??? The LowBatteryWarning dissapeared from the sound options - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

The LowBatteryWarning sond option dissapeared from the Settings/Personal/Sounds&Notifications menu.
Any idea how I can get it back to change the sound of LBW-message?

1. The XDA II doesn't have a low battery warning, never did. It has one at 20%, but not the typical 40% as well.
2. Every other PPC had to enable with a registry tweak to allow it to show up there. See this:

I see it, thx, but the point of my question was how to change the sound of this notification.
Or in XDAII no any LowBatteryNotification in the Sounds&Notifications menu?

Can you see how idiot I am?
I just read your link after my stupid answer... :idea:
So, now I have this notification...
Thank you :wink:



Calendar gives no reminders on Jasjar

I am new on Windows Mobile, coming from Nokia 9500, so I feel a little bit stupid, because maybe I did something wrong.
So when I set a reminder in the calendar I hear nothing any more, neither a notification... abslutely nothing.
The reminders on Outlook on the PC just work normally on the same appointments.
[email protected]:
Events : on ---- Programs + Notifications : on
Screen taps and hardware buttons :| off
Tab notifications, Event: reminders: Plays sound : on Alarm1
Dislplay message on screen and flashlight both are on
I did a soft reset, and I played a little bit with different sounds when the problem seemed to have begun.
When the PC however does the alarm it nicely switches the alarm off in the Jasjar.
My phone is quite useless without a calendar warning.
My Jasjar becomes quite useless without an agenda that warns
Nobody has a clue?
I can set the agenda but nothing happens. The time just passes but no warnings whatsoever.
Oh hell, sounds like the alarm bug may be making an appearance on WM5...that would be DISASTEROUS.
Do this for us; download trial version of Pocket Mechanic (www.antontomov.com) and go to the notifications queue module. Click the button marked "Dup" or "duplicates" and tell us if it found any dups, and if so what they are (they will be tagged and yellow).
Just in case it's a stupidly simple thing, check the following;
- Can u play the alarm1.wav file from file explorer?
- Are you DEFINITELY setting a reminder for each agenda entry
- Is this reminder set to go 0 minutes before (ie don;t set a reminder for 5 mins time with an alarm for 30 mins before)
- settings>sounds&notifications>alarms>ticked
- Volume not 0: turn volume to 0 then back up again
craigiecraigie4 said:
Oh hell, sounds like the alarm bug may be making an appearance on WM5...that would be DISASTEROUS.
Do this for us; download trial version of Pocket Mechanic (www.antontomov.com) and go to the notifications queue module. Click the button marked "Dup" or "duplicates" and tell us if it found any dups, and if so what they are (they will be tagged and yellow).
Just in case it's a stupidly simple thing, check the following;
- Can u play the alarm1.wav file from file explorer?
- Are you DEFINITELY setting a reminder for each agenda entry
- Is this reminder set to go 0 minutes before (ie don;t set a reminder for 5 mins time with an alarm for 30 mins before)
- settings>sounds&notifications>alarms>ticked
- Volume not 0: turn volume to 0 then back up again
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I may do the antontomov later.
yes I can play alarm1.wav from file explorer.
OK: appointment duration from 16:00 till 16:05
alarm ( " reminder" it is called) 5 minutes before..
at the settings I ticked the Reminder event on play sound and repeat.
I do not see a volume option however.
I see options for flash light ( did never work) and vibration ( the same) I have the feeling it is not so much a sound problem as a problem that nothing is triggered when the moment is there.
Calendar Reminders confusing!!
I find this calendar thing pretty confusing too. I came to the conclusion that the reminder comes in the form of an on-screen notification and not an alarm, which seems pretty stupid, as you don't want to keep pulling your phone out to see if you have any appointments! :?
I hope I'm wrong, but could someone more knowledgeable in this area please clarify how to get an audible reminder in conjunction with an on-screen one please. And for the record, I know how to set a basic alarm, I just need to be reminded by sound or vibration of my appointments, else I can't get the true benefits of a personal digital assistant!
Wont modifying the "Reminders" settings in the notification tab of "Sounds and Notifications" do it for you???
Re: Calendar Reminders confusing!!
mackaby007 said:
I find this calendar thing pretty confusing too. I came to the conclusion that the reminder comes in the form of an on-screen notification and not an alarm, which seems pretty stupid, as you don't want to keep pulling your phone out to see if you have any appointments! :?
I hope I'm wrong, but could someone more knowledgeable in this area please clarify how to get an audible reminder in conjunction with an on-screen one please. And for the record, I know how to set a basic alarm, I just need to be reminded by sound or vibration of my appointments, else I can't get the true benefits of a personal digital assistant!
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I am sure it gave me an audible alarm before I ran into problems. Of course the agenda can warn you if working properly; also with a flash light even(!) or vibrato.
sub69 said:
Wont modifying the "Reminders" settings in the notification tab of "Sounds and Notifications" do it for you???
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Well to be honest.... I have managed to get sound working on it before...I just can't remember what I did! :lol:
Please, if anyone has the time please explain how I get an alarm to ring in conjunction with the on-screen reminder. For example, when I go go into the calendar app and see the time slots for any given date, I assumed you could simply enter what you wanted reminding of, in that particular timeslot, and then choose to be reminded every 2 hours or something!!??!! I'm a bit perplexed by this. My SE700i worked in this fashion and I never got to grips with the PPC way of doing this. The bloody manual doesn't explain this either!
mackaby007 said:
sub69 said:
Wont modifying the "Reminders" settings in the notification tab of "Sounds and Notifications" do it for you???
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Well to be honest.... I have managed to get sound working on it before...I just can't remember what I did! :lol:
Please, if anyone has the time please explain how I get an alarm to ring in conjunction with the on-screen reminder. For example, when I go go into the calendar app and see the time slots for any given date, I assumed you could simply enter what you wanted reminding of, in that particular timeslot, and then choose to be reminded every 2 hours or something!!??!! I'm a bit perplexed by this. My SE700i worked in this fashion and I never got to grips with the PPC way of doing this. The bloody manual doesn't explain this either!
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You're absolutely right about how to set the reminder, but the type of reminder (sound, message, vibrate) is set in Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Notifications Tab > Change Event to "Reminders" and see what the settings are? Give it a go, I'm sure you must have "Display message on screen" ticked and "Play sound" unticked?
sub69 said:
Wont modifying the "Reminders" settings in the notification tab of "Sounds and Notifications" do it for you???
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Thanks for thinking about my problem but I checked those settings out very prcisely.
I have ticked: play sound and repeat. I also have the display message ticked. I Use Alarm1 to keep it simple.
It is however possible that here is where the problem started.
Other problem, maybe related, is, that the phone ringtone sound can sometimes change in the last installed personal ringtone.
I changed it back of course.
I have a lot of people given a ringtone with their name in it, to take away the need of opening to see who is calling.
instead of a sound I record : this is John etc etc. But of course not new to your guys.
Works great, but sometimes my phone ring changes in e.g. " peter calling" as main ring tone.
But in the calendar case there is not even a reminder on the screen. The phone is just no triggering at all.
Oh....baffled then. Sorry!
Re: I'll get to the bottom of this yet!!
sub69 said:
the type of reminder (sound, message, vibrate) is set in Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Notifications Tab > Change Event to "Reminders" and see what the settings are? Give it a go, I'm sure you must have "Display message on screen" ticked and "Play sound" unticked?
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Nope all are checked! I'll look into it more seriously later today and post my findings back here. Thanks for your help. :lol: :x :? 8)
SOunds like hard-reset time dudes!
Just in case you think it's a missing feature that you have to live with, it's not: the calendar DOES alarm for every reminder, provided you set that. You get an on-screen notification and sound - depending on your settings. Further, this can be defaulted so that every new appointment does this without you having to think about it. Exactly the same as all previous PPC devices.
I had the same problem.
Hard reset is the only solution...
Be carefull what s/w you install on Jasjar!
geovass said:
I had the same problem.
Hard reset is the only solution...
Be carefull what s/w you install on Jasjar!
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-SPB GPRS monitor
Thats it!
Any of those three suspect?
geovass said:
I had the same problem.
Hard reset is the only solution...
Be carefull what s/w you install on Jasjar!
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This will be my first reset in Windows world ever.
Any tips and hints what to take care of before pushing the button?
I come from Nokia 9200 and up and there was a great backup facility before you hard reset.
As backup software is not available: Any tips and hints on what to write down before I do it?
I also saw that Windows may come with separate upgrade software.
Any use to wait for that first?
herpi said:
geovass said:
I had the same problem.
Hard reset is the only solution...
Be carefull what s/w you install on Jasjar!
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-SPB GPRS monitor
Thats it!
Any of those three suspect?
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The only s/w i had was the ewallet.
Get rid of it and reset. Now try if it works.
geovass said:
The only s/w i had was the ewallet.
Get rid of it and reset. Now try if it works.
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You meant soft reset or hard reset?
I presume hard reset, because after several soft resets without ewallet I still have the problem.
See 'Help' application for Reminders in Calendar!!
Stupid me! There's an in depth guide on hoe to use the calendar with Reminders in the 'Help' application on the Jasjar. Too many options for my liking, just confusing matters. basically, alot of the options are for syncing purposes and if no else has access to your PC, it really won't matter wether you set-up categories or not, unless you need your contacts etc grouped.
Bottom line, buy an easier to use application.
Alarm bug? What's that?
Some time ago I installed and played a NES emulator on my xda for a few hours wearing the headset, and after that two things happened; Sound didn't work, it got permanently stuck on headset mode (I fixed that) and 2), the clock disappeared from the upper menu bar, never to return. Alarms didn't work (at all) from that point either. Prior to this it had worked 90% of the time, with some mysterious exceptions that I think maybe your "alarm bug" could explain.

Bluetooth System-Tray Icon Issue

...long time lurker; first time poster...
did a search on this once and if it's here, sorry i missed it:
what is the reg-locale for ensuring the Bluetooth System-Tray Icon is enabled to launch when bt is active. since performing the following reg-edits, it no longer appears.
Increasing font cache and screen performance:
Change "limit" from "8192" (default) to "16384"
Increase general performance:
Change "CacheSize" value from "0" to "4096".
Change "EnableCache" value to "1"
Change "ReplStoreCacheSize" value to "4096"
Enable Cleartype in landscape mode:
Change "OffOnRotation" to “0”
also... i did this one and then reversed it since i learned (after the fact) that cingular 8125 is already b/g:
Enable 802.11g:
Assign a value of 1 to dot11SupportedRateMask
Assign a value of 8 to dot11SupportedRateMaskG
thanks to anyone making time to reply!
can someone confirm that their actually is a bt icon that resides in the system tray (top bar) when bt is enabled???
maybe it was a fluke that i actually saw it there for a brief period today?
maybe i'm seeing things?
I have not seen that icon in WM5. But I would like to have it there.
Oh its there alright. In fact, in the online help somewhere on my 8125 it actually lists the icons and their descriptions. One of them is the BT icon.
Its beyond my why there isn't an application that can indicate with a headset icon to notify you if your phone is paired to a BT earpiece. Someone had posted once PhoneAlarm did it, but alas. It does no such thing.
If anyone else knows of a program that will tell you if you're currently connected to a BT device, please speak now!
Ok, found out where the icon is listed. Go to the main WM5 online help on the device and go to Personalizing your device>Over of the Today screen>What do these status icons indicate?
Towards the bottom you'll see the icon... IT EXISTS IT EXISTS!... sigh
it does because today... it appeared for a moment. it played peek-a-boo while device was bugging-out. glad to know i wasn't seeing things. i wonder if having the clock reside in the sys-tray has anything to do with it???
i have found this application http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=1319 to at least show when the BT is on. It also tries to connect to a headset when there is an incoming/outgoing call. Not having a headset myself, I have not been able to test this function, but bt does turn on on a ring and turn off when I end the call.
i got this cab from somewhere here in the forum which shows the bt icon on the system tray, to allow you switch on/off bluetooth, i beleive it was designed for the universal but it works fine with my kjam (wizard).
majdi said:
i got this cab from somewhere here in the forum which shows the bt icon on the system tray, to allow you switch on/off bluetooth, i beleive it was designed for the universal but it works fine with my kjam (wizard).
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Thanks! This .cab works great.
Now I only need the same type of icon for wifi. Anyone got such .cab file???
Works Great on KJAM JASJAR and EVEN A T O M !
I tried it on my k-jam but unfortunatelly... nada
I downloaded the cab file to my pc through the link, then copied the file to my devise and run the installation therein...
Am i missing something?
I installed this, and nothing happened, so I deleted the program, using "remove program" from Settings/System, and it started working. Go figure.
yeah,it works good on MDA Vario(czech TMO firmware)
pls have u got same cab for wi-fi ?
Styxer said:
yeah,it works good on MDA Vario(czech TMO firmware)
pls have u got same cab for wi-fi ?
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Also still searching for the wi-fi one!
It Does not work on my QTEK 9100. It actually warned me that it's not compatible while trying to install..

Screen On when SMS recieved

On friday my trusty MPV M3100 decided to give up the ghost, so as I was in London I decided to look for a new phone and picked up an Touch Diamond 2.
And I have to say; I love it.
Best phone I've had and even the lack of a hardware keyboard hasn't bothered me.
There is only one thing which has caused me some bother; on all my previous phones when an sms/mms has been recieved the screen will turn on for a while to alert me of this, however I can't find a way to do the same thing with the TD2.
The reason I would like this is down to me mostly leaving my phone on silent but in line of sight. The silent factor is because I'm often doing things with headphones on (such as at work) and I'm not going to hear the tone anyways.
So, while the green light is nice and all being able to have the screen turn on as an option would be nice..
As a coder by trade I've been poking around to see what I could do to let me do this myself, however if someone has a better solution or knows of an app which can already do it then I'd appricate it if they could tell me
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
thanks for the reply, however I'd already found that option and it only effects the green light which flashes when you get a messag; nice and stuble in keeping with the device but not what I'm after
Look for this registry value
It should be 1, set it to 0
ah, excellent, thanks
just curious what program you guys are using to edit registry values...
sorry if this is a stupid question, but i'm new to Windows Mobile.. up until the D2 i've always have symbian phones.
I just did a google for "win mobile reg editor" and installed PHM Regedit to do the job.
Although I'm going to write a quick app to let me toggle this particular setting I think (i'll probably post the resulting cab/exe here encased others want it)
I'm using Total Commander (I just started editing the registry). What do you guys use for making a CAB file?
oruam57 said:
Look for this registry value
It should be 1, set it to 0
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Thank Oruam, great tweak.
I currently have the option selected to display a new sms message on screen as soon as it arrives, is it possible when i hit reply to get the device to go to the touch flow threaded messaging system rather than the WM6.1 default?
Thanks guys!
Is there any way to have it vibrate & play a sound, but not enable the touch screen? The reason I ask is that I dont want the screen to come on while it's in my pocket etc, and things start to get accidentally pressed!
Awesome! Thanks!
ormz said:
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
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I'm sorry ormz.
I'm interesting for that option to have flash light blinking when sms/mail arrives, unfortunately I haven't got the option you mentioned into my settings referred to "new SMS".
I've got the original rom installed (italian version).
May I arrange same setting/option into register also if I haven't it on display?
Could someone help me?
lock the device:
"real lock" - press the hang button (the one on the right) until it shows unlock at the bottom left side
stand-by - press the power button only for 1 second and the screen will go off. When receiving a message, the screen stays black. To see menu-s again, press again power button for 1 second
someone could tell me how to make it works with email event?
You guys might check S2U2 found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=527523
ormz said:
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
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That option is grayed out. Anyone else?
Rarebreed said:
That option is grayed out. Anyone else?
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Same here...
i have total commander and i cant find that path... i get //plugins, application, data, connmgr, doc and sett, my doc, program files, temp, trusted, windows.. looked in all the folders and even typed that address.. nothing..
martyzidek said:
i have total commander and i cant find that path... i get //plugins, application, data, connmgr, doc and sett, my doc, program files, temp, trusted, windows.. looked in all the folders and even typed that address.. nothing..
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What are you looking for? Are you tryting to navigate to the registry through file explorer? If so, you need a reg editor to do that...
You know this is an old thread, right?
yeah i know its a old thread... i had a registor editor.. actually acouple. i found what i was looking for.. just didnt start with hkml.. thanks though for replying..

Turn off beep when call connects

When you dail a number on your phone and you press the call butten it makes a beep. Even when the phone is in silent mode it does that.
Is there a way to turn off this beep?
I tried the sound settings but nothing worked.
Turn off the call connect notification in settings > phone > advanced (some vibrate some beep some do both)
Bupahs said:
Turn off the call connect notification in settings > phone > advanced (some vibrate some beep some do both)
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Just tried it.
It just turns off the vibration but not the beep.
Maybe it's just my phone...
But thanks for the quick answer.
Razorrrr said:
Just tried it.
It just turns off the vibration but not the beep.
Maybe it's just my phone...
But thanks for the quick answer.
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it's not just you
it's like a several tones pulse in the background, several minutes ofter I connect.
obededom said:
it's not just you
it's like a several tones pulse in the background, several minutes ofter I connect.
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Really? I have never heard the beeping.. might be a network thing
Yup it is really weird. Could be as you say that my providex is the problem.
Oh well we just have to live with it
Great phone otherwise.
Ive got the beep problem too, and you can turn it off with a regedit:
Then turn the initvol value to zero
This does stop it but the only problem i have is that when i reboot the beep returns for some unknown reason, anyone know why?
JcNeji said:
Ive got the beep problem too, and you can turn it off with a regedit:
Then turn the initvol value to zero
This does stop it but the only problem i have is that when i reboot the beep returns for some unknown reason, anyone know why?
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Going to try it later on.
First i have to find a reg editor.
On my diamond2 i used total commander.
Hope it works on the snap.
dont drive urself nuts with reg edits..
sktools is the answer for that, amongst many other things you may want to tweak.
once dl'd and installed to device :
sktools> tuneup> phone edition "Beep Before Start Call" = NO
SoCalSpecialist said:
dont drive urself nuts with reg edits..
sktools is the answer for that, amongst many other things you may want to tweak.
once dl'd and installed to device :
sktools> tuneup> phone edition "Beep Before Start Call" = NO
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Nice!! I forgot all about SKTools, had it on my Excal but never put it on my new Dash 3G.
Just checked, the beep is off by default on the Dash 3G, I turned it on to see what you guys were talking about.. man that beep is annoying as hell.
Bupahs said:
Nice!! I forgot all about SKTools, had it on my Excal but never put it on my new Dash 3G.
Just checked, the beep is off by default on the Dash 3G, I turned it on to see what you guys were talking about.. man that beep is annoying as hell.
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Yeah I know
Installed SKTools an now its gone
Tnx guys
glad i can help guys!
thats what we're all here for..to help eachother out!
SoCalSpecialist said:
dont drive urself nuts with reg edits..
sktools is the answer for that, amongst many other things you may want to tweak.
once dl'd and installed to device :
sktools> tuneup> phone edition "Beep Before Start Call" = NO
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strange enough, I cannot turn this issue, as there is nothing on the phone edition...
any suggestions?
Dash 3G Call Initiation Beep
I need help...i am using the sk tools lite to edit the registry as suggested, but I cannot navigate to the HKCU/SOundcategories/callstart because it only shows HKCR, HKLM and no results found.
I have tried following the directions here, but need a little more guidance.
I am making calls in the evening and would really like to disable the call initiation beep (1 quick beep). I have no other beeps (such as minute timer) or disconnect tone.
If someone could please reply with specific instructions on how to navigate and disable, I would truly appreciate it. I have also tried a master reset, because I thought that at one point, I had found a way to turn it off (and i wouldn't hear it at all) but that was when i first got the phone a year ago. I can't remember how to turn it off now, I thought it was in one of the settings options, but have been through each one a dozen times, and still cant find it.
Please? anyone? Thank you.
I am using the HTC Snap, and I have the same problem as you. I cannot search HKCU using SKtools
However, using Mobile Registry Editor, I can access the registry on the HTC Snap, and going thru this path:
HK_Current User > Control Panel > Soundcategories >CallStart,
and changing the initVol to 0, I can get rid of the beep
However the change doesn't stick.
It reverts back to the irritating beep whenever I restart the phone or change profile... Anyone can help?!
Help anyone?

notification led

does anyone know how to make the notification led stay on for more than 5 mins for example when receiving an sms? I've looked in settings but the option is grayed out.
Yes go to your settings icon, then go down to the right and press and hold the quickmenu at the bottom right, it's called ""menu" all settings" , there's a bunch of legacy settings to be found there including all the notification settings you and I were used too.
Reply greatly appreciated
You need to edit the registry in order to get access to the settings for LED notification. Look in the thread "hints and tips" for the reg settings. Once applied, you can then change the LED notification time under windows settings.
Is there also a way to make the LED flash when you receive emails?
Did you guys read my post at all, there is no need for registry hacks, the menus are already there. You can do everything you used to do in 6.1 or 6.5
lucid yes we read it but the option for how long the led runs for is grayed out so you can't change it in the legacy settings.
anyone know the registry hack needed?
post by mistake
My sincerest excuses. I went to that screen to verify it existed, not to verify it
was customizable.. my bad..
So... where is that registry hack ?
lucid said:
My sincerest excuses. I went to that screen to verify it existed, not to verify it
was customizable.. my bad..
So... where is that registry hack ?
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Not a problem Now just need the hack ;-)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877 D65B-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}]
Credits go to: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=565290
instead of 000000F (hexadecimal), 15 (decimal) will also work in programs that request you enter the value in decimal.

