Internet via the Cradle? - Networking

Ok folks,
Mabe I've missed something over the last year I've played with this XDA. I've never actually tried to use the PDA to get to the Internet while it is in the cradle, that was until today I decided to load up a weather program to play with.
Short of it was that the program could not connect to the internet via the cradle. 1st I'm thinking that maybe it was not suppose to do that, but then I searched the forums here for the last two hours and read a ton of messages, but nothing came close to what I'm wanting. Some basic info is as follows:
ROM A30.09 ENG (which seems old, but that's for another topic)
RS A.33.02
Protocol 1.3.3
O/S WM2003 (ver 4.20 build 13349)
Under Settings -> Connections Tab ->Connections Currently set to "My Work Network" (I chose this manually a little while ago, ws GPRS Connection)
Proxy Settings - Not check-marked, not configured (I think here is where my problem may lie, not sure though what to check-mark/populate with)
VPN - Blank
Modem - Blank
Anyhow, this is what I've got. Anyone have an idea or/post specific to what I'm trying to achieve, that would be great for that info.

I think you need to select "this network connects to internet".
Then, you need to ensure internet pass through is enabled on active sync i.e. go to "Tools" ---> "Options" ---> Rules tab and ensure connection reads internet.

I do have the first check-mark (This network connects to teh Internet) checked. I've both checked and unclhecks the second box (Dealing with Proxy server, and added an IP address of my local PC however, that seemed silly when I though about it) but no luck. :?
Any other suggestions?

Actually, scratch all that. I went back thorugh, unchecked, saved, then RE_checked everything, and now it is working. Thanks for the suggestions.

assss kickin was wonderin the same thing from many days and just read this thread and am online on my xda II via my desktop pc which is connected to internet 24/7 lan


Browsing LAN from PPC

Is it possible to browse my LAN from my XDAII using only my USB cradle? I'm using Resco Explorer. I tried this:
1. Select My Network root directory
2. Selected Map Drive... from the Advanced Toolbar
... to no avail.
Open up internet explorer. Put in the address bar the following \\"computer name or IP of computer" then click on the little go button and waa laa it will work. The go button doesn't say go, but in essence it is the same it is to the right of the address bar.
As far as I was aware it's not possible to browse network files from an XDA2 unless you use an SDIO wi-fi card, and sure enough I can't get Mikee's suggestion to work. If I type into IE's address bar '\\' and click Go, that gets replaced with 'file//\\\' (almost like it's trying to connect for me) but then immediately I get a 'Network path cannot be found' error.
Pity, cos it'd be great to be able to do this. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, Mikee?
You can partially blame Microsoft for this with their "My network card connects to {work} or {the internet}..." paradigm.
It's one of the most irritating things about the Windows Mobile OS.
Let's suppose you have a Wireless Card or (in my XDAIIi's case) internal Wireless turned on. By default, WinMob2003(&SE) decides arbitarily that your network card connects to the Internet.
This is fine if you are using a Wireless AP hooked up to ADSL at home for your Home LAN as it will just connect via your AP and go straight through to the Internet. However, guess what you have to do to be able to connect to any local machines on your LAN? You guessed it, you have to go into the advanced connection setting and change the "My network card connects to..." to "Work"!! You will then be able to map a drive either using Resco Explorer or even the inbuilt explorer, of any machine that your PPC can "see". Don't forget that permissions etc will need to be setup first though so that you can login to said machine.
That's fine, however, guess what you WON'T be able to do while you have that setting at "Work"? You guessed it, you WON'T be able to connect to the Internet!
I'm afraid it's either one OR the other and NOT both together.
I went through all this wireless bit because it equally applies to when you are simply connected via the cradle using Activesync. In the "Pass-through" settings of AS, you'll find it set to "The Internet" by default and like this, you will not be able to access local machines on the LAN connected via your desktop or a switch/hub. If you change it to "Work", however, you will. Then of course, the same applies as to the wireless setup. With it at "Work" you won't have access to "The Internet" and vice-versa.
I can only guess that the PPC situation is like this because the WinMob2003(&SE) OS does NOT have a FULL network client built into it that behaves as a Windows Desktop PC would. So, basically, it's a cludge.
You can partially blame Microsoft for this with their "My network card connects to {work} or {the internet}..." paradigm.
It's one of the most irritating things about the Windows Mobile OS.
Let's suppose you have a Wireless Card or (in my XDAIIi's case) internal Wireless turned on. By default, WinMob2003(&SE) decides arbitarily that your network card connects to the Internet.
This is fine if you are using a Wireless AP hooked up to ADSL at home for your Home LAN as it will just connect via your AP and go straight through to the Internet. However, guess what you have to do to be able to connect to any local machines on your LAN? You guessed it, you have to go into the advanced connection setting and change the "My network card connects to..." to "Work"!! You will then be able to map a drive either using Resco Explorer or even the inbuilt explorer, of any machine that your PPC can "see". Don't forget that permissions etc will need to be setup first though so that you can login to said machine.
That's fine, however, guess what you WON'T be able to do while you have that setting at "Work"? You guessed it, you WON'T be able to connect to the Internet!
I'm afraid it's either one OR the other and NOT both together.
I went through all this wireless bit because it equally applies to when you are simply connected via the cradle using Activesync. In the "Pass-through" settings of AS, you'll find it set to "The Internet" by default and like this, you will not be able to access local machines on the LAN connected via your desktop or a switch/hub. If you change it to "Work", however, you will. Then of course, the same applies as to the wireless setup. With it at "Work" you won't have access to "The Internet" and vice-versa.
I can only guess that the PPC situation is like this because the WinMob2003(&SE) OS does NOT have a FULL network client built into it that behaves as a Windows Desktop PC would. So, basically, it's a cludge.
strange , im using the XDA2s and my wifi settings are set to see internet , but in file explore or rosco file explorer they both see my lan fine in file exlore all i doo is click on the netfolder ickon at the bottom and then enter \\ (then the computer name) eg \\bedroompc this works both for my work network and home
Firstly, my apologies for the double post above. I only pushed the submit button once, honest!
I was actually describing the "standard" way that all of O2's XDA's get setup when they are first turned on from new and that means that usually, under "Connections", "Select Networks" then "Network Management", you will normally see "My ISP" in the top box for progs that automatically connect to the Internet and "My Work Network" in the lower box for progs that automatically connect to a private network and this is where the problem lays.
In hindsight, I wasn't particularly helpful to Tetragrammaton since I didn't provide the actual solution he was looking for simply because I got too wrapped up in bashing the PPC's network client (or lack of a full one anyway...)
The solution is of course to simply make the bottom box equal to the top box (i.e. "My ISP") and immediately this will change the behaviour to that as you so correctly described (being able to connect to the Internet and to a Local LAN machine simultaneously) and will obviate the need to swap the destination of the Network Card settings themselves (which only gives one way connectivity with Wireless anyway).
I'm guessing that your machine is set this way Henny? Which of course will work as you describe.
The only caveat to doing this is that you disable the O2 WAP settings (which are normally configured under the "My Work Network" part) but whether this is a great loss is a moot point. In any case, the lower box in "Network Management" can always be switched back temporarily should you need the WAP settings back.
I hope this has now helped Tetragrammaton to get up and running...
I should hastely add that my offered solution in the last post still won't allow you to browse LAN machines while connected in the cradle (I've just tried it) so if anyone knows a way to do this, I would be interested...
CPNowell said:
I should hastely add that my offered solution in the last post still won't allow you to browse LAN machines while connected in the cradle (I've just tried it) so if anyone knows a way to do this, I would be interested...
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I would be too.. anyways, thanks a lot y'all for the info.
CPNowell said:
I should hastely add that my offered solution in the last post still won't allow you to browse LAN machines while connected in the cradle (I've just tried it) so if anyone knows a way to do this, I would be interested...
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I haven't been able to try your suggestion yet, but just so we're clear, you're talking about browsing the files on LAN machines while the XDA2 (not 2i or 2s) is connected via ActiveSync? I think that's what tetragrammaton was asking in the original post. I have a suspicion that this post has been taken over with discussions about browsing the LAN using a wi-fi connection, not ActiveSync... :roll: Of course the XDA2 (which tetragrammaton mentions) doesn't have wi-fi
SiliconS said:
I haven't been able to try your suggestion yet, but just so we're clear, you're talking about browsing the files on LAN machines while the XDA2 (not 2i or 2s) is connected via ActiveSync? I think that's what tetragrammaton was asking in the original post. I have a suspicion that this post has been taken over with discussions about browsing the LAN using a wi-fi connection, not ActiveSync... :roll: Of course the XDA2 (which tetragrammaton mentions) doesn't have wi-fi
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True and you are absolutely right on all counts. Browsing LAN machines via activesync using an XDAII in a USB cradle.
CPNowell said:
SiliconS said:
CPNowell said:
I should hastely add that my offered solution in the last post still won't allow you to browse LAN machines while connected in the cradle (I've just tried it) so if anyone knows a way to do this, I would be interested...
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I haven't been able to try your suggestion yet, but just so we're clear, you're talking about browsing the files on LAN machines while the XDA2 (not 2i or 2s) is connected via ActiveSync? I think that's what tetragrammaton was asking in the original post. I have a suspicion that this post has been taken over with discussions about browsing the LAN using a wi-fi connection, not ActiveSync... :roll: Of course the XDA2 (which tetragrammaton mentions) doesn't have wi-fi
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True and you are absolutely right on all counts. Browsing LAN machines via activesync using an XDAII in a USB cradle.
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In that case I'm confused . Sorry. If it doesn't work in the cradle, but you're not talking about doing it through a wi-fi connection, what does your solution actually do? Apologies if I'm being a bit thick here - I'm ill with the 'flu.
I'm nervous about starting to mess about with the connections settings on my XDA2 just so that I can browse files on the network - every time I do this I end up screwing them up. I don't understand them at all and usually a hard reset with the auto-config is the only way to get it all working again. :roll:
I'll do a synopsis of this thread so far this evening. Bit tied up at work at the moment. Hope that's ok...
This has been covered many many times. It is impossible as currently set up. The best way to achieve this is to buy Pocket LAN, it works perfectly
I've had a quick look at that but that would be for just Wireless LAN connectivity, right? ...and as has already been pointed out to me (correctly), the original question was not about wireless.
NO!!!! This works through active sync with the xda in the cradle, worked on xda2 and 2i for me. Actually it is a bit of a waste of money as i never use it, though it seemed agreat idea at the time.
barney12345 said:
NO!!!! This works through active sync with the xda in the cradle, worked on xda2 and 2i for me. Actually it is a bit of a waste of money as i never use it, though it seemed agreat idea at the time.
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I've googled "Pocket LAN" and came up with a bunch of hits though none of them seem to be the right hit. If Pocket LAN seems to do the trick of accessing a network via the USB cradle only, could you post the link to Pocket LAN? Thanks! it says for ce or 2002 but works on 2003 and 2003se.
Hope this helps
You can find it (PocketLAN) here...
Contrary to what Barney found, it didn't work at all for my XDAIIi in the cradle. The usual "network path not found" was all it could muster...
Even wirelessly I found it cumbersome and a bit iffy at connecting to machines at times. It does no more than Resco Explorers built-in network stuff. It also seeks to start messing with the device name etc and generally "muscle-in" and take over... Resco Exp does it without fuss, quietly and efficiently. More importantly, it works everytime but I'm afraid even it can't manage to connect to LAN machines through the cradle and AS.
Sorry about no (promised) post last night. Just didn't get the time. I'll try again for later today. try this link as well you can get a trial download

It's going out the window!

OK people, I know this site is supposed to be really great, but I have some simple problems, and I can't find the answers by browsing and searching this site. Hell, I can't even identify which phone I'm using....
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called? A kangaroo or something I guess. anyway - I'm about to see if it'll survive being launched high into the air, that's for sure.
I have a home network, a windows small business server running exchange 2003, an ADSL router/firewall and some PC's.
ALL (!?) I want this damn thing to do is surf the network, and the internet whilst at home using a wireless connection. Then whilst it's out and about - to VPN back to home so I can do the same.
However, the set up of this thing is a right nightmare to understand, "My ISP", "My network", "Work", I can't seem to make logical sense of how this thing operates in a networking environment, and I do understand networks pretty well, so this is VERY vexing, hence why this is flying out the window soon.
Anybody feel they can spare some explanations as to how this thing is structured? If I click on anymore settings I might just go mad gibber dribble.
Paulsco - welcome to the board!
Not to sound like a father, but seriously, go and have a game of Call of Duty or something. That's what I do when I'm stressed. It's not worth throwing the thing out of the window. And if you are in a mood to get rid of it, throw it in my direction. I need a Mini S for development!
Ok, what have you done so far?
Have you got it browsing the net through ActiveSync yet?
Ensure that you can sync, then go to ActiveSync, File Menu, Options, and choose "This computer is connected to " The internet.
Then, ensure that your PDA is set to reflect this as well, the internet.
Then hopefully the two should permit you to browse the net through your ActiveSync connection. Try Internet Explorer on the PDA.
If and when you're doing that, then you can progress to wifi and VPN etc.
For wifi, I've always found this useful:
Paulsco said:
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called?
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That's easy - it's the HTC Wizard.
HTC is the comapny that actually makes it and Wizard is HTC's name for it.
Thanks for the response!
That's for the advice - I think I have worn out all the games...
OK - so here is the sit. Make some tea and take a deep breath!
I've got my "wizard" to to most things, it'll sync with Exchange over wifi OR it will sync with a PC via bluetooth, but it won't do both. that's not a real issue though.
Also I can surf the internet via wifi, and I can do this via GPRS, but here is what I need to sort out:
I have two connections listed under settings>connections>connections
The first is the O2 GRPS My ISP connection, and the second is the "My work network" connection. I have defined a VPN to connect back to my firewall in this last connection, but I had to delete the O2 Active default connection in this connection because it kept dialing grps instead of using wifi.
In connections>advanced>network management I have both boxes set to "My work network". this prevents any GPRS calls, until I change the setting. Great, I'd rather not have to have done this, but it does seem to work...
Only thing is, when I am out I tried to connect back to the exchange box and I got from activesync "Your exchange account does not allow syncing, blah blah" which it obviously does because it works from the local network. I have opened all the activesync ports on the firewall.
I hoped to be able to connect the VPN, but this seemed to be impossible with my current config.
I need to be able to configure this so that I can browse my wifi network both locally and remotely. I have managed to get the VPN to connect, but I have no idea why this works sometimes and not others - when you click on connect, you get a beep...and nothing else, no error messages or anything.
So I want to get exchange mail whilst wifi'd: OK that worked this AM because I told everything to use "My work network" that has no GPRS connection defined, but when I wnet out I hthen changed the setting so that it dialed the O2 GPRS connection for Internet, then I got internet, but no VPN connection. then when I returned to the office, I had to soft boot because no matter what I dod, activesync gave me "cannot connect with current settings" - A soft boot cured that, but it's not a real great solution every time you return to the office.
Any help you can give me would be gratefully received! I'll happily bung cash to people for a solution!!!
thanks and regards,

PIE PocketPC 2002 problem

I had to reinstall my O2 XDA (PW10A1, ROM 3.17.03 ENG, 4.21 radio, ActiveSync 4.2.0, build 4876) via a hard reset. Nearly everything works OK, except Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE).
I see a flash of the turning globe, when I try to put a web address in the address bar. No GPRS connection is made automatically by PIE. I have to establish the GPRS connection separately. When I’ve done that, only the local files are shown, i.e. file://\windows\ Just http://localhost shows the turning globe for 5 seconds. All other sites selected from the drop down box do not show up in the address bar and do not connect.
I tried GSM modem connection to my ISP. It works for sending and receiving email, not for PIE.
Using GPRS I can send and receive email.
Using GPRS: I tried VNC and I can connect to my PC’s at home.
Using GPRS I can ping to a number of websites like using PacketLANce.
I looked for other browsers. MuliIE is an extension to PIE, does not replace it.
The same for ftxPBrowser.
ThunderhawkII needs a subscription. I could use it reading the different introduction pages and registering with them.
AvantGo gives login problems. I don’t know whether they are related to the PIE problem.
My internet connection uses +0~GPRSinternet, does not use proxy settings and has “This network connects to the internet” enabled. It uses server assigned IP addresses and DNS’s; access point name is “internet”. GPRS authentication is CHAP. The three network adapters have no IP or DNS’s assigned.
I did the auto-configuration for O2-NL again.
So I suspect the iexplore.exe file (in the Windows directory, 17494 bytes, 21-06-2001 08:40) went broke. I have nowhere a replacement copy. I think the file is part of the ROM, bacuse I cannot copy the ieplore.exe to somewhere else. So it could not really been changed by some action of mine. Could it be other settings in the XDA, which are causing this?
My questions:
Do you read from the information above that it is a PIE file problem or belonging settings?
Could you send me a copy of the original iexplore.exe?
If not what could be wrong?
What would you do to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
[email protected]
Same Problem
Hi franz
i have exactly the same problem. i can send emails over wlan or gprs, i can ping, but i am not able to open webpages in pocket ie. i have a prophet (s200) with the newest qtek rom (2.20) wwe.
This is probably a stupid question, but what do you have under:
Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Network selection
First list, 'Programs that connect to the internet...'?
It is possible that your GPRS connection is under say, 'WAP network' or something while in the list 'My ISP' is selected by default so PIE just doesn't know you have a GPRS connection.
Try playing with those settings and see what happens. Since you just did a hard reset it is not possible that you iexplorer.exe file will be corrupt.
I'm having what seems to be the same problem with my Wallaby (specs same as Franz01, was also originally an O2 XDA NL, now taken over by Telfort and now connecting via Telfort Spot GPRS/Edge). Symptoms exactly as described by Franz01 (only local files, just a quick flash of turning globe), although I haven't tried all the connections Franz01 tried, but mail and 'phone work fine. Now I have found one way to fix the problem: a hard reset (perhaps a tip for Franz01?). However this is extremely inconvenient as I then have to spend about a day restoring data, resetting all sorts of configurations etc., and then do it all over again when whatever it is happens again about a month later.
The trouble started after Telfort started migrating to the KPN network (although the network functions themselves work fine), and after an occurrence of what I call the "battery-memory incident". This is when the device suddenly and unexpectedly signals that the main battery is low, and all sorts of things suddenly become slow, very much as if the memory, not the battery was low. The memory applet also suddenly shows hardly any memory available. This condition is fixed by performing a soft reset while connected to the mains charger, but the PIE problem then remains as a sort of "residue". My darling Wallaby has had these "battery-memory incidents" as long as I've had it (since 2002), but the "residue" PIE problem dates from the Telfort move. I went to the Telfort shop in Amsterdam and spoke to their resident "XDA guru" but the hard reset was the only solution he could find.
To avoid having to go down the hard reset path, with all the work this entails, I would love to find another fix. Like Franz01 I'm convinced it's something like a corrupt file or a registry setting, something that a hard reset just happens to fix, but which could be fixed without the hard reset if I only knew what it was.
Levenum, I'm afraid I lose you at Settings->Connections->Connections, I don't get an Advanced tab or button. I get 3 drop-down lists with buttons Modify and Connect, pertaining to "...automatically connect to the Internet...", "...automatically connect to Work..." and "...My Network Card connects to...". For the first two, Telfort Spot is selected, and this connection works. The third one says "Work" and this reverts if I try to change it. Gurus always look at these settings first, and then conclude that they are fine. But I don't get a list of "Programs that connect to the Internet".
Anyway it helps to know that there are others in the world with this very same problem! I'd still love to fix it though.
Three cheers for Oliver (from 19 Nov 2002) on:
This fixed the problem, without a hard reset!
To be sure you get it, I reproduce his solution here, hoping he won't mind (permission has been asked for, though his original answer is bout 5 years old).
check if you have those two files in the root of your "My device":
CMMapG, CMMapP. If they are not there run "\Windows\welcome.exe" which
will recreate them (amongst other things). This solved it for me.
Welcome.exe "walked" me through aligning the screen, cutting and pasting; afterwards the two files mentioned had been created and PIE worked again.

internet explorer / connections woes

yes, i have opera too, but this is sitll pissing me off.
i've been messing around with my vario II to have it be online both through my corporate firewall/proxy as well as on a normal internet connection.
something messed up. now, internet explroer no longer connects. i've tried numerous methods:
1) wireless (802.11) - says page not found, even though every other app works
2) 3G - says "locating" for like 30 seconds then says page not found
3) bluetooth/activesync - immediately shows a page under construction website, even if i'm opening google. this is for every site.
any tips?
something seems to have disappeared from my "connections" settings - now i no longer see the work connection / option to configure proxy. all i see now is my default "home" connection which only give the options "add a new modem connection" and "manage existing connections".
everythign else works fine.
any ideas?
chamelion said:
yes, i have opera too, but this is sitll pissing me off.
i've been messing around with my vario II to have it be online both through my corporate firewall/proxy as well as on a normal internet connection.
something messed up. now, internet explroer no longer connects. i've tried numerous methods:
1) wireless (802.11) - says page not found, even though every other app works
2) 3G - says "locating" for like 30 seconds then says page not found
3) bluetooth/activesync - immediately shows a page under construction website, even if i'm opening google. this is for every site.
any tips?
something seems to have disappeared from my "connections" settings - now i no longer see the work connection / option to configure proxy. all i see now is my default "home" connection which only give the options "add a new modem connection" and "manage existing connections".
everythign else works fine.
any ideas?
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I had exactly the same problems -- for weeks (although not with opera).
Called half an hour ago and got HSDPA enabled on my line.
Now works like never before!
I'm having the same issue, except that PIE WILL work with wifi, but not EDGE/GPRS.
Every other app works fine (Opera, Google Maps, etc) via wifi and EDGE/GPRS.
this may be unrelated, but when I had activesync on the pc set to 'automatic' instead of 'work' it would push proxy settings to my phone. verify this has happened by putting *.* for exceptions. if you can surf then, you have a proxy set up due to activesync from your work pc. some of my connections didn't show the proxy, but in the registry it was there. setting work pc to passthrough=work rather than automatic stopped this from happening again.
hope this was clear enough.
Thanks for the suggestion, but its still a no go.
It just boggles the mind that PIE doesn't work through GPRS/EDGE/3G but every other internet enabled app does... and that PIE will work through WiFi makes it even more strange.. Usually its the other way around for most people (problems with WiFi, not their mobile data connection).
I've even run the \windows\welcome.exe a few times, as this seems to have fixed it for some others.
I've also tried switching to wap.cingular (MEdia net), hard coding openDNS servers as well as the old standbys (,

sites beginning with "wap"

I have just got an XDA IIi on which I wish to use the WiFi connection to connect to the internet.
All works fine EXCEPT when the page that I want to visit begins with "wap."
In that case the $£%$£"%$% thing refuses to download the page unless I connect via GPRS.
How can I make it connect to all pages over the WiFi connection?
I've got an idea, however it's untested...
Go to Settings - Connections - Connections and pursue any "WAP networks". Wherever it says "Connect to my WAP network" choose "Internet" instead.
[off]I didn't really think the Evil Operators still try to bite off your account with WAP...[/off]
Hi Koterpillar,
thanks fo rthe suggestion but unfortunately it didn't work.
I have managed to fix it though. I went to the Exceprions box and put * in as an exception, so now everything goes through the wifi internet link fine.
But now I have a new problem which I don't think will be as easy to fix.
I will start a new thread on that one.
Thanks for taking an interest.

