Terminal Server/Remote Desktop connection over VPN? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I'm trying to connect to my server at work through the Jasjar's Terminal Services Client over a VPN and it's not working. The VPN connects and I can open up a web site on the server using an internal address, but the Terminal Services Client just times out. I can connect with the Terminal Services Client to other servers without using the VPN and I can connect through the VPN with a PC, so I don't know what's wrong. Any thoughts?

are you using internal dns name or internal ip, if dns the ip should work and its cos your not internally resolving, i have this prob with when i vpn in to my server, dns does eventually resolve but ip is instant

Is the vpn terminal services restricted by IP address? Are you using gprs or wifi? If gprs maybe the ip range is not set up on the vpn??? If using gprs are you using the apn internet3.voicestream.com?
Sorry, I know, not much help. Mine seems to work

I'm trying to connect by IP address over wifi. The Jasjar does recognize that it should go over the VPN because it will automatically make the VPN connection when I try to start the TSC connection.
I'm glad to hear that it's working for you guys, though, so at least I know it's possible.

I am also having difficulty in this area and havent been able to resolve when using WIFI from my AP at home over ADSL to the Public IP address, then a TSC/RDP connection to the internal network IP address of our TS box.
I can easily get to the TS box via the WIFI AP at work directly, just not from the home AP. I can easily use the home AP for my home laptops to connect to work, so I know the systems at both end are up and operational.
In summary, I just dont know why the JJ doesnt VPN via the home AP over the ADSL to public IP to use the TSC to the internal IP of the TS box.

I just wanted to follow up on this. For some reason both of the servers I was trying to RDP into behind the firewall were in some wierd state and they weren't accepting any connections from anything but my desktop PC. I rebooted them today and that solved the problem I was having.


Using Terminal Services Client through a Router

Hi all,
I have a Jasjar and can't access or should I say need help with setting up access through a Netgear Router. When I am at home I enter the ip address of the computer I want to access and it works awesome through the wireless network running through the Netgear router, but if I try to connect using the phone away form home it can't connect. I am assuming that it works at home as I am allready with in the network being that I am on the wireless network and when I am out I can't get in to the net work, I have no security on the router but I do have firewall turned on on the computer.
Router is Netgear WGR614
Any help please... :roll:
In your router: forward port 3389 to the ip of the pc you want to connect.
And if you connect using your phone(gprs), enter your home WAN-ip, ofcourse...
How do I find what my Home WAN-ip address is?
Thanks for the help
Find your internet IP Address
Find your internet IP Address
Thanks heaps, it is all working now. :lol:

Terminal Services....Please Help!!!

I am in desperate need of Help!! Can someone walk me through all the correct router (Linksys WRT54G)/phone settings (Cingular 8125) for accessing Terminal Services over GPRS. I can connect through terminal services while at home on my wireless network by using my network IP address. I would like to have this feature when away from home. The PC I want to connect to has XP Pro and I have enabled remote access.
OmegaDog said:
I am in desperate need of Help!! Can someone walk me through all the correct router (Linksys WRT54G)/phone settings (Cingular 8125) for accessing Terminal Services over GPRS. I can connect through terminal services while at home on my wireless network by using my network IP address. I would like to have this feature when away from home. The PC I want to connect to has XP Pro and I have enabled remote access.
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Well, for you to access it from outside of your home, you have to know the IP address your internet provider assigns you. And you most likely will have to enable port forwarding on your router.
To resolve my home network from the office, I use no-ip.org for a DNS forwarder. Bassically, myplace.bounceme.com always points to what IP my cable modem has. N0-ip.org is a free service, with a utility that keeps the DNS tables updated.
I have enabled port forwarding and I know the ip address provided by my dsl provider by accessing www.whatismyip.com.
OmegaDog said:
I have enabled port forwarding and I know the ip address provided by my dsl provider by accessing www.whatismyip.com.
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So what is the problem then ?
times out when trying to connect through cingular gprs

tilt and vpn issues over edge

i have isp.cingular provisioned and can connect some of the time.
1 vpn which goes to my home network works using vista as the vpn server connection. It does not always connect the first time though.
My work vpn which is pptp on a watchguard firewall, has 5% chance of actually connecting. Most of the error messages are talking about packets missing etc... When it does connect i cannot ping servers on the network but i see that the phone has a correct ip address and dns servers from the vpn. the gateway is the same as the ip assigned to the connection.
I have the same issue using the tilt over wifi from home where the vpn does not always connect at work.
I know the work vpn is fine since i use it all the time with vista's vpn dialup stuff.
Anyone got answers or ideas?

[Q] VPN over wifi Internet doesn't work for some reason

I am able to connect to my home router's PPTP VPN server from my Android phone's PPTP client. I can even see my remote LAN devices; and, my remote LAN devices can see my mobile phone on the LAN.
The problem is when I connect my phone to wifi Internet.... BEFORE connecting to my PPTP VPN server... I can't see the remote LAN; and, the remote LAN can't see my phone. The only thing I can do successfully is get a new public IP (my home Internet public IP).
What can I do so that I am able to use my local wifi Internet connection to connect to my VPN at home?
It might be a route problem.
When you connect to WiFi, some static routes are pushed to your phone.
Those routes might not be refreshed or conserved after a VPN connection.
If it is not a route problem it's a default gateway problem.
Yes, that's what I suspected. I already tried adding routes; specifying the gateway via command-line; however, I didn't have any luck; probably because I didn't know exactly what I was doing.
One thing I noticed; when I use my wifi internet hotspot, I noticed that it gets a private WAN IP.. 10.x.x.x; which then NATs to a temporary real public IP; which no connections instigated from the outside world can make it So, even if I do port-fowarding on my wifi hotspot router, it doesnt help any since the incoming connections are stopped dead in their tracks.
I'm using PPTP VPN; which depends on a TCP port 1723. If that TCP connection is instigated from my remote VPN server into my mobile Internet wifi hotspot based LAN devices, it wouldn't work for the same reason explained above. I didn't see a PPTP VPN passthrough option for my wifi hotspot; only for IPSEC; which I dont have a server for. I'm guessing that if I had a real-world public WAN IP for my mobile Internet hotspot, maybe I wouldn't have this problem for PPTP.??
maaaaz said:
It might be a route problem.
When you connect to WiFi, some static routes are pushed to your phone.
Those routes might not be refreshed or conserved after a VPN connection.
If it is not a route problem it's a default gateway problem.
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First, are you talking about a free internet hotspot or from private internet hotspot (@work for example) ?
you'll never gonna get a public IP from your internet hotspot. 1-public-IP-for-1-client on a hotspot is just inconceivable, due to IPv4 exhaustion.
I think you only have to try to do port forwarding on your hotspot.
Your assumption "it doesnt help any since the incoming connections are stopped dead in their tracks" is wrong I guess. If your hotspot has a built-in firewall, it might be stateful. As you are initiating a connection to your server, the returned traffic flow shall be allowed.
If it doesn't work after port forwarding, try to look at firewall rules on your hotspot router.
Problem resolved.
My Verizon wireless hotspot (890L) doesn't support PPTP passthough. More specifically, PPTP's routing protocol: GRE (value 47). Verizon does offer another wireless hotspot that does offer support for PPTP; at least via a firmware update.
This issue actually pushed me to install and configure OpenVPN server on my router; instead of using the existing PPTP server which I already had. OpenVPN is fantastic is working through firewalls.
Great !
Yes, OpenVPN is a delight.
me too
I have the same problem,
but I usually change another ROM until there's no bugs
mkanet said:
I am able to connect to my home router's PPTP VPN server from my Android phone's PPTP client. I can even see my remote LAN devices; and, my remote LAN devices can see my mobile phone on the LAN.
The problem is when I connect my phone to wifi Internet.... BEFORE connecting to my PPTP VPN server... I can't see the remote LAN; and, the remote LAN can't see my phone. The only thing I can do successfully is get a new public IP (my home Internet public IP).
What can I do so that I am able to use my local wifi Internet connection to connect to my VPN at home?
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have you tried to configure the wi-fi gateway to match your vpn router?
settings / wireless & networks / wi-fi / long press your vpn connection / modify network / scroll to show advanced options / select static ip /scroll down to gateway and put the gate address in / save
I run a vpn through a 2 router setup, and even though my phone connects to the vpn router, its gateway by default is always the non-vpn router. changing the gateway to the vpn router allows the vpn to connect to the phone. you can verify the vpn connection by going to ip-score.
That why i can't see my phone using wifi in VPN network..
cant connect if theres no mobile data or load
Hi please help ..when i have load i see its connected..but if i have no load its not connecting please ..anyone can explain this?
mkanet said:
I am able to connect to my home router's PPTP VPN server from my Android phone's PPTP client. I can even see my remote LAN devices; and, my remote LAN devices can see my mobile phone on the LAN.
The problem is when I connect my phone to wifi Internet.... BEFORE connecting to my PPTP VPN server... I can't see the remote LAN; and, the remote LAN can't see my phone. The only thing I can do successfully gets a new public IP (my home Internet public IP).
What can I do so that I am able to use my local wifi Internet connection to connect to my VPN at home?
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before I was able to connect the VPN from work and home but now I can able to connect from work only,,, the same VPN not working at home.. on my same MOB device
Please help me to fix this issue

New to VPN, need help if you have a momment

I have a simple home net using mostly windows vista and 7 computers, some printers, external hd servers for backup storage and cameras in a workgroup static ip setup behind an off the shelf router. i set one of the computers as the vpn server since i dont want to buy a dedicated hardware vpn in a vista ultimate machine thats on 24/7 anyway with an incomming server... with the correct ports forwarded from the router to the vpn host.
my remote vpn laptop connects to the vpn fine and can see the network resources, however, has no internet connection once the vpn is connected. do i have to set the host vpn computer to do some sort of its own dns assignments to the incomming connection? its set for dhcp so i dont know why it would assign a valid IP to an incomming but not any other info.
in other words, on my remote laptop, i can connect to a random wireless internet hotspot and have full internet access. I can then enable vpn and log in to my home network and see all the network resources, however if i try to use an internet browser, there appears to be no internet. if i disconnect the vpn, the internet resumes to work fine and obviously the vpn resources are no longer accessable.
what am i missing? under incomming connection properties general tab, "allow others to make private..." is checked, under users the correct user is selected along with "require all users to secure...", and under networking ipv4 "allow callers to access..." is checked, and assign ip auto using dhcp is checked so I would think it should be working fine at this point, however it doesn list anywhere a gateway or dns to assine to incomming connections, only ip's.
host vpn computer is vista ultimate with static ip behind a retail router also assigned a static ip via my home isp.
the remote laptop is running ubuntu 12. just for kicks and to rule out ubuntu causing some problem, i set my android phone up for vpn use via 4g network, and the same thing happens. connects vpn fine, has local resources, but loses internet.
i also was curious as to having a vpn log in for the existing user account on the vpn host machine... in other words, should i just add the username on the host computer as a vpn client, and log in vpn using those credentials? and will that even work if that account is logged in, or will i have to remember to log out when im on the road to use the vpn connection.
thanks all!

