Using SX56 to connect to laptop to connect to gprs - Networking

Can anyone tell me how to use the GPRS on a SX56 as a wireless enabler for a laptop via InfraRed?

IR Modem
You can find your answer (and much more) here:

I was able to connect my T68i as a bluetooth GpRs modem to my tablet PC with a Anycom bluetooth card without any problems.
Using the same tablet I am able to bond the XDA II and ActiveSync using bluetooth.
I have figured out that I would have to create a Bluetooth modem on my tablet PC and then create a GpRs connection with the dial up number for t mobile GpRs in USA.
The problem is that in control panel of the tablet under modems if I try to create a new modem as the XDA II I would need software which I do not have.
Under modems in my tablet PC I only see:
Direct connection
T68i on COM 9
Can anyone help?

smcfeetors said:
Can anyone tell me how to use the GPRS on a SX56 as a wireless enabler for a laptop via InfraRed?
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Unfortunately the other reply to this thread applies to the XDAII, whilst you have an "XDA I"... As has been discussed in other threads, the Windows Modem capability is part of some version 3 based ROMs, including the XDA Dev "Special Edition" but has not been a part of any version 4 based (WindowsMobile 2003) ROMs until this recent development of the German 4.00.33 ROM.
Are you using 2003/ROM 4.00.xx? If so, your choices are to downgrade to a vers. 3 ROM from a kitchen, or to wait until someone smarter than me figures out how to get the German Modem firmware into an English ROM.


Wireless Modem program?

Hi All,
Reading all the stuf about unlocking through XDAunlock.exe it seems that I need the Wireless Modem feature installed which is not included in my ROM v. 3.12.07 ENG (o2).
I am wondering if it is included with the o2 latest ROM v.3.17 ENG and should first upgrade to it or how and where can I find it to install it ?
Would like first to unlock the XDA & play around and then install the new XDA SER dev. 1.2 version, when available.
Furthermore, after installing the modem, it seems that I can use it only with iRDA or serial cable connection. No USB ?
Any help welcomed!
Many thanks,
you can backup your rom either using an sd card.
or with these tools:
pmemdump 0x80040000 0x1ec0000 x.nb1
Sorry, I lost you.
What has the backup to do with the Wireless Modem?
Gear said:
Furthermore, after installing the modem, it seems that I can use it only with iRDA or serial cable connection. No USB ?
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No, currently the wireless modem program supports only serial and iRDA. Yes, this sucks.
Thanks for the prompt reply but, where can I find the Wireless Modem application to install?
I m planning to unlock the xda of my dad. So if i install this modem wireless function that let you unlock your XDA after using the small program my dad won t be able the sync using the usb cable?
thx a lot
No, He'll be able to sync using USB just fine.
he won't be able to use the device as a wireless modem via USB however, only via IRdA or Serial.
But it doens't affect normal syncing/use of the device.
OFF: Search wireless modem .exe program! Please help me!
please help me:
My XDA is WM2003 OS, and not included aplikacion for GPRS modem for PC. Send wmodem.exe files to email [email protected]!
Thank you.
Re: OFF: Search wireless modem .exe program! Please help me!
mouseman said:
My XDA is WM2003 OS, and not included aplikacion for GPRS modem for PC. Send wmodem.exe files to email [email protected]!
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No, won't work. Presently, your WM2003 ROM is not capable of doing supporting the wmodem application. Either go back to PPC2002 or wait for wmodem on WM2003.

enable bluetooth modem + activesync via bluetooth?

I have been searching this forum and couldn't really find a definite answer for this, so I apologize if this is a repeat question.
I have Cingular 8125 that has been unlocked and flashed with xelencin's T-mobile 2.17 ROM. I have been trying to use the device as bluetooh modem and also activesync via bluetooth, but unable to do so. I have tried for hours and this has been a very frustrating experience!
Could somebody help me with a step-by-step guide on how to get this thing to work? I am using Windows XP Pro with service pack 2, ActiveSync 4.1, and widcomm
Thanks in advance for your help!

Upgrading XDA IIi to 1.11.171 without a PeeCee??

Hi there,
I've downloaded the latest UK firmware for my XDA IIi from O2's website and it seems to come as a big old Windows executable. I use a Mac, so is there any way to install the upgrade onto the XDA IIi without using a PeeCee and ActiveSync, please?
I do have a PeeCee here which I could probably use to extract the contents of the .exe, or I may be able to do that on my Linux box, but I'd rather just transfer the Windows Mobile executable to the XDA over wireless LAN than have to dig out the cradle, install ActiveSync &c.
Are there any versions of this firmware available without the extra O2 rubbish, please? This forum covers so many nationalities & hardware versions that I bet I could read for an hour to find this information.
Thanks in advance for any replies,
checkout here!
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Alpine/O2_Roms_Camera_Fixed_Bug
If you're not using O2 SIM, download the one with O2 stuff ripped. Special thanks to Pug
clustered said:
If you're not using O2 SIM, download the one with O2 stuff ripped.
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Are the two files in there both the same, apart from the O2 stuff?
I am actually using an O2 SIM, and I'm currently locked to O2's network. I don't like the "O2 Active User Interface", tho' - can I use the O2stuffstripped version?
yup, you can use the O2stuffstripped version if you want to...

Can WModem on Uni-WM5 attached and used on Mac OSX?

Hello all,
I'm so sorry I'm just a newbie. I just wanna ask to all the expert here if WModem on Universal WM5 can be used on my Mac OSX as a modem? Because I think I don't want to buy another wireless usb modem (like Huawei, etc like my provider suggest) if my Uni can do as a modem for my Mac OSX.
(note : it's Wireless Modem cause I'm not using Internet Sharing like in WM6)
How to setting a Uni as a modem for OSX if can? (both setting on Uni and OSX)
Thank you so much for your kind attention.

Wifi problem!

hello, ive recently try to connect to the internet using my wifi i established a connection with wifi and when i try to go on ie or skyfire..its trying to connect ota (over the air). as if i had a data connection witch i dont (cause the price is ridicules) so i cant go on the internet on my wing. my rom version is 4.17.405.2 WWE...can anybody help me out please cause i would like to use the wifi on my phone thanks!
hogindas said:
hello, ive recently try to connect to the internet using my wifi i established a connection with wifi and when i try to go on ie or skyfire..its trying to connect ota (over the air). as if i had a data connection witch i dont (cause the price is ridicules) so i cant go on the internet on my wing. my rom version is 4.17.405.2 WWE...can anybody help me out please cause i would like to use the wifi on my phone thanks!
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I have same problem. Help
hogindas said:
hello, ive recently try to connect to the internet using my wifi i established a connection with wifi and when i try to go on ie or skyfire..its trying to connect ota (over the air). as if i had a data connection witch i dont (cause the price is ridicules) so i cant go on the internet on my wing. my rom version is 4.17.405.2 WWE...can anybody help me out please cause i would like to use the wifi on my phone thanks!
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The ROM version doesn't mean anything, unforunately. It defaults to whatever "version" the OEM folder that was used to cook the ROM unless the ROM changes it. It doesn't mean much outside of the cook's or manufacturer's internal versions. If this is a cooked ROM, which ROM is it? If it's a default ROM, then the ROM version means something.

