RSU 6.24 Upgrade & ActiveSync 3.71 Problem - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I just upgraded TMO radio stack to 6.24.00, works flawlessly. Tested the RS with calls, web connections, incoming call while on web ... perfect.
However, ActiveSync will not recognize a partnership with my PDA now. Reverts to Guest every connection.
Reinstalled ActiveSync ... no luck. Soft reset PDA ... no luck. Tried it on a WinXP-HE and Win2K computer, same on both.
Have searched forum & seen a few enteries on this subject but no solutions. Running TMO ROM 4.00.21 & TMO RS6.24.00.
Anybody had this issue & successfully resolved it?

Yeap been there seen that but had forgotten about those problems until I read your post! :wink:
Try downgrading back to 3.7, my sig states what I ended up doing to fix it for me! :wink:
Also you might try turning the device off before you put it in the cradle
so times that helped if I remember correctly.

Resolved problem by uninstalling ActiveSync 3.7.1, restart Windows, reinstall ActiveSync 3.7.1 and it detects new USB hardware, starts the Partnership wizard and things are okay.


Active Sync Problems... Can anyone Help?

I bought myself a a qtek S100 a few weeks ago and it's been working fine up until today
Today I sended a file via Bt from my Nokia smart phone to the Qtek so that I could dowload it to the computer faster via USB cable. The file was 764k real player video. Anyway after the transfer ended the Qtek started acting started by geting slow and slower and slower ... the cable was already pluged and the connection set so I tryed to acess it via sucess.
I unpluged and did a reset, thought that would solve the problem...
When I tryed to sync after the reset it showed an error message on the PC saying "Critical Communications Services have failed to start. Try reseting the mobile device and start again" Well I did...and also dowloaded MS Active Sync 3.8 and instaled it again.
The outcome was still the same...."Critical Communications Services have failed to start. Try reseting the mobile device and start again"
Anyone ever experienced this? How can I solve this?
Eheheh go easy on me kinda noobish here
Rom version:1.12.00 WWE
Rom Date 05/28/005
Radio Version 1.13.00
Protocol version 1337.43
ExtRom Version: 1.12.135 WWE
Mem Card King Max RSMMC 256
Here's the follow up just in case anyone will have the same problem...
As it turns out the problem wasn't in the Pocket Pc...although the error message in windows (Pc) asked for a reset of the PP, the problem was actually in PC. It seems that somehow the Antivirus (Bitdefender with integrated firewall) started detecting the usb cable connection with the PDA as an internet connection, and althought I had authorised it the High level of security imposed by the Firewll and it's rules on the Pc enabled the connection but disabled any kind of exchange between the computer and the PDA. Well to put it plain and sync would start and everything went smoothly up until trying to open the pocket PC for file browsing...then the antivirus would kick in and wouldn't allow data tranfer as it would consider it harmfull for the computer...hence the error message.
ehehe Problem solved ...hope this helps the next one that has the same prob. :shock:

ActiveSync Problem with Cingular 8125

This is driving me nuts. My PDA was running slow so I tried installing the Ruu Wizard 2.17 ROM. It installed, everything seemed fine but I could not Sync with AcitveSync. In fact it will not even recognize the mobile device. It sets it up as a Windows Network ( but I can't access the PDA). I've tried hard resets and reinstalling ActiveSync with no luck. ActiveSync says it cannot detect it. This problem is keeping me from reinstalling the original ROM. Does anyone know how to get AcitveSync to work on this thing? Or can I somehow reinstall the old ROM without AcitveSync? Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you are using activesync 4,
try upgrading to Activesync 4.1 (avaliable on Microsofts website)
this should fix your problem
I checked and I am using 4.1, still no go. Are there any other Sync programs out there?

Activesync: Syncronization cannot be completed successfully.

Ok now before you guys say search the forum, I have and haven't found an answer. I have a 8125 and i'm using activesync 4.1, never had a problem until last week and i haven't been able to resolve it. iv'e searched the net, the board...i ran all the troubleshooting, uninstalled and reinstalled and still no luck. i turned off the antivirus and firewall (it was working fine with them before) and i still get this message that "Syncronization cannot be completed successfully. I even upgraded to activesync 4.2 and nada. any help would greatly be appreciated because i'm ready to throw my computer out the window. Is there an alternative software? will restoring my phone back to it's original state work?
The same thing happened to me two days ago. Everything was working fine, has since I installed them bam...can not sync...have uninstalled, reinstalled tried the new beta nothing will work!!!
Use to be able to sync no problem even exchange would sync while usb connected nothing nada not sure where to go from here.
With the new beta, even ran the troubleshooter program and sent the log to MS to see if they could tell me how to fix..will see if I hear from them.
Try soft reset and reboot your computer.
[quote="AnthonyArena" ]Try soft reset and reboot your computer.[/quote]
Yep had already done that. But the issue is still there.
I upgraded to the latest activesync rev and the same thing happened. I clicked on the troubleshooter under help and it ran some connectivity tests. It came back with some fixes, I'm using Mcaffe firewall and I just followed the instructions, rebooted and all was fine. I wished I'd written down the process better but you should be able to duplicate & it'll be specific to your system anyway.
anybody have an answer? are there any alternatives?
I am now having this issue with my phone as well. I have also been searching for about 3 days thoughout the internet and these forums and no go.
As above, everything worked fine with my MDA sync to pc via USB using activesync 4.1. Upgraded to 4.2 still had no problems. Then out of nowhere it just doesn't work and gives the same above mentioned error. A difference of like 5 hours between the sync that worked and from this starting. I have done all the usual, uninstall, reinstall, reboot, soft reset, basically all I am down to hard reset (and I would really rather not if I don't have to). Any help would really be appreciated.
T-Mobile MDA Wizard 200
ROM is the 2.26 update from T-Mobile.
Thanks again.
I was having the same problem, so I started tooling around the menus.
1. Go to Settings - Connections - USB to PC and make sure that "Enable advanced network functionality" is checked off.
2. Go to Settings - Connections - Network Cards and select "Remote-NDIS Host" and hit the "Use server-assigned IP address" radio box.
This solved the problem for me. I am using
ROM version: WWE, ExtROM version:
Hope this helps.

Problems on start-up

I've just installed WM6 onto my XDA IIs
And when I start-up there were some problems
A Warning appear that : The file "PhoneService" cannot be opened.Either its is not signed with a trusrted certificate, or one of its component cannot be found, If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
The sesond one is "sms_alert_fix"
Can you guys hep me so solve these problems....thanx alot
Best Regards
Have you installed the updated .cab files from Xplode?
Edit: Will be called ".cabs2"
phoneservice was part of eten phone tools and it is not compatible with our phones, and wm6 i think, about sms_alert_fix i have not tryed it and don't know what it does in wm6
The problem with me now is i cannot connect my divice with my PC
Active Sync does not work. A message appear that : active Sync cannot connect to the Windows Mobile powered device. To troobleshoot the problem, click OK. I've followed those troobleshooting step but cannot solve anything...
I'm a newbie...plz help me... (
try to reinstall activesync, and hardreset your BA (the problem should be in one of them, PC or BA)
I know it's quite silly for me but i cannot hard reset my BA
I have pressed and hold the power button then press the reset button but there's nothing better, the BA just reset but there's no change.
I've downgraded it to Windows Mobile 2003 then upgraded it again to WM6 but all the settings at the first time I installed WM6 and configed are still there.
I also try to uninstall Active Sync and install it a gain too.
My PC use Windows XP, and when i try to connect the BA to another PC that use Windows Vista, it worked. So i think the problem was from my PC.
But now i wanna hard-reset it but i can...oh...i'm getting crazy with this...

spv c500 unlock problem

i have a spv c500 from orange uk to unlock i install active sync4.5 and conect fone to pc it was conected and build partnership but wen i run in fone HTCUnlock-CVS den device didnt explored and give some problem to explore den i delete partnership from pc and tried but fail to explore.but wen i next day i conected the fone to pc it didnt made any partnership and gives the following error
wat should i do for this any idea?
same problem
any one can solve it
i had the same problem but found these guides to help me. to help set up the active sync
and to unlock the phone.
mine was on orange uk and now is working fine on o2UK
hope this helps and thanks to those who wrote the guides
Just says "Action cancelled"
I need a T-Mobile backup phone and tried to unlock my Orange C500 with this software.
I just get a screen saying "Action cancelled".
Is the software no longer functional?
I turned of my Firewall (M$ & Peerguardian) and I was linked to Activesync.
Can anyone help?
I just dealt with a similar problem unlocking an unbranded smt5600 for AT&T
I was having all sorts of active sync issues - which likely are a result of either:
a) device's activesync client not initializing
fix) Hard reset your device - this will reinstall a fresh version of the local activesync client. At very least this will require you to set up a fresh partnership
b) device is having USB problems
fix) if you are running wm5+, make sure to go to start>settings>connections> USB to PC (or whatever it's called) and uncheck the "Enable advanced network functionality" box
c) might be a host problem...
fix) any number of things. You've already started on the right path by disabling the firewall. I've read about many problems from people trying this on Vista machines.
Hope you figure it out!
Still no luck but trying.
Thank you for the help.
I even tried entering the IP address into IE still with no luck
I will try it on someone else machine.
I have a UK Orange SPV C500, running
Windosw Mobile 2003 v4.21.1088(Build 14217)
Radio Version 0
Microsoft: 4.21.14217.0
No idea how to hard reset or update to a newer version.
It worked
Okay, It worked.
I tried it again and it worked perfectly (with both firewalls on)
I can only assume the site was down the first few times I tried it.
I am now happily using my unlocked SPV C500
Once I get my new phone back I'll be interested in updating the firmware now.

