unable to upgrade ROM on my AT&T SX56 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I cooked a ROM (3.17) from yorch but it tells "can't find rom image" so i cooked another using the 4.00.05 ROM which was succesful except it didn't ask to unlock my device. Any ideas? Please help.[/b]

WM2003 roms do not unlock the xda, why dont you download the developers se rom then once its unlocked you can upgrade from there.

Thanks for the tip but it was easier than i thought. Here's how i did it. The instructions i read said after installing the 3.17 ROM it will ask if you want it unlocked however, in my case that wasn't so. I download and install the XDA tool and WALLA!!! it's unlocked. Then i upgraded to WM2003.


Pocket PC 2003

I have upgraded my ATT SiemensSX56 to Pocket PC 2003. Is it still safe to use the XDA-developers Special Edition ROM v1.2 on this Poocket PC to unlock the SIM?
try the tool at www.xda-developers.com/XDAunlock/ first
Thanks for the suggestion. That would have been great if it had worked. I tried to run it but it gave me the error “error getting unlock code”. I think that the reason was that don’t have a Qtec 1010 Rom version 3.16.52. My ROM version is A.30.09 ENG. The reason that I put this post out was that I wanted to ask around a little before I ran the XDA-developers Special Edition ROM v1.2 on my ATT Siemens Pocket PC to see if anybody thought that it might cause any unwanted consequences.
It worked for me
As I just mentioned in some other post, I did just that with Wallaby 5.22. I flashed the AT&T ROM to find out the phone was still locked. I flashed the XDA ROM, unlocked the phone and reflashed the AT&T ROM. I can't guarantee it'll work for you but it certainly did for me.
XDAunlock tool works only with ROMs that has wmodem application (no WM2003 has it). XDA ser v1.2 is a good choice for unlocking, but since you are going to reflash the device then i would recommend TMO 4.01.00 for now coz A30.09 has a very annoying sound issue.
Biso007 said:
XDAunlock tool works only with ROMs that has wmodem application (no WM2003 has it). XDA ser v1.2 is a good choice for unlocking, but since you are going to reflash the device then i would recommend TMO 4.01.00 for now coz A30.09 has a very annoying sound issue.
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Not true in all points.....
The German 4.00.33 Rom have the wmodem application. But the unlock tool do not work with it.....
Tried it already....

Problems faced before I flash the rom..please help me

Hello..i am a newbie in flashing the rom. I have read many posts regarding on how to flash the rom. My questions are :
1. Do I need to use the unlocking CID program before I flash the rom or should I just flash it using the NoVendor rom?
2. If I don't use the unlocking CID, will I able to reflash the rom again back to other versions or downgrade to the one I am having now?
Currently the rom I have now is is German language in which I cannot understand at all. I wanna switch to English version. Your help are greatly appreciate.
no one can help me???pleasssseeeeeeee
Instead of waiting and bumping your own post .. why don't you do a search?
In general, you need to CID unlock your device before any flashing. You need to unlock it after every hard reset too.
No harm CID unlocking your phone anyway. However, it may harm you if you don't CID unlock it.
but I still don't understand what's the different between CID unlock and NoVendor rom..from what i read from this forum, CID unlock is important cause it enable users to change/upgrade the rom. but there aren't any information that said what does the NoVendor rom does (or maybe I didn't see it).
so if the NoVendor rom is similar to the CID unlock, then i guess i dun need to use the CID unlock?or should i still use it?
Briefly, if you just want to upgrade your ROM to other vender's newer ROM, you could use that Machinegod's NoVendor ID upgrade utility. If you are happy with that new ROM, then you don't have to unlock your device's CID.
However, if you need to downgrade your device to other vender's older ROM, then you will have to unlock its CID first. Otherwise, the utility will tell that it can upgrade only. The major benefit from unlocking CID is you can up/downgrade your device to any vender's ROM.
Problem is that there is no reliable utility to unlock the CID for device with AKU2 ROM yet except that from Thailand website. Read more details here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=52244
Hope this helps.
This utilities won't work with the last dopod rom SPL 2.15.
This rom is great but if you choose to upgrade to it, you won't be able to change until another downgrade tool is released.
gee..thanx a lot....i will try to upgrade it now.really thanx a lot...


I just bought a new qtek9100,and it has a french rom.
ROM version: FRE
Rom Date: 2/21/06
Radio version: 02.07.10
protocal version: 413.1.03
ExtROM version:
Everytime i try to update the rom with ENGLISH ROM,i get ERROR(300)INVALID UPDATE TOOL .
Is it something i doing wrong?
I have already try this 3 ROMS:RUU_Prodigy_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe
you need to unlock CID FIRST....to be able to install any rom.
here is how to...
You mean i use this ROM: ftp://xda:[email protected]__RUU_Wizard_1050412_WWE_101_11210_WWE.exe
To unlocked CID and then i try using any order Rom to flash my qtek 9100
No pal,
You use LokiWiz (on this forum) to unlock CID and THEN you can flash Roms of another brand (like Qtek, or T-Mobile).
Good luck,
p.s. I am not sure if 2.17 Roms can be CID unlocked already (for free, there is a paid solution).
Can u send me the lokiwiz and how to to used it.THANKS
as was before stated.. how about read the link he gave you
within that link you will see:
now download the (lokiwiz02b) from here;
read the link you'll be more informed, empower yourself
i downloaded lokiwiz02b and i run likiwiz.bat, my qtek 9100 rebooted .
but still can run any order ROM.
dmoney94 said:
i downloaded lokiwiz02b and i run likiwiz.bat, my qtek 9100 rebooted .
but still can run any order ROM.
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u have to downgrade as in the link i posted above then run lokiwiz .02, read my son.....read
Do i have to pay to get unlock first.
Still need help.what should i do.
hi dmoney, I'm having the same problem that you are. Lokiwiz just doesn't seem to CID unlock new 9100's, I get the same error [300] message that you do. Hopefully somebody will crack it soon, otherwise we're stuck with the roms that we have.
There is a newer version of lokiwiz then 0.2b...you need to get the latest version.

Downgrading & Upgarding ??

I have intalled a new rom on my wizard
but before I did that I upgraded to the new t-mobile rom before upgrading to the new one
and now i want to put the cingular rom and then upgrade to the other rom
what should I do to downgrade
my wizard is sim and cid unlocked
can any one please post any directions please and also the cingular rom
I believe you can get the cingular ROM on HTC's web site. If you're already CID unlocked then all you have to is download it and flash it.
So I dont have to downgrade it anymore??

awizard nba to nbf for backup restore

I have two wizards one of them is unlocked with os 1.xx and the other is sim locked with os 2.26 I have backed up both of them with awizard I intend to downgrade the 2.26 to the 1.x to unlock the sim loading the 1.x backup file (extracted using awizard program). But how do I convert the nba file to an nbf for uploading, just renaming or it is necessary any other tool?
Another question in the unlocked 1,x if I upgrade with the original Tmobile 2,26 will it get the sim locked again?
Thank you in advance for your help
I can't help you with the first part, but with the second part of your question...as long as your wizard IS cid/sim unlocked, it will remain that way no matter what rom or how many rom's you flash to.
Thank you
Thank you,
I'll update it.
Is there any working link for t-mobile roms that can be CID unlocked?
If you have a tmo rom on it currently, you need to read the sticky about unlocking wizards (I think in wizard upgrading section), everything you need to unlock your phone is in it. To reflash to a tmo rom AFTER you unlock it, go to the tmo site and download it. Once you reflash to an official rom after unlocking, you have a stable base on which you can flash to and kitchen here.

