Dopod 696 - XDA-developer encyclopedia

Brand name under which Dopod Communications Corp. (Peoples Republic of China) sells the Himalaya. It's equipped with a Simplified Chinese version of Windows Mobile 2003.



Officially iMate Phone Edition, one of the brand names for the Himalaya

it will be named,"QTEK9000"

norwegian distributor "dangaard" ...
not "4040" - as forum index suggests
qtek's namings are ODD!!!!
blue angel is 9090
and Wizard 9100
I think its pretty odd that qtek exists at all. As I understand it, both Qtek, and Imate are brands, not companies. The company behind both brands is called Carrier Devices. I have a mate who used to work for them.
Rather odd since both brands have devices based on the same HTC platforms!

Windows mobile unplugged - USB glitch

Taken from:
Windows mobile unplugged
USB glitch afflicts latest MS gizmos
By John Leyden
Published Friday 21st October 2005 14:34 GMT
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A glitch with Microsoft's PC to mobile device synchronisation software is preventing users from synchronising their device as normal. Microsoft has issued a software update designed to resolve the issue.
Some users of Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0 have reported problems when using the USB connection of their PC to connect to a device with Windows Mobile 5.0. These challenges are "likely caused by interoperability with desktop firewall applications or applications that manage network traffic," according to Microsoft.
In Europe, potentially affected devices include the Orange SPV M5000, iMate JasJar, iMate K-Jam, T-Mobile Vario, T-Mobile MDA Pro, O2 XDA Exec, O2 XDA Mini S, O2 XDA Phone, FSC Pocket LOOX N500, Dell Axim X51 series, HP PPC series (rx1950, hx2190, hx2490, hx2790), Qtek 9100, Qtek 9000, Qtek 8300 and Qtek 8310.
An update for ActiveSync is scheduled to be available in late November. For most users the better option would be to download updated software from Microsoft's Windows mobile website. Microsoft has also produced a troubleshooting guide covering the problem here. ®

[q] Hermes and TyTn

I'm getting really confused by the barrage of new models dished out by HTC recently. what is the difference between HTC Hermes and HTC TyTN?
thank you in advance and appologies if this is not the correct forum for the question.
As far as I know, there aren't differences. The Hermes name was when this product has been launched on the market :lol:
Ciao, Cesare
Hermes is the generic code name used by HTC for all the devices.
TyTN is the comercial name used by HTC itself to sell the Hermes devices.
You can find it under many other names:
O2 XDA trion / T-Mobile MDA Vario II / Vodafone 1650 VPA Compact III / Orange SPV M3100 / Dopod CHT 9000 / Dopod 838 Pro / hTc Z / Qtek 9600 / iMate JasJam / Cingular 8525
See this page for more information:

Is Dopod M700 classifield as Himalya

HI just buy a M700, so dunno it is consider Himalya.
Any expect can share what is Himalya mean ?
How to upgrade my ROM so that can display Chinese
himalaya is the internal name htc who makes these devices call Dopod 696
M700 is the device that htc call love
