly he found traces of programs that changed settings, but he didn't rat me out. He sounded like he was confident that he fixed the phone dialing issues, but gave me a new one "just in case".
As soon as he gave it to me, it booted right up, without the calibration screen. He flat out told me to calibrate it, but it didn't appear. I was trying to see if it would act up with the dialing again, but noticed it didn't save the numbers on my SIM! I then decided to get rid of the bloatware via the Clear Programs and that lead to the calibration screen, finally.
So far it seems to work fine! I made about 6 calls this time and they seem to end properly. There is a slight 30 second or so delay when I press the button with the "red phone symbol" [end call] before the screen lights up again though. Is that normal?
Oh, I've only loaded up S2u2 so far. I will reinsert the others onto my memory card today sometime before work.
Again, so far so good! Only real issue I see is that the ringer volume is very low when the device is in the carrying case I have it in. I will search on here for a ringer volume changer, soon!
Glad U were able to get another phone!
"red phone symbol" [end call] before the screen lights up again though. Is that normal?
No, should end in a few seconds...doesn't seem it's even assigned to the phone (U can use Schaps Advanced Config tool to do this and many more good tweeks).
galaxys said:
No, should end in a few seconds...doesn't seem it's even assigned to the phone (U can use Schaps Advanced Config tool to do this and many more good tweeks).
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The "end call" does it's job, just that the screen is dim then it takes like 30 seconds to brighten again to show that the call is ended. Possibly it's something I have set up wrong. I notice the blue backlight for the keypad doesn't light up until a minute of my typing on it for a text; it's like a delayed reaction.
(I have the unlimited text/pix/vid plan, as of this past Thursday.) A bit off-topic, but are the Yahoo, AOL, & MSN IM programs considered a text or do they use kilobytes of data? I could use the programs over the Wi-Fi if I had to, but I don't want to pay extra for data kilobytes.
Lastly, I have never downloaded the Schaps Configuration. What all settings should I change? I know it's mostly based on personal preference, but what are some common alterations using it? For instance, I set the alarm to wake up to, but it's only a short beep sound. If I really was sleepy, I would probably sleep right through it! Does this program (or any others) configure any song on my device to be the alarm? I've already done that to the ringtone (where the first 30 seconds of any song is my ringtone).
ohpfan said:
The "end call" does it's job, just that the screen is dim then it takes like 30 seconds to brighten again to show that the call is ended. Possibly it's something I have set up wrong. I notice the blue backlight for the keypad doesn't light up until a minute of my typing on it for a text; it's like a delayed reaction. check in Settings>System>Backlight & Keyboard Backlight.
(I have the unlimited text/pix/vid plan, as of this past Thursday.) A bit off-topic, but are the Yahoo, AOL, & MSN IM programs considered a text or do they use kilobytes of data? I could use the programs over the Wi-Fi if I had to, but I don't want to pay extra for data kilobytes. I don't use them, but it should be treated as MMS text.
Lastly, I have never downloaded the Schaps Configuration. What all settings should I change? I know it's mostly based on personal preference, but what are some common alterations using it? For instance, I set the alarm to wake up to, but it's only a short beep sound. If I really was sleepy, I would probably sleep right through it! Does this program (or any others) configure any song on my device to be the alarm? I've already done that to the ringtone (where the first 30 seconds of any song is my ringtone).
Schaps has a number of Performance, Power, UI settings, etc., but no alarm ringtones. U may not need Since u'r using HTweekC.
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see info above...

[Q] Random problem forces hard reset

Since flashing Duttys WM6.5 Leo Holy Grail ROM to my HD I have been very impressed with it's performance, 99% of the time it is responsive and stable and seems happy even though several programs are running. It has made my HD a really nice phone.
But every now and again something weird will happen, usually activesync reports a problem, or all of my contacts vanish, sometimes files on the device (not SD) cannot be accessed. So I soft reset and it doesn't boot, it will get stuck on the orange splash screen.
In total it has happened about 4 times since I flashed the ROM on Dec 29. It happened last night and eventually the device loaded the background picture, then popped up an error dialogue saying something about being unable to open a file, there was no mention of the file name. I did a soft reset and it then automatically performed a hard reset.
The other times the phone just hangs on the orange splash screen every time, causing me to perform a hard reset manually. Sometimes it will work fine for a good few days, or sometimes fail after only 1 day.
Its really annoying. I cant seem to get a HTC that works at the moment. My TP2 is rubbish, I've tried several ROM's and it is consistently unstable, so I go back to my HD which was always reliable... And now this happens.
please Help or I'll be forced to turn to the darkside and get an iphone and I really don't want to do that!
Why not just return to the "reliable" firmware version used previously?
I'm not a fan of custom roms or 6.5, especially on this underpowered model, it's definitely the most reliable handheld I own or have owned with oem roms though, especially without it's resource gobbling pretty face on.
Not really the most helpful answer, but i suppose i cannot argue the reasoning behind it.
In defence of this ROM it is BRILLIANT when it is working, i'd actually argue that the device feels smoother with this ROM than it did with the stock Orange UK ROM.
deejayry said:
Not really the most helpful answer, but i suppose i cannot argue the reasoning behind it.
In defence of this ROM it is BRILLIANT when it is working, i'd actually argue that the device feels smoother with this ROM than it did with the stock Orange UK ROM.
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Have you tried asking your question in one of Duttys threads. You may get a better response. Also, try flashing a different rom
Since posting the message the problem has not come back.
I have been thinking that there is a possibility that my server was hacked, i noticed a few things had changed on the server, i also had notices when i logged in to facebook and paypal, informing me that someone from New York had accessed my account. the server and facebook used to have the same password.
Is it possible that the problem i had was caused by a hacker on my exchange server issuing a command to reset the device? i know it can do something like this to protect data in the event of a phone going missing.
what does the device do if exchange server performs this routine?
Please help me find this problem... i dont want to buy an Iphone!
Ok I tried a different Rom, this time i used one of KWBR's:
a month down the line and its just started to go wrong again.
this time, i find that the device slows down a little bit, prompting me to soft reset, when it boots i find that my contacts are missing, active sync will not load properly, it briefly flashes on screen but lower 1/3rd of active sync window is missing (appears transparent or black) only way to get contacts back and active sync working again is hard reset!
Anyone got any ideas what might be going on?
its been doing this now on both ROM's but i have no idea what may be causing it, as far as additional software i only install a few apps: Slimcontrol 1.5, Core player & GcZ2 (geocaching tool) which all have been running fine before.

