Auto-Activation of Microphone AGC after Soft-Reset - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi all!
I searched for a possibility to activate AGC Microphone after a soft-reset automatically.
But I didn't find anything useful.
The key where the ON setting is stored in registry is
If you change MicrophoneAGC from dword 0 to dword 1 it is set to ON but after a soft-reset back to 0.
Does anybody know if it's possible to export this reg-key make a .cab and put this .cab in the Startup-Folder?
I also found this link but how to use this programm code?
Another possibility is to create a shortcut to the AGC Control and put it in the Start Up-Folder, but this gives you only the chance to change the setting to ON not to to this complete automatically.

automatic registry edit
you can automatically edit the Registry using mortrunner, a nice freeware tool. After mortrunner is installed create a file with extention ".mortrun" and put it into the startup-folder. Into the ".mortrun" file you write e.g.:
RegWriteDWord HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\AdvancedCPL,MicrophoneAGC,1
good luck

Ah, yes you must be running Microsoft Voice Command. I too ran into this, and found out that some brain-child developer at Microsoft (who works on Voice Command) decided to HARD CODE the setting of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\AdvancedCPL\MicrophoneAGC to 0 (false) every time it is run.
Apparently he/she decided this was the best setting for all of us, and to hell with what our personal preferences (you know, that thing in the control panel) were. Unfortunately, as voice command is in the startup, it resets/overrides this setting with every soft reset. IMO, there is a place in hell reserved for this style of development ;-)
I found that Voice Command works a lot better on my Jam with AGC on.
To get around it, I tranferred voicecmd.exe to my desktop, used a hex editor to replace the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\AdvancedCPL\MicrophoneAGC" string in the exe with "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\AdvancedCPL\MicrophoneAGP so it wites to the wrong place (not affecting any real settings. I made a backup, and replaced voicecmd.exe on the defice (don't forget to replace the copy in \Windows as well if using the VCABT hack).
Just search for:
4d 00 69 00 63 00 72 00 6f 00 70 00 68 00 6f 00 6e 00 65 00 41 00 47 00 43
and replace with:
4d 00 69 00 63 00 72 00 6f 00 70 00 68 00 6f 00 6e 00 65 00 41 00 47 00 50
Hope this helps, enjoy!

@ orlando:
Thanks for your suggestion.
Mortrunner sounds very good. I will try it and I think I can use it for other settings as well.
@ dschur:
Everything is correct. I use a MDA compact with MS Voice Command and the VCAPT setting.
As a understand you Voice Command sets the AGC to "0" !!!!!!!
Don't they preach to enable AGC to have the best voice recognition???
You are right that Voice Command works much more better with enabled AGC.
Your workaround to override this setting is great. I'll try it and I think that if Voice Command is setting AGC off, orlandos suggestion would only work if mortrunner is loaded in the startup-folder AFTER Voice Command is executed.
P.S.: Voice Command is located on my SD-Card and there is the workaround to start Voice Command as your last application after a soft-reset to ensure that there is no error message.
orlando, dschur: Again - I'm with your help!

@ dschur
Your workaround works perfectly!!!!

I'm interested in the workaround to allow Voice Command to be the last loaded app after a soft reset from the SD Card...

I cannot remember how I set this option. Now I start Voice Command in the main memory. But I think the application MemMaid has this option to set the autostart ranking.

Found some screenshots for Memmaid:
P.S.: Sorry, Autostart is the German translation. Startup Folder is the correct one in English....

For those of us who doesnt know too much about all this, mind making a cab installer that fixes this bug?

I'll possibly be making an app to sort this kind of thing out. Eventually. Not too soon unfortunately.

montana said:
For those of us who doesnt know too much about all this, mind making a cab installer that fixes this bug?
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I think it's not so easy b'cause it's not like modifing the registry.
You'll have to patch the original MS Voice Command file and post the patched file here?!????
But the other version
(Set the key where the ON setting is stored in registry
in a Sturt-Up folder should be possible.


How to know if connected to GPRS/EDGE or UMTS/HSDPA

Hi all,
Do you know a software which let met know what connection type I'm using between GPRS/EDGE and UMTS/HSDPA ?
The E icon tweak doesn't work on HTC TyTN... Thanks!
It has been posted on this forum that you do not need the tweak as the TyTN will show you the network that you are connected to. I would undo what you have done and check that you are really in UTMS coverage.
... or even try a search for other threads on this :roll:
Really?? So what should be displayed if I'm connected to HSDPA?
'U' I believe. Should say in the manual.
Ok, so this is my point.
I want to know if I'm connected to UMTS or HSDPA.
and the same beetween GPRS and EDGE.
I never saw a "E" on my screen ...
Right you are Taron.
I never saw "E" on my TyTN, though I'm sure I was under EDGE coverage.
I think TyTN just doesn't show clearly what precise kind of network you are connected too.
It just shows "G" if you are under GSM network data coverage (GPRS and EDGE).
It will show "U" if you are under 3G network (UMTS and HSDPA).
what a pity, but thank you for the confirmation
One more question http. Do you have the voicemail icon working fine on your TyTN?
I'm on SFR, and when I have a voicemail, there is no icon neither SMS (even if my voicemail is configured to send a notification)...
just so you know there is a registry hack to show the E instead of G when you are on the edge network. this works seamlessly. i dont know for sure but there is probably a similar registry hack for the same thing with the UMTS/HSDPA connections.
Thanks for the tips, but it was said that this hack doesn't work on TyTN
You can use HSDPA in France ?
Yes, SFR is claiming to provide HSDPA in some regions :
taron said:
Hi all,
Do you know a software which let met know what connection type I'm using between GPRS/EDGE and UMTS/HSDPA ?
The E icon tweak doesn't work on HTC TyTN... Thanks!
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I have been trying the same,but in vain.
The reg tweak working for the previous models is not working on the Hermes.
Which brings me to the following question:
Previously with ADDING this new reg key the EDGE differentiation started after rebooting the device.
So some .dll obviously checked for this key, parsed and decoded it and invoked the function in the device.
How is a (secret) reg key added to the registry parsed ?
Will we find somewhere in a .dll the string "EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon" (or in the case of the Hermes something else) in real text ?
Can we look for such a value this way ?
Come on all experts here!
I cannot believe that nobody can detail on this here!!!
(P.S. Whenever I try to analyze the ril.dll with a hex editor it just shows zeros. Why ?)
Actually it is not that simple.
First you need a proper ROM dump, with the files intact.
Then you have to know which DLL is responsible for the feature. I don't think it's RIL, it may be device.exe or whatever is showing the taskbar.
Then you need a good decompiler like IDA, which will find the strings.
Keep in mind that all strings on the device are in Unicode so when you look at a string with a hex editor you will see something like this:
65 00 66 00 67 00 68 00
for ABCD
With IDA though you get a special window showing you the list of strings.
there could be difference between what info different operators send to phones connected to their network
so this could explain why ppl expiernce different things connectionwise
help me understand this. i usually just intall 2 cabs on my 8125 after hard reset. one is the GPRS settings for media net and the Edge icon. now that cab only changes my GPRS to icon to E. prob is it dosnt change. now if i install all the extended cab files my connection is ONLY g. that must mean that there is another cab somewhere in there that enables the switch. idk someone help
this sucks. i cant even tell if i have Edge or not.
levenum said:
Actually it is not that simple.
First you need a proper ROM dump, with the files intact.
Then you have to know which DLL is responsible for the feature. I don't think it's RIL, it may be device.exe or whatever is showing the taskbar.
Then you need a good decompiler like IDA, which will find the strings.
Keep in mind that all strings on the device are in Unicode so when you look at a string with a hex editor you will see something like this:
65 00 66 00 67 00 68 00
for ABCD
With IDA though you get a special window showing you the list of strings.
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Hi levenum,
you mean a dump of all files which can be seen in a file explorer (e.g. Resco) but cannot be read, as they are marked ROM or hidden or system, don't you ?
Well there seems to be a tool for extracting such files on buzzdev, called "WM5 Files Dumper".
Unfortunately it won't work with my TyTN as it tries to write the files on to a predefied directory on "Storage Card". Unfortunately in the German version the Storage Card location is called Speicherkarte.
I do not know if it is safe to change this temporarily to Storage Card without destroying all other links and no longer be able to access or start the programs installed on the storage card.
Maybe someone could fix that rather in the "WM5 Files Dumper" where the output directory is hard-coded.
What a painful restriction ! I can imagine that this utility would be valuable for many of us trying to find out more about their devices...
I know that most of the strings are encoded in Unicode.
The Cygnus HexEditor is able to look for Unicode strings, so this wouldn't be the problem.
levenum said:
Actually it is not that simple.
First you need a proper ROM dump, with the files intact.
Then you have to know which DLL is responsible for the feature. I don't think it's RIL, it may be device.exe or whatever is showing the taskbar.
Then you need a good decompiler like IDA, which will find the strings.
Keep in mind that all strings on the device are in Unicode so when you look at a string with a hex editor you will see something like this:
65 00 66 00 67 00 68 00
for ABCD
With IDA though you get a special window showing you the list of strings.
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Hi levenum,
you mean a dump of all files which can be seen in a file explorer (e.g. Resco) but cannot be read, as they are marked ROM or hidden or system, don't you ?
Well there seems to be a tool for extracting such files on buzzdev, called "WM5 Files Dumper".
Unfortunately it won't work with my TyTN as it tries to write the files on to a predefied directory on "Storage Card". Unfortunately in the German version the Storage Card location is called Speicherkarte.
I do not know if it is safe to change this temporarily to Storage Card without destroying all other links and no longer be able to access or start the programs installed on the storage card.
Maybe someone could fix that rather in the "WM5 Files Dumper" where the output directory is hard-coded.
What a painful restriction ! I can imagine that this utility would be valuable for many of us trying to find out more about their devices...
I know that most of the strings are encoded in Unicode.
The Cygnus HexEditor is able to look for Unicode strings, so this wouldn't be the problem.
well for t-mobile at least, when your on 3g you are on HSDPA, where ever there is UMTS signal there is HSDPA signal (i asked the question to t-mob cs)

How can I change the PagePool Size to 0mb

I want to try that and I can find the HEX code for 12mb as [03 15 A0 03 00 10 8E 05 03 00 00 0A],but I dont know what can I do to 0mb……anyone can help me?thanks
on the artemis tom codon came up with 'change pool size' app (6,8,10,12 i think) but i don't think there's one for polaris - don't try that app for polaris, it won't work, just saying in principle.
i'm no expert at all here and i may get this the wrong way round but...
larger page pool = faster system operation (but less allocated memory for applications ie. 2 or 3 larger apps running at once may struggle)
smaller page pool = emphasis on launching and running programs/applications (but slower system overall)
so i'm guessing (and it is a guess) that a zero page pool isn't possible because this would make the system unusable (you can vary the scale of memory allocation but not loose one side all together), say it's a volume control - you've 0 - 30 in sound but you're only allowed to change between 8 - 24, the others are off limits.
wanted to change my page pool on polaris roms like with tom's app, read a bit about it, pm'd tom for guidance but got no response - probably because all the info is already out there somewhere, just gotta dig and read.
good luck though
(also my memory's **** so as i said before, i could have the above the wrong way round, there's a few posts about though)
You can use OmBy's pagepool changer:
But you can not change the pagepool "on the fly". That means you have to extract the rom file, change the pagepool and flash it.
And I would not change the PP to 0

[UPDATE] DUKE NUKEM 3D fullscreen portrait or VGA in landscape. with keys mapped

I have duke nukem running on my xperia on full wvga resolution and full screen(no wgva fix) in portrait mode. It is working at a very playable frame rate. The only problem is I haven't managed to put it to landscape in order to use the keyboard. If anybody has found a config file that works on landscape please share it, I will map all buttons then. Thank You
fullscreen portrait cfg on post 20
vga landscape cfg with mapped keys (no wvgafix) on post 23
Can you share a link to duke nukem 3d? i'm interested.
killer8nl said:
Can you share a link to duke nukem 3d? i'm interested.
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i'm sorry i don't know if I can share this game over xda developers.
Anyway i found that i have version 0.4f in this forum are the instructions on how to install version 0.4g that is more recent. i will try it as well.
Basically to switch to landscape you have to edit the DUKE3D.cfg and change to LandscapeMode = 1. The same way you can change your key configs. I've tried it on a samsung i600 and it worked very well. Now on the xperia when I switch to landscape it makes an error.
I remember that i had the same problem with the i600, but I don't remember what did change on the cfg, so if you (or anybody else) can find it we will have a very cool game on our xperia. Thank you for your interest
Rudegar said:
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allright, thank yo,u since i'm new here i didn't know what links I could share
Thanks looks nice, will test when my xperia is back from repair center...
ermallimaj said:
allright, thank yo,u since i'm new here i didn't know what links I could share
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which version do you install fullscreen for xperia? i only see a vga version? im not really sure how to set this thing up. can you assist please?
frankencowx said:
which version do you install fullscreen for xperia? i only see a vga version? im not really sure how to set this thing up. can you assist please?
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duke 3d for ppc supports different resolutions. i use the same one in a qvga samsung i600 smartphone, on a vga glofiish m800 and on xperia.i am using version 0.4f.
on the xperia, it works on portrait only. the default cfg file worked ok for me. I am trying to share the whole folder in order for anybody to test, it may take some time because my connection is not workin well. In the meantime try downloading it from the thread above. Just remember to set in the config file the screen width and lengh to 0 (zero) so the app stretches itself on full screen.
ermallimaj said:
i'm sorry i don't know if I can share this game over xda developers.
Anyway i found that i have version 0.4f in this forum are the instructions on how to install version 0.4g that is more recent. i will try it as well.
Basically to switch to landscape you have to edit the DUKE3D.cfg and change to LandscapeMode = 1. The same way you can change your key configs. I've tried it on a samsung i600 and it worked very well. Now on the xperia when I switch to landscape it makes an error.
I remember that i had the same problem with the i600, but I don't remember what did change on the cfg, so if you (or anybody else) can find it we will have a very cool game on our xperia. Thank you for your interest
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Here is what I've posted on modaco about landscape issues:
I've noticed, the thing about landscape is you need to play around with the resolutions. For example, on my Tilt it would crash on landscape. Bear in mind my Tilt's landscape resolution is 320x240. I found I was actually able to run it at 319x240 and it run perfect. Odd, yes?
So when playing with the config file try playing around with the numbers, subtract 1 pixel from your device's actual resolution and see if it fixes the problem.
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PM me if you want, I might be able to help (although I don't own the xperia)
mikeeey said:
Here is what I've posted on modaco about landscape issues:
PM me if you want, I might be able to help (although I don't own the xperia)
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thank you i will try it.
Things like these are just so awesome that it doesn't matter how unpractical they are. F yeah!
tried to change resolutions it doesn't work
it is very strange that it works on portrait but not on landscape....
i was thinking.... is there any way to contact original developer spv3d ??
do they have an email or something ?
anybody any ideas?
tied to change resolutions it doesn't work
it is very strange that it works on portrait but not on landscape....
i was thinking.... is there any way to contact original developer spv3d ??
do they have an email or something ?
anybody any ideas?
Anyone got some key IDs for duke nukem 3D? On my xperia only D-pad and center button are working. I wish to configure call start/end button, volume buttons and softkeys. Any idea how can i get these codes?
Anyone can link the cfg file to use with Xperia.
My version don't work!
i'm having problems uploading a file in xda forum. i will upload it to another server tomorrow.
ermallimaj said:
i'm having problems uploading a file in xda forum. i will upload it to another server tomorrow.
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Thank's. I'll wait!
here is the cfg file. i have mapped the menu key to volume down key (use dpad to navigate menu). to shoot you have to tap the screen. i didnt map other keys since i'm still waiting for landscape mode. tell me if it works...
ermallimaj said:
here is the cfg file. i have mapped the menu key to volume down key (use dpad to navigate menu). to shoot you have to tap the screen. i didnt map other keys since i'm still waiting for landscape mode. tell me if it works...
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Very thank's but don't start!
This is the error:
Unrecoverable exception - see crach dump in latest \spvDuke3D_Crash.txt
Here is the file spvDuke3D_Crash.txt contents:
Exception Access Violation Flags 00000000 Address 000e47ac
Parameter 0 00000001
Parameter 1 57300000
Context dump
R0=00000000 R1=002adca0 R2=00000000 R3=01c10021 R4=00000001
R5=57300000 R6=002adee0 R7=00000320 R8=002adca0 R9=000f9a1c
R10=00000000 R11=000f9a18 R12=00000000
Sp=1999f680 Lr=57244800 Pc=000e47ac Psr=2000001f
Memory dump at 000e477a
20 e0 00 00 51 e3 80 50
8e e0 00 00 96 e5 07 30
80 e0 0c 00 9d e5 01 70
87 e0 00 40 a0 e1 09 00
00 da 01 00 d3 e4 01 40
84 e2 80 10 88 e0 b0 20
d1 e1 b0 20 c5 e1 00 20
9b e5 00 10 99 e5 82 50
45 e0 01 00 54 e1 f5 ff
ff ba 01 a0 8a e2 02 00
5a e1 e9 ff ff ba 1f 00
00 ea d8 e0 9f e5 04 b0
a0 e1 00 90
Salvestro said:
Very thank's but don't start!
This is the error:
Unrecoverable exception - see crach dump in latest \spvDuke3D_Crash.txt
Here is the file spvDuke3D_Crash.txt contents:
Exception Access Violation Flags 00000000 Address 000e47ac
Parameter 0 00000001
Parameter 1 57300000
Context dump
R0=00000000 R1=002adca0 R2=00000000 R3=01c10021 R4=00000001
R5=57300000 R6=002adee0 R7=00000320 R8=002adca0 R9=000f9a1c
R10=00000000 R11=000f9a18 R12=00000000
Sp=1999f680 Lr=57244800 Pc=000e47ac Psr=2000001f
Memory dump at 000e477a
20 e0 00 00 51 e3 80 50
8e e0 00 00 96 e5 07 30
80 e0 0c 00 9d e5 01 70
87 e0 00 40 a0 e1 09 00
00 da 01 00 d3 e4 01 40
84 e2 80 10 88 e0 b0 20
d1 e1 b0 20 c5 e1 00 20
9b e5 00 10 99 e5 82 50
45 e0 01 00 54 e1 f5 ff
ff ba 01 a0 8a e2 02 00
5a e1 e9 ff ff ba 1f 00
00 ea d8 e0 9f e5 04 b0
a0 e1 00 90
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sorry my fault. i hope you didn't lose to much time on it. it was my cfg for testing landscape....and it doesn't work. here is the working one, i've tested it with my xperia if it doesn't work tell me so i will upload the whole folder with the game.( i can't do it now because i have a very slow connection) sorry again

[Q] Teamspeak 3 for the Android

Welcome to this new and important thread about the Teamspeak 3 Client for Android. We all need it so badly, always connected with Teamspeak on the PC, and now with your mobile where ever you go, you can talk with your Teamspeak buddies. Anyways, that would be wonderfull!!!! And also because Skype gets removed by Nimbuzz and Fring, we need a good alternative that doesn't rely on making money.
So to start off, I have to tell you, this app doesn't exist yet.
But we can make a difference!
If we all work together on this, I know we can do this.
So I did some research, and i want to share that research with you, so maby WE (as xdadevelopers) can do this.
First of all we need to look at how Teamspeak works and what functionalities and options we need to give the Teamspeak Android Client. (aah a nice name TAC, will keep using that one).
(cant post links to outside websites so i post the ts3architecture later when i have more post. Also go to the official TS3 website to download the SDK.
As far a codec for voice communication the Speex codec is the most commonly used in TS.
I spoke with a person who told me he managed to port the Speex codec onto the android. But I dont have access to that code. maby in the future....
So as far as SDK for Android.... I also heard about an NDK, (Native Developers Kit), so is this project more suitable for the NDK?
As far as i know from Teamspeak experiance we only need the UDP part to work, to have an voice communication.
Please all post your replies, comments, love, and support.
Cheers DesireDroid
That will be great!
I would buy it if anyone develop it!!!
I don't know anywhere near enough to help develop, but I'd certainly buy the app.
sipdroid has speex and is open source (GPL, i think). i might be able to get something working, but i probably won't have time to look at teamspeak until next week.
hotaru said:
sipdroid has speex and is open source (GPL, i think). i might be able to get something working, but i probably won't have time to look at teamspeak until next week.
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I will look into sipdroid right away.
And help in a week is still help. So we got our first helper ;-)
Cheers, and stay tuned.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Who wants this app and want to contribute?
reversing protocol and api is not easy, nor legal but doable
first of all, if we do this i would recommend to gather up some folks on a sourceforge website.
i have experience in VoIP, network protocol and android programming, because its my job. Thats why i'm afraid sipdroid is of no help because TS3 has a complete proprietary (and encrypted) protocol. I already know how to encode speex on android/java no problem here. the real trick is to break the ts3 protocol, because the support client API SDK is of no use, because its precompiled (and not for ARM V5/7 CPUs).
I took the time to have a loot at TS3 UDP packet structure and it does not look very promising because they are using obviously some kind of encryption that is somewhere hardcoded in the client library. I think it is a lightwight encryption, maybe even combination of MD5 or some easy bit operations. But resulting network traffic does not contain any default encoded values (like asn1 int/strings/...). I was not able to do a fake login. In order to do this someone needs to disassemble the TS3 Client library. This one really needs to know what he is doing. The compile library is 4MB in size, so there is a lot of stuff. I think it is out of my scope. However, it can be done, but it is anything else than of easy.
here are my first wireshark results:
- UDP only (think so, even though TCP is mentioned in docs)
- Default port: 9987
General Structure:
- Each packet heads a 8Byte hash.
- Hash MAY contain a checksum and/or sequence
- Once connection is established a keepalive an ack ist looped containing a sequence number (in plain)
Connecte Request (1 client packet)
HASH (each packet)
00000000 [e0 e2 2e d8 fd cd 03 3b] 00 00 00 00 02 9d 74 8b .......; ......t.
00000010 45 aa 7b ef b9 9e fe ad 08 19 ba cf 41 e0 16 a2 E.{..... ....A...
00000020 [2b 77 d5 94 fe e7 31 72 e6 d0 a3 2f 2d 59]90 95 +w....1r .../-Y..
00000030 23 3e 00 97 2b 1c 71 b2 4e c0 61 f1 d7 6f c5 7e #>..+.q. N.a..o.~
00000040 f6 48 52 bf 82 6d a9 3a 52 da 23 5f 03 2b d9 bf .HR..m.: R.#_.+..
00000050 3a da 2e aa fe 74 c6 fc 23 de 99 71 23 91 b9 06 :....t.. #..q#...
00000060 16 4a 4e eb 2b 48 ae c3 2d 14 a1 e6 77 cc 68 ab .JN.+H.. -...w.h.
00000070 c1 cf 0f fd 07 ac 0d 42 09 15 bb a0 86 33 2a 23 .......B .....3*#
00000080 08 03 8a 65 81 89 c6 2b 85 82 4b d5 fd f8 61 3c ...e...+ ..K...a<
00000090 b4 39 76 fb cf 18 2a aa 97 9b f7 ad 81 82 33 66 .9v...*. ......3f
000000A0 be 8d
Answer (1 server packet)
00000000 [be e2 d4 c4 8f 8c 54 51] 00 00 02 97 76 8b 54 ad ......TQ ....v.T.
00000010 79 e3 af 87 eb aa 1a 19 ba cf 41 e0 16 a2[6c 5e]y....... ..A...l^
00000020 [e3 cf 93 df 2f 4a f9 f2 97 29 22 59]90 95 23 33 ..../J.. .)"Y..#3
00000030 08 86 2d 40[29 b6 39 cf 40 e6 c5 3a c6 5a f0 6f][email protected]).9. @..:.Z.o
9c FIX
00000040 65 89 d6[12]c3 62 6f 88 32 7a 69 3e cd a4 12 ce 2zi>....
00000050 62 fe de 1e 96 d0 0e a9 9f 76 7e cc a7 63 1c 47 b....... .v~..c.G
00000060 0a 94 38 22 f5 f9 06 34 d6 f6 78 92 6c 91 c6 d9 ..8"...4 ..x.l...
00000070 2d fa 2a 8e 10 54 6c 33 91 be 92 3f 2d 2b 0d 3c -.*..Tl3 ...?-+.<
00000080 a2 7c 89 de e2 27 ae b0 53 e4 c7 fd 64 0a e3 2d .|...'.. S...d..-
00000090 2c fc c4 06 0e fc f7 81 f6 de a7 cc 1c 71 bc 80 ,....... .....q..
000000A0 d3 54 8b 02 9a 1b ca ad 92 99 28 62 cc 62 fa 53 .T...... ..(b.b.S
000000B0 1b 13 ec 93 and look promising...
this project cares about ts2 protocol not ts3. ts3 is more complicated and not yet reverse engineered.
Maby this is usefull.... got this from the sdk documentation.
Connecting to a server
To connect to a server, a client application is required to request an identity from the Client Lib. This string should be requested
only once and then locally stored in the applications configuration. The next time the application connects to a server, the
identity should be read from the configuration and reused again.
unsigned int ts3client_createIdentity(result);
char** result;
• result
Address of a variable that receives the identity string, encoded in UTF-8.
Returns ERROR_ok on success, otherwise an error code as defined in public_errors.h. If an error occured, the result
string is uninitialized and must not be accessed.
The result string must be released using ts3client_freeMemory. If an error has occured, the result string
is uninitialized and must not be released.
Once a server connection handler has been spawned and an identity is available, connect to a TeamSpeak 3 server with
unsigned int ts3client_startConnection(serverConnectionHandlerID, identity, ip,
port, nickname, defaultChannelArray, defaultChannelPassword, serverPassword);
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID;
const char* identity;
const char* ip;
unsigned int port;
const char* nickname;
const char** defaultChannelArray;
const char* defaultChannelPassword;
const char* serverPassword;
• serverConnectionHandlerID
Unique identifier for this server connection. Created with ts3client_spawnNewServerConnectionHandler
• identity
The clients identity. This string has to be created by calling ts3client_createIdentity. Please note an application
should create the identity only once, store the string locally and reuse it for future connections.
• ip
Hostname or IP of the TeamSpeak 3 server.
If you pass a hostname instead of an IP, the Client Lib will try to resolve it to an IP, but the function may block for an
unusually long period of time while resolving is taking place. If you are relying on the function to return quickly, we
recommend to resolve the hostname yourself (e.g. asynchronously) and then call ts3client_startConnection with
the IP instead of the hostname.
• port
UDP port of the TeamSpeak 3 server, by default 9987. TeamSpeak 3 uses UDP. Support for TCP might be added in the
• nickname
On login, the client attempts to take this nickname on the connected server. Note this is not necessarily the actually assigned
nickname, as the server can modifiy the nickname ("gandalf_1" instead the requested "gandalf") or refuse blocked names.
• defaultChannelArray
String array defining the path to a channel on the TeamSpeak 3 server. If the channel exists and the user has sufficient rights
and supplies the correct password if required, the channel will be joined on login.
To define the path to a subchannel of arbitrary level, create an array of channel names detailing the position of the default
channel (e.g. "grandparent", "parent", "mydefault", ""). The array is terminated with a empty string.
Pass NULL to join the servers default channel.
• defaultChannelPassword
Password for the default channel. Pass an empty string if no password is required or no default channel is specified.
• serverPassword
Password for the server. Pass an empty string if the server does not require a password.
All strings need to be encoded in UTF-8 format.
(hope this isn't to mutch text. its that i cant copy any links in here....
bastard dot sourceforge dot net/libdisasm.html
Anyone can update this thread ?
I need the develop progress..
I did ask the TeamSpeak- Team, if they release a Teamspeak3 Version for Android.
They did answer me today and they are saying that they will release a Android.Version and a iPhone.Version. But they didnt told me a releasedate.
So i think now that they will not give us there Sourcecode.. Because they will develop an own Version for Smartphones...
Hurry up Teamspeak Devs... because we all need it !!!
original Answer :
vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage und für Ihr Interesse an TeamSpeak. Wir beabsichtigen, Support für das iPhone und das Android-Handy anzubieten. Im Moment steht noch kein festes Datum fest, an dem wir die mobilen Plattformen unterstützen werden, aber wir haben dies auf alle Fälle vor. Bitte schauen Sie öfter mal in unsere Webseite unter rein, um die neuesten Nachrichten einzusehen, wenn diese zur Verfügung stehen.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
- Dani
[DE] TeamSpeak Sales
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THIS will improve my android alot! something i have ALWAYS wanted!
dRaCID01 said:
I did ask the TeamSpeak- Team, if they release a Teamspeak3 Version for Android.
They did answer me today and they are saying that they will release a Android.Version and a iPhone.Version. But they didnt told me a releasedate.
So i think now that they will not give us there Sourcecode.. Because they will develop an own Version for Smartphones...
Hurry up Teamspeak Devs... because we all need it !!!
original Answer :
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Thnxs for your post!
I have heared that they would release the version after the final release of teamspeak3, so yeah just make it final i would say
well i would say, if the TS3 ever comes to android, post here the link.
Sure i would love to see ts3 for android. But be informed: i just tested mumble for android. Its still under development, lacks any options, but just worked 100% for me, talking to my friends
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
hello all, was just searching the sime thing that all of u, and found this thread and this forum
3 weeks has gone from the last post.... have anyone any new? or any form to connect to a TeamSpeak server?
P.S.: in teamspeak page, i found they have put a link for download idk what of SDK, it's relationed?
No new News from Teamspeak.. i think the will come out, when they have finish the beta Releases of TS3..
Ok... and until they develop the TS version for android, we cant be on TS somehow?
(with "be" on TS, i mean hear the others, and if it's possible, talk) (no just see the server status)
Thanks for answer, and sorry for my english.
chocapica said:
Ok... and until they develop the TS version for android, we cant be on TS somehow?
(with "be" on TS, i mean hear the others, and if it's possible, talk) (no just see the server status)
Thanks for answer, and sorry for my english.
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No, you can't. Teamspeak is totally closed. The team lacks development power since early version 2. If you see how long ts3 took, how long the beta takes and how big issues there still wait for being fixed, it makes you cry.
So I doubt the partly incompetent dev team will put any focus on new technologies like mobile in the near future.
If you want something like teamspeak now, use skype or mumble which both work pretty well already
Swyped with my S-OFF'd brain using teh internetz

[Q] How to Modify BattDrvr.dll (So as to remove FlashLightPowerUnavailable)??

I have been searching for quite a while (~2 weeks) & have not been able to find anything that helps me do what I want. I have been working on a modified HD2 ROM for my TMOUS HD2 {based on 2.13 ROM}. I have made many changes & have been able to apply most all the mods that interest me the most. There are many references to my problem; but no permanent fixes, & I am tired of the the tempory fix.
The tweak that has eluded me is the "FlashPowerUnavailable" registry entry. I have traced everything within the ROM & could not find the registry setup for this feature. After an extensive search thru all the .DLLs, I was finally able to find the settings. They are located in Battdrvr.dll. From what I understand; the .DLL reads the battery level & automatically inserts a registry key that disables the camera's flash whenever the battery level reaches 20% or less. Even if you delete the registry entry, the .DLL will reinsert it as soon as the battery goes below 20%. Personally I am tired of having to edit the registry everytime I want to take a pic when the battery level is low. The flash adds no real power drain & therefore the "FlashLightPowerUnavailable" is a BS setting that is completely unneeded.
So, here is my question to the community. Is there anyone that can rewrite the HD2's Battdrvr.dll so as to remove any reference to the "FlashLightPowerUnavailable" registry? If it's not possible to remove it completely; is there a way to change the trigger from 20% to 1%?
With the exception of changing graphics & text; I will not even pretend to know what I am doing when it comes to modifying a .DLL file. As such, I have not even attempted to modify this .dll. I have PEexplorer, Restorator, & ResHack on my machine, but I only use them for editing graphics & icons {& occasionally text}. If someone could modify the .dll, I would be extremely grateful. Of course; I'm sure that I am not the only one that would like to have this mod done. Of course; I am also willing to try & learn if someone would want to walk me thru modifying a .dll file.
I have attached BattDrvr.dll in the below .7z file. The zipped folder contains the original module {pulled from 2.13.531.1}, as well as the actual .dll itself. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm not too familiar with Battery drivers but if you could find a way to have it be associated with Power Saving Mode you could just have power saver kick in at %1..?
But like I said I have no idea how it works..
Sorry for the delayed responce.
BattDrvr adds a registry entry when the battery reaches 20%. It is also readded to the registry upon every reboot. One would need to create an event to monitor the status of the reg entry, & delete/change it when it is activated. Personally; I am not real familiar with the event system & have not dealt with it too much {except to deactivate events thru DotFreds task mngr}.
Would creating an event utilize any system resources? I am trying to do this without adding another footprint to the system {no matter how small}. I know that modding the .Dll will accomplish what I want without creating any new footprints. This is why I posted this question to the community to begin with.
Personally I can't believe that this hasn't been done already. I also can't believe that there seems to be no interest in this whatsoever. I can't be the only one that uses the flash after the battery is below 20%.
I didn't test it, don't have device
What i did was:
Open hex editor, Search for "00 53 E3 35 00 00 9A 1C 37 91 E5 02 00 53 E3" the number before that found should be "14" (which is "20" in decimal) change to "01" (which is "1" in decimal).
I used IDA and HxD
The modded file is in attachment
Vico100 said:
I didn't test it, don't have device
What i did was:
Open hex editor, Search for "00 53 E3 35 00 00 9A 1C 37 91 E5 02 00 53 E3" the number before that found should be "14" (which is "20" in decimal) change to "01" (which is "1" in decimal).
I used IDA and HxD
The modded file is in attachment
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Little Off topic .. but you seem to know howto hex edit stuff
Been woundering why no one has hexed skyfire so it doesnt check for the skyfire server .. and just goes to google or so other website ..
I was able to get SkyFire working today kinda .. by "tricking" it and made it goto google .. after that .. I was able to surf NP ..
Just a thought
hmmm..i don't know about android...never tried.
Vico100 said:
hmmm..i don't know about android...never tried.
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No No .. Skyfire is also for WM
Vico100 said:
I didn't test it, don't have device
What i did was:
Open hex editor, Search for "00 53 E3 35 00 00 9A 1C 37 91 E5 02 00 53 E3" the number before that found should be "14" (which is "20" in decimal) change to "01" (which is "1" in decimal).
I used IDA and HxD
The modded file is in attachment
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Glad I found this. Will try it out when TMOUS sends me my two free HD2s. Thanks. If anyone can report back as to weather it works or not, please do. Might take me a while since mine are on backorder.

