IMAP E-mail client - Networking

Wat I would love to have is an IMAP E-mail client for my MDA II.
I've seen lots (and lots and then some) of POP3 E-mail clients somewhat modified to speak IMAP; but i have so far not seen an IMAP E-mail client. One that scans a folder when you select it and then stay connected instead of getting all headers over and over again each time you want to check for new mail. Only fetching the message when i want to read it etc etc
In short an e-mail client for imap like imap was intended to be used would do wonders for my gprs bill
Is there such a programm

read these ?
found from this searchøgning

read these ?
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Now I have, they contain howeven no information. I know how to configure poutlook for IMAP and I personaly have not tried nPOP because i'm loking for an IMAP-client not a modified pop client who tries to download everything again each time in the FAQ of the page you linked to <a ref="">
Why should I use IMAP? What is the difference between POP and IMAP?</a>
poutlook generated 0.5-0.7Mb of trafic just to check my e-mail (because eacht time if tries to get an compleet folder list and I have quite some folders)
A true e-mail client could scan INBOX at startup and keep connected at less than 1K per day.


Any way to Config OUTLOOK to send/ Receive?

Hey all.
At home I've my desktop outlook setup to my pop3 email.
Is there anyway to set this account so I can send/ receive to see if there is new mail - or (as I think is the case) do I have to setup a separate pop 3 account to be able to initialize send/receive.
Cheers fellaz!
little_rock said:
Hey all.
At home I've my desktop outlook setup to my pop3 email.
Is there anyway to set this account so I can send/ receive to see if there is new mail - or (as I think is the case) do I have to setup a separate pop 3 account to be able to initialize send/receive.
Cheers fellaz!
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I was asking the same question on other forums, but it seems that no1 considers this as a "normal" question; I have never got a reply...
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
airbag14 said:
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
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You do make sense, but… you have just explained to us what we’ve already knew. I would just like to have normal SEND/RECEIVE in pOutlook without having to setup the same thing on the side (my Yahoo pop3). And after that they could synchronize normally…
I hope that I made some sense now…
Yup perfect sense,
the phrase that airbag14 was looking for was:
'no you can't, not to our knowledge'
airbag14 said:
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
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Or just use exchange
I struggled for quite some time to make email work 'properly' on using my MDA Pro.
First, note that I use Outlook on the desktop. My situation is complicated because I have multiple accounts that I want to sync.
What I found was:
1. Syncing desktop & pocket outlook mail is useless, unless one uses exchange. There is no way to send and receive mail short of syncing with the desktop. And given that activesync 4 cannot sync over the net, means that messages I want to send are stored until I manage to get close to my desktop. Totally stupid design. Someone must have been smoking illegal substances when s/he came up with it.
2. Switching both desktop and PPC to POP sort-of works, but there are severe problems. The first is that a pop account on the PPC is completely separate from the outlook-synced account, so messages appear twice on the PPC. The second is that if either the desktop or the PPC delete messages off server, then the other device gets confused. Copying a message to another folder on the PPC causes the message to be removed from the server, so that it never arrives in the desktop. Read message indications are not reliable. etc etc.
3. Switching to IMAP on both the desktop and the PPC works the best. One ends up with a set of IMAP folders on both the desktop and PPC, separate from the 'normal' outlook inbox (which are no longer used). Operations on either the desktop or PPC are reflected in the other device when mail is checked. Of course, it is absolutely imperative that both devices download messages, not just headers.
So, in the end I have a set of IMAP folders on both devices for each account. Both devices are set up to download messages + headers. The desktop downloads the entire message + attachments. The PPC downloads 15K of the message and no attachments. Deleting a message on one deletes on the other (when mail is checked). Reading a message on one caused the message to be marked 'read' on the other.
Messages sent from the PPC show up in desktop outlook's IMAP sent items folder. The reverse is not true, because desktop outlook puts sent messages into a generic 'sent items' folder, not the IMAP one. This is not a problem for me.
I have turned off activesync for all mail folders, because sync is done using IMAP. I still use activesync for contacts etc.
FWIW, IMAP in desktop outlook has a few problems. The worst is that sometimes it decides to duplicate a message. IMAP is also a bit more sensitive to network glitches, "disconnecting" from the server and requiring outlook to be restarted to reconnect. In addition, as messages are left on the server more-or-less permanently, one might run into quota problems.
mailbox copy
I stumbled on this mailbox problem here again.
I got exactly this issue, as my provider gives me Pop3 (can't get imap to work), and I cant reply on mails when i'm out (outlook mailbox has no send-receive)
Now I figured out, that in case if I COULD do an mail-box copy on my device from outlook-inbox to anonther account inbox, and before syncing do and send-items-box copy back to outlook send-items-box, this would solve a BIG part of my problem.
Has anyone EVER heard of an app that can let you copy whole mailboxes between accounts on your PPC device?
I also posted this question befor but to be sure are you all saying in a round about way.........
i ave a pop email account on my laptop, this i sync with a cable to my Exec, And on my Exec i also have a pop3 account the same account as on my laptop....
so if i am out ( and my laptop is not on) i use the pop3 account on my Exec for sending and recieving mail no problem, BUT if whilst out i see from my Sync,ed email from the laptop befor i left in the morning a email i need to repley i cant, i wish i could read the email then tell it to reply / send via the proper pop account on my Exec not the sync account
Do you all have this problem
I prolly dont understand the problem fully, because I think it has a simple answer. On your PPC dont sync the mail from outlook through activesync but set up a new (p-outlook) pop3 account with the parameters from the pop3 outlook account (minus the smtp-server offcourse, this should be the smtp of your phone operator). I have this setup and can send/recieve mail on my MDA Pro. When I get home I recieve all mail from that day on my pc, storing it on my pc. At the next send/recieve on my MDA Pro, all the mail collected by the pc will dissapear (on the MDA Pro) and new mail will arrive. If you want you can sync the outlook mail with your PPC but it will function as a old-mail-database next to your p-outlook pop3 account.
what I did was:
1. I Created a new mail account - POP3 - and configured it to be read just in O2 exec.
2. I configured my mail account to forward all mail to the mail account I created for the PDA, and also keep messages in my mail account, so I can read them in my PC as well.
3. I dont SYNC mails, just check them by using WIFI/GPRS/3G.
This is not very "polite" but works for me. anohter solution, IMAP, another, REAL MAIL from Vodafone.

Mailbox Copy

I'm looking for a function that allows me to copy multiple mails from one mailbox to the other.
Specific: i like to copy my mails in my pocket-outlook inbox to the inbox of another account on my PPC device.
This would save me copy-pasting mails, as pocket-outlook dont allow me to send/receive when im out and have only wifi or gprs.
(i know the story on the exchange and imap mail servers, im using pop3, and this mailbox function would be a great help)
anyone know this function, or can build this function for Windows Mobile?
kind of solution
I came around a mail-program that claimed to support mail copy between p-outlook mailbox and another self-setup mail account on your pda
See under Forums, Public/Beta Builds
there you can find FlexMail beta-version.
This mail-program claimes to handle the mail copy.
unfortunately, its not working yet on the beta version as I write this reply
it supports the selection or te mail-account service when you reply, create or forward a mail.
This means you are able to send out a mail from your poutlook inbox via the mail-account you have setup. So no need to do a mail-copy to the other box.
For POP3 users that use activesync , this is a solution to handle pop3 email on you PPC when you are out. (as you cant send/receive the poutlook mail-account.
You only need to put yourself in bcc to get the send mails back to your PC-outlook.
good luck!

Newbie questions - M5000 Email Options

I have just upgraded from a very tired SE P900 to an Orange SPV M5000/HTC Universal and so far am loving it.
I run several email accounts and would like to be able to monitor at least two or three of them from the M5000, collecting the emails seperately as opposed to forwarding them all to a central inbox but there doesn't seem to be any logical way of doing it.
Also, what is the cheapest way of setting up some sort of push email functionality - I have only just started to look into this and see that Orange charge extra for the service.
I have updated (after problems with the Country ID error) to Orange's AKU2 ROM and have Exchange Server 2003 installed and have access to fixed IPs on the web, etc so can do a lot of things from my end.
Most of the time I will be using it at 3 different sites where I have wireless access and then occasionally would want to use either 3G or GPRS, whatever is available.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
For three seperate e-mail accounts, I'm not sure how to do that with normal POP email.
However, I myself run an IMAP server instead, and it keeps the IMAP emails in a seperate folder for each account. And as a big plus, everything you do is automatically synched between your email clients (e.g. when I read something on my phone, it's also marked as read on my PC)
I hadn't considered IMAP, however how do you deal with sending messages so that they go out of the different messages?
I need to ensure that the messages from the three accounts are kept totally separate with no confusion between sending addresses.
jvoelcker said:
I hadn't considered IMAP, however how do you deal with sending messages so that they go out of the different messages?
I need to ensure that the messages from the three accounts are kept totally separate with no confusion between sending addresses.
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I'm not sure with multiple IMAP accounts, but I do know that if you press "New", it'll just start the message with the current account you're browsing. So if I'm browsing the SMS inbox and press "New" it'll send as a text message, and in IMAP it'll send as an email.
Think your best option would be to test
Sorry, I am a newbie to this. Would you tell me what is IMAP?? and how do i set it up to check my email account?? is it sort of like the push email??
The two main protocols for collecting email on the web are POP3 and IMAP - with POP3 your mail gets delivered into a POP3 mailbox at your ISP and you then login with your mail program to download the emails to your local machine.
IMAP was developed on the basis of leaving your emails on the server and then only grabbing the headers or message bodies that you are interested in reading.
For example I run my own Exchange server and connect to exchange from my desktop to read/send emails. I can then use IMAP from my Universal to connect and give me a view of my message on the Exchange server - it downloads the headers and shows the ones I have read/not read. When I read a message on the Universal it is marked as read back on the Exchange server and appears as read on my desktop and vice versa - this way I don't have any duplicate messages.
Sorry, a bit long winded, but should give you an idea of how handy it can be - the biggest problem is that few ISPs openly support it due to the message store overhead.
Thank you Julian. What program should i use for Imap???
I wanna give it a try. Is there any other softwares out there which givesyou the blackberrry function??

request: email check

Since I use the hotmail account on my wizard I would like to have a
program that automatically checks my email every, say 30 minutes.
I was wondering if someone could create (or help me creating) a program
which does the following:
loop every 30 minutes
launch \Windows\tmail.exe
press Right soft-key // open "Menu"
delay (5sec)
press 'z' // on the Dutch wizard this means "Send/receive"
delay (10sec)
close program // I can see on my today screen if I received any new emails
Well, actually, periodic mail check has always been in Messaging. Read the Mailer Bible ( ) on how it must be configured and what needs to be known about it.
Menneisyys said:
Well, actually, periodic mail check has always been in Messaging. Read the Mailer Bible ( ) on how it must be configured and what needs to be known about it.
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Unfortunately this is not possible for I am using an hotmail account. During the email setup, when you insert an hotmail adress and then press the 'next' button, Pocket MSn is launched automatically. But this is not what I want. I want to use the regular Inbox program to check my mails every x minutes.
Menneisyys said:
Well, actually, periodic mail check has always been in Messaging. Read the Mailer Bible ( ) on how it must be configured and what needs to be known about it.
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Thanks...but i mean using standard Pocket outlook.....I need it because I use DirectPush
well i have it setup on my home computer with this
i set it up and it pulls the hotmail and then sends it on to your push email, i have my set at 15mins. it is so easy to use!
But you have to have your home computer running all the time.
I have never used hotmail but most internet mail providers (gMail, Yahoo, ComCast.. etc) allow you to forward a copy of the mail from your inbox.
You have a few options:
Set-up an account with mail2web and use ActiveSync.
Set-up an account with a service that provides IMAP support (which pocket outlook works well with).
Set-up an account with gMail and enable POP3 Access.
Now have your hotmail account forward a copy of all messages received to the new account.
Finally set-up Pocket Outlook to gather the e-mail from the secondary account.
Have you tried nPop?
you cant forward with hotmail, that is why i put that programme!!! it pulls and pushes to other emil address

Disappearing emails with Gmail(workaround)

I was having some setup issues with Gmail pop; I’ve found a workaround so thought I’d share it.
I like to check my email regularly with the HD2 throughout the day, but manage the majority of these through Outlook when I get home. So on my HD2 I set up a pop mail account to check my Gmail at regular intervals (5 mins), get the entire message but leave a copy of the message on the server so I can still access these with Outlook later.
Problem was whenever the HD2 downloaded an email despite the setup being configured to leave the message on the server these mails were marked “as read” by Gmail and archived, presumably because my Gmail account was set to “archive emails that have been accessed through pop”. This was clearly overriding the “leave a copy on the server” setting. So I’d get an email on my device, this was then automatically removed from the Gmail inbox and archived, 5 minutes later the HD2 would check again, see the inbox was empty and therefore delete the email from my device. Outlook never got a look in as when I got home all the emails had been archived so it was seeing no emails at all.
Hence the disappearing email problem.
Firstly I tried changing the Gmail setting to “keep Google mails copy in the inbox when it had been accessed by pop”, this worked to a degree but I found it slightly irritating having to go in and manually erase all the emails in my Gmail inbox once I had downloaded them.
I then tried enabling imap in Gmail and binning pop access altogether, i.e., accessing all my emails through imap both on the HD2 and on Outlook. Again this worked to a degree but I have Outlook set up a particular way and I found that imap didn’t really work for me in that regard.
Eventually I sussed getting it to work the way I want, I set up both pop and imap access in Gmail. I had the HD2 accessing mails through imap, and Outlook accessing through pop (with the setting for ” archiving emails once accessed through pop” enabled in Gmail). So the HD2 would accrue all the emails that I received throughout the day and keep these in the Gmail inbox so when I fired up Outlook at home these were still there to be downloaded. Of course once I had retrieved these emails through Outlook these were automatically archived by Gmail and only then were they removed from the HD2 then next time it checked the server, which was fine as they had been dealt with and were no longer required, perfect!
So that’s been my weekend really, hope it helps anyone that wants a similar setup.
POP is the wrong method for your interest.
POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it.
You only need to use IMAP method to leave a copy on the server.
Just that easy.
You could have saved a lot time if you only setup imap in your email settings in the phone.
All other stuff was completely too much. Sorry
Im using that method since i had the Touch HD and still use it with Gmail on the HD2 and my mails stay on the huuuuuuge google servers too.
Undoubtedly imap has its advantages, certainly on the phone its working well for me.
You did raise a point:
"POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it"
Should this happen when the you have set-up an account on the device thats configured to "do not delete messages from the server"? Because despite my account being set-up this way my emails were being deleted (or archived, either way, disappeared!) nevertheless. That's specifically why i wanted to detail why I did what I did as I'm sure this issue could catch other people out.
POP is designed to catch mails AND clean up your email account on the server.
This makes sense when you have limited storage space (i have an arcor account too and have only 25mb on there).
From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option.
This is mostly the reason that the emails get deleted when using POP.
IMAP is designed to give you the opportunity to have a look at your emails like on the server.
When you read an email on your pda the mail will be automatically flagged as read on the server too.
It is some kind of sync.
There are these two well known ways just to give you the opportunity and fulfil your needs. Just use the one that serves you well.
In your case this will be IMAP
"From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option"
When i was setting up the account on the HD2 I was ticking this option to leave message on server upon deletion (see screen shot), although it seems i was misunderstanding this function.
Yeah the function you checked was only for the deleted mails.
It just tells the server what to do with the mails that you deleted on your device.
Sounds good, I'd just replace imap access on the HD2 with activesync, even better.
I'm interested in what your "weird configuration in outlook that makes you not able to use imap" is though.

