Ad-Hoc Wizard to Wizard Wifi Connection - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi all,
Me and my friend both have a K-Jam and we have been trying to connect our devices together in an Ad hoc (device to device) connection. It looks liek it is posible but just wondering if anyone can shed some light.
Here is what we have done so far...
1) Open comms manager and turn on Wifi
2) in Comms manager click Settings > Wifi Settings
3) in wifi settings click Menu > Network cards
4) from the dropdown at the bottom choose only Computer-to-computer and click "Add New..." in the top of the listbox
5) Type a network name of "TestNet1" (or anything you like) and check the box that says "This is a device-to-device (ad-hoc) connection
6) choose network key tab and set data encryption to disable (just to avoid any problems when testing it out) then click "ok" at top
7) you will see this connection in the list and it will say "Unavailable", this is ok, now onto get onto the other Wizard.
8) on the other Wizard open comm manager and turn on wifi, then close the comm manager
9) Back on the first wizard tap-hold on the connection we just created and click connect
10) now wait for a little while and on the second jam it will popup a window saying "TestNet1" network connects me to: and you can choose "The Internet" or "Work" and click connect
11) you are now connected!!!!
To check they are connected, click the wifi icon at the top, and click settings, then click network cards. Both devices will show TestNet1 with Conneted written next to it.
Also click the wifi icon, choose settings and click Wireless LAN on either device and it will show:
SSID: TestNet1
Mode 802.11 Ad Hoc
plus some other information and a signal strength. Clicking the Advanced tab at the bottom will show status as connected to network with a MAC address and your devices IP address!!!
This is excellent as two Wizards are now connected together directly via Wifi!
I have one question - Does any one have any idea how you can communicate between the two? Send Data etc?
This would be excellent and i MUST be possible!!! maybe some extra software is needed to allow this? Any help would be very much appreciated.

What benefit would this have over a Bluetooth connection?

Firstly, further signal range on wifi and secondly Speed, bluetooth inherantly has a very slow transfer speed.

You'll need extra software, as windows mobile doesn't have any server functionality, what means that you can't share your files as you would do on a desktop windows box. However I don't know if such software exists


guide to connecting laptop to web via universal

i have an m5000 and would like to use it as a modem to surf the web on my laptop. can anyone give me simple instructions as to how this is done. i have looked at the wireless modem app but can't see how to initiaite a connection on the laptop,
Using your device as a modem to your PC via USB
This is for GPRS connection
You must have from your network provider: the internet access point name, your user name and password.
Download and unzip the attached file in a folder on your desktop
1- Disconnect the device from your desktop
2- On the Activesync icon on your desktop, open "Connection Settings". Uncheck "Allow USB Connection".
3- On your device: Go to "Beam" (in Settings/Connections), and uncheck "Receive all Incoming beams".
4- Then in Programs, click on "Wireless Modem". With the Connection type on USB, click on "Start".
5- Now, connect your device to the desktop. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" starts on your desktop. Click "Install from a specific location", then "Don’t search. I will choose…", then click on "Modems", and "Have Disk…" and go to the folder where you unzipped the attached file.
The HTC USB Modem will be shown in the compatible hardware: click to install. Continue if you receive the alert of the software not passing the Windows XP compatibility test (Continue anyway). Finish.
6- Now, in Control Panel of your desktop, open "Phone and Modem Options". Select the "HTC USB Modem" and click on "Properties". In the "Advanced" tab type for "Extra initialization commands":
where xxx is your internet access point.
Click OK to finish.
7- On your device (always open in the Wireless Modem program), click on Tools/Options. Check the Preset GPRS connections and write in the APN, your network provider internet access point.
8- Finally, on your desktop, go to "Network Connections" and click "Create a new connection". Choose "Connect to the internet", then "Set up my connection manually". Click "Connect using a dial-up modem", then give a name to your ISP. In phone number type *99#. Get username and password from your network provider.
Better keep a shortcut of this connection on your desktop for quick access.
Each time you want to use your device as a modem:
Disconnect your device
Disable Activesync from your desktop by unchecking the “Allow USB connection”
Open Wireless Modem on your device and push on Start (with the Connection Type on USB)
Connect your device, then dial from your desktop using the shortcut you created
PS: Remember to enable Activesync once you’ve finished.
Hi Tekflow
I have never seen on this forum such a precise and simple guide !
You thought of everything and it is working perfectly for me
Until now I had a Novatel internal UMTS modem,but using the JJ is much better
Thanks mate (actually neighbour...)
How much of Tekflow's excellent guide applies to Bluetooth modem connections?
Well, guys and dear neighbour, regarding Bluetooth, I did not try it yet, because I work on a desktop and not a notebook, so I prefer USB connection.
Still you can try this:
(If your PC does not have an integrated Bluetooth connection, you must first install a Bluetooth dongle (USB to Bluetooth) on your PC, with the related software (widcomm or other))
Open on your PC in the Control Panel the Phone and Modem Options
Choose Modems, pick the Bluetooth Modem, then click on Properties
Click on Advanced tab
Type in Extra Initialization commands:
where xxx is your internet access point.
Now, on the Wireless Manager of your device, turn WiFi Off, and Bluetooth On, then click on Settings/Bluetooth Settings and check "Make this device discoverable..."
On your PC:
Click on Bluetooth icon (My Bluetooth places)
Click Bluetooth Setup Wizard.
Choose I want to find a specific Bluetooth device …
After a search period, an icon of your device is displayed (usually with your owner’s name): double click for settings
From the Dial-up Networking Links, click on SSA
SSA settings: Modem: Bluetooth Modem
Number to dial: *99#
User name and password, according to Network provider
Please tell me if this works
Thanks for your additional input. I'm not having any success though, although I'm convinced I'm not far from success.
I'm confused: In the help for my laptop's BT it says that "Dial-up Networking allows a remote Bluetooth device to use a modem that is physically attached to [the laptop]."
When I search for Bluetooth devices, choose my Exec and then browse the Exec services, I see the service "Dial-up Networking on HTC Universal". Is this correct? Maybe both the laptop and the Universal offer this service. I want to use the DUN on the Universal but don't need it on the laptop. Is that right? (I can disable DUN in the laptop's list of services?)
I've turned on BT on the Universal and started the Wireless Modem app, choosing Bluetooth as the Connection Type.
So, I've created a Bluetooth modem attached to COM5 with your special initialisation command (using 'mobileweb' as my internet access point). When I query the modem it responds confirming it's a Pocket PC. All looks good.
I've created a new dial-up connection, using the new Bluetooth modem and with the connection properties for O2 GPRS (number= *99#, username= mobileweb, password= password).
However, when I try to connect this new DU connection, I immediately get the error dialog on the PC- "Error 633: The modem (or other connecting device) is already in use or is not configured properly."
Any ideas?
OK, here is another step by step:
First on the UNIVERSAL open Wireless Manager: turn WiFi OFF and Bluetoth ON
then in Settings select Bluetooth Settings, and check "Make this device discoverable to other devices".
To set up Bluetooth drivers on your PC, click on the Bluetooth icon in the System Tray in the bottom right hand corner of the PC's screen. Click 'Add' to begin the search for the UNIVERSAL. Note that some PC's are installed with other types of BT software that will look slightly different.
Check the 'My device is set up and ready to be found' (discoverable) and press 'Next'.
After a short period of searching, an icon representing the device will apppear, with your owner's name used on the Universal.
Select the UNIVERSAL device and begin the Bluetooth "Pairing/Bonding" process. Select the 'Use the Passkey found in the documentation' and enter the appropriate PIN (usually "0000") and then press 'Next'.
The pairing process begins with the UNIVERSAL.
On your UNIVERSAL, enter the same Passkey/PIN entered on the PC and tap on the 'ok'. The Partnership Settings screen will appear, press Finish.
Windows™ XP Service Pack 2 automatically detects and installs the drivers.
Press Finish to complete the Pairing of the PC and Device.
Clicking on the System Tray Bluetooth icon again will now find the previously bonded UNIVERSAL. Select the device and click Properties.
Check the available services on the UNIVERSAL. Select the Dial-Up Networking (DUN) Bluetooth Profile and click OK.
From the Network Connections screen click on "Create a new connection" and click "Next".
Proceed with the following: "Connect to the internet", then "Set up my connection manually", then "connect using dial up modem"
Select the Bluetooth link, click Next, then OK on the next window
Name the Connection and click Next.
Enter the User name and Password for the Connection and click Next. Then click Finish. The dial up connection is now setup.
Now use the Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options to add in your operator's APN:
Select Bluetooth Modem and click Properties. Then select the Advanced tab at the top. You must enter your operator's APN (Access Point Name) to the internet in that location. This is a common mistake and the modem won't work without it! This information is also contained in the UNIVERSAL in the 'Start > Settings > Connections > Tasks > My ISP > Manage Connections'. The APN for the O2 UK network, for example is "", so the line would be at+cgdcont=1,"IP","".
[The APN selects which path the data takes within your operator's network. Alternatives to the internet APN may be APN's to WAP or MMS servers.]
Optionally, the Access Point can also be defined in the WModem > Tools menu.
On the UNIVERSAL, run the Wireless Modem application by pressing Start > Programs >Wireless Modem. Select Connection Type: Bluetooth. Then tap Start.
From Network Connections, dial the recently created connection (i.e. "My dial-up to the Internet via UNIVERSAL Bluetooth Modem" if that was the name assigned to it).
UNIVERSAL Dial-up Connection Progress: "Dialing *99#" then "Verifying username and password" then "Registering your computer on the network"
Finally, the popup shows that the modem is now connected
When finished browsing or e-mailing, first right click the connections icon on the right hand side of the PC and press disconnect. Then deactivate the USB Modem by pressing Stop at the WModem application.
Tell me if this works, because I still don't have a bluetooth connection on my PC
thanks for a great set of instructions, very easy to follow. However it does not quite seem to work for me. I can add the exec as a modem and when I try to connect I can see that a gprs/ 3g connection is made on the exec. On my laptop it goes through the authenticating user prompt, but when it gets to registering the computer on the network it just times out and the exec drops the connection, any ideas?
I am using
Username: o2web have tried mobileweb as well
Password: password
advanced command: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","","",0,0
wireless modem apn:
Hiya megman,
In anticipation of doing tech support at my folks' house tomorrow (dial-up *shudder) I decided to set my trusty Exec up as a modem. Booze almost certainly smoothed the process out
Some notes: (a) I'm a tad drunk . (b) On the Exec, I had to make a new modem connection. I use "work" for both connection types so added my new connection there. (c) I first paired my Exec with my lappie, choosing serial port and then set up an incoming com port on 4.
Having done this, and topped up my glass, I did:
1) Connect from lappie to Exec on BT, choose dial-up networking, use the string from Tekflow (respect going out):
in the advanced bit. Set the phone number to *99#; username:mobileweb; passwordassword.
2) On Exec, make a new connection (I didn't have one to start with) Manage Existing Connections > New... -> line:cellular gprs;; username:mobileweb; passwordassword; no advanced stuff.
3) Connect that puppy
4) Start Wireless Modem, making sure it's a bluetooth connection
5) On lappie, connect to the Exec via Bluetooth Settings window.
6) Job's a good 'un. Use new connection to do this!
Thanks this_mike. I forgot to put on my post that I was trying a USB connection though. I don't have bluetooth on either of my laptops.
Two things...
First, a massive thanks to Tekflow for your great setup instructions... i had been trying to do this for ages without any success
Second, for those Vodafone 3G users, the setup instructions are exactly the same, except the username and password (in the UK at least) are:
Username: web
Password: web
Million Thanks to Tekflow and all the folks engaging in sheding lights on all this. I had been wrestling the use of that since my old XDA I -> XDA II. And now i just succeeded using the wireless modem with my XDA Universal.
Thank you
Re: Using your device as a modem to your PC via USB
Tekflow said:
This is for GPRS connection
You must have from your network provider: the internet access point name, your user name and password.
Download and unzip the attached file in a folder on your desktop
1- Disconnect the device from your desktop
2- On the Activesync icon on your desktop, open "Connection Settings". Uncheck "Allow USB Connection".
3- On your device: Go to "Beam" (in Settings/Connections), and uncheck "Receive all Incoming beams".
4- Then in Programs, click on "Wireless Modem". With the Connection type on USB, click on "Start".
5- Now, connect your device to the desktop. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" starts on your desktop. Click "Install from a specific location", then "Don’t search. I will choose…", then click on "Modems", and "Have Disk…" and go to the folder where you unzipped the attached file.
The HTC USB Modem will be shown in the compatible hardware: click to install. Continue if you receive the alert of the software not passing the Windows XP compatibility test (Continue anyway). Finish.
6- Now, in Control Panel of your desktop, open "Phone and Modem Options". Select the "HTC USB Modem" and click on "Properties". In the "Advanced" tab type for "Extra initialization commands":
where xxx is your internet access point.
Click OK to finish.
7- On your device (always open in the Wireless Modem program), click on Tools/Options. Check the Preset GPRS connections and write in the APN, your network provider internet access point.
8- Finally, on your desktop, go to "Network Connections" and click "Create a new connection". Choose "Connect to the internet", then "Set up my connection manually". Click "Connect using a dial-up modem", then give a name to your ISP. In phone number type *99#. Get username and password from your network provider.
Better keep a shortcut of this connection on your desktop for quick access.
Each time you want to use your device as a modem:
Disconnect your device
Disable Activesync from your desktop by unchecking the “Allow USB connection”
Open Wireless Modem on your device and push on Start (with the Connection Type on USB)
Connect your device, then dial from your desktop using the shortcut you created
PS: Remember to enable Activesync once you’ve finished.
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Excellent guide. Thanks Tekflow!
I'd had problems with this up until now, just followed the guide and got it working first time... Thisll save me trying to find a wifi connection when on business
usb modem error!
Hi everybody!
I tried to connect laptop to my Universal but in wireless modem with USB type when I tap START I receive an error: " COM OPEN ERROR"
Any idea???
cata delete any bluetooth outgoing port setup you have for xample I had a bluetooth outgoing gps reiciver setup and delted that fixed the com port issue,
got the info from another thread so if it works all credit due to that chap
Nice work Tekflow
I added a link to this topic in the wiki under Universal/FAQ
How can I figure the username/password for T-Mobile USA?
t mobile mda pro user pass ?? anyone?
Thanks to Tekflow et al. I have now managed to connect using both methods [USB/Bluetooth], I prefer BT over USB though so I don't have to keep on fiddling with Activesync Connection Settings. BTW am posting this now using my Exec as the modem.

PROBLEM: sharing folder with WiFi...

Hi guys!
I'm trying to use (first time 4 me!) WiFi connection from my laptop and my Jamin in this way:
Start from scratch (without connections...) and turn on both wifi.
Create a new connection for only 2 devices from my Jamin without any security (4 the moment).
Now I can see the new wifi network on my laptop...
I chose connect from my laptop and the connections estabilish.
Handshake to retrieve the ip address is oaky and now I've got the connection from my 2 devices (Jamin and laptop).
On laptop I can ping the ip address of my Jamin but now I don't know what can I do with this connection.
Is it possible to share some folder on laptop and/or on Jamin to copy/remove/move some files?
Is it possible to use the std modem connection of my laptop for browsing the web from Jamin?
Is it possible to sync with Activesync my Jamin?
How can I do it, guys?
You can do most of what you want:
First, make sure that if you selected (on the Jamin) that your network connects to 'Work' in Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Network Selection both lists read 'My work network' or 'My ISP' if you selected the 'connects to Internet'.
1) To browse, copy, move and delete files on you laptop just create standard windows shares. (right click folder or drive, select sharing)
To access the files from the Jamin select 'open path' in file explorer and type \\computer-name\\share-name. I recommend using the free Total Commander because built-in file explorer takes up to 3 times as long to transfer files (no idea why, it just hangs in the middle).
Unfortunately Windows Mobile does not support file sharing so this will not work viceversa (looking at Jamin files from laptop)
2) To serf the web through laptop internet connection you have to use 'internet connection sharing' (not a problem if you are using Win XP).
On the Jamin go to Settings->Connections->Network Card->Adapters
tap on your WiFi card in the list and enter your laptops IP as the gateway.
3) Sync is possible but tricky. I don't know the exact procedure but you need to set up a VPN (MS removed WiFi sync from AS 4+ for security reasons). The procedure is documented somewhere here, I just don't remember where exactly.
Great! Many thanks! ;-)
Just another think....
What about hotspos?
I never search for a hotspot near me because I think I will not able to connect to a hotspot.
Can you exlain me the procedure to search and use hotspot? How can I see if the found hotspot is open or closed? Do you use some sw to connecti with WiFi?
I am not sure about your laptop, it depends on its WiFi card driver.
As for Jamin it is very simple: Turn on WiFi, it will automatically search for all available networks and display them stating if the network is open or secure. Then you just select a network you want and it will try to connect.
Also in settings->connections->Network cards you can see all the networks your device detected (even those that are not in the vicinity any more) when WiFi is on. Tap on a network to change its settings (like encryption type if any) or tap and hold for a menu.
If you don't mind wasting space on .NET CF 2 You can download a free app called Hitchhiker that helps auto-configure WiFi network connection.
Just remember: even if you found what looks like an open Hotspot it may be just an unsecured network that doesn't provide internet acces ot the network may block devices by MAC address, in this case it will show as open but you will not be able to connect.
Many thanks! ;-)
So, is it possible that I can connecto to a hotspot but I can't use it or if I see the hotspot connected that means that I can use it to surf the web?
After the connection is estabilished what I have to do or confiugre to surf the web using that connection?
Thanks a lot guy! You're helping me so mutch!
Whether you have internet access or not once you are connected depends on the network (what you think is a hotspot may be in fact someones home network that does not have internet access). If it is a public hotspot you don't have to do anything once you are connected except to open Internet Explorer.
Sorry 4 my stupid question but..
what is the difference between accesspoint and hotspot? :-(
I'm always thinking (WRONG) thet accesspoint is home LAN and hotspot is internet...
The definition thing is kind of tricky. When you say access point some people might just think of a device with an antenna that plugs in to your network to extend coverage and others might say it is the same as hotspot.
Hotspot is generally defined as a public access WiFi network.
All of that is semantics though. When you turn on a WiFi capable Pocket PC or laptop it detects everything with WiFi around it.
It can determine if the source is another computer (Ad-hoc network) or if it is a router (real network), what standard it is (g/b) and whether it is secured (requires key) or not. Also if the network broadcasts SSID (disabling it is another security measure) you may learn its name, although it may be set to default, which is usually the router model.
As far as I know there are two ways to learn what you are connected to:
1) Ask who ever is in charge of it.
2) Poke around, and see what you get.
One more thing: There is an app (not free) called PocketLAN. It shows you the network (on your Jamin) just like you would see it in Network Neighborhood on the PC, plus lets you ping other computers and stuff. You may want to check it out.
Thanks man!
Well! Yesterday I was able to manage shared folder of my laptop from Jamin with WiFi connection.
Thanks a lot!
Now I have another problem.... I clear all my "wifi networks" (?) from the tab visible in the screenshto.
I also clear all my wifi networks from laptop.
Tha problem is that I'd like to configure somethink on my laptop in order to automatically connect from my Jamin on it.
I'd like to turn on the wifi on Jamin and receive the notification that a connection can be estabilish to my laptop...
I tryed a lot but I can't do it!
Is it possible? The tab in attachment what rappresent? I have to confiugure somethink there?
I'm always thinking that wifi connection are visible simply turning on the wifi of any device...
Is there some guide for dummys? I don't want to annoing so mutch... :-(
levenum said:
You can do most of what you want:
First, make sure that if you selected (on the Jamin) that your network connects to 'Work' in Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Network Selection both lists read 'My work network' or 'My ISP' if you selected the 'connects to Internet'.
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im sorry levenum but i didnt quiet understand what u were trying to say... what exactly do i need to do after i select network selection ??
thank u
phreaker18 said:
im sorry levenum but i didnt quiet understand what u were trying to say... what exactly do i need to do after i select network selection ??
thank u
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Click to collapse
What are you trying to do? What is the problem you are getting?
If you start from the beginning I might be able to help you better.
In any case once you open 'Network selection' you will see two combo boxes - "drop down" lists.
You need to select same thing in both - "My ISP" than make sure when you connect to a network you select "The internet".
unable to find network wifi
i am using o2 xda mini s to connect my laptop via wifi. it shows the connections excellent on both devices with ip address on ppc nd on laptop. i used laptop ip address as gateway address on ppc network wifi adaptor setting.
using ping with this ip( from laptop it shows success. but can't share folders and transfer files. when i try to open the pah from the file explorer in ppc or laptop it says 'unable to find network that support this ip address' either by entering the name of computer or by entering ip address
help me in using this facility.

Use wifi if available, otherwise use 3G/GPRS?

One thing i'm totally confused and lost about, with my new Vario II, is its apparent inability to use the wifi preferentially to access the internet.
T-mobile havent been able to help so far but I will keep leaning on them. The basic question I have is that:
When connected to wifi, I know I can get access to the internet because my laptop is doing it right now. If the wifi is connected (and it works because im transferring files across file sharing), why does the GPRS dial when I fire up an internet app like ie/msn messenger?
What do I need to do to this phone to make it prefer wifi over 3g/gprs?
Also, is it just my device, or is wifi on all these dog slow? It took nearly 1.5 minutes to copy a 4 meg mp3! ~384kbps?!
Start > Settings > Network Cards > Network Adapters (Tab) > "My network card connects to:" The Inernet
That should solve your problem. To a point, anyway. For som reason, Push mail is still GPRS only.
My TyTN uses WiFi when available otherwise it automatically choses HSDPA/EDGE/GPRS to get connected to Internet. To achieve it I set my system in the following way:
Start > Settings > Network Cards > Network Adapters (Tab) > "My network card connects to:" The Inernet (as rassah stated above)
Configure your GPRS connection as My Work Network.
Under Start > Settings > Connections > Connections > Advanced > Select_Networks (Network Management tab) set both drop-down
1. "Program that automatically connect to the Internet shoud connect using" -> My Work Network
2. "Program that automatically connect to the Private Network shoud connect using " to My Work Network -> My Work Network
Ahhhh.. I've eventually solved this, I think. Even with what was suggested here, I had difficulty and the phone would not dial gprs -> it just said "cannot connect with your current settings"
It was the last line of what JohnieWalker said that got me thinking - there is a slight typo on the line but other than that, his advice led me to the solution.
For other people experiencing this difficulty, I offer the following advice:
Click Start, Settings, Connections tab. All the applets you need to use are on this screen
Use the Network Cards applet, Network Adapters tab, highlight the wireless card and tell the phone it connects to Work
-- This apparently does something different to choosing "The Internet" in that it allows file sharing etc. The word Work in this context is completely unrelated to the default connection called "My Work Connection"
Use the Wireless LAN applet to connect to your wifi network
In the Connections applet, Advanced tab, press Select Networks
Set both dropdowns to "My Work Connection"
On the tasks Tab, the display has changed to "My Work Connection" -> Choose Manage Existing Connections and add a New one via the button
Enter the details to dial your gprs. These are all over the web
You end up with a connection that is set up identically to the default T-Mobile Internet one (in my case) - for some reason the default one always dials the GPRS whether the wifi is on or not. This one I just added behaves as i expect - if the wifi is on, it uses it, if not, it dials.. Weird!

Connecting to the Internet over a WiFi network

So I'm facing this problem, generally not just on my Touch HD but also on a older Dell Axim x50v but also on a friends iPhone.
I got a WiFi network set up at home, secured etc. two notebooks connect over it to the internet on a daily basis, but I just can't get the HD or any other mobile device to connect to the Internet over the WiFi.
On my HD, I can easily connect to the WiFi, even edit router settings over it, but not the internet. The MAC of the HD is entered in the router to be given a fixed IP and is allowed to receive packets same as the tow notebooks.
Is there some problem with the mobile devices or is it a issue with the WiFi?
On my device I found the connection through Comm Manager>Wi-fi>Settings>Wireless LAN quite straightforward. Does not need any mac# assignment on the router as long as WEP/WPA keys are in router (router set in infrastructure mode). Other settings I used, if that's any help is in Configure Wireless Networks - Networks to Access - Only access points and in Network Adaptors - My network card connects to - The Internet.
Hope that helps.
Zarakiteque said:
So I'm facing this problem, generally not just on my Touch HD but also on a older Dell Axim x50v but also on a friends iPhone.
I got a WiFi network set up at home, secured etc. two notebooks connect over it to the internet on a daily basis, but I just can't get the HD or any other mobile device to connect to the Internet over the WiFi.
On my HD, I can easily connect to the WiFi, even edit router settings over it, but not the internet. The MAC of the HD is entered in the router to be given a fixed IP and is allowed to receive packets same as the tow notebooks.
Is there some problem with the mobile devices or is it a issue with the WiFi?
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Hi was able to save this ans but forgot the source though.
1. Go to start/settings/connections and click 'Wi-Fi.
Click 'Wi-Fi' and from the drop down menu chose 'Work' (not 'The Internet') then click 'OK'.
(Seems crazy I know but that's WM terminology for you).
2. You should still be in start/settings/connections/ so click 'Connections' the 'Advanced' tab.
click 'Select Networks' and set both boxes to 'My Work Network'.
Click OK.
3. Now when you click Settings/Communications (in Touch Flo desktop) and turn on Wi-Fi every app that connects to the internet will automatically connect via your WiFi connection.
4. If you need to connect using your Telco’s Data connection (should you be away from a WiFi router:
From Settings/Communications click then 'Select Networks' and in the top box choose 'internet' or ('Optus internet settings' in my case).
Remember to disconnect using 'Select networks switch' and change it back to 'My Work Network' as per step 2 once your finished.
this solves my problem..
some though needs to boost there power settings. To do so;
Go to start/settings/connections and click 'Wi-Fi. Then go to advance then choose "power mode" tab. Then change the slide to middle from best battery or to best performance.
I tried both suggestions and it still doesn't work for me. Well, it further hints towards a problem with my router settings, so gonna have to see if I can find the problem there.

How to connect HD2 to Internet through Laptop (Vista Home Premium) via Wireless?

Hi guys.
Actually i have ADSL 2+ Internet connection which i can use it through USB cable on my laptop; I don't have any WI-FI access point to use on my Leo...
infact, I have already connected my Leo to my Laptop through Wireless (LAN) in the way I'll explain; but there is still no Internet connection on my Leo.
Is there any useful application i can use? (post names and download links please.)
I'll explain what i did step by step here:
What I did on Laptop (Vista Home Premium OS): {AT FIRST}
1.opened control panel
2. opened network and sharing center
3. Clicked on set up a connection or network
4. Clicked on set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) Network
5. Clicked next
6. then clicked next again
7. changed this page like this:
Network name: salar
Security type: No authentication (open)
8. And Windows said you connection installed successfully (if your wireless is not on this window will say "windows can't setup this...)
What I did on my HD2:
1. installed WIFI Remote Access 1.7r4b From Microsoft Market Place (I used this program just to access original windows wireless settings, just this, not HTC Sense menu for Wi-Fi settings)
2. Opened it and clicked on Configure WIFI
3. Turned Wi-Fi on
4. Clicked on menu and then clicked on Wi-Fi settings. (actually I opened the main Wi-Fi settings with this program as i said)
5. in wireless i did these: Changed "network access to" to 'all available" instead of "only access points"
6. and then i clicked on network adapters then then changed "my network card connects to" "the Internet" instead of "work"
7. then changed i selected my modem driver which connects my laptop to Internet and i installed it on my own laptop to use Internet "SMSC91C111 Ethernet Driver"
8. on the new window i selected "Use server assigned IP address" in the tab "IP address"; and I did nothing in the tab "NAME SERVERS" because I don't know anything about "DHCP" or "DNS" or "Alt WINS" or other lines in this tab...[WHERE I THINK THE PROBLEM IS THERE]
9. I selected "Wireless" Tab again and clicked on "salar" then clicked on next 3 times and saw the "connected" message in front of "salar" (the name of connection)
I have to say that the icon had a blue circle which i think shows that the connection we want to connect has Internet...
What I did on Laptop (Vista Home Premium OS): {FOR THE SECOND TIME}
1. Opened "connect to a network" from the same direction.
2 Clicked "status" on the connection name "salar".
3. Clicked on "properties".
4. a new window opened; i selected second tab "share"
5. I marked two sentences which were allowing users to use laptop Internet.
Finally I could not do what I wanted !!!
There has to be a way because we can share Internet between 2 laptops, why not between a laptop and a LEO: HD2 ???
Please post anything you know...
on the laptop, when you have set up the wifi network you may need to bridge it to your LAN network, then on the hd2 you shouldnt need any of that remote access stuff (??) or configuring network adapters, just turn on wifi and find the network. The hard work is on the laptop, and that 'should' involve nothing more than right clicking and choosing bridge. (I dont have my laptop handy to give you exact instructions, sorry)
alternatively, when you were setting up the ad hoc, you did tick 'internet connection sharing', right?
edit - actually have a read here, take note of teh 'one more thing' bit at the end.
actually there is nothing to click for 7th step "Click Internet connection sharing", but if we click (right click) on the name of connection after setting up, click on status, then properties, in the new window, on the 2nd tab("share") we can mark Internet Sharing... (I've done this before)
but i think hd2 can't find the gateway to Internet...
Is there any application with easy way to share Internet I can use?

