Issues with magician after unlocking - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi, just got an MDA compact that was sim-locked to T-Mobile
After reading thru this forum i unlocked it on
Only now i can use EVERY other UK SIM card inside it apart from virgin mobile. Every time i stick a virgin SIM inside it, i get the message "call ended" when i try to dial any number from the MDA and the message "calls are currently not being connected to this number" when i dial the MDA from another phone
Now i know it's not an issue with the SIM card because the virgin SIM works fine in my XDA 2 and in any other phone, so i'm guessing it's an issue with the MDA itself.
Has anyone else had problems like this with the MDA compact and if so, how did you resolve them?
Also this unit won't let me flash it with a new OS, every time i extract the original ROM, NTRW.exe gives me the message "OriginalROM.nb1 cannot be read - the file exists". Any help on this would be greatly appreciated too
OS ROM: 1.01.00 WWE
Radio ROM: 1.00.10
D (no idea what this is): 1337.36

okay, starting to think the MDA i found has been reported lost or stolen.
I'm guessing the reason that i keep getting the message "call ended" is due to the fact that virgin mobile piggybacks the T-Mobile network and so virgin was blocked off as well since T-Mobile blocked the IMEI. (I don't want to try to risk putting in a T-Mobile SIM in the phone so i'm not sure)
I can't return the phone to it's owner either since the MDA was wiped clean when i got it (owner musta forgot to charge it).
Ah well it still makes a good PDA
Well that's solved the problem of the "call ended" message. Anyone else who has that message after buying a phone off the net, you probably bought one that was nicked and resold.

It will be blocked on all networks unfortunately, only good as a phone outside UK so at least you can use it on holiday abroad.


HUGE HUGE problem

I have a t-mobile mda compact on contract, which i only got for the phone. I use my o2 sim card in it. Last Friday i lost my mda compact with my o2 sim card in it. I phoned up t-mobile and got the phone blocked then phoned o2 and got my sim blocked.
Then i went and got a new o2 sim card and used it in my c500. The next day i got a phone call from a friend of mine and he said that someone had phoned him saying that he had my mda compact!! lucky me!!
I then collected my mda and put my o2 sim card in it and it worked fine. I still carried on using my c500 as the stylus for my mda was not there with the phone.
Then last night while i was at work my c500 broke and wont stay on for any longer than 10secs. I thought lucky that i have my mda, but when i put my 02 sim card in the mda this morning my mda wont pick up a signal. I have also tried other sim cards in the mda but none work.
I phoned t-mobile and they assure me that my phone is unblocked. o2 say that i may need to get a new phone??
I'm a bit confused as to what could be wrong.
Is it possible that my phone is locked to t-mobile again??
Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated
just do a reset
if it wouldnt help make a hard reset (holding power button + reset button with stylus)
I've already done a hard reset but still the same. There is a exclamation mark next to the signal icon, any ideas what that means??
same to my O2
well well i did a upgrade to my rom and ext rom now i got the same " ! " mark next to the network signal on my phone and same it would not pick up any signals
so is my phone also locked
can some one help me !!!!
MDA compact issue.
Just saw your post on the XDA forum re: no MDA signal after loss.
I work at T-Mobile (UK) head-office in Hatfield and while I’m not in Customer Services (or even a customer facing role!), my job as a Transmission Network Planning Engineer does give me access to all the systems that I could help you out.
While I don't actively post to these forums (yet) I have been keeping up with the PDA/Mobile scene since the beginning.
Worst case scenario, even if I can’t help I could confirm the status of your IMEI bar or SIM block, etc and pass you internally to the appropriate team.
My direct extension is 01707 313319, (switchboard - 01707315000) however I am finishing work at 5.30, so you are welcome to ring me tomorrow.
I know how frustrating it can be to get nowhere especially with an MDAc and cust-serv, so I’d be glad to help.
Kind regards,
Adam Hirshfield
i dont know
but its working fine after the reset again i did

"Unknown SIM Error" on MDA Pro on T-Mobile

I just bought an MDA Pro direct from T-Mobile's website and it was delivered today. Unfortunately, while the PDA side of things works perfectly, it won't connect to T-Mobile at all.
On the 'T-Mobile' start up screen it displays the text 'No GSM' above what I think must be version information.
It reports 'no service' in the phone status bubble, and SIM Manager says: "Only emergency service calls can be made without a PIN" When I enter the PIN I was given, nothing happens. I think it goes into 'change PIN mode' because then I can put two more 4-digit numbers in (it doesn't matter which!) and then it says "Unknown PIN Status. Unknown PIN Error"
Unfortunately it isn't just a SIM problem as the SIM works in my O2 P800.
I've spoken with T-Mobile and they want to swap the handset, which would be fine if they had any in stock! I'm wondering if anyone here had any advice on ways I could try fixing this short of waiting for them to get in touch and tell me they have another handset I can try.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
what is your local provider ? Is it T-Mobile, Vodafone, E-plus or O2 ?
The mda pro only works with a t-mobile sim !
- Superbowl
Try to clean the sim before putting it back in the MDA Pro,
Generally works for me!
i had the same problem with my jasjar here is sim works on any other pda and phones but not the jasjar.....apparently the sim that i have or some of the new sims have a little higher voltage than normal.......and the jasjar dont like what i did was replace the sim with another one and that they had to do was port my number to the new sim......but before it did that tried to put the sim in first and it started to look for a network so i knew this was gonna work......becoz before when i put my old sim in it just says invalid sim or no try replacing ur sim with another one......perhaps try and get an old sim maybe the sim has some in stock.....i bet ya that will wrok....good luck
Thanks guys ... I'm trying to find an older T-Mobile SIM to try. It's just frustrating! I've tried giving the SIM a wipe, to no avail. If it is that the SIM is slightly incompatible, T-Mobile sending out another unit won't really help, right?
How annoying!
If anyone else has any great ideas I'd love to hear them!
try using someone elses sim and put it in the device and give it a try to check if its definitely the unit and not the sim......when i rang the tech support for optus thats what i was advised.....and they were right....sim voltage was the problem......anyways try getting another sim.
Contact customer services.
The problem sounds like you SIM is too old.
They should ask for your SIM serial number, if its too old they'll offer to send you a new SIM or something else to make it work straight away??? :wink:
The MDA PRO as its a 3G type phone with WCDMA it needs a diffrent sim card that is usaly known as a 3V USIM.
Its the same on Three in the UK, the sims from their phones will only work in 3G phones not standard GSM ones and vica-versa.
Old SIMs (from about 5 years ago) are rated at 5 volts. Newer ones are 3 volts (not just for 3G). Trust me, I work for a certain mobile phone company who sponser West Brom. ;-)
The problem will be fixed in a future software upgrade. But for now you need a new SIM or your phone unlocked.
Trouble is, this *is* a new SIM... I'm moving back to the 'hardware fault' diagnosis I think.
I went to a friendly carphone warehouse shop in Oxford and tried a new (and definately working) T-Mobile PAYG SIM and that gave exactly the same error.
Maybe T-Mobile need to send me a 3G SIM. I guess I'm probably just going to have to wait until they can send me a new handset to see what happens.
Ho hum!
There's no such thing as a 3G SIM. The 3G gigery pokery happens on the phone. There is no need for a different SIM. The MDA Pro has a problem with SIMs with certain serial numbers (Don't know which coz I'm not at work). You need either a SIM that the phone likes or your phone unlocked. Call customer services if you still have your phone.
Had the same problem allready twice in 2 weeks.
One time a soft reset made the device working again - another time I had to take out the sim card and put it in again, then it worked. But all email accounts were gone and had to be installed again.
Slave1 said:
There's no such thing as a 3G SIM. The 3G gigery pokery happens on the phone. There is no need for a different SIM. The MDA Pro has a problem with SIMs with certain serial numbers (Don't know which coz I'm not at work). You need either a SIM that the phone likes or your phone unlocked. Call customer services if you still have your phone.
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Hi, thanks for that reply... it seems very useful! If you could post/pm me the numbers of those SIMs that the MDA Pro is unlikely to like I'd really appreciate it... customer services aren't striking me as very helpful (and certainly not knowledgable) and I can tell that if I call them they're still going to say: Wait until we have another handset in stock and we'll see what happens then. Which doesn't help me much as who knows when that will be?
Any SIM serial not starting with 06 or 07 will be affected by the issue.
eg 90043575, the serial starts with 04.
This will be fixed with a software upgrade in the future, in the mean time you either need new SIM or you handset unlocked. For either call customer services.
I got my MDA Pro a few days ago also, had the same problem as you, basically the handset is network locked, not sure how they managed to lock all UK network, basically give Tmob a call and make sure your stay on the line until they provide with an unlock code, i got mine, now my old sim works and my handset is unlocked
I got my MDA Pro a few days ago also, had the same problem as you, basically the handset is network locked, not sure how they managed to lock all UK network, basically give Tmob a call and make sure your stay on the line until they provide with an unlock code, i got mine, now my old sim works and my handset is unlocked
i had the same problem with my ASUS P535 (here is France) with new SIM card.
seen from :
I had the same problem BUT-
I had the same problem but i had been using the sim card successfully with the exec for a year, after a hard reset it doesnt recognise the sim. will a ROM upgrade fix it or is it a hardware failiure?
My solution
lauriewsmith said:
I had the same problem but i had been using the sim card successfully with the exec for a year, after a hard reset it doesnt recognise the sim. will a ROM upgrade fix it or is it a hardware failiure?
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I had this happening to me just last week with a card that works all the time. Then followed that I had no sound coming off speakers or bluetooth. In my case it was a third party software problem. Don't ask me which as I install and uninstall too many applications and my Uni gets in a tangle sometimes. A soft reset instantly (in terms!) restored phone activities and sound, so I recommend a reset if you haven't tried it already. Maybe you will need more than one.

NO SERVICE? - For no reason

I last night put my phone onto "flight mode" so that i was not distrubed in the night if a text came through....
this morning i set it back to normal but the network reception reported NO SERVICE
when it had not come back this evening.... i put my sim in a different phone and used a different network's sim card in my pda.... NO SERVICE was reported for this as well but the sim that was placed in the other phone registered on o2 as soon as the phone was switched on
I've only just bought my MDA but off ebay... although it was new i am unable to contact the seller... please can anybody help??
email me to [email protected] or [email protected] if anybody can help
MORE info re above
Hi again
In my frustration I have swapped sims again and this time put VODAFONE pay as you go sim in the MDA Magician above.... It found the network and i was able to ring/text from it.....
On putting the O2 Sim Back into the MDA it said NO SERVICE again.....
But using that very same sim in my nokia finds a network.....
The MDA is originally a TMOBILE one that has been unlocked...
ANY help on this would be very appreciated as I'm very annoyed that it's stopped working.
Thank you
Soft reset?
Although, I think taking your batter out and swapping sims may count as a soft reset.
Thanks for the reply - but again that did not solve it... besides to eliminate this i did a HARD RESET as well and re configured it....
I've even RE UNLOCKED it in case this was the problem
(its a T MOBILE PDA) with an O2 SIM IN...... I bought it in November time and unlocked it the same time... My O2 Sim has been working ok in it until the other night when i decided to put it in "flight mode"(so i wasn't disturbed at night)
Im suspecting that it anything to do with IMEI number vs SIM CARD number? Could this have been blocked somehow to that phone?
Its very confusing as it WORKS with VODA sim and DOESNT with O2 yet the SAME O2 sim works in my old nokia 6610.... aaarggghhhh!! LOL
If your MDA works with a Vodafone SIM, it certainly can't be blacklisted for all UK networks since it picks up Vodafone. Secondly, it sounds more like a SIM card issue relating strictly to the MDA. What happens when you try another O2 SIM card in the same MDA?
Make sure the O2 SIM hasn't been damaged in some way, if all fails you might want to take the MDA to T-Mobile to see if they can determine whether its IMEI has been blacklisted for certain networks. Otherwise a ROM upgrade may also help fix the problem.
Good Luck
My guess is that your magician is reported & listed as stolen. Probably not all providers are using the same list with blocked IMEI numbers. Which can explain that one sim works & the other doesn't though works in an other phone.
See if you can find a list for your country on the web. There are some references to such lists in this forum.
Regards, M
check which band your phone is using....
go Phone>Options>band> then select auto

"Phone Not Ready...." Can anyone help?

I have an O2 XDA mini s as its so called, and an Orange Sim (both UK)
Now I can make/receive calls fine, but when I try to send a message, or goto the "phone" option, I get the message below. Nor do any contacts from my sim show up.
"The phone is not ready. Wait 15 seconds and try again"
Does anyone have some advice to resolve this as its pretty annoying!
I did try a search and got no results, so please forgive me if this is a topic that has been given the run around before.
Sounds like the simcard is dirty try taking it out and inserting again happens on probs every1 phone sometime.
Another option would be to go back to your cell provider and request they give you another SIM card
sounds like you might not be getting a strong enough signal to use the phone...or send out messages...consider flashing your radio rom to something higher (do a search for radio rom). radio rom flashing usually won't effect the os or ipl/ you can keep all your existing settings. newer radios have more information on it has a chance to get a better signal...or at least that's what i've been told...
2.19.11 is common for cingular...but there's a post somewhere on changing something that will let you use higher radios with cingular without too many problems...personally, i'm messing around with 2.69.11 (t-mobile) and i haven't had any problems...
Tried cleaning the sim card to no avail.
As with regards to the radio rom, im sure thats the issue as i can make phone calls fine, so im getting a signal. It just seems accessing the sim card and texting is the issue
Its bugging me because its an awesome phone. Im wondering if its due to it being a different network branded phone to the sim card im using...
Ozington said:
Im wondering if its due to it being a different network branded phone to the sim card im using...
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if that's the case, you may need to sim unlock your phone? but if you're making and receiving calls, you should be fine...
if the sim card is old, or the service provider was taken over...or something of that sort, maybe your sim card has a problem...something like this was a problem back in the US when cingular bought out at&t...the problem was resolved by consumers going to cingular to get a 64kb sim card rather than a traditional 32kb...perhaps something of that sort is happening there?
I suppose that is a possibility,
I will try using the unlocking tool, but im not sure it would be the sim as it is only 2 months old. I just didnt like the phone i got with the contract so bought this.
I will certainly try. I kinda wish i'd just bought the Orange version of the phone
@Ozington. If you can make calls, chances are your phone is already unlocked. Did you bought this phone 2nd-hand? The previous users may have done something to it. Soft reset your system and tell us all your stuff (especially the Radio/GSM displayed) displayed on the first boot screen.
Alternatively, if you want to avoid all O2 crap, hardreset your phone and during init setup, soft reset it (poke it) just after you have done your security settings. If it is not using official ROM (e.g. no O2 stuff around to be seen), make a guess on the ROM used, and you can also try upgrading an official ROM (safe to do so).
The phone was bought from ebay, but was brand new sealed, all in o2 packaging, the seller stated it was unlocked. It was all factory packed and the seal wasnt broken..
The Device info is as follows:
Rom Version WWE
Radio 02.07.10
Protocol 413.1.03
Does this mean anything?
I'm doubtful that it is factory sealed and unlocked. From the information you gave (although not those I've asked for), seems that your phone ROM is a bit, old. Go to O2 webpage and download an update for the ROM (I'm not sure, but I think they have an updated ROM).
To check your ROM version, tell me the battery icon on Today screen, is it on the top left or bottom left. Top left battery icon means it is AKU2, the updated version.
To throw a spanner in the works the battery icon is in the top right?
Thanks for your help. What info did i miss out? (Please bear in mind i have no idea what im doing with the more technical side of the phone!)
I briefly had this problem as well. In my case, I could also receive text messages, but still could not send. I changed OS's and it was fixed. The problem only seemed to happen with one of the new OS6 roms. It was intermittent, and even resetting the phone seemed to solve the problem occasionally and briefly. I have flashed my device too many times, but think it was the most recent Touchflo version that had the problem for me. I was using radio 2.69 Ipl/Spl 3.08. I hope this might help. Good luck.
Orange SIM & Unlocked T-Mobile MDA Vario
Hi Guys,
Just a quick note to say that I have a similar problem with my new Orange SIM.
All the GPRS works fine, calls send & receive OK, POP3 email works a treat but no text messaging and when I try Start > Settings > Personal > Phone .. I get "The phone is not ready. Wait 15 Seconds and try again"
I have no answers to this but from all the searching I have done over the past few days to try and find a cure this problem seems to be common to Orange SIM cards. All I can think of is that the Call Centre Message Number needs changing to get the txt messaging to work.
The phone has worked fine on other networks - no GPRS but text messaging & phone calls
Any advice gratefully received !!
Hi guys first poster so be nice
I've got the same problem but came from T-Mobile to Orange.
My IPL / SPL is 1.03 so I'm going to upload the newer versions on the fourm to my phone and see what happens tommrow. Havn't got the time at the moment but I'll post up how I get on.
Do you guys think this is a good approch to the problem I've got?
Hi Sasyboy
You posted just after me. I got my phone working great on Orange now. It has taken me 3 days !!
You'll have to be careful on how you do it. I just jumped in and it caused me a lot of work and time. and a long period where I thought it was bricked 'cos the bootloader screen stayed on and I lost all comms with the MDA
First make sure the CID is unlocked, you must read this:-
I wish I had. This may seem a long way of doing it, but you don't want an expensive paperweight do you ??
After you have unlocked the CID and updated everything as per the Dr P stickie (link above) and it is working, you then need to get the Wizard_Love ROM upgrade. I tried after doing all the Mr P instructions in the stickie but still kept getting the "Phone is not ready...." so I decided I then needed the Wizard_Love ROM upgrade. This took me ages to find, I tried to d/load it via uTorrent but only got 25% and then found it on a Russian website - anyway I have it now, and as I said you'll need it, PM me and I'll get it to you.
You will have to download several files and set half a day aside. If you are struggling PM me and I'll get the files to you as I have them now.
I just need to get the Ornge MMS settings right and then all is fine. GPRS, POP3 email, Internet, Txt messaging OK now, SIM manager works fine (didn't even have it before!) and can access all phone settings for call divert etc
Good luck. Any queries I may be able to help, but I'm no expert. I have spent hours looking at this forum and all the answers are there it is just getting them in the right order.
How do all,
Really happy I updated everything and now it all works fine. Thanks to the community. I love this phone and now with updates it's even cooler.

Help needed using Orange Sim in XDA Mini S

I have two XDA Mini S phones, which I believe are fully unlocked. I am able to use a Vodaphone sim in them and everything works perfect. When I put my works Orange sim in them the phone works i.e. I can make and receive calls but the Sim Manager does not work. Which means I cannot access the contacts on the sim card or use the options menu to configure the phone. When I try to access the options menu I get the message " the phone is not ready, please wait 15 seconds and try again"
Has anyone else had this problem and gotten over or around it. I have spoken to both o2 and Orange and they are both an absolute waste of time. I would appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks.
I am on orange too, also had the same trouble. I could make and receive calls, but could not access sim card to add contacts or send / receive texts. The XDA mini is a 2G phone, my orange sim is was a 3G. When I changed it for my wifes 2G orange sim, all worked perfectly, so we just swapped sims and phone numbers. Tried to get a 2G sim out of orange on my contratc, they were having none of it, said I would have to go PAYG. So I did the swap with the wife and extended the contract.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your advice Mlkey.
Following your response I contacted Orange and changed my works contract 3G sim for a 2G sim on contract. This still does not work and as usual I am getting no real help from Orange.
Looks like the only solution will be to change my mobile / pda, that is, unless anyone else has any other possible fix.
Are PAYG sim's different than contract sim's ??, if they are does anyone know if I were to get a PAYG sim that worked in my XDA would I be able to get my company number transfered to that sim and convert the sim from PAYG on to my works contract account ???.
I would appreciate all the help / advice I can get, before this drives me mad !!!
XDa wizard and Orange sim only
I'm having exactly the same problem! O2 to Orange sim only and completely no SMS. Orange support is argueably the worst. Interseting to here that it's version. ie G4/G4..Have read somwhere that VOip SMS maybe the solution? ...If i can find the thread again I'll post a link.
Fixed this problem by using the t-mobile 2.26 rom as described in "Definitive Guide to unblocking and rom upgrading g3 wizards
I am having exactly the same problem. My phone is a G4 and I believe it to be fully unlocked from o2. According to orange my sim is a G2 sim because the 7th number of the sim card begins with a 2 and not a 3. I cant even try a different rom because I can't connect to my computer with active sync through usb or bluetooth this has been for about a year now.I usually transfer files through a card reader. Can anybody help me because the deal with orange is really good but the phone is useless without sms or mms and I really dont want to change the phone.
My IPL 2.21.001
SPL 2.21.001
GSM 02.07.10
Cheers Gord
I am new to this forum. I have exactly the same problem . Has anyone found any solution to this/ Please help!
The solution is to upgrade the radio rom

