pocketwerks Vinyl with XDA 2 and Bluetooth - Networking

Does anyone have any experience with the XDA 2 connecting via Bluetooth to a network (in particular to Vinyl)? I have installed Vinyl Server and PDA (arm) on my XDA 2. When I'm starting it the Programm asks for an IP-Adress, but as far as I know does the XDA no TCP-IP over Bluetooth, or am I wrong?
I would be happy for some help

You do have an ip address, else you would not be able to access the internet over activesync.
Download the freeware vxutil and use the info function to get your ip address. It would be in the private range

Thanks! you helped me alot! I figuered it out by entering the Computername. I did everything right I just made a stupid mistake :roll:
Thank you for the tool it might come in handy somewhere else


Equivalent of lmhosts file on XDA2?

Hi. I am using the SanDisk Wifi on my XDA2 and can get connection on my home LAN. Can ping my desktop PC by IP. Since ActiveSynch client on the XDA look for the partner PC by hostname rather than IP address I am having trouble in connecting for ActiveSync. On the PC I would simply create an entry on the lmhosts file to associate the IP address with the hostname. On XDA is there an equivalent to this capability? Thanks for your help.
Have a look for an application called Pocket Hosts here
Way too cool!!! This looks even better than what I was hoping for. One problem though. The website only has the screenshots. I could not see the download link. Any idea? Thanks
There is a big "Download It" logo below the screenshot
It takes you here
Great Thanks!!! Trust me, the download icon does not show up on my PC. It must be an IE anomaly of sorts... Appreciate your help.
Got it and I can synch now. Only if I change the network card setting to "Connects to Work" from "Connects to Internet". Any idea how I can work around this? Its quite tiring to change this setting everytime I need to Synch. Thanks a lot.

accessing LAN from PPC with activesync

I've searched for a long time in the forum and in Internet but I was not able to find how to access a shared folder on my :shock: LAN. It seems I have to use pass-through connections but I'm not able to make it work. Every time I use pocket file explorer to open a shared folder (writing the complete UNC) I receive the message "the network path was not found" and then "network resource cannot be found .....".
My LAN is a 192.168.1.X network and I've seen that IP assigned to the PPC is
Thank for every help.
I'm not sure.
But have you tried localhost????
I've tried from pocket file explorer both \\localhost and \\ but I've received always the same messages.
Tryed Pocket LAN yet?
It works
I have been trying to do this for months and pocket Lan works perfectly
There is a freeware network utility, named vxUtil.
Maybe this tool help you to solve the problem.
Utilities include:
DNS Audit
DNS Lookup
IP Subnet Calculator
Password Generator
Ping Sweep
Port Scanner
Time Service
Trace Route
Wake On LAN
vxUtil (Personal) operates on all Windows CE-based Handheld, Handheld Pro, Palm-size and Pocket PCs and requires Windows CE 2.0 (or later).
I've truid both pocket lan and vxUtil with no results. I can't ping the laptop. I think I could never ping it if the network segment of PPC and laptop are different. Laptop ip now is and PPC always Perhaps I should enabled a proxy on the PPC to route the ping.
do you have a personal firewall installed on laptop? try to disable and check
I have no firewall installed or active.
I was successfull in accessing the LAN using the software "pocket LAN CE", but this is obvious thus it installs a server software that stays resident in the tray bar of the deskop PC.
There must be a solution to access the LAN using only active sync!
As far as I know that's not possible without a LAN card.
The passthrough which is available via activesync works only for internet connections.
I might be wrong. Keep looking. Have done it for a long time an gave it up.
If you find a solution feel free to share at this forum.
How about LAN over Bluetooth?
LAN over bluetooth
And how do we accomplish this with the XDA II while the XDA II has no profile for LAN over bluetooth.
Please share the info you've.
Because this is interesting to me too!
For me too I'm also trying bluetooth over XDA but aint working yet
I have installed bluetoothGPS.zip file (found in this forum) and then I installed the Bluesoleil Bluetooth Software for the PC (evaluation version). I could get an IP for the PPC and see the LAN but Internet wasn't working. Anyway having the two Bluetooth Stacks at the same time on the PPC is not a good alternative...
So please:
-MS give us some more Bluetooth Profiles, cm on, you can doit!
- Tobias and Pocket Bluetooth Tools: Please finish the LAN profile, I already donated you :wink:
Make sure that a "guest" account is enable on your server, and try protocals other than tcp/ip. Ipx/Spx is fair. I suppose I should ask first if the activesinc laptop is able to browse the target folder? If it can, then try mapping the share as a network drive on the laptop, and see if you can nav to it using activesinc??? I'm a newbie, and don't even have my MDA I yet (in about 2 hours, I will). I will definantly be trying lots of unorthodox crap, so I'll let you know if I get it to work! Good luck.

How to Send String Message to XDA Application. HELP!!!!!!!!!

hi, my dear friends
I am a freshman to XDA dev, I am using ms vs2003 to develop an application on XDA II.
The application is about dispatching a job to a driver's XDA, the senario likes the following: (1) The dispatch server sends a job to driver's XDA thru GPRS. (2) The driver then view the job on the XDA application and Accept it.
The question is how to send a job from the server side to an XDA application, what need I to do with the server programs and what need I to do with the XDA applications? Do we need some develop toolkit from the SP?
Thanks in advance, your suggestion and help are very appreciated!!!
If your network gives you an ip that others can see from outside then you just need to write a small server on your xda using sockets to accept the messages over gprs. Unfortunately, most phone networks do not do this. I think the easiest thing for you would be to make it sms based.
Otherwise you could make a page on your (pc) server and have your xda check it at regular intervals to see if any new jobs are there. The down side of this is the cost of all that checking.
Thanks ORD for you help.
Re: If your network gives you an ip that others can see from outside then you just need to write a small server on your xda using sockets to accept the messages over gprs. Hi ORD, do you mean the Public IP for each XDA phone? Do you know if the SP O2 in British provides this kind of service?
Thanks again!
I don't know what you mean public address? The phone network will have a server address and your phone will get assigned a client address. I can't tell about o2 as I only have tried vodafone in Australia. I think that most IP's given are only useful from within the private network of the provider. I am no expert with the internet, but I think if the ip starts with 10.XXX.XXX.XXX its no good. Perhaps if you post the first half of your IP some of the other network wizez here can tell you if its accessible from outside.
Even if your ip is good, it probably would not be static so I think its not worth the effort. Still... if you go that way, the implementation of sockets on ppc works 100%. In fact I have cut and pasted code straight from ppc apps to desktop apps and had no problems!
Why not just have your phones connect as clients to a small custom coded server on your pc periodically. You could streamline the transmition to only transfer as few bytes as possible each time. The only time a large transfer would be needed is when a job is accepted and the details are needed. my network charges by the kilobyte and when i transfer in only the tens of bytes it dose not even register it on my bill (i don't know how big the handshake is).
Thanks, ORD, yes, we can check the server every XX seconds, the only thing I am worrying about is if I have more than 1 thousand XDA units to connect and check the server, if the server can afford to this load?
This sound like a real world problem you have (like taxis?). If you want the best solutuion (ie sending jobs to xda's) start checking the service providers. 1000 units is a lot. I think there must be a carrier out there willing to provide
usefull addresses. Also try connecting two devices from within the same network. If all your devices are within the same private network they may be able to communicate. You PC server could be connected to the internet via a gprs card and send out jobs to all the xda's within service provided by the same carrier. I have been wanting to try this for a while but I do not have two gprs connections with the same provider.
I have a couple of small apps that may help you test this if you have multiple gprs connections with the same provider.
The following is a ppc program to attempt to connect to another one of itself over a network using sockets:
the next program is for the PC so you can show that the program at least works in the direction of ppc to pc via gprs then internet:
Do the following:
-Turn on your internet connection and gprs
-On your pc run the ORDsocketUserPC.exe
-to simplify things just turn off any firewalls etc (my app dose nothing bad, but sometimes even if you open a port, firewalls cause it to fail)
-On you xda run testSocketServer.exe
-On the pc server function side enter the desired port details. Because you are first testing if it works at all change the ip to 0 as this causes it to listen for all incoming ip's in my app.
-On the pc server side press listen
-On the xda set the port on the client side to the same as on your pc. Enter the pc's ip (ie from your connection status).
-On the xda press connect
-Now the xda should attempt to connect. It says waiting to read when connected at first
-Now on the pc it should say blocking-listening with some code.
-Two way data transfer is now possible. The desktop version is self explanitory. The ppc version has a lack of screen space so to elliminate some buttons I replaced the get button with ..... make data edit box clear, press send, this generates a dialog with the read data so far.
-This is only a very raw app some things malfunction but I get reliable two way communication. If something goes wrong just close the program and start again.
If all that works you are ready to test the ppc to ppc connection. Make sure you get gprs on each from the same provider run the testSocketServer.exe on both xda's at once. One with server side only and one with client side only. In the client enter the ip of the server (my app dose not find this for you - you may need some third party program for this), make sure the server ip was set to 0 before you press listen.
Please post to tell if it works within the same network as I am very interested. If it dose your problem is solved, otherwise I see no way to help because of the volume of units to communicate to.
Thanks ORD, it is too complicated for me, frankly. Can I push an email to the XDA then let the driver knows that he has a job? He can click an button to request the job. The question is how to push an email to the XDA unit.
Sorry, I can't help with emails.
Its a pitty you could not try it. If anyone else cares to try gprs device to device communication with both ends within the same phone network I am still interested in the result. I just do not want to get yet another sim. vodafone sales people in Australia do not seem to understand their own network and I have wasted enough money buying products from them that do not do what they claim.
Sending of string message over O2
Im interested in this and I am using a VPN approach to get both of the devices talking!
I am using your programs but I also wish to view the source code on how u coded this, as when I click connect I recieve an error stating the socket is not writable??? I think it doesnt even start the 3G/GPRS service on the XDA? Could you send me the code?
If it does start GPRS in the background i do apologise!!! But Im uncertain that this is the case!
possible solution
All pockets pcs are using private internet addresses, i.e. they can access other external sites, but no one can directly access them as no external connections are allowed to access them without the XDAs initiating the connection.
So all of your 1000 xdas initiate the connection and connect to a central server (on server use asyncrhonous sockets for scaleability).server should be able to handle this easily.
when a job is ready for dispatch the server simply sends it to the appropriate XDA(possible because that XDA initiated the connection, so the phone operator will allow it through their firewall).
No polling needed on the XDA, just the need to monitor the connection and keep it open to the server.
XDA to XDA commmunication. Easy. The server acts as an intermediary.
Imagine XDA1 (vodaphone) wants to talk to XDA2(02) and both are on different networks. They cannot talk directly to each other.
XDA1 sends it message to the server already connected. The server (with a connection already set up) forwards it on to XDA2.
XDA2 replies back to the server, which then forwards it to XDA1.
The server acts as a gateway between the two networks and is able to do so because it is XDA1 and XDA2 initiateed the connection to the server.
For a more technical explanation of how private IP address are assigned by phone operators read up on NAT (Network Address Translation).
This solution would also work if both XDA1 and XDA2 had public IP addresses. All logic can be kept on the server and there is no need for XDA1 to find XDA2s public IP address, which with a 1000 XDAs could become messy very quickly.
Steve Jubb
I posted a response to this thread that ended up in its own thread.
Please read this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=55255

remote desktop mobile need help

ok so i have a htc snap and i want to remote desktop i have a linksys router and have configured the routr for port forwarding i still cant connect i really need some help
what software do you use?
VNC or what else?
its remote desktop mobile RDM it came on my htc snap
What port have you forwarded, and to what IP?
How are you trying to connect, Wi-Fi, 3G etc?
What IP address are you trying to connect to?
I use RDM all the time. I couple it with "Hamachi Mobile" which is a virtual private network VPN app. I log in with Hamachi, it gives me an IP, and I copy/paste whatever PC's IP i want to connect to in RDM... simple as that
Works very well on my Fuze with 3G.
im using port 3389 forward to my computer ip the router gives it i try logging in using my ip addy i get from websites that tell you your ip addy like ipchicken.com but today i went to canyouseeme.com to check port and cant get thru i still am not sure whats going on im very frustrated any help would be appreciated
Can we get this moved to the Q&A forum?
I've been having a heck of a time getting it to work also... I would love to see the help on this question!
kliptik said:
Can we get this moved to the Q&A forum?
I've been having a heck of a time getting it to work also... I would love to see the help on this question!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And now another useless line... as it seems you cannot simply post the word ditto in your message....
why does someone always have to try n start something or say some**** bout wut others say.. grow up if u dont have the answer or can provide help i need with dont say anything. but anyways .. can anyone help me with this or what... kdawg
turn off the pc firewall and make sure the user has rdp rights.
ive tried that
this is mainly for win7, but it may help
FWIW, I use a program called vncviewer on my Omnia and it works fine. Goes directly to the server seat ip address and I take over that computer. HTH
Make sure in system properties you have checked allow connections from computers running any version of remote desktop and you may need to password protect you computer.
To get real answer just go to ppcgeeks.com this sites has too many annoying people
But what you need to do is go to your linksys page
o To Application And Gaming
On the port type in 3389 or start and 3389 for end protocal both and to find out your IP Go To Start - Search Box - Type cmd - Click It - Type "ipconfig" With Out The " " The IPv4 is your IP - Then Click Enable
On Your Phone go to the app
For Computer type in the IP address just got from IPv4
Username of your computer and password of your account
EDIT -- Your problem is you got the wrong IP don't use that IP use the one i showed you on the steps above it should be something like 192.168.*.***
This also helps
But i recommend using realVNC 100x better and with Remote Desktop Mobile you can't use your PC while using it
VNC cost money but if you want a free version just send me a PM
Also if your using vista or Windows 7 its temp. looses your theme when you come back on thats why i use VNC less hassle
Hopes this help remember go to ppcgeeks for answers
try out logmein.com if you have WInMo 6.5 you need to switch the IE back to the old one, its still there you need an app called IEFix.
From IE only:
Anywayz I love LOGMEIN cuse I can connect to my web servers/home servers and pc's from the same list. and I can monitor when something is offline... RDP and VNC seem faster to navigate, RDP being the fastest, duh?

Configuring an FTP App...

...like 'AndFTP' & 'SwiFTP'. Can someone please be so kind as to post tutorial? I am using my computer through a Cordless router. I thought I saw a post here about a similiar app but cannot seem to find it. Thanks.
I just installed SwiFTP. Does anything else need to be installed on the computer? I am already using a FTP program on my Win Vista. I just installed it on the phone and typed in the username and password that I made up, but how to see start seeing the files on the computer? I see the app is running at the top of the black banner.
some cell phone carriers filter port 21 the default port for FTP
so you might not be able to use them
i had to change it to another port
what are you trying to do with the FTP?
you need a FTP client if you want to download stuff
you don't need a FTP server on your phone
Thank you. I would like to access my computer from my phone or/and vise versa. I read somewhere where someone is doing just that. So which FTP client app do I need?
the 2 you mentioned are pretty much the best at the moment
but none of them supports soft ftp which is more friendly with proxy and firewalls setup by the phone carriers
you just need to type in the address of your computer, and the port of your ftp server at home, then you can connect to it
make sure you use a port that is not blocked
Thank you. How do I find the FTP address on my computer? I am on a wireless router.
you need something like no ip or dynDNS
and also setup your router to allow traffic through the port you want
OK, thanks but you mention setting up the router, which is something I cannot do. I had it installed by someone else. You mentioned my computer's IP. Again, I ask, how do I find my computer's IP?
I wish there was a step-by-step somewhere on the net to install and setup this thing.
if you can not configure your router, then it will not work
you can get your ip by using the software from noip and dynDNS as mentioned above

