English ROM for MDA II - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Has anyone found how to update the ROM on XDA II/MDA II? I have MDA II and need to switch to English. Any help is appreciated...

Maybe you should have asked to the place where you bought it from in the first place!
You should learn German or move to Germany if that's so important!

Hey you got the same thing too... So stop messing around and let's see if anyone has a copy of the English ROM
Auf Wiedersehen...

I am sooo glad I am not the only one with this problem, I was so excited seeing th ephone I did not even bother checking the language aspect. Now I am stuck with my phone speaking German, and i don't think anyone in my city even speaks the damn language.
Soneone please help.

So far I can't find anything, else than putting the MDA into serial mode, too bad I don't have a serial cable. There should be another way to extract/update the rom. Anybody?

Maybe I will have the same problem as you 2. It could be that I have next week a german MDA II. Wasn't there here on the website a schematic to make the serial cable ?

There is also the xdatools but I don't know if that'll work with XDA II

Ok Guys I just solved it. Just click on the link below
Download the new english system software upgrade for xda II.
Follow the instructions for the installation and then install, and Voila in about 30 mins you will have an english XDA II. this upgrade will upgrade all the included stuff too like word etc...
Just be cautious though you will lose eveything on your phone thro' this upgrade so please backup your stuff into outlook, the xbackup will not work when you are restoring.
Also do not switch off or disconnect the phone till everything is done.

You can install any ROM you like on the MDA2... Since you're in Canada, try the I-mate 1.72. It's working fine with Fido.
Follow this tutorial:


Language change

I've bought a t-mobile mda in austria yesterday.can i change the language of my device to english? :?:
Yes you can, by flashing a new ROM. There's multiple ways of doing that. Take a look at http://xda-developers.com/rom for some basic information.
No, we can't give you the ROM itself. It's copyrighted. There's plenty of places on the net where you can get it legally though. Read some of the related topics on this forum
There is no English ROM from T-Mobile in the net (you better do not use the US Version as this might kick the GSM-Part to hell). But you can flash a O2 ROM, first you have to patch that ROM-file (language and model definition)
Hi Mager,
thanks for your reply, i am interested in changing language too, could you please describe what you mean by 'you have to patch that ROM-file' ???
Or please give a hint, where to find the info.
Would be great.
Thanks ako
Very easy just make an sd-card with bootload (see on this site) form an xda with your wish language. start bootloader with this sd-card in your xda (to be updated) press action finish.
I have also purchased a T-Mobile MDA from Germany and would like to change the menu to English. I would be happy to follow your instructions about flashing an O2 Rom but I am unable to find one on the internet. The few places that have updates require a mobile number that is specific to the phone company.
Does anyone know where I can find a european english rom update?
Thanks for your help,
changing language
i saw your post and im in the same case
did you find how to change your t mobile mda in german to english?
i downloaded the rsu and ruu programs on o2 ireland but when i want to install the ruu it says it cant find rom image (error 007)
did you have an idea???
I have not managed to find an english rom to download yet. As soon as I do I will let you know what progress I make.
the solution
After many trying, at last, i ve find how to change my MDA in german to english language.
My way is not maybe the best one, but it works perfectly!
1. So, you have to download:
- the rsu update on O2 Ireland (rsu_eng.exe)
- the ruu update on O2 Ireland (ruu_eng.exe)
- the ruu update on T Mobile Germany (ruu_cev31307ger_t-mobile_full.exe)
- an hexeditor (i used Free Hex Editor which is a freeware)
2. Install "rsu_eng.exe" (explanation are on O2 Ireland web site)
3. Extract "ruu_cev31307ger_t-mobile_full.exe" in a folder (with winzip for example). Go to the sub-folder named "German". Delete the file named "NK_Jazz31307ger_TMobile_full.nbf". In the same way, extract "ruu_eng.exe" in another folder. Copy "NK_Wallaby31413wwe_O2_Full.nbf" which is present in the sub folder "english" and paste it in the sub-folder "German".
4. Run "Upgrade.exe". Follow the steps until the message which indicate that the next step is the upgrading. Open "NK_Wallaby31413wwe_O2_Full.nbf" with the hexeditor. You have to change the beginning of first line to: "PW10A2-GER-3.14-003". Save the file. Go back to the upgrade utility and press next button.
5. Thats all! It works! Follow all the instructions on your mda and in the explanation on O2 Ireland Like we used to say in France: "C'est vraiment de la bidouille de merde!"
I saw some advice on the web site "pc-counselor" but it doesnt work on my mda like they said, so i try a lot of possibilities.
Now, my ROM version is 3.14.13 ENG O2 Europe (10/09/02) and my radio version is 4.14. If anybody here know where i can find the 3.15.15 ENG O2 Europe (12/11/02) version or another more recent, i will be grateful. Is there a version after radio 4.14?
About others languages, like french, i think its not possible to switch if the telephone operator doesnt provide a rom update in his language. But perhaps there is a way to do it? If someone knows, im interested in.
Sorry to have been long, but since this evening i was really sad not to find a message which explain in detail how to proceed, so i think about others like me
Thank you for your detailed account. I appreciate your help.
I will let you know how I fair with the transition.
If by any chance you can help me find the Irish programs please let me know.
Thanks, apap
irish update
as i said in my msg, u can find the rsu and ruu programs on the web site of o2 ireland
go to "product and services" section, then to "mobile internet" section, then "xda" section, and there you have "software upgrade"
its done!
nevertheless if you find some upgrade more recent tell it to me please
see ya
Thanks for this, but in order to upgrade I am required to provide an o2 cell number which I don't have.
in order to download these updates you ONLY have to enter your imei and your product serial number (they explain how to find it on your mda). in the other fiels you can do like me: fill what you want 8)
are u ok now?
ps: for the "xda mobile" field, use the right click button and copy what you want here
Thanks a lot. I will download it. :wink:
Just wanted to let you know that I have followed your instructions and everything worked perfectly. I now have the English O2 language setting.
Thanks again for your help.
I tried to use the proceedure described here but I got an error when it went to do the actual flash, it didnt even start the flash (thank god). I went to download all of the files as described here but the file ruu_cev31307ger_t-mobile_full.exe is not available on T Mobile anylonger. How would I do it by using the newest file available?
I tried to use the same procedures here but instead of changing the text to "PW10A2-GER-3.14-003" as described I used "PW10A2-GER-3.16-003" because that was the file I had downloaded. But this is when I got an error. Should I have used the PW10A2-GER-3.14-003 even though this was not the file I have?
I tell you, this really P*sses me off that T-Mobile doesnt offer an English OS for this damn MDA here in Germany. I mean I understand that I am in Germany and all...but damn, customer service! But I have lived in Germany long enough to know that Customer Service and T-Mobile (German Telekom) do NOT mix, they have NO IDEA how to support customers.....and the US office was not much better (like I would expect them to be!) I mean if all of you can figure out how to do this I am sure they can do it in a manner that would be very easy for the customer and it wouldnt take THAT MUCH on thier behalf....... OK I am done venting now!
MDA Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have purchased a MDA PW10A2 from Germany. Currently I have an adjourned ROM 3.13.36 ger and radio 4.16. I would like to change the language in English.
I have followed your instructions, but with more recent ROM version .
I have not succeeded in effecting the updating.
I have modified the first line of the file English inserting both the version downnloaded of the German rom (PW10A2-GER-3.16-003) and the one used by you. I don't succeed in making the upgrade, it tells me that it is not a valid rom.
Then I have made the original German updating to try the downloaded file.
I would like to try with your ROMs, even if they are less recent but I don't succeed in finding her.
Can you help me???
1) You must change the version at exactly the right time.
2) You DO NOT change ROM version. You just change the hw version it needs (PW10A1 to PW10A2 for example).
changing from german to English
I read your instructions in the forum. Can I use the same method on a O2 xda I bought in Germany? Is there a difference between an mda and an xda?
Anonymous said:
1) You must change the version at exactly the right time.
2) You DO NOT change ROM version. You just change the hw version it needs (PW10A1 to PW10A2 for example).
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What do you mean by "change the version at exactly right time?"

I need help restoring my windows mobile 2003 software

Hi I have a big problem and i need all the help i can get
I have an XDA IIi but i accidently deleted all the data on it
the opertating system is gone the screen is only showing me Serial 1.0
and when i connect to my pc only shows USB 2.0
I would like to know if somebody can help me out with this and tell me how to restore the software to my device, i have a backup copy on my SD card, but i don't know how to used
Please help me
have to reflash it
how did it happen?
did you try puting any rom version in it or what?
more info is needed
I was trying to upgrade the radio version of the phone, but the version i was installing was not desgined for the XDAIIi , so, instead of upgrading, it deleted of the rom of the device and now the operating system is gone
the only thing i still have is the backup copy that i made defore the upgrade
i don't know if there is a way to use that backup copy in order to restore the system
It is propably that the system ROM was erased during upgrade and the upgrade wasn't successfull. Try to download the Diamond 1.2 WM2003se(my recommendation) ROM images package(somewhere available at this forums(Himalaya Upgrade)) and aferwards to flash your device with these files. If u want,u can try also the WM05 system.
He said his device is an Xda IIi not the old II.. Well you can reinstall back ur old ROM, no worries.. Download from my-xda.com..
i or not i
I thing there's no matter if is it IIi or simple II. Or not?
How do I fash my device in order to install diamond 1.2?
I also was looking an upgrade for the XDA IIi but now there are not offering any updates, I have tried to install the upgrades for the XDAII but it gives me an errror telling me that the ROM version is different and it cannot be installed
If you mean the Country ID Error while attempting to flash the WM05 system,there's a problem of this OS. 2003se is without problem(for me). Simply download the Diamond ROM from this topic:
or directly:
This contains 4 files(maybe more,but these are important).
-ms_.nbf (Extended ROM image)
-nk.nbf (System Image)
-Radio_.nbf (Radio stack)
Start the bootloader(probably you are there),put the Hima to cradle,Windows at your computer detects your device and then extract the downloaded file into one folder and run HimaUpgradeUt.exe
This utility is writing what you should do.
As I have readed that the WM05 OS is a little bit buggy(some compatibility problems etc..) at this time to use in Hima. Therefore I am using the 2003se.
Thanks a lot!
Hey guys,
I just downloaded the XDA IIi ROM version from the O2 website
My device is back to normal. I coudn't do it without all of you guys.
Thanks a lot specially to you jamil_mhmd for providing me the address
Jorge :wink:
You're welcome
Nice to help you.
Re: i or not i
TomasNM said:
I thing there's no matter if is it IIi or simple II. Or not?
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Of course it does matter.. Remember that the II and IIi is now a really different device even though both looks identical.. For example, u said he can upgrade to WM2005 (or ROMs that was meant only for Xda II), but of course this can't be done, this is bcos the difference in hardware specs, 4 example IIi has 1.3 MP cam (II = 0.3MP), 128MB RAM, 128MB ROM (II=128MB RAM, 64MB ROM) and so on..
JorgeGZC, I'm glad to be of help to you.. :wink:
Oh sorry.
I didn't know. I'll be well advised.
İ am a mda2 user. İve bought my device from Germany and after that i changed its ROM to an english one using a rom editor to change its country id .. This encouredged a close friend of mine and he bought a O2 XDA2i. And since both me and my friend have no idea about German language we immediately tried to convert it to an english ROM.
And using a wrong ROM (sinmerged 2003 se for himalaya) i killed his machine. It now only writes serial or usb (when connected to cradle). Someone told us that if we flash it with a original German ROM it can work again. But there is no German ROM downloadable . And even if we find a German Rom and install it , it wont solve our language problem. I am a dentist and i even cannot believe how much i've learned browsing these forums
If you can help me i will be very happy!
note : in the ftp server there is rom named german rom for xda2i.. But its a lie. its in english
The same?
That looks like the same problem as at the top of this topic. Just read all this posts once again and you'll get the right way to solve your problem. Hope that helps.
I also have the same problem. I tried to install the wrong upgrade. I've downloaded the new one but i keep getting a connection problem message because activesync can't find the XDA. Help please!!!!
When you are in bootloader then ActiveSync will not find the device to synchronise with(cause the WMOS is not running and therefore is any synchronisation disabled). When you put into the cradle,the computer should find new device(Microsoft USB Sync). Then is the device connected and ready to update.

K-Jam English ROM

I have one MDA VARIO (UK), where can I find the I-mate K-jam ROM Freeware (English Version)?
And it’s very difficult to install this ROM in my MDA VARIO? (I will must first Back Up my old ROM), how becomes this?
I hope to help me...
Hello molf48,
In the ftp there is the rom you want (K-JAM_WWE_1010903_106_10110_ship.exe).
For the other questions, i'm sorry i don't know the answer/s.
I hope some1 guru will help.
you don't need to backup your rom unless you plan to revert back to the original rom in the future. This might or might not be needed in case of a problem with your phone and asking for a repair during the warranty period.
The steps you need to take are:
a. READ THIS FORUM and also the WIZARD UPGRADE forum - take 1 hour of your time and read read read... many people have upgraded.
b. Unlock the Vario and also the CID - using the Lokiwiz utility - read before you unlock - read a lot until you understand what to do.
c. Donwload an I-Mate rom and simply install it by double clicking on it... however like always - READ READ READ
Thank you for your questions and for your time,
Where I can find this ROM? I will go to Google and put the FTP (K-JAM_WWE_1010903_106_10110_ship.exe)?
But can you tell after me with simple steps how flash the new K-JAM ROM in my MDA VARIO?
It’s my first PPC and I don’t know how?
Thanks you
I will answer you even though it is clear that you are not reading the forum.
Once you have unlocked your device using the lokiwiz - upgrading is very simple - you just activesync your device (connect it via usb to your computer - while microsoft active sync software is running - make sure you have the latest one), make sure you have enough battery in your device (it;s best to have 90% or more left) and then simply run the I-Mate upgrade file. And... wait ... and follow the instrucitons on screen.
If my explanation is not clear enough then I suggest you read. It's not fair to help people that just simply won't read. I can assure you that all of what I have said above is written in a much clearer way in the fourms.
Good luck and READ.

02 xda mini rom? updates? keep origonal? change to...i-mate?

finding it hard to get good answers....so in anybodies opinion
the 02 xda mini s
is there any updates from the origonal WWE? if so where can i get em from?
If no updates, maybe the 02 rom isnt the most up-to-date?? and it would be better to change to i-mate? or a q-tec?...if so...which would people recommend? and where could i find them? also...would they effect my being on 02 at all or would evrything stay the same and just the device will work better?!?
what do people think?
Hello jamie,
I would think that you should at least upgrade to the qtek9100 rom if u worry that u might not turn back to the O2 provided ROM. Or if you want even better performance, you can use the latest imate ROM. But i read in posts that you cannot downgrade as the loki wizard does not work in this rom.
Anyhow, i'm using an xda mini S and using the imate rom though.
I was wondering about this as well. I've got an O2 XDA Mini S and it all seems to be working fine (so far). I don't use it for anything spectacular though phone, diary, notebook and I have a few other apps on it. I also run spb pocket plus and spb diary, again with no particular problems.
I know the old adage, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but are there any benefits from moving to the latest imate ROM, say?
You said you couldn't downgrade. Do you mean that once you put the latest imate ROM on, you can't ever go back to the original O2? Also, what's the deal with LokiWizard - is there something that needs to be done before the ROM can be upgraded?
(apologies for the dumb questions, I'm starting to get to know my way around the device)
jko said:
I was wondering about this as well. I've got an O2 XDA Mini S and it all seems to be working fine (so far). I don't use it for anything spectacular though phone, diary, notebook and I have a few other apps on it. I also run spb pocket plus and spb diary, again with no particular problems.
I know the old adage, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but are there any benefits from moving to the latest imate ROM, say?
You said you couldn't downgrade. Do you mean that once you put the latest imate ROM on, you can't ever go back to the original O2? Also, what's the deal with LokiWizard - is there something that needs to be done before the ROM can be upgraded?
(apologies for the dumb questions, I'm starting to get to know my way around the device)
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Hello jko,
Yup u're right about having to use loki to unlock the rom. Search it in the forum and u'll find it. Just type loki.
After unlocking using the software, you can then install any rom for wizards, i.e. O2 mini xda s rom, imate rom or qtek 9100 rom. The one i'm using now is the latest one, which is the imate rom. I heard it cant be downgraded and we'll have to wait for an updated loki software to fix that. But the qtek 9100 rom can be downgraded again. I suggest u try the qtek rom as it makes the pda much faster. The O2 rom is really a turtle when opening the slider and closing it.
Hope this helps
Having read the advice above I'm going to unlock my device and flash it with the qtek 9100 ROM.
Once I've done that, what CAB files do I need to install in order to get O2 MMS and O2 GPRS working again?
Having read the advice above I'm going to unlock my device and flash it with the qtek 9100 ROM.
Once I've done that, what CAB files do I need to install in order to get O2 MMS and O2 GPRS working again?
Can't answer your question, but just a request to post back your experience once you're done. It would be appreciated.
well, you could again search the forum for gprs settings. u may not get the automatic setup anymore, thereby may have to do it manually. search for O2 gprs in the forum. as for mms settings, someone made a cab file, I can't remember which forum , but again, it can be searched. Try O2 mms.
hope this helps
I've got the mini S too...
First thing I did when I got it was to get rid of all the o2 crap on it... couldn't believe how slow it was even in basic mode!
I did the whole hard reset then soft reset when it says "customizing..."
This basically leaves you with a bare o2 wm5 rom without any of the customiztion installed. MMS won't work and either will GPRS.
To get these working you need to install Total Commander on your mini S and browse to the /extended_rom/ directory.
The cab files in this directory are the files installed when it says "customizing..." on a hard reset.
You can then selectively install which ones you would like to install.
There is a brief outline of what each one is on the htc wizard page on the wiki but I've made a better one I'm gonna stick on there.
You also need to input the GPRS settings and MMS settings manually and install a cab from the extended rom that creates the MMS folder in the messaging application.
After you've done all this you'll notice a considerable improvement over the o2 rom with all the crapola installed.
I've also used lokiwizard to unlock it all.
Not tried the qtek rom or the new i-mate one... as I don't use push-email or the like and haven't found any considerable bugs yet I don't need to.
I have found naggaly features which after installing the RegistryWizard, NullKbd and a few others... they seemed to be solved!
I recently updated my O2 mini S 1.5.4.... rom to the new imate one and i must give my approval for upgrading to this rom. Its faster, more stable, is much better on battery life for some reason.
I recently updated my O2 mini S 1.5.4.... rom to the new iMate one
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Where can I get this. It does not appear to be in the Rom download area (or is it under a different name?)
its in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=42638&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
Well I successfully upgraded to the new i-mate ROM and it's MUCH faster. There's a lot less lag when sliding the keyboard in & out, and the general responsiveness of the device is considerably better.
I've managed to get GPRS working, and I've installed the MMS cab but I can't send or receive MMS's at the moment - it keeps telling me that it couldn't send the message. So I'm going to post elsewhere in this forum and check that I've got the correct MMS settings.
Overall though, I'd definately recommend upgrading to this ROM. Just remember to use Total Commander to take a backup of the O2 Extended ROM beforehand so that you've got the MMS cab-file available to install at a later date.
Excellent. Thanks for the feedback. I may well give it a go later today.
Just remember to use Total Commander to take a backup
Is this the one from Ghisler.com?
I downloaded this but cannot find any instructions or reference to backing up the Rom. Any idea where I can get the instructions (if there are any).
browse to the /extended_rom/ directory
I cannot see this in the Total Commander Directory list.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Just got my o2 mini s a couple of days ago and I am loving it soo far!!
However, I already encountered a couple of bugs - the system laggss REALLLI bad, like when the slider is pushed out, even when closing/running certain programs the device hangs. Also, I have seen a couple of times where the "phone" application will not load up. In all these cases I have had to do a soft reset on the device.
I am thinking of upgrading the rom - but this is my first pda, and i know nothing at all about fidgeting with the software. I don't want to mess up such an expensive phone so is it pretty easy to do?
I too want to be careful.
I have 2 phones, and my O2 Mini S is slow compared to my MDA Vario.
So I am going to try and run an update to replace the ROM on the O2 with the newer one on the Vario, and also get rid of the O2 add-ins which are what slow it down apparently.
I will try this first because I have read about so many problems with the latest I-mate one, and it is not easy to return to the original ROM if it does give problems (although it is possible it seems tricky) - I may the Imate one later if I need to.
The ROM for the Vario (along with others) is here:
ftp://[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Tmobile/ - use password xda
Its the UK one.
But first I backed up my Mini ROM. I used awizard to do this. Read this thread:
I think that you will find that using the awizard (get it from this link)
the backup part is easy. I have done that quite successfully.
Good Luck.


Hello all, hope you can help.
I've just tried to install the this ROM 'PDAMobiz_Dopod_P800W_AKU301_v1.1.2_PowerMap__6.2.07_.part2.rar' on my xda orbit but the install came back with errors and all i have now is an O2 spalsh screen. I can however get to the bootloader screen so i assume all i need is the original shipped uk o2 rom?
I've had a good look around but nobody seems to have this. Someone must have surely.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
hi, please take an hardreset:
turn your phone on press and hold the two buttons on the upper left and right side from your naviwheel and press the resetbutton with your stylus.
after a few seconds you will see an totally black screen with some white text, follow the instructions and if it fail please tell me.
Hi there,
Thanks for the advice but i've tried that already. Any other ideas?
I suppose tha you have Xda Orbit from Germany . If yes go to ftp on xda dev and download german rom . Put your xda into bootloader mode and upgrade it with this rom . This will help . I've had this same issue and from today my xda is alive again
Read this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=296442
I actually need the UK (english) rom. Do you think the German one will work on O2 UK? I'm gonna download it anyways, cant hurt to try.
No this will not work, and if I'm not wrong there is no official O2 UK rom . If your XDA is CID unlocked then you can try to install t mobile uk version , if not ....well you have a brick
no, the german rom dosn't work on the english unit. bacause the updateprogramm is looking for the correct country-id so it won't work.
^^sry for my bad english, because i'm german and don't use it very often.
bye flow
You're right guys, it doesn't work! I guess I should have thought about how serious this 'playing about with your xda' was I reckom i'm just gonna go to the shop tomorrow and just say it died and hope they give me a new one
Suppose i could wait for the new ROM release for the UK version, who knows when that's going to be though.
Thanks for your help anyway.
XDA Orbit Replacement
How lucky do i feel??!! I took my phone back to the O2 shop and sent it off to the service centre. The report came back that the main board had been wrote off (i just played dumb). So they replaced it and i now have my baby back!
Don't mess about unless you know what your doing! I've been working in IT for 10 years, if i can make this mistake, anyone can! DONT DO IT!
lucky you.

