Help me with Bootloader 6.22 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi all
I have 1 O2 with Bootloader very new 6.22 Any one khown how to down it to 5.17 or lower ? Because I can not play rom with it
Thank you

try to backup Bootloader with lower version from another XDA to SD, then restore Bootloader SD to your XDA.
or you could use SD tools from XDA-developers write Bootloader file to SD (with SD writer).
I have Bootloader 5.15 file, if you need I could send to you.

Hi friend
Yes , i have did as you said , but still nothing happen , the problem is bootloader V 6.22 can not relize the card !!! I need the solution to downgrate 6.2 to lower version

another way, using XDA tools run 'pnewbootloader bl515.nb0'. when your PDA connect with ActiveSync .
get XDA tools from

updated version of wallaby patch loader at
you can write it to sd with
psdwrite 0 7680 wallabypatch-sd.img
this will write the image to the sd card in your xda.
psdwrite can be found in the same tools collection as pnewbootloader.

Thank you very much , i have fix my XDA


Damage XDA

after upgraded my xda crash n cannot boot up normally, coz interupted usb disconnect during upgrade, better i can enter the bootloader 5.17, the problem is..
"dont have the card reader", only have 2 sets complete of xda (1 damage n 1 still good) and 1 sd card, could u help me to make my xda back to normal??
is .nbf and .nb0/.nb1 have the same raw format??
if someone send me the ce backup (from bootloader) then i write it to sd card via working xda n then move the sd card to the damage one to replace the image, is it work???
if that metode work, could someone email me so i can give some space to upload the files .nb0 + .nb1
We do not currently have an XDA-program to write SD-cards in the RAW format you need for the bootloader, only a program for the desktop PC (XDArit).
You can make a backup of your OS on the working XDA if you have the bootloader though (provided it's not a 5.17 bootloader), and flash it on the other machine, no desktop PC needed. No time for a detailed tutorial now, but take a look at the bootloader page on this site for details.
can do nothing , must waiting someone solve my prob till i can order for the new card reader from here.
last night i receive my sd card n flashing trough bootloader 5.17, n my xda back to normal, i think the xdarit manual must change in some section(picture that use nb1 file?) coz can make other people confuse to using it (ex:rename nbf to nb1 can make xda not working after flashing!!!)
special thx to xda dev for this excellent site

Bootloader 5.22 to 5.15

I have a 5.22 Bootloader and wondering how to back it up before downgrading to 5.15 from Jeff's tools.
Thanks. !
I tried with the XDATools but does not give option for Bootloader only ROM!
we made xdatools as safe as possible, no option to screw around with bootloaders.
I did create some other tools that you can use to backup your bootloader.
if you download these tools
and run
pmemdump 0x80000000 0x40000 bootloader.nb0
that will save your bootloader in bootloader.nb0.
or you can use this pocketpc tool:
it runs on your xda, and save your bootloader to a file in the root of your xda
Great thanks this works fine.... but when I run
pnewbootloader bootloader_v5_15.nb0 I get
Unable to find flash info offset, cannot disable bootloader writeprotect
I wish to upgrade to rom 4.0.x but would like to have a 5.15 wallaby before doing so. In case I need to downgrade back to 3.17.
Any help appreciated. Thanks. !
If their is no solution to this... Can I upgrade to 4.0.x and still be able to downgrade again later using another method!.
this is the same error message I got when I tried to downgrade bootloader from 5.22 to 5.15. I was not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. I hope there is a fix to this.
Is the problem the Rom version or is it the 5.22 issue?
Use the old xdarit which gives an option to create a boot flash card. I have used this but as the developers warn this will "brick" your XDA if it goes wrong. My guess would be that you can downgrade to 3.17 on a 5.22 bootloader anyway. My advise would be to try that first because if it works theres no point in risking your bootloader and if it doesn't work you only have to reflash a 4.x image or try the old xdarit.
Thx for the reply, but the issue is how to downgrade to 3.17?
Program A is not working with this bootloader version (5.22) and I am not sure if XDArit will work with it.
Has anyone used XDArit with bootloader 5.22?
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I have bootloader 5.22 and have loaded 4.x images via flash using xdarit. I have also re-loaded bootloader 5.15 using the old xdarit to write a bootloader file.
Many thx Richard,
I do have an SD card reader (6 in 1) and I am not sure if this is the reason for the many errors I am getting when I try to use it. Recently posted posts say it could be.
I have also an image for the 5.15 bootloader.
Do I need the SD card reader to do the bootloader downgrade?
I have a six in one card reader and have the same problem you and many others have. In my case my SD card reader is disk six but I have to select disc 5 to get xdarit to see it. The bit to watch out for is to make sure that in selecting another disk it doesn't pick up your hard drive. The best way to be sure is to use the rom image tool to write a an image to your disk. Then using the old xdarit from the strat screen use the drop down list for the drives and you will see a load of data apear when you hit a valid drive you can recognise you have the right disk because you will see "Wallaby HTC" or simmilar. Then select write to disk and select 3.5k header and your 5.15 bootloader and write the file. when you put this disk in your XDA and enter bootloader mode it will offer to write it for you.
As I have said before I think you should try to write a 3.17 image to the disk first and try that. At the end of the day a corrupted rom is easy to recover from a corrupted bootloader = brick.
Also I have no problem with Program A and bootloader 5.22
No luck till now
Not sure what happened so far but I am unable to use my card reader now. Even when I connect it to a different laptop and insert an SD card from my camera, it says the card needs to be formated and even when I say ok format it, it says can't format.
When you right to the SD card using XDArit, my understanding that it will generate a file taht has the header required for bootloaders greater than 5.15. I am now ONLy trying to downgrade the bootloader. SO, the created file should be small. If you make this file available, would it be then easy to copy and pase it to a different SD card without using any tools?
Thanking yoy for your pateince
When you put your card in the SD card reader it is Windows that is offering to format it. xdarit does not need the card to be formated. If you put the card in and open xdarit can you see a string of data in the box ? If not use the drop down menu and try a different drive.
You can't (to the best of my knowledge) create a file that can be copied direct to the card because of the header required. i.e i can't email you one.
If you are having no joy reading from the card i.e you can't see the data as above try a different card perhaps the one you are using is duff.
It seems my card reader now has a problem.
I got an SD backup from an XDA that has bootloader 5.15 and the Rom CE
Now my Boatloader is 5.22 but this is what I am trying to get rid from. So, when I insert it in my device, it asks me if I want to press the action item to boot from SD. I am afraid that this will screw up my machine!
Is there a need that this file be written to the PC first then moved again to the SD card after checking the higher than 3.15 boatloader box?
If the backup you took was just the CE image then go ahead and restore the image. If you took a CE+bootloader image then you may want to transfer to your desktop and reload just the CE image but if your card reader is down I guess you can't do that. So if you have access to another XDA just redo a backup making sure you just have the CE image.
Why are you so determined to loose the 5.22 bootloader ? if it works on a 3.x image just leave it there its not doing any harm. If you are really nervous I will try a 3.x image on my XDA with 5.22 and let you know before you try on yours.
Let me know soon I live in Australia and its Friday night and the pub is calling.
You bet that I am nervous.
I would greatly appreciate your help in trying this first.
You can also e-mail me at [email protected]
I did try it and the Rom is downgraded now.
I still need to downgrade the bootloader so I can use XDAtools easily.
Will the same method work if I backup both the Win CE and Boot?
You don't need to HONHESTLY all the tools work fine on 5.22 BELEIVE me
If you must then yes is the simple answer but there is always a risk that it will go wrong and screw your XDA
Off to the pub now
OK got it all figured out!
I had:
A Rogers ATT (Canadian phone) running the Rogers ATT ROM.
Rom: R.20.x (don't remember) probably a 3.x
Radio Version: A.20.10
Bootloader: 5.22
Here are my steps. I will skip everything that went wrong on my journey and go straight to the point.
First I tried to use the new XDATools to upgrade the rom via Program A but with no sucess so used on method. !
NOTE: Their is not need in Canada to upgrade radio version cause the phone is already shipped with the latest. !
1- Used the old version of XDArit 1.0 to burn Wallaby Bootloader 5.15 from JEff's tools on my SD card (32Mb) with a Dazzle SD card reader
2- Inserted the card in my XDA and started the actual bootloader 5.22 and pressed action to download boot image.
3- Used XDATools (New version/product) to burn the SN40016wwe_vs.bin (see 4.0.16 rom is here post). (XDARit failed to get that one on the SD).
3- Inserted the card in my XDA and started the actual bootloader NOW 5.15 and pressed action to download CE image.
4- Did a soft reset and got T Mobile prompt... !
5- That's it phone works A1. !
Thanks for the info Yanick
So now u have 5.15?
What is SN40016wwe_vs.bin and where to get it from?
Is it specific to the ROm version you are upgrading to?
I have to say I am kinda of lost now (not unusal :lol: )
I was thinking that the problem is in the boatloader but when I followed your method, my XDA seems to run 5.15 now.
Why an I still unable to use the XDAtools to write a new Rom file?
When I try to, I go as far as seeing upgrading in the laptop and on the XDA screem but then the connection (I use USB) is lost between the laptop and the XDA
When I try to upgrade the RSU (an excutable file), it goes as far as downloading the file to my XDA and restarting it to get a button saying start on my xda screen. When I press it I get the error message saying "als Failed " after 1% downloading?
If it is not the bootloader that was the problem, what is it?
Or am I having a non 100% functional bootloader now (5.15) or what?
OK so you are running Bootloader 5.15...
Now download 4.0.16 ROM CE from
refer to this topic for download
Then Use XDATools to burn image on a 64MB or greater SD card. Then Reset your PDA using (RESET + POWER) combination with the SD card already in the machine and it should prompt you to download CE .. Press Action and here you go !

I killed my XDA O2 1 ... HELP

I dowloaded a cooked ROM with an EXE format but it failed in the middle of the installation. Now it does not boot. Please help. My bootloader is 3.17. How would it be possible to downgrade my device to 3.15 when I cant even connect to the activestink. I am stumped.... I know you guys are heroes out there ... please advise me ....
No card reader available?
I do not have a card reader to dump images on my SD card .. at the moment. Is there an alternative to creat an image to flash my device ... please help... thanks
You can use another XDA device to copy your NK file to the SD card using XDAtools (OSImage tool)
USB FLASH for XDA 02 - Is is possible to use this>
The USB Flash Mode - I was able to activate it by getting in the Wallaby Bootloader Screen 5.17 then Pressing the VOLUME BUTTON.
Question is, would it be possible for me to flash the device using this method?
What are the steps to initiate this? Can XDA tools be used to flash using USB flash? thanks

Make a SD CARD BOOT - Flash my XDA I

I cook ROM 4.01.16 ENG - to the site
and I upgrade to XDA I - PW10A1.
I have a BIG PROBLEM!!!!! I want to install the 4.00.05 ENG beta but the rom.exe make the error:
"ERROR: GetDeviceData - Connessione in corso interrotta forzatamente dall'host remoto.
error getting devicedata"
I cook a new NBF rom " ENG" for PW10A1!!! I don't understand how to flash my XDA!!!
Thank you!!!
Use xdatools to write the file to sd card. Choose the nbf file as source and use the drop down menu to choose your sd card as the destination, it is not sufficient to just copy the file, it must be written in the proper format by xdatools. Once you have the rom on the sd card, insert it into xda, push power button while inserting stylus into soft reset, this will bring up bootloader, push action button when prompted. Make sure you have a well charged xda. Once the screen tells you it is finished you must unscrew the stylus and using the top half insert to the hard reset on bottom left of your xda, just push once, wait one minute, push once again. Your xda should then boot with your brand new rom.
??? 5.17 Bootloader
I make the SD with XDAtools but my XDA not boot with SD....
Help me please... I have a 5.17 Wallaby.... I use XDArit to make the SD boot but it fail...
Help ME!!!
Re: ??? 5.17 Bootloader
Tonix said:
I make the SD with XDAtools but my XDA not boot with SD....
Help me please... I have a 5.17 Wallaby.... I use XDArit to make the SD boot but it fail...
Help ME!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You have to patch your wallaby patchloader. wallaby 5.17 didn't recognize SD Flashing
Check this
Thank you!!!! I Flash my XDA!!!!
The link is broken... and how u can flash ur xda?

Restoring roms with Wallaby 5.14

I got hold of a XDA with malfunctioning roms. I get the diagnose and SD flash utilities. nothing else
I can flash to a SD and when i reboot the unit flash the roms with the corrupt data.
I freshly baked a rom in the kitchen, wrote it to the SD card but the XDA unit does not see the rom images. The bootloader is too old someone told me.
Is there anyone ( in the Netherlands? ) who uses 5.14 that can flash the image to my SD so i can work from there on?
did you try the exe method or the XDAtools ?
I tried the tools.
When i get the flashed RAM out of the XDA and put it in a cardwriter the computer says that the card has not been formated and wants to format it.
As soon as the formatted SD is put into the XDA the card is not recognised and the CE boot option is not available.
you should do the opposit thing ... using XDAtools, copy the ROM .nbf file to the SD card ... put the SD card into the XDA, if it asks to format the card press NO ... goto the boot loader and it will ask you to press action to start flashing
Flashing SD
I have a freshly baked ROM from the romkitchen on the SD.
I inserted it in the XDA, but i see no way to get into the bootscreen and get the file flashed into the ROM.
Probably because the bootloader is a wrong version. A person told me i should have 5.15 to do this. I have version 5.14
Have you tried copying the .nbf file directly to the xda ROM using XDAtools ?
If worked, it will update your boot loader to 5.15
In case not, in the XDAtools\binaries directory on your PC, run this
pnewbootloader bootloader_5_15.nb0
then try the SD method
The problem is that the XDA has no other way to access the data then through the SD. There is no active sync of infra red available.
The data has to be readable by Wallby 5.14. Flashing a rom done by the kitchen requires a wallaby loader higher than 5.14 which i do not have.
My request was to find someone who could flash his working rom using wallaby 5.14 to my SD. This data should be readable by my XDA.
As soon as this has happend my XDA should be working again and i could upgrade my loader to version 5.15.

