TomTom 3 ---xda1--- gps problem - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I'm new to this site and would like a little help if possible.
I recently went from an IPAQ 5550 to an XDA. I installed my TOMTom3 software to the XDA with no problem. When i start up TT3 the software calls up the GPS part first and then starts the main TT3 prog. (as it did on my IPAQ). Although i haven't bought a suitable connecting cable yet for my receiver (the old receiver IPAQ plug does actually fit into the XDA!) when i start navigator up the XDA complains that there is a problem with COM1 not existing. After a couple of "OK" clicks it then boots up navigator and the maps etc seem to be as normal but the GPS says it is disabled.
Any ideas greatly apreciated

The iPAQ and XDA connectors although physically identical are not the same. The GPS disabled message is because it can't detect the GPS which given you don't have the correct lead is understandable.
As for the COM1 not exisiting error, do you have nything else which may be using COM1 such as an external or clip on keyboard driver?

To enable com 1, go to settings/connections and uncheck the "recieve incoming beams" also if you have an external keyboard driver that will also need disabling.

Now i'm impressed. Thanks to both of you for the replies. I unchecked the beam box and it goes direct to TT3. Brilliant.
(I think a donation may be in order soon) :wink:


Navman problems with XDA II

Ok having major problems with this unit, I've finally bonded the device to the xda 2 and have installed the software and UK maps onto memory card, I can only select com 7 in the bluetooth profiles for the Navman and when I go into GPS settings in SmartST com 7 is the only one I cant use WTF !!!!!
Also after running SmartST when I next try to run it it runs so slow and eventually locks up I've tried all the patches to no avail I have 70 Mb of memory for running programs so that should be plenty. Anyone haave any Ideas????
Navman problem fixed!!!!!!
Well I managed to figure out what was causing the SmartST software to run rediculously slow on my XDA II.
I noticed that whenever I stopped all programs from running, the Active program would always end up as not responding so I decided to remove the O2 Active user interface and it cured the problem.
It works great totally impressed with it.
Jarran said:
Ok having major problems with this unit, I've finally bonded the device to the xda 2 and have installed the software and UK maps onto memory card, I can only select com 7 in the bluetooth profiles for the Navman and when I go into GPS settings in SmartST com 7 is the only one I cant use WTF !!!!!
Also after running SmartST when I next try to run it it runs so slow and eventually locks up I've tried all the patches to no avail I have 70 Mb of memory for running programs so that should be plenty. Anyone haave any Ideas????
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Sorry mate , do you have a smart ST professional ora higher version ?
I'm using the Smart ST professional updated , but I bond the gps with the XDA2 , but once Ilaunch the software , I cannot selectany port available in the gps software .
Do you have any idea ?
I have the Smartst version 2 which has been patched to the latest update.
Re: Smartst
Jarran said:
I have the Smartst version 2 which has been patched to the latest update.
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So do I have to buy Smart STprofessional 2 to make it work ?
Thanks a lot
Com 7 Port For Navman
I had a similar problem. I had to remove the exisiting bond with the Navman and then soft reset. Then, go into GPS settings and com7 should be available to select. Finally, rebond with Navman device and select com7 from the bluetooth tools options, and hey presto! It took some trial and error but it was worth it, Navman now working perfectly, am looking forward to an extended road test in northern France this weekend!
Re: Com 7 Port For Navman
kernow said:
I had a similar problem. I had to remove the exisiting bond with the Navman and then soft reset. Then, go into GPS settings and com7 should be available to select. Finally, rebond with Navman device and select com7 from the bluetooth tools options, and hey presto! It took some trial and error but it was worth it, Navman now working perfectly, am looking forward to an extended road test in northern France this weekend!
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I have uninstalled the software and installed again , without bonding it yet .
When I launch the smart ST professional 1.91.0011 , there si no port available !!! do you know why ? Can you help me on this matter . Thanks
hey hey hey... cool it guys..
I helped a customer set this up, and it worked like a charm..
You have to make sure that before you paired both the deviced, you have to checked the inbound port under settings->bluetooths settings...
then you should be able to selected it later in the program..
oh yes, just a gentle reminder, just install the EnableCharPin software from , else you cannot enter "NAVMAN" as a password.
there is another solutions dou, but after I worked on it for another customer, I could not get it to work with his headset using bluetooth.
ChaoZ said:
hey hey hey... cool it guys..
I helped a customer set this up, and it worked like a charm..
You have to make sure that before you paired both the deviced, you have to checked the inbound port under settings->bluetooths settings...
then you should be able to selected it later in the program..
oh yes, just a gentle reminder, just install the EnableCharPin software from , else you cannot enter "NAVMAN" as a password.
there is another solutions dou, but after I worked on it for another customer, I could not get it to work with his headset using bluetooth.
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Thank you very much mate for your effort , but to be honest ...still doesn't work !! I have no port available in the Smart St Professional window !!! I have done all your path several times , no sign . I have also tried the other bluethooths tools , nothing . I launch the softare but no port available . I can pair the devices but then I cannot get the GPS signal to the software !!Any other idea ?
Navman problems
Hi guys -
I'm also having problems with setting up my Navman 4410. I had it working on my XDA2 (after a struggle) when using ROM version 1.03, but I've now upgraded to ROM V1.60.50 which is the latestest relase from 02. Since then I'm having the same problems as Janaro - there is no com7 available in SmartST (v2.00.0029 SP1). The default bluetooth com port is COM4 but it does not appear to bond correctly.
I've tried the recommendation from Kernow but I still cannot get it to work
Has anybody got any ideas ?
Have you got "Recieve all incoming beams" unticked. Start\settings\connections\beam.
Hope this helps
Receive all incoming beams is ticked - should it be ?
I think the problem is more to do with the COM ports. BTHtools only allows you to set the com port to COM7 - but COM7 is not available within Navmans SmartST software.
Ah ha - untick "Receive all incoming beams" (in start\settings\connections\beam) and COM7 becomes available within SmartST - everybody with problems please note !!!
It now works OK - many thanks
crippsa said:
Ah ha - untick "Receive all incoming beams" (in start\settings\connections\beam) and COM7 becomes available within SmartST - everybody with problems please note !!!
It now works OK - many thanks
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hello there , my incoming beams was already untick !!! still not working , what a mess !!!
Thank you
Different Navman solution
After upgrading my Qtek 2020 to 1.66, SmartST would take forever to open whereas it had been reasonably quick before.
I was successful in making it work by not installing the bluetooth tools but only executing the EnableCharPin from my synched laptop.
This meant that I could pair my Navman 4410 after having checked both inbound COM4 and Outbound COM5 in Bluetooth settings. (The bluetooth tools would only provide COM7 whereas that port was not available in SmartST)
The double blinking only went away after SmartST was started.
After installing SmartST V2 the program starts fairly quickly
Re: Different Navman solution
LarsN said:
After upgrading my Qtek 2020 to 1.66, SmartST would take forever to open whereas it had been reasonably quick before.
I was successful in making it work by not installing the bluetooth tools but only executing the EnableCharPin from my synched laptop.
This meant that I could pair my Navman 4410 after having checked both inbound COM4 and Outbound COM5 in Bluetooth settings. (The bluetooth tools would only provide COM7 whereas that port was not available in SmartST)
The double blinking only went away after SmartST was started.
After installing SmartST V2 the program starts fairly quickly
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Ok , so I have to install Samst ST V2 !!!
Thank you
4400 and XDAII works OK
I am using the 1.60WWE 02 ROM (Recent upgrade), a Navman 4400 and Smart ST (not 2) software, and it works a charm. I agree that BTTools should not be used but you have to use enablechar.exe to key in the PIN. I had no problems with bonding. Make sure however you un-pair all other devices (headset etc) first to give the 4400 first choice of the COM ports. As has been stated, when paired, make sure you check Com 5 outbound under Start/Settings/BT Settings (this was the main feature of the 1.60 upgrade that appealed to me), then select the same port from the GPS status screen of Smart ST.
It is working for me. I look forward to seeing Smart ST2 with its 3d view, but it is not necessary.
I think you have other problems if ST 1 doesn't work.
On another note, the amount of time taken to start the software is related to how many maps it has to process. If you only check the maps you are using (under Setup/Maps in Smart ST) it will speed things up greatly.
After first getting my XDA2 to work with my Navman 4410 using SmartST V2 and BTHTools and setting the com port to 7, I have now managed to get it working by using the standard set-up as recommended by Camstech.
By checking both the inbound and outbound boxes in start/settings/system/BlueTooth_settings and by setting COM5 within SmartST it now works fine.
Navman 4400 / 4410 and Bluetooth Headset
Very helpful dialogue here. Many thanks to all. Based on this, I am planning to purchase either a Navmean 4400 or 4410, but wondered if any of you have been able to set up the GPS and a Bluetooth headset at the same time. I don't really need to have the GPS voice prompts come through the headset (probably too much to ask at this point), but would like to be able to answer/end calls via the headset, while the GPS is active. Do any of you have BT headsets working with the 4400 / 4410 installed?
I have Navman 4400 and bluetooth headset working at the same time not a problem. I bought Namvan 4400 from Dicksmith Australia as I got it $100 off the price as it has the old 2D software mapping, but Navman Australia send the mapping software upgrades to you for free, something to consider if you can find 4400 still as the hardware is the same with 4400 and 4100 navmans.

GPS in settings, tomtom problem

I am trying to set up tomtom 5.21 with my BTGPS74 receiver but cant get the two to communicate. I know there is some settings you can change in settings/system/gps but the problem I have is I dont have the gps option in settings anywhere. Am I missing something? Does any on know what I should do. Tomtom wants me to use port 3 or 7 but when I try to set them in bluetooth settings it says its not possible check your settings. Any suggestions would b welcome. Thanks.
P.S I know the receiver works as it still works well with my N70. should've gotten a GPS icon if software GPS recognized.
In rgister you can force simulation.
delete redirect and add 'group' with dword=2
Then GPS icon will appear.
I gave it programport 7,hardware 6, baudrate=57600
gps auto checked
I'm not sure about the settings...
I had to create incomming and outgoing com ports on my 3100 (not sure if you need both)??
TomTom used com port 9 and works like a dream
as soon as you start the programme it connects automatically as long as my receiver is on.
It even connects when the BT on the 3100 is turned off - it starts the BT automaticlally when tomtom runs!
Yeah i agree all you need to do is set up the com ports, then fire up tomtom and select the com port you just set up and away it goes
Thanks for the replies guys. I know I have to set the com ports but the problem I have is there is nowhere for me to do this. For some reason the gps settings is missing from the system/settings. I am going to try to reinstall tomtom to see if it helps. Tomtom has ports 3 and 7 showing but they seem to be taken by something else so I cant configure my receiver on either of them.
I have a slightly different problem... my TyTn can connect to the BT GPS reciever, but as soon as TomTom tries to calculate a route, or I click the GPS signal icon it crashes back to the Today screen...
I've got TomTom installed with 5.21 update, anyone had any problems like this?
you just need to pair your bluetooth device go to settings connections and bluetooth and add new device, let your tytn search and it will find a new device when you have paired it select new comm port outgoing
I have no gps setting in control panel either
i have a strange problem with my BT. I cant create a incoming or outgoing BT port. I dont know why but it wont let me create any ports.
Anyone with the same odd problem?
I had a similar problem, Tytn would only let me choose COM0 (Zero) as outgoing port, and TT works fine with it. However, I would like to add Mapking for Asia, and this navi soft will not accept a GPS on COM0. Anybody understands why Tytn is only offering COM0 as outgoing ports for GPS?
I have set the com4 as outgoing port and now tomtom seems to work fine.
thanks for that info.
I don't know why only port 0 and all other ports are blocked but TT works for me now. I only need to wait for a better ROM and i can leave my Wizard home
I have written to a good contact at HTC since I need COM ports other than 0 for Asian Mapking navi soft (in add. to TT) . Will keep you posted.
Answer from HTC:
"As my testing, the Outgoing port is not limited with COM0. PaPaGo can accept with COM0, COM2, COM4, COM8, and COM9. I think the limitation of COM0 is the software limitation of TOMTOM, So if the user wants to use Mapking that only support COM1~7, he need delete the outgoing port COM0, and reassign another COM port for the BT GPS."
I imagine the problem lies between the Tytn and TomTom only, and other navi soft would find other COM ports. But I am kind of hesitant to interfere with a working TomTom, and go through the outgoing COM port game again...
I'm using Navigon and set up an outgoing Connection on com2 and it works fine for me.
sounds like TT is the problem ...
Guys, let me try to help you a little bit, as I work in navigation software development (Destinator).
1. The COM ports has nothing to do with the actual software you are running. This is pre-defined in the ROM you are using. That is also the reason why we see variations here - we use different ROMs.
2. In order of enabling a COM port, you do NOT need to discover the GPS icon on the settings. It is quite useless unless you wish to work simultaniusly with more than one software.
3. To enable a COM port, after you pair the GPS, look down for the tab COM Ports in the BT settings Manager. You only need to create Outgoing COM.
4. Strange but usually you will only be able to choose between 2 COM ports. The rest are hidden by the OS. MAKE SURE that you disabled the "Secure Connections". Default key for all the GPS receivers is "0000" and for Globalsat 308 is "2003". The last is AKA HP GPS.
5. If you cannot enable any other COM port than COM0, this is a ROM problem and you should contact your ROM provider like the mobile carrier. You can also try to enable other COM ports with the attached CAB file. Simply run it, it will expose all COM ports for you and now you should start trying. I reccomend to test COMs 4-8 first, normally, it will solve your problems. (Note: I got this file previously here and did not create it myself).
There have been may posts about TomTom not recognising B GPS's.
One solution that doesnlt seem to be mentioned here id to ensure that the name of the GPs in BT connections actually ends in "GPS"..
If it doesn;t renove the pairing and re-pari , but change the name this time to something that ends in "GPS"...
good luck
Charlie Grillo
Thanks guys, found another solution that works for me now:
1) Set your Bluetooth GPS to another COM port than 0 (TomTom´s standard port 6 was not available, so I choose 2)
2) open Programs/Navigator/navigator.cfg with a text editor, change COM0 to COM2
3) start TomTom - working on COM 2!
Started Mapking, found COM 2 - working now.
hello fellas,
as you can see im new here. im thinking of buying the TYTN, a sector which i have never explored before (pda sector).
it sounds great with the applications and due to my work, a need for a pda is becoming bigger.
i posted in this message due to the GPS topic.
i got a very stupid question which you may recieve occasionally if i buy the tytn.. :twisted:
why do a person need BT enabled GPS? i read you can connect it to your PDA but for what reason?
thanks in advance and apologies for any inconvience..
@D_G - welcome to this board
In order to run navigation software on your Tytn you need a external GPS connected to it. Easiest solution is a external GPS connected via Bluetooth.
Another solution would be to buy a PDA phone with a GPS receiver on board, for example the ETen G500.
Of course we would all be interested in a UMTS PDA with integrated GPS, with acceptable battery life, but that will take some time...
thanks lucas for the answer. but why would you need a navigation software if you have a GPS device? in either case you will need to have both devices in a particula blue tooth range. right?
this means you will need your handheld device + the GPS to activate the navigation software, or dd I miss something?!

XDA11s problem with TomTom, BT and GPS reciever

Hi Good Peoples,
My first post here and I hope you will excuse my ignorance please. I am hoping that someone can help me, as I would pull my hair out, if I had the left. :shock:
I have an XDA 11s and I have installed TomTom software. The satellite receiver is a Haicom HI-701 BT (four in one Bluetooth) and I have a number of problems.
When I installed the GPS hardware, in the Bluetooth Services section I installed it as a serial port connection and have the enable service box ticked. Do I need any other boxes here ticked?
The Bluetooth Manager shows the Haicom shortcuts, but it does not connect on start-up. It has to be manually connected. Once it is connected, unfortunately it shows no dataflow, in either direction. I think that is the second problem. :roll:
The Bluetooth flashing light shows that the Bluetooth connection has not been made; what do I need to do to fix that?
When I start the TomTom, it shows that I have no GPS Device (now there is a surprise) and I tried to configure it using the NMEA option with 4800 baud rate. However I then have eight options ranging from infrared through to Bluetooth serial to choose from, and I'm not sure which one I should be using. I mucked around for hours and had working for about one minute, but unfortunately I can not repeat the trick.
Is there anyone out there who could be kind enough to please tell me how to configure the thing please?
The XDAIIs is a BlueAngel - try posting in the correct forum next time.
Make sure that you have selected the "outgoing connection" - not the "incoming connection" when choosing the serial port in TT.
Also turn on BT and manually connect to the GPS first - somethimes I had to do that rather than rely on TT to do it for me.
You asked whether other boxes sould be ticked - what are these - I no longer have a BA and can't remember...
Charlie Grillo
oops sorry, I was not sure which forum to post it under as the BlueAngel did not specify IIs, although the picture looked like a better match.
I hate to sound like a total technical cretin but what is TT?
The other boxes are:
Authorisation requires
Authentication (Passkey) Required
Encryption required.
Thanks for the response.
TT = TomTom
I have found a fix for my XDA2 with Tom Tom and GPS BT-321 H
This was such a headache for me but through persistance - I got it working
This is how I did it
1. I downloaded - Bluetooth tool 1100 "BTHTools1100"
this help me to asisgn my Holox BT-321 to my XDA2 via bluetooth to port Com7
2. I then downloaded "GPSTuner_v5" & GPSmonitor1.1
These programes enable me to talk to my GPS and adjust PORT COM setting and also Band rate
having got these programes to work and pair with my GPS
the next step with TOM TOM6 worked fine trying different ports
All the Best to all XDA fans out there!!!
I have found a fix for my XDA2 with Tom Tom and GPS BT-321 H
This was such a headache for me but through persistance - I got it working
This is how I did it
1. I downloaded - Bluetooth tool 1100 "BTHTools1100"
this help me to asisgn my Holox BT-321 to my XDA2 via bluetooth to port Com7
2. I then downloaded "GPSTuner_v5" & GPSmonitor1.1
These programes enable me to talk to my GPS and adjust PORT COM setting and also Band rate
having got these programes to work and pair with my GPS
the next step with TOM TOM6 worked fine trying different ports
All the Best to all XDA fans out there!!!
Thanks, I have actually got it working with a combination of black magic, voodoo, good luck and threatening to trample on it. :wink:

TYTN TomTom Bluetooth GPS

Got my htc tytn loaded totom 5 onto it and guess what bluetooth gps doesn't work with it! Cannot get correct comm port .According to HTC TomTom know about this. Just hoping somebody already has a fix for this?
Had no problems pairing my BT Slim GPS with my Vario II, TomTom runs fine.
What GPS receiver you using ?
works fine on my xda trion as using tom tom 5.21 with BT-338 gps also using com port basically have to pair it and then add outgoing port as com port 0.....and during the installation on tom tom make sure you choose com port 0......that worked for me anyways....hope that helps.
Bluetooth GPS HTC TYTN
Thanks guys have re-installed tomtom and now it comes up with com prt 0.Probably didn't install correctly first time .Now up and running .Fantastic!!!!
I could cry
Hi everyone - I am having a similar problem
I have a new GPS receiver and have established a bluetooth partnership and done the outgoing port to com0 which is the default.
Tom Tom is installed and when I try and configure it I am not seeing all the options shown on the website. It just says no gps detected or something similar. I am sure its something simple.
Can anyone help please?
mobilecat said:
Hi everyone - I am having a similar problem
I have a new GPS receiver and have established a bluetooth partnership and done the outgoing port to com0 which is the default.
Tom Tom is installed and when I try and configure it I am not seeing all the options shown on the website. It just says no gps detected or something similar. I am sure its something simple.
Can anyone help please?
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There's a program CreatePorts that is floating around (you'll have to do a search) that allows TomTom to see additional com ports in the Bluetooth GPS setup. I used this same program on my Samsung i730, and now on the 8525.
You just paid your GPS with the PPC, create the outbound port (in my case I used com 2), run CreatePorts, and then go in to TomTom GPS setup.
Once you get it set up, you don't have to run the app anymore, and TomTom works great
OUCH said:
There's a program CreatePorts that is floating around (you'll have to do a search) that allows TomTom to see additional com ports in the Bluetooth GPS setup. I used this same program on my Samsung i730, and now on the 8525.
You just paid your GPS with the PPC, create the outbound port (in my case I used com 2), run CreatePorts, and then go in to TomTom GPS setup.
Once you get it set up, you don't have to run the app anymore, and TomTom works great
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I tried running this but i can still only assign certain points from my bluetooth manager and dont have these displayed on the tomtom menu.
When you go into the GPS Status settings on Tomtom and tap configure, have you tried looking to see which com ports it lists and then going back to the bluetooth settings and doing trial and error to allocate any of those port numbers as an outgoing port for your GPS unit?
For my genuine Tomtom GPS unit, I did not even have to set up a port, I just had to pair the device but when I used a friends alternative brand of GPS unit for a short while, I was only able to get that one working under Com port 4. I can't quite remember but it may even have been a case that Com 4 only became visible in the Tomtom GPS configure menu after I had allocated it as an outgoing port for the GPS device (sorry, it is a while back so I can't quite remember the order in which I set it up)
Hope you get it sorted
I a so annoyed. I did this and had no luck. Later on I did something and got the option for port 2 and used it and it was great. I had to do a soft reset for something else and I cant do it again. tried everything.
Happy yet frustrated
I have deleted create ports from my device as it only works once. I have reset my device. I reinstalled createports and extracted the file. I then saw port 2 straight away - the one that had been missing in tomtom.
The only problem is that if I do a soft reset I have to do that again!
It is very frustrating trying to get some of these things working. Have you thought about upgrading to Tomtom 6? you may find you have less problems getting the pairing and ports working right.
Failing that, I am sure you will be able to get it working again, just keep trying all the com ports one by one until you find one that appears in the Tomtom configuration. Like I said, on my XDA Vario II (Hermes) I managed to get it working on Com 4 and when I had an XDA Mini S (Wizard) I seem to remember that it was either Com 6 or Com 7 which worked on that one.
You might want to check the bluetooth settings for security and beam as well. Try turning security off (ie. passkey required off) and make sure the beam setting is ticked to receive all incoming beams.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you
download co-pilot for uk
Dashley said:
Got my htc tytn loaded totom 5 onto it and guess what bluetooth gps doesn't work with it! Cannot get correct comm port .According to HTC TomTom know about this. Just hoping somebody already has a fix for this?
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Any one got the co-pilot softwear to insallate for MDA VARIO 2.
download co-pilot softwear for UK.
Any one got the co-pilot softwear to insallate for MDA VARIO 2.
another thread
I have just seen another thread about XDA with a patch for this that seems to work. Can someone merge the threads?
Can anyone point me in the right direction to find this program. I think that it is hidden on the web somewhere near the holy grail.
Help with TT6 + TYTN + Royaltek 2110 please
I have a TYTN and a GPS Royaltek 2110. I have position com0 and other programs GPS work correctly. The problem is that the TT6 always shows he himself message “GPS nonfound”, although always I can say to him that this in the COM0 but does not find satellite.
That I can do? I put the TT5
somebody it has the CreatePorts program and it can put it?
try this thread:-
Pairing TOMTOM 6 with Bluetooth GPS
For all of you that are having problems pairing your GPS Bluetooth receiver with your Hermes see the instruction set below:
#Hermes can not be in flight Mode#
1st: Run BTHTools1100.exe
Pair them in Bluetooth Manager
Holux (outgoing port com4)
Incoming Port (com8)
no security
In settings >> Connections >> GPS
Programs set GPS program port to Com 8
Hardware set GPS hardware port to Com 4
baud rate 4800
If GPS program is not seen in settings\Connections
Use resco registry or other program and:
Go to Hkey_local_Machine\ControlPanel\GPS settings\ creat (make new) "Group" with Dword data =2
In TomTom chose:
Bluetooth GPS
should be working Now
Pairing TOMTOM 6 with Bluetooth GPS (easy) - Kaiser
First after reading the posts I thought I had to reinstall Tom Tom or install another software. Luckily, I paused and read the message when I was about to configure my other bluetooth receiver. It said, first you must establish your bluetooth connection. Well, I lied coz I did try to go on and couldnt find COM 0 or whatever you guys have said.
But that's what I did, eventually. Paired the device as BT GPS, check the serial connection (not sure if secure connection needs to be checked but I left it unchecked to find out later). After that go to com port tab, and click add new port ie selected COM0.
Then go back to TT6 (restarted in my case), and to other bluetooth gps receiver then found COM 0 in there. Voila!!
Chose COM0, but still got no gps device message. Waited for about 2 mins while reading further into the posts and now my TT6 is working.
You could call that strike of luck I dont really care but yeah.. saving some batt power on my kaiser for the bank holiday;s trip. Have a great one everyone!!
P/s: Mine is O2 stellar on Dutty's great work.
Com 4 is the only one that works with Schaps 3.54

Problem pairing XDA II with Holox BT GPS

I know I'm not the only one to have experienced this but I can't find a solution in the archive. Any help would be much appreciated.
System: O2 XDAII, Rom v1.60.00, WM2003. In other words never upgraded.
GPS receiver: Holox BT321
I'm trying to get these to pair but although the XDA sees the Holox and makes a pair I'm getting a steady light on the Holox showing no active connection between the two.
It seems to be a com port issue. The only incoming com port available through Bluetooth->Connection settings is COM5. I've downloded Pocket Bluetooth Tools and attempted to configure the connection as a Serial port, but the only port available for selection is COM7. Presumably this is why they won't pair up properly? I read things about 'creating com ports' and such like but I see no way to do that on my OS.
The GPS does not have any software with it, all that's on the cd is an installation guide. The Holox website looks extinct so no help there.
I haven't tried to put any satnav software on the XDA yet, if that makes any difference. I have TomTom 5 (a used copy so not sure if it will activate!).
Any help gratefully received! Thanks.
Oops never mind - the clue was in the GPS software, or lack of it. I've installed a freeware gps prog and the holox is blinking away happily now
Use GPSGate
Ok!,the best way ( form experience) to pair most of the GPS devices with A PDA, no matter which one with WM2003 or later is to use GPSGate software from Franson , this will allow you to split the hardware S.Port to more than one virtually, and starts the BT automatically ones you set it.... Have Fun

