File explorer dysfunction - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

File explorer freezes every time I try to delete or copy/paste/cut a file. Any clue about that? Thanks.

hey mate,
this sometimes happens to me as well. i cut or copy a file; then paste it somewhere. the cursor is working but basically the unit hangs. when you do a soft reset you'll find that the file you wanted to be transferred or copied has already been pasted in the place you wanted. strange. and sorry but i have no idea what this bug is.

Hey Rob,
Someone gave me a solution to that strange problem: you have to eject any SD card, do a soft reset, introduce ur SD card back and file explorer works fine again. I've tried it and it works.

hey elio,
it does work; cheers for that one! also tried ejecting the sd-card, then trying out file explorer and it didn't hang. so is it possible that the sd card is actually slowing down the explorer app? interesting; must be one of those microsoft bugs again.


Deleting Files

I'm having trouble deleting files in my XDAII. Everytime I delete a file I get stock to the waiting timer that goes on and on. In the long run , I get to soft reset my unit because this does'nt stop. After the reset the file is still there not deleted. I have a spb pocket plus program installed. Does this have to do with it.
only with file explore or also with better filemanagers like total commander ?
even with file explorer and the menu using delete command. Do you know whats wrong?
what i asked was if you have tried other file managers then explore
because explore is really not that good and if your problem could be solved by using another manager then .......
I just had a similar situation this weekend. My SD card was full, and I downloaded email.
I could not get file manager to delete anything, though it would successfully copy to a new SD card I installed. Eventually, I tried deleting files from Album -- it worked!!!
You might try Word or the Notes program, too (though I haven't).
Go figure.
There's my $0.02
If you are trying to delete files from sd card, try removing the card then reinserting, the other thing is to make sure you close all running programs except the file explorer.
It happened to me too with the ROM 1.66, the only way was to remove the SD ant to insert it again...
After solme days it stopped to do it and now with the new 1.72 ROM it works flawlessy
I have that problem when I use the default file explorer, but only when deleting files from the phone as opposed to the sd card.
In the end I decided to do all deleting from the phone memory through my PC as it works fine from there.

file explorer problem

I'm having problems using my file explorer. Once i used it either by deleting files or copying/cutting and pasting files from one folder to another, it always hangs. Although it does what its supposed to do, it hangs after doing its job and you have to stop it manually.
help anybody
If the files are on sd it may help to remove then reinsert sd card before deleting or moving files.
Same problem here...
I gave up and purchased Resco File Explorer. Works perfectly.
total commander is free and since i also use it on my pc and it's a clone of norton commander which i used back in the days before
windows95 i cant live without it
soft reset with the sd Card removed and file explorer will work correctly

Cut and paste file, timer spins forever.

On my M1000 if I copy a file then paste it to the memory card or vice versa, the timer just keeps spinning. If I reset it then the file has been copied. Any idea whats going on here. I am using the standard Orange rom 1.66.00wwe.
Radio 1.10.00
ext rom: 1.66.200
Also deleting files do the same thing. My extended rom is visible, could this be the problem.
Has anybody else experienced this problem? I am thinking of reflashing the device. It is explorer that is hanging up becuase if I go to memory and look at running programs then click stop, it says explorer is not responding.
Its ok I worked it out myself. I removed the sd card, rebooted and then it worked ok, I could delete, paste, copy etc . I just wonder why an sd card would prevent deletion of files not on the card but in main memory or storage area. :?: :?:
i have this problem before but after i use PESuite2003 it won't happen again.

SD card autostarts TOMTOM when inserted.

I have installed TomTom 5 on my SD card, all working well.
I have one irritating problem however, whenever I remove and then reinstall my SD card, it automatically launches tomtom.
I've tried to stop the auto starting with the usual registry entries for START, etc, however nothing seems to work.
Does anyone know how to stop the SD card autolaunching this app?
The problem is caused by the folder 2577 on your Storage Card. IF you delete the Tomtom cabs from this folder it will stop happening. Alternatively you could rename the 2577 folder in case you need to install the software agin away from your computer.
Is there an app in the root of the SD card called start.exe? Also, when you insert an SD card it will automatically run stuff which is present in the "2577" directory if it exists. This is responsible for installing the app initially. Try renaming 2577 to something else and see if it still happens. If it does, try renaming the start app.
That's spooky findus... maybe we should get a room?! [j/k] :lol:
Brilliant, such speedy response, and a positive result. Thanks guys, this works! Has been bugging me for months. Cheers

Weird Mini SD Problem - svchost

i have a weird problem with my mini sd card. Every time i format, there is always two files that come up, autorun and svchost. The text in autorun is:
action=Open folder to view files
no matter what i do, it keeps coming up. Even done a hard reset but still same problem.
Noticed those files in sd card couple days ago.
also the only thing so far i noticed it affects is that you cannot open removable device from my computer, says it cannot open it, but it opens when you go thru start->run.
anyone else have this problem and know a solution
Do you format the card with your computer? The svchost file with autorun.exe are often used by viruses on a Windows Computer. Try to scan your pc. Maybe this solves the problem.

