wanted in UK !!! imate JASJAR/Qtek 9000/O2 XDA EXEC - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I am looking for a black color imate JASJAR/Qtek 9000/O2 XDA EXEC.
Should be unlocked and the maximum I can pay is £350. Do let me know if someone has it. I dont mind buying the slightly used ones as well.

You can buy a Exec for £360 online from www.o2.co.uk under the 12 month £19 tariff whcih you can reduce to £16 or data 5 at £9.40 after 6 months. Price of the handset is £150.

thanks for the quick response.
is it mentioned in the terms and condition that we can downgrade our package after 6 months?
is data 5 available as a stand-alone package?
as far as I know, all o2 phones are already unlocked. please correct me if I am wrong.

None of my high end O2 phones (Nokia 9500, Treo 650 & Exec) have been locked.
You can downgrade after 6 months. Down greading to Data 5 is possible but depends on the call centre person you contact. Down grading to £16 after 6 months should not be a problem at all.

placed the order ... will take 5 working days.
some people here are compaining that the already installed software in o2 XDA EXEC occupies too much space and arent much of a help..what are your views?

i contacted o2 a week ago, they said £19 tariff is lowest tariff available online, so we wont b able to downgrade to £16 or data 5 after 6 months but give their customer services a call using a cheap access no from
or read this thread for other cheap options to get exec
The phone form o2 online was unlocked

@knowme, jatt may be correct about the £19 tariff being the lowest available online. But the this only makes the total cost £18 more !

yea true...doesnt make much of a diff. and u dont have to make one off payment too :lol: .... so who cares!!! 8)

Another happy customer

anyone here using sat. nav. on XDA EXEC? if yes, which 1?

application turned down coz of some stupid credit scoring ****


Best place to buy an XDAII?

Does anyone have any suggestions on where to by an XDAII? And which is better, an O2 XDAII or an IMATE? I see several auctions for O2 XDA II's on EBAY. I would assume I could buy one there and unlock it for T-Mobile..
I'm also leaning more towards O2 because of the announced ROM upgrade to support Blackberry functionality.. I would assume this would hopefully work with T-Mobile as well as the other blackberry devices software seems to be carrier independant.
What country do you live in and do you want contract or not?
That'll help find the best deal.
I got mine in the UK, phone cost £139 on £25 a month O2 contract
U.S. and I currently have a SIM with T-Mobile.
Can you tell me where I can buy the XDA 2 for £ 139 please
Car Phone Warehouse.
They are doing them for GBP139.99 on the O2 250 tariff and above. Check www.carphonewarehouse.co.uk for the latest deals. Their service is pretty good too, the only thing is the damn XDA II is like gold dust in the UK!!! You may have to wait till they get in stock.
xda 2
if you cant get it at the carphone warehouse try
O2 400 plus 100 sms - promotion £144.99 £30.00
*400 crossnet mins and 100 text per month
*Double mins and text - reverts to 200 mins and 50 text on month 4
This offer includes
1 o2 SIM Card
Universal HandsFree Car Kit-Online order

A question about tariffs (UK)

Greetings All.
I am finally thinking of upgrading my ancient Nokia to a Magician. Taking tightfistedness as a given, as a UK resident, my question is what is the least money I need to part with to acquire a Magician? If on pay-as-you-go, price is easily seen. But I am a little confused about tariff options: I would consider a phone on a tariff to cost:
[handset price] + [no of months] * [monthly rental]
[no of months] = least no of months before I can get the contract cancelled
Unfortunately, I don't actually know what this last number is with the UK companies: is it 6 months? Less? More?
Any information would be greatly appreciated, including what buyers have found to be the typical "total price" as defined above.
I have found u a sim free himalaya for sale at Amazon. I wouldn't go for the magician myself due to it only having 64mb of ram and the himalya having 128mb of ram.
Anyway check out the link I have given you.
Thanks for the link. Is the ~£370 mark the standard, therefore for the Jam? If so, do the tariff equivalents also level about £370 after minimum contract?
And since I don't actually know this despite having lived here all my life, what _is_ the minimum contract with the various phone firms (T-Mobile, O2, Vodafone, etc.)?
ive had the xda 2 and i have recently got rid of it and got the imate jam
its alot better signal wise/ battery life wise/ size wise/ faster/ better cam
id choose it anyday over the xda2 as its just too heavy and big compared to the jam
i brought mine sim free from expansys for £407 near enough
simple to set up on o2 payg online
Look here
Contracts are usually 12 months. I have seen some 18 month contracts too.
the Jam's camera is basically the same as the xda II's anyway, I don't know why the Jams is so poor its suppoed to be 1.3MP there is so much noise in the pics they look worse than the XDA 2's.
As for the signal, the new 1.18 radio upgrade not only increases the signal of the XDA II so it's much better than before it also has increased the battery life by a considerable amount i've noticed.
Personally, i'd go for the XDA 2 any day over the JAM, I can't stand that they have halved the amount of RAM in the JAM compared to the XDA II. Size isn't everything!
id stay clear from the contracts and go onto o2 online pay as you go. 300 free texts, 1mb free gprs, works out at giving u 40mins of calls compared to contract and all for £10 / month.
sims are only like £5
So everyone who buys a phone from, say, O2 or T-Mobile absolutely _has_ to pay the 12 month contract? There is no option to, say, cancel after a minimum time and still keep the handset? Excuse my n00bness on this issue...
u dont even have to buy a contract with this one
they are sim free. NO CONRACT! u can change phone and switch networks whenver u want.
just simply stick in an o2 online sim card for £5.
1.18 rom on the xda2 didnt do much for me still couldnt get signal at work
now i got my jam i got 1 bar all the time
camera quality is crap i the dark but with the new patch its improved daylight photos alot they look very clear now
and no the 64mb ram doesnt make any difference when you have a 1gb ultra SD card i use that for storage
128mb would be nice but its no problem at the moment
also you dont look like a fool with it to your ear no more lol
Agreed, s1nn0n. The only reason a contract idea is being entertained at all is the possiblity of getting a better overall deal on the Magician handset.
kneeslasher said:
So everyone who buys a phone from, say, O2 or T-Mobile absolutely _has_ to pay the 12 month contract? There is no option to, say, cancel after a minimum time and still keep the handset? Excuse my n00bness on this issue...
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you have to usually have them for 12 months or sometimes 24months but you can pay the contract off upfront (pay the monthly charges all in one go)
yeah maybe.
but they are still expensive on contracts.
also the IR on the jam works just like an ipaq unlike the xda2 which doesnt do anyhting at all lol
look at the below link, id just put that in a sim free phone. works out much cheaper and a contract wont give u anywhere near the value.
urs must a been dodgy thn.
mine works fine.
Thanks. In that case I shall factor [12 * monthly cost] into the price. Right. In that case I shall now scour the other threads for where good deals on the Magician are available. Thanks for the XDAII suggestion s1nn0n, but I think until the XDAII evolves further, the Jam is for me.
I bought from www.mobilejoker.de with a 1GB SD Card (65 Euros), 40 Eueos delivery and 15 Euros Cash on Delivery charge and it came to £380.
You'll get the MDA alone for less from them or Ebay's German sellers.
seriously the imate JAM is pants.
the xda II also has MP10 on it now and wm 2003 se
there really isn't much difference.
JAM is smaller but xda 2 has more memory.
That doesn't sound too bad, 27. But what on earth is this 15€ C.O.D charge?
I agree with s1nn0n in that the Jam has less memory/functions/etc.. I have computers to do my work. The phone/pda is just for simple carry-around utility.

Wait O2 Exec or buy Universal from expansys.com

I live in Hong Kong. From my estimate, the O2 will sell in Hong Kong in December 2005. I want to get the Universal to be first in Hong Kong. Do I buy the Universal from expansys.com or wait the offical selling in Hong Kong?
If you want to be the first you don't have much choice but to get it from somewhere else other than O2!
I'm in the same boat as you are... No warranty and ugly looking Jasjar But on the other hand, the wait is killing me too....
Hi in answer to your question, i would only consider the O2 XDA EXEC,i have seen both devices,the XDA EXEC looks way better than the Imate Jasjar.
In addition the XDA EXEC will be tested more...O2 have better support + the O2 active service installed in the phone really inhances the device.
At the end of the day i Know its hard to wait...but i promise you will not be dissapointed this device really sets new standards.
O2 vs JasJar
Disagree with you on some points, firstly, o2 Active is a complete waste of time, been on 02 3years since xda 1 and always dumped it. For Guarantee, they're both about the same, 1 year, so no benefits there. I have also owned an Imate and their customer support was fine, no worse or better then o2. Rom Upgrades are much faster at imate, less bureauracy, and that is a big plus. And if you want to, you can always put an o2 rom later.
Jasjar is a terrible name, and will be more expensive than o2, always. They cannot subsidize like o2 can, not a big difference, so waitin 3-6 weeks you'll get it cheaper for sure.
O2 vs JasJar
Disagree with you on some points, firstly, o2 Active is a complete waste of time, been on 02 3years since xda 1 and always dumped it. For Guarantee, they're both about the same, 1 year, so no benefits there. I have also owned an Imate and their customer support was fine, no worse or better then o2. Rom Upgrades are much faster at imate, less bureauracy, and that is a big plus. And if you want to, you can always put an o2 rom later.
Jasjar is a terrible name, and will be more expensive than o2, always. They cannot subsidize like o2 can, not a big difference, so waitin 3-6 weeks you'll get it cheaper for sure.
You can preorder Qtek from expansys. The price a bit cheaper.
You can check here.
fanacreonte2804 said:
Hi in answer to your question, i would only consider the O2 XDA EXEC,i have seen both devices,the XDA EXEC looks way better than the Imate Jasjar.
In addition the XDA EXEC will be tested more...O2 have better support + the O2 active service installed in the phone really inhances the device.
At the end of the day i Know its hard to wait...but i promise you will not be dissapointed this device really sets new standards.
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I bet I can guess who you work for , but I must say the exec is much easier on the eyes.
Not sure
I think they really are 100% the same, unless you really are a tosser and care about device color...
Warranty 1 year
Rom: within a month, you'll put whatever you want in, no big deal active
o2 Active, Useless (Unless someone wants to convince me otherwise)
Price: 100% o2 will be cheaper, it always is. I will always buy these under contract, they are cheaper + you get minutes which I can throw away.
Buying O2
Buying O2 guarantees you a few things:
1) O2 active will be available, and if installed (which at least is optional on the exec without needing silly corporate codes) it will make your device crash much more than devices that dont have it. I have no confidence that O2 will sort out the O2 active issues that exist on the XDA IIs
2) You will wait *eons* for firmware updates. O2 are still shipping devices with BT build 3500, rom 1.31.00, radio: 1.06. They are now about 6 versions behind and there is no news of whether there will *ever* be an official update to the latest and greatest. For the record, BT3900, rom 1.41, and radio 1.12 are the latest.
3) You will get a cheaper device than if you bought it elsewhere.
So.... if you buy O2 then be prepaired to hack around with it, cook your own roms, and rely on timely updates from *other* vendors (which will need to be hacked for the O2 XDA) to fix the bugs on your exec.
O2 do not aknowledge or fix bugs on their devices period.
I agree 100%
Exec will be considerably cheaper, but you'll get screwed on support. Even more true for T-Mobile, they are the most agressive guys, u wiull save a lot if you are patient.
For example I bought 13 T-mobile MDA's for 235GBP (purchase price + contract), and flipped on ebay for 320GBP. Now I have cancelled my contract and am getting 446GBP back, paying for JasJar....
So, buying through an agressive operator is always cheaper because they factor in that you will be spending more then you're contract....guess I didn't
Getting it from O2 doesn't offer much advantages; All O2 settings can be obtained from their site or the net; O2 active is useless, I always get rid of it in all my O2 pocket pcs; waste of memory. I bought the jamjar on an o2 contract costing 320GBP, paying 25GBP per month for 100min and 100text which works out to 620GBP. I don't think waiting for the exec itself will give a more significant discount. 320 quid for the device sounds fair enough considering it costs over 600GBP sim free at the moment; some shops sell it at 700GBP!
Did the same
Paid 660 GBP for 250 minutes on o2 and the phone for one year. Not bad? (I already have 500 minutes from o2 for 15GBP per month, but I figured can keep the 250 minutes for guests)
It is pre-order only.
1. Expansys is on pre-order stage.
2. Expansys cannot provide the handset warranty.
3. The price is about 700GBP
I am only wait for O2 Exec.
Hemant said:
You can preorder Qtek from expansys. The price a bit cheaper.
You can check here.
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What is the price of the O2 Exec from O2 UK for handset only(Sim free)? Who can help me to reply this post?
Are you really gonna wait for the O2 XDA Exec in Hong Kong?
I have just been told that Universal will not appear in Hong Kong under O2 brand - the distributor will introduce it as Dopod 900.
Wait and see - October 2005.
Re: Not sure
mikeycollins13 said:
I think they really are 100% the same, unless you really are a tosser and care about device color...
Warranty 1 year
Rom: within a month, you'll put whatever you want in, no big deal active
o2 Active, Useless (Unless someone wants to convince me otherwise)
Price: 100% o2 will be cheaper, it always is. I will always buy these under contract, they are cheaper + you get minutes which I can throw away.
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Making him care about the colour on a device that costs £600+gbp makes him a tosser?Would you like a **** brown with pink spots coloured ferrari?
Personally I would wait for the Exec.
I like the O2 colors better than the grey MDA ones - this is just and aesthetic issue. Functional-wise I think you should wait because there are problems with apps that are not compatible yet with WM5, therefore you might not be able to use all the apps which you have purchased (or downloaded as freeware) to run on your device,so your gaming/productivity/communication/entertainment might be impaired
1. Are you sure the O2 Exec will not release in HK?
2. After to read some posts, I want to wait O2 Exec released in Hong Kong rather than to buy imate/MDA Pro from overseas/Internet(expansys or www.pocketpc.com.hk).
shu_sum said:
Are you really gonna wait for the O2 XDA Exec in Hong Kong?
I have just been told that Universal will not appear in Hong Kong under O2 brand - the distributor will introduce it as Dopod 900.
Wait and see - October 2005.
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There's one problem with the O2 exec, at least in the UK - O2! They're rubbish in every sense. I used to be a customer of theirs and I had to phone them EVERY MONTH when they double billed me. They never sorted this out despite my repeated atempts and they're repeated promises. You'll also spend 15 minutes on hold when you call them. Their customer service is completly ineefctual and, as mentioned elsewhere, bug fixes and rom updates are almost non-existant. I'm told they also have poorer 3G coverage in the UK than the likes of Voda.
I bought a JasJar (and paid prolly about £70 more than if I had bought an Exec on O2) soley becuase it meant i didn't have to use O2!
But I agree the exec looks nicer. There is also some concern over the JasJar not having a keybaord backlight - I'll be able to confirm or deny in a couple of days when my order arrives.


Go to the O2.co.uk shop online and order one for 139.99 on any contract. It's amazing how many different prices they've got for it every time you ring them!
findus said:
Go to the O2.co.uk shop online and order one for 139.99 on any contract. It's amazing how many different prices they've got for it every time you ring them!
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no need to shout... :wink:
this_mike said:
no need to shout... :wink:
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sorry i left the cap lock on
any1 know if any o2 shop in london has any exec's in stock?
I got mine on an upgrade - £220 but £10 off my monthly bill. Works out at £100 for the phone over the year.
I did mention it the sales lady that I can get it on a new contract for £140 and she offered the money off the tariff then.
I doubt if they sell at all in shops. I tried Ox street but they didn't have it. I bought mine online. Check if it is in stock before bying online, they don't do PRE-ordering stuff.
They have plenty.
Just picked one up in Reading today to replace my JASJAR which I am selling.
They said they had 6 in stock.
:arrow: rilot
being one who has been deliberating for the past few days whether to buy the O2 Xda Exec or the JasJar
(as far as I see - the Exec's benefit being its looks and much lower cost Vs the better and more frequent firmware updates of the JasJar) -- could you please share the benefits of your knowledge and experience as to WHY you are replacing one model with the other
the Exec is £100 cheaper SIM free than the JJ, that's a good reason I think!
My main reason is that I can sell the JASJAR for approx £550 which pays off my Vodafone contract.
O2 have excellent data bundles such as the one I'm on which is 75MB/month for £18.
Overall, the total cost of ownership is considerably lower with the XDA Exec and an O2 contract in my situation.

i-mate JASJAR or O2 XDA Exec !!!???

hi , i wanna buy a HTC Universal , so
will i buy O2 XDA Exec SIM unlocked or i-mate JASJAR ????
please help
Really makes no difference as its identical hardware.
The differences are purely cosmetic, however you do have the choice to switch ROMs so, like me at present, you could run an I-Mate ROM on an O2 Exec or vice versa or any other combinations.
Can anyone confirm that loading another Reseller's ROM on a branded device invalidates warranties as I know this has been hinted at before.
Can anyone confirm that loading another Reseller's ROM on a branded device invalidates warranties as I know this has been hinted at before.
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This is true. A provider will generally only accept a device for repair if it is using one of their supported ROMs, so if you get into problems, you will need to reflash back to a provider supplied ROM
the exec looks good in black.....but the damn problem is in keeping it nice and shining!
The black color attracts a lot of dirt, finger prints & grime! Half the time you'd end up wiping and shining it!
You might be better of with a jasjar ;-)
my 2 cents!
There are people on eBay selling silicone "condoms" for the Exec and they are pretty good. I bought mine and it was delivered in a week or so. The only problem with it is that I need to remove it in order to use my car cradle
Buy the Exec if it is from O2 UK as they have a good warranty scheme (2 years warranty). I have owned both the JJ and Exec and I prefer the screen of the Exec, even though people say they are the same!
basically the exec just looks the coolest. A few friends of mine cancelled blackberry orders when they saw the o2 exec. Also it depends if you want a data tariff with the device or not. If you do, I think o2 has the best data tariff scheme at the moment as:
1. You can buy data only if you don't want voice.
2. Data tariff amounts give the same discount as equivalent cost voice tariffs.
3. Volume of data tariff is good, (+VAT) £14.5 for 35mg, £18 for 75, £25 for 2000 and £45 for 1G.
The best 3g coverage in the UK is, as usual, vodafone .......
thaks for all your relyes , and after reading this i'll buy an O2 Exec
and thanx
Hang On...
I went for the Exec two months ago for all the reasons above (inc the 75Mb data only plan) but you might be better advised to wait a couple of weeks and go for the T Mobile MDA Pro.
There are rumours on Modaco that T Mobile is going to release an unlimited data plan for £7.50 a month!
Apparently T Mobile will unlock the MDA for £15.
On a slightly diff note here.. just wanted to tell u guys.. here in India AIRTEL offers an unlimited data plan for Rs.200/month only which is approx US$4.55/month only. with EDGE speeds

