Orange M500, unlocked, now only works on Vodafone, help! - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi, I used xda dev 1.6_138 to unlock my Orange M500. When I did it it asked for a service code and by using PRUN xdadev_1.6_138 -q -f it seemed to work ok. I tried an O2 sim and that worked and so did my Orange sim for a while.
Now neither the O2 or the Orange sim work, although they both work in other phones.
I got a Vodafone sim card just to try it and that works. I have updated the rom and radio but this hasn't helped.
Should I try xda dev tool again with the vodafone sim in??? I'm scared if I do it wont work on vodafone then, but I want the phone on Orange, I don't know why I bothered unlocking it in the first place, looks like curiosity killed the cat.
Any help would be much appreciated.

I bought a used mda compact locked to tmobile, without a sim, was supposed to be working though.
I unlocked it with the tool on here, tried several sims, all I could get it to do was text messages on Voda
if I tried phoning it would cut out after 3 rings, you couldn't hear the ringtones either.
Unless I switched to flightmode, then the first time I tried calling it would ring for 20 secs.
does yours do that?
sorry I can't be more help

these tools are all working fine


Orange works Vodafone doesn't! Unlocked with Manipulator

Hi everyone. Great programme thanks but can anyone tell me why my Vodafone contract SIM won't work? I get a signal fine, It detects the Vodafone network fine. But every call drops before connection with Unable to Place Call message. Also will not take incoming calls. My Orange Pay as You Go SIM now works fine... and it has definitely unlocked as only O2 worked before. But I need Vodafone SIM to work.
The Vodafone SIM still works in all other handsets. I have also checked with Vodafone and they say there is no reason why the SIM should not work in un unlocked XDA. There are no calls barred on the account.
Is it a setting I have wrong? Or something I did wrong in the unlocking process? Many thanks for anyone's help.
My XDA is Pocket PC 2002, 32mb RAM
Rom Version: 3.12.07 eng
Rom Date. O8.13.02
Radio Ver: 4.06
Protocol 32S54
David C [/b]
Hi mate,
I have used the unlocked 64 mb xda with vodaphone with no problems. My rom was 3.16 and radiostack 4.20 and it wasn't any problem. Now I have upgraded to the good old xda rom from Jeff's kitchen and new radio stack from O2. I suggest you do the same and it will problably work better.
Good luck.
I would wait a day before trying anything else, the phone is obviously unlocked to both 900 and 1800 mhz networks. I have had experience with Vodafone and T Mobile and Virgin recently where no calls could be placed for many hours, next day everything was normal, some kind of network problem. Have you tried the sms using the Voda sim, also what message does a caller get when trying to call you if you have the Voda sim inserted.
One more thing, I think it says somewhere that if you upgrade the radio stack to 4.21 then the unlock no longer works, so it would be better to get this solved before you upgrade the stack.
Thanks for your suggestions guys. But the Voda SIM works fine in my other phones and I have just tried it again in the XDA and same thing happens. Unable To Place Call. So it's not the network.
When I try to dial in to the Voda SIM on XDA I just hear a long tone...dead. It is a very early XDA. Don't know if that makes a difference.
Any help gratefully received as running out of ideas. Is there a manufacturer that may be able to help? But then they probably know less than you. I doubt if O2 will want to!
Many thanks again
Oh and Cruisin-Thru
SMS does work both ways...just the voice calls that don't. Any clues?
Thanks v much
dave :?
Have you tried manually setting the network under settings/phone/network, try choosing that and see what happens.
I have yes.
It's detecting Vodafone network fine. Just no calls. It's almost as if there's a call bar on though Voda tell me there isn't and it works in all other handsets.
Thanks anyway
One other thing, is that a very old sim card? Have you tried another voda sim in the xda, I remember having strange problems with some phones with the earlier sim cards, dont know the difference between them though.
Hi there, thanks. It doesn't work on any Vodafone SIMS. But all other networks. Vodafone say they don't know anything about the XDA and it must be a hardware fault..
Could it be that it is not unlocked "properly"? Should I run manipulator again? Think may have to give up on this one.
Thanks Dave

Problem connecting to O2 after unlocking XDA

Hello all
My colleague posted this message a couple of weeks ago, but didn't provide full info and as such the replies did not work. :roll:
So here it is. I would be grateful for any advice.
I unlocked my xda I, using a software I downloded from here, which was previously working on O2 UK. After that, it doesn't work with any O2 Sim. It works with all other UK sims (Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange). But not O2. The O2 sims are ok as they work on other handsets and specifically my unlocked XDA II and other handsets ( I have tried 2 different O2 sims).
But no joy. I even tried to change the GSM frequency on the XDA through boot loader (even though I didn't have to), but no joy. I have gone through the auto config several times. but no joy. I even re-installed the latest O2 firmware and radio update (from the O2 web site), but still no joy.
I am running out of ideas. Does anyone have any idea? Should I try and downgrade the firmware and radio stack and try again? Can I do it from the original CD?
I would be grateful for any ideas.
Can you tell us the nature of the error with an O2 sim, what is shown at the signal level meter, what happens when you attempt a call etc. Please leave the radio stack alone, your phone is working on 900 and 1800 bands so that is not the problem. Was the sim that you have at the moment working on this phone on O2 before the upgrade.?
Hello Thank you for your reply.
When you turn the phone on, it asks you for the SIM pin and the device works fine in every other way. But you get no signal. If you try to make a phone call, you get the phone dialer screen and you can dial the number but, obviously, it disconnects more or less immediately. If (from the phone dialer screen) you try and go to options it freezes and doesn't show you the options screen and then you can only exit the phone dialer. Also, I put the GSM frequenct back to what it was. I haven't changed anything in the bootloader mode anyway. I had problems with the original O2 sim after the upgrade (funny enough, it worked for a day or two), but now i don't have that sim as the contract finished. By the way, both of the O2 sims I am trying now are contracts and NOT pre-paid.
Well here it is. I hope this helps to let you figure something out. I would be grateful for any ideas. What about formware downgrade? what do you think? could it help ? is it even possible?
Thanks a lot.
It presents as a blocked phone, if you look closely at the signal meter after a soft reset you may see the signal come up but then drop back to nothing. It may be coincidence that it stopped working with O2 2 days after the upgrade. I have seen this happen with phones that either have been subject to insurance claim or where a contract was not fully paid up for the 12 months, however it usually means it will be blocked on all networks. It does not look like a rom downgrade will work, also as said before, if it works on Vodafone it should logically work with all other 900 mhz bands.

mda service help needed

Hi, just purchased tmobile compact from my mate who is off to a sunnier place, ive unlocked it and put in a pay and go o2 sim, everything worked fine, i installed tom tom 5 and that works fine but now on the phone side it says no service. everything was fine before, gprs etc (manually put in details supplied by o2).I have done a hard reset but the problem still exsists. the sim works fine in my other phone and my vodafone sim works fine in the mda.Is there something really simple im missing here, your help would be appriciated, cheers
Cant anyone help.?????????????
Hmm, I've never heard of this one before..
Have you tried unlocking your phone again? Or do you perhaps have a Duo Simcard pack? You know, where you get 2 simcards so you can always have a backup in another phone (I had that with my previous Vodafone subscription). If so, are you sure you don't have the other phone turned on?
Your "mate" didn't call up his phone company and get the IMEI number blocked after he sold it to you, did he? Man, now that would suck!
I had the same problem, I fixed it by upgrading reflashing radio rom. It might work for you.
i have unlocked it joy........not using duel sim holder and it hasnt been blocked, just seems strange it was ok as i said then service message,
update..... the mda seems to accept all network simms apart from i said it did work fine ........i just dont understand it, can you ?????
brizz said:
update..... the mda seems to accept all network simms apart from i said it did work fine ........i just dont understand it, can you ?????
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did your "mate" also have the phone on the O2 network? If so, they may have somehow locked the IMEI. If so, you should be able to call them to allow your phone to work. Having their network know that the SIM card doesn't match who they think owns the Mini is the only thing that makes sense to me...
o2 sim works in my samsung bt (vodafone )sim works in the mda, i just cant see why the o2 sim wont work in the mda anymore.
I guess this has got us all beat, thanks for trying though.
Just spoken to o2 who say the mda has no blocks at all on it, and they couldnt figure out why the o2 sim no longer works in it.

Invalid or Missing SIM Error

I have been running my Wizard fine for about two weeks on a Vodafone SIM. The phone is o2 supplied, but I have CID & SIM unlocked it and sucsessfully updated the ROM to the Tmobile 2.26 base and Faria's WM6 on top.
However, after resets recently, the handset refuses to accept my SIM card, and either report that the SIM is invlaid, or is missing completely.
Turning radio on and off sometimes picks it back up and it is fine until a reset. However, I now seem unable to get the radio back at all
I would really appreciate help on this one, as I am lost without my phone!
Many thanks
sounds like a bad sim, speak to your mobile operator, they should send you a replacement.
SIM is work supplied unfortunately.....tried to persuade the boss to get it changed, but he tried it in his Nokia 9500 and it worked ok, so no joy
How easy/cheap are SIM's to clone? I guess that could be my next option....

Help needed using Orange Sim in XDA Mini S

I have two XDA Mini S phones, which I believe are fully unlocked. I am able to use a Vodaphone sim in them and everything works perfect. When I put my works Orange sim in them the phone works i.e. I can make and receive calls but the Sim Manager does not work. Which means I cannot access the contacts on the sim card or use the options menu to configure the phone. When I try to access the options menu I get the message " the phone is not ready, please wait 15 seconds and try again"
Has anyone else had this problem and gotten over or around it. I have spoken to both o2 and Orange and they are both an absolute waste of time. I would appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks.
I am on orange too, also had the same trouble. I could make and receive calls, but could not access sim card to add contacts or send / receive texts. The XDA mini is a 2G phone, my orange sim is was a 3G. When I changed it for my wifes 2G orange sim, all worked perfectly, so we just swapped sims and phone numbers. Tried to get a 2G sim out of orange on my contratc, they were having none of it, said I would have to go PAYG. So I did the swap with the wife and extended the contract.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your advice Mlkey.
Following your response I contacted Orange and changed my works contract 3G sim for a 2G sim on contract. This still does not work and as usual I am getting no real help from Orange.
Looks like the only solution will be to change my mobile / pda, that is, unless anyone else has any other possible fix.
Are PAYG sim's different than contract sim's ??, if they are does anyone know if I were to get a PAYG sim that worked in my XDA would I be able to get my company number transfered to that sim and convert the sim from PAYG on to my works contract account ???.
I would appreciate all the help / advice I can get, before this drives me mad !!!
XDa wizard and Orange sim only
I'm having exactly the same problem! O2 to Orange sim only and completely no SMS. Orange support is argueably the worst. Interseting to here that it's version. ie G4/G4..Have read somwhere that VOip SMS maybe the solution? ...If i can find the thread again I'll post a link.
Fixed this problem by using the t-mobile 2.26 rom as described in "Definitive Guide to unblocking and rom upgrading g3 wizards
I am having exactly the same problem. My phone is a G4 and I believe it to be fully unlocked from o2. According to orange my sim is a G2 sim because the 7th number of the sim card begins with a 2 and not a 3. I cant even try a different rom because I can't connect to my computer with active sync through usb or bluetooth this has been for about a year now.I usually transfer files through a card reader. Can anybody help me because the deal with orange is really good but the phone is useless without sms or mms and I really dont want to change the phone.
My IPL 2.21.001
SPL 2.21.001
GSM 02.07.10
Cheers Gord
I am new to this forum. I have exactly the same problem . Has anyone found any solution to this/ Please help!
The solution is to upgrade the radio rom

