Contact categories in SMS ? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi all,
I just got an I-Mate K-JAM and I was little surprised that when I try to send an SMS to multiple contacts there's no option to filter out contacts or view them by category. Am I missing something here? I could've sworn I had this option with my previous Pocket PCs (PDA2k and HP iPAQs). Is this is by (poor) design? And if so, does anyone know of a 3rd party app that's compatible with WM5 that has this feature ?

Just left Symbian and the P910 and even that has group SMS
Cannot believe that such a basic item would be missed out under WM5.
I have pocketinformant, all my contacts are grouped and I have to go into the contacts folder time and again to send a 'group' message.
Surely they cannot have missed out on something this basic. It really lets down the wizard. :roll:

Is there an application that restores this functionality ?

haven't found anything yet ?

no luck yet

Hope my pain can help
Hi folks, this is the 1st time I have tried this sites forum to help with my I-mate issues. I have had a Jam, K-Jam and Jas Jar in my possession for the last month trying to resolve the issue of filtering my contacts and sending a group sms to the selected category. U cannot select all the contacts on the K-jam & the Jas Jar in a selected category whilst in new
sms mode. I have found that u can filter the categories on the Jam in contacts then drag the stylus across all the names or use the keyboard and select ctrl a , press and hold until drop down menu appears then select text message option and all the names appear in the recipient "to" section of the new sms( happy days). I wish to use the K-Jam as my phone but it will not allow me to select a specific category and then select all contacts and sms them all at once. The fact that the Jam is running WM4.2 and the others are running WM5 can only suggest that they have made a wee mistake in leaving out the select all function, can u install WM4.2 OS onto the K-Jam?? Any help will be greatly appreciated as I have had little or no help anywhere else on the web or with my dealer

Hey Virgel. Does the JasJar have the option to filter by categories in the SMS application, and does it allow you to select all ?

It allows you to filter contacts but you must then select them one by one which in my case would be a very long process. It seems to be an issue with win mob 2005 as it will not allow you to use the keyboard and ctrl A either :? If you know of any other 3rd part apps for sending grouped sms using filtered catagories i would be most greatfull


Can u install WM4 onto K-Jam intead of WM5

Hi folks, this is the 1st time I have tried this sites forum to help with my I-mate issues. I have had a Jam, K-Jam and Jas Jar in my possession for the last month trying to resolve the issue of filtering my contacts and sending a group sms to the selected category. U cannot select all the contacts on the K-jam & the Jas Jar in a selected category whilst in new
sms mode. I have found that u can filter the categories on the Jam in contacts then drag the stylus across all the names or use the keyboard and select ctrl a , press and hold until drop down menu appears then select text message option and all the names appear in the recipient "to" section of the new sms( happy days). I wish to use the K-Jam as my phone but it will not allow me to select a specific category and then select all contacts and sms them all at once. The fact that the Jam is running WM4.2 and the others are running WM5 can only suggest that they have made a wee mistake in leaving out the select all function, can u install WM4.2 OS onto the K-Jam?? Any help will be greatly appreciated as I have had little or no help anywhere else on the web or with my dealer
What is WM 4.2? Before WM5 was WM 2003SE
Sorry my mistake, Win mobile 2003 Version 4.21.1088. So can u install Win Mob 2003 on a K-Jam??
no you can't downgrade this device. And theres no WM2003 SE Rom available for it.
is there anyway you can change or upgrade wm2005 to allow the select all function either using the stylus or ctrl & a on the K-jam? thats is the only thing that is causing me my issues :roll:

SMS: contacts group, distribution list, categories... NO ?

I can't imagine I just got the latest toy and the whole thing made a step backwards...
I cannot send an SMS to a specific group of people among my contacts if not choosing each of them one by one each time...
I have many different group of people I send SMS' to and I was used to have lists on SmartSMS while using a SmartPhone and also distribution lists and categories on Outlook while at the desk...
With Wizard it seems there are no solutions... I have tried almost all of the trial SMS managers out there, but it seems I have no luck...
I've spent the last two days looking for a solution (either within WM5 or as an addon...). No luck...
Do you have any hint ?
Is there anyone wishing to develop something like above explained ?
Thank you very much...
Best regards...
Yeah, im also intressted in sending sms to a group.
Me too, plz let me know if you find some solution...
for a OS of such quality it is an appalling lapse by MS
We should all email them a support question and ask them if it will be included in the next release??
Re: for a OS of such quality it is an appalling lapse by MS
peteborota said:
We should all email them a support question and ask them if it will be included in the next release??
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I've tried a little bit to use InfoSharp to send SMS to contacts within a category (fortunately there is such chance on this small and nice program...). The program itself is not yet "finished" but it does the job...
I'll post my suggestion to the developer, hoping that growing, it will become better.
About sending our comments to Microsoft: well, I personally think it would be nice, but it would be nicer if our suggestions could be "understood" in any way. It seems to me this rarely happens.
Not to mention the function I'm looking for was present in WM2003SE !!!
Maybe too many shrimps are eaten within MS... ;-)
P.S. Actually ANY SUGGESTION on this matter would help, as it seems there still is not solution...
Hi guys have found an app for sending sms by category group
The app is called 'simplysms' and is developed by a company called visual IT.
It's not windows 5 compatible at the moment although I am waiting for a response from the developers.
I'll keep people posted.
SimplySMS mobile 5 will be released in the new year.
good news
Re: Hi guys have found an app for sending sms by category gr
peteborota said:
The app is called 'simplysms' and is developed by a company called visual IT.
It's not windows 5 compatible at the moment although I am waiting for a response from the developers.
I'll keep people posted.
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Is seems they have no plans developing any WM5 version of such program, otherwise something would have appeared on their website...
I think then there is no other option to keep a Nokia phone in my pocket too... but then I don't need an HTC pocket PC... I can run with another one with no phone functions as I did in the past...
Any other news ???
It is very helpful utility if we can find it
if we can have such an application it will be very greate
SimplySMS for windows 5 will be launched in March
Had an email from Visualit the makers of simplysms. They will be releasing a windows mobile 5 version of the software in March this year.
It will allow users to send a text to a outlook category of contacts.
Hold on it's round the corner.
Re: SimplySMS for windows 5 will be launched in March
peteborota said:
Had an email from Visualit the makers of simplysms. They will be releasing a windows mobile 5 version of the software in March this year.
It will allow users to send a text to a outlook category of contacts.
Hold on it's round the corner.
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march ? March ? MARCH ???
It's on next century !!! I'll have switched to another phone by that date...
I'll have to wait then, but I'm looking around for another solution... pretty tired of hand-choosing between my contacts...
Thanks a lot anyway... the fault is not yours... it's MS' first of all...
You could create a shortcut with the recipients pre-listed. E.g.
Text message colleagues.lnk
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -service ""
Will prompt the messaging app with a new message. If you last used Hotmail/whatever, though - it won't start a new text message, but a new e-mail/whatever.
If you want to be able to pick the account, use instead:
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx"
If you want to add a default message, use :
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -body "Text here"
You can also use vijay555's VJSMS to always send a text message, regardless of what account you're in.
32#"\Program Files\vijay555\VJSMS.exe" "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -body "Text here"
Essentially, all the above are more like 'templates' than they are group text message tools. If you have a new person you want to add to a 'group', you'll have to manually adjust the shortcut.
On the other hand - it's available now, and freely.
ZeBoxx said:
You could create a shortcut with the recipients pre-listed. E.g.
Text message colleagues.lnk
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -service ""
Essentially, all the above are more like 'templates' than they are group text message tools. If you have a new person you want to add to a 'group', you'll have to manually adjust the shortcut.
On the other hand - it's available now, and freely.
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Thank you very much for the helpful hint... the main problem anyway is always the same: I use distribution lists so I don't have to bother on updates of contacts details. I just keep them updated and I have the result.
There is anyway a major problem on the hint you just gave me: line limitation...
WM5 accepts for example multiple recipients on the "To:" field but the problem is I still do not know which is the maximum number (I suppose it depends on how long the "To:" field can be, maybe max 255 char.).
The same problem applies to your hint: I suppose there is still the limitation of 255 chars... or not ? ;-)
Thanks anyway.
yeah, I have no idea what the maximum length is
Of course, for Dutch numbers, 10 chars length, 11 if I include that semicolon, that's still 25 numbers Sending an SMS to 25 people should be more than enough for me
You could also write a mort script to call VJSMSSend a gazillion times :>
The former issue is the bigger one - I hate updating lists, myself. There shouldn't be anything holding developers back from implementing mailing lists, using info from the contacts POOM, and setting up SMS's (setting up and sending an SMS is a MSDN example, so.. pff)
I'm no developer, though - I just managed to get "Hello world" running a few days ago, and then I got sick - so no long computer times for me
SMS Distribution Lists
Having Upgraded to a qtek 9100 from a nokia 9300 communicator for better windows/outlook compatibility etc, I have been searching for something to fill the gap for SMS Distribtion lists.
I understand from reading other posts than previous versions of Windows mobile did offer this, aswell as being able to play different ringtones depending on chich caller group a call was originating from.
Has there been any new information on SMS Distribution lists for the HTC Wizard phones?
Also, is there any way to actually just select "send new txt message" rather than go to messaging and browse to the correct account/ folder to achieve this?
Re: SMS Distribution Lists
jasvinder said:
Having Upgraded to a qtek 9100 from a nokia 9300 communicator for better windows/outlook compatibility etc, I have been searching for something to fill the gap for SMS Distribtion lists.
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Welcome in the "unsatisfied club"...
I understand from reading other posts than previous versions of Windows mobile did offer this, aswell as being able to play different ringtones depending on chich caller group a call was originating from.
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I have never seen, nor in previous versions, a real "group" as we were used with Nokias...
Some thirdy party programs do that anyway (and it's good enough such programs exists...).
Has there been any new information on SMS Distribution lists for the HTC Wizard phones?
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Unfortunately, no... I have been looking around for a lot of time and finally I found a solution: I kept a Nokia 6230 in my bag, just for this kind of use...
I know, it's stupid... but much more less stupid than preventing me using this feature on a WM5 device !!!
Also, is there any way to actually just select "send new txt message" rather than go to messaging and browse to the correct account/ folder to achieve this?
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Different approach: select the contact you need to send the SMS to and select "Send new SMS" from the options. You'll have the editor opening with the "To:" field already filled...
Hope this helps a little...
Re: SMS Distribution Lists
jasvinder said:
Also, is there any way to actually just select "send new txt message" rather than go to messaging and browse to the correct account/ folder to achieve this?
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Download the attached file, extract the included shortcut to your PPC, and run it - see if that works for you. If it does, you'll note that there's "to" and "body" fields that you can fill out if you want (e.g. a pre-composed message to your boss saying that you'll be on your lunch break)
For some more advanced SMS stuff, try VJPhoneTools:
Or one of the many commercial SMS apps
The download when unzipped only contains a shortcut which is not valid.
CAn we download it from your website?
it's supposed to only contain a shortcut
32#windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS" -to "" -body ""
If you don't have a "tmail.exe" in your device's "Windows" folder, then indeed it's probably invalid. Try searching for that file on your device, see if it's elsewhere. If it's not, or you can't find it, just use one of VJ's tools instead
Group sms
O2SMSPlus is out and about, it's for wm5 and does group sms.

Multi SMS ?

Is there a program or a way to send sms to multiple contacts or grouped contacts with qtek 9100 (HTC Wizard)?
is it possible with poketinformant?
WM5 doesn't support this option that was supported by windows MObile 2003...
Please help
There MUST be a way to send an sms to more than one person. We had this feature 1000 phones ago so it must be there.
Jeyo Mobile Extende
What are you kidding? Simple!
Put your cursor in the "To:" box and click menu (right soft button) and Add Recipient.
Select the name. Repeat as needed for as many contacts as you want.
Alternatively add the numbers manually seperated by a ; just like you would in an Email.
sorry! what i need is a group sending... with my old magician i select in one shot ten or more contacts then i sent my sms. now with newest 9100 i must select contact one by one :-( :-(
I don't know of any program to do this, but it would be easy to store lists of names in a note then copy and paste them into the TO section as and when. Not exactly 'group sending' at its best but does the job...
I need too... Is great for Christmas and New Year!
Idea is write sms and then select multiple recipients from contacts in one shot (by active each contact).
Anybody know?
Visual IT are bring out an upgrade to their Simply SMS
This will allow users to send an sms to a group of people grouped under a category.
here's the link, keep an eye out for it in the new year.
Hi, Peteborota,
Thanks, but not work with a PDA phone (Qtek 9100) and with WM5!
I use TapText by Dinarsoft for occasions like this. Like Hazymat said, but instead of using notepad, i use taptext to store groups of emails. Tap on TapText icon on the top bar to access.
Works with Wisbar Advanced running too. You got to deactivate program icon and make an icon in WA2 to activate TapText. Works really well with WM5. But storing group emails are part of it, i use it to store anything which i need to use frequently. It is commercialware tho.
ARP they will be releasing a WM5 version in the new year
Spoke to their support desk, they hope to release early jan.
Book mark the site and keep looking.
Thanks Swampy, TapText is great!
But I need a app that can send an SMS to many recipients by hightlight each one, in one shot.
Anybody know one?

Select multiple contacts

This is driving me up the wall - I got my O2 XDA Mini S yesterday, and I love it, bar 1 (major) fault - I can't (easily) send an SMS to multiple contacts.
Every day I send out 10 texts (sometimes more) to different people (to see who can play football that night). It's not always the same 10, so I can't just set up a Dist List or Group.
At the minute I have to click where it says To:, choose a contact, click where it says To:, choose another contact, etc, etc.
How on Earth can I just click To:, select as many contacts as I need, then send?
I realise after searching these forums that I don't think it can be done with the standard software, but is there any 3rd party software that will let me do this? (I'm only bothered about SMS, not e-mail, if that matters)
Thank you so much!
FlexMail 2007 seems to do what I need.
hey mate, on my mda vario when I start a new sms the cursor is in the 'To' field.
All I do is start typing the name of who I want to send to and the vario brings up a list of possibilites, like it does when it's guessing what words you're typing during a text. Once I pick a name the cursor then moves across so I can type in another name and so on and so on.
does your Mini S not do this?
I just noticed today that it does!!!
It's a shame really that people say "It doesn't do <insert action here>" but actually it does...
It's not their fault they havn't noticed it, it's that it's so well hidden, you don't see it...
i send similar SMS's to a group of friends. what i did was create a new "Contact" for each person and i put a prefix before each name (ie) 1carlos....etc 2mark.....etc this way they are the very first contacts on the list so when i hit the "To" button all the names are right in order at the top of the list
hope this helps
Same here. I send a list of emails or SMS messages to a group of friends. I never found a way to create a distribution list like you can do on the desktop version of Outlook.
I created a notepad file with all the groups. I cut and paste them in the To: box to send to those groups.
SeanH said:
Same here. I send a list of emails or SMS messages to a group of friends. I never found a way to create a distribution list like you can do on the desktop version of Outlook.
I created a notepad file with all the groups. I cut and paste them in the To: box to send to those groups.
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I also tried doing this, but I also discovered not all the addresse received the message at the end...
It seems there is a limit on the number of characters the "To:" field accepts...
And also, if it is faster to send a pigeon, why do I need a PocketPC ???

Help needed on software issues

1) I’m using SPB Pocket Plus, Phone Suite & Diary. Will SPB shell take up more footprint den this combination? (dun wanna have a laggy device).
2) When an email comes in & I tap on the ‘notification’ softkey, I’ll get an error msg – “An error has occurred with shell32.exe”. I’ve sent my TP2 back to HTC for firmware upgrade, but the problem still exists.
3) When a sms comes in, I have to manually go into the sms & go thru it, then it’ll be cleared & not reflect as an “unread sms”. Clicking on the ‘sms notification’ icon on my SPB phone suite, will open up the history of all the sms-es but I still have to go thru it just to clear the unread notice. Is there any short cuts/ registry tweaks to clear the unread notice without having to open up every single unread sms?
4) I cannot copy text inside my sms. I’ve to enable “select text” before I can copy text. Is there any registry tweak I can do to make it permanent? Cos its very troublesome having to enable "select text" each time.
5) I can’t copy text in my msn, any way to go abt it?
6) Does speedbooster work to speed up the switching of the screen & overall speed of applications?
7) I cannot see “tmail.exe” on my task manager, how do I go abt finding it? Read that there's a need to disable tmail.exe before restoring sms using pimbackup to avoid “mass grouping” of my sms-es. Currently it is all grouped by the contact and me, the contact all above and mine all below, its very disrupting.
8) There’s a ‘re-sizing’ tool for Opera which will automtically “re-size the input box to fit the screen. Have tried Opera Form Fixer, but it doesn’t work… Even with the manual method prescribed in the xda link.
Anyone knows of other programs with the same function?
Greatly appreciate everyone's advise to help me with them.
Upz for help needed.
upz. .
Hi Canjoy,
Sorry for not being able to help on any of your questions and responding with a question of my own!
Are you using Pocket Plus with WM6.5 from HTC installed? I ask that question because I'm using a cooked 6.5 ROM on my Blackstone with Pocket Plus. However, all of the File Explorer extensions are broken and I was wondering whether you had that problem on your Rhodium.
SPB won't respond to queries regarding cooked ROMS so it would be helpful to know if the problem exists on a stock HTC ROM.
Thanks for your help.
Cos I'm not on WM6.5, so can't really help you on that too. So sorry.

