unlocking xda with rom ver. 4.00.05 ENG - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

ive just got another xda and wondered if i can unlock it with XDAunlock
heres the xda's info -
the rom version is 4.00.05 ENG
rom date 06/05/03
radio version 4.20.00
protocol version 32S54
any help much appriciated ,as would spelling lessons

XDAunlock tool works only with PPC2002 ROMs

so what do i need to unlock this xda ??

you will have to down grade your ROM to any PPC2002 version (3.17 is so good) and use the tool ... or to flash your ROM with the SER v1.2 which will unlock your xda with the first boot

ok then would any kind person like to share with me the XDA developers Special Edition ROM v1.2 as i have no access to a unix machine
please pm me for me email addy
meny thanks


meny thanks Biso007


need help unlock o2 rom version 3.08.10 ENG

hi can anyone help me unlock on O2 XDA rom version 3.08.10 ENG Rom date : 07/11/02 radio version 6.02 Protocol 324e4
i try to use some software install to O2 and try to run it can not run :-(
Hi Worapot,
I have the sme version as you have. Did you finally unlocked the sim? I need your help with detailed step by step explanations if you succeeded.
I have downloaded the mkrom and the xdaunlock.exe.
I recieve the message 'error getting unlock code'.

Downgrade from Kitchen 4.11 to O2 XDA 3.20.06 ENG

Please advice
My XDA just update ROM to kitchen 4.11, it is posible to install back to O2 XDA 3.20.06 ENG.
Please post aswer or direct to [email protected]

Unlocking for Orange.

I am not the most technically minded person but have an o2 xda and ant to unlock it for Orange.
It is rom version 3.17.03 eng
radio version 4.21.00
What specifically do i need to do (In a kind of Idiots guide way) to unlock it , if this is at all possible
Cheers guys
There is two ways you can do it, read:
1. XDA1Unlock (Thread)
The program can be downloaded from:
2. Install the XDA-Dev-ROM 1.1
XDA-Dev-ROM 1.1 can be D/L from:

ROM 4.01.16 ENG xda unlock

Please help,
XDAunlock will not work with ROM 4.01.16 ENG, ROM DATE 02/04/04, RADIO version 6.25.02? (T-mobile, USA)
anybody wanna help this guy and me out?
rom version 4.01.16
rom date 02/04/04
radio version 6.25.02
Protocol version 324e4
tmobile MDA1 United States
BZH said:
Please help,
XDAunlock will not work with ROM 4.01.16 ENG, ROM DATE 02/04/04, RADIO version 6.25.02? (T-mobile, USA)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes, XDAunlock not work with RADIO version 6.25.02.
but I have tools to unlock it!
Hi! i too have a Tmobile with rom verson 4.01.16 & Radio version: 6.25.02, it locked and i need the unlock tool, can u pls help me?
Hi! i too have a Tmobile with rom verson 4.01.16 & Radio version: 6.25.02, it locked and i need the unlock tool, can u pls help me?
Has anybody figured out how to unlock this?
Has anyone tried to downgrade the ROM and the Radio stack to see if this the XDAUnlock works.
I'm curious to see if I will run into Radio Stack problems if I attempt to do that.
Another victim of latest XDA 1
Rom Date: 02/04/04
Radio Version: 6.25.02
Protocol Version: 32e4
Has anybody tried unlocking the dam thing yet?
I think I got this ROM from T Mobile while upgrading my XDA to Windows Mobile 2003
Another WM2003/T-Mobile RS6.25.02 person...
Same situ here...
ROM 4.01.16ENG
RS 6.25.02
WM2003 Wallaby from T-Mobile. Can't seem to get any of the existing tools to work, any help appreciated.

Wallaby Siemens sx56 unlock

I have read many posts on this site that pertain to unlocking the Wallaby.
I have not actually tried it yet becuase I read that the XDAtools does not work on a wallaby without wmodem.exe. I happen to have a unit that seems to old for the XDAtool unlock and I want to make sure I have this straight.
The Wallaby is:
ROM Version: A.30.09 ENG (upgraded from ppc2002)
ROM date: 01/01/04
Radio version: A.20.10
Protocol version: 324e4
Model No.: PW10B1
Thank you! This seems painless.
hello i bought a 6315 on ebay, i want to use it in latin america, gsm 1900, i need to unlcok it, room version is A.20.10 i wanted to download the special rom, but the link doesnt work and room folder on ftp is emty, i know is an old phone,can someone help me please unlock it? [email protected]
Insteed of posting same thing multiple times you should read much more.....
Try this link here for help:
Xda Pw10B1
Hi there. I would like to know whether you can upgrade the ROM version of the Xda to a recent one and also if you can unlock it.
rom http://www.romkitchen.de/

