Vibrate not working (Orange m3000) - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I got my Orange M3000, french OS a few days ago and used the XDA unlocking tool to make it SIM free.
Now I realized that I never tested the Vibrate function before and I cannot seem to get it to work.
Has anyone else experienced this problem with the M3000/Wizard not 'vibrating' (with or without hte XDA unlock patch)?
Thanks in advance for any input.


XDA unlock works only partially

I have successfully unlocked my german XDA and can use the D2 SIM card instead the O2 card.
However, when turning off the phone part (eg. before boarding an airplane) I cannot turn it on again. I have to connect the XDA to power, then it works. Any ideas what that might be?
Phone problems
I don't know what that is, but it sure hasn't anything to do with unlocking.
I myself and a college of me had the same problem, and we both had a original locked dutch O2 XDA

MDA Vario - unlocked but no SMS being received :(

Hello All,
Recently acquired a T-Mobile MDA Vario, which I'm coming to grips with. Managed to unlock it using the very nice (and free) utility on here, however I don't seem to be receiving any text messages. I've read somewhere that the settings for this are part of the rom. Does anyone know if this is true and if so, how do I go about resolving this.
Is it worth installing a different rom (HTC or Imate)? Suggestions anyone?
Update - it would appear I can receive from other mobile users on the Orange network.
I spoke with Orange and they sent a sim update, to no avail. Could the loki unlock application have screwed my simcard?
All help/advice appreciated.

Orange M500, unlocked, now only works on Vodafone, help!

Hi, I used xda dev 1.6_138 to unlock my Orange M500. When I did it it asked for a service code and by using PRUN xdadev_1.6_138 -q -f it seemed to work ok. I tried an O2 sim and that worked and so did my Orange sim for a while.
Now neither the O2 or the Orange sim work, although they both work in other phones.
I got a Vodafone sim card just to try it and that works. I have updated the rom and radio but this hasn't helped.
Should I try xda dev tool again with the vodafone sim in??? I'm scared if I do it wont work on vodafone then, but I want the phone on Orange, I don't know why I bothered unlocking it in the first place, looks like curiosity killed the cat.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I bought a used mda compact locked to tmobile, without a sim, was supposed to be working though.
I unlocked it with the tool on here, tried several sims, all I could get it to do was text messages on Voda
if I tried phoning it would cut out after 3 rings, you couldn't hear the ringtones either.
Unless I switched to flightmode, then the first time I tried calling it would ring for 20 secs.
does yours do that?
sorry I can't be more help
these tools are all working fine

GPRS connecting on its own

Hi, I have searched hi and low and can't find anyone having the same issue as me and im hoping someone can shed some light on it for me.
I have an XDA Orbit with which I am using an Orange UK sim. The Orbit has been updated to WM6 using V2 of the B&B ROM.
I have noticed recently that whenever an sms is being received the handset connects to GPRS. It also seems to happen quite randomly.
Any ideas?

Help! Atom Exec Auto Answers on WM5!

I have reflashed the lates O2 ROM, but calls coming in to my atom exec will cause it to buzz or ring for around 3 seconds and then the call is automatically picked up! This is a good feature IF you want it at certain times, but it makes the phone unusable in a biz setting.
All software is uninstalled after the re-flash, and I even flashed the latest WM6.1 to see if that would correct the problem (off this site). No luck.
Has anyone heard of this before? Suggestions? I had a lot of SPB software and Burr Oaks Wake-up Tweak but I didn't notice this problem before I moved to a new network. The same sim works on my nokia and motorolas, so don't think sim problem.
Thanks for any help...
I got the same and worked around it
Dear friend i got the same problem hard reset , reflash wont work. The last resort that worked for me is changing the SIM. Once i did this it worked for all the SIMS . ( I sold my Exec and the customer complained about this then i noticed the problem occur only for certains SIMs )
mail me [email protected] if you have any problems.

