Need to display actual PDA screen on attached PC - ideas?? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm a .NET server-side developer who's 100% new to PDA programming. I know the various SDKs exist but I haven't downloaded them or their associated emulators. I've skimmed the MS docs, but I haven't played with them to see what they can really do.
I'm looking for the sort-of opposite of an emulator.
We have PDA-connected software that we're demo-ing at a tradeshow. But the real demo is of the server-side stuff we've built; the PDA is essentially a dumb terminal using only its built-in browser & Outlook.
We need to run the demo on the real PDA but have the results visible to a large audience. So the goal is to somehow make the PDA's screen appear on our VGA projector that'll spray the image on the large screen behind the presenter.
Right now our first-cut plan is to have the PDA connected to a PC via the sync cradle. Then all we need is some software on either the PC or the PDA that'll drag the real-time screen image to the PC.
Does anyone know of such a program?
In the alternative, do the MS SDK emulators include the full functionality of a typical PDA, such as browser & Outlook so I can simply use the emulator and the PC's network connection to simulate the browser/Outlook & over-the-air connectivity, with no real PDA in the demo? The demo doesn't need any telephony capability, just TCP/IP connectivity.
If the emulators do have that capability, which one(s) do I need? There are a bunch of SDKs and emulators available & I don't really have time to grab them all and uninstall - reinstall hunting for the right one. We're looking for something that's American-market compatible and we don't much care which specific hardware device(s) it's emulating.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'll return the favor somehow.

if you need to show the PDA acreen on your PC monitor then you can use aprogram called PPC controller.
it even anables you to control the PDA from the PC.
hope thats what you are looking for.

Thanks, that was EXACTLY what I was looking for.
It'll also be a big hit around here for a bunch of other uses. All that and inexpensive as well.
Thanks again, and the next time you have some server-side .NET headscratcher, send me a note. I owe you one.

Another option is the free powertoy for PocketPC MS Remote Desktop Control and Activesync.
If the device has Bluetooth like the XDA2 then you can ActiveSync using Bluetooth and the presenter can wander within about 10 meters of the PC with the bluetooth connection and teh projector.


O2 XDA - wireless 'linkup' experiment! Help?

I was just wondering if its possible to 'link' the XDA Exec with multiple Laptops so that the laptops all show the XDA's display? Lets assume all Laptops have wi-fi, bluetooth and run Windows XP.
Purposes may be to share a PP presentation, show a software demo etc. (I need to give a tutorial and demo in a room with no projector ).
I was curious if anyone has had any experiance with this? Any advice regarding the best setup (or software) would be great. Cheers.
Nobody any ideas whatsoever?
You could install windows media encoder on one of the laptops, and a remote control app. Then run the remote control app so you can see your phone's screen. Once that's working you can run windows media encoder in screen caputre mode, all the other laptops will be able to connect it it then.
Broon said:
Nobody any ideas whatsoever?
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You can play with Microsoft's "ActiveSync Remote Display". The tool allows you to work with your PPC remotely from your laptop/PC using ActiveSync connection. But you will need to install ActiveSync and this tool to every laptop
If it is a matter of presentation, why don't you copy your presentation to local server's shared folder and ask people to open the file from this folder and listen to your instructions, like Going to next slide... At least there won't be any hassle with intervention to participants' laptops and personal space ))
ps: if you do possess a PC you can run something like MS Netmeeting and establish AS connection with your PDA through AS Remote Display at your PC. Share AS Remote Display application and ask people to connect to your PC's NetMeeting or any other remote conference software
Let us know on your results
IMate->WM2k5 said:
If it is a matter of presentation, why don't you copy your presentation to local server's shared folder and ask people to open the file from this folder and listen to your instructions, like Going to next slide... At least there won't be any hassle with intervention to participants' laptops and personal space ))
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Thats my last resort - I hate doing presentations like this especially when we have the technology to do something 'fancy' :lol:
I will give some feedback to let you know how I managed it (I will succeed)!
Cheers for the ideas!
IMate->WM2k5 said:
You can play with Microsoft's "ActiveSync Remote Display". The tool allows you to work with your PPC remotely from your laptop/PC using ActiveSync connection. But you will need to install ActiveSync and this tool to every laptop
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I just had a look at AS Remote Display and it seemed this would do the trick - However, it does not work with Windows Mobile 5.0.
Does anyone know of a release of AS Remote Display for Windows Mobile 5? I had a look around but there does not seem to be much on offer which is compliant with 5.0.
Right, another problem.
I just installed an app called : Laplink Controller thinking as it offered the functionality I was looking for.
After a supposidly successful install I tried to run it - no joy. It reccommended I uninstall and re-install the software, so I did.
When re-installing I got a message saying:
Cannot load resouce library:
It now comes up everytime I do a soft reset. Anybody seen this error?

M5000 as a replacement for a desktop pc?

Since getting my m5000 last Friday i've been considering the various uses it could have - from both a personal and business point of view.
Today I installed the VNC viewer software on the m5000 and it lets me remotely control my office desktop computer - plus all of our other workstations (I'm the IT Manager - we use it for remote support).
I'm giving some serious thought to the possibility of not having a desktop PC - instead using my m5000 to it's full capability just using vnc to access a spare computer in the office with all the apps on it i use. this would also work when i'm not in the office.
any views on this? i just thought that with the m5000 practically being a laptop it makes sense to possibly use it instead of a desktop pc.
i think the concept is more of an addition to a desktop, not a replacement.
its a very useful utility to read information, but when it comes to maniputlating data, ie, editing a huge spreadsheet its not really up to the spec of office on a desktop.
maybe 5years down the line when the software has been developed enough, the hardware is smaller and of higher specs.
but for now, i see it as a portable part of my main systems, and pound for pound the pc is still a way more viable option.

Hosted Remote Desktop?

I'm hoping to tap the collective knowledge here:
With my new x7500 I can now do most of my work on my phone, but there are a few applications that require I use full Windows XP/Vista (preferably the former). Inside the network I will sometimes use WM6 Remote Desktop Mobile to access my "main PC" and run the programs that I need.
I'm wanting to hit the road, and although I could leave a PC running "at home", there's no one there to ensure that it stays running, and also my upload link at home ain't great.
So... I was wondering if there is a hosted service where I can rent a Windows/Mac desktop with a nice fat pipe attached to it?
A service that would allow me to install my own software (e.g. Flash) and use Terminal Services Client on my x7500 to connect to it, and they would ensure that it stays running? Preferably for not too much money...
Any ideas/recommendations?
I can supply you with a windows server you can connect to with remote desktop and install software, let me know what specs you need?

Maybe swearing in church but...

I saw a video here..
a bit down 2/07/08
They say that Diamond can act as a thin client for running full Windows operating systems and applications. As I understand it this is because of the VGA screen.
Can you do this with the tytn and att what reslult? Shouldn't it be possible to exchange the screen of the tytn with the vga-screen of the Diamond? If you can buy that separately as you can with the tytn.
Trying to decide what to buy....
Any WinMo device can do that. It's just the Terminal Services client installed on a PPC. as long as it has a method of communication (GPRS, Wifi, etc) and the correct user/password, you should be able to connect. it just depends on the application on the other side. If the boundries of the windows the specific app are greater than the resolution of the device... See where this is going? I admin my servers via TS all the time from my Tilt. It's a little funky due to the difference in resolutions between devices, but it works.
Just use a remote desktop client. LogMeIn for example.

Browsing X1 media files via pc/ps3

Hi everyone, 1st post on this forum so please be gentle.
I've recently upgraded to an X1 from a nokia n95.
One of the things i that i used to be able to do with my n95 was browse my photos and music files that i had stored on the phone using my playstation 3 or my laptop over a wi-fi connection.
Havn't found an obvoius way to do this yet on the X1.
Is there an app or something in the settings that i can change so that i can do this on my x1 or isn't this possible?
anyone .
Don't you simply see all content of your X1 in your WIN Explorer like attached?
Certainly you would have needed to set up the connection between your X1 and the PC, but I guess you'll anyway have done that for synchnonisation reasons?
Eric X1 said:
Don't you simply see all content of your X1 in your WIN Explorer like attached?
Certainly you would have needed to set up the connection between your X1 and the PC, but I guess you'll anyway have done that for synchnonisation reasons?
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Yes i can do this no problem when i plug the phone into the pc via a usb cable.
I just wanted to know if i could do this over wi-fi without having to use any cables at all. I could with my n95.
I had an N95 aswel and I have to say that I miss how easy I could make it share all media files through the home network. This had something to do with UPnP I remember. Any program which could make the xperia almost a media server?
Just found a UPnP Server (for Windows Mobile 5.0) at Microsoft. As my X1 has not arrived up to now, i cannot try it out. Seems to be a package with several server components. If UPnP Server works, loggin in to your WLAN access point should make the UPNP Server promote itself and the X1 data accessible inside the local net.
This package contain optional redistributable server components that you can incorporate into your own applications for the Windows Mobile 5.0 platform.
MSMQ - Contains the core MSMQ libraries and the MSMQ administration utilities visadm and msmqadm.
HTTPD - Contains the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server.
PeerNet - Contains the Peer-to-Peer core library, the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) Namespace Provider (NSP) and the Peer-to-Peer service.
UPnPCtrl - Contains the core UPnP control point libraries.
UPnPHost - Contains the core UPnP device host libraries.
For full documentation, please see: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 SDK - Optional Server Components in the MSDN Online Library.
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Greetings from Vienna
It's a library. We need also a program that up a multimedial server.
I would love to see development on this front. I am trying out a HTC Touch HD coming from a N95 whihc is my main phone.
The media server ability of the N95 is extremely useful. I used to use to show pics on the PS3 wirelessly whenever i took snaps.
Much like wireless cameras with Upnp. Hopefully someone can make a solution. Its odd not having it.
the reason you could do that with your n95 was because it had dlna media server capabilities.. i kno the x1 was supposed to be able to do this initially but it got removed for some stupid reason..(it was in the original white paper)..i was really looking forward to this and was bummed when i got my phone and realized it was i doubt u will be able to do what your aiming at, your best bet would most likely be to map your public/shared folders to your phone so you could easily synchronise it
lakeside00 said:
the reason you could do that with your n95 was because it had dlna media server capabilities.. i kno the x1 was supposed to be able to do this initially but it got removed for some stupid reason..(it was in the original white paper)..i was really looking forward to this and was bummed when i got my phone and realized it was i doubt u will be able to do what your aiming at, your best bet would most likely be to map your public/shared folders to your phone so you could easily synchronise it
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Ah thats nice too. Lets hope windows gets on the badnwagon. I have to say the Symbian phone functionally are great out of the box. I have to tinker alot with other devices including the Iphone(whihc doesnt do much...).

