T-Mobile USA PPC PW10B1 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi, let me start off byapologising if this issue has been dealt with before but I am fairly new to the board and I am also a complete novice when it comes to these types of phones.
My problem is this. I have a T_Mobile USA PPC Wallaby, I live in England and I would like to unlock it so that I can use an O2 chip in it. I need an SID code to use the O2 chip which T-Mobile USA will not give to me because I do not have an account with them. I tried XDAunlock but it kept saying "Error getting unlock code". I tried to install "XDA-developers-SER-v12" but I kept getting the error message "ERROR: GetDeviceData - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting devicedata" and then "Cannot execute the remote communication program.
Please make sure the USB/Serial cable is properly connected". I also tried using "xdadev_all_unlock-v1.3" with no luck. In fact, all I have been able to do is downgrade the Radio Stack (whatever that does?)
My device is.....
ROM Version : 4.01.16
Radio Version : 4.21.00
Protocol Version : 32S54
Hardware Version : PW10B
I am using Activesync 3.8 with Xp Home installed on my desktop. If anyone has any insight into this please could you help me with it?
Many thanks.

As already told via PM:
You have to install the special Edition ROM via SD-Card since you´re actuell ROM-Version prohibits flashing via EXE-File....
Extract the Specialedition ROM EXE file with winzip. You get an directory English where the ROM (NK.nbf) is located.
Download XDATools ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wallaby/Tools/XDATools.zip
Extract them at any place and run osimagetool
Select the NK.nbf File in the Source drop down menu.
Select your SD card (disk drive) from Destination the drop down menu.
Select Copy to start writing process and the tool should start writing to the card.
When XDATools has finished writing the image (no Infomessage) put the SD-card into your device
If there comes a message to format the SD-card select No
Hold the power button and soft reset. You'll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a " Hard Reset"

Wow! Thanks Stefan, that actually worked and I now have the Special Edition Rom installed on my device! The only problem I have now is that I have no signal Do I need to upgrade my Radio Stack?

No, normally not.
You could try changing Bands in bootloader, but normaly it shoud work....
Changing radio bands on Wallaby using the Bootloader
This page describes how to change radio bands on a Wallaby phone using the bootloader. If you change to a band that is not supported by your phone, your radio will receive less signal than with the bands it was tuned for. I.e. if you have a 900/1800 phone (Model number on sticker printed on back says "PW10A" instead of "PW10B") then if you change to 1900 MHz your phone will not be tuned right. If your sticker on the back says PW10B, then using the 1800 band is likely to degrade signal quality.
Changing bands
1. Press and hold the power button on top of the device
2. Go to the bootloader by gently pressing and releasing the stylus in the largest of the two holes on the bottom of the device
3. Release the power button
4. Wait for the screen to say "GSM OK"
5. Press the 'calendar' button on the right above the screen
6. Select the GSM band of your choice from the menu using the rocker switch under the display
7. Press the center of the rocker switch to confirm
8. Perform a soft-reset by pressing and releasing the stylus in the large hole again, this time without holding the power switch
Is your device really unlocked?
Can you search manually for networks? Do you find any one?
Have you the possibility to try another SIM-card?

Boo Hoo Hoo!
The good news is that I now know how to install new Roms using the method you provided, yay! But now I cant get any signal at all and it does not seem to be able to find any networks, boo.

Boo Hoo Hoo!
The good news is that I now know how to install new Roms using the method you provided, yay! But now I cant get any signal at all and it does not seem to be able to find any networks, boo.

Since messing with the Radio Stack I have been unavle to get asignal or even pick up any networks? And I dont seem to be able to upgrade it to what it was? The only Stacks I can get to work are the exe type from the ftp server here, the zip files ones dont seem to work for some reason, and I need 6.25 which is only available as a zip. Does anyone have 6.25 as an exe type?

Thank God!
Well, I must be a complete dunce. I managed to upgrade the Radio Stack back to 6.25.02 and thanks to the help from LumpiStefan (and the fact that he was very patient with my complete noviceness) I am able to use my O2 chip and my PPC is now a phone as well!

Same problem but cant get into bootloader!
any Ideas ?

Re: Same problem but cant get into bootloader!
HarryG said:
any Ideas ?
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Whilst holding the power button in, press the stylus into the reset bugton then let go.

Ive dont that 100 times - noting!!! - Bootloader seems to be gone!

HarryG said:
Ive dont that 100 times - noting!!! - Bootloader seems to be gone!
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Hmmm, I don't know how to fix that? I tell you what though, there is a user here called 'LumpiStefan' and he basically walked me through it. He knows his stuff, maybe if you asked him he would help?

install everthing
installed erthing looks great but it is still locked need help getting a error getting unlock code


ROMs and getting it onto the PPC

OK I have the tmo PPC its already got 2003 on it and I know the loader is 5.15, other info that might be needed.
ROM 4.01.16 ENG
Radio 6.25.02
OK I want to get my own cooked ROM onto this, I know I know use the SD card method, well I don't have one and after getting this thing can't get one for a while either. I have the cradle that it comes with and have put software into etc, I have tried some unlock ROM software to find it didn't work etc etc. after cooking ROM and running it it tells me in a DOS window:
Error getconntiontype - An Existing connecitonwas forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting connectiontype
so basicly I need to find a way to get this into my PPC via activesync or something. sorry for bad post a little tired but I think people will understand and be able to help me or tell me I need SD card and wait until I get one.
I think you can use xdatools to flash the rom direct from xda memory, choose the nbf file as source then choose the xda device memory as destination from the drop down box in destination section.
OK tried that but can't access the PPC with xdatools so that won't work. thats for trying though.
TMO ROMs are known to resist exe flashing ... use the SD method and you are lucky to have the boo loader 5.15
Well glad to know that my boot loader is a good one, now to find a SD card I can borrow to do this with, should I use a 32 or 64 or does it really matter as long as it holds the file.
64 megabytes is needed really, I have had a problem with 32 meg, it looks like it is programmed but when i flash it there is always a problem.
macgyver33 talked about having a 2003 version. Can anyone tell me where to get it? I mean european one (900-1800 MHz). Or at least the PDA part of it? And yet haven't found quiet an exact explanation of "SD method" - any suggestions? Thanx a lot!
Bootloader v.5.17 locked
BL v.5.17 + TMO ROM. I am not able to downgrade the bootloader or change ROM.
I've tried using:
Cooked ROM.EXE - No way
(Error: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Error getting connectiontype)
XDA OS Image Tool - No way
(Error: Same as above)
ITSTools - pnewbootloader - No way
(Error: Unable to find flash info offset, cannot disable bootloader writeprotect)
SD Method - No way
In bootloader mode (soft-reset while pressing on/off button), I have no options: Even with an SD card with OS image inside, there's no way to start ROM download as there is no option to choose...
Any idea?
Check this thread
Thanks Biso007.
No way. My XDA doesn't load the bootloader in a proper way:
1. Inserted th SD card in his slot
2. Answered "No" to format the card
3. Soft-reset while pressing on/off button (so to enter in bootloader mode)
4. Display turns off
5. No Wallaby Bootloader screen, so no action to take...
6. Wait... Nothing.
7. I've also tried to press the "Action" button so to start the SD downloading... Nothing
8. Wait... Nothing.
6. It needs another soft-reset to exit this state (a not working bootloader mode, I suppose)
7. It turns on "normally".
Any further idea? :-(
if I'm not wrong, I couldn't see that you ran the 5.17 patch first ... without it your device will never detect the SD file ... chech the thread again

XDA 1 not working

I was upgrading the software upgarde on my device. I successfully upgraded the Pocket PC software on the O2 XDA, but when I tried to upgrade the GSM radio/GPRS software of the O2 XDa, it gave some error and after this my device is not starting at all. The only mistake I did was that "I did not remove the SIM card before upgrading the GSM radio/GPRS software" The device does not start even after cold booting the same. When I start the device, the O2 screen comes and after a quite long time the main window does come but I cannot do anything. I tried to tap on contacts, time, tasks but nothing happens. I can see the windows logo wall paper but cannot do anything. Please help on how I can restore back my O2 as a cold reset also does not work. :?
Thanks and Regards
There's many topics about your question in the forum. Search it! Try to search with this keywords: 1% error, repair.zip
There's many topics about your question in the forum. Search it! Try to search with this keywords: 1% error, repair.zip
I have tried all the available options but it still does not work. To restore the ROM how do I get access to the O2 cause niether serial nor USB is detecting it.
Please help.
SD card install guide
Ok here you go, its a little outdated but its what I still use:
Qman's how to use XDArit to write nk.nb1 or nk.nbf to your SD card aka the Bootloader Method!
1. Place XDArit and the nk.nb1 or nk.nbf file in the same folder and start XDArit.
2. Select your SD card (disk drive) from the drop down menu.
3. Select Write to SD
Notice that the Windows CE box is already checked so just click the browse button at the end of that window.
4. Select your (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf) image and then Open
Notice by default XDArit will open looking for a *.nb1 file but if you're going to use a .nbf file you'll have to manually change the "Files of Type" to *.nbf
Notice that nk.nbo / nk.nbo was automatically added as your boot-loader and its check box is unchecked so leave it that way and click OK. XDArit should start writing to the card.
When XDArit has finished writing the image put the SD-card into the XDA and hold the power button and soft reset. You'll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a "Soft Boot/Reset".
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Thanks Chief, I will try out and let you know.
Hi Rudegar,
I tried the procedure given by you. I was able to write to the flash successfully. After writing to the flash it gave a message "Checksum OK, Please cold reboot to reset".
I did a cold reboot. After starting the O2, it showed the O2 logo screen and after quite a long time, it asked me wether I want to format the SD card or not. After that it took me to the default screen of XDA wher eit showed options like "Add today's date, Contacts, Schedule etc etc. but upon tapping any of the options the O2 behaves erratically. If I tap on today's date it takes me somewhere else. Inshort it does not work.
I again did a cold reboot and now the device is in its original position i.e not going after the O2 logo where it gets stuck up.
One thing I would like to mention is that all these activities have been done putting the O2 on the cardle only as the battery is totally discharged and the device turns on only after putting it on cradle. Even after the cold reboot it does not start unless I put it on the cradle whichis connected to the mains. Is it Ok with this or am I doing something wrong? The battery does not charge and hence I have to do it in this way.
Please suggest what wrong am I doing? Any suggestions from anyone will be welcome.
Someone posted the original O2 ROM on this site and I downloaded the same after which I was partially succesful in flashing the ROM and reviving my dead O2 back to half life. :roll:
I burned the ROM on
to my SD Card and flashed the ROM on to my O2. After
successfully flashing the ROM I rebooted the device.
The device now starts Windows but it takes atleast 15
minutes to start. I get the today screen. WHen I cick
on start the start menu appears after a delay of 10
seconds and all applications run normal, however all
this happens only on the Cradle only.
When I go into the Battery Settings it shows "Battery
Status Unknown".
Also none of the phone functions work. The SIM card is
not recognized and in device information it does
dispaly the "IMEI number" and the "Protocl Version"
I am only able to use inbuilt phone applications.
Is there some problem with my battery cause it is not
charging even on the cradle.
Device Information does not show Radio Version, Protocl Version & IMEI number at all.
Can anyone please help me?
hello all,
it means that your radio stack are dead. Currently, We don't have any real method to fix this problem. When the radio stack is error, you can not upgrade it or do anything to make it work. We can only upgrade or downgrade the radio stack if it works. Also if you try to upgrade the radio stack, we realy need to flash the chip using a speceial tool or need the sd card which build in radio stack with we can only flash in bootloaading mode. Howerver, in some case, we can fix it but .... I think it is just lucky or the xda error when battery problem.... in this case, just disconnect the battery few minutes and connect it again by pressing the battery hole.
p.s. I have dead xda. I killed it when I upgraded the RADIO STACK. Therefore, if you are really need to upgrade the radio stack, I recommend use the official upgrade for secuirity. or just upgrade the rom only.
To eliminating the error, you need to upgrade the rom or the radio stack, you need to check if the rom fix the radio stack or the stack you are trying to upgrade it fix the rom or not.(ie, Tmobile Rom have to use it radio stack built for Tmobile pocket pc...... I know that in some case when we mix between the radio stack and OS it works but I don't think it work propertly. Anyhow the mixing bettween radio stack and OS is very dangerous if it doesn't suppport then you have to reflash the radio stack or rom(the OS is Okay but the keep upgrading the radio stack may cause the radio stack killed)
Hi Jineshd we
have the same problem and we are sure that the only way is to do SD uptade
and U said U have a serial cable to Yours device. With that we can be able to download flash gsm rom from working device and put it back via SD card to ours. Pls tell me where can I get a serial cable or some schema how to prepare it and I will try to repair ours dead pdas. Its our only chance
Thanks all for the replies.
Can anyone tell me how doI repair the radio stack?
no way without having special RSU rom update on SD card and run it from bootloader or dissembling the device and reprograming GSM rom on special rom/bios programing socket. (Here on forum is user Cgigate from Toronto CA who can do it but I cant contact him)

ROM Upgrade

I have a T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone 2003.
Rom version: 4.01.16 ENG
Rom date: 02/04/04
Radio version: 6.25.02
Protocol version: 324e4
Wallaby Bootloader: V5.22
I am in a GSM 1800Mhz region while the phone has only 900/1900Mhz. I have read various reports that with a Firmware upgrade I can make the phone Tri-Band capable meaning 900/1800/1900Mhz. There have also been reports that this is a hardware feature which will not be effected by software upgradation. But I wanna still try. Firstly the phone was Simlocked by T-Mobile which I managed to unlock with a code given by their SimUnlock dept. believe it or not.
The problems / issues I am facing with this phone are:
1. Downloaded the XDAROM.exe with adaptROM.exe Program A.exe etc in it but it always stops at the dreaded -
ERROR: GetDeviceData - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
error getting devicedata
For the above I have tried all the suggestions on this forum like hard booting (battery off/on), Select GSM900 in Wallaby Mode then reset, Remove Sim Card then Reset, Switch off Radio (which I presume is GSM) in Wallaby then reset. All options lead to the same error.
2. Tried backing up the current ROM in Bootloader Mode which it does and asks me to press the Action key. But when I reboot the device or remove the SD Card and plug it into a PC it says Card not formatted. The SD card
works under normal conditions transferring data to and fro and storing data.
3. Read that I can copy the .NB1 (update file) onto a SD card and on rebooting it should ask if I want to Flash the device with this new data but it never asks and reboots completely.
4. Wallaby mode is also supposed to Flash the device via USB if I press the record key I tried but the computer and device never connect.
5. Device does not ActiveSync always on docking very often I may need to reboot the PC and or the Device for them to talk.
6. Tried XDAUnlock. exe which gave me 'error getting unlock code'.
Any ideas people? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Andrew with no clever lines
In no particular order:
(1) 1800 MHz is a hardware feature. At best, playing with the firmware will make the phone think it can operate at 1800MHz, but it really can't without hardware changes. But hey, you already know that.
(2) When you dump the ROM to an SD card, it is dumped as an image, which overwrites any FAT formatting on the card. This is why you're getting the "Card not formatted" message on the PC. You need special PC software (XDATools -- available on this website, or XDArit) to access the ROM image on the card with the PC.
(3) In order to upgrade the XDA with an SD card, the firmware needs to be placed on the SD card as an image (the same format as #2 above). If you just did a PC file copy you used the wrong method. XDATools also does this function.
(4) Why are you trying to use XDAUnlock.exe when you've already unlocked your phone with the code from T-Mobile?
Thanks I did finally realise what every one took for granted in this site that the ROM dumps on the SD were written in a proprietory image format not FAT format.
Am trying the entire exercise coz have read at enough places on the site that the phone can be cracked to be tri-band which is what I need for it to roam India. We have only 900Mhz at select locations and the rest is 1800Mhz. Can only but be hopeful.
The chronology for the unlock bit was off on my mail.
Basically I cant perform any updates to the phone via the adaptROM method because I feel Wallaby 5.22 has protection built into it and shuts down the connection. If I try to Downgrade the Wallaby to V5.15 using the bootloaderfix included XDATools I get the error listed below.
'C:\bootload\pput.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
ERROR: ITReadProcessMemory - Unspecified error
Unable to find flash info offset, cannot disable bootloader writeprotect
If I use XDArit V1.02 route to write via SD I get Failed to open Device \\.\PhysicalDrive7
Anyone got the older version of XDArit ??
Help people.
I'm not as familiar with Bootloader version issues. My (old) unit was Version 5.15. I just got a replacement for it after I busted the screen, and the new one is Version 5.22. Maybe I'll learn more about bootloaders...
But LumpiStefan says he hasn't had problems using the SD card method with 5.22. I haven't played with the new phone yet, since it came with WM03.
Wouldn't it be easier for you to spend $100 (or so) on an unlocked 900/1800 phone?

Upgrading PW10A1 to wm2003se (or whatever)

Hi all! was hoping someone can advise me what to do...
My device is ESCORT PCT206, which is a turkish version of Wallaby (PW10A1, ROM version 3.14.13ENG, bootloader 3.15).
So, I tried upgrading via SD card and couldn`t get it to work. When I start bootloader I can see that message to press action if I want to download, but when I do I get only regular first screen from where you get those various tests etc.
Then I tried upgrading with XDA Tools and also directly with .exe files (some downloaded from xda-developers ftp, some cooked on romkitchen) and whichever option I try - it simply doesn`t work - pocket pc resets millisecond after the upgrading line shows on the screen and active sync on my PC dies (then when I start it again it won`t sync with pocket pc before restarting windows).
Anyone had similar problems? Or simply knows another way of upgrading to wm2003se or wm2003?
Thanks in advance!
PeckoPivo said:
So, I tried upgrading via SD card and couldn`t get it to work. When I start bootloader I can see that message to press action if I want to download, but when I do I get only regular first screen from where you get those various tests etc.
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Are you sure that you have pressed the action button of the device? As much as i know, if you press any oder button you will enter the bootloader as normal....
Hi Stefan,
thanks for your reply.
Well, I guess I have - if action button is the central joystick button. If not, then please tell me which one is it...

Stuck on bootloader menu after error upgrading ROM

Is there a way to get the OS and boot img for my o2 XDA to put on my SD card so i can recover it?
I'm stuck on the boot-loader screen (version 5.22) i can not use active sync as it comes up as unrecognized device, im at my wits end, i just want to get my phone working again. is there any place i can get the O2 ROM file from? or anything that can be done, or do i have a useless brick now?
i tried upgrading with the developers ROM using the auto install, it got to the "it will take 5 mins to upgrade" screen then active sync lost connection, there was nothing showing in the progress bar, when i tried to restart, active sync could not connect. now im stuck with the boot-loader menu after a soft reset.
Sorry for the double post,
Right sorted the problem out, got a cooked ROM from a different site as no link i clicked on here was still active.
I found out that if you Format the SD card to Fat32 when in bootloader it doesn't recognize the ROM, so a format to just FAT under windows XP sorted it out, and now I'm back up and running again, though now i cant get my phone unlocked to Vodafone as the XDAunlock returns "error getting code" message. here are my Device info
Rom version 3.17.03
Radio version 4.21.X1
Protcal version 32S54
problem resolved by updating the Radio stack to 6.24 (placing the files onto the device and upgrading from there) once that had done, i had no signal, so downgraded it back to 4.21 and now I'm fully functional
Where did you get the ROM?
I have a similar problem with an XDA which failed whilst being flashed via active sync and now will not start apart from via bootloader. Where did you get the ROM that you mention please?
use this ROM from http://www.romkitchen.de/ choose one that u will use to cook, PC2002 or WM2003/SE, (WM2003SE cannot use SD Card, only can use activesyn) then downgrade bootloader from v5.22 to v5.15,
using MMC (flash SD) continue to special rom 1.2, Go to the bootloader utilities. Hit Contacts button and you'll get the boot loader option stuff. If the bootloader utilities you get to right away takes you to a menu with things like Boot+CE-->SD then you don't have to worry about hitting the contacts button. You only need Contacts button if when you get to the bootloader screen you see nothing more than some nice colors, the bootloader version and "GSM OK" message.
Take the Boot+CE-->SD option to back everything up. This will take a few minutes.
Once it's done pull the SD out ofthe ppcpe and stick it into your SD card reader. Bring up XDArit and chose your removeable device.
If you have more than one MMC slot select the different ones until you get one that says 'Wallaby' in the hex codes at the bottom of the XDArit screen. You'll be writing out two files, the first is the NB0 file (which is the bootloader) and the second is the NB1 file (which is the OS or ROM). Name these something like original.nb0 and 1.
Wipe the SD card (format FAT). Stick the SD card back into the pda and soft reset, then cradle it.
Go to a DOS prompt and CD to where you put 'pnewbootflash_40116.exe.' Type 'pnewbootflash_40116 nbl515.nb0' to write the Wallaby 5.15 boot loader to the device. If when you downloaded the 5.15 bootloader you called it something else (like 'wallaby_boot_loader_V5.15.nb0' you should of course use that name instead!
The output looks like this:
D:\XDAtools\binaries>pnewbootloader_40116 bl515.nb0
Copying D:\XDAtools\binaries\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsutils.dll
in FindFlashInfoOffset
protection found at 8c0d60f8
result: 00000000 00000000
for the complete, read this web :
*read careffuly and try it, you can read my post, almost similiar problem but i can solve it by read one by one,hehehhe.. never give-up, ok ^_^V
any help with magician rom?
OK I found this thread and this is what I need to do but I don't follow any of this. what is the ROm image and how do I cook? I'm totally lost and My phone is wrecked or bricked as you say???

