XDA 2i save picture problem - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

We have an app developed on XDA11's that retrieve the latest Jpeg from a specifi directory( default is my documents\my pitcures). This enables the end user to just run the camera app, take an image, shut down the camera app, touch the screen and the image appears and is stored in the databse.
We have just tested on our shiny new XDA11i and on saving an image it creates a new directory based on todays date. Therefore we do not know which directory to search in.
Is there a regristry hacks or something to revert back to the old way.


Camera Default save Folder

I have found posts regarding this but no answers to date , am hoping someone can help. I have got the camera to default to My Pictures , but it is still creating a new folder every day with My Pictures. Does anybody know how to prevent this, as the app I am using needs camera pictures to defualt to
\My Pictures.

Possible to change what the Camera app names photos by default?

For anyone who came from an HTC WinMo device, in the more recent ones the camera app had the option in the Camera settings to name photos using the date and numerical order of the photo, i.e.: 20100806_001.jpg.
This was GREAT for sorting photos easily even if they don't have a time stamp as part of the actual photo, and also ensured that when switching between various roms, the naming of the photos remained consistent and there was never an issue. This was even more important for me as I sort my photos into folders within the sd card file structure, i.e.: /sdcard/my documents/family photos
With the Dinc, it only wants to name photos IMG0001.jpg and progress in numerical order. So when I flash a new rom, it always wants to start over at IMG0001.jpg. So now whenever I try to move new photos from /DCIM/ of course I have to go through the tedious process of renaming all of them to keep from overwriting older photos with the newest ones.
Is there ANY way to change the file naming used by default in the HTC Camera application?

Camera DCIM Image counter

Hi all, so I am forced to use the DCIM settings for saving my pictures, and I am looking for a way to start the image count to a specific number, to start off where I last left off before I flashed a new rom.
I have been looking in the registry for this but can not find it.
Before, with my TP2 I was using the save location of My documents and the camera app allowed me to set the prefix of the images to the date and time, but when I use the DCIM image storage location, I do not have that option.
Any ideas?
I used this post to do it on my TP2. You need to find the relevant bit for the HD2 counter. Hope this helps.

[TOOL]Android Gallery app – Pictures order

I made a manual backup of my camera pictures (/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/Camera) because I changed my phone. After copying back the pictures to the new phone the whole sort order was gone.
I found a solution and posted it on my blog, there is also a script for correcting the problem
sorting pictures
Hi. i had a problem when i was copyin pics from one of my device to other. It couldnt be sorted . I tried many options such as renaming , quick pic . nne worked. I found that when you copy pics to windows and it automatically stamps a "date created" time any time a file is copied. Due to this when i copied my pics to a new device from windows folder it wouldnt be sorted by date taken rather was sorted by date created. the way around is not using windows as the middle platform.
I connected both my source phone and destination device to a laptop. Copy directly from one device storage to the destination device storage. this does not edit the time stamp. This worked for me and all the copied itmes were sorted in gallery according to time taken.
So the only way is to copy directly from one device storage to another device storage (without copying it to windows intermediate folder).
Hope this works. do let me know if you need any help.
Best Regards
Shalabh Batra
[email protected]

HTC Camera app - setting for file name

Hi, is there any way I can set how the naming of an image when it saves, instead of imagXXXX (which is the next no. in sequence), to something like imagDATETIME (with seconds), cause when I try to save all my images into one folder I always get the file name already exists...This usually happens when I keep on updating with new roms.

