Voice Dialing via BT headset problem. - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have this problem. When unit is in powersafe mode, when I press main buttom on my BT headset, device doesn't wake up. That makes impossible to use voice dialing while device in the the sleep mode.
I've tried:
GG Telecom
HBH -608
Moto H500
Anyone else?

As I only use the headset in the car its not a problem as I always charge in the car so the unit is always on. I have noticed though that it does not wake the device. I think I-mate make a refernce to it somehere as a fix pending

I have exactly the same issue. In other posts it has been mentioned that people have replaced teh built in voice dial facility with Microsoft Voice Command. I wonder if the same problem persists when using MS Voice Command?

yes its true blue tooth does not wake up our wizards. but considering before when most of us had jams and we where trying to hack our way to bluetooth dialing . this should be a small hill to climb. all we have to do is wait for one of the developers from this site to get one of these beauties and we should be ok

Voice Command 1.5 does not wake it up either. Plus it causes other weird stuff to happen like keeping your bluetooth connection up until you power off your headest or restart the bluetooth service on the handheld. Moreso depends on which headset you have.

BTW, Latest T-Mobile ROM fixed this porblem. Voice dialing works now and wakes up device.

I have a solution to the bluetooth wake up
I have created a fix for this problem. Thus far it works with the default Voice Speed Dial and can be modified to accomodate something else like Voice Command or other.
I have only tested this on a Qtek 9100, but am sure it will work with other Windows Mobile 5.0 devices if they have the same problem.
This will require the Microsoft Compact Framework 2.0 to be installed. Aside from that it is a single executable and registry entry that will fix the wakeup problem.
I developed this myself so if anyone is interested please let me know.
I will not be giving this away, but anyone intested can let me know and I will work out details and modify program for you to accomodate whichever application you are using for voice dial.

I have a solution to the bluetooth wake up
I have created a fix for this problem. Thus far it works with the default Voice Speed Dial and can be modified to accomodate something else like Voice Command or other.
I have only tested this on a Qtek 9100, but am sure it will work with other Windows Mobile 5.0 devices if they have the same problem.
This will require the Microsoft Compact Framework 2.0 to be installed. Aside from that it is a single executable and registry entry that will fix the wakeup problem.
I developed this myself so if anyone is interested please let me know.
I will not be giving this away, but anyone intested can let me know and I will work out details and modify program for you to accomodate whichever application you are using for voice dial.

This problem does not exist in newer roms.
No need for any fix - simply install a new rom.

I have heard
I have seen the posts. However I am still unable to get an update for my Qtek 9100 WWE. I don't know where to get the updates. On the xda-developers FTP site I don't see any update for WWE except for T-Mobile UK which is not for me. I bought this phone here in the US (not from a carrier) with the typical first release versions. For me all is well aside from the bluetooth wakeup which I have read has been fixed with newer ROM updates. This would be more intended for people in my same situation. If you know where the update can be obtained I'm sure you will help a bunch of other people trying to get the Qtek 9100 updates for WWE. Also I have read that that T-Mobile update on the FTP doesn't have a radio update and also doesn't have AKU2 which is what I am awaiting Microsoft to release.


Widcomm Phone Edition stack working - get it here!!!

Hi Guys: I have got the Widcomm Phone edition stack working on my unit.
It seems to be fine but I have not fully tested all aspects of the software - so if any little bits don't work, let me know...
You need to install the official widcomm 1-4-1-59 version
Then you can upgrade it using the cab file I have made.
The version file I got from the following topic
thanks go to mamaich for the file.
the upgrade file consistes of the PE edition files and the required registry entries.
Let me know how you all go on with it - but I am not really a hacker so any serious probs I will not be able to fix...
if anyone else can improve on the installation be my guest
any news about which profiles it support that ms or the old one dont support ?
I hope unintall won't mess up my volume as in case of original bluetoothgps.cab
I can't garauntee it works perfectly, so I suggest everyone make a backup of their system before use.
has anyone tested any BT headset with this new stack?
I've got it installed and it all seems to work well exept for the handsfree/headset profile, I have set up my headset ok it is discovered and bonds fine but when I try to connect from the xda2 the connection fails after "waiting for device" for some time. tried with a motorola hs 810 and a neovoice usb, same with both. Anyone got any ideas?
BT headset
I have a 6315 and an XDA 2, I haven't tried the BT Stack on the XDA 2 yet but I found when I bondeded my HBH-30 to my 6315 once it made the connection my BT Headset shut off for some reson. This caused the bonding to fail, but as soon as I turned my headset back on (while it was trying to discover services) it completed the process and worked on my 6315. I'm not sure if this will be the same, but it's worth a shot.
Test results
Hi fellows
Here is little bit of my testing of this new BT Stack, which we all awaiting for..
1. Installed as per instructions 1.59 without any problem. During installation was prom to override .dll files – agreed to do that. For good or for bad – will see later.
2. Installed .cab file provided by icarusbop (big thanks to him for doing this) without any problem. Screen shots will be attached below.
3. Reset it as requested upon installation and got Widcomm BT working instead of MS BT..
4. Paired it with my BlueTrek G2 within 3 seconds (which took usually 10 sec with MS BT)
5. BT recognized G2 as device with Headset/Hands-Free profiles and asked to use as default… I said yes…
Here comes Cons part ;(
1. Unfortunately even after paring – my I-Mate can not get connected with G2 (see screen shot)
2. As you can see in another screen shot – there is Hands Free menu – it can not be accessed, or can be accessed ONLY while connection is established.
3. AND the last L … So, this new BT is not working now… I decided to go back to MS BT… SURPISE!!! I am getting message that BT HARDWARE IS NOT INSTALL ON THIS UNIT…. L Assumption - .dll files were overwritten (see Proc 1)
Here is my 2 cents in this jorney… I am hoping that described problems can be fixed and we can make it working (without doing hard reset on my device )
thanks guys! for testing hands-free/headset profile. by now everything seems to work fine with this new stack except for hands-free/headset profile.
New comments to my testing
1. I tried what NeoCole recommended - didn't work for me
2. As soon as new BT is OFF - MS BT is working fine .....uf
I posted this is another thread - but in case someone does not read that thread . . . it is relevant here as well.
If the intent of this is to get voice dialing without touching the device, that is by only pressing a button on the headset to initiate a voice-dial program to make the call, there is no evidence this works with this BT stack either.
I have been reading other forums with people who have the H6315 already (mine is in the mail to me now) and none of them have been able to make this work. Nor is there any mention of this capability in any of the literature and/or documentation for this device. It seems that if this was a feature of this phone, it would be prominently displayed!
Voice Command
Okay.. on my 6315 I press the headset button, it beeps, sound and voice is now transfered to the headset. I do this before I initate voice command. Now all I do is press a button that activates Voice Command on the PPC and walla, I'm speaking and listening through my BT Headset. This is a huge step forward from using the MS Stack, and I feel that since the Phone Edition of the Widcomm is 1.0.0 I'm sure that they'll associate a hardware button with the headset button in future releases. Anyhow.. I think that the functionality of the Widcomm BT Stack is well worth the work. The XDA 2 would be a lot better device if the BT Stack worked 100% of the time and was fully compatibile.
I also have not got it working.
the Hp 6315 is well know to still require a hardware button press (not on the headset) to activate voice command. They can still not do with any nokia or SE phone can do easily.
That would be correct... One press of the HW Button does it all on a Regular phone.
The 6315 has brought it closer to allow you to interact with programs using your BT Headset, but yes you must still activate the programs on your handset before you can use them with your headset.
So.. to sum it up...
1. You can't interact with Voice Command using MS BT Stack on an XDA 2
2. You can interact with Voice Command using Widcomm Stack on 6315, but you have to activate the headset first, then start VoiceCommand on the PPC by using the HW Button.
Hopefully through this thread we'll be able to give the XDA 2 the same functionality as the 6315.
And maybe if Widcomm provides an update to allow the headset to activate a HW button, we'll be to the one step solution.
I do not want my comments to be read as stating that this is not a worthwile endeavor. I simply meant to make sure that someone does not go to the trouble of installing this new stack (particularly those who might be considered novices) with the mistaken impression that by doing so they will have that "one step" voice dialing solution.
This is by all means a worthwile endeavor, but it is merely a step down the road . . . not the final destination.
Y'all are doing good work - keep on blazing that trail!
hm.. I would think that it is more of MS Voice Dial functionality than BT - to recognize signal sent from headset as request for voice dialing.
When MS released first version of Voice Dialing they did not expect new functionality to have BT headset with hands-free profile connected to the device.
paired with my Jabra 250 = ok
connected to my Jabra 250 = failed
No luck with Moto headset
Eveything else seem to be working. No problems with detecting and working with BT access point
rehman said:
I hope unintall won't mess up my volume as in case of original bluetoothgps.cab
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi Rehman,
i tried to install and uninstall, for the very first time i didn't have to get a Hard-Reset done. the volume didn't disappear. so i believe trying it wont be a harm, but yet i would recommend to get a full Backup first.
Trying to figure this out
Okay, I looked through the whole registry. I can't find anything out of the ordinary. Only thing I can think of is the sound driver. Does anyone know what DLL that is? I bet it's a different version.
If someone that knows more about which DLL does what. Let's get all the DLL's that could pertain to Sound and Phone and compair the 6315 DLL's with the ones on the XDA2.

Bluetooth on-demand

I was wondering whether there is a utility somewhere which can be used to switch on bluetooth when a call is received, pair the headset with the Universal and switch bluetooth back off when the call is finished.
Leaving the PDA with Bluetooth constantly on is draining my battery too quickly.
Is this possible at all and if so, has someone created a tool to do it?
Pocketzenphone is your answer. See various postings on this site. This software is a must for anyone with a Phone edition pocket pc.
This option didn't work on my jasjar.
OzBT does work!!!
Instead use a Motorolla Head set
Tailazoom is right - a most important feature of this program does not work on the jasjar :x . I contacted Zendrui perhaps he can come up with some sort of fix. Also for some reason I cannot even uninstall the program using the Remove Programs facility.

MS Voice Command works only once with BT

I have serious problem and till now I don't know how to fix it. I change the registry to allow the Bluetooth Headset to activate the MS Voice Command, when I click the button on the BT the Voice Command starts fine, but if I want to use it agin, the VC doesn't work anymore, I hear only a "peep" but the programm doesn't respond. I have Qtek 9100 with the last official ROM .
Any idea or solution to fix that ?
I appreciate any comment.
Thomas voicecommand and bluetooth has some issues. Basically, when you use VC the first time it opens the channel with the device, once you have then used it you need to hold the button down on your bluetooth device to close the channel. Then pressing BT again should open voicecommand. There's a number of posst for this problem but hopefully I've given you the basic issue
Thanks for your reply... But no, closing the Voice Channel doesn't solve the problem.. I have tried all that before I post my question, it really works only once and no more, only after restarting my device it will work again for once.
I am starting losing a hope that it can be fixed.
Thomas1234: I started trying to come up with solutions to this a while back but never had time to work on it further yet. Anyways what I came up with so far can be found here. It's not perfect but may work with your headset and make it useable for the most part.
Note: Scroll down to the bottom of the above thread to get the latest version and you have to be logged in to see the file.
Hi shoey5!
Thanks for trying to help me, but it doesn't work, and it looks like that this file damaged the connection between BT headset and the Voice Command or any Voice calling, even the one by default ( voice calling ) doesn' work anymore now.
I was able before at least to do the voice calling, but now it doesnt work after I changed the registry to default to read from the sddialer.exe file.
Can you please explain me what did the file change so I can change it back if i is possible ?
I did softreset alot, but doesn't help.
Thomas1234: It doesn't modify or change anything, all it does is run resident and resets the Audio Gateway Service after a call has ended if there is a bluetooth device active. Removing it from your startup folder and resetting your device will get rid of it completely.
Are you sure you haven't modifed something else before or after that may have affected your problem. I know this sounds silly but is your volume up, can't tell you how many times I sit there pushing the button and wondering why I don't get anything only to realize my volume is off
BTW, Try this. Leave the program in your startup folder, power off your headset and reset your device, then power on your headset and see if it works from that point on. I've noticed this happens to me with headsets that exhibit this problem the odd time.
Thank you anyway..
I ended up to do a hard reset, because softreset didn't help... It has been worse, I even couldn't dial a number using the BT headset, well I won't say it is 100% because of your file, but I am sure I didn't do anything with the device that can cuse this problems before I applied you file, all this happened just after I installd your file.
I'll use the default Voice dialer then with my BT Headset till maybe Microsoft update its program.
this "ms voice command running only once" happened to me too, with Nokia HS-12W headset.. try using JETware Hands-free Extension for Windows Mobile phones, http://www.jetwaremobile.com/ , and activate ms voice command from its advanced settings.. it worked for me. unfortunately it's not free and it doesn't supply caller names to my hs. hope this helps..
Thanks ozkaya, the program looks useful. I'll try it and see if it does the job correctly.

Summary: Voicecommand via Bluetooth [STILL UNDONE]

After playing around some days (and yes: i read through a lot of threats) i think that this problem (using a bluetooth headset to activate ms voicecommand for dialing and so on) is not only bugging me but a lot of others.
Thats why I want to start ANOTHER, more structured thread about this topic. If something is wrong, please correct me!
Most of you want to use voicecommand activated via a bluetooth device... in your car beside TomTom for example.
PREPARATION: Headset working
I assume that you already got your device working. For myself, I am testing with Supertooth II and a Nokia BH200 hands-free device.
First off all, voicecommand needs to be "started" when you press a button on the headset. Usually, the application "windows/sddialer.exe" is launched when bluetooth gets a "voicecommand"-commando.
(Some headsets got their own button, some wants kinda double-click, others want their button hold for some seconds to do so...)
This problem can be solved by changing a key in the registry:
..Then change the path value to:
\Program Files\Voice Command\voicecmd.exe
(or whereever you installed your voicecommand exe-file!)
Okay. Now the right application is launched when tapping on your bluetooth headset. But here you may encounter the next problem: It works only once.
That problem seems to be caused by voicecommand, because the gateway is left open after useage. (I have no idea if this is correct - i am just citing the opinion of some threads)
There are some attempts to solve this:
Darryl Burlings "Voice Enable": http://www.burling.co.nz/downloads.aspx
Project VCABT http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=23558&highlight=vcabt
JETware Hands-free Extension for Windows Mobile phones
I tried them all and for me (german T-Mobile Rom 2.21) only Jetware's Tool worked. A reason MAY be that some of the hacks (vcabt, VoiceEnable,VCBTFixer0.01.zip) only work with an english ROM where all paths are correct: /programs and not /programme)
PROBLEM 3: Correct Audiotransfer
Some users report that it seems like there is still Wizards microphone in use - and NOT the one of the bluetooth device. Others again claim that voicecommands "answer" isnt delivered back to the headset but speaken via Wizards speakers... Since I used Jetwares Tool i didnt had that problem.
PROBLEM 4: Recognition Quality
Lets say you got somehow the correct and everlasting triggering of voicecommand via bluetooth working... then you may find out that recognition ends up with very poor quality.
Here a question for the "pros" in here: Could it be possible that this problem is related to poor bitrates in the audiotransmission via bluetooth? Could we increase recognition quality by tweaking that bitrate? Or will that end up with another problems (bt-bandwidth, cpupower while coding/encoding)?
PROBLEM 5: Interfering with other applications
Thats a future question... When everything works well with voicecommand - then you maybe want to use it in your car to have your hands free. And what else do most of us have there too? TomTom (or another navigation tool)!
So how will that work together with your voicecommand/bluetooth environment? Will TomTom "speak" via your headset too? Will the bluetooth gps mouse keep on working without problems?
And last but not least: Will you still be able to use your phone as a "phone" then?
Please share your ideas about theese problems... and if anyone got everything up and running (Voicecommand & Bluetooth, TomTom / GPS) it would be *very* appreciated if you could post a well written Tutorial / Howto
Regards, Licht
Good luck - for what its worth it works fine with certain BT headsets like the Moto HS850. Just the reg key does it.
Only thing is you have to hit the button on the BT headset 2-3 times sometimes to get it to work but it works perfectly otherwise.
Would LOVE to have a fix that would let me use with all headsets.
How does the jetware stuff work? I heard it screws up some other things?
Cause of "works only once" problem discovered?
I've gone through 4 different headsets with my Wizard and I found at least one commonality to which ones suffered the "works only once" problem:
All of the ones that had this problem were BT 2.0 headsets. The ones that worked fine were all BT 1.x headsets.
I also verified that on my new TyTN (which natively support BT 2.0) the BT 2.0 headsets worked correctly (no "works only once").
Not that this is any consolation to anyone with a BT 2.0 headset and a Wizard, but might help those looking for a new headset.
Changed over to Tytn... works perfectly without any hacks
here's my FWIW answer:
After extensive reading here and at Hofo, I settled on a Plantronics 510. Installed Burlings app and it worked. I hold the button to turn on VC (it will also wake the device from standby if its sleeping, even if its locked) and say my command. It will reply through the headset speaker. After that all audio is oing through my BT headset. (If you have VC telling you who's calling and telling you your appointments thats pretty nice, but if the phone rings you might need some new underwear)
Another long push of the headset button return audio to teh MDA's speakers. If I need to use VC again, I start all over. It sounds more complicated thatn it is in reality.
Recognition is so-so. I don't really use it in my pickup (its hot so my windows are down most of the time), but its pretty good in my car. I have to repeat myself maybe 10% of the time, at most.
Not sure how well written that was, sorry. if anyone has any questions I'd be glad to answer them. I've been pretty pleased with the combo. Especially since I got the 510 for $40 from amazon.

Voice Command 1.6 UK version BT initiation

Nice to see this new Sable forum and hope it grows with time.
Has anyone achieved VC 1.6 initiation from their Bluetooth earpiece?
I can't. Running WM5 5.1.195 on HP 6915, and guess that is the problem.
No ROM update as far as I'm aware, but please correct me!
Am I flogging a dead horse trying to find a fix?
Alternatively, has anyone got VC 1.5 running properly with the reg hacks? It worked just fine on my old Universal.
$9.99 to downgrade....not such a great deal in my book! Could someone look to see if I have "idiot" written on my forehead?
I have a hw6955 and version voice command 1.6 and I've tried the hack (which starts vc1.6 when the headset button is pushed) that's been used on other wm5 devices and it doesn't work.
Voice command 1.6 is great and I still use it, I've assigned the side button to start vc 1.6.
Trouble is, the device turns off after a few minutes anyways and it seems to lose connection to my BT headset. You have to turn the device on and then press the side button to start vc. If a call comes in, I have to press the button on the headset to reconnect to the device anyways. Not sure if this is normal, because hardly anyone has sables.
Could pressing the button on a headset, turn the device back on and start voice command? That would be awesome. Anyways, the 6955 is a great device, just needs a few more people hacking for it.
1500 and 3000ma batteries for out for it, the 300 gives 4 days of use, which is amazing. The 1500 provides 25% more power then the OEM battery and is the same form factor (and weight).
I don't have the cut-off problem at all.
In the hands-free setting (Bluetooth Manager/Handsfree Connection/HandsFree Settings) I've ticked the box for Standard Audio as well as Telephone Calls - perhaps that makes a difference. Mine (Moto) stays on and I also get all my TomTom instructions through it. Voice recognition through the BT headset is pretty poor though.
Where did you get your batts? I've got the 2500 from eBay - larger size with back cover that is a different colour to the PDA and not a terribly good fit. £15 from Hong Kong - but I can live with that! Found a nice case from US that takes the larger battery.
I have a logitech one, I'm not sure if it's all the great. I may try a moto one. If I turn on both telephone and all sounds in the bluetooth menu, then I find that there is a lot of background static on the headset. People have mentioned that it sounds like I am standing by a jet taking off! Anyways, I think it's the implementation of bluetooth on the hp models and not the headset, but until I try another one, then I don't know.
Have you read the thread here about activating voice dial with the headset button? It's really good.
any more information on this? BTW, all 6940/45/50/55 ipaq users should be using microsoft voice command 1.6. It works amazing for voice dialing. No training, it just works.
If someone could get the bluetooth headset button to initiate the voice command software on the ipaq, that would be ideal.
A lot of smartphone, pda users are attempting to get voice dialing working with bluetooth headsets. There are various posts on here about it.
Obviously, there isn't a huge following for the 6900 series... That is not good.
Battery life would be the most obvious reason!
I have MS Voice Command 1.6 UK Version running fine on my PDA (fair enoughitsan Orbit / Artemis / P3300) but everythingworks fine, announcing calls /messages / BT headset button / voice dailling the lot.

