Does Universal support support MP3 ringtone? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Anyone sure if this machine supports MP3 ringtone?
I have tried to copy MP3 files to Device/Window/Rings, but when i try to call my Universal, the ringtone changed it back to window default automatically.
Pls advice.

I just went to an MP3 file and set it to my ringtone and it works fine!

WM5 does support mp3 ringtones. You can have these stored in the root of the cd card and the phone app will pick em up. However, because the sd card does not activate the sd card when the device comes out of hibernation, on wake up, it will resort back to the default tone.....
You can copy the file to \windows\rings folder so that it is available all the time however, this will take up alot of storage memory.
My advice would be to chop the song down to around 20 seconds, then cknvert this to a 64k WMA file.


How do I add ring tones?

I have some .wav files on my SD card which I used to use as rng tones on my old pDA2K.
I cannot remember how to make this happen as none of them appear as options on the K-JAM?
Copy them into the Windows / Rings folder, and then you should be able to select them from the phone / menu / options
Or in the registries you can change the path where the setting app looks for the ring tones:
Lord Buckingham said:
Copy them into the Windows / Rings folder, and then you should be able to select them from the phone / menu / options
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How about if they are on my SD card?
I don't see a Windows/ Rings folder there.
Putting Ringtones on SD card wil slow reaction and may affect phone to
use default ring unstead of one of your choice
Seems to work fine from my MiniSD card, without any noticeable delay. I entered
\Storage Card\MP3
as directory. The weird thing is that (in the phone sound settings panel) it doesn't list playable files in that single directory, but files from the entire device (including the storage card). I suspect it can't handle the path I entered, so it does a recursive search from the top file namespace of the device (hence the list of all playable files). But that's just speculation
Will the Wizard play .mp3 files as ring tones or do they have to be .wav files?
Hm...I named the directory MP3.... Let me just ponder what kind of files I dropped in there :wink:
It doesn't seem to like ALL flavours of MP3. VBR is one of them. And it's quite difficult to restore the original setting: the sound control panel is still unable to find the original ringtones, like "Old phone .wma", despite the fact that I restored teh registry value to its original setting.
Where goes system sound files? Not ring signals
easyest way to install ring tones is to hold the stylus on the audio file, and on the menu you will find "set as Ringtone" and the file is copied to the ringtone directory
Yeah, but that's actually the problem: the file will occupie 3-5 MB of valueable internal memory, instead of the SD-card (which is relatively large).
I tried to install a WAV file, put it in the Rings folder and it was then shown in the ringtone selection also. I tried to play it but it didn't work, just silence.
Is there a limit to the size? I tried a guitar solo that is 3.5 mb in size.
i have an mp3 file that is an 8.06mb size file that is my ring tone.
aliendad said:
easyest way to install ring tones is to hold the stylus on the audio file, and on the menu you will find "set as Ringtone" and the file is copied to the ringtone directory
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thanks works a treat.
I think you should just use a part of your mp3 files (about 20seconds) because when you receive a call, it will not ring more than those 20s.. So you should use a wave editor on your computer, select only a part of your music, and then compress it in mp3 format (CBR for best compatibility). Your file will only be around 100Ko and you can just copy the ring you need in the "\windows\rings" directory, and store other on your sd card. if one day you want to chnge your ting, just replace another file in the "\windows\rings" directory...
jchanh said:
because when you receive a call, it will not ring more than those 20s..
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That's not quite correct: it depends on your provider and voice-mail settings. I use no voicemail, and T-Mobile NL waits about 50-60 seconds until ending the unanswered call. If I set up my voicemail to answer right after the first ring, then my phone stops ringing before it even get's the chance to play the MP3.
So it depend on alot of circumstances.

way to make mp3's as ring tones?

I have a few ring tones that on my old PDA2K I kept on my SD card and yet was somehow (I cannot remember how) able to use them from my SD card as ring-tones.
On my bright and shiny new K-Jam I cannot find a way to use files on the SD card as ring-tones.
So to save space if I MUST have the files on the phone I want to use MP3's.
Well bugger me I cannot make this work either.
Any ideas out there please?
hmm i just copied them to my storage card.
sipepguru said:
hmm i just copied them to my storage card.
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All the other comments I have heard say they will not work if they are on your SD card unless you make some registry changes?
Something I don't really want to do.
So where on your SD card did you copy them and how did you make the phone recognise them as ring tones?
Windows\Ring\ is the default location for tones. Mp3s work. Just copy them to the Windows\Ring\ folder [use activesync on pc or file explorer on ppc] and you should be able to select them as tones. The registry hack actually changes the default location to a folder of your choice [i.e. on a Storage Card] this is useful if you have a lot of tones. From experiene with WM2003se sometimes this doesn't work well something about the Storage Card taking too long to initialize and therefore the Phone doesn't find the tones folder and just reverts to default. The work around was to have them on Storage, but now with WM5.0 everything is Storage I haven't tried the hack on WM5.0 though.
Another thing is you could cut up your mp3 tones [30 secs is more than enough for a ringer] and re-encode them to a lower bitrate [I use 96kbps Stereo] it's around 360Kb per tone.
Hope this helps.
try to convert to mp4....its work too....
If you don't want to change the default location for ringtones via the registry you can add your wav, mp3, mid to a folder called "My Documents" on the storage card. If it doesn't exist just create it. Thus far it is the only folder I have found that will work without changing the registry. Cant be in a subdirectory. Files get all cluttered up, but you don't have to do anything.

Ring tones

Where do ring tones go & what format must they be in?
Can they be MP3 and can they be put on storage cqrd or extended ROM?
I wonder how much effort and time would it take just for you to put the mp3 in and test out the thing yourself? What can possibly happen if it doesn't work?
Anyway, just to help you on the way, copy your ring tones, into \Windows\Rings or \Windows
Try putting MP3, WMA, and WAV. Check on your ring tone setting page and see if they appear or not.
Try for lots of ringtones.
Their program (Ringo) is good and works on the HTC Universal, I tested it.
mmarks said:
Where do ring tones go & what format must they be in?
Can they be MP3 and can they be put on storage cqrd or extended ROM?
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Ringtones can be WMA, MID, WAV or MP3 and should be put in the \Windows\Ring folder on the Main Memory, as said previous.
SMS Alerts and Alarm Notifications have to be WAV and should be put in the \Windows folder on the Main Memory.
You can put Ringtones on your SD card or other locations, but it slows it down, and will take longer for your device to ring when it has to.
if on your sd card, i believe they need to be on the root drive of the sd card, they cant be buried inside folders.
anything for notifications or alarms must be in the windows folder.
i also recommend the ringtone be small to improve launch speed, and to be placed in window\rings for easy identification and location.
your sd card will be slower to start ringing. there can also be a problem if the device must wake up from being asleep when the phone rings as it must also then locate and recognise the sd card, then launch the ring tone, which if large, all slows the device down.
try to stay less than 1mb, prefer less than 100kb if you can get it. mine is 500kb, runs for 30 seconds, which is the amount of time before it goes to voice mail.
i use an mp3 format, but wav also accepted. i think wav are bigger than mp3.
So, Universal does not support Ogg format ?

Q : Can ringtones be in MP3 Format?

How come when I put a mp3 files in my ring tones folder it won't play. Does this need to be a wav file?
If so, i don't really want a 35MB file to play my ring tone.
I have a mp3 as ringtone, though I use PZP, but as far as I understood, PZP just changes the standard settings of WM, so it should be possible without PZP too... maybe try a different format of the mp3?
try putting them in your my documents folder. thats where i have mine. I actually made a my documents folder on my storage card, but it sometimes switches to the default tone when it rings from standby. i think its because it starts to ring before it powers up the card again.
Firstly, 35MB wav is like a 2 minutes sound. Do you actually need a 2 minute sound for your ring tone? How long does it takes for you to answer your phone?
Anyway, try compressing it to WMA. You definately can use WMA files for your ring tones. Get the encoder free from M$.
hi @jw,
i guess ur problem caused by third party music software which they assign their program for ur default music file.
how to check it...??? go to file explorer, and see the display icon / play the file for ur mp3 file which u want to assign 4 ur ringtone. does it in WMP's icon and also plays in WMP? if NO, go to ur third party music software and unassigned/uncheck mp3 files format as a default program to play those formats.
because as i know, the device plays mp3 format for ringtone using WMP's system.
i hope this can help u. Gut Luck!!!
Quick & Easy way
You can make MP3's as ringtones easily.
Use File Explorer to locate then file, then press & hold with the stylus (or finger) until you get the options menu.
Hey prestu - Use as Ringtone will be there. Well it is on my phone anyway...
Thanks for all the help guys!
hi, y can't i set ringtones for alarms or text msgs, thanks

mp3 on magician

Hi there. A noooobie question for the weekend.
How can I put an mp3 as a ring tone in the magician? It seems only to work with "wav".
Yup "wav" is the default ringtone format file in Magician. U can use 3rd party software like Pocket Ringo to use mp3 as ringtone in Magician.
no need for a third party software. just copy the ringtone in windows/rings folder an then u can have the mp3 as ringtone.
ati96xt said:
Yup "wav" is the default ringtone format file in Magician. U can use 3rd party software like Pocket Ringo to use mp3 as ringtone in Magician.
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Sorry TS my mistake, I want to correct my statement, yes lanuk79 is right, no need to use 3rd party software, just put mp3 files on Windows/Rings folder to use mp3 as ringtone.
@lanuk79 : At first I didn't believe what you'd said. But when I tried it on my magician then I realized that you're right. Thanks bro for the enlightment .
Note : In my O2 XDA II Mini manual book, it's said that .mid and .wav files are the default files for ringtone. It doesn't mention anything about .mp3 files that also can be used as ringtone.
If you want to change the ringtone folder, you have to use software like SKTools (the alternative is reghacking it yourself). The unlimited trial version lets you do this. When I had my Magician on Big Storage, I put my 'tones in the Storage folder, and I maxed out my program RAM.
change the values of these keys from \windows\ to \"directory you need"\
thats all,you need only a registry editor
the manual is rubbish!! and yes all u need is a small registry hack to load the rings from ur SD card. but remember that since the SD card takes a few seconds to boot up u mite not get the ringtone u specified. i changed my rings to storage card but all i kept getting was the default ring. the culprit was the storage card. the phone shuts down the power to the card to save battery n hence when the phone wakes up again it needs to boot up the card again. the boot up hampers with the ringtone causing the default ringtone.
true lanuk79, i dont think we can put ringtones in SDcard.. but maybe what soonari and ultimatechicken meant were "storage" directory, not storage card. storage directory is extra space u got if you do "bigstorage hack". and yes, the ringtones (mp3 or anyother formats) will works if u put them there...

