O2 logo on XDA mini S - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Is there any way to remove the tacky looking O2 logo that runs along the top of the screen next to the connection status logo? I doubt there is but i thought theres no better place to ask than here. Its only a niggle but it looks too pixelated to me in comparison with the rest of the home screen.

I had the same niggle so I asked how to remove the O2 stuff.
See Here
Unfortunately I couldn't get the mms/gprs cab files back so I set them up manually.

Nice one. What/where are the settings so that i can also setup the mms/gprs manually if i need to?

I went here
http://flash.o2.co.uk/productsservices/mobileweb/pdfs/Pocket PC manual set up instructions.pdf
A bit tricky to follow but I got there in the end.

Thats gonna come in VERY handy, thanks matey

It's probably a bit late for this but after setting up my mini s in basic mode I deleted the following from the startup folder:
Active.lnk (because it was trying to run O2 software that wasn't fully installed)
connections.exe.lnk (which made the annoying O2 logo appear)
That way i kept the settings
There is still some O2 Active software installed on the PPC but I haven't played around with uninstalling it as there are other things to play with.

When you're happy with the less O2'fulness of your mini S, check the October blog posts on beyondthetech.com/ as Raphael (as well as the MMS settings cab files) has some tips for registry edits to make the Wizard more friendly.
My particular favourite is the display indicator that sits next to the SIP button and shows when the keyboard is in caps or dot mode (and if its locked in that mode or just shifted for the next key). Oh, and the complete guide to removing Speech Dialer so you can add MS Voice Commander instead..

I cheated for the settings, phoned O2 customer care (number on their website) and they e-mailed me all the settings


Getting rid of the O2 phone skin - Newbie question

Hi all,
New to XDA, so sorry if this is just such a stupid question!
How can I get rid of the O2 phone 'skin'. When I first upgraded my ROM I got a much nicer phone. Then the O2 install happened and I'm back to the horrible O2 version. Can I clear this out without too much trouble?
Also, while I'm here, can I do the same for the welcome screen which always seems to stick an O2 logo across whatever title is displayed?
Many thanks in advance
here are some phone skins
about the splash screen then do a search about it some guy made a tool which let you change it
If u mean the O2 Active cack that is everywhere, then follow these steps mate. If not, forget it
The way I removed them was ...
a) Start, Settings, Today, Items(at the bottom) and remove the tick from the O2 Active line.
b) Start, Setting, System, Memory, then Stop All Programs Running in memory.
c) Start, Settings, System, Remove Programs. Then remove the O2 progs. I think theres three in total, ActiveUI, Xmail, and one other (think it has o2 in the name).
If when you go back to the Today Screen, the background is all strange with lines on it, that is because the picture that was used has been removed. Therefore go into Start, Settings, Today, and choose Spiral or any other theme you have installed to replace the desktop image from the Today Screen.
Hope that helps,
Or check this post for two of my skins you can use...

New O2 Xda mini s

I'm new here but I was wondering if anyone knew how I could get rid of the O2 customizations. I've unlocked it with the unlocking tool but I cannot get a Rom for I-mate to clear the O2 rubbish as I am not allowed to join clubimate without a valid imei number.
I've checked xda-developers ftp site for the correct rom but i cannot find one anywhere.
Please help me
You don't need a new ROM, and with the UK mini S, it's probably best to leave the supplied one alone as, amongst other things, the hardware keyboard layout is different and you'd need to re-patch the keys and symbols back onto the right keys from the i-mate defaults.
I let the full O2 install happen to see what it would install (aside from the 'Active' rubbish) before I did a hard reset to clear it all out. During the reset, when it says 'installing customisations in 5 secs' (or whatever the exact msg is), do a soft reset with the stylus in the hole in the side, and voila, native Wizard, but with correct keyboard mapping... Don't worry, your SIM unlocking will survive the hard reset.
Then, get Total Commander because there are some cab files in the extended ROM that you might want like the MMS editor, additional ring tones etc...
I've got a Qtek 9100 and a mini S (now on Vodafone) and the overall build quality of the mini S is much higher.
Hope that helps?
Right, I've done exactly as you said. I now have no O2 stuff there. I've got total commander on my phone but I dont know what to look for to get gprs and mms settings back.
Can you help please
sloane said:
Right, I've done exactly as you said. I now have no O2 stuff there. I've got total commander on my phone but I dont know what to look for to get gprs and mms settings back.
Can you help please
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Sure, the choice of what to add is entirely up to you, but here's what I added...
during the customising bit that you stopped when you soft reset, the contents of the Extended ROM are installed. Autorun.exe reads Config.txt and all the cab files listed there are installed. We want some of them.
Point Total Commander to '\Extended_Rom\ and you'll see them all. I looked at the extended ROM on my 9100 and tried to find the equivalent O2 cab files. Even though I had already configured MMS connection and server details, the MMS inbox didn't show up until I installed the cab file with MMS1 in the name. I also ran the RingTone one, SmartDialing and, I think, Signed_Version.sa (because my Qtek phone had a similar file, even though I'm not sure what's in it).
I've got a Voda SIM in, so I set up the two GPRS access points for web and wap( only used for MMS). Raphael over at BeyondTheTech.com has the MMS settings available as cab files to d/l and install, to save typing them in by hand. They must also be in the Extended ROM cab files, but I didn't need the O2 ones, and couldn't tell from the names, which cab they were in. The k-jam comes with all the carriers' settings in conveniently named files, and that's what Raphael has listed.
If I had had more time, I might have installed them all, one by one to see what each contained, but I was going out and wanted to take the mini S with me.
Hopefully, that will get you a good way there, but if you are stuck with any other bits, yell and I or somebody else will help I'm sure...
Good luck,
Try these files for phone settings
To get rid of the O2 interface I just removed it from the Startup directory in Windows, there are two files, both with O2 icons and then did a soft reset. Although I imagine there's still some O2 trickery lurking around on my device, I didn't have to add any new settings or anything that required me to switch my brain from inactive to mildly inactive.
Eradificator said:
To get rid of the O2 interface I just removed it from the Startup directory in Windows, there are two files, both with O2 icons and then did a soft reset. Although I imagine there's still some O2 trickery lurking around on my device, I didn't have to add any new settings or anything that required me to switch my brain from inactive to mildly inactive.
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Hi, im thinking of just removing those two files from start up as i dont want to do anything too extreme to get rid of 02 rubbish and the method of hard resetting sounds a little tricky, not sure i'd be confident doing it as i only just got the phone.
Have you noticed any error messages since doing this? Does the 02 rubbish not just appear again next time you do a soft reset?
Just let it do what its doing and then choose basic install. Then remove the 02 active in startup to stop the annoying message.
My wizard is running fine like that with all the mms settings etc.
Ok, i haven't hard reset but i have removed the 02 active thing in start up and its no longer appearing on the desktop now. Phone seems a bit more responsive.
tom99 said:
Ok, i haven't hard reset but i have removed the 02 active thing in start up and its no longer appearing on the desktop now. Phone seems a bit more responsive.
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If your happy with how its performing then dont change. However if you hard reset and opted for a basic you should see even more of a speed increase. But like I say if it aint broke it dont need fixin

XDA Neo HomeZone app - can someone upload?

I flashed my XDA Neo with the latest Dopod ROM but I lost my HomeZone app. Can someone upload it here? Thanks!
home zone o-2 de
Did home zone application ever worked for you? I had my neo with german rom and home zone application never displayed home icon or any visual indication that I was in home zone, when in fact I was in the home zone area. And yes application was loaded.
It worked on my magician (xda mini), but not on prophet (neo).
As far as actual application cab. I've seen it somewhere on this forum an attachment with german ext rom folder. Try that.
home zone o-2 de
Did home zone application ever worked for you? I had my neo with german rom and home zone application never displayed home icon or any visual indication that I was in home zone, when in fact I was in the home zone area. And yes application was loaded.
It worked on my magician (xda mini), but not on prophet (neo).
As far as actual application cab. I've seen it somewhere on this forum an attachment with german ext rom folder. Try that.
here we go, log in to see attachment.
here you go. For me it works with the XDAneo. The icon only shows when I klick on the "Phone-Connection" Button. Not the best solution in my opinion, but it works.
Very strange :?
Installed the app, works, says that HZ is running, but also "No coordinates received". And no little house anywhere
HZ problem
I've got the same problem.. I think there is something else you have to install from xda neo ext rom.. I've tried installing everything though, it didn't fix the problem. This issue accure after the rom upgrade to WWE from German. But to be honest, the HZ didn't work for me even before upgrade. I didn't have a problem with coordinates though. It just wouldn't display the home zone icon..
Yeah man, doesn't work for me either. What do you think, if I just wrote to O2 customer support and explained that I didn't install their crappy extended ROM, would they be so kind as to give me step by step instructions on how to get my home zone icon?
HZ and o2 tech reps
Not a chance! : ) At least not with O2 in Germany. Sorry for bursting your bubble, man. I’ve called them before, several times intact. I’ve spoken to a few different tech reps regarding this issue on few different occasions. Their only solution is a hard reset! They only go by the basic manual they have for this, where’s the only solution for fixing anything is hard reset. These guys there have no idea how to reset PPC without manual!
On one occasion I’ve asked them about “English WM” ( WWE Rom), since my previous phone (Magician) was in German, (that is when I was plain uneducated about flashing this phones and etc.) and guess what their answer was?! They’ve said that flashing the phone or putting any localizer third party software was going to kill the device without chance of restoration! I mean c’mon, how smart is that? So much for the tech support!
But any way, you try that, may be you’ll have more luck! May be they just wanted to prevent me from half flashing my phone or incurring any other errors to the point of no recovery on my own. But I have half flashed my prophet few times, had RUU stopping with all kinds of errors half way trough the process, leaving the phone with no rom Installed, and still, managed to restore the rom. It only cost me my fingers that I bit of in the process and tons of beer for the recovery : ) any way, good luck! Let me know if you find the solution.
By the way, you can ask them to enable voice indication of home zone. You’ll here Voice indicator “Home” when dialing from home zone. It’s kind of inconvenient, but it’s the only solution for me right now.
Unfortunately, aleksandr is absolutely right. The German O2 XDA support is not just poor - they disinform you! Come on, I know much more stuff about those devices yet than those guys, and I've had a PPC for only a couple of months. The "home" voice is the only solution for me too so far.
Awww, come on! I was kidding, that's why I put a smiley behind my post and used a somewhat sarcastic choice of words!
So for Home Zone voice confirmation I just call the hotline and ask them to enable it? That would work for me I guess. A simple icon would be better though... Sometimes I wish I was smart and could just write my own little programs!
HZ working now!
Hey guys. The other day I had nothing better to do then taking apart Neo’s german extended rom content and tried the home zone application on my prophet (wwe, dopod 818 pro rom) I’ve installed Home Zone cab posted by Sauron1978de and then RilGSM patch from the O2 (can be found in german O2 extended rom content. And funny thing it worked! I tried it a hundred times before and it never worked up until now. Just make sure you install rilgsm patch last. It does the soft reset at the end. I have home icon now in my connections notification bubble. Let the pda run for a few minutes until it receives new sms with coordinates and you should be all set. Make sure you have home zone short cut in your start up folder.
Good luck!
It works for me too! But I would like to see this icon on the top of the screen without pressing any buttons.
icon at the top bar
yeah, me too! no luck on that though..
do you know how to get rid of the sting "HZDisplayDataSMP" which appears on the top of the screen?
how to get rid of the sting "HZDisplayDataSMP"
No idea. never had this. may be by unchecking "Receive channel list" in Phone settings - More- Broadcast Channels- Settingds.
But by doing this, you also will no longer recieve new coordinates for HZ.
But again, this is MAY BE, as I don't really know what I'm talking about here I don't have this problem to play with.
i too have HZDisplayDataSMP popping up as the active app after waking up. most annoying, though pressing OK or red phone button gets rid of it. still, as i said, annoying. would like to know if there's some way to disable it being displayed, without turning off the "Broadcast Channels"-enabled option, as the HZ app seems to receive and use these broadcasts to enable the HZ display. well, that's my experience, anyways...
so, in short, anyone know how to hide an app from being displayed? or maybe forcing it to always run in the background?

removal of orange software on m3100

before i go ahead and buy the orange m3100 version of the tytn, can anyone tell me how easy it is to remove all the installed orange rubbish from it? and will it void the warranty if i do so? or it it best just to live with it?
never had a windows based phone before
If you mean the orange branded home screen rubbish that they seem to love putting on most of their phones then this is quite easy, just go into the today screen settings, items, and untick the orange option, this will see you back to a normal pda.
cool! didn't realise it was that easy!
I haven't had direct experience with an Orange device but I do know that it is not quite that simple with an o2 device. If you change homescreen, all it does it change the theme rather than get rid of the o2 UI (which takes up about half the screen whic useless links and icons!).
However the solution to this is not too complicated either. All you need to do is do a hard reset and then do a soft reset before the extended ROM installs. This will definitely leave you with a non-branded device, although you might have to reinstall one or two useful apps that get installed with the extended ROM (eg. when I did it I had to reinstall the smart dialler).
Hope this helps and apologies to Nightshot if I am wrong about Orange devices. As I said I haven't had to do this on an Orange device.
To really get shot of it you can soft reset your device after the initial setup but before the customisation setups run. This will stop the Orange customisation running and leave you with a vanilla WM5 device.
Then you can install the cab files in extended rom without installing the orange customization CABs.
You can find instructions on how to access your extended rom on the wiki:
If you do it, please post your extended rom here (we still don't have the orange ExtROM contents!):
nice one.
thanks to all for the info.
pof: i don't actually have one yet - just wanted to make sure i wasn't making a mistake getting an orange branded device that i couldn't de-customise.
i've just done it
got a m3100 today and removing the orange stuff is one of my 1st jobs. I removed the xda 2i o2 stuff by registering as a corporation but saw no kind of option on the m3100. I deselected orange from the today options and set it to windows default. I dont know if still having the orange stuff on device will cause slow down. doesn't appear too.
I did this to allow me to sync with my Mac but I now don't have my MMS settings and video calling.
How do you get around this?
JustinFe said:
I did this to allow me to sync with my Mac but I now don't have my MMS settings and video calling.
How do you get around this?
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You did what? Not installing the customized CABS (e.g. the Ext ROM)?
If so, you need to get a copy of the Ext ROM for your orange, and find the file that is responsible for the MMS and Video calling. You can either search in this forum (not sure if there is), or just guess by their names.
I hard reset then prior to the orange customisation/ cabs loading did a soft reset - the 'phone works fine apart from mms and video messaging. I've tried running the MMS cab from Extended ROM, then soft resetting - loading onto device but this doesn't bring MMS back.
Any ideas?

a few questions about WM6 needing asking

Hi all, i recently flashed my spv M3100 to wm6 (now on t-mobile uk) instead of orange and it's still showing the orange disply on bootup i've googled on how to remove that and have the default htc showing but banging my head on the keyboard, as i've changed the shell for the phone and that's the only thing what's left to get removed
1) in wm6 how do you get the click when you touch the start menu like it used to make in wm5?
2) under wm5 in messenger when i used to get a message or somebody used to come online it used to pop up a box like the sms does, but in wm6 all it does it pop up the little msn man at the top of the screen and vibrate the phone is there a way to get the box pop up (if i havent got the today screen open i miss what somebody says or havent a clue who's just logged in)
3) how do i do video calling in wm6 as there used to be a video call button above call but in the dialer in wm6 it aint there
4) is there anyway of stopping the phone going into lock mode when you connect it to the pc as active-sync 4.5 keeps telling me the phone is locked,when i unlock it by entering my passcode it reboots active sync then the phones locked again :-(
beisdes them questions wm6 is lovely
spl 2.10
radio 1.41
supercid unlocked
Hi, there are answers to all your questions already posted in the site. On the brown bar at the top of the site is a search function. Give that a try and you should find everything you need.
Good luck!
Couple of answers
You could google using XDA in the search, for example "XDA change splash screen Hermes", I guarantee you'll find an answer to that one mate
Q # 1, Go to Settings, Phone, then select Short Tones from the Keypad drop down.
As for #3, go in to TweaksUI under settings, and you'll find a check box for Enable Video Call in the Phone tab.
And for #4 there ought to be a check box on your password screen in Active Sync to Remember password....??
Good luck,
Thx for the advice
removed the op logo proper, and got the video calling back but still cant get the click just on the start menu, but i can live with it like that, now to fill this 4gig mem card now also when i inserted the phone into the usb a couple of time's active sync comes up with do you want to unlock the phone when it's insterted to the pc (or something like that) so i clicked on yes and it's ok now, on wm5 it used to ask for a password on the pc, but in wm6 it locks the phone device :-( just had to get used to that
Found 'em - menu click sounds!!!
Knew I'd seen them somewhere - they're >HERE<!!!!
If you download and install the WM5 CAB file, that'll give you the clicks (which seem to annoy most people ) when you tap on stuff in WM6
Thx Mark for the link, got me phone working 100% now, if your ever in Manchester, I'll buy you a pint for that m8, been looking for this for omg from when i upgraded to wm6, thx bud

