Wireless Manager - Networking

Is there a way to deactivate or disable this feature? I am using an i-mate PDA 2k with built in WiFi. It connects to GPRS whenever WiFi is not detected.
It can be very costly if you have been surfing full web pages.. or have automatic updates for some programs.
Thanks in advance

try this tool

I posted this a couple of weeks ago.
Start, Settings, Connections icon on the connections tab, then the advanced tab, then the select networks button - "programs that automaticall connect to the internet..........". I have changed this from gprs to my isp.

Thanks for the input. I'll try both your suggestions.


GPRS and ActiveSync

I've looked in the previous topics but can't find anything about this...
What happens is this... I sync my xda2 onto my pc and it downloads various bits n bobs from the net through the pc connection (weatherpanel etc). If I disconnect my phone from the cradle and then the weatherpanel program tries to connect, it tries to connect through WAP Network GPRS (as set up in the auto config when the xda2 is first installed)...this never seems to work.
If I change the net connection from My Work to My ISP it's great - it will connect MOBILE WEB GPRS when it's not cradled and download the data. Unfortunately if I then reconnect to the cradle it recognises the activesync connection but then tries to redial my gprs connection instead of going through the pc connection.
What trick am I missing? Put simply I wish it to have one profile (that i don't have to keep changing) where when it's docked it goes through my pc net connection, and when carrying it around it knows to connect to the mobile web gprs.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks
Try to use Auto Pick option in the connection settings (must have both connections in the same group)
just an idea
Give this a try:
Start > Settings > Connections > Connections > Advanced > Select Networks >
then set both drop down menus to My ISP.
Hope this works.

ActiveSync won't connect automatically

I have my O2 mini to connect to Exchange Server, however, it won't connect automatically (my settings is at every 15 minutes). It kept generating the following error:
"unable to connect, verify your dialup or proxy settings are correct, and try again. Error code: CONNMGR_36"
However, if I connect the GPRS manually first, and then manually press the Sync button for Active Sync (at O2 mini), ir works just fine.
Please help. It drives me crazy to manually do this all the time!
Thanks, William
I think you're connect to gprs using work profile in network connections. Thats why it is checking dial-up username, proxy setting and others. Change the connect ot ISP for activesync. Also you can keep GPRS always connected. Why you need to disconect GPRS?
Thanks for the reply. where do you change the settings so that activesync will connect ot ISP? I don't see any settings/options at all at the activesync tools menu.
Also, how do you keep the GPRS connected all the time? My GPRS got disconnected from time to time.
Sorry for all these questions. I am a newbie at pocket pc (just transfer from my good ol' palm to the awesome o2 mini).
Thanks again,
To change that go to setting > connections > connections > advanced > select network. Chosse internet programs "My ISP" and go back to Tasks in connections and configure you gprs connection details in "My ISP".
Your GPRS disconnection issue you have talk with your provider support. Mine I will never disconnect it.
still not working. Activesync still won't connect automatically, but manually works fine. Any tips?

SPB GPRS Monitor - subtracts ActiveSync from my allowance!

I've installed SPB's GPRS monitor on my XDA Mini S, but it seems next to useless as it appears to include all data received by ActiveSync over USB from my monthly allowance.
Hence, it appears that I can't use it to accurately monitor only the stuff downloaded by GPRS if it's also going to include anything downloaded over USB...
This happened to me, try this, might work!
Open up the GPRS monitor program in the programs list, open tools, and select the connection tab.
Check the box that says enable connection monitoring, and select your GPRS connection, in my case vodafone live, but most prob the O2 settings for you!
Let me know if this works
Tools > Options > Tab "Connection" > Tick "Enable connection monitoring" and in "Connection" choose only the GPRS connection.
Thanks Gents, you both gave the same advice.
In connection, I do have the 'Enable connection monitoring box' but then I have a drop down menu with the following 4 options:
Infrared Port
Mobile Web
O2 Active
The first are clearly understandable
The latter is WAP
Mobile Web is GPRS
So, I click 'Enable connection monitoring' but it seems to turn in on for all 4 connection types.
Ok, I can select 'Mobile Web' from the drop down menu, but it does still include USB data in it's monitoring...
I must be doing something wrong.
If I select USB from the drop down menu, then turn off 'Enable connection monitoring', then the drop down becomes greyed out.

force GPRS/3G connection

Can anyone tell me how i can force a GPRS/3G connection. At present i am using Thunderhawk II to browse the internet from my M5000 but this application does not automatically open an internet connection using GPRS/3G when i am not using WiFi. I have to open PIE first before the device will connect to the internet and then open Thunderhawk. This is a pain. Any advice? Can anyone create a little Today app to do this?
......and unlike PPC 2003, WM5 does not allow you to open a data connection by tapping on the 'G' or 'U' symbols at the top of the screen. Why not??????
go into connections and locate the connection settings you are looking for, press and hold, tap connect.
Thanks for the reply but going through the following routine everytime i need to browse is hardly convenient:
Orange World: Manage existing connections
Orange GPRS Internet
Is there no way of achieving this from the Today screen?
connections, or use PIE as you have indicated.
Try PhoneAlarm to force GPRS connection
I seem to recall that PhoneAlarm has a route to forcing GPRS to connect. Certainly works with my Universal. It's not always shown on the available skins, but if I use HGS6VGA CAR skin file GPRS connection is forced by clicking on one of the displayed icons. Not sure of the code this icon click invokes, but it does launch GPRS on my device.

Forcing wifi connection over 3G/GPRS

Is it possible to force my JASJAM to always connect to wifi even when wireless service is available.
Bidgee said:
Is it possible to force my JASJAM to always connect to wifi even when wireless service is available.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Your JASJAM (with default settings) should always "prefer" Wi-Fi over a cell connection. I'd take a look at your adapter settings and make sure that the WLAN/Wi-Fi one has "This adapter connects to the Internet" checked.
Some applications such as Windows Live (at least I've found this) still prefer to use a data call, until you cancel the connection.
You can stop it doing this if you go to Settings -> Connections tab -> Connections -> Advanced tab -> Select Networks.
If in the top box you have a "Wifi" option, select that and a data call won't be made. If not, select "New...", call the settings "Wifi" and click "ok" in the corner to create the option.
This works for me, anyway.

