Earphone plugged in causes phone to end call - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Wondering if this is a prob with the earphones or the xdaII unit
Can make calls etc fine. However, when i plug the standard earphones in and make a phone call, i get cut off about 3 seconds into the call. I can hear through both earphones. Tried fiddling with the socket, but nothing gives.
Fault in the audio connector?

I've had this happen, I've also had a call drop when I plug the unit in for charging.


imate Jam loses audio, alerts, etc..

My Jam occasionally loses all sound. I mean everyting from alerts to the phone itself. It would only work if I plugged in my headset. I tried checking my headset and the contact in the jam, everything was OK.
Anybody experienced this? Does anyone know how to fix it?
Where are your tones placed? In the device or in the card?
I lost audio, all of it not just alerts
I think I know it. Same thing happened to my jam too.
Your jam does not recognize that u unplug your headphone.
Problem is; there's a little switch in your headphone socket, when you plug your headset it turns off the internal sound, and when u unplug it should normally turn on the internal sound. But if the switch is locked, jam does not recognize that u unplug your headphone.
My solution is, plug-unplug your headset's plug (or something thinner) several times in different angles carefully to your socket while your jam is playing something. Till u hear the sound.
Mine is ok now. And I don't use any 3. party plug adaptors anymore.
(sorry bout my bad english. hope u got it.)
I have the same problem with my MDA Compact. The plugging in and out of the headphone didn't help much either.
It's hard to tell whether it's the headphone "switch" or the external speaker that is broken. Is there a software for PPC that can recognise whether there is a headset plugged in or not? This would help identifying the problem.
I think there are 2 external speakers. One is at the back, the louder speaker. The other is at the front, active during a phone call.
If they are both down, it seems to be a switch problem.
-btw, when I was having the same problem, I lost the mic too..
Did you use only the original headset or some other plugs?
I only lost sound from the external speaker at the back. Everything else was working fine. As you correctly pointed out, if it was a switch problem I wouldn't have been able to make calls using the front speaker as the sound would directed to the headset. In my case it's the speaker )at the back) itself that is the proble. I have now sent it back for repair...
... and I have to wait for 14 looong days before I get it back, and that's excluding delivery time!

No sound after plugging handsfree in mini?

There's no sound at all after I plugged handsfree in mini.When I use handsfree,I can make a call and hear everything properly,but once the handsfree is unplugged,I can't hear any sound while in a call,but the other party can hear me perfectly fine,but I can't hear them.Why so?
A search on this forum would give you the answer. That's because the switch in the 2.5mm jack got stuck. Just play with the jack in and out for a couple of times and all should be back to normal. It's a common thing with some of the Magicians.
i also have a problem connected with the handsfree: when it is pluged only the one speaker is working, but wnen i unplug it a bit it starts playing with both speekers but very low... what should i do?

Is there any software solution out there for a 'ghost' jack problem on X7500?

HELP!! The Speaker only makes sound on incoming calls, the rest of the time the sound is going to the headphones
I will suggest PIMBACKUP on storage card and Hard reset
can I Assume you have the headphones plugged in, if so, you will only hear the incomming call on the speaker, if you unplug the hadphones then all sound will come through speaker.
johnwalk said:
can I Assume you have the headphones plugged in, if so, you will only hear the incomming call on the speaker, if you unplug the hadphones then all sound will come through speaker.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes. aslo my athena only play incomming call when handsfree is connected.
is anyway to all sound play from headphone or load speaker?
I have de same problema
My HTC x7500 canĀ“t play any sound (except incoming call ringtone)the porblem is in Jack plug, i not using any headphones but the HTC, send all sounds events for jack plug
Please help me!!
Thanks in advance.
any help
good morning
im not sure if it is really helpfull but on the htc universal there was a problem that sometimes when you unplug the headphones the connection in the headphonejack of the device still does not switch back, so the universal thinks the headphone is still connected and sends all audio output to the (not longer connected) headphone. some user have to disassemble their device (or send in for repair) other (like me) could fix the problem with pluging/unpluging the headphones one more time so the contact works as it should. this bug is one of the reasons why i changed to bluetooth headphones.
hope this helped a bit mad
This problem has been arround for years, not just on the Universal but on most (all?) HTC phones.
latest post I could find on the subject http://www.modaco.com/content/Smartphone-General-Discussion/264524/Locked-in-headphonesmode/

People can't hear me when my headset is plugged in

This does not happen every time and a reboot seems to fix it for a little while however....
When I plug my headset in (no mic on headset) no one can hear me regardless of the phones mute setting. If I unplug the headset everyone can hear me again. Ending a call and starting a new call doesn't resolve this issue either. I have to do a full reboot or not use a headset. It is very annoying. Anyone heard of this issue before?
Seems like the phone is registering the headset as having a microphone when it doesn't. How many bands are on the plug? Stereo headphones generally only have 2 plastic rings on the plug, while headphones with a microphone will have 3. If the headphones plug has 3 bands or isn't sitting in the jack correctly it might be registering as having a mic when it doesn't.
There are only two bands on the headphones

Use USB-C Headphones?

I got my Mate 9 Pro wet on a run a few weeks ago, I dried it out pretty well, however every time I plug headphones in now, it screws up a bit, thinks headphones are still plugged in, this lasts for a few days then returns to normal!
Of course while it thinks headphones are still plugged in it sends all audio to the headphone socket, so calls etc have no sound. (I've installed SoundAbout which is pretty good, I can enable and disable sound to the headphone socket with a widget button.)
I'd rather avoid doing this and simply switch to USB-C headphones.
I bought a USB-C headphone adapter, but the phone doesn't recognise it.
Any ideas how I can get the phone to send audio to a USB-C headphone adapter? SoundAbout has an option that says it send audio to the USB, but it doesn't!

