Any Mac users with experience of PocketMac to sync XDA2/Mac? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Has anyone used an XDA2 with Mac OS X.3 (Panther)?
I use a Powerbook laptop and want to sync with my XDA2 without troubling the PC that I bought for the kids (with some chagrin, it must be said!)
There is a program called PocketMac that has received some good reviews - which will, apparently, allow the XDA2 (any Pocket PC) to sync with Mac (iCal, Address Book etc.), which, in turn, sync with my iDisk. Serious back up here (laptop stolen three years ago.
Anyway, my XDA2 arrives tomorrow and I wanted to know if there are any Mac Users who have some experience and, hopefully, some tips for me.
I bought an XDA2 by the way, because they look good and the functionality is clearly better than previous Palm/Symbian devices. The great reviews I have seen posted on various internet sites seem to suggest I made the right choice.
Thanks in anticipation of assistance from users' experience.

pocketmac 3.3 works perfectly - xda2 (i was using myssingsync before but it was not working fine as pocketmac is doing now)
if you need help your welcome

PocketMac 3.3 works fine for me too (PowerBook G4 w/Panther). You can't install Pocket PC software via Mac -- you'll have to "rent" a Windows PC for that, unless you have the CAB files. Some say that Virtual PC would take you around this problem, I'm still working on it... Will let you know.
Also wanted to try MissingSync - the one Apple suggests - but no luck there!
Happy MacKing, and let me/us know your experience!

New experience of Mac and XDA2
I am impressed - syncs faultlessly.
Installed the Mac look provided by Pocketmac as part of the PM 3.3 software bundle.
However, does anyone know how to edit the skins in the XDA as installing an Apple logo appeals?

Apple Skins
sorry - found it in the Pocketmac bundle - it just needed turning on in the XDA2.

guys, where to find trial version of PockeMac or Missing Sync?
I am new in MAC world and seems no trial versions here
How i would know which one is working for me???
Please help!!!
there is a demo
and here
dont fear google it's your friend

Thank you Rudegar,
I actually using google very much... but kind of "slowed" about it type demo in it

PocketMac vs. Missing sync
Both programs have their quirks, but since I have a combination of chinese/english names in my address book, missing sync it is. I tried pocket mac and it hoses up unicode quite badly.

PocketMac XDA2 powerbook
I don't believe you. It doesn't work AT ALL. garbled text all over iCal, phone numbers in crap order, no iCal events getting to XDA. No Bluetooth sync...Thanks for your recommendation but PocketMac sucks. I really want to know how to make this work

I just threw away the copy of Pocketmac I had bought and went and got Missing Sync. MUCH better. Been using it over a year now. (as you can see from the post dates)

I cannot even get pocketmacpro demo to "see" my MDA even though its paired as a BT device with my PBG4.
Can anyone help me?

I'm talking with PocketMac support.
I want to buy Pocketmac Pro 3, but I cannot pay by credit card from
Poland. What should I do?
I used the Mark/Space Missing Sync for Pocket PC application
for synchronising. I bought it via Internet and I am very happy with it.
Simple and clear
I have big problem with internet :?
I often use PowerBook out of work in places where I do not have
access to Internet.
Before I had the Nokia 6310i mobile phone and via this telephone
I could connect to Internet (wireless connection
in every place within GSM network range). Gprs Nokia modem operated
without any problems, and I could connect with the computer
via bluetooth without any problem. I activatedon the phone I could
establish connection.
Unfortunately, Qtek 2020 is a more complex appliance, but has no
such option. In Pocket PC I have Internet (GPRS connect), but not
in the computer
I asked how to solve this problem on numerous forums: Apple and
xda-developers-Forum. Nobody could give me a satisfactory answer.
Please Help Masters


Newbee: How to install WidComm? And dose it work?

Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
Okay, I would like to be in my bed with my PDA, and surf the internet.
I dont have a Bluetooth dongle my self, by the guy next to me has. And I have permision to use his internet connection. (Less than 10 meters away, it about 3-4 meters).
So one problem is that I cant use the BT Active Sync, to surf the internet (I dont know if this is how it is done), like you can surf while the XdaII is in the cradel.
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
And then I have read about alot of users that has had problems with the WidComm stack, and say that the M$ BT stack can do the same in the latest update, but I cant find the settings, it all looks the same.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
BTW, if you also know how to set up an audio gateway on the PDA (for my head set) then that wold be great as well. And maby to get the button on the headset to do M$ voice command (if you have it install), then that would be fantastic.
Try downloading bluetooth tools and see if that works for you.
I did that, but it did not change to much, it only gave me a "call last number" function in the head set, but not any thing with the network
BT and COM
i am having a hard time with it as well, I have win XP pro, and a sitecom USB BT dongle, the drivers for the dongle dont seem to work, it is has if the XP drivers have taken over, all the guides seem to use settings that are not available to the Windows XP BT drivers,
at one point i thought i got it, instead of connecting my XDA to the PC i did it the other way about. This time windows detected and setup some COM ports, although at the moment its at com 13 and 14
(this can be changed by doing to Device manager, selecting the port, properties, advanced, and changing it to whatever you want, it will say the port is in use, but none of the other ports 1-12 are infact in use (although it says they are) not sure if this will generate further problems?
So i think thats the PC side sorted?
now the PDA side, just before i updated PPC2003 i tried this and it didnt work, i then installed those BT tools and it came up with the cool servies page right at the end of setting up a link.
But didn't work, with hindsight i believe it would work if i had connect as i explained above, adding the XDA to the PC.
I then updated PPC2003 useing o2's updater.
setting up a link using the BT settings right after the update did have some extra settings to do with com ports but it still doesnt work and the connect via BT on activesync isnt there.
Then i tried those BT tools everyone is going on about
i get the BT icons on the desktop but thats it, nothing else happens. The cool services screen fails to pop up after setting the link and the connect via BT in sync is also missing.
this might be of no use but at one point useing standard drivers from XP and PPC2003 SP1 i did get a message saying it couldnt connect because it might not be a smart phone or PPC or somthing like that. im totally stuffed with this.
oh it does connect in that i can transfer files TO the XDA but not the other way about.
Hello folks!
This is how I've done it...
1- I installed Widcomm version (on the PC) (BTW I use a Cheap-o-Epox USB dongle)
2- I Downloaded BT Tools (
3- I established an Activesync connection through Bluetooth (this is done on the PocketPC by using the Activesync/Tools/Connect via 'computername')
4- I configured Widcomm to always trust the incoming MDA2 Bluetooth connection.
5- That's it, works every time... (well actually sometimes works on the second try but works nonetheless)
Good luck!
I've also had some success with the Widcomm stack, but I have one problem.
In order for the bluetooth connection to work, I need to log into an account on the XP machine. If someone else then comes along and logs into another account, then my bluetooth connection is dropped. Also, if I don't log into an account, then I can't use bluetooth.
Basically, it seems to be the case that instead of running as a service, the bluetooth stack is running in user accounts. Anyone else got experience with this? Is there a way to configure the installation so that it runs as a service?
Hi Guys,
I have a similar question... is there a release due / tools available to fully utulise the bluetooth stack like the ipaqs for example. Ipaqs can locate and connect to devices as a 'hunter' but the XdaII just seems to be the 'hunted' when it comes to establishing a connection. Is there any way to make my otherwise excellent XdaII a bit more agressive when it comes to seeking out bluetooth connections??? I have already installed the Bluetooth tools v1.01 but this doesn't help the actual 'seeking' connectivity part of things
Can any of you bright sparks out there help ???? If enough people wanted this functionality, what would it cost to develop if it is not available maybe ???
just a thought. Cheers all.
Technoas said:
Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
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I found the answer to how to install the .cab file, just copy it to your device and select it in file manager, it then install's itself.
If I manage to connect my GTek 2020 to my BT AP with this I'll let you know!

Money 2005 & Activesync 4.0/XDA Exec

Hi all,
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had any success running Money 2005 on the Exec and getting it to sync with their desktop Money data?
I've been running various versions of Money and more or less each of the XDA's (XDA, XDAII, XDA IIs) over the years but I've just got the Exec and it seems like Money doesn't want to play nice on this one. It strikes me that its an Activesync 4.0 issue as the Money 2005 application works fine in stand alone mode on the Exec, but if you try and sync it with the money files on the desktop PC as soon as Activesync starts up a prograa box pops up and just says "Reading device Databases" - unfortunaly it just hangs there doing that for eternity, unless you disconnect something, in which case Activesync crashes.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced any issues.
I didn't even know you could run Money 2005 on it! I have the PC-side program for it, do you have a link to the PPC version? Then I can play and let you know what I find.
Here you go.
That particular version worked fine on the XDA IIs, but something about this new configuration its not liking (at least on my desktop and laptop) and I would suspect that its on the software side.
- Deleted -
Well, I posted a similar query on an MS Activesync Newsgroup this morning, and someone have just come back with the following:
I've had similar compatibility issues with Money 2005. Apparently some changes to WM5 make it incompatible, but MS isn't addressing the issue. I run a Dell Axim x51v and struggled with the same issue, but on top of that, I'd occasionally get the today screen to just crash. The crashes only started occuring after I installed Money, so I had suspicions that the two were related. My solution was actually simple:
Go to settings: Personal tab: Today icon: Items tab: uncheck Money on the list. Syncing became much more reliable and the today crashes stopped altogether. I don't know if it was a file lock or what...but it worked.
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Unfortunatly this still appears to do diddly for me - still hanging at the "Reading device databases".
I'm beginning to get a little narked at MS right now. :evil:
I've been happily using SBP Finance for a while. It's fully compatible with Activesync 4.0 and Money 2006

Bluetooth ActiveSync Setup Help please.

Hi Members,
I have just joined the site and this is my first post to try and find a solution to the most annoying frustrating problem im having. I am trying to connect a o2 XDA Mini to my laptop via bluetooth over a belkin dongle. My system only shows com port 4 then 9 12 etc. I have tried using 4 many times. Both the phone and the pc partner ok, but then when i try to sync from the handset the PDA try's to partnet again and will not connect. I have tried other ports, no good! same result. I then searched google extensivly and tried installing other stacks Widcomm, blue soleil etc as i aslo have cards and dongles for those, still no joy. Is the phone broken? Well my wife has the same make and model. Her one wouldnt connect either!! whats the problem with this phone/PDA. Do you have to be a rocket scientist to use BT or what. I visited other sites and forums and posed the question there. Apart from one reply it appears no one seems to know either way. Any help or guides other than the outdates geekzone(2004) would be most appreciated as i think those guides were not created for WM5 systems lol
Thank you and fingers crossed lol
I've always had problems syncing over bluetooth.
I dont have a WM2005 device, but my XDA mini exhibits the same problems.
I did get my xda to sync through bluetooth on my windows computer, but that was using bluesoeil. Strange thing was, after i switched stacks to the normal windows one, when i successfully sync'ed through bluesoeil, it WORKED!!
A hard reset has happened since then and im plagued with problems.
If you use a mac and a PC like me, i found it very easy to sync my xda mini through bluetooth with a mac. (provided you have buy the software).
If you search even harder through google, theres a page i came across which shows you, through windows cmd line, delete ports and free some up. Havent tried it tho.
Anyways goodluck, try hard resetting and starting fresh if you wanna sync wirelessly that bad.
Try this
Try this , it may work for you. Also I found that XP SP2 is needed if you wnt to sync via BT
Good luck
works perfectly for me using different versions of vidcomm on the belkin and logitech dongles i have on various computers
on the pda i just choose the IMSync or whatever it's called as profile
and start activesync on the pda click on sync over bluetooth and it does
Heres something i found...;en-us;315539
thats how to delete ghost ports from your system.
I got everything NEARLY set up, i cant set a outgoing port!.
I even hard reseted, still no luck, i think i just need to set a outgoing port to get this to work.
ok...after restoring my backup from the hard reset, i rebooted the phone.
Then i got side tracked and went on the XDA-developers wiki.
Seeing that 'set up your own bluetooth personal network' article, i decided to set it up.
Figuring out that the original bluetooth stack is worthless, i switched to bluesoeil and rebooted.
Bluesoeil did not work for some reason, and couldnt find my bluetooth hardware, so rebooted the phone with the normal stack.
I went into the normal stack that came with my phone, and mysteriously, i could set outgoing ports!
I set the port my outgoing port to comm0 and tried to sync.
AND IT WORKED!!...its finally syncing!
Oh btw, i found this file in my ext rom: called '' i installed it and it allowed me to set comm0 in the normal staCK. Previously before i installed that cab, i couldnt see ANY avalible com ports to set.
Thanks for the advise there it was appreciated. I have tried the different bluetooth devices two doggles and a card all with widcomm and microsoft drivers all have not worked blue soleil wouldnt find a serial port on my phone only dUN and Push obex. I have spent ages on this now i figured it just a worhless wm5 smartphone with a keboard.. oh MS if your listening re XDA Mini factor it in to the guidebook how to sync to an everyday computer to bluetooth. You provide the function but it dont work.. crapper ive had it with this overated smartphone with a slide out keyboard. worse thing is how much i paid for it. what a rip off!! I could get an old C500 WM2003 to BT sync on all three of these BT dongle/card.
Oh well thx.. Guys glad you got a result with yours bravo' lol
Many thanks for the input.
Hi again,
I have tried to contact o2 re this matter they tell me it cant be done via activesync and bluetooth. Has any one else managed to sync an XDA min via activesync to there computer. I am running xp pro SP2, Activesync Ver. 4.1 of the cover disc with the phone. I downloaded 4.2 and 4.5Beta to make sure none work. Google searches reveal nothin g on the subject. The model i appear to have is the WIZA200 version with WM5 rom version 5.1.195 (build 14847.2.0.0).
Any clues folks
Can anyone help me please with this problem?

Unable to connect to the Internet via Bluetooth

Guys, could you please help? I have been trying to connect my laptop to the internet using my HTC 9100. I have installed the bluesoleil software, that came with the BT dongle and have also created a BT DUN modem.
The problem is that I cannot make the BT Modem link discoverable to the laptop. When I open Star Menu->programs->Modem link I see three menus. The first one is "Connection" but it only leaves me with the option of choosing between IrDA or USB. There is no Bluetooth to choose from that menu.
Any ideas would be warmly welcomed. I don't know why HTC made it so complicated. I've had SE's, Nokia's and other brands and have never faced such difficulties in connecting.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
BTW my ROM version is
trustworthy said:
Guys, could you please help? I have been trying to connect my laptop to the internet using my HTC 9100. I have installed the bluesoleil software, that came with the BT dongle and have also created a BT DUN modem.
The problem is that I cannot make the BT Modem link discoverable to the laptop. When I open Star Menu->programs->Modem link I see three menus. The first one is "Connection" but it only leaves me with the option of choosing between IrDA or USB. There is no Bluetooth to choose from that menu.
Any ideas would be warmly welcomed. I don't know why HTC made it so complicated. I've had SE's, Nokia's and other brands and have never faced such difficulties in connecting.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
BTW my ROM version is
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Please read the AKU3 Networking Bible (it also has a lot of info on pre-AKU3 ROM's Internet connectivity):
Thanks, Menneisyys. I am speechless, I have to admit. I read your thread (have to admit didn't get much of the essence )and couldn't believe what I read. Never imagined that a high-end device as an HTC Wizard would be deprived of a function like the BT DUN. Come on! This must be some kind of a sick joke!
I have been using mobile internet ever since our provider started offering this service over CSD some 6-7 years ago (maybe more). Noone had ever heard of BT and GPRS those days. At that time IrDA was quite an advance method of connecting my PC to the phone (good old Nokia 6210). No doubt that BT was a much more advanced method of connectiong and it was only logical for me to switch to BT to keep up with the latest in technology.
And now with a modern device (one Wizard undoubtedly is) in my hands I have to take a huge step back to data cable, because it's more convenient, bearing in mind that I got rid of my IrDA dongle, thinking that I may never have to use it again. Dead wrong! Yes, my laptop does not have built-in IrDA or BT modules, but that mainly because I don't change laptops as often as I change mobile phones.
Anyway, hopefully MS would reconsider this issue and do the necessary to deal with this stupid deficiency.
Just came to me: it is the same with HTC Hermes??? With the UMTS support and everything. Gee....hope it's not
trustworthy said:
Just came to me: it is the same with HTC Hermes??? With the UMTS support and everything. Gee....hope it's not
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Not yet - if you use the standard, pre-AKU3 ROM. It, however, will become a problem with the Hermes too when AKU3 is released.
MS is awre of the problem - I've triggered / provided a lot of feedback on the provate MVBP mailing lists. I'm pretty sure they will reconsider including DUN back in a later AKU.
Thanks, mate. Hope that MS will re-gain their common sense

Automatic Activesync over Bluetooth

Hi guys, took delivery of my HTC Touch HD just before Xmas, what a nice piece of kit
One "issue" I have with it is the synchronisation of Outlook contacts/calenders etc via Activesync. How can I set up Activesync so that it automatically synchs, over Bluetooth, whenever the HD is within Bluetooth range of my laptop? On my old Nokia N95, that would automatically synchronise every 15 minutes whenever the phone was within range of my laptop. With the HD, I have to manually select on the HD to connect via Bluetooth, which works, but it's a manual process!
Any help gratefully received
I had a solution a long time ago with mortscript.
But it was not very clean...
I'am also looking for a solution to sync my contacts every day by bluetooth...
me too, even nokia can get this right, its not exactly a nice feature, its a necessity
It's not (easily) possible to do what you are requesting because there's a fundamental difference between the ways ActiveSync and Nokia PC Suite work.
In Nokia's case, the connection is initiated by PC. In WM's case, it's vice versa. This means that if you set your phone up to scan the environment for a bluetooth host computer all the time, it will drain your battery very soon, so it's not practical.
A workaround I can think of would be a program on your WM device and on your PC. Your PC would search for your phone periodically, then if it's found it would send a specially crafted file/message which would trigger an ActiveSync connection on the device.
Alas, such a program doesn't exist, and I'm not even sure it's possible. The problem here is that you want it to work even when your phone is suspended, and no BT files will be accepted in this state. If you have to wake it up to sync, it becomes not much easier than launching sync via a shortcut.
The phone being suspended isn't necessarily a big barrier, it wakes up when I put it on charge anyway so that would be when I would want it to auto-sync.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but was wondering if anyone has made anything alike in the last 3 months?
It's little things like this that make me favour Nokia just a little bit more.
This is possibly the only thing that annoys me about my HD. Ny N95 was flawless in its auto-synch via bluetooth, but alas my HD is severely deficient in this matter. I can't even get mine to synch at all via bluetooth, never mind automatically!
Yes, it does seem to have many flaws. I have to try and connect via bluetooth about 10 times for it to actually succeed, most of the time it doesn't detect the PC at all and then when it does, it fails half way connecting?!
Little piece of software upgrade would be so much better..
How about a shortcut? How can i map a file to start the connect action for Bluetooth sync?
Hey, i'm interested in the same thing.
look @ thread -> 289197
can be useful? can anyone have updates? thanks
Up for this. I am also looking for this kind application. My Nokia X6 does this flawlessly but not on my Android phone. Currently, I am looking for an application that can sync my contacts and calendar from my XP laptop via bluetooth Android phone... It's not available yet on the android Market. Please help thanks...

