XDA Tools error - any ideas ? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

XDA Tools not working for me now. I am using Jeffs XDA tool with Programme A, and well I have been able to use it before with my XDA but on a different PC.
Anyway, XDA tools is working in regards to being able to download my present ROM from the device to the hard drive.
Now when I use it try and put a new ROM on the device I am getting an error.
This error shows up in the CMD.exe box that pops up when trying to do this:
"ERROR: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the rem
ote host.
error getting connectiontype"
Then the programme A v1.09 pops up and I hit next and next.. then it trys to connect saying:
"Getting data from device... Please wait for 10 seconds"
Then a windows error dialog box pops up saying:
Cannot execute the remote communication program.
Please make sure that the USB/Serial cable is properly connected.
Like i said the device is working and connected. Works through Active Sync just fine, and even XDA Tools works when going from device to computer but just not from computer to device.
Any ideas?
I was hoping to try out this new ROM: A.30.07 ENG.nb1
Thanks in advance!

Still holding out hope I can get this resolved. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

Never mind, I have moved to using the Wallaby boot loader and SD to update the ROM and all worked just fine.
Thanks again for all the fine advice on the forum.

I've search the whole forum and the internet for a solution of this issue at vain. Is there any guru who can help us in any way?

well being that
RasnCain solved his issue i guess he can

Well, I don't have a SD card at the moment -(


Error When Re-Installing 4.00.16 from ROM Kitch.with dif opt

Hello all, I took the bull by the horns this morning and upgraded my PPCPE to 4.00.16 ENT T-Mobile US from JSummers ROM Kitchen.. I used the EXE installer and everything works fine.. I did have to upgrade form Activesync 3.6 to 3.7 once the upgrade was done..
Tonight I decided on trying some new options from the kitchen and downloaded a new EXE.. (still 4.00.16) just with EzWap2 this time..
But the EXE installer won't see the PPC anymore, even though active sync sees it and it syncs just fine. A DOS window comes up and says "ERROR: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. error getting connectiontype." The installer window still shows up though.. When I click next to install I get a windows popup box that says "ERROR 011: EXECUTE REMOTE COMMUNICATION PROGRAM ERROR - Cannot execute the remote communication program. Please make sure that the USB/Serial cable is properly connected." When I try again I get another dos window that says "ERROR: GetDeviceData - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Error getting devicedata".
Am I doing something wrong here?? I've tried the SD method but apparently my SD card writer/reader isn't compatible with XDArit and it writes sucessfully but won't read the card back and the PPC doesn't recognize it as valid..
:shock: Have you read small notes beside the rom version which tell you to be very carefull before using rom 4.00.16. The notes telling you that after you flash with that rom version will unavailable to reflashing or downgrading with other rom version. Sorry, only this far I could help you cause I'm still a newbie to.
You can go back to a different ROM or the same with more stuff like your situation. BUT you HAVE to do it the SD card way. Search the forum and you will find more info about this. (SD card method)

ERROR: GetConnectionType

Guys! I did something wrong. I upgraded my 3.16 ROM to the T-Mobile 4.00.21. It works fine, but I don't like 2003 so much. I want downgrade. I tried to use Programme A, but i always have this error message in a Dos windows:
ERROR: GetConnectionType
After that the program is always cancel. What to do?
An other error message
I found an other error message. "Cannot execute the remote communication program. Please make sure that the USB cable is propertly connected"
Yes. It's connected activesync is working propertly. Communication is ok. Only the upgrading software can find error.
you must use ActiveSync 3.7.1,
you need un-install it.
Install ActiveSync 3.7 or lower version
I don't think ActiveSync will work ... TMO ROMs do not accept the USB flashing ... you may have to use the SD card method.
Problem Solved
Thank you guys! I did the SD Card Method and It works fine. That was long time to solve to problem and learn how to use the SD card method, but now everything is fine. Thank you again!

Error message trying to install SpecialEditionROM

OK- I think I have everything hooked up and downloaded on my desktop. When I run the SpecialEditionROM program, I get an error message saying
"Cannot find the ROM image to upgrade your Pocket PC. Please DL and try again"
I have the OSImage tool from this site- Is that what I need? How does it work? Also 'coldboot' and 'hardboot'- turning off power supply or actually pulling out the battery?
Thanks again-
PC Putz
I dont't know what I did differently, but for some reason the program worked flawlessly the umpteenth time I tried it. Maybe it just took pity on me. XDA-DEVELOPERS ROCK!!!

Upgrade ROM gives ERROR 011 - What does this mean??????

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2 RC1 and having successfully used the USB connection to update the ROM on my 02 XDA 1, I then discovered that I have the T Mobile version of software.
It all works fine but I did not want T mobile so I used ROM kitcehen to create a new ROM and tried to load this. Unfortunately I now get two errors. The first is via the Command prompt "ERROR: GetDeviceData - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. error getting devicedata" and the second from the upgrade software "Error 011 Execute Remote Communications Program Error. Cannot execute the remote communications program. Please make sure the USB/Serial cable is properly connected". Since my USB connection is properly connected - I can synchronise with my PC and load applications to the XDA - then I am unsure what to do.
Can anyone please offer assistance with resolving this problem?
:?: Why do you think, there is a search button in this forum? Have you ever tried it? :?:
I just tried it with the keywords Error and 011 and i got 20 hits.
The first one was your posting an the second one gives you the answer, why you're getting this error and how to fix it....
Check this link:
I'm having a real bad day....Yes I should have searched. Please accept my apology and grateful thanks for the link to solve my problem.

Please help me in resolving this error please

I have downloaded the wm2003se from lumpinstefan and i could change the rom of my pocket pc to that version by using activesync.
Now i downloaded another version of the rom and i tried to install it on my qtek 1010 (wallaby) and it in the black window on my computer appears:
"ERROR: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the rem
ote host.
error getting connectiontype"
When i press the next button in the setup it says " cannot execute the remote communication prgram. please make sure that USB/Serial is properly connected". and the setup shuts down.
i Need You to know that before the new rom i downloaded from lumpistefan i was using pocket pc 2002 on my pocket pc.
Now it's clear that there is some problems in the connection. i tried it on several computers but i faced the same problem. is there any setting on my pocket pc to change??
Please somebody helps me i really need to know how to solve the problem.
Regards, and thank you.

