IMAP e-mail - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I use IMAP instead of POP3 because that way no matter where I am I can access all my messeges but it's not working very well with my pcoket pc. When I try to update my folders it attempts to re-download/verify every messege so it sifts through 700 or so messges which takes forever plus it uses up my data package. I have the setting to only download headers and no part of the messeges but it still doesn't stop this.
Any ideas??

DanielHochman said:
I use IMAP instead of POP3 because that way no matter where I am I can access all my messeges but it's not working very well with my pcoket pc. When I try to update my folders it attempts to re-download/verify every messege so it sifts through 700 or so messges which takes forever plus it uses up my data package. I have the setting to only download headers and no part of the messeges but it still doesn't stop this.
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Hi Daniel,
I tried IMAP for a while but also found it very slow and a bandwidth hog. I guess it must always scan the folder list in case new folders have been added.
Anyway, I switched to POP3 and it's much faster. Of course you can only sync your Inbox but the POP3 client on the Magician does not mark the messages on the server as 'read', so when you next connect with your PC the messages will all still be there. This works well for me as I do not end up with some mail on my Pocket PC and not on my server.
- Peter

I will be using my Mini as a desktop replacement for 10 months- so there's no way to use IMAP on a pocket PC successfully??

DanielHochman said:
I will be using my Mini as a desktop replacement for 10 months- so there's no way to use IMAP on a pocket PC successfully??
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Well, IMAP does work reliably on the Pocket PC. I used it for a few months this year without any problem. But as you found out it is slower than POP3 because it has to do more, e.g. scan the folder list, sync the folders you have selected, download/upload mail, move mail between folders, etc.
- Peter

The a look on QMAIL:
For me it is the best email client on PPC so far (and it's free!).
I use it mith my IMAP box without any problem.


IMAP E-mail client

Wat I would love to have is an IMAP E-mail client for my MDA II.
I've seen lots (and lots and then some) of POP3 E-mail clients somewhat modified to speak IMAP; but i have so far not seen an IMAP E-mail client. One that scans a folder when you select it and then stay connected instead of getting all headers over and over again each time you want to check for new mail. Only fetching the message when i want to read it etc etc
In short an e-mail client for imap like imap was intended to be used would do wonders for my gprs bill
Is there such a programm
read these ?
found from this searchøgning
read these ?
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Now I have, they contain howeven no information. I know how to configure poutlook for IMAP and I personaly have not tried nPOP because i'm loking for an IMAP-client not a modified pop client who tries to download everything again each time in the FAQ of the page you linked to <a ref="">
Why should I use IMAP? What is the difference between POP and IMAP?</a>
poutlook generated 0.5-0.7Mb of trafic just to check my e-mail (because eacht time if tries to get an compleet folder list and I have quite some folders)
A true e-mail client could scan INBOX at startup and keep connected at less than 1K per day.

Any way to Config OUTLOOK to send/ Receive?

Hey all.
At home I've my desktop outlook setup to my pop3 email.
Is there anyway to set this account so I can send/ receive to see if there is new mail - or (as I think is the case) do I have to setup a separate pop 3 account to be able to initialize send/receive.
Cheers fellaz!
little_rock said:
Hey all.
At home I've my desktop outlook setup to my pop3 email.
Is there anyway to set this account so I can send/ receive to see if there is new mail - or (as I think is the case) do I have to setup a separate pop 3 account to be able to initialize send/receive.
Cheers fellaz!
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I was asking the same question on other forums, but it seems that no1 considers this as a "normal" question; I have never got a reply...
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
airbag14 said:
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
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You do make sense, but… you have just explained to us what we’ve already knew. I would just like to have normal SEND/RECEIVE in pOutlook without having to setup the same thing on the side (my Yahoo pop3). And after that they could synchronize normally…
I hope that I made some sense now…
Yup perfect sense,
the phrase that airbag14 was looking for was:
'no you can't, not to our knowledge'
airbag14 said:
When u sync your Universal with your PC, the emails are automatically downloaded into your Outlook E-mail account automatically.
To check your emails on the move, you'll need to set up a new POP3 account with the same settings as per your PC's Outlook....... and when u do a Send/Recieve, it's connected via your GPRS. E-mails downloaded into your Universal will still be downloaded onto your PC when u do a Send/Recieve on your PC's Outlook....That means the same email will appear in both the Outlook E-mail and POP3 accounts on your Universal
Wonder if I'm making any sense......
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Or just use exchange
I struggled for quite some time to make email work 'properly' on using my MDA Pro.
First, note that I use Outlook on the desktop. My situation is complicated because I have multiple accounts that I want to sync.
What I found was:
1. Syncing desktop & pocket outlook mail is useless, unless one uses exchange. There is no way to send and receive mail short of syncing with the desktop. And given that activesync 4 cannot sync over the net, means that messages I want to send are stored until I manage to get close to my desktop. Totally stupid design. Someone must have been smoking illegal substances when s/he came up with it.
2. Switching both desktop and PPC to POP sort-of works, but there are severe problems. The first is that a pop account on the PPC is completely separate from the outlook-synced account, so messages appear twice on the PPC. The second is that if either the desktop or the PPC delete messages off server, then the other device gets confused. Copying a message to another folder on the PPC causes the message to be removed from the server, so that it never arrives in the desktop. Read message indications are not reliable. etc etc.
3. Switching to IMAP on both the desktop and the PPC works the best. One ends up with a set of IMAP folders on both the desktop and PPC, separate from the 'normal' outlook inbox (which are no longer used). Operations on either the desktop or PPC are reflected in the other device when mail is checked. Of course, it is absolutely imperative that both devices download messages, not just headers.
So, in the end I have a set of IMAP folders on both devices for each account. Both devices are set up to download messages + headers. The desktop downloads the entire message + attachments. The PPC downloads 15K of the message and no attachments. Deleting a message on one deletes on the other (when mail is checked). Reading a message on one caused the message to be marked 'read' on the other.
Messages sent from the PPC show up in desktop outlook's IMAP sent items folder. The reverse is not true, because desktop outlook puts sent messages into a generic 'sent items' folder, not the IMAP one. This is not a problem for me.
I have turned off activesync for all mail folders, because sync is done using IMAP. I still use activesync for contacts etc.
FWIW, IMAP in desktop outlook has a few problems. The worst is that sometimes it decides to duplicate a message. IMAP is also a bit more sensitive to network glitches, "disconnecting" from the server and requiring outlook to be restarted to reconnect. In addition, as messages are left on the server more-or-less permanently, one might run into quota problems.
mailbox copy
I stumbled on this mailbox problem here again.
I got exactly this issue, as my provider gives me Pop3 (can't get imap to work), and I cant reply on mails when i'm out (outlook mailbox has no send-receive)
Now I figured out, that in case if I COULD do an mail-box copy on my device from outlook-inbox to anonther account inbox, and before syncing do and send-items-box copy back to outlook send-items-box, this would solve a BIG part of my problem.
Has anyone EVER heard of an app that can let you copy whole mailboxes between accounts on your PPC device?
I also posted this question befor but to be sure are you all saying in a round about way.........
i ave a pop email account on my laptop, this i sync with a cable to my Exec, And on my Exec i also have a pop3 account the same account as on my laptop....
so if i am out ( and my laptop is not on) i use the pop3 account on my Exec for sending and recieving mail no problem, BUT if whilst out i see from my Sync,ed email from the laptop befor i left in the morning a email i need to repley i cant, i wish i could read the email then tell it to reply / send via the proper pop account on my Exec not the sync account
Do you all have this problem
I prolly dont understand the problem fully, because I think it has a simple answer. On your PPC dont sync the mail from outlook through activesync but set up a new (p-outlook) pop3 account with the parameters from the pop3 outlook account (minus the smtp-server offcourse, this should be the smtp of your phone operator). I have this setup and can send/recieve mail on my MDA Pro. When I get home I recieve all mail from that day on my pc, storing it on my pc. At the next send/recieve on my MDA Pro, all the mail collected by the pc will dissapear (on the MDA Pro) and new mail will arrive. If you want you can sync the outlook mail with your PPC but it will function as a old-mail-database next to your p-outlook pop3 account.
what I did was:
1. I Created a new mail account - POP3 - and configured it to be read just in O2 exec.
2. I configured my mail account to forward all mail to the mail account I created for the PDA, and also keep messages in my mail account, so I can read them in my PC as well.
3. I dont SYNC mails, just check them by using WIFI/GPRS/3G.
This is not very "polite" but works for me. anohter solution, IMAP, another, REAL MAIL from Vodafone.

Push Email V.S. Outlook (speed)

Check this out.
I sent a test email from a web email account to my exchange server. I had outlook open on my desktop, and my Wizard chillin next to me (in standby mode.) The desktop is connected to the exchange server with gigabit (the pc and server have gigabit and there is a linksys gigabit switch in between.) The email hit the exchange server in about 5 seconds (give or take.) A second or so later my phone beeped at me (the new mail notification) and a second after that outlook popped up the new email notification.
So my conclusion is exchange must send emails to the mobile device first, because obviously EDGE is no faster than gigabit (I wish!) However it is still cool that I get it faster on my phone!
Just another geek making fun observations; Lew
lol.....i did the same thing...
actually i did it from a few differnt accounts to see the speed of each one in comparison...hahah
I'm definitely luv'n this also. Finally we have the BlackBerry Killer. My typical response to my 8125 is about 8 to 10 seconds, slightly faster than my workstation. Keep meaning to turn off caching the OL2003 on my pc's profile ... just to be fair .....
i have not upgraded rom so i just get my ms exchange email via the "pull" method. you know... the sms-pingy thingy where i am set to receive as email is sent. when in my office, i usually get my email on the wizard just before it arrives in my pc inbox. i'm on edge btw
I use the push-mail option also, but the mails (or tasks or agenda items) usually need about a minute to arrive on my Wizard. But sometimes it arrives almost immediately. Since the PDA is set to notify directly, I suspect there must be a setting in Exchange to define an interval something like that, causing the Exchange server to send (accumulated) notifications only once per minute.
I have also noticed this, new mail arrives earlier on the Wizard than in Outlook.
If only the Wizard would notify me when I have new mail in the subfolders...
sure when you connect your device to your computer via usb from AS go to the config of your Mail (settings) and check the boxes (mail folders) you'd like sync'd
lvlolvlo said:
sure when you connect your device to your computer via usb from AS go to the config of your Mail (settings) and check the boxes (mail folders) you'd like sync'd
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i am not connected to my pc when i notice exchange "pull"-mail hitting ppc-outlook before desktop outlook
Moskus said:
I have also noticed this, new mail arrives earlier on the Wizard than in Outlook.
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I suppose Outlook uses "pull", that's why it's slower. I don't know the interval Outlook is using. "pull" and "push" is to different technics and "pull" is faster in most cases.
IMAP, POP3 - "pull"
SyncML - "push"
Does any of the new Outlook versions offer push mail compatibility?
i'm lost :shock: :shock: :shock:
Going out on a limb here, but I *think* Outlook client (PC not Pocket PC) sits there and waits and Exchange sends it some UDP traffic when there is an update to the mailbox and at that point it refreshs itself.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I do know that if the client is firewalled for incoming traffic from Exchange it won't auto send/receive and has to be manually done.
lpasq said:
i'm lost :shock: :shock: :shock:
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When using push mail ... the connection between the client and server is always on. When a mail arrives the server is pushing the mail through it's open connection. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The exchange push mail.developers even mentioned this in their blog.
Cached exchange mode does usually take longer, the idea behind it is to take the load off the server. If you're not running cached mode, then you should always see the message first in Outlook as in direct mode it's a direct view onto the mailbox.
I get a outlook pop up in cached mode about 1 second after my phone beeps, it doesn't half make people see how good push mail is!
this is worthwhile reading, if you haven't already
I've been testing the push mail as well. Watching https connections with a netstat viewer on the Exchange server, I noticed that the connection to the device will occasionally drop. The device will reestablish after about a minute or so. I think that is why it sometimes takes longer to get the mail notification on the device. There are heartbeat settings in the device registry. If I have time I might play with those and see what it does to traffic and reconnection times.

"Outlook Email"... what's the point?

Maybe I'm really thick & am missing something here, but what's the point of the "Outlook Email" in WM5?
OK, so it syncs with Outlook on the PC using ActiveSync, fine... but it can therefore only send/receive email when the device is connected & synched to the PC. Although the emails from the PC's Outlook copy over to the device, you can't reply to them with the device when the device is not synched to the PC.
If my XDA Mini S is connected & synched to my PC, I'm not gonna use my XDA to reply to emails, I'd use my PC!
Away from the PC, you can download pop email to a different account on the XDA, but... that account can't then be synched with the PC, only "Outlook Email" can be synched, & it can only be used when synched. know you can sync with the server wirelessly via GPRS, EDGE, whatever, right?
Its pretty worhtless unless you use push. Atleast as far as I am concerned. It would be nice if it integrated it with your current pop3 account.
i used to think exactly that untill i changed my work over to use an exchange server then it really comes to life. they should creat a cut down program that lets you sync your desktop outlook over the net imo. then every home user could have push email.
Tezcatlipoca said:
OK, so it syncs with Outlook on the PC using ActiveSync, fine... but it can therefore only send/receive email when the device is connected & synched to the PC. Although the emails from the PC's Outlook copy over to the device, you can't reply to them with the device when the device is not synched to the PC.
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Besides using an Exchange Server, as others have pointed out, bear in mind the same WM OS is also used on non-phone Pocket PCs. In the "good ol' days" you sync'd your PPC in the morning, read and replied to your e-mails on your PPC "on the go" and the next time you sync'd, the (as yet unsent) replies you'd composed during the day would transfer to your desktop PC and get sent by (desktop) Outlook.
If you don't use Exchange, then the Outlook Mobile e-mail box is probably useless to you unless your e-mails are non-urgent enough that you can wait until your next sync before your replies are sent, and your GPRS data charges are punitive enough to justify waiting. I have an unlimited data plan so I now use my Wizard as my primary e-mail device and simply have my IMAP accounts setup on the Wizard and disabled e-mail syncing entirely. (Frankly, since Microsoft disabled desktop sync over wi-fi in WM5 I find myself syncing only once a day or two instead of the several times a day I used to sync my PPC 2K2 and 2K3 devices!)
Basically my desktop PC is now my e-mail "archive" since I'm far more likely to read and reply to all of my e-mail on my Wizard.
elecconnec said:
In the "good ol' days" you sync'd your PPC in the morning, read and replied to your e-mails on your PPC "on the go" and the next time you sync'd, the (as yet unsent) replies you'd composed during the day would transfer to your desktop PC and get sent by (desktop) Outlook.
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I guess i'm still living in the good ol' days because thats exactly what i do!!!
question if i may, how do i set it so it syncs the entire email and i don't have to click on "get rest of email" thing on the bottom?
I also sync my phone in the morning and reply to any overnight emails throughout the day, then sync when I get home from work...
Unless it's an important email, in which case, I'll use GPRS to send it from my mobile account.
Push emails from home PC
Hi Guys,
If you have broadband and leave your PC on almost constantly then this may be what you're looking for.
I haven't tried it yet as I've literally stumbled over it myself but from what I can tell it takes your email as you receive it from your home PC and redirects it to your pda.
I'll let you know if it's any good but it's totally free so check it out for yourselves.
Have fun
My outlook email syncs (pushmail) with my work-exchange server over gprs, only during working ours.
And for private mail I have a pop3 box checking for new mail every 5 minutes.
Works great!
N!co said:
My outlook email syncs (pushmail) with my work-exchange server over gprs, only during working ours.
And for private mail I have a pop3 box checking for new mail every 5 minutes.
Works great!
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Yeah, but how much data wil be used by your GPRS connection?
Pertinent connection for syncing and also popping you mailbox every 5 minutes will not be that cheap I think
p.s. Wie is je provider en hoeveel ben jij per maand kwijt hieraan ongeveer?
Does anyone else use IMAP to sync? I have IMAP for my home mail and Exchange push for work, seems to work OK. IMAP uses a lot more data though than ActiveSync, and seems a lot slower, and Desktop's Outlook's IMAP client leaves a lot to be desired, but it is an option, at least.
Don't use Exchange, so it seems like the "Outlook Email" account is fairly pointless for me.
fone_fanatic said:
question if i may, how do i set it so it syncs the entire email and i don't have to click on "get rest of email" thing on the bottom?
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on you phone go to Active sync
click menu > option
highlight email and click settings
Change limit email size to "ALL"
eguess said:
fone_fanatic said:
question if i may, how do i set it so it syncs the entire email and i don't have to click on "get rest of email" thing on the bottom?
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on you phone go to Active sync
click menu > option
highlight email and click settings
Change limit email size to "ALL"
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Thank you! i looked all over the messaging opitons, didn't think it would be in the activesync options. thanks again!
fone_fanatic said:
question if i may, how do i set it so it syncs the entire email and i don't have to click on "get rest of email" thing on the bottom?
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On your desktop PC in Activesync, after syncing but while still connected, double click on "e-mail" in the main pane and an option menu should come up. You can set the size of e-mail to sync there.
Thanks for the tips
Thanks for the help
wait so you cant set up a pop3 mail account on outlook and use edge or w.e to send/recieve and get new email..
guyver2077 said:
wait so you cant set up a pop3 mail account on outlook and use edge or w.e to send/recieve and get new email..
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Says who? You can do exactly that with either POP3 or IMAP Accounts.
kyphur said:
guyver2077 said:
wait so you cant set up a pop3 mail account on outlook and use edge or w.e to send/recieve and get new email..
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Says who? You can do exactly that with either POP3 or IMAP Accounts.
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ok good.. i was gonna set i up with a pop3 email in case i couldnt ever get exchange to work
U can also do "push" even if u r just a home user like me . You can get a free exchange account at .

Gmail supported Push mail now

Tested it is working fine.
Gmail sync. Get your Gmail pushed directly to your Windows Mobile device. Your inbox is always up to date no matter where you are, or what you're doing.
Can I use this 'WITH' my active sync on the PC...
i want to sync GMAIL (email), and my Outlook contacts, and local files... not Gmail contacts!! (gmail contacts are in thousands... all unsorted, some ppl who i emailed once, etc etc..) and Not google calendar..
any ideas etc?
Works exaclty as it should. If you have it already configured for contacts and calendar, just go in active sync options and check emails. Then delete your IMAP account settings on the device.
Works like a charm, finally !
hdaackda said:
Can I use this 'WITH' my active sync on the PC...
i want to sync GMAIL (email), and my Outlook contacts, and local files... not Gmail contacts!! (gmail contacts are in thousands... all unsorted, some ppl who i emailed once, etc etc..) and Not google calendar..
any ideas etc?
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My setup sounds like what you are trying to do. I sync my Outlook Contacts, Outlook Calendar, Outlook Notes, and files with ActiveSync by USB. I added an Exchange server to ActiveSync (on the phone) for my gmail. I ONLY checked email for the gmail account - NOT contacts, calendar, tasks, or anything else. Everything works perfectly. I still sync my calendar, contacts, notes & files with my desktop PC, and I get push email from gmail.
The gmail exchange server configured in ActiveSync did not mess with other (desktop Outlook based) sync settings.
Works great with me too, just a small annoyance... I dont want the emails I receive on the ppc and havent even seen yet, be marked as read on the server...
I checked the settings and theres no mention to that option...
Anyone knows the refresh rate for push email this way. I mean will you be noticed instantly upon receiving an email or will it sync with the server lets say every 15min or so???
thnks everyone... am trying it out now
I cant get the stupid calendar to work but the rest works great.... Is there anyways to have more then 1 email set up like this ?
Pitchb3nd said:
Anyone knows the refresh rate for push email this way. I mean will you be noticed instantly upon receiving an email or will it sync with the server lets say every 15min or so???
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Instantly.. thts the concept of PUSh email...
Cyclops hammer said:
I cant get the stupid calendar to work but the rest works great.... Is there anyways to have more then 1 email set up like this ?
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Sadly no. This is a limitation of winmo: you can setup just one exchange server...
ok now that I switched to gmail push instead of imap I get the "Sent from my HTC Touch Pro2 etc..." I didnt have that with imap. Is there a way to change the footer?
Open up your email, click on menu, tools, then options then select signatures
I'm not being able to receive attachments with GMail activesync, even though I have set activesync to receive attachments less than 100KB.
What could be the problem?
blue_earth said:
I'm not being able to receive attachments with GMail activesync, even though I have set activesync to receive attachments less than 100KB.
What could be the problem?
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try setting max msg size to 100 (or 200kb) and just click on receive attachments (without specifying size)..
i thnk tht shuld work.. will try it myself too
What version of active sync is Google using? 2003 or 2007?
6xxx emails in GMail, only can sync 171 emails ...
Is it possible to get all emails ?
What are people setting the "Send/Receive Schedule" to? I checked the box for e-mail on the exchange list but it's not pulling e-mail. My guess is that the time schedule is overriding it????
my emails are not syncing straight away, 5-10mins at times, then instantly at others...very odd
plus battery consumption is very high, anyone else similar experience
Winker-Omnia said:
my emails are not syncing straight away, 5-10mins at times, then instantly at others...very odd
plus battery consumption is very high, anyone else similar experience
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Well im just getting email every 15 minutes. So it is not actually getting pushed to me. Interesting enough my ipod touch is getting email pushed. (BTW im using WIFI for both HTC FUZE and ipod touch)
Do I need to disable forward IMAP in gmail? Im thinking not cause my ipod touch is getting pushed email.
I am unable to receive any HTML emails on my mobile via activesync (for gmail). My wm6.1 activesync settings for email are set to Download All emails from the past, Message format HTML and Download size limit 5 KB. The HTML emails are appearing in my winmo outlook inbox as 0KB in size (so I only receive the subject line). Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Ok guys, I have Miri v12 rom on my Touch HD and I tried to setup my gmail account on Activesync on the Vista Mobile Device Center and also directly on my Touch HD, with the help of this step-by-step guide , but in the end when I try to sync, it asks for my Exchange Server credentials, user pass and domain, but no go...
No matter if I put in username: [email protected] or simply in the username field I put the username and then in the domain field I put, It always end up asking me again for the credentials...
Can anyone help me? Am I doing something wrong? I've tried this on my actual rom and on another one, but no luck.

