sms from keyboard - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi , I would like to know if anybody figured out when sending an email or SMS how to go from "To:" to the actual message you will type without touching the screen ?
The Tab key didn't work for me .

Doesn't the down arrow do it? Works for me.

Both Tab and the Down arrow work for me. Just tried.
Press Message button to go to Pocket Outlook.
Tap LHS soft key to select New
Type first few letters of contact's name.
When number is suggested, press down arrow to select number.
Press Enter to fill in the number.
Press Tab to move to message area.
Type message

nope it doesn't on my xda exec, if I press the down arrow, the scroll bar will go down but the cursor is still on the "to:"

I dont' have a scrollbar anywhere on the New Message screen. I'm running in VGA landscape mode though. Maybe that's the difference.
Doesn't Tab work?

nope the tab + down key didn't work, it will go down on the scroll bar but the cursor will still be on on the "to:"
You said you were on VGA landscape mode, is it with ozvga ? or did you have asetting on the phone itself ?

jeux_1 said:
You said you were on VGA landscape mode, is it with ozvga ? or did you have asetting on the phone itself ?
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Yeah - it's OzVGA.
Man, it would be really annoying if I had to use the stylus to create SMS. This is the biggest benefit for me: Doing (almost) everything in the system using only the keyboard. I hope you find a solution soon.

yeah, I just have to use my dirty fingers to put the cursor in the right place :?
One quick question, I have some app like wisbar/ netfront 3.3 in VGA already, if I install ozvga will it miss it up or they will still look the same ?
Or maybe there is only one way to find out.... :wink:

If you're using WA2 with OzVGA, you'll have to switch to a QVGA version of your Wisbar theme, otherwise it'll all go very weird. Not too much of a problem though, it just takes up a bit more space in your Themes folder having two versions of the same theme, and you need to switch them manually in WA2 when you switch resolutions.
This is because the system uses 96dpi (QVGA) icons, toolbars, fonts, etc, etc when running OzVGA.

thanks, I'll have a go.
still playing with it, just wait on an update so the phone can have a decent response time, miss my xdaIIs for that but, it is another subject 8)
Still love it BTW!

jeux_1, i have the same exact issue. It was driving my pretty crazy, but it helps to know someone else has this issue. Have you found a fix?

For the last three weeks, I was using the keyboard to write SMS, and my TAB key was moving the cursor from 'To' to the body of the message...
And now, suddenly, it does only a scroll down, like the down arrow, but stay in the 'To' field... :?
Any idea :?: it's really annoying....

Does anybody have an idea about that :?:

I think it is a bug for the O2 EXEC, my friend have an Orange one and work works fine.
I don't think there is a solution and it is a bug on the O2 one. Any of you guys can confirm ?
There is as well a new guy with a new Rom I will ask him if he has the same issue.

Actually, I use a Qtek 9000, different ROM
And it was working for at least three weeks... and now, it does'nt work anymore... smth changed, but I cannot find out what

here goes my theory..... :?

Ok, I found the solution.... my TAB key works again..
The problem came from Tweaks2k2 .NET, version 3.15... as soon as I apply changes with it, the TAB behavior changes... :evil:


Button mapping

I really miss my old s100 button mapping. Like in phone mode the right button brought up the call history. (most missed) Any way to get this function to work on the wizard ?????
Best regards Lars
gaustabl - can you try this app out for me.
Install it, go to your programs menu > vijay555 > vjcallhistory and give it a pop.
Please report ASAP if it needs work! Either here or on my website!
WM5 devices only! Only tested on the Universal and emulator though.
If it works, make a donation or click on an ad on my webpage eh?
It works, but i still would like to map it to one of the left/right buttons.
Thanks for your reply
Best regards Lars
try following this post, it can be done
If you specifically want it mapped to dpad left/right, I think ButtonMax is the only software around right now that lets you map on a per app basis and using the dpad.
Mapping to the soft menu is easy enough.
Have tried some programs now, Mortbuttons and buttonmax. Have a problem with getting rid of mortbuttons. It uninnstalls, but next time I start my phone i get a message that it cannot start mortbuttons, and hangs for a while.
Buttonmax seems to do what i want, but i cant find how to start the call history. I cant get it to record a macro either......
Best regards

Wizard MSN Messenger - Soft Keyboard pops up all the time...

Hi All
I've got an O2 XDA Mini S which I've set up using the corporate option, so I no longer have the O2 Software running.
Whenever I start a new conversation in MSN messenger, the soft keyboard pops up, even if the real keyboard is exposed.
This is really annoying as I have to minimise the soft keyboard on every new conversation.
Can anyone help?
Driving me mad! :roll: LOL
Just tried to make a word document and it's doing the same thing!!!
I have tried setting the input options from keyboard to phonepad and it's still doing it.
just start typing (DON'T click it away!). for me after that it remembers that i don't want to use the onscreen keyboard.
OK, so I just rebooted the machine and it's not popping up now.
However, the MSN chat window is all squashed up at the top of the screen... As if there was a softkeyboard there.
I think I'm going to have to get used to the occasional reboot on this!
Thanks for your quick response!
Clicking on the SIP button in the bottom right should disable the soft keyboard, and according to some, it should retain that setting. I don't have a Wiz so I can't confirm, but one way or the other, it might help you to install a dummy SIP. PHM Tools installs one.
PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy
The PHM Ext. Keyboard is an empty input panel you can use when you have an external keyboard connected (such as thumb, collapsible, foldable, wireless, ... keyboard) and do not want an input panel to take valuable screen estate.
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yah this annoys me as well, when browsing in landscape and BOOM this keyboard that covers have the screen pops up! you can't even see what yoru typing...
anyway i remember reading a fix for this somewher, but it was before i got the device. anyone know where its at?
Hey, I changed mine from keyboard to the transcriber, it doesn't seem to popup now and it also give a full screen while on msn rather than only half screen where the keyboard should be.
Just tried this... Thanks!
It gives more of the screen available to MSN, but still not full screen for me.
If I click on the transcriber icon at the bottom of the screen, then click on it again to minimise it, I then get full screen.
Weird problems!
want to try the PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy but theire website is down since some time. Could anybody please upload the files in this forum or somewhere else? (eg,...)
PHM tools
I think they're all down for updates.
Here's a zip of all of them.
so what exactly does that do? i don't want to install anything that can be solved by a reg edit. (dont have a mem card yet)
Fone - one of the cabs installs a dummy SIP called external keyboard or something. It's for people that use external keyboards, basically don't one the built in ones popping up all the time.
It's small, I'd install it if you have a need. If you really don't need the built in keyboards and want a registry only solution, you can disable the SIPs through the registry. Not recommended though.
Alternatively, as it's just 1 install:
( could probably hack apart the PHM tools CAB just as well )
thanks a lot, just what i needed!!
Excellent! Works a treat!! Thank You.
Ahh, null keyboard is by beemer. He's a great coder, check out his today plugins for wondrous pleasures.
These null keyboard type things do pretty much the same thing, ie nothing. However, if you're really geeky, Brighthand forums has a large review of a number of them. Use whatever works though.
its ok, i'll go ahean and install it. i just thought somehow someone could make a couple regedits that would tell the device if in landscape dont show onscreen keyboard. but i guess its more complex than i thought.
short of intercepting it, I don't think so
Technically, software needs to check they keyboard status, and then suppress the SIP from popping up when activating text entry elements (stuff's in MSDN somewhere). Thing is - most people are either too lazy to do so, or aren't aware of any need to do so, or just don't know they -can- do so
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.

Easily rotate teh screen

Is there anyway to easily rotate the screen on the prophet (besides turning it around in your hand) other than going into settings display and changing it there?
Ive tried the registry changes to add an icon but they dont seem to work.
Try PHM key tools.
Well i just figured out i can do it using the built in buttons app in settings :roll: but i ideally want to keep all the existing buttons. For now ive mapped "Comm manager hold" to rotate but I want to add another button cnofig i.e OK button hold that would rotate.
I have found the registry keys which control the buttons but need some assistance in understanding them. I can copy an existing key and with a bit of fiddling have "Button 6" appear in my buttons panel but I need help configuring it to map to a button and function in the correct manner
The Orange SPV M600 came with a little desktop icon, everytime you touch it, it rotates the screen landscape portrate, left right etc.
I am guessing it operates the built in system settings. I found a CAB in the Orange Extended Rom, if it will work, I do not know, you take the risk.
I have included it here for you to try.
It Works!
NewSPV said:
The Orange SPV M600 came with a little desktop icon, everytime you touch it, it rotates the screen landscape portrate, left right etc.
I am guessing it operates the built in system settings. I found a CAB in the Orange Extended Rom, if it will work, I do not know, you take the risk.
I have included it here for you to try.
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Thanks 'NewSPV'. I lost this functionality when I upgraded from the M600 Rom to the Dopod ROM. Glad to have this back, as it also frees up the re-mapped 'Communication Manager' button I used to Rotate the screen. :wink:
I installed MoDaCo screen rotate on my Qtek s200.
I finally have an icon on my Today screen!
One little drawback tho, everytime I tap the screen icon it rotates 90 degr. to the left. So the second time I tap it's upside down in landscape. The third tap brings it back to normal portrait mode.
I had hoped it just would rotate left or right and then back left or right.
Now I have to turn my phone to find the icon.
NewSVP Thanks for the CAB. Works great.
nypra1314, how is the MoDaCo screen rotate different than the M600 cab? Also where did you find MoDaCo's? I searched the forums but no sucess.
Hi niker,
I will try the M600 cab later today.
The MoDaCo cab, I found also in this forum. didn't know it until I installed. In ActiveSync\ Software it is mentioned as MoDaCo.
Thanks!! Will give MoDaCo's version now.. Cheers!
pt_screenrotate acts the same as ScreenRotate from MoDaCo. :-(
One other drawback tho, I can't locate it in software installations, to remove it, because PT is 88Kb and SR is only 42!
How do I uninstall PT_ScreenRotate please?
try AEButton
phoneAlarm has a nice little exe in it's directory called rotate.exe which flips between landscape and portrait, rather than going from right handed landscape, upside down, left handed landscape and back to portrait.
I'd post it here, but I'm sure it's copyright software. You'd probably get it in the trial version.
Wisbar 2 has function to rotate screen , with it installed you can set a hardware button to rotate portrait/landscape
On my M600 I just hold the Comm Manager button to rotate screen...

Enlarge your today screen (how to remove the bottom menu bars)

If you're looking to get rid of the menu bar at the bottom of the Today Screen, read on. This is not a new tip, but might save you time, as there's a lot of different versions of these programs flying around. Only the one below works on WM6 / HTC Touch.
I personally find that the Menu Bars at the bottom of the Today Screen really spoil the look of the HTC Touch's sleek black/grey theme. Besides, the Comm Manager and Contacts are both accessible via the spinning cube (or the camera button if you install Double Launcher) so there's no need to have on the Today Screen, you may as well get more space for plugins, or just to keep everything looking neat and tidy. See screenshot below!
Here's how to banish them forever (?!) :
1. Download ToggleTodayIIAlpha from this link:
2. Copy it to your \Windows\Startup directory. (or somewhere else and paste a shortcut instead)
3. Go into the registry and edit this key:
Change these keys:
Softkeysize = 1
StartSize = 26
TrayVisible = 1
That's it! I've had no massive problems with this so far, although I haven't been testing it for too long. I'd be interested to hear how people get on in terms of stability/bugs. You WILL get problems if you try to use any of the older VJTodayToggle programs in the thread on this forum:
(SIP keyboard staying on, SIP moving to the top of the screen, menu titles disappearing but not the background, etc.) fact, that's precisely why I'm sharing this info with you, as this thread is 39 pages long and it's only towards the end that things become totally clear! I'll post again if there's any unexpected side-effects, I'm currently minimising BatteryStatus and I don't know whether this will
Good luck!
A: If you want to make your screen even neater AND still overclock your Touch, then, in step 3 above, you can make TrayVisible=0 then you can minimise the BatteryStatus plugin and it won't show up on your today screen. (right click on batterystatus icon, choose 'show rows -> minimise') I haven't tested this properly yet.
B: If you want to explore hiding the Start Menu, feel free, it looks superb when you first do it, but then I have found that the HTC biotouch (spinning cube) automatically re-instates the start menu bar when it's deactivated each time.
C: Please note, this program ( tt2.exe) DOES NOT TOGGLE, even though it's called that! Again, it's a 39 page thread, I warned you...
D: You can also run TT2.exe with a -config option to avoid editing the registry, but this would actually make the above even more long-winded to explain to any n00bs.
E: A nice new HTC wallpaper is doing the rounds without the logo. (As you can see from my screenshot, it's mis-positioned with the extra screen space) See
F: Vijay555 has been meaning to release a new (non-alpha) version of the software for some time, but sounds pretty busy. He seems like an all-round splendid guy though and I'd like to thank him for this software and his continued postings/programming.
I have the HTC X7500 WM6 and I've been desperate to make it works.
I've been trying other version from the 40 pages thread, so I'll try this one and I will post result.
BigDede said:
I have the HTC X7500 WM6 and I've been desperate to make it works.
I've been trying other version from the 40 pages thread, so I'll try this one and I will post result.
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Good luck! The honest truth is that after I'd posted this, I discovered a couple of bugs that appeared in soak testing. I gave up in the end - it worked 90% but I would still occasionally get conflict, e.g. the SIP keyboard would appear at the top of the screen sometimes and only a soft reset would put it back where it was meant to be!
carlosp_uk said:
Good luck! The honest truth is that after I'd posted this, I discovered a couple of bugs that appeared in soak testing. I gave up in the end - it worked 90% but I would still occasionally get conflict, e.g. the SIP keyboard would appear at the top of the screen sometimes and only a soft reset would put it back where it was meant to be!
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Yep I confirm that, SIP keyboard is there, and sometimes as well softkeys stay there after softreset.
Well actually for me it's even worse, it's hiding the system tray (the bar just above the softkeys bar) where we can add shortcuts icons and keep the softkeys bar enabled..
Im disappointed but thks for vijay555 for all the efforts
Perfect... without HTC Logo is even better...
Thanks Carlos,
I've just installed and its working fine. With the clean background from looks even better.
BigDede said:
Yep I confirm that, SIP keyboard is there, and sometimes as well softkeys stay there after softreset.
Well actually for me it's even worse, it's hiding the system tray
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See my original post, have you tried setting TrayVisible=1 in the registry, this should show the system tray.
I followed exactly what u posted, it displayed it correctly the first time, then after soft reset it was displaying only the softkeys bar and hiding the system tray bar
Thks anyway
How does this look on screens BESIDES the today screen? I have used other programs on different WM phones in the past and although the bottom bar disappears on the today screen, it is still on other screens.
Also, can you use the bottom of the screen or is it just dead space? Some of us have moved the HTC Home Plug to the bottom of the page and if it is just dead space, it is going to look bad....
maevro said:
How does this look on screens BESIDES the today screen? I have used other programs on different WM phones in the past and although the bottom bar disappears on the today screen, it is still on other screens. Also, can you use the bottom of the screen or is it just dead space? Some of us have moved the HTC Home Plug to the bottom of the page and if it is just dead space, it is going to look bad....
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The menu bar is visible on other screens, this behaviour is by design. I cannot see why anybody would want it invisible on other screens, as you normally need those softkeys for menus in most programs!
As far as I know you can use the bottom of the screen, it is not dead space. But why not try it out - it's unlikely to do any harm. You can always delete it from your startup directory to uninstall if you don't want it.
Well it works well so far.....(Not my screen, Neo's screen @ HoFo)
I can't remember if the TrayVisible setting even works - I think it was something I was intending to build in, but never got around to it.
Apologies... I'm kinda programming again, had lots going on, so never finished the app. Sorry for you guys having to use my unfinished piece of cr*p. I'll make it work properly one day!
vijay555 said:
I can't remember if the TrayVisible setting even works - I think it was something I was intending to build in, but never got around to it.
Apologies... I'm kinda programming again, had lots going on, so never finished the app. Sorry for you guys having to use my unfinished piece of cr*p. I'll make it work properly one day!
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Thks a lot vijay555
I installed this, but I don't know how to get into the registry from an .exe file, so I just tried to open the file through my phone, and instead it has hidden my start bar, as well as the bottom bar. How do I reverse this???
maevro said:
Well it works well so far.....(Not my screen, Neo's screen @ HoFo)
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How did you "move" the HTC Home plugin to the bottom part of the Today-screen without any plugin above it? I searched all over the forums, but I cannot find the answer to this question
soulstar said:
I installed this, but I don't know how to get into the registry from an .exe file, so I just tried to open the file through my phone, and instead it has hidden my start bar, as well as the bottom bar. How do I reverse this???
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Just soft reset your phone.
marc2503 said:
How did you "move" the HTC Home plugin to the bottom part of the Today-screen without any plugin above it? I searched all over the forums, but I cannot find the answer to this question
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Use the HTC Home customizer to "unlock" it. Then you can move it around like normal.
However, it doesn't redraw correctly on the right side if you unlock it, and a scrollbar comes and goes.
i have a other solution!! PCM shrink installe it and your bar remove it s very easier! For become to the original config juste delete the programmz!!
won't stick
Hi..very nice and easy Zip File..just one problem: the toggle won't stick after a soft reset = one has to go into File Explorer..double click the Toggle File and only than the screen is "clean" again.
Any way to make the toggle "stick"?
I have not this problem! I install the cab i going on the explorer and today shrink and clik on after i reboot my pda ans the bar not appear ... You can try put a abbreviated of today skrink in WINdows/started for star the application automatic on windows sartup
the result of the appl:
I have this running at startup on my Tilt, works with screen rotations and everything! And the hard keys are still mapped to calendar and contacts for quick access, awesome.
Many thanks, couldn't stand those useless soft keys before.
- Charles

problem with assigning the softkeys...

What i want to do: Left key= drop down start menu, Right key= file explorer
However what happens is i get the start menu on the left soft key but i only get the file explorer on the right soft key for maybe one/two presses and after that its sets itself to launch Today. Is this normal, i.e do you have to have one of them set as Today? Please help. Thanks.
happens with my phone soon as i reboot or switch panels my left key becomes left softkey and the right becomes today again...
i made an override with AE Buttons...
it seems u r using TF3d.
I have the same p, but for me AE Buttons dont't show the left or right softkeys? Have anyone solved this? It would be really great!!!
P.S.: Happy new year!!!
dhiru said:
it seems u r using TF3d.
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i do have the panel installed yes...why? does this cause this problem? ty
I have heard of a number of people that use TF3D have issues with the softkeys resetting to default. I personally don't use TF3D and have no issues with my custom softkey mappings.
Glad it's not just me experiencing this issue.
I've got a friend with an X1 with almost exactly the same software installed (TF3D also), he doesn't appear to be having the same issue.

