Need some advise and help ;o)) - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi all!
I'm 95% through in buying a universal (happens within the next 3 days....otherwise my lungs would implode, cant stay without one anymore )
I'm planning to pick up a qtek 9000 from mad monkey....
The other option i have is of course, the jasjar (costs an additional 70 USDs)
Does it really matter if i pay lesser and pick up the qtek instead?
I could anyway interchange different roms i right?
Please give in your views and suggestions!
Thanks again

There is no real hardware difference between any of the Universal variants, apart from the colour of the casing / logos etc.
Your right, you could easly flash it with the JASJAR ROM if you did get a Q-Tec, I suppose it really depends what colour you like best? 8)


Serious Post! Should i keep my JasJar or Sell it ?!?!

Okay guys, this is serious. I'm impressed by my JasJar but i'm not sure it does anything more that i actually need it for than my Imate Jam. As far as I can see there are some good points and some bad points about it and i wouldn't mind some opinons about whether its worth keeping or selling.
Okay my first view on the plus sides:
Screen is excellent quality
Wifi is very fast and much faster than the wifi sd card i have at the moment.
Keyboard is useful combined (but not as big as the fold out one i have for my imate)
Negative Sides:
3g doesn't seem to work in my area so i can't seem to benefit from that
Size is big (i would need a second phone to go out with etc)
Can't see much difference in speed with my level of usage
Pain in the ass to anwser it (imate jam is not a big phone at all)
Software is still a bugger to install etc.
Okay, my mine uses for the jasjar were to be for work. I would be booking appts and keeping track of those appointments and information regarding them on the pda for my work. Although harder to type in, i could in theroy do that on the imate jam. I don't use the wifi alot outside of the home (although it would be useful to use mirc, the web etc while girlfriend is on the pc).
At the moment i'm umming and ahhing because i have to take the phone with me everywhere (actually considering using the jasjar sim free while i'm off work and putting the imate jam back on the road as it were)
REALLY appreciate anyones help to this, its good but i'm not sure if its enough of a step for me to merit not selling it and getting ALOT of money for it (brought as upgrade through o2)
Look forward to the replys
I'm gonna tell you what I tell other people:
If you don't know what to do with a jasjar then buy the wizard.
The wizard size is as good as big as the jam, has wifi, keyboard and is in those ways much better then the jam.
The reason I need the pro is because I love the vga screen, keyboard and WM5, and I can give support to my customers through using 3G.
So sell your jasjar and jam and go buy a wizard.
thanks for the quick response. I'm not sure that I would want a wizard really. I do think that I need to use the exec in a work situation before really considering getting rid of it.
That looks rather cool, would like to be able to control my home pc while at work to setup downloads etc. the screen on this is rather special and i'm not against getting a second handset to use for going out etc.
would like to hear anyone elses views if possible.
just to point out to you and myself really i'm lying in bed writing this on the forum with real ease via wifi. hmmmmm another pro to the exec I think!
thanks for the quick response. I'm not sure that I would want a wizard really. I do think that I need to use the exec in a work situation before really considering getting rid of it.
That looks rather cool, would like to be able to control my home pc while at work to setup downloads etc. the screen on this is rather special and i'm not against getting a second handset to use for going out etc.
would like to hear anyone elses views if possible.
just to point out to you and myself really i'm lying in bed writing this on the forum with real ease via wifi. hmmmmm another pro to the exec I think!
I've tried both, and apologies for readers of this forum, but the Wizard wins hands down. The Universal reminds me of why I ditched the first Ipaqs and went back to Palm years ago. Sure the Pocket PCs had better displays and you could show off playing movie clips, but that novelty soon waned when it was too big to carry and it took ages to lookup a phone number or check your diary.
You've got to weigh up what you _really_ need when you're away from your PC. The whole point to me of having a PDA is that I can access or update my information quickly at all times. The Ipaq seemd to be always at home or in my desk drawer just when I needed it, because it was a pain to carry. Even when I had it, it was sluggish finding the information I needed. The Palms won over because they went with me everywhere, and information retrieval was almost instant.
So, the Universal is a step back to the bad old days - except it's bigger and heavier. Good to show off with but impractical in most situations outside of the work environment because of its bulk.
Don't be fooled by the CPU either. Whatever advantage the Universal has on paper over the Wizard is sapped in real life by the need to update the VGA display. True, the Wizard is no speed merchant (even when compared to a Treo). But I found responsiveness to critical tasks (e.g. starting up Messaging to read/send a text, screen rotation, answering calls) significantly slower on the Universal - and that _really_ starts to annoy when you're in a rush.
So, everything I did with the Universal I can pretty much do on the Wizard, with the big difference that I can take it anywhere. Anyhing else can wait until I'm back at my PC. What's more, I can actually see who's calling and answer a phone call before it drops or diverts to voicemail
And don't forget the resale value. Given the trend of HTC Wizard / Prophet / Atom devices, the longer you hold onto the huge Universal the less saleable it's going to be. Sure, it fills a niche at the moment, but in 12 month's time, is a 1st generation device that big going to have anything but collectors' appeal?
So, unless you only use the Universal in the home and office, the larger keyboard and VGA display are"must haves", and you don't mind missing the odd phone call, then I would say the Wizard was the better bet.
If you really need a VGA display, a keyboard, and top performance, go for a proper PDA like the Dell X51v, a bluetooth keyboard and a seperate cellphone - it'll probably be cheaper, more flexible and easier to carry. And each element will work much better at what it is designed to do.
@Ineedtoys, what a refreshing and objective view on the subject. Having owned a Treo 650 and Clie TH55 I know what you're talking about. In the real world stability, size of device and battery life are still the key requirements and showing your latest toy to friends/work colleagues etc is nice but for most people is not a sufficient reason for buying a device. You either buy a device to meet a personal requirement or buy a device so that you can play with it "like a toy". Decide if you want a real tool or a "toy" first and then you'll be happy with your decision.
My view is that the Universal is not really a cell phone, it is an advanced PDA/mini tablet and you need to use it with another cell phone. The story for the Wizard may be different.
At first I always open the screen and rotated it to see who is calling me, and pick up the phone. Just like my old xda has it's screen outside.
But this take way to long, and most of the time the caller hung up before it was ready to rotate the screen and is able to pick up the call..
Now I just open the lid to see who it is. then close it again and pick up with the side green phone button leaving the pro closed.
If you use it this way i'ts perfect.
At first I had to get used of the size but now I am used to it.
People sometimes think: what the hell is that big thing?
But when I op the "laptop" and rotate it's screen and show the phone it's the coolest thing they've seen .
very interesting reading
Ihave a Universal (o2) for a week now, and am SERIOUSLY thinking of returning it for something else,
I like the Mini s (Wizard) too, but one subject that I believe is left aside is the battery life : with the Universal that I have tested for over a week if I did use the Wifi like 2 hours and a bit of BT and phone, then its battery would be gone by 5pm (starting at 9am !) quite a shame.
My point is : do these devices need to be pluged to the AC anytime we want to use to use the connexions, in that case I can stick with my laptop if need to be wired.
Or is it ony the Universal that is amazingly sucking the battery like no other ?
I appreciate your help as I have to decide if I send it back before friday ! ;-)
Re: very interesting reading
I presume you tried turning the screen brightness and WiFi power right down, and IR beaming off? The Wizard will definately give you longer as it doesn't have the battery sucking screen and has the low power OMAP processor.
The battery life in the Universal seems to get conditioned after a couple of weeks and does improve, but you don't have enough time to wait for that!
already better after 8 days
in fact I have noticed that it is getting better after a week (the battery),
but it's only because I now used the wifi only when I know I have a power nearby and I disable all connexion when I have it in my pocket, same for the brightness etc...
still.. the second point to change it is definately the size : I already have a tablet-pc to play with, so that will do it for now.
Back soon on this forum with the Wizard. :lol:
ill take your universal for my wizard

T-mobile "Wing" Availability

Just got off the phone with a t-mobile representative just a few seconds ago. I was calling about a replacement (on my 4th MDA) and asked about the availability of "The Wing". He said availability will be on May 22, 2007 here in the USA. I also asked him about the availability of an upgrade for the MDA Vario II which is what I have. He say's; "They (being t-mobile) are NOT planning an upgrade for this phone. I am ordering the "Wing" ASAP on that date yippeee!!
I spoke to the representative for at least ten minutes. I asked about the "The Wing" and he said that he had a co-worker who works in the lab where they test the phone(s) and got some "hand's on" time with it. He said it was very nice and liked the spring loaded keyboard which gives it more of a solid feel when sliding out the keyboard. I always seem to fidget with the Wizard in my holster as it seems the keyboard likes to slide slightly when it's on my hip. I do want the LED indicator lights for the function keys and caps too. I do have the hack on the Wizard for the indicator but it's nice to see those little added extra features that "The Wing" will have. The representative also said that it will have a better grip in your hands unlike the Wizard. I like that as I always fear and have to handle the Wizard with kid gloves, that it will slide out of my hands or I will drop it.... which did happen on one of them and it got a scratch :-( No 3G support but he say's that t-mobile will surpass 3G with a faster data network sometime in 2008.
I am however disappointed in the fact that they will not offer an upgrade and of course I could get a rom off here but I prefer to have the real deal. I would like a custom rom for the MDA with the carrier default stuff for t-mobile working and then tweak it myself.
Just thought I would pass this info along
great !
i seen this phone.. its pretty awesome
specialy this screen that is nicely floating on it
and its fast
It the same as XDA terra - I guess. So it will be more romcookers for this device available in a few month.
hmm this looks like a wizard with a better camera and mono speaker viewing on the hardware side of it
whereas the processor
does stereo
nice one to port wm6 from
da_jojo said:
hmm this looks like a wizard with a better camera and mono speaker viewing on the hardware side of it
whereas the processor
does stereo
nice one to port wm6 from
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I´m trying to - but i don´t know teh exact adresses for dumping.
Just look here.
yes i read it was looking for an answer for you but i wasnt able to find any on google nor on developers site
just some stupid idea : did you try the adress of the wizard ?
da_jojo said:
yes i read it was looking for an answer for you but i wasnt able to find any on google nor on developers site
just some stupid idea : did you try the adress of the wizard ?
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With this i got an 57mb big nba file. But you cannot falsh to wizard. when i´m using pdocread with -l (otion) i get teh toal size of 62Mb = 3e00000 - but you can also not flash to wizard. when i take an original nbh file from herald upgrade it contains ipl, spl, radio, extrom and os.
but when i use pdocread i only get os.
Don´t know any further.
if u call after june5th to get ur mda replaced they will send u a brand new tmob wing inplace of the mda.. u just have to pay shipping..
Not looking forward to the wing
Sure it has a 2 MP camera, but no flash. There are also no convenient bottons for messaging and internet explorer on the front. Instead there is only the messaging button which they put on the side.
They keyboard is HORRIBLE. Very similar to the 8125 and 8525. They are all stuck together and it makes it VERY annoying to type with. Also, the R,T, and I,O buttons are compromised because they squeezed the left and right soft buttons there (so they are about 80% the size of the other buttons)
Spring loaded??? Expect it to get worn over time.
And to top it off, its the same processor speed as the MDA!!! 200MHz???? Completely not worth the money.
I recently got the 8525, and i really do miss my MDA. The wing is a hybrid between the MDA and 8525, but with a good majority of drawbacks. Its 2 steps forward and 10 steps back.
Seriously now... no flash? some keys are not full size? touching keys? Puke...
I had tested the wing for about 2 days, but within the first 2 minutes i was already frustrated with its drawbacks.
not sure how i feel about having only 1 speaker too..
Yes indeed - it is the same like wizard.
BUT when you don´t use UMTS, when you don´t take pictures with a handy by night (the flash of wizard was horrible), when you want a thinn device for carrying in your pocket -- it is the wing (terra)
And when youn love your wizard - and just want a newer one.
Take the wing.
BTW - the mainstorage is much faster than teh wizard ones.
Benchmark without overclocking and tweaks
papamopps said:
Yes indeed - it is the same like wizard.
BUT when you don´t use UMTS, when you don´t take pictures with a handy by night (the flash of wizard was horrible), when you want a thinn device for carrying in your pocket -- it is the wing (terra)
And when youn love your wizard - and just want a newer one.
Take the wing.
BTW - the mainstorage is much faster than teh wizard ones.
Benchmark without overclocking and tweaks
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Cut me in in that deal you have with HTC, lool
i'm addicted to this flashlight build in.. i use it a lot
on the other hand the better cam is also a nice feature.
The camera is not TOOO bad.
I love this picture taken on midday.
(btw resized by irfanview - original is better)
nice one
i would put mine in here if the limit wasnt 97kb lol
long live the office 2007 picturemanager
da_jojo said:
nice one
i would put mine in here if the limit wasnt 97kb lol
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thats why i worte - "resized" it is not the original one which had 495kb and 1280x960
The wing has no IR which is a drawback for me,(i use my MDA as a tv Remote) and that they didn't upgrade the processor makes it not worth any more than the MDA, only thing better is the keyboard,(keys not how its spring loaded). The MDA keys are way to small.
papamopps said:
thats why i worte - "resized" it is not the original one which had 495kb and 1280x960
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yup yup
i read this
so i took the time to find a fast way
compress for webcontent in office2007 pictureviewer and save as
da_jojo said:
nice one
i would put mine in here if the limit wasnt 97kb lol
long live the office 2007 picturemanager
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BUT is it an T-Wing or wizard picture?
Which device do you have?
this one mentioned in my signature.. mda vario a.k. wizard 200

Wizard Vs. Wing

So my wizard has been acting up (see the annoying white screen post ) i was wondering first of all if i am allowed to send in my MDA to get it replaced with a Wing for free, since they no longer make MDAs and my MDA is not working properly. Second is the Wing better than the MDA, because i heard that it only has 1 speaker, and no IR (i dont really use IR but its nice to have it). So i was wondering if the speaker is really different than the MDAs or are they both about the same in loudness and quality level.?
BTW: I live in the US so it would be T-Mobile US.
killerkhatiby009 said:
So my wizard has been acting up (see the annoying white screen post ) i was wondering first of all if i am allowed to send in my MDA to get it replaced with a Wing for free, since they no longer make MDAs and my MDA is not working properly. Second is the Wing better than the MDA, because i heard that it only has 1 speaker, and no IR (i dont really use IR but its nice to have it). So i was wondering if the speaker is really different than the MDAs or are they both about the same in loudness and quality level.?
BTW: I live in the US so it would be T-Mobile US.
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Nobody, except Tmobile can answer your question about getting the Wing as a free replacement for MDA
For MDA vs Wing, I can share my experience with you. I recently got the Wing to play around with and still have my MDA. There are some areas of improvements on the Wing but there are also some downside. But IMHO the improvement is out weight the cons. Missing IR is a disadvantage, but most pp don't use the IR connection nowaday, Bluetooth is over taking the IR.
For speakers, hard to tell with one is better. I think the MDA is a little louder, but the Wing seems to have the clearer sound. Hard to say which is better.
I called T-Mobile about getting a Wing and what would happen if I had an issue with my mda and needed a replacement and T-Mobile still has MDAs to send out to people that need replacements. So I`d doubt they`ll send you a wing instead.
I don't have any proof of this but I have heard that T-mobile is sending wings out to people who have a defective MDA. You'd have to call T-mobile to be sure, of course. There is probably a finite supply of MDA's left in their inventory as it is, so eventually you will probably only be able to get a wing as a replacement. When that will be, I have no idea...
My husband has the wing and I have the mda. I like having the IR because there is a program that will let you use your device as a universal remote. Comes in very handy when you're in a place where you'd like to change the TV channel but don't have the remote (hospital rooms, hotels, etc).
I haven't really listened closely to my husband's wing but the speaker quality seems to be decent. When his phone rings I can't tell whether it is mine or his. I've been flashing my rom a lot lately so there hasnt been any use in changing the ringer all the time.
One thing I am jealous about with hubby's Wing is that the screen pops out from the keyboard instead of sliding the way the MDA does. So you don't get the problem of the screen hanging halfway off of the keyboard if you don't close it all the way.
Also the stylus doesn't just fall out of the Wing like it does with the MDA.
If you get a Wing you will not be able to use your Mini SD card since the Wing uses Micro SD.
The Wing's Comm Manager button is on the keyboard instead of the side of the case. Unless there's a trick we haven't noticed yet, you can't just hold down a button on the side of the case to switch between speaker and vibrate. You actually have to do something on-screen or pop out the keyboard.
WM6 on the MDA works great for me (using X-plore), and it is faster than the old WM5. With that in mind, I'm not noticing a huge increase in speed or performance with the Wing. I haven't really looked much into it but hubby tells me the two devices use the same cpu.
The Wing has the 2 MP camera whereas the MDA has 1 MP. Image quality is about the same except of course the Wing can store larger images. If you want, pm me and I can take 2 pictures of the same object using the Wing and the MDA and let you compare them... I don't know how important that is to you.
The Wing is somewhat lighter than the MDA, but hubby and I both find this weight difference to be barely noticeable. Wing is slightly thinner. Again, its a minimal difference.
The Wing is, as far as I know, the Herald, so you might also want to check the herald forums to see what people think and feel about theirs.
Personally, I'm satisfied with my MDA and I wouldn't want to trade it in unless it was suffering from a major disfunction.
Wow, thanks that was a lot of info. Ill talk to T-mobile about replacing my MDA because it is defective, my screen keeps turning completely white for no reason and to remove the whiteness i have to slide out the keyboard just so the first row of keys show. But anyway thanks for the information, it has saved me a ton of time looking for reviews and comparisons.
Can Aim be any slower!
hey Im a happy MDA user but I have never been happy with the extreme slowness of the aim. Thats the only problem i have with my MDA, the msn messenger goes really quick i dont understand why the aim is soo slow.Is there any way i can make it faster!? ive tried numerous things since september of 06 lol. and does anybody know if the aim on the wing goes quicker? because Ive been eyeing the wing. help !
my opinion
so I got my wing yesterday, first impression it feels nice since I had WM6 on my MDA there was not much to explore the first thing I checked was MEMORY and that did not look pretty here is what I had:
Storage Programs
total:39.44 Total: 43.87
in use: 13.87 in use: 28 something
Free: 25 MB or so Free: 15 something
compared to what I have on my MDA with the awsome wm6 X-plore 2.0n and after installing over 10 apps and all kinds of tweaks this wing is a real WIMP on memory, so I decided to do a hard reset and did soft reset before the Tmobile customization started I wanted to get rid of all T-mobile crap but that did not work it did get rid of some apps and I ganed about 7MB of storage memory but did not help the program memory I gues some of the T-Movbile stuff is part of the Rom and that sucks. when I did the first soft reset I kept looking for the hole on th right side of the phone but it was on the left, since I am right handed that to me is an inconvenience, the siding action on the keyboard is nice, typing on it is not bad at all, what I did not like about it is that it's slides open the opposite way the MDA does again I think that is another inconvenience for a right handed person since most people use their thumb to push the keyboard open, I thought to myself maybe they had a right handed and left handed beacause this is annoying for a right handed person, then again maybe its just me. I like the new "ok" and "windows" buttons the front keys are nice and easy to use I am not sure I like the side buttons lay out I liked them better on the MDA. Before I got this wing thing I wondered how the sound would be with one speaker well, I found out the sound on the MDA is louder when playing mp3 files and when the phone rings quality wise it's close but overall I like the MDA stereo speakers better, the camera on the wing is better quality of course it should be since it's 2.0 MP vs the 1.3 mp on the MDA.
Overall it's an ok device I think I have to give it a couple of weeks see how me and IT get along, but my number one wish is TO FLASH IT and get all that wasted memory back, and that will happen I just dont wanna falsh now because there is no ship rom to go back to in case I brick it.
anyway that was my opinion so far and I will post more as time goes.
SamanthaLovesPink said:
hey Im a happy MDA user but I have never been happy with the extreme slowness of the aim. Thats the only problem i have with my MDA, the msn messenger goes really quick i dont understand why the aim is soo slow.Is there any way i can make it faster!? ive tried numerous things since september of 06 lol. and does anybody know if the aim on the wing goes quicker? because Ive been eyeing the wing. help !
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try using IMplus it's fast and works well for all messengers.

I'm considering buying a TyTN...

Hi there. I've been a satisfied user of a SPV C600 for quite a long time. Now i'm moving to a touch-phone - TyTN, and therefore I have some questions. Are they (pocket pc phones) much less resistant than classic smartphones? Isn't the screen sensitive and easy to destroy? and finally, how is it practical comparing to a classic phone? And how it's with battery life?
I suggest you to buy the TYTN II (Kaiser). It has integrated GPS ;-)
kartam said:
Hi there. I've been a satisfied user of a SPV C600 for quite a long time. Now i'm moving to a touch-phone - TyTN, and therefore I have some questions. Are they (pocket pc phones) much less resistant than classic smartphones? Isn't the screen sensitive and easy to destroy? and finally, how is it practical comparing to a classic phone? And how it's with battery life?
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The screens are not overly delicate, but you will need a protective case - don't just put it in your pocket. The battery life - just depends, count on charging it every day.
The phone functions differently from a pure phone. The phone menus and operations are via Windows Mobile. This gives some added functionality, but some folks would say it is a clumsier system than that of a pure phone.
My advice - if at all possible get a new TyTn or TyTn 2. There are many TyTns (original version) on ebay that have the screen alignment and white screen problems and there is no easy fix for either of these issues. The TyTn 2 is much less prone to either of these problems.
The original TyTn (Hermes) is apt to freezing and slowness. This is fixable with a bit of tweaking of the settings, a few registry changes and maybe even a new ROM. These kinds of things are what this site is all about and the help is here for that. Expect to spend time setting up a PPC phone - a bit like setting up your PC. So in this respect it's not like a more basic phone that is pretty much set up out of the box.
Yeah I know I'd need to set it up, I've had several palmphones before but never as primary phone (I have had only touchless smartphones as primaries). I'd buy a TyTN II but i haven't got that much money, (I don't need GPS, and I'd live with the 2 mpx camera, it's not that important for me) and I've bought recently a SPV M3100 for 109 pounds... still waiting to be delivered
and well - all that tweaking is what i love of WM phones I didn't have it on classic phones or even Symbian ones, and now I'm waitiiing ;D having a classic phone for several days and I must say I hate its simplicity!
palmphones - i mean PPC phones of course.
But Hermes isn't slow overall? I mean comparing it to an OMAP850...
kartam said:
But Hermes isn't slow overall? I mean comparing it to an OMAP850...
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My AT&T 8525 (U.S. Hermes) was quite sluggish and had the tendency to lock up several times a day and need to have a soft reset done in order to get it up an running again. That all changed when I flashed the official AT&T WM6 ROM that had come out. Since then, it has been very solid and rarely needs a soft reset. Very snappy, as well.
All I do whenever I have to hard reset due to tinkering, is spend a few minutes removing all the AT&T bloat that comes in the ROM, getting the used storage memory down to about 5-6MB before I start installing things. Works for me and is very stable.
you have bought a good little phone - im exactly the same, if i purchase a phone it will not be a classic phone.. it'll be a WM phone lol.
the hermes isn't slow at all (imo) i cant compare to the omap but im sure you'll like it once you find a fast 6.1 rom

Problems with built in camera

First i would like to mention that i went thru wiki and the forum and i could not find a thread with similar problems.
The problem is in the built in camera (or in the user)
As soon as i turn on the camera to take a picture it doesnt work. On the display the icons are showing like the camera is ready but it is just dark display.
So i pressed the button to capture an image just to see how will the camera react. As i pressed the middle cursor button after some 20-30 second on the display appeared following lines:
Unable to save captured image
unable to get data from camera device.
I must say that i have problems with the camera module from the very beginning. I was hoping that the latest flash with Tomals SW will improove the camera drivers but this was not the case. Maybe i have to install some additional drivers? I just cant get the bloody camera to work.
Anyone has some idea why my camera does not work?
Besize that my qtek is working just fine.
Thanks 4 the answers.
Best regards from Slowenia.
Welcome to forums
I had a similar prob and solved changing the ROM
Good luck,
Hello orb3000
Thanks 4 the welcome
i upgraded my rom just 2 days ago with: TML871_WM61_21028_REGULAR_128MB.exe
but it does not change the status of the camera.
so i feel a little helpless
Peter V8 said:
Hello orb3000
Thanks 4 the welcome
i upgraded my rom just 2 days ago with: TML871_WM61_21028_REGULAR_128MB.exe
but it does not change the status of the camera.
so i feel a little helpless
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Try another ROM, just in case. Generally a factory ROM would give a good indication of whether there is a problem and eliminate other possibilities. So I would recommend flashing it just for your peace of mind.
As far as Tomal's ROM is concerned, provided your device is 128Mb and ROM functions as it should otherwise, one of the reasons for non-working camera is the module itself or the mainboard. Hopefully its the camera module, as they are relatively cheap and very easy to replace and no special knowledge is required, as well as minimal device intrusion, so you will be able to replace it yourself. I think i saw the camera module at some of my suppliers, let me check if still available, alternatively, a working second hand part can also be used, I might have one in my toy box somewhere.
Thank you so much. I will yet again update the rom and than i will report how it went. So if it doesnt work, i would be happy to purchase a camera module from you. Replacing it will not be a problem as i have no problem with the mechanics and electronics in general :-D:-D:-D
I also stumbled upon a DIY side in this forum, regarding the universal.
So which rom would you recommend me?
Peter V8 said:
Thank you so much. I will yet again update the rom and than i will report how it went. So if it doesnt work, i would be happy to purchase a camera module from you. Replacing it will not be a problem as i have no problem with the mechanics and electronics in general :-D:-D:-D
I also stumbled upon a DIY side in this forum, regarding the universal.
So which rom would you recommend me?
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Factory ROM is the ROM your device came with originally, out of the box.
Peter V8 said:
So which rom would you recommend me?
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WM 5... as Uni came in with WM 5.... so in my case JASJAR.. and T-Mobile rom... is factory default for my 2 uni....
That could be a problem.
i have been given the qtek 9000 by my boss as he bought himself a tuch diamond pro and he gave me the qtek becouse he knew that i was so enthused about it. :-D:-D
Sadly the PDa came without any CD so factory rom is out of question. He somehow lost the CD so all i had was the phone, the usb cable and the charging unit.
try the wiki first!
Otherwise, someone may have it. (I've got SPV M5000 if you're interested)
The wiki has only the country or operator specific downloads. Since i`m from Slovenia there is no operator or SW for our operator on the list.
So i probably need an english version since the qtek in our country c<me only in english version.
Just get WWE for QTEK, or try other WWE ROMs. BUT make sure you have the Slovenian settings on a .CAB or check if they can be sent by your provider.
Peter V8, don't forget to update the wiki if you find what you were looking for... and it wasn't in the wiki. 30 people will (not) thank you, but appreciate it.
As soon as i find the problem i will update it to wiki no problem. If the camera is broken and it need to be replaced i will document the procedure with photos that i will take during the "operation".
Sadly my battery bloated a little bit (no chemical spill so far ) and i took it out of my qtek to protect it from damage. So now i am stuck with nokia N90 until the new Battery arrives that i ordered. So when i will have the new accu i will find the error that the camera is having and report it to wiki and forum.
Peter V8 said:
As soon as i find the problem i will update it to wiki no problem. If the camera is broken and it need to be replaced i will document the procedure with photos that i will take during the "operation".
Sadly my battery bloated a little bit (no chemical spill so far ) and i took it out of my qtek to protect it from damage. So now i am stuck with nokia N90 until the new Battery arrives that i ordered. So when i will have the new accu i will find the error that the camera is having and report it to wiki and forum.
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A battery 'bloated a little bit' means it got wet, which might mean liquid damage to your device and the reason your camera might not work. Even if you replace the battery at this stage, if the main PCB got wet, it will corrode and your device will die, slowly, but surely.
I am fully aware of this problem, but the new battery bloated (i replaced it 3 months ago) and the camera doesnt work since i have the qtek (1,5 year). The little white paper stripe under the sim card holder didnt turn pink and also the battery isnt wett also the phone is not wett. Well we will see when i get the new battery. It is under warranty so if the battery damaged my beloved phone, the company that sold me the new battery 3 months ago will not get so easy of it. Here in Slovenia a well preserved qtek 9000 still costs arround 250-300 Euros.
A little update:
I bought myself a newer working qtek 9000 with partialy broken LCD for 30 Euros. So i placed the battery into my qtek and it works perfectly. Apart from that i am still waiting for my brand new battery to arrive from germany. So i fully charged the spare battery, did a DOC reset and flashed the qtek with Tomals ROM.
The camera however still doesnt work, so it is not a SW problem. Since i have bought the broken qtek 9000 for spare parts, i will take the camera out and replace it. So probably this weekend i will do the "service" and i will take pictures of the procedure and update the forum.
Peter V8 I also face a similar problem since my 2 days Ebay bought 02 Xda Exec's camera is full of white, red, green dots either in photo or video mode. Changing roms didn't help at all and its truly a pity since the phone seems like it came straight from the factory, although used. My dilemma is either paying about 20 Euros to ship it back or waiting for your endeavor to complete but since I overall truly like the phone I will wait and see
Peter V8 said:
A little update:
I bought myself a newer working qtek 9000 with partialy broken LCD for 30 Euros. So i placed the battery into my qtek and it works perfectly. Apart from that i am still waiting for my brand new battery to arrive from germany. So i fully charged the spare battery, did a DOC reset and flashed the qtek with Tomals ROM.
The camera however still doesnt work, so it is not a SW problem. Since i have bought the broken qtek 9000 for spare parts, i will take the camera out and replace it. So probably this weekend i will do the "service" and i will take pictures of the procedure and update the forum.
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There is really no procedure worthy of taking pictures, once you remove the back, remove the large white antenna part and you will see where camera clips in. It's a fairly straightforward flex clip connection.
Little update again.
As i mentioned earlyer, i have bought myself another spare parts uni with broken tft. Ok so first.....i took apart both unis (didnt took no pictures becouse the pdf DIY to disassemble and assemble the UNi is more than helpfull, so you have to be a complete non technical type of human, or you have cerebrall palsy, or you must be a dee tii deee to not understand or grasp how it is made) and puted the tft from my uni in to the spare part uni. It worked perfectly and it had WM 5,0 the original. So the camera worked , everything worked-sim card....everything. So yesterday i flashed the uni with Tomals last ROM (Tommal the rom is working perfectly on my other uni so the SW is just fine) And somehow the uni had problems to work when my SIM card was inserted. So i removed the sim card and the uni worked perfectly. I dont know wath the problem is (probably a sim lock or somethin, but odd enough it worked with WM 5,0) so as the forum was down yesterday, i just dissasembled both unis again, putted the tft back in to my uni and putted the camera which worked just fine in the spare parts uni, in to my uni. And guess what.............the camera is still not working. I have done the hardreset but still.........even as i replaced the camera i still have the mesage......unable to get data from camera bla bla bla.....error 36003:500:2
So there might be a problem with some drivers or something in that way. I am pretty on the end with my knowledge now. How can i find the erorr or the couse of it???
If someone knows i would be very happy uni user :-D
So the problem is still not solved. Otherwise the uni is working perfectly only the camera gives me hard time.
Best regards
Peter V8 said:
If someone knows i would be very happy uni user :-D
So the problem is still not solved. Otherwise the uni is working perfectly only the camera gives me hard time.
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seems like the problem is with motherboard rather than the camera...
