How do I remap fonix voicedial button - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

hi just installed the fonix voice dial anyway was wondering if anyone has figured out how to remap it to a diff hardware button, it seems it has been hard coded to the voicerecord button. I currently have this button mapped for HandyLauncher but each time I press the button VoiceDial Launches... even if I have the Button mapped to Handy Launcher Voicedial is the app that is launched. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

The way I've done it before is use a registry editor and then search for "voicedial.exe" (without the quotes)
I believe it'll end up in something like:
Local Machine\Software\OEM\VoiceDial (or VoiceCommand?)
Simply delete the VoiceDial (or VoiceCommand?) section it self and that's literally all you need to do.
As always backup your device before editing the Windows Registry etc etc etc.
Works for me though and I've done it about 25 times (I hard reset a lot!)

Thanks a lot

Have the same problem on my Qtek 9090, Fonix has taken over my record button. However, if I press nad hold the button for 1/2 a second, it works fine. Give it a try - much better than messing about with the registry (unless, unlike me, you really know what you're doing!)

The way I've done it before is use a registry editor and then search for "voicedial.exe" (without the quotes)
I believe it'll end up in something like:
Local Machine\Software\OEM\VoiceDial (or VoiceCommand?)
Simply delete the VoiceDial (or VoiceCommand?) section it self and that's literally all you need to do.
As always backup your device before editing the Windows Registry etc etc etc.
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Personally I hate it when software forces its preferred options on you when there is no need to. Removing the registry entry for the Fonix voice app turned out to be very easy, and now I have my button back!
I used the free Registry Editor:
Thanks much Xanth.


Map your favorite dialer on green button...

Many a dialers are proposed : PhonePlus, PhoneExt or MobiDial.NET...
These dialers proposes a mapping on the green key , but this mapping is purely applicatif that it is an executable charged in memory which makes this mapping.
And well here an easy way so that the dialer by default is your dialer preferred and more that which is integrated... For that it's necessary to use an editor of register to the image of PHM Regedit or Resco Regedit then to go to the key :
and modify the value "1" and take the path of your favorite dialer, for example to MobiDial.NET the value is "\Program Files\mobiDial\mobiDial.exe"
can this same philosophy be used on other hardware buttons? :lol:
Well, I've tried this way, trying to assign the button to phoneplus (even though they already did it) but it didnt work!
I even tried to assign it to the "calc" just to see if it really works, and again nothing.
Are you sure?
Did anybody got that work?
Didn't work for me too.
Shame :?
Didn't work for me too.
Shame :?
any thoughts on mapping the green button? i need it
food for thought maybe its not regulated by a "single" registry key.
well the general idea as i understand is that the dialer "cprog.exe" gets loaded in the memory firct probably somewhere in the registry rather than the startup, then the green button gets mapped into it also somewhere in the registry, now if you check this link
you might get some understanding to my idea, please help me with this thing am determined enough but need some experts opinion

Button 4 mapping problem (press & hold)

I have a problem with mapping hard button #4 on my universal.
In Settings -> Buttons, I have Button 4 Press mapped to Voice Speed Dial,
and Button 4 Press & Hold mapped to Voice Recorder. But when I press
this button, always Voice Recorder will start - even if I tab this button for a short time,
or when I hold this button for 5-10 seconds... Always Voice Recorder
will run...
I have tried to change this mapping to other commands, but always taping this
button will start the command from Button 4 Press & Hold assigment...
Indeed you are right. This problem persisted even in the Helmi WM5 aku3.5 ROMs.
same problem here
The only solution I applied was using another application to assign the button presses to launch different applications. I use AE Button Plus:
But first I renamed "Button 4" to be "Press and Hold", and renamed "Press and Hold" to be "Button 4", since this is the button that is able to launch applications. I then use AE Button Plus to map the button assignments. There is also a freeware button mapper called PQZ: Some say, PQZ is better, but I have not tried it myself, so I can't comment.
I have founded that problem is with MS Voice Command.
Before installing MS Voice Command, I was able to asign commands
to "press" and "press & hold" mapping. After installing MS Voice Command,
only to "press & hold" (works like simple "press")... Unfortunately,
uninstalling MS Voice Command didn't solve problem... But registry restore
from backup fixed that issue !!
So this problem seats in registry after installing MS Vocie Command...
Have anyone some idea what key couses that problem?
Maybe I will try to find solution, but I need an apliaction that can
check all modification in registry after installing some software...
Does anyone knows such software?
Mr Groch said:
Maybe I will try to find solution, but I need an apliaction that can
check all modification in registry after installing some software...
Does anyone knows such software?
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SKTracker does exactly that quite convenient (14 days trial).
Basically you could as well diff two registry exports, with VoiceCommand and after your restore.
(For this you may want to look at s-k-tools freeware as well...)
You can use SSNAP utility (from SK too) instead of sktracker. It does snapshots the register and keeps them in a plain txt-file. Then it is possible to compare two snapshots by using IDIFF utility (from SK too) on your PPC or by using fc.exe on your windows desktop computer.
You can find the above described utilities here

VJ KeyPress - Send a '1' to the phone.

Okay, so I'm using Google Voice with call presentation on, and I want to setup a shortcut to send a '1' to the phone to accept an incoming call. I just got a bluetooth watch and I want to be able to have the watch send the key so I don't need to dig out my phone when I'm in the car.
So, to test this a little bit I installed KeyPress and I setup that if I double press my start button in AE Buttons, it runs KeyPress with the parameter of 97. This works perfectly. No issues at all.
But when I try to create a short cut, everything fails. If I just press tap VJKeyPress, I get the little "help" screen. If I create a shortcut, and tap it, I also get the help screen. But when I try to modify the shortcut to pass the '97', then it fails.
I'm guessing that I'm missing something in the syntax, but I can't figure it out.
I have the path, in quotes:
"\P F\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe"
Then I've put 97 at the end just plain, in quotes, in <>, I've put in right behind the .exe inside the quotes... Nothing seems to work at all. I'm at a total loss.
Anyone have a suggestion?
Could you send me a screenshot of the configuration screen in AE Buttons.
I can't think why it wouldn't work, but what you could do is create a normal shortcut that launches VJKeypress with the required parameters, and then use AE Button to launch that .lnk shortcut itself, rather than VJKeyPress.exe
Should you get really stuck, VJBrisk might be able to help you, but I think the above should be adequate.
Drop me a PM (and post in the thread) again if you get stuck.
Oops... I didn't think I explained myself properly.
The AE Buttons is WORKING. It's the normal shortcut link that I can't get to work... and that's the thing I really need to get working.
Sorry, my bad, didn't read it properly.
I normally put example shortcuts in my cabs, but curiously I've got none in the cab on my phone. Can't believe the app is nearly 5 years old! Wow.
Anyway, I just tried making a shortcut.
If you paste the following:
55#"\Program Files\Vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 133
into a text document, and rename it Test.lnk, and copy that over to your phone, it should create a shortcut that locks your phone.
If that works, just change the parameter to do what you want.
What app are you using to create shortcuts?
And what's the significance of the \p\f in your first post?
A bit more information...
I tried to write a simple MortScript to run this as well. According to the MortScript manual, to run an app, you use this command:
Run ( "\path\AppName" [,"Parameter"] )
In other words, the path and the command first, and then put in the optional parameter. When I put in just the app name:
Run( "\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" )
And run the script, I get the little help popup as I would expect. When I put in the parameter:
Run( "\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" , "97" )
Nothing happens.
vijay555 said:
If you paste the following:
55#"\Program Files\Vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 133
into a text document, and rename it Test.lnk, and copy that over to your phone, it should create a shortcut that locks your phone.
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Okay... well that locked the phone fine.
If that works, just change the parameter to do what you want.
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I'm using both the text editor on Windows and Word on my PPC (not saving it in Word Format when prompted).
What app are you using to create shortcuts?
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Just Copy the original file and then paste as shortcut.
And what's the significance of the \p\f in your first post?
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Didn't feel like typing out \Program Files\.
Okay, so using the '133' definitely worked, but when I change it to 97 (the code to send NumPad1), it doesn't work.
But it DOES work when I tell AE Buttons to run VJKeyPress with the parameter of 97. Ugh... very odd.
Just for the fun of it, I also tried setting up a button in AE Buttons to run the shortcut that has '97' in it. That didn't work. I'm at a complete loss to figure out what's going on.
It may be that the keypress is occurring, but it's being fed into AE Buttons rather than the Phone Dialler, ie if when you press the required button, AE Button becomes active, which launches VJKeyPress, which presses 1 <b>within</b> AE Button, not the phone dialler.
You could test this by trying other keys and seeing what happens.
Also try activating Word or something else on your phone and launch the shortcut - see if the desired key gets pressed.
Also, you said NumPad1 - this is the number pad on a pc keyboard.
Try 49, which is just key 1.

no buttons to choose from

I am having a problem I have not read about before.
When I go into settings/more/personal/buttons, the list where you can select a hardware button is empty, so I can not assign a button to an action.
Anyone know what is causing that, or how to fix?
stock 1.66 rom, bsb tweaks, cht
you can't is the simple answer, non of the stock roms offer any buttons to be remapped.
have a look for "ae buttons" app.
Thank you for your answer samsamuel
I have looked up ae buttons and it seems a bit overkill for the purpose I need. (and costs money)
perhaps there is a way to assign a long-press of the send key by registry?
I am hoping to bind it to microsoft voice command.
oh well in that case, create a link to the app you want to run, (find the app, press and hold the executable, choose create shortcut) then rename the link to
and put it in the windows folder. (only works for the send key)
much obliged, samsamuel
That works as advertised.
Thank you for making peoples days better.

Hardware Keys..

Where does the PPC Registry store button mapping info and why should I pay attention to it?
A question has just been posted to about hardware button problems caused by a button enhancer application, which is able to greatly extend the functionality and usability of a one-function hardware button. Buttons like these are the hardware buttons on most, mostly older, PPC's; they can't be programmed to react to long . This is where button enhancers come into picture; it's a completely different question that they sometimes do cause problems, just like the one in the above-linked thread.
It should be pointed out that a lot of newer devices like the last-generation Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket Loox 720 assign two functionalities to the same hardware button (that is, 12 functions overall - it has 6 hw buttons -, as opposed to, say, the meagre 4 functions of the previous-generation iPAQ 2210).
The tips I describe here are also very useful in swapping your favourite button configurations without using any external (and, sometimes, commercial) apps, not just at fixing your button configuration. Furthermore, you'll also learn a bit about where to look for things in Registry.
Fortunately, it's very easy to modify your button configuration in the Registry.
Everything related to the hardware button configuration is located in the registry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \Microsoft\Shell\Keys]. Every hardware button is given a registry key named 40Cx, where x is the serial number of the button. Traditionally, on Pocket PC's, Button 1 is Calendar and, on the majority of them, Button 2 is Contacts. Their subkey names are 40C1 and 40C2, respectively.
In these keys, the most important of them is the (Default) value (denoted by @ in registry exports) because it links the program to be called upon button press. With Button 1, Calendar, it's "\Windows\AppButtons\Calendar.lnk" by default. (In Registry exports, all " and \ characters are escaped - that is, preceded - by a \ character and all non-numeric values are between " marks; this is why registry export files are so different from what you can see in a Registry editor.
So, what you should do, in case your HW button configuration gets ****** up and/or you want to backup/restore your button configuration, without gooing through in the painful process of reasssigning them by hand? It's pretty easy: get a registry editor (I recommend Resco Registry Editor (REE) because it's capable of both backing up a given key and also selectively restoring) and,
- if you want to back up: stand on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Shell\Keys, tap-and-hold the stylus and choose Export
- if you want to restore: just tap the registry file you previously backed up from inside File Explorer. This can be done even without starting REE. Alternatively, from inside Resco Registry Editor, choose File/Import.
Incidentally, the ability to load registry data with only one click, particularly if you put a shortcut to your registry file on your Today screen. With this, you can do a lot of previously undocumented things MUCH easier on your Pocket PC. For example, you can change your Pocket Internet Explorer (HTTP) or other proxies with just one click on the Today screen as described at, say, and .
- if you just want to fix something, you can also come here. For example, if you want to restore the default setting of a given button, you can just copy the contents of ResetCmd to Default. Or, if you want to change the default icon/name assigned to the button in the Buttons applet, just modify Icon/Name.

