Assign Ringtone to group or specific number possible? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Can this be done....When in options I cannot seem to find the way to assign a specific ringtone to a specific number / contact and / or group.

use ringtoneX from you can assign it to contacts and phone numbers

I agree Ringtone X is a lovely little application that let's you assign different tones by name, group, or number plus you can assign the default ringtone to specific numbers as well.
The current version can also play a variety of sound formats including midi, wma and wav.

you can also use a little very good freeware called PhonExt
allow you to create and manage group ringtones and to assign personal ringtones to users.
can also be used for quick dialing with the today plugin.
Have Fun

Cyberb0b said:
you can also use a little very good freeware called PhonExt
allow you to create and manage group ringtones and to assign personal ringtones to users.
can also be used for quick dialing with the today plugin.
Have Fun
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Does it support the usual PPC 2003 ringtone formats, of wav, midi, AND wma though mate first?

I tried PhoneExt and it doesn't seem to work in WM2003

I also tried Phonext on my i-mate. The ringtone assignment doesn't seem to work on pocket pc os. The search contacts function works fine.
Any opinion on this?

i m using phonext on my XDA2 win2003 for a long time and i have no problem at all. i previously used it on my XDA 1 under windows 2002 and 2003 and i never had problems
i store my .wav in the /windows/ring directory and assign in my contact the ringtone i want to be play.
I did not try with .mid or wma i only use small .wav files
it works just fine.
just one thing : make a shortcut of the phonext.exe and drop it in the window startup so the the application run when you reboot

Cyberb0b said:
i m using phonext on my XDA2 win2003 for a long time and i have no problem at all. i previously used it on my XDA 1 under windows 2002 and 2003 and i never had problems
i store my .wav in the /windows/ring directory and assign in my contact the ringtone i want to be play.
I did not try with .mid or wma i only use small .wav files
it works just fine.
just one thing : make a shortcut of the phonext.exe and drop it in the window startup so the the application run when you reboot
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wav wav wav...
Everyone keeps referring to wavs, but it seems no one is prepared to answer the question...
Does this application allow the normal PPC2003/WM2003 assignment of wma and mid files.
You and many others might still be using large wav files.
But the rest of us with WM2003 elect to utilise the much smaller and better quality wma files.
So asking yet again...
Does this application support wma files.
'Cos if the answer is no, it's usless to us.
So, anyone want to answer this time please folks?

well i can now answer to you now, i ve made some of a testing yesterday.
phonext only deals with wav, no wma nor mid files.
sorry dude

hhhmm better quality wma files as ring tones ?
yes mp3 and wma can be made to sound almost as good as a cd
but as a ring tone it's being played by the speaker of the xda
which is pretty low quality small speaker
it's pretty overkill
heck i bet you could take a wav file and make it mono and 8bit and changed the sample rate to 11Khz and would still be ok for a ring tone

that s how i encode my wav files, sounds good and quality is more than acceptable for me.
usually i got less than 150 K per ringtone for a 20 sec ring tone

Rudegar said:
hhhmm better quality wma files as ring tones ?
yes mp3 and wma can be made to sound almost as good as a cd
but as a ring tone it's being played by the speaker of the xda
which is pretty low quality small speaker
it's pretty overkill
heck i bet you could take a wav file and make it mono and 8bit and changed the sample rate to 11Khz and would still be ok for a ring tone
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Hi Rudegar mate.
I'm originally an Orange SPV E200 user...
Had this since October last year.
Done more tests between wav, and wma, than i would care to go into.
Modaco Smartphone website covers this issue to death, with loads of users chipping in.
The completely unanimous agreement?
WMA is the better file format to use, for the balance between quality and file-size.
Proven. Not speculation. But as ever, each is free to decide for themselves. All I am saying is that in a debate that has ALREADY ran for ages in relation to another device, the consensus is this conclusion.
Let me point out, that if you use a low quality wav, you can use wma to make an equivalent 'low' quality tone, but at a smaller file size.
If you want high quality wav, you can use wma to encode in VBR 320K, and get a superb high quality tone, but STIll at a smaller file size than a very high quality wav file.
So its entirely up to you what quality you opt for - all I am saying is that once you settle on the quality level you like, using a wma file at a generally equivalent quality will result in a smaller file size.
Not fish-wife's tale mate, accepted fact, hence why compressed file formats such as mp3 and wma are used the world over - a decent enough quality for audio, and much smaller file sizes.
The wma files that I use... they are 96K quality, around 40 seconds long each (took me ages to create my catalogue, but I've been doing this for a long time remember). They are all around 500K file size.
If I were to utilise wav files instead, to do them at a quality that was acceptable on the phone/XDA2, they would weigh in at around 2MB.

with my wma encoder i have one handle which is bitrate
with a wav editor i have
sample rate
mono / stereo
16bit vs. 8bit
and Cyberb0b (even though i havent heard that 150K ring tone of his) have a 20sec ring tone as wav
personaly when i store music on my xda2 using wma i do it in 64K/b sec which is not the best quality for listening to music but it's be all means way overkill for playing a ring tone using the nonheadset speaker of my xda2
suppose it can in some ways be compared to
everybody know that jpg is better then bmp
but if i were to draw a picture in pain using black on the white
saving my picture as 2bit bmp is WAY better an option then saving it
as jpg
with screenshots in windows gif as a rule is a better format then jpg
and with these 2 examples i'm speaking both quality and size

I use wma 64 as ringtones and i will NEVER use wav..
and i can tell the difference between 64wma and 32wma through xda ii speaker.. this speaker is not total crap.. it's the best ive ever heard in a pocket pc/phone.. even when watching movies and clips i cant use anything less than wma 64..
IMHO more than wma 64 is useless(when using the speaker)
and less than wma 64 is noticeable (when using the speaker)

i suppose what one use as ring tone also mean a great deal
i mean if somebody use a song or their own voice yelling to pick up the phone
compared to one who found some ring tone like an old type of phone they once had and use that
or a dog barking or .......

Shameless plug.
I've some ring tones encoded in WMA available from my website.

it might be better with WMA, but i do not listen to my rigntones all day long, i just need a cool sound to recognise who is calling me in the daily noisy diturbance.
Usually i even use 4 or 5 sec repeting sound making wav no bigger than 20 or 40 ko as the sample file included.
i m sure wma is better, but i might use that to listen to music, i do not care my ringtones have or not a CD quality
and as far as phonext is the only free soft i have found to assign ringtones to contacts i ll continue this way.
maybe the developper of the app will release a new one including wma, i hope so....
if some one got a better free soft for assigning ringtones to contact and creating groups, i will follow

Rudegar said:
with my wma encoder i have one handle which is bitrate
with a wav editor i have
sample rate
mono / stereo
16bit vs. 8bit
and Cyberb0b (even though i havent heard that 150K ring tone of his) have a 20sec ring tone as wav
personaly when i store music on my xda2 using wma i do it in 64K/b sec which is not the best quality for listening to music but it's be all means way overkill for playing a ring tone using the nonheadset speaker of my xda2
suppose it can in some ways be compared to
everybody know that jpg is better then bmp
but if i were to draw a picture in pain using black on the white
saving my picture as 2bit bmp is WAY better an option then saving it
as jpg
with screenshots in windows gif as a rule is a better format then jpg
and with these 2 examples i'm speaking both quality and size
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Send me ANY of your wav file ringtones.
I'll encode them into wma audio, and the quality will be comparably the same (certainly no pronounced noticeable deterioration), and they will be smaller file size.
And that being the case, then why would anyone use wav that doesn't have to?
Why do you think it was such a sought after feature of WM2003 - wma tones?
To have tones of comparable quality, but at lower filesize.
Yes, of course its not a lossless compression format (though little known fact, neither is wav!).
But it IS a format that can be reduced in file size considerably, with virtually no noticeable difference in quality.
Audiophiles can supposedly tell the difference at the HIGHER end of the quality scale (though I have to admit I can't), but it was always accepted that at the lower end, no real difference could be noticed.
So, if you can save a tone in a two formats, either of which SOUND much the same, but one is a lot smaller file size than the other, which would you use?

well i dont have any ring tones well non that i use anyhow
i use a tone called dog bark which came with my rom
maybe cyberbob have one
and i never claimed that wma was bad
just that wav files need not be that big in size if one had to make due with them one could limit their size and not suffer
much in the way of quality when it came to ringtones


PPC 2003 can support MIDI Ring Tone

Anybody know how to use MIDI Ringtone on XDA ? What software we need or may be somebody has ring tone colection (like default on PPC 2003 : Terresterial, Mystic, Fantasy, etc) want to share.
Thanks in Advance
yeah any ideas anyone?
I saw some people were doing it.... wondering how
I remember reading a thread about it somewhere. There was program you need to use to save the midi file in a ringtone compatible different midi format.
I don't understand, one of the features and options that makes our phone unique is the choice of WAV ringtones, It always turn heads when my phone rings. And now with WM2003 is even better, since supports WMA, hence better quality. Why in the world would you want a $500 phone, sound like a cheap Nokia?
If you want choice?. there are plenty of ringtones in my website. If you want to save space in your ppc, convert it to a WMA
my .02 cents
If it were a midi file and the soundbank (instruments) were good midi files would sound great. AND they would be tiny.
The issue I had / have with the XDA is how quiet the ringtones are if the WAV isnt normalized or properly created.
WAV files that are clipping (louder than 0db gain) make popping noises when played back. So there are numerous reasons.
It is compelling that you can have a WAV file.. but..
personally, I think an MP3 is a better idea for WAV ringtones and a midi file is a much smaller foot print.
I now have a Sony Erisson T610
beautiful screen and colors..
The XDA isnt very pretty....
The T610 has great sounding ringtones. Way better than the Adlib sound card you remember from Midi in the past.
Thats my 34.87 worth.
Microsoft finally paid them off....
anyone can recommend a good WAV to WMA converter??
Bedammit said:
.....personally, I think an MP3 is a better idea for WAV ringtones and a midi file is a much smaller foot print.
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.....Windows Media Audio (WMA) is smaller and sound better than an MP3. and again, Windows Mobile 2003 supports WMA ringtones, so you can have high quality ringtones, without the hefty memory requirements of a WAV.
just FYI, you guys DID know that there is a SEARCH button function in this forum, all those questions that you guys are making have been already answered.
Anyways, the easiest WAV-MP3-WMA converter is dbpowerAmp which can convert back and forth pretty much every format there is out there. and pretty easy too and FREE.
again, you might want to do a search,..for converter
and for a program to use midi files ?
*raises an eyebrow and smiles at him meekly*
I did try a search for "midi ringtone" AND "midi 2003" to see if I could find the solution but all I got was ... how do I do this... how do I do that... why wont 2003 play midi ring tones.. so I added my question to the bottom of one of those... maybe the forum should have a read only section called F.A.Q ???
btw... the main reason I want to use midi is for what bedammit was saying...
1. mp3s would be god for ringtones... but someone (IE microshaft) wont support the standard (Shocker)
2. midi files are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smaller than mp3 or wav and so I can fit far more dodgy tones than any current nokia brick.
3. midi files are fantastic for notational purposes outside an XDA... also with a decent set of sound banks (that o/b manufacturers cant include because of cost) you get extremely realistic quality... Sblive plat is what I use the now but if you get a turtle beach or something more than an off the shelf quazi soundcard then you will *NOT* be able to tell the difference. Unfortuantly like many things in life, these superb boards are being priced out of the market because people don't realise they only get what they pay for !.
4. wav is pish as far as signal to noise ratio goes.... so much of those many mbs is just noise and nothing more... you wanna pay $500 for that?
5.WHY THE HELL would anyone pay $500 for a phone that has the pishest speaker on earth integrated in the first place? I dont know... I did... we ALL did... headphones are fine.... but the speaker sucks '.'
6 WHY THE HELL pay $500 for a phone your going to fill the fast flash memory up with wma/wav ringtones (remember how slow it is reading from SD) most multiple ringtone progs dont work correctly unless all tones are in flash. Maybe that's why MS 'forgot' to put it into 2002PE ?
7. talk about quality and then mention WMA ? that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one LOL
ahhhhh Greg, yir a hero
6 instruments eh? bleh....
must be too expensive also to add real midi playback on your $500 phone lol...
god you can emulate an AWE32/64 on a PC these days yet Microsoft dont know how to store more than 6 voices on a $500 phone. What value for money :roll: you can buy a pci soundcard with 128 voices for £20...
that other link to seems interesting... I'll give that a go when I have time
although if I was doing it that way I'd be as well using WMP9 on 2k3EE.
Go for wma if you have to guys coz MS really dont have a clue what midi is.
cheers, again Greg
The dispensing of Crack on Xda-developers
It appears that crack is being dispensed on
Reports have been issued that an un-named source from Miami has stated that MP3s are better sounding than WMAs.
As an audiophile and a music producer.. I can tell you that this is a difficult question to answer without defining your basis for comparison. However...
To solve this now...
Most MP3s are encoded with an older compression codec than WMA 9s WMA codec (assumming that is your comparison for WMA if it isnt... well all bets are off previous versions of WMA are not as high in quality as many mp3s). Low bitrate MP3s (as in mp3s below 128kbs) are better in quality in many circumstances, but most people dont encode or download low bitrate for fidelity reasons.
Furthermore... your choice of player has a role in all the confusion. So make sure you ARENT using an older player/ decoder.
Go out get yourself some good speakers AND headphones and test it yourself.
Make sure you have a NEW MP3 encoding codec from a reputable encoder.
Like hmmm LAME running on say.... CDex.
Next go get a good mp3 player (Sorry folks... I cant say Windows Media player is going to play fairly EVER, as they had OS's to sell.
Try Winamp.
Just say no to drugs and WMAs
read about MP3s
fair enough... mp3 support out the box with Microsoft is pants... but then again the max is 96kbs is it not? wonder why... no anti competitive practices o fcourse... well why would that be possible ? you can pay MS an extra $20 and get 128kbs+
and yeah there are soooooooooooooooooooooo many better alternative players.. I like winamp personaly
It appears that crack is being dispensed on
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so what you going to do ? sue XDA developers for providing a medium for users to copy/crack files on? I doubt that... its already been tried and the VCR companies won that one.
I dont see the XDA developers condoning piracy....
and anyways, newsgroups are so much better for that sorta thing *coff*
Re: The dispensing of Crack on Xda-developers
Bedammit said:
It appears that crack is being dispensed on
Reports have been issued that an un-named source from Miami has stated that MP3s are better sounding than WMAs.
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hehehe, you guys are funny.
Nossie, I think he is reffering to the crack that you smoke, not the crack that you hack!
Ok, dudes, cool, to each its own, but we are talking about the tiny little speaker of the Xda!. I knew that the midis file were only 6 instruments, you guys want phone that can emulate AWE32/64????
NAME ONE PHONE that has that feature!.
You guys are making comparison between MP3, and WMA, yeah, in a regular, HI-FI speaker they might be a difference, but... ARE you planning to attach one to the itsy-bitsy XDA, just to hear a "HI-FI" ringtone???.
the only reason to choose WMA over MP3 or WAV, is for the size, which for a regular user sounds around the same each, but the WMA is smaller size.
another feature that the midi doesn't have is voices, and other real sounds, that only a WAV/MP3/WMA can make
Yeah, the midis are smaller, but how many midis are you planning to have? I have like 10 ringtones, and that's more than enough for me.
Of course, to each its own, if you like it.....go for it
anyways are guys planning to give a concert everytime the phone rings???
crack.. hehe...
reminds me or a girl in london.
that too.
BTW ppl pants are underwear and if something is pants it sucks..
how strange.
:lol: LOL
"And now with WM2003 is even better, since supports WMA, hence better quality. "
WMA better quality then wav hhhmmmm
that would be like saying that jpg looks better then uncompressed TIF's
better quality compared to WAV....and smaller size
"better quality compared to WAV"
how would it be better quality then wav when wav is just raw sample data with a header telling if it's stereo, samplerate and number of bits ?
unless WMA support a higher bit resolution or samplerate
then it will be just another lossgiving noreflective transformation of sampled data like mp3 and ....
ok, tell me what you rather have, a 1MB ringtone in a WAV or a 100K Ringtone in a WMA
(now discuss with me that that is not the right number for the conversion)
for the Xda speaker phone, the ringtone would sound pretty much the same, the speaker of the XDA is a crappy speaker, a regular listener would not make a difference for it.
I guess I'm either deaf, or I am the only that has a crappy speaker on the phone, and your XDA phones came with HI-FI YAMAHA Surround sound speakers,and 10GB memory and you guys actually can tell the difference of the WAV/MP3/WMA on the phone.
In short, WMA is the best solution for saving ringtones on THE PHONE, is good enough quality and is reasonably small.
Remember guys, this is a forum for the XDA, not for the PC, so: there is no Winamp, no HI-FI Speakers, no lots of memory, no AWE32/64.
The comparison between the TIFF and JPG are not good, if you had to use your digital pictures and watch it ONLY in your camera (as the ringtone that you listen to it ONLY in the phone), you could use JPG anyways, and very little resolution, since the size of the little screen wouldn't matter to the eyes, (now you can dispute that you have not 20/20, but bionic vision, and that you see beyond human). If you were to make a ringtone, to use it in the PC, or some other hi-fi equipment, then yeah, all you guys comparisons will have avail, but again, the XDA speaker is not the best quality.

Ring Tones using MP3

:lol: can I set MP3 song as ring tones at XDA II.
I hope somebody answers this one yes
No - but you can convert it to WAV or WMA
:lol: Thanks.
xda-rocks said:
No - but you can convert it to WAV or WMA
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How do you get it to play a wma as a ringtone ?
With the WMA loaded on your XDA...
Start - Settings - System Tab - Add New Ringtone
Check the Tone(s) you want, click OK
take it easy...
or just simply copy it to \windows\rings...
Re: take it easy...
yourmate said:
or just simply copy it to \windows\rings...
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Can I have ringtones stored on memory card?
I just dont want to have 20 WMA files in main memory...
Ring tones on SD cards
Ring tones are used when your MDA gets awaken (phone call, alarm) and this needs to be pretty fast. Therefore you cannot use a card memory card. Many applications assigned to hardware keys stored on the memory card fail.
MP4 Ring Tones
You can use MP4 for ring tone. I've used Quicktime to convert mp3's to mp4 format. Hope that help!
I have ringtones stored on memory card of XDAII with no problems
Sorry to spoil your fun but check your \windows\rings folder. Whatever ringtone you selected will be copied into that folder before you can use it. You are actually carrying two copies if you think your tones are on the memory card!
Hi folks - this is my first post, so forgive any ignorance of any rule I have missed.
Can I just ask, I'm used to my trusty E200...
Can you set individual ringtones, for specific contacts, on the XDA2, like you can on the E200 Smartphone?
And is it easy to get rid of the O2 Active homescreen/today screen customisation, and use it like a proper PocketPC ?
Ring tones us wav
I had convert the MP3 songs (4 MB) to wav files, is about 30 MB, so I use sound recorder (come with Windows) to trim off the file to about first 40 seconds to reduce the files sizes (5MB), since when phone rings, it will automatic stop at about 30+ seconds when nobody answer the call.
Why leave them as wav's though mate? That's where you are going wrong.
Once you have the section you want and have saved this as a wav, then convert it to a tiny little wma file to use as a ringtone - usually around just 500K for a 40 second tone in 96Kps quality - you can even use 64Kps to make them even smaller in filesize.
See below for some examples of the ones I have done. Dance songs make good choices because of the long instrumentals that allow full 40 second tones etc.
you have a point but i have some WAV files with excellent quality sound on a 22KH and 16BIT have the same size as the WMA files.
I mean you have a good solution there but it doesnt differ allot from my point of view. And i dont see why you need to play an MP3 file as a Ringtone while you only need 30sec of music if you creat an Mp3 for that time it wont differ from the WMA or WAV file size.
So i think a WAV file created with a good software (NERO) will give you a good quality small sound and WMA also...
I don't think ANYONE can or will agree with you about the use of wav's mate as being as small.
Simply put, as wma, or mp3, or mp4 are 'advanced' audio formats, then in short simple terms, WHATEVER you can get, sounding good, at whatever quality you opt for, as a wav file, can be saved as a wma file of the same or even better quality, always at a smaller actual file size.
That's why it's used mate.
Except for one caveat... If you prefer TOTAL PERFECT quality music, then saving as a high bitrate wav file will produce a better quality song, but of course at a MUCH higher file size.
It would be irrelevant however, when used as a ringtone, as the handset speaker, good as it is, cannot do it justice. So no point doing it. In other words, for a ringtone, then the quality of wma is more than good enough (as its actually a good quality format), but at a smaller file size by far than wav.
You CAN use wav if you like, but on the speaker of the XDA2 there is no quality benefit, but it WILL be bigger file size. Thus, the only real terms difference between wav and wma when used as a ringtone, is a larger file size if using wav.
To give an example... The ringtones I attached above as wma... They are around just 500K. The equivalent file as a wav would be around 5MB perhaps, depending on settings used.
I think that should explain the difference.
And I am not sure what you mean about an mp3 for a 30 second clip being no smaller than a 30 second wav file.
Forgive me mate, but I have to ask, what on earth settings are you using for wav, to get a 30 second clip the same file size as a 30 second mp3 or wma file?
PLEASE post an example here in mp3 30 seconds long, and wav 30 seconds long, in a decent enough sound quality format. I challenge you mate, as I suspect it will be at least 5 times larger in actual file size for the wav file...
Just briefly, to clarify the difference between mp3 and wav file formats...
A CD of music, in wav format, would amount to around 10 to 14 songs, and it would take up a full 650MB to 700MB of file space on the CD.
A CD of mp3's, sampled at what is generally accepted to be near 'CD Audio' quality of 128Kb, would allow for around 100 to 150 songs to fill the same 650MB CD - a hell of a difference.
Finally, a CD full of songs, but recorded in 96Kb wma format, which is that level deemed to be of equal quality to CD wav audio, would amount to around 200 full songs on a 650MB cd.
So that being the case (and its simple fact, known to nearly all), how can you say wav and wma/mp3 have a similar file size, when used at the same QUALITY?
No chance.
You CAN fiddle with wav settings to get a NEAR similar file size, but it will STILL be a still slightly larger file. The QUALITY however will be a LOT lower.
So why have a lot lower quality, at still larger file size with .wav, when you can have .wma, at better quality, and lower file size?
That last sentence, is the explanation in final terms, for WHY people use mp3, or wma, as opposed to wav.
Wav for VOICE only is a different matter entirely as you can use REALLY low bitrates for acceptable results, but for true music, no chance mate.
Which app do you guys use to convert WAV or MP3 to WMA ?
Rob_B said:
Which app do you guys use to convert WAV or MP3 to WMA ?
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Windows Media Encoder mate - it doubles up, as it allows me to convert video files too, ready for use on my XDA2.
There is LOADS more out there mate, but its free, and relatively easy enough, so I use that mate...
If it's not already on your system, the link is:
Be careful to watch for line splitting if that link is too long for one line.

Mp3 as Ring Tone for XDA II

can anyone tell me is there a function or software to make it possible for Mp3 to be as a ring tone?
I convert all my ringtones (MP3 and WAV) to WMA using Sound Forge 7.
They get really small and remain very good soundquality.
Converting to WAV is a bad idea
Convert the mp3 to WMA (Windows Media Audio) , U will conserve the quality , less file size and u can set a .wma file as a ringtone !
Recommended software: MP3 to All Converter
but plz. give direct links to download on of these programs.
google knows bestøgning
this is the best tool i've come across and it's opensource
Forget paying for Soundforge - use dbPowerAmp - it's free and integrates into the shell
Transcoding will result in quality degradation, but not in so far as you'd notice it as a ringtone
dangel said:
Forget paying for Soundforge - use dbPowerAmp - it's free and integrates into the shell
Transcoding will result in quality degradation, but not in so far as you'd notice it as a ringtone
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ok,where can i download(link) dbPowerAmp :?:
How about using using Windows Media Encoder which is a free download and has pre-defined settings for encoding for use on PocketPC etc?øgning&meta=
this is the first place i would look for dbpoweramp
Has anyone experienced lag when using a bigger file as ringtone?
I have. When I use a .wma file which is bigger than 500k, up to 900k, there will be a lag. When there's an incoming call, the unit will light up first, but the ringtone will not start after 2 "toot-toot" or about 2 to 3 seconds later. I've simulated this using my landline to call my mobile, the lag is terrible for bigger files.
Hardly surprising when the ring tone has to be loaded into memory before ist starts playing, why do you want or need a ringtone of 500k or more?
because a 10 to 20 seconds .wma is that BIG!
Fair enough but my ringtone is the 02 Advert theme which is 30secs in length and only 300k? Encoded from an .mp3 using Windows Media Encoder.
Thanks guys
But 1 thing, did u guys actually found out that when setting the converted files as ring tone the sound quality of the files actually became softer ? is there anyway to make it louder? no point setting it as ring tone if u cant actually hears it.. thanks
1. When converting to WMA do this into mono mode (file will be twice smaller than stereo) and lower bitrate. U can't see the diffrence with this mono, little MDA speaker. speaking from my experience best result will be with 32 kb/s which gives 45 s ring about 200KB.
Check this one out pocket.wma souns great IMHO.
2. U can make WMA or MP3 louder with any good software mensioned above. If UR software doesn't have this function it means clearly that's not a good one . It's not easy to find good WMA soundeditor but U can (before converting to WMA) convert MP3 to WAV and there are plenty of applications which have this functionality. There will be no quality loss becouse any converting software does exactly the same (convertion from MP3 to WMA means that software does an uncompressing to raw - Wav format and then compressing it again to desired format).

MIDI as Alarm

I read that it is possible to have MIDI files as alarm sounds so i put a midi file i use on my old SE in the windows directory and when i go to choose the alarm tone i don't see it. is this supported in MDA Compact? what am i doing wrong? please advise. thanks
were did you read this? afaik... you can use midi, wav, mp3, wma for ringtones (via caller id app) windows mobile uses wav and wma for ringtones, but wav only for alerts. hope this helps.
I think it was on the AlarmToday user forum. i thought something was wrong. anyway, thanks for replying, it's a shame that midi cannot be used for alarms i don't think it's a technical or logical impossibility but microsoft works in mysterious ways i suppose. if there's a workaround or a program that would do this i would greately appreciate it if someone could point it out. once again, many thanks
Well, if you have a midi player for pocket pc installed you might be able to pull it off with AlarmToday.
On their site I read:
"Powerful custom alarms to play music (including complete songlists, MP3, WMA, OGG or Realplayer), open documents or applications and much more"
This should in theory make it possible to create an alarm event that starts the midi player software with the midi file of your choice.
Why not convert your midi file to wav it's very simple and then you can use it as an alert?
Do you know the wav file type is so much bigger than the other types of audio?
I sure do realize that but why would you need a whole song for an alert. Change the stereo to mono and 16 bit to 8 bit and trim it down to a length that it needs to be as an alert and it will not be much if any bigger than the midi file.
If you can't live with the shorter version then you should stay with midi because you are right they take up much lesss room, but I myself don't want a whole song played for an alert. The longest one I would ever use would be 2 seconds then let it repeat again for each alert.
If you use this procedure you can have many wav files as alerts.
I've had a recording studio here in Nashville TN since the early 80's and over the years I found out that if you will bend a little there is always a way to get what you want. Let me know if you need any help with turncating your wav files
Thanks for your thoughts
stratguy said:
I sure do realize that but why would you need a whole song for an alert. Change the stereo to mono and 16 bit to 8 bit and trim it down to a length that it needs to be as an alert and it will not be much if any bigger than the midi file.
If you can't live with the shorter version then you should stay with midi because you are right they take up much lesss room, but I myself don't want a whole song played for an alert. The longest one I would ever use would be 2 seconds then let it repeat again for each alert.
If you use this procedure you can have many wav files as alerts.
I've had a recording studio here in Nashville TN since the early 80's and over the years I found out that if you will bend a little there is always a way to get what you want. Let me know if you need any help with turncating your wav files
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I still use a SE P800 smartphone and what you just wrote is what I had to do. WAV files are big but with a bit of creativity in making an alert or ringtones it is just to easy. " Ask and you shall receive"
X-man germ
Cool by the way where did you get that last part of your handle "germ" are you a musician:?:
stratguy said:
Cool by the way where did you get that last part of your handle "germ" are you a musician:?:
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No, I am not a musician. My username is just a nick name from my first name and the germ part is only short for Germany.
Cool thanks, germ is a term we use in the music biz. Thats why I wonered :lol:
Maybe my music taste in "Rage against the Machine" which leads left can explain why I choose my name. Power to the People.
Wat Software do U use to do this? I am looking for a software that can transform anything in everything (mp3, wav) from original CD's. and cut them in small durations. I don't find that...
I use CDex, which BTW is a free program. I love it

Why are Alarm files so big?

I have made a few of my own WAVs using SoundForge and then exported them to the Jam. However the Jam alarms are like 7Kb and mine (of roughly same length) are almost 1MB!
Anybody know why that is - or how one can change that?
hello skagen i think wav files are really big pity that the OS only supports this for it's system sounds. you may want to try and lower the bit rate and maybe make your sound file mono to keep the size down.
They need to be WAV though. I am making the rings and then relacing the in-bulit ones with my own wAV of same name eg "Alarm 1" etc.
using the wav files @ Bit rate: 176kbps, Audio sample size: 16bit, Audio sample rate: 11khz, mono.
for smaller files like the xda default ringtone
save as wma files @ Bit rate: 32kbps, Audio sample size: 16bit, Audio sample rate: 44khz, mono
aside that, you have to cut the low freq in order not to damage the speaker.
I don't think you have to rename as Alarm1 as long as it is WAV the ppc I think can deal with it. personally for tones I use WMA for system sounds (alerts, reminders) I leave them alone and maybe have a WAV or two for SMS and MMS alerts.
Jojo - what frequency is best to use for the highpass filter then? I didnt realise this needed to be done - aaarrgh.
I have about 40 ringtones that I will need to batch process.....
Whilst awaiting your reply I am going to see whether I can get the speaker spec for the JAM and post it here.
Kind Regards,

