XDA-Developer DOES not work, why? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have a SX56 and the carrier is AT&T USA. The following is the device information:
Rom Version: A.20.17 ENG
Radio Version: A.20.10
I needed to unlock this phone so I could switch carriers to T-Mobile, the rest is a waste of time, the following is what I have expereinced:
1- I read about a dozen articles in the forum with different problems, so that I get the hang of things before even I proceeded with anything
2- I then read the material under XDA-developer and downloaded two files:
-- XDAunlock.exe which does not expand, the error message from XP pro is as follows:XDAunlock.exe is not a valid win32 application!
-- XDA-developers-SER-v12.exe; I executed this file, it established a connection through my USB cradle and proceeded to upload the new image.....!!!!
This is where things are stock; the message on the screen is Loading while the commiunications has stopped. So here is what I did:
1- Back to the forum and found a document on the similar problem, I tried the Softreset+On button and I do get GSM ok an Versin 5.15, My screen is distorted with line going through it, just like the article that I found
2- Downloaded XDAtools-jeff.exe to see how I can rebuild this bootloader on the SX56, epanded the contents and run:
pnewbootloader.exe bl515.nb0 in a dos window, the window is non-responsive.
Bottom-line: The Sx56 has lost communications with the PC, its screen is frozen while updating and is totaly distorted. Is there help avaiable on this site is with instruction that I could follow if any!!!
Where do I go from here? Please help.


XDA-Developer DOES not work, why?

I have a SX56 and the carrier is AT&T USA. The following is the device information:
Rom Version: A.20.17 ENG
Radio Version: A.20.10
I needed to unlock this phone so I could switch carriers to T-Mobile, the rest is a waste of time, the following is what I have expereinced:
1- I read about a dozen articles in the forum with different problems, so that I get the hang of things before even I proceeded with anything
2- I then read the material under XDA-developer and downloaded two files:
-- XDAunlock.exe which does not expand, the error message from XP pro is as follows:XDAunlock.exe is not a valid win32 application!
-- XDA-developers-SER-v12.exe; I executed this file, it established a connection through my USB cradle and proceeded to upload the new image.....!!!!
This is where things are stock; the message on the screen is Loading while the commiunications has stopped. So here is what I did:
1- Back to the forum and found a document on the similar problem, I tried the Softreset+On button and I do get GSM ok an Versin 5.15, My screen is distorted with line going through it, just like the article that I found
2- Downloaded XDAtools-jeff.exe to see how I can rebuild this bootloader on the SX56, epanded the contents and run:
pnewbootloader.exe bl515.nb0 in a dos window, the window is non-responsive.
Bottom-line: The Sx56 has lost communications with the PC, its screen is frozen while updating and is totaly distorted. Is there help avaiable on this site is with instruction that I could follow if any!!!
Where do I go from here? Please help.
Xdaunlock is a pocket pc app and does not run on the desktop, it should have been copied to your xda and executed from there using explorer to find it then double tap. There is nothing wrong with your bootloader so the bootloader patch does not apply to you. You need an sd card and sd reader writer, you then need to use xdatools to write a rom to the sd card, once you have done this you need only put the sd card in the xda, push the stylus in reset hole while holding power, you will be asked to press action key to program rom, you will then have a working xda.
If I'm understanding you correctly, then the reason the not valid win32 app. is because you need to install this to the phone by copying to the device. It cannot run from the desktop computer.
Also as far as the bootloader part, I'm not well versed in the bootloader but in my experience whenever I've updated my sx-56 to a new rom I've had limited success with the computer run updates. I suggest you get a secure digital card reader and search this board for the step by step instructions on how to use xdatools.jeff to copy the new rom to the sd card and then enter the wallaby boot loader to update directly from the sd card not from the computer. I hope this helps a little.

Rogers Canada Mobile 2003 Upgrade (not SE)

After alot of *****ing and customer service that did not have a clue that the supplied the SX56 and software. I finally found some intelligent life at Rogers and was provided this link to the Rogers Mobile 2003 upgrade for those Canadians that still need it.
Here is the required link >>>>>
http://downloads.rogers.com/wireless/products/phones/siemens/Siemens_SX56_Software_Upgrade.exe <<<<
ROM Version: 30.07 ENG
ROM Date: 05/04/04
Radio Version: A.33.03
Protocol Version: 1.3.3
Model No.: PW10B1
Additionaly , please find screen shots enclosed to assist you through the install.
<<SX56 PPC 2003 Upgrade.doc>>
Thanks... but a problem
Thanks for this link. I was successfully able to download this update from the site: however.... the software will not update my phone
I am using the phone on rogers, but this phone is one that i purchased that was originall At&T from the USA.
I downloaded a ROM from here, it is a PPC2002 version, with a whole bunch of toys, looks cooked, but not by me. I used this to unlock the radio.
I would like to upgrade to 2003. This image will not load and i dont know whether i should try cooking another one and loading it, or if there is a way to get this one on there. Having an OS endorsed by my carrier is somewhat comforting, but i dont know if this is at all legitimate.
I get the following error after clicking the first NEXT in the upgrade process:
The rom image that you are trying to upgrade is not compatible with your PPC phone. Please compare the devidce and upgrade information below
Current device info:
ROM 3.17
Your Upgraded Image Info:
Rom R.30
Please download the compatible utility and try again.
Perhaps i am out of luck?
The trick I used to get around this, is start the installer you downloaded, it will create a directory x:\program files\SX56 upgrade utility. Copy all the files from this directory to a safe place, then cancel the installer.
In there there will be a NK.NBF file. Use the XDATool OSImage tool to make a SD card image, then on the XDA hold down the power button and soft reset to then do the install of the new ROM image. Covered elsewhere on this site many times...
After that, copy the RSU*.* and monitor*.* files from the above directory to the devices \windows directory and run RSupgrade.exe to upgrade the radio stack.
Worked for me. :lol:
I apologize if this seems like stupid questions but: What is the difference, if any, between PPC 2003 and WM 2003?
I downloaded and installed (or attempted to anyway) the 2003 update from the Siemens website - the one for Rogers users. I, unknowing the problems other have had, attempted to install straight from the .exe file. The radio stack updated sucessfully but the unit hung when attempting to update the ROM. The program asked for a soft-reset and to run the installation program again. When I did this the unit would not power on and my computer didn't recognize that the SX56 was even attached... anyhow, couldn't get anything to work after numerous attempts. The people at Siemens told me to send the unit back to Rogers. I did. Rogers just forwards the unit to Siemens anyway and now I've been without it for 2 weeks. argh.... When i do get the unit back (which I'm starting to think may be never!) i will try again with the recommended use of XDAtools instead of straight from the EXE file. Even though I won't go through that again i'd like to know if anyone else has had this problem and if they have found the reason for it and a way to install straight from the EXE file without any problems.
No difference bwn the two, the proper term is Windows Mobile 2003.
Re: Thanks... but a problem
bimmian said:
Thanks for this link. I was successfully able to download this update from the site: however.... the software will not update my phone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No prob for the upgrade, sorry I did not get back to you earlier (out of the loop for a while), but Meathooks is right, this is the way I had to go as well. Worked great and have not found any bugs so far.
I have another XDA as well. THis one i actually bought from Rogers (for $1000) before knowing that these can be had on ebay for $200 - so i got a second one (my ATT phone) when my cat chewed the antenna on my Rogers phone.
The rogers took the update no problem, straight from the EXE file as in the attached WORD document above.
The rom on the rogers phone was R.2???? something before the update.
Why are some of the ROM versions called R.2 or R.3 and some are just called 3.17 or whatnot?
As for my ATT (primary) phone, does anyone recommend using the rogers provided update over using the one i cooked yesterday or visa versa?

Unlock Siemens SX56 --AT&T

Hi, I am having a Siemens SX56 used on AT&T network and what to get it unlocked, here is my device information:
ROM Version: A.30.09 ENG
ROM date: 01/01/04
Radio Version A.33.02
Protocol Version 1.3.3
Model No. PW10b1
Any help is appreciated.
P.S. I also look for a Image tool can image my SX56 to my desktop nefore I try anything on it.
Unlocked SX56 only shows AT&T and T-Mobile as carriers
Unlocked the phone and when I put my Cingular SIM in, I wind up on the T-Mobile network. The phone only shows AT&T (which the phone was locked to) and T-Mobile as being available. I can call out on T-Mobile, but I dont want to appear to be roaming...
Any ideas?
Cingular uses 850mhz in some areas, the xda does not support this frequency.
OWn experience
Just want to thank the guys here made great programs.
I want to contribute my own experience:
The steps i took to unlock my phone:
1. Download the XDAtoll and install on an WINXP PC. After install a directory called XDAtool will be created under the C:\program files directory.
2. Use the XDAtools' OSImagetool to backuo the rom to my PC using the filename. Make sure it copies to the \Binaries directory
3. Download and execute the the special ROM developed by the xda developers here
4. At the first turn on of the XDA, get the phone unlocked as prompted by the pop up window in the XDA
5. run the command line OSImagetool.exe --register on my WInXP PC. Make sure there are two dashs
6. You must run the above step 5, otherwise you can not copy back your orginal rom back to your XDA
7. Launch the OSimage tool and copy back the file back to the device. DUring the process, the Program A.exe will start to do the whole process. Follow the instruction on this program.
Hope these steps help.
ok, I am seeing all this talk, but where can I find the software on the forum to unlock my Siemens.
I am seeing that it is the same as the one that unlocks the O2 XDA. How does this work, one software will unlock several phones OR am I just lost.
Someone help.
Thanks in advance

Charmer no signal :( any info or help

Hi to all in this forum.
I have one T-Mobile MDA Compact II PM200. In this forum i hound that his name is Charmer. I try to unlock it with Lokiwiz03a. Program give me a code but device says that code is wrong. I try with other software to unlock it and after that mobile work with SIM card but no signal
I reflash mobiele with WM6 founded her in the forum, not it have English (before have German) but again no signal. I try now to unlock it with Lokiwiz02a and choose CID unlock. Again no signal.
When device in Automatic search mode no found network. If in Manual mode found but unable to register in network. When i put mobile to my computer speakers no outgoing signal from mobile that's not normal.
What is the problem ?
Can onyone help me with information ot needed software ?
In moment mobile information is:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 2/03/07
Radio version: 01.12.20
Protocol version:
Model No.: WIZA200
Platform: PocketPC
IMEI: 35703700051525500
Speed: 195 MHz
I try to found information about this problem here in forum but w/o result.
10x in advance
Did you try to flash a new radio? 2.69 or 2.19?
I found this files:
inside breeze.zip are:
inside BREEIMG.zip is:
is this needed files for radio flashing ?
if not then what files I need to try with other radio version ?
I download Radio from ftp on this form for Prophet. And try with Prophet_G4_RadioRom_v2.47.11 but now mobile not start. Go to splash screen and after few seconds restart.
I try to put it in bootloader mode but ActiveSync can't make connection and for that flash software can't wreit new radio or flash into mobile.
I ry with:
1. dowenload this t-mobile official rom (http://www.tm-phonedownloads.com/files/RUU_Compact ll_2060227_20602110_021921_T-MobileUK_Ship.exe)
2. enter your Charmer into bootloader mode by pressing power + camera + reset, let go of the reset, but keep holding power + camera until the three colur screen will show up (that is bootloader mode).
3. connect the Charmer to your pc (make sure your battery is fully charged)
4. run the t-mobile rom.
5. good luck!
but ActiveSync can't make conection.
If you are in bootloader Active Sync wont make a connection. Just plug in the usb cable into your phone while in bootloader and run RUU.
I try with this 2:
1. T-Mobile official rom RUU_Compact ll_2060227_20602110_021921_T-MobileUK_Ship
2. Prophet_G4_RadioRom_v2.69.21
T-Mobile official rom RUU_Compact ll_2060227_20602110_021921_T-MobileUK_Ship
inside are this files:
inside are this files:
phone not start normaly. just start and after 5sec restart. i put it in Bootloader mode (press Camera, Power_buton and Reset. then release Reset and after few sec. mobile goto in Bootloader mode). when conect USB cable ActiveSync not find mobile and this file not make upadte/conection: ROMUpdateUtility.exe and ROMUpdateUtility_G4.exe
if I try to start RUUGetInfo.exe windows says that this is not valid Win32 application.
then what RUU to start ?
how to flash other Radio into this mobile or to reflash it again to be alive ?
anyone will help me for my problem ?
in moment when i start my pocetpc it displays:
IPL 1.12
SPL 1.12.0000
the row GSM .... missing.
in moment i can't make connection with ActiveSync. then how to flash again mobile ?
now i try to flash it with RUU:
but it gives a error
i try with this:
but when software start flashing says that this Utility is not for my device and to find right
I'm guessing that this universal radio upgrade is for universal
Download this:
Extract it, copy the .nbf of the rom you want to upgrade your device with to the extracted RUU folder. Once copied - run RUU.
P.S. The problem with your device is that you have upgraded wm6 on 1.xx bootloader. Thats why the system doesnt start. If the method I described above doesnt work. Post me.
now i can bootloader mode,
i did it but got this error while i upgrade my rom to newest rom 3.3...
i got this "invalid command 326": please check your NBF data, this NBF data cannot be used for your PDA Phone.
hi again to all
after long time i try to play agian with this brick-PM200 that haven't signal.
last time (before more 2 years) i write ROM and after that PM200 not start, only in Bootloader mode (3 color lines).
today i revive it when flash this:
PM200 start, in begin fave full signal. after 30-40 seconds signal gone (but not test in/out call). i try to restart mobile, try hardreset, try manual search on operator - all no result.
on start i put near radio but power amplifier not work. i think that this is harware problem.
but not 100% sure.
is possible this problem to be from wrong radio settings ?
i try to write different radios for Prophet but every time get message "Invalid tool" and radio flashers stop.
i try with universal radio thata Vlodeck says but again this message.
what to do ?
before two days i repair one HTC Touch Elf100 and read that can sniff USB comunication to check Vendor ID and other ID.
but in my PM200 this not work. on Elf100 work easy like is writed here in forum.
when start wyty (or what's name is) make connections with mobile but after write:
ruurun 0
says that need password. if try with password for Elf100 not accept it.
what is the password for Charmer (PM200) ?
or if there is other way to get Vendor ID and other ID how ?
I can help you maybe. You need to downgrade to Aku 2.2 using the original utulity. Then the Radio will be downgraded too. But nobody knows the exact way on how to do that. (Maybe Vlodeck knows that?) I'll try to get it this week and tell you then.
As for the password try CHARMER. I have never been able to test it with MTTY cause I don't get in the right mode but I think the olny possibility is CHARMER. Just try it with whatever tool you want.
Hope that was helpfull
10x for answer.
next day will test password and post result.
how to downgread to aku2.2 ?
if you find solution please post it.
today i try but w/o success:
Cmd>password charmer
Cmd>ruurun 0
Invalid command : getdevinfo
For a help screen, use command ? or h
i try and with passwrod CHARMER. result is same.
what are commands for MTTY that supported Charmer ?
OK you have the same problem I have. You have Cmd> in the window. To get the comands and the password working you need USB> instead of Cmd>. That is the same problem I have and I don't know how to fix it.
in moment i use MTTY 1.42
before 3-4 days i repayr one HTC Touch Elf100. and this MTTY work find. no problem that write CMD not USB.
terminal show CMD> i write commands and mobile answer w/o problem.
but in my Charmer not answer.
possible reason is access password. but not sure.
There are simple comands. And for them you don't need SuperCID. I tried them and they haven't worked too. So I think there is something else with it. Maybe the Bootloader locks all comands and you need a password for that too. But I don't know about that.
you try to make SuperCID SD card to have full access to mobile. and after that to try flash it with RUU ?
next morning will try this.
p.s. now find this:
Well, we can't SuperCID and Security unlock a Charmer with a bootloader over 1.x at the moment. This is surely impossible. That won't work using a SD Card too. So I think you will not have any luck.

Error 260 on SVP M3100 HERM100

Hi, I hope someone out there can shed some light onto this problem. This is what I have: Orange SVP M3100; Operator:; ROM Ver.:; ROM Date: 07/13/06; Radio Ver.:; Protocol Ver.: 32.37.7010.01H.
I've downloaded and successfully (I think) flashed Hard-SPL-V7.
Bootloader used to read: HERM100; IPL-1.01; SPL-1.04.
Bootloader now reads: HERM100; IPL-1.04; HERM100; SPL-210.Olipro.
The phone still works and syncs. properly, but when I try running SPV_M3100ROMUpdate_0407, it eventually returns Error 260 (Update utility cannot connect to your PDA Phone.) This happens in Vista Ultimate and in XP Pro.
The program will go as fare as identifying the current image as Ver.: and suggests to replace it with image Ver.: however, when I click on OK, it puts the phone into Bootloader mode, disconnects the USB connection and unable to reconnect again. After this I have to do a soft reset and everything goes back to normal.
I'd very much appreciate any ideas to help me get around this conundrum. Many thanks.
put device into bootloader and try flashing from there, otherwise try sd card
OK, I could not flash from Bootloader either; same error message.
Extracted the SVP_M3100ROMUpdate_0407.exe onto the SD card.
Ended up with the following files: EnterBL.exe; GetDeviceData.exe; README.doc; ROMUpdateUt.exe; RUU.dll; RUUUI.dll; RUU_signed.nbh.
None of the above files will run on the PDA. What do I do next? Sorry for being such a novice and thanks again.
commnet said:
None of the above files will run on the PDA. What do I do next? Sorry for being such a novice and thanks again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Correct, the files are not run from the device.
The hermes wiki has the directions for flashing from an SD card, go check it out.
Thanks for that jdc. I found the information you have suggested and here is what I did so fare:
-Formatted the SD card.
-Renamed the ROM image file to HERMING.nbh
-Inserted the SD card with the renamed image file into the phone.
-Restarted the phone and confirmed that it was reading from the card.
-Put the phone into Bootloader mode by pressing PWR+OK+Reset.
The multi-colour Bootloader screen comes up and nothing else happens. I'd tried pressing the PWR button just in case, but it had no effect.
Any more ideas? THANKS!
SPV m3100 upgrade - error 260 - connection drops when allowing enterBL.exe to run on
Hi - am going through the same process to upgrade my SPV m3100.
I've followed Mr Vanx's guides to the letter - ROM update from to Hard-SPL-2.1 - as soon as i click 'yes' on the phone to allow enter.BL.exe to run - the connection between phone and laptop immediately drops.
I've tried using different USB ports as suggested in different threads = but to no avail
Am running Vista Home Premium.
I'm a novice so sorry for sounding stupid - any help would be really appreciated.
I had the same error until I disabled the phone lock. Worked ok after that
I had this problem for awhile, and I'm using Vista. I can't remember the problem to explain it, but I did one of 3 things to fix it.
1. Follow Mr Vanx's Vista Guide. The most important part is downloading his attached drivers and getting Vista to detect your phone as an "HTC USB Device" or "HTC USB Sync" or something like that.
2. Then I would recommend installing the official ATT Rom, you can download it off of HTC's website.
3. Install Schaps Advanced Config cab, and disable "security warnings"
After this done, you should be able to install a cooked rom from here.

