Is it 900MHz or 900/1800MHz - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have been following this forum for about 9 months now; it is a great place to visit if one has an XDA – which I do.
I have one question, I upgraded my Qtek1010 to rom ver: 4.00.21 ENG (from, it gives an option to select band 900 (Europe) or 1900 (North America). Does 900 really mean 900 or does represent 900/1800 (Europe), i.e. can my mobile still hand over call to cells on 1800MHz in Saudi or is it limited to the 900MHz band as a result of this upgrade?
Thanks for your help

it should be 900/1800 i think
i seem to recall that EU were at first 900
and asia were 1800
and us were 1900
then dual bandphones came and
you could get
not sure about 1800/1900
so it should work on both 900 and 1800 because the phone is dual

I dont think the upgrade changes the hardware capability, the phone will be 900/1800 or 900/1900, the latter can only be used in UK/europe on the 900 band, the 1800 is not achievable as far as I know.

yes 900,hz means 900 only which means if you have been into the band tab in the phone options your device will now be stuck at 900mhz only meaing you have lost the 1800band.....
and 1900 wont work it wil lcause your phone to freeze/no signal.
what you should do is go into your bootloader and achange it to 900/1800 and do not touch the band tab again becuase if you do you will have to select either 900 or 1900
this is because you are using an american rom.....
use v4.00.05 or v4.00.11 they are english roms with 1800/900

Hi ...
The siginifact point is the device h/w type ... is it PW10A1 or PW10B ?? ... refer to the sticker on the rear side of the XDA.
In case it's A then it supports only 900/1800 and the 900 option will mean 900/1800 and the GSM menu should be adjusted to the right band ... if it's B then it's 900/1900 and you can only use the 900 MHz band of your network coz the H/W doesn't support 1800 MHz
Either the GSM menu or the Band tab has no effect if the H/W doesn't support 1800 MHz

Thanks for your help, I guess until I downgrade to 4.00.11 ENG I will use the bootloader to set it to 900/1800 and stay away from the band tab.
Thanks again

you can use any version you want mate but if using an american rom like what i am at the mo (v4.01.00) just dont click on the band tab under the phone options as once you do theres no way to close that screen without select either 900 or 1900
if you do select either band just go into the bootloader and put it on 900/1800 again and dont touch the band tab that way you will still have your 1800 mhz band too

soft reset will solve the problem :lol:

lol yeah that also but why not try avoiding the band tab once and for all lol that way you wont have to reset the bootloader bit or reset it if you go into the tab lol

You recommanded using 4.00.05 or 4.00.11, I found 4.00.05 in, do you know were I can get 4.00.11? I'm assuming it is a better rom!
Thanks for your help

searche the forum for it mate youll find it v4.00.11 uncooked

The only place for 4.00.11 was Jiff kitchen but it's down now
The ROM part of TMO 4.01.00 is not bad at all ... I have it since 2 months now and it's so stable ... didn't try it with SD cards tho
you may consider this upgrade ... again, the ROM part only


GSM Band and WM2003

Is there a tool similaire ton GSM Band switch working for WM2003?
I need to change the GSM freqeuncy to 1900 since i need to go in Canada with an European XDA 900/1800.
I know i can do it from the bootloader, but each time i change it i get a full reset of my device, not so great
The bandswitch tool will not make your phone a tri-band phone, it will be 100mhz off frequency when on 1900, but heres the link anyway.

making sx56 or tmobile ppc phone work on 1800 mhz networks

is it possible to make the sx56 or tmobile ppc phone (normally 900/1900) work on the european 1800 mhz networks as well :?:
Thank you
Yes, you need to change it in the bootloader. Just select the one that has got the band you need. Don't try to change it in the phone settings, or it won't work.
Are you sure ?
I tried what you mention and it does not connect to Telstra...
I am running a 6.25 radio and an 4.01.16 TMO rom with a 5.17 bootloader.
I tried both 900 stand alone and 900/1800 but it did not work.
Any other trick ?
so, has anyone ever succeeded with activating the 1800 mhz?
It's all depending on the device type ... PW10A works only for 900/1800 ... and PW10B works only for 900/1900 .... don't try the impossible!!! ... or you may permanently damage the RSU part!!!
better to get XDA II ... it's tri-band
well, I'm planning to buy one on ebay. how can I make sure, which one it is. what should I ask the seller to look for?
is 900/1900 not only in America ?
in that case you should ask the seller to look at his address
ok, my question is if it's possible to make the american version 900/1900 to work on 1800 mhz
most countries in EU have both 900 and 1800 support
here is a list not sure if its 100% uptodate though but i doubt people are limiting the support
zsilak said:
ok, my question is if it's possible to make the american version 900/1900 to work on 1800 mhz
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, only if the network supports 900 MHz
Zsilak, it will work on 900 but not on 1800.

sx56 with no signal in Saudi Arabia

I bought a sx56 (AT&T)from ebay seller and i am now in Saudi Arabia i made unlocking using the especial edition rom from XDA-developer but no signal after that and the device can not find the network even after making band width adjustement to 900 (here in saudi arabia)
Rom version 3.17.03 Eng
My RSU is 4.21
any one can help please!!
what's your device type ? ... A or B ?
You selected 900 MHz from the phone settings or the bootloader GSM menu ?
I selected the 900 from the a program called gsm band it is already been with xda-developer special edition ROM.
How do i enter the the bootloader? and change it to 900
And by the way it is A type. does this type do not work in the middle east or what?
I had an sx56.
I got it from USA and it works fine with me here in Dammam.
All what I did is change the bandwidth to (I am not sure if I change it to 900 or 1900) any way try both.
You need to go to the phone dialing (The one with numbers and buttons)
Then go to Tools/Options and then Band I think and change it there.
Also, while you are there try to go to Network and find the network manually not automatic.
InshaAllah it will work.
The device type is the whole point ... check the rear sticker ... if your device is PW10A that means it supports 900/1800 MHz ... and if it's PW10B this means it works for 900/1900 MHz.
The RSU should be the proper one as well ... 900/1900 RSUs will give you 900 only if your network is 900/1800.
Check the device type first, if it's A and your networks is 900/1800 then you should NEVER switch to 1900 MHz
The best and safest way is to use the GSM bands from the bootloader menu. Press soft reset while pressing power ... when it says "GSM OK" press the calendar button and select the right band.

which frequencies?

Hi all,
I was wondering if any body knows how to find out which version is my Jam is it 850mHz version or the 900mhz version?
Is it possible to switch between these two versions?
I am cingular usa network...
I can't believe nobody knows the answer...
Welll I figured it out... But now I want to download the 1.10 radio rom but for some reason the explorer gives an error when I try to download it (I am logged in)
Can somebody send the radio to me so I can try to switch from 900Mhz to 850Mhz
FYI.. I am told there were three hardware models of JAMs.
PM10A = 900 and 1800MHz
PM10B = 900 and 1900MHz
PM10C = 850 and 1900MHz (North American version, aka JAM 850)

Lock to 900mhz

Hey guys my ex-Orange is on Virgin AU these days, using it as a tethered modem but I need to lock down to 900 as the Opyus/Virgin 2100mhz 3G spectrum is saturated in Melbourne to hell with all these 2100mhz devices over the last few years, any idea where I can get an application to lock to 900mhz 3G ?
Im using the HK rom a kind XDA'er uloaded for us
Under "Start\Settings\Personal\Phone\Band" (translated from German) you can preselect some frequencies.
thats the problem ! the only option is 2100/900 mhz together, nothing else under 3G
On my rom I have two things to change on that page:
Networktyp: There I'm able to decide GSM or WCDMA
GSM should help you with your problem.
Band: There I can select the frequencies, but as you mention, there are always a UMTS band included.
Good luck and regards from AUSTRIA.

