I've recently purchased an xda 2 from O2 it came with a free bluetooth headset, but I've a few problems and wondered if anybody could answer a couple of questions.
1. The little blue flashed LED, is it meant to flash all the time that bluetooth is being used? It seems to start flashing and then just stop.
2. When I go into my bluetooth settings and turn it back on when it's switched itself off I don't get the LED flashing then I go back into the settings again and it says that it's off. Is this what it's meant to do?
Any good guides/tools about using bluetooth with this device?
Beginning to pull my hair out and I've not much to spare!

Free? from O2? how?
1stly howd u manage 2 get sumit out of O2 for free? i would be worried about that allready!!
what bt Headset did u get? with mine, i get a blue light flashing intermitently when the headset is turned on, and it doesnt change when im making a call.
which bt settings are you talking about? obviously you need to have bonded with the device, which the headsets instructions should cover.
to turn bt on the phone on you click on the bt icon at the botom of the active screen and select the On radio button.
if headset profile is enabled then there should B a small blue headset symbol next to the bt symbol, if its not set, or not turned on then it will be gray. if it is gray then click on it and hopefully it will turn blue to activate the headset profile.
there are sum interesting bt tools around, but the "recomended" setup is the Pocket Bluetooth Tools for the O2 XDA II and the MDA II which is available from here:
I hope that helps.

sounds like you are using bluetooth tools and have got the clock symbol live (not greyed out), it times out the internet connection but doesnt seem to tell o2's software that it turned it off so when you go in, it quite often seems to think its on when its actually off !!

Hi, I didn't have the bluetooth tools loaded, but I've downloaded them from the site you suggested and everything seems to work better.
The headset did indeed come free from O2 I was quite surprised too.
I've think I've attached an image of it, not sure what make it is does BlueTrek sound good?

Yeah that sounds about right, their website doesnt actually give any details, helpfull as allways!! :roll:
neway, have u got everything working properly now?

Hmm...somebody had the same problem with his Bluetreks G2 and the XDA2.
He did a special pairing mode and it solved the problem.
I think its in the G2s instruction manual.

Had a look at the manual can't see anything special in the way that you pair the G2 to the XDA2.
Do you use this bluetooth toolkit?
It still seems flaky, I tried answering a couple of calls with the headset yesterday and nobody could here me at the other end of the phone. Sometimes I get it where the phone says that I have "no bluetooth available" I have to remove the battery and insert it again. Is this normal?

I get the same symptoms you describe when I'm using ActiveSync with my XDA2 over bluetooth, but never with my HBH-65 BT headset. I'm not using any additional bluetooth tools or anything like that. Just the standard built-in bluetooth on my original (November 03) ROM.
Sometimes if my bluetooth ActiveSync connection is idle for a while the connection drops and the flashing blue light on the XDA2 goes out. However, if I tap the little blue BT icon at the bottom of the Today screen, the setting shows that BT is still turned on. I have to tap it on, then off then on again to cycle the status and convince the machine that bluetooth is really back on again. :? This sounds like the problem you describe.
However, no problems like this with my BT headset, which works perfectly.
This isn't any help, but at least you know you're not alone!

Does anybody know if a registry entry exists to turn the bt headset profile on and off?
I've got headset working now but it switches off frequently.

I have a BlueTrek G2 for my Imate and it's working with no problems at all ... I tried BT tools but didn't find it useful as I thought it will give me a "Hands free" profile but it doesn't :x
mokl: maybe it's a ROM issue ... mine is 1.72 WWE, what's yours ?

The rom version is 1.60.00WWE

Just to let everybody know, I had some major problems with my bluetooth on my XDA 2. Tried everything, eventually got a replacement from 02 and the new one works fine now, so it must have been a hardware fault.


Bluetooth bug with Car Kits. Turns off and on and off and .

I searched and didn't find any previous postings regarding an issue with Parrot and Audi Hands Free (Bluetooth) car kits and the TyTn.
This issue is only with the TyTn and the Wizard devices work fine.
It seems to pair fine with the car kits but 5 minutes into usage...the TyTn turns the bluetooth off on the device.
Then about 1 min later, turns Bluetooth on again. The cycle then begins Off and then On ....
Here's a link on the Parrot forum.
I've got the same problem with my Seat Leon (new model) bluetooth carkit !!!
I think it's the same module as in the Audi (all VAG related cars).
It's very irritating !
I hope they will fix it soon....
Er... not followed as far as parrot (down for maintennance) BUT
I've found with my Seat Leon kit that the phone needs to remain in a fully powered state - you can't put it into the sleepy state by the power button otherwise you get the intermittent but eventually endless dingling of it connecting and disconnecting.
Best way I've found is to leave it on asking for a password with the cover on.
edit: Should just point out that you also need to turn off any power off settings - except for the backlight.
Pyranwolf said:
Er... not followed as far as parrot (down for maintennance) BUT
I've found with my Seat Leon kit that the phone needs to remain in a fully powered state - you can't put it into the sleepy state by the power button otherwise you get the intermittent but eventually endless dingling of it connecting and disconnecting.
Best way I've found is to leave it on asking for a password with the cover on.
edit: Should just point out that you also need to turn off any power off settings - except for the backlight.
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I'm going to try this !
I hope that it works.
Thanks anyway.
What kind of Leon do you have ?
I've got an A6 with BT kit and am having this problem. I cannot make/receive a call whilst running my BT GPS device & TomTom, although from reading this the issue may be the Audi kit anyhow.
Are there any fixes available - be it HTC or Audi? Or are there any work-arounds, such as add-on software for the TyTN??
Please help - it is driving me mad. Spoiling what is otherwise a great piece of kit.
I have been having this exact problem with my Audi A4 with Audi Bluetooth.
I did wonder if it was in some way connected with the phone going into sleepy mode as it is being powered by the phone battery.
Also, the bluetooth stops responding after 5-10 minutes, but if I am continously using the phone, it seems to be ok.
Therefore, I think I need to buy an in car charger, and see what happens...
Has anybody else tried this that can confirm it works?
Just a quick note to Paul_o
My Audi A4 / SPV M3100 / Tom Tom / Bluetooth GPS work fine together.
If I am in Tom Tom, and get an incoming call, the little call window pops up over Tom Tom, Tom Tom carries on and the phone audio is routed through the speakers - the only irritating thing is that the Tom Tom lady keeps interrupting... :wink:
I'm using Vario 2 with Audi Bluetooth and also having the BT ON - BT OFF issues.
These are my findings.
- Without JETWARE software:
- BT goes ON and OFF in the car regardless of the VARIO 2 being on or stand-by, or the phone being battery powered or connected to the car.
- Once a conversation is started the BT connection seems to be remain ON.
- With JETWARE software
- If I leave the screen always on the BT connection stays always ON. Only backlight automatic switch-off is selected
- I have tried several screen toggle programs (which claim that they only power down the screen) but the BT goes OFF in the car after a few minutes.
I'm happy to test any other proposal.
What version of JetWare are you running, they have a beta which has settings for the Audi kit, this may help, there is also a registry setting that is meant to change the power settings when bt is connected. An extract from an email conversation with Jetware...
We have also addressed the power issue, but this fix requires a registry change. Please create a DWORD registry value in HKLM\Software\JETware\AGExt named InSessionPower with a value of 0 (valid values are 0-4, with lower values indicating greater power availability). This will tell the OS that the Bluetooth device should stay at full power while it is in a Hands-free session.
Not sure if this will help, my Hermes is ariving on Monday, I'm was hoping that all the problems i've had with my magicain and the audi kit would go away with the Hermes, but maybe not.
Give the key a go and let me know
Hi dh,
thanks for your reply.
I haven't installed the Beta version yet. However I have changed the registry setting and will test first thing tomorrow. If this doesn't fix the problem I will try the Beta version with the Audi setting.
I'll keep you posted.
Hi dh,
I have tested the two proposals (Change in the registry and the Beta version + Audi settings) without much luck. The BT connection with the car keeps going ON and OFF when the phone is running on battery.
Have you got your Hermes? any luck?
Got my Hermes (Orange M3100) a couple of days ago. I've installed the JetWare extention, and without the InSessionPower set the connection is dropped. So far with the setting applied it has stayed connected. I have had other problems like not being able to make calls etc, which is a bit of a issue. I need to do some more testing, as i've been messing with the phone a bit.
I'll update here in a couple of days
Must say i'm very disapointed with the phone regarding this. A couple of weeks ago i had a Wizard which worked flawlessly with the JetWare extention, no power issues, calls made and received without a single problem. I wonder what has changed with the bt implementation between the Wizard and the Hermes?
Hi dh,
You will see from my previous postings I have had the same problems too.
It should be noted, though, that the Vario (wizard) worked flawlessly with the Audi A4 Bluetooth without Jetware software.
Has anybody been able to prove there is no problems if the phone (SPVM3100) is powered whilst in the car?
I have a factory fitted hands free system in my Vauxhall. Every other phone you can think of works with it...EXCEPT my XDA mini. It seems to pair up, but there is no signal showing from the carkit. It might work for a minute and then it drops out. Is it the XDA or Vauxhall that's at fault? It seems that nobody knows the answer and I paid serious money for this bit of car kit. I like the phone, it really is annoying. I have tried another XDA mini as well and that doesn't work either. Does anybody else have a Vauxhall with the same built-in system and not connecting?
I've had the phone plugged in without the registry entry and it seemed to be ok. If I can get to a stage of a working solution i'll test again without the registry entry and with external power.
dh said:
Must say i'm very disapointed with the phone regarding this. A couple of weeks ago i had a Wizard which worked flawlessly with the JetWare extention, no power issues, calls made and received without a single problem. I wonder what has changed with the bt implementation between the Wizard and the Hermes?
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I'm guessing that since they went from BT1.1 to BT2.0 they had to make a new stack.
My Wizard worked PERFECTLY on my Parrot, my TyTN is almost useless on it.
you make a very good point ScottC, that'll be what it is.
Just driven home and could not make a single call with Jetware installed. Removed it and i could at least make a call, but i didn't get any status info or phone book. I didn't get a chance to leave it connected without Jetware for longer enough to see if it disconnected without external power, i imagine it will. I will test some more later/tomorrow. I'll also send an email to Jetware to see what there thoughts are regarding bt v2.0 and their product
I have an Audi A3 with the factory fitted Phone kit but without the Audi Craddle so I'm using the Bluetooth connection.
I have tried the Vario (Wizard/QTEK 9100) and Vario 2 (Hermes/TyTN) and had similar problems with the two of them. Once the connection is stablished I can make and receive calls without problems. The issue is that the BT connection goes ON and OFF without an apparent reason.
The only thing I have seen is that when the Vario is kept on (only the backlight is off) the BT connection normally stays ON, regardless of the phone being powered or not.
I have tried Jetware, the Beta version, the registry entry, programs to switch off the screen...but haven't seen any real difference.
I have bought a bluetooth USB stick and will do some test at home to see if the problem is with the car or the phone.
I called T-mobile and they said it was a faulty phone, but I don't think so.
Keep the postings, we might end up finding a solution
Try upgrade the BT software. I had the same problem after that i upgraded de Parrot software. Now i have the version 4.16

Widcomm Bt Stack On Wizard - Howto

In the last some days i read a lot and found the following :
1. download the widcomm stack from axim site : LINK
2. install it + do a soft reset
3. get a registry edittor (Resco, CECMD etc.)
4. change these values :
BaudRate=115200 (Won't start at higher rate.)
Port=1 (This is the most important thing!)
-soft reset
-at the today screen you will find a BT icon, click on it and have fun
-BT FTP, tested with : SE K750i, hx4700.
-ActiveSync : NOT WORKING
-unable to control from comm manager
-blue led not flashing, easy to forget
-a2dp not tested
-tested on aku3.2 and aku2.3 roms, others maybe ok.
-other devices can't download bt services list, but the services works well.
-maybe unable to remove, not tested yet
-turns off, when you trun off your device, that maybe a problem with BT headset.
Great news! Posted an announcement to the SP & Pocket PC Mag Expert Blog too!
I've just installed the bluetoth stack in my phone. I've not yet tested it but i've found two showstop problems:
- activesync doesn't work anymore
- i cannot start the comm manager anymore (when i press the comm manager button in the upper left corner i can see only a small dialog with wifi and bluetooth power levels)
This is what i've done (maybe i did something wrong):
- copied the cab to storage and ran it (installed in device)
- soft-reset (required by the installer)
- edited the registry according to the first post
- soft-reset
I'm using an aku3.2 rom
Comm manager is working again. I had to reassociate it in Start-Settings-Buttons
Still no activesync (over USB at least)
Has anyone else tried this then? Has anyone tried the hermes cab install found in here...
There has been reports that it works on the trinity as well, so it may work on the Wizard.
Edit: No it doesn't. I have just ried it and it gives the memory error.
took the plunge and tried it
Bluetooth works and I can connect my itech S35 to it. The A2DP profile is detected and can connect... problem is, the signal is too weak to maintain a connection, in other words, I just heard 2 seconds of music and that's it... Another problem is my speakers now don't work... must do more reading...
It's hopeful though...
I am using a Dopdo838...
new2city said:
Bluetooth works and I can connect my itech S35 to it. The A2DP profile is detected and can connect... problem is, the signal is too weak to maintain a connection, in other words, I just heard 2 seconds of music and that's it... Another problem is my speakers now don't work... must do more reading...
It's hopeful though...
I am using a Dopdo838...
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Did you try tweaking the BT params (for example, lowering the bit speed) to see whether it would work at lower bit speeds? See my related articles.
got look out for the links to your tips and tricks again
Hi Menneisyys,
Surrendered on Widcomm stack almost 2 months ago, now have to look again for the links for your tips and tricks for the Widcomm stack again...
Any idea on how to restore audio to my speakers... still dead at the moment... sigh... don't want to restore my back up yet...
i found that you don't really need to remove the shift* keys. if you already removed it, download the BTSpeedSwitcher from the download link, and set the speed to 921600bps. that may help.
Got it working fine
Thanks, but now I am a bit unclear, but will clear things up later. I used the speedswitcher as you suggested and but I had to disable audiogateway before it could work... now I am stuck as I put my wizard into standby and now it won't come back.... on... doh!
Well, one thing I can confirm, you can put it into standby and the bluetooth is still on.......
will feed back more when I get a clearer picture of what happened.... The sound quality is great..... just skipped for a second but is not back to normal again...
My wizard has now a nice quality A2DP sound without the high pitch noise...
went to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1073003&posted=1#post1073003
and used the files from Superdave... all is well now... look at my reply at the hermes thread.. Now I will just back up this "working configuration" and retry these settings on the cab from Aximsite... All the same, thanks to the legendary Mikelspikel
Just wanted A2DP to work so bad.... and it does now. nicely..
new2city said:
Got it working
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Okay, when you get time can you stick up how you got it all working? Many Thanks!
Ive installed the Superdave BBS_HERMES_03.CAB file and then modified the registry to use the above settings but every time i do the soft reset, the registry settings go back to the original values. Im stuck here.
Oh and i am using the last T-Mobile UK rom. (2.0 i think)
Edit 2: Now got it working. I had to kill voicecmd and cprog for it to load without giving the memory issue!
new2city said:
you can put it into standby and the bluetooth is still on.......
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as it should - BT is on on PPC PE devices in standby mode, unlike on plain PPC's.
peetking said:
-unable to control from comm manager
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It looks like comm manager is just an HTML document in the /windows directory. (Should be simple to redirect the button)
sorry for the late reply but had a few setbacks during the night(I am in Malaysia)..
Got A2DP running all night and by mid morning... suddenly all went to hell..
1) No skipping with your suggestion of using MikelSpikel's speed switcher.
2) While trying to put it to standby to test if BT still works and it hung at first attempt. Something must have happened here as I recovered using the reset button and then suddenly I could get it to revert back to built in speakers and headset without issue. I thought, cool, it is like complete solution...
And then, I decided to backup this "complete solution" with SPB backup.. and after the softreset, I lost the ability to switch between headset and speakers. Then during the night while I sleep and use the headset, at around 3 am... the skipping came back...
and then... I restored the backup and now... got to tackle the skipping again.. never mind the muted speakers..
What linespeed(I use 320 dec), Blocks(16) and subband(8) do you use? I followed MikelSpikel's settings which work ok... last night...
back to the drawing board..
Right, i installed the superdave 03 version and then opened up the registry to make sure the settings matched the ones above. I had to kill cprog and voicecmd to start it without the memory error.
I have tested it now and although it is loading up ok, my headset connection is just not working properly. Its paired ok but nothing is getting routed through. However, my gps bluetooth device paired okay and is working fine with iGO 2006 after doing a detection. Damn shame about this headset! I am using a parrott ck3000.
Re-installed everything again and now I got a working version, some things to note though on my wizard..
1) I must overclock to 260mhz(battery status method) before I get skip free music.
2) Leaskovski, I had the same problem too in the beginning, where there is no audio getting through. Did you go to Bluetooth Manager and check the status of your headset? i went to mine(ItechS35) and I can see that the Wizard is sending data through successfully but there is no sound coming out of the headset. I solved this(that time, I don't know why it worked but it did) by going to Bluetooth services and removing the Check box for audio gateway enabled, and then music started coming through. I know, does not sound logical but it worked... that time..
Now hoping to find a way to redirect audio back to speakers when bluetooth is not used..
not tonight though.. its 10.46 pm now where I am...
This doesn't look promising for how i though the BT audio might work with this stack. I was hoping for something like the following...
"A good example of this is MS Voise command running on the MS BT stack. The two devices are paired and connected, however there is currently no streaming. You then receive the text message and MS Voice command reads the message back to you. Just before the message is read, the connection between the devices is made live, and thus the message gets read over the BT headset."
I was hoping that this was going to work for all applications like media player and iGO. I can reproduce what it is doing at the moment using the BTAudio programme that is available on these boards. I just wanted to get around this 'constant' streaming of silent noise.
Damn shame.
Okay for anyone wanting to play with this, here is how i installed and got it running...
1) Download from this thread post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1072773&postcount=72 the file BBS_HERMES_03.zip.
2) Install onto your wizard and soft reset when asked. Upon the reset, the device will moan at you about not having enought memory to load the drivers. Click ok to close this.
3) Load up your registry editor (i use FDCSoft Task Manager) and make the following mods as stated in the first post...
BaudRate=115200 (Won't start at higher rate.)
Port=1 (This is the most important thing!)
If you only want audio routed to headset when there is audio to route then make this reg edit...
4) Do not do a soft reset yet.
5) Now fire up your Task Manager (i use FDCSoft Task Manager) and kill any memory hungry tasks. The ones i kill which then allow me to start the stack is voicecmd.exe and cprog.exe.
6) Now click on the BT icon in the system tray and turn BT on.
Obviously there must be some memory leaks some where in the wizard because a couple of people have said that later in the day, if you try to turn BT on again it wont start due to memory requirements. Anyway, the best thing i can think of is to leave BT on after you have turned it on.
Currently, the blue led will not flash when BT is one. Try not to use the Normal Comms Manager to turn BT one as well as i think this trys to turn the MS stack on which won't work (probably due to memory requirements! )
new2city said:
I solved this(that time, I don't know why it worked but it did) by going to Bluetooth services and removing the Check box for audio gateway enabled, and then music started coming through. I know, does not sound logical but it worked... that time..
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I didnt get this to work in the end by the way.
I tried your idea to leave BT all the while but some problems pop up..
1) If turn off the headset without disconnecting it(BT still left on and the phone goes on standby, sometimes it won't come back.. a poke at the reset button is the only way..
2) I left BT on and disconnected the headset properly. Great BT is still on... BUT after a few hours, I can still connect the headset, but audio is not going there anymore... ??? but goes into internal speakers?
new2city said:
I tried your idea to leave BT all the while but some problems pop up..
1) If turn off the headset without disconnecting it(BT still left on and the phone goes on standby, sometimes it won't come back.. a poke at the reset button is the only way..
2) I left BT on and disconnected the headset properly. Great BT is still on... BUT after a few hours, I can still connect the headset, but audio is not going there anymore... ??? but goes into internal speakers?
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Hmm, i dont have those issues. I am using it with my carkit, so when i turn the engine off and remove the keys, the kit turns off. I haven't had to reset the device apart from when i have turned BT off and then tried to turn it back on again at a later stage (then giving me the memory issue).

8525 Bluetooth disconnects with headset mid-call

Hi All,
I have been reading a lot of messages on both 8525 and 8125 trying to isolate the issue and there doesn't seem to be a straight asnwer anywhere and hence I am trying to get the attention of the users here...
I have a pioneer navigation system with a bluetooth built-in. My previous phone (blackberry) and my wife's treo650 both stay connected with car's bluetooth when on call (never a disconnect). But my new 8525 gets disconnected mid-call (usually after 2 to 5mins, but have also seen a disconnect within 1min). That is, it does pair with the car kit and when there is no call going on, the bluetooth connection never dies. This disconnect only happens mid-call, almost all the times.
I have the latest ROM (1,34.502...., radio: 1.16), got the phone about 2 weeks ago from Amazon.com. Called cingular and they say could be faulty phone and I have searched other forums like audi message board where their car kits are also having the same disconnect problem with 8525, so I doubt this is a single phone issue.
I have taken the 'band' hack and forced the phone to be in either GSM or WCDMA mode and in either modes, the phone still exhibits the same problem (there might not be any connection between the two at all, bluetooth with GSM/WCDMA, but thought there might be some weird connection...but not the case thankfully).
I read somewhere about some bluetooth tweaks on 8125, but never found what those were. I need some help here otherwise I am going to return the 8525 and stay away from it. I need the bluetooth to work efficiently.
thanks for all your help
San Jose, CA
please help
I really need some help, clue or direction on solving or at least isolating this bluetooth issue. I love the 8525 but if I cannot fix this bluetooth mid-call disconnect issue, I will unfortunately have to return, which I don't want.
What headsets the 8525 works fine with (no drops mid-call)? May be that is a starting point.
Please also give me some links to 8125 tweaks that some talked about? pof/other moderators/anyone?
thanks a lot in advance!!
I have an Motorola H700, and every once in a while it will disconnect, looking at the phone after that, BT is turned off, turn it back on and it works again...
There are problems with the hardware and the API used to access it, good phone, but I don't think it was ready for the market yet when they released it. It is likely to be corrected in the next ROM release, last I heard from Cingular is mid 2007, but by the way things go, prolly around late 07/early 08.
I'm having similar issues with the BT headset I use, which is a Samsung WEP150. It'll drop midcall to the handset. I'll look and BT is turned off.
The only remote correllation I've found is that it seems to occur when I've received a new email or something a la ActiveStink.. And I haven't really been able to confirm that... But I have definitely noticed it happening then though.
my 8525 does this as well with my factory BT in my 05 Acura TL. Kind of frustrating, have not been able to figure it out yet.
Problems w/ Audi BT as well
Same issues with my Audi Q7 BT. I have seen posts in this and other forums blaming the MS bluetooth stack.
My 8525 worked flawlessly with my Garmin NUVI 660, never disconnected or failed to connect automatically. This is frustrating.
8525 Fix
I had the same problem with the 8525 and my Pioneer Avic-Z1 bluetooth kit.
I hacked the registry to force the bluetooth radio to stay ON, rather than going into sleep mode. This seems to have fixed the problem (although with limited testing at this point).
My calls would consistently disconnect with 2-4 minutes. After the hack, I've had 2 45-minute+ conversations with no trouble.
Here's the fix... install a registry editor (like PHMedit), and add a DWORD here:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\State\ Suspend
Add a DWORD called btl1: (note the colon, the colon must be there), with a DWORD value of 2.
Good luck!
My Q7 as well i took the advice of wolfgram and did this to my phone i will let you know how it works it would be a shame to give up this phone but it is really useless if this feature does not work right.
Well this is what i did i did what wolfgram said and it still cut out but not as much so i took the checks off in the advance power mode and never let the phone go to sleep and it works all the time. HTC needs to upgrade thier bluetooth setting not to go to sleep. It must stay active at all times MY phone book and all other info posted into my Q7 with no issues at all and it even sees the bluetooth b4 the MMI system in the car Boots up..
Resolution I think
I turned off 'Making device discoverable to other devices' and it seems to have solved this problem, I am using the phone with a parrot kit and it kept disconnecting now it works all the time.
Treo 750 doesn't have this problem
Well, hopefully you owners of Hermes have figured out the fix. I had to return it and now got the Treo 750 and can gladly say the problem is not there. The treo 750 has the v1.2, but I guess following the replies here, that possibly Palm fixed the problem by keeping the BT radio on at all times.
In any case, here is the post I wrote in avic411.com forum - if you want to see any follow up responses by other owners..
Bluetooth cut out
I am having the problem too with the garmin Nuvi and the Tytn - which is ineresting seeing as how one poster had no problem with the Garmin device. Here is something else that is interesting - I did not have the problem when I had the HTC 1.18 Rom installed. After I flashed the HTC 1.35 Rom, the problem began. I have already tried upgrading my firmware on the Nuvi - that did not help. I also use a Nokia 800 bluetooth headset - and that never cuts out with either ROM. I will try turning off the bluetooth discovery first. If that does not work, will try editing the registry. Keep you posted.
Turning off bluetooth discovery did not work.
Turning Off Bluetooth Did Not Work For Me Either
this worked for me.....
drains the battery quicker, but no more bluetooth problems.....
Hey guys, has anybody found a solution for the auto turning off of the BT in suspend mode? its gettin really annoying

How do you stop BT turning off ?????

Can't find anything in any other threads so here goes..
My M3100 (TYTN) turns bluetooth off when I turn off my Sony HBH 300 BT earpiece.
It doesn't happen everytime, maybe 50% of the time. It wouldn't be a problem but during the working day I connect and disconnect maybe 10 to 20 times and when I get back on the road and fire up the earpiece I suddenly find no BT.
I'm normally not in a place where I can safely stop to go through the connections screen to re activate it....
Not had this problem with any other phone, Nokia, SE etc...
I think it also happend once or twice after turning off my TomTom One whilst running the traffic BT connection to my phone...
It is getting to be a pain, so much so I'm considering using a OLD Nokia instead of the M3100. Only advantage is the M3100 allows more than one BT connection at the same time although you do have to connect the BT earpiece before connecting to the TT One unit...
Any ideas how I can stop it turning off without ME actually turning it off, never happens anyway, I just leave it on...
I have a similar problem and would love to find an answer before my 30 day return period is up! I haven't been able to find out WHY my BT radio always shuts off, but about half of the time I get in my car the BT is off. This - and the MS Voice Command hack not working with my particular HF - is going to make me return this thing.
BTW, I have Cingular 8500 with stock WM5.
Worked for me
Hey guys. I had a similar problem a while back.
I had installed a comm manager, and my BT was randomly shutting off. After getting some responses, I uninstalled the updated comm manager, everything has been working fine ever since.
I would recommend following the same course of action. If you don't have the original installed, maybe try installing a new one.
I recommend keeping the phone. It's great. There is SOOOO much you can do with it. If you are unlucky and got a lemon, that's a different story.
But I do not think this problem is common... good luck.
Last week I updated my ROM to the latest official AT&T release, and my BT problems *appear* to be solved.

Bluetooth not staying on - same problem as Tracy and Matt Blog

My Xperia X1 is great. The keyboard is a refreshing change from the orbit 2/polaris.
Problem - Bluetooth does not stay switched on. This is most apparent when using my Parrot carkit because it does not automatically connect due to the bluetooth being switched off. I have looked through the settings to no avail. Any suggestions? Anyone else with similar problem?
Also the screen switches itself off at such short intervals - possibly to help battery life but it makes reading web pages frustrating at times.
The screen switching off can be changed or turned off in the phone settings.
Thanks for that. The bluetooth issue is real although it may only be on the branded uk ROMs. Anyone else with a similar problem - when I click bluetooth on it stays but as soon as you open up settings or programs the icon disappears (switches itself off). Any bright ideas?
Bluetooth just turns off...
I have the same problem.
The Bluetooth just turns off.
Its a real problem, and nothing i can find either talks about it... or in any setting.
Anyone know of a fix?
My friend at SE Sweden told me that a new FW will fix this. They know about the problem and are working on it.
RTFM - switch bluetooth on + soft reset device = bluetooth stays on.
Works for me
Golgo said:
RTFM - switch bluetooth on + soft reset device = bluetooth stays on.
Works for me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This does not fix the issue. Soft reset after enabling.
Again... I contacted SE... and was told.. "We are aware of this and it has been passed to developers to create a patch in the form of a CAB/flash that will become available on the SE website under support."
So... timescales... she said.. it won't be weeks as this is a new phone and any issues are taking priority.
Sit and wait... if you need it and use BT constant... Hold fire on buying one...
harvsingh said:
This does not fix the issue. Soft reset after enabling.
Again... I contacted SE... and was told.. "We are aware of this and it has been passed to developers to create a patch in the form of a CAB/flash that will become available on the SE website under support."
So... timescales... she said.. it won't be weeks as this is a new phone and any issues are taking priority.
Sit and wait... if you need it and use BT constant... Hold fire on buying one...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, that's weird since it fixed the issue for me... still, nice to hear SE's working on improvements.
Golgo said:
RTFM - switch bluetooth on + soft reset device = bluetooth stays on.
Works for me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you put what rom version yours is.?
Start /SEttings/device information/Version
and what SE asked from me...
Start /SEttings/device information/customer info
What works for me is switching off the wifi - my bluetooth has stayed on every since.
I installed the Touch HD TF3D and hey presto.. WIFI and Bluetooth work as wanted with no probs.
So... What does this package do?
any Bluetooth settings or power?
i have a german rom ( 1.02.932.3 ) and i have the bluetooth issue too.
I think this is just a small bug in the SE BT stack. SE phones have an option to turn on BT for 10 minutes or so, maybe this setting was used in the first roms. I hope SE will fix this.
I've got a 02 SE X1 just out, I have the same issue, I can connect to my Parrot 3200and it works fine, get back in to my car sometime later and BT will not connect, 1st I tried switching off the phone, then resets, and finally which works, switching off the BT and back on again (although BT still shows as being on in Connection manager), after that I can finally get a BT connection to the car kit,
Is anyone getting the same problem ?? and is there a patch yet as its really frustrating to do this every other time,
Thanks Mark
Hi Mark I have a Parrot Bluetooth carkit (3200 the same as you). It is working and syncing beautifully with the X1i just as it did with my previous WM devices.
I dont go through the stages you mentioned anymore but bluetooth only stays on if the wifi is kept off.
Hope you get yours sorted.
the_flyer said:
Hi Mark I have a Parrot Bluetooth carkit (3200 the same as you). It is working and syncing beautifully with the X1i just as it did with my previous WM devices.
I dont go through the stages you mentioned anymore but bluetooth only stays on if the wifi is kept off.
Hope you get yours sorted.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Wifi is always off ? I've emailed SE tech support so it will be interesting to see what they say
Does anyone have a problem with the HBH-DS980 bluetooth headset?
On my X1, it only shows Wireless Headset and Hands-Free services. What about A2DP and AVRCP?
I never use wifi, but I still get this problem pretty regularly. It's the only thing keeping me from using the phone.
Also, has anyone else noticed a bug where the email signature you set will not be retained after a soft reset? It always reverts back to the stock Xperia sig.
I have a Xperia uk version and had the same experience, bt went off randomly. I installed Touch flo 3d and now works fine. Switching on and off WiFi has no influence on bt in my case. Also tried bt on + soft reset and still bt went off sometimes.
i have same problem
i have the same problem with the bluetooth, i cannot connect to my car kit (which is SE also by the way!). After contacting SE i was told to wait for the new firmware coming out on the site... this is so frustrating!! how can such an expensive phone have this silly problem??

